A Refresh button above the grid functions to update the grid with newly created data. Clicking the ‘Add' button above the grid enables fields on the Awarding Tool: Selections subpage to be enabled for new entry.Add screen shot
Awarding Tool: Selections Subpage
Awarding Selections Name: a free-form text field for entry of a user-defined descriptor for the Selections dataset.
Institution: a dropdown field containing the name of all Institutions for which the user has ‘View Student’ permission. User should select the Institution that applies to the Fund and Query (and Ranking and Priority, if applicable) from which the awarding Results will be built.
Note: Awarding Selections data is not restricted at Campus or Site levels.
Select Fund: a single row grid with column names Fund Name, External ID, Institution, Campus, Sites, and Fund Scope. The ‘Search’ button to the right of the grid is disabled until Institution is selected. Clicking the button launches a pop-up for the user to select a fund from which award amounts will be calculated. Within the pop-up, the users is presented with Fund Name and other data from Fund Setup, for all funds for the Institution selected, except those funds with the following ‘Official Fund Type’: Direct Graduate Plus Loan; Direct Parent Plus; Direct Subsidized Loan; Direct Unsubsidized Loan; Pell Grant; TEACH; Perkins Loan; and IASG. When the user selects a fund record and clicks the Select button within the pop-up, the window closes and the ‘Select Fund’ grid on the Selections page is populated with the information for the selected Fund.
Query Name: a dropdown list of the names of all active queries for the Institution selected. Field is not enabled until Institution is selected. Field has autosuggest functionality, meaning the user can begin typing the name of a query and will be presented with matching options. Select the query that should be used to return a list of students to be awarded from the fund selected.
Ranking and Priority Name: a dropdown list of the names of all active Ranking and Priority datasets for the Institution selected. Field is not enabled until Institution is selected. Field has autosuggest functionality meaning the user can begin typing the name of a Ranking and Priority dataset and will be presented with matching options. (If no Ranking and Priority selection is made, results will be presented in alphabetical order by last name and then first name.) Select the Ranking and Priority dataset, if applicable, that should be used to order students that are returned in the selected query, to be awarded from the selected fund.
Period Type: a dropdown list with dynamic options. Selection defines the period for which award amounts will be calculated and awarded.
If fund selected is FAY-scoped, options will be Federal Award Year and Payment Period. (Also, if the fund selected does not have an alternate FAY configured AND is NOT configured with 'Amount Per PP'.)
If fund selected is AY-scoped, options will be Academic Year and Payment Period. (Also, if the fund selected is a FAY-scoped fund with an alternate FAY,OR 'Amount Per PP' configured.)
Federal Award Year: dropdown list which displays if Period Type selected is ‘Federal Award Year.’ Options include current FAY, prior FAY, and next consecutive FAY, based on "today's date". Determines the FAY for which students will be awarded.
Start Date From and Start Date To: Date fields which display if Period Type selected is ‘Academic Year’ or ‘Payment Period.’ Determines the date range in which the Academic Year or Payment Period, based on Period Type selected, must START in order for a student returned in the selected query to be awarded from the selected fund. If there are multiple period start dates applicable to the date range entered, the system will only calculate and award for the first chronological period. Dates entered must be contained in an open period.
Notes: a free-form text field for entry of additional information about the set of parameters selected.
Button Options/Executing the Selections Process (Step 1 of the Awarding Tool)
There are three functional buttons on the Selections subpage, for users with ‘Edit Awarding Tool: Selections’ permission: Execute, Cancel, and Save Selected Parameters.
Execute: Initiates the Selections Process. Compiles and saves/stores the selected data and calculates award amounts based on that data, to be presented on the Results page, for the period selected.
Process creates a list of students based on a run of the selected query plus the Period Start Date range entered and sorts the list based on Ranking score and sorting priority, including renewal prioritization, as determined by Ranking and Priority selection, if present. (If no Ranking and Priority is selected, students will be sorted in alphabetic order only, by last name then first name.)
Process determines Existing Award Amount values for students based on amounts already awarded to an eligible student from the selected fund, for the selected period.
Process calculates Eligible Amount values for awards for the students, from the selected fund, for the selected period, based on Packaging Philosophy/Fund rules, without consideration of Fund Budgets, and including any amounts already awarded.
Process calculates Award Amount values for each student for the period selected:
Awards will be calculated only for open periods (FAYs, Academic Years, or Payment Periods.)
In the instance of multiple open periods for a student, amounts will only be calculated for the first open period chronologically.
