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titleTable of Contents
Table of Contents


This Business Process Analysis (BPA) document describes the Student Experience interface provided with Regent Award and outlines the various component options and configurations to facilitate document collection, awarding, and communication processes.

This document page defines the following associated with the Student Experience:


When the award tile is expanded, the student will be able to see the actions available for that award, if the award is configured to require Active Acceptance.[DH3] [JD4]  If the award is in an Offered Status, or if the Award is in an Accepted status and there is an additional Offered Amount available to the student, the following actions displays for the award. (The exact amount the student will be accepting displays next to each action, in parenthesis):


Label Names as Displayed


Source of Data

Total Est. Cost of Attendance:


The total Cost of Attendance are all COA items (including cost adjustments) configured as either Direct or Indirect Costs for the AY.


Total Costs are all COA items (including cost adjustments) configured as either Direct or Indirect Costs for the AY.

Total Accepted Funds Net:


The total net amount of the accepted awards for the specific AY, which will be subtracted from the Remaining Direct Costs below.  Only disbursements of FAY based awards that fall in the PPs covered by the AY are subtracted.  

Total Accepted Funds Gross:


The total gross amount of the accepted awards for the specific AY.  Only disbursements of FAY based awards that fall in the PPs covered by the AY included. 



Any Resources the student has for the Academic Year are itemized here.

Remaining Total Estimated Costs

The total of all costs (Direct and Indirect) minus the GROSS amounts of resources and accepted awards for the AY.  The gross amounts are shown here in order to calculate the remaining financial aid eligibility.

Remaining Estimated Direct Costs


Total Remaining Direct Costs are the total Direct Costs minus the net amounts of Resources and Accepted Awards for the Academic Year being displayed.  The Net amounts are displayed here to help the student understand how much more funding they need to cover their tuition and fees.

Net Cost

Net Costs are the amount of Direct and Indirect costs remaining after all Gift Aid (scholarships and grants) is subtracted.  "Net Cost" or "Net Price" is an amount that ED and Congress have been putting forward as a means for students to compare costs across institutions. 

     Less Resources:


     Less Resources:


     Less Net Accepted Funds: 


     Less Gross Accepted Funds: 


   Less Gift Aid: 


Funds from Regent Award Fund Setup display in this category when the Fund Type is "Grant," "Waiver," or "Scholarship" that have been awarded to the student for the AY being displayed. 

 Itemized Costs Items display here by name

The itemized items under Direct costs are Cost Items, as shown in Regent Award

Itemized Costs Items display here by name

The itemized items under Indirect costs are Cost Items, as shown in Regent Award

Itemized Accepted Funds display here with Net and Gross amounts

The list of funds displays in the same order that funds are displayed on the Financial Aid component. 

Estimated Total Costs:


Estimated Total Costs: 


Total Costs are all COA items (including cost adjustments) configured as either Direct or Indirect Costs for the AY.

Estimated Indirect Costs


For Indirect Costs, the values here reflect the itemized indirect costs, including manual cost adjustments, for the Academic Year dates chosen. If the AY/BBAY contains 2 or 3 terms, the itemized direct and indirect costs for those terms in Regent Award are reflected here. 

     Estimated Direct Costs:


Estimated Direct Costs


For Direct Indirect Costs, the values here reflect the itemized direct costs, including manual cost adjustments, for the Academic Year dates chosen. If the AY/BBAY contains 2 or 3 terms, the itemized direct and indirect costs for those terms in Regent Award are reflected here. 


Estimated Direct Costs minus Net Accepted Funds minus Resources


Estimated Total Costs minus Gross Accepted Funds minus Resources