Amount will include any existing award amounts for the selected period (not the difference.)
Award Amount value will match the Eligible Amount value unless:
A budget exists for the selected fund and, based on a running total of Award Amount values assigned to students in priority/sort order, the fund budget has been exhausted.
When fund budgets have been exhausted, remaining Award Amount values for students, based on priority/sort order, should be $0 (or reflect part of the Eligible Amount, if the student is the last to be awarded before the budget is exhausted.)
Award Amount could not be calculated because of a packaging blocker for the student.
When the Period Type selected is ‘Payment Period,’ the FAY or AY award (depending on Fund Scope) will be adjusted to reflect an amount to be awarded for a single Payment Period. Awards for any future Payment Periods within the FAY/AY will be created as $0 awards.
A row is created in the process grid when the Selections Process is initiated, with data from the Selections page and including a Selections Process Date, a Selections Process ID, and a Selections Process User.
Process grid record Status:
While process is running, the status will be ‘Processing’ and all fields/buttons on the Selections page will be disabled for editing.
If Selections Process completes successfully, the Status will update to ‘In Review’ and all fields/buttons on the Selection page will remain disabled for editing.
If Selections Process fails, the Status will update to ‘Error’. In this case, the process must be started over by selecting the ‘Add’ button at the top of the page.
Cancel: Clears all selected/entered values without saving and closes the page.
Save Selected Parameters: Appends the entered ‘Awarding Selections Name' value to a 'Process Type' of 'Awarding Selections’ as the parameter set name and saves the selected/entered data with the name to Saved Parameter Sets.
After saving, the set must be retrieved from Saved Parameter Sets in order to Execute.
If the Awarding Tool: Selections process has been run for the parameter set, selecting to Execute again from the Saved Parameter Set will initiate a new process for the same parameters.
Saved Parameter Sets are available in Scheduled Processes options.
Awarding Tool: Results Subpage
There are three functional buttons on the Selections subpage, for users with ‘Edit Awarding Tool: Results’ permission: Execute, Terminate, and Download Report.
Execute: Initiates the Results Process. Button will be disabled until at least one record in the Student and Awarding Information table has an 'Approve' checkbox selected. Clicking the button will launch a confirmation pop-up with buttons OK and Cancel. Message of the pop-up reads: “Executing this process will apply positive Award Amounts to the students' Academic Plans. If the system is unable to award a student, that student will be skipped in the awarding process. Please review the Process Log and output file to confirm awarding, after the process has completed.” Clicking ‘Cancel’ will close the pop-up and the Results process is not kicked off. Clicking ‘OK’ will kick off the Results Process:
System will attempt to package all approved Award Amounts for students. If there is an Existing Award amount, the existing award will be updated to reflect the new approved amount. Awards created through the Awarding Tool process will have an ‘AT’ icon on the Academic Plan.
Record in Process Grid will be updated with a Results Process Date, a Results Process ID, and a Results Process User value, and the Status in the record will be updated.
While the Results Process is running, status will be 'Processing' and all buttons/fields on the page will be disabled for editing/selection.
If the process completes successfully, status will updated to ‘Complete' and 'Download Report’ button will be re-enabled
If the process fails, status will be updated to ‘Error’. In this case, the processes must be started over by selecting the ‘Add’ button at the top of the page.
Terminate: Disables the Results Process from ever being run for the selections. Clicking the button willlaunch a pop-up message with button options OK and Cancel. Message of the pop-up reads: “You have selected to terminate this process. Options to Edit/Approve amounts and execute awarding will no longer be available.” Clicking ‘Cancel’ will close the pop-up. Clicking ‘OK’ will disable the Execute button as well as the Pencil Icon and Approve column checkboxes, and the Status for the record in the process grid will be updated to 'Terminated'.
Download Report: Downloads .csv file report for the Selections and Results processes. After the Selections Process has run successfully, but before the Results Process has been executed, the spreadsheet report contains all data displayed on the Results page plus student-level data values for each data element that was part of the selected Query and the selected Ranking and Priority (if applicable.) The same spreadsheet report is available after the Results Process completes successfully, except it will include a column that displays the amount of award actually applied to the student’s Academic Plan. A comparison of the Award Amount (value approved for the Results Process) and Amount Awarded (amount actually packaged for the student) will confirm if the student received the same amount approved within the Awarding Tool. Reports are also available within the Process Log (see sections below) and, after the Results Process has completed, as a link in the Awarding Tool process grid.
Output for Awarding Tool Processes