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In the Regent Document Assignment Tool, users can select documents to be assigned to a group of students in bulk, based on the results of a selected, predefined Query.


The Document Assignment Smart Form Manager Tool is available in the Regent Tools menu for users with the ‘Document Assignment ‘Smart Form Manager Tool’ permission enabled. To use the Document Assignment Tool, a query must first be created and saved using the Query Tool.

The Document Assignment Tool is comprised of a top section with selection options for Institution Name and Query Name and a bottom section for the selection of Documents to be assigned.

NOTE: This tool is designed to be used at the Institution level. Only one Campus per Institution should be configured.


Getting Started

Schools will need to:

  1. Be on or upgrade to the Regent Award Release or a subsequent Release

  2. Update Enterprise Permission

  3. Create Smart Form

  4. Update Document Tracking Setup

Smart Form Manager Tool

A tree-view menu displays on the left-hand side with the following of the Smart Form Manager tab on the Smart Form Manager screen.

The following options are available in the tree-view selectionsmenu:dd a '

  • + Create Smart Form


    • Used to begin the creation of a new smart form


The following fields are presented in the top section of the Document Assignment Tool.

  • Institution Name: A dropdown field containing options for all Institutions for which the user has ‘View Student’ permission. This is a required field.

  • Query Name: A dropdown field containing options for all saved queries created in the Query Tool, associated to the Institution selected. This is a required field. The results of the query, along with document scope periods, define the set of students to which documents will be assigned.

  • Description: A read-only field. This field will populate with Description text from the Query Tool for the Query Name selected.

  • Regent Query Language (RQL): A read-only field. This field will populate with the RQL from the Query Tool for the Query Name selected. 

Select Document(s) Section

Based on Document Setup for the selected Institution, a Document Requirement selection grid is presented. At least one document must be selected to execute the Document Assignment process.

  • If ‘All’ is selected at the top of the list in the box on the left, all documents available for selection will be presented in the box on the right. If the process which the document facilitates is selected from the box on the left, a subset of documents available for selection will be presented in the box on the right.

  • When a Document is selected from the box on the right, the Scope and Status fields for that Document are presented.

    • Scope: A read only field based on Document Setup. Text may be Federal Award Year, Payment Period, Academic Year, or Student.

      • If the Scope of the selected document is ‘Federal Award Year,' a ‘FAY’ dropdown will be presented containing options for all available FAYs associated in Document Setup. Required.

      • If the Scope of the selected document is ‘Payment Period’ or ‘Academic Year’, ‘Start Date From’ and ‘Start Date To’ calendar fields will be presented for entry of a start date range. Required.

      • If the Scope of the selected document is ‘Student,’ no period fields will be presented.

    • Status: The ‘Status’ field will default to the value of the ‘Set Initial Document Status to' field for the document in Document Setup but can be changed. The ‘Status’ field determines the status in which the selected document will be assigned. Options are Incomplete, Needed, Received, Satisfied, Unsatisfied, and Waived.

  • Clicking the ‘Add’ button below the Document Requirement selection grid will present an additional Document Requirement selection grid for selection of multiple documents. There is no limitation on the number of documents that can be selected within the Document Assignment Tool. For each additional Document Requirement selection grid presented after the first one, a ‘Remove’ button is presented to the right of the box which, when clicked, will remove that Document Requirement selection grid.


Page Buttons

There are three function buttons at the bottom of the Document Assignment Tool page: Execute, Cancel, and Save Selected Parameters.

  • Execute: Initiates the Document Assignment process.

    • Selected documents will be assigned to each active students returned by the selected query, IF the selected scope parameters for the document apply to the student.

      • If multiple Academic Years or Payment Periods are applicable to the entered range, a document requirement will be created for each.

    • ‘Enforce Scope Uniqueness’ will be respected, if configured for a document in Document Setup.

    • The students Activity Log will indicate that the document requirement was added by the Document Assignment Tool.

    • A Process Log entry will be created for the Document Assignment process.

  • Cancel: Closes the Document Assignment Tool page without saving any selections or initiating process.

  • Save Selected Parameters: Triggers theParameter Set Name pop-up for saving the entered parameters in Saved Parameter Sets. Image Removed
    • A prefix of ‘DOCASSIGNMENT_' will be populated in the Parameter Set Name pop-up. User can edit the field and Save/Cancel, per standard ‘Save Parameter Set’ functionality.

    • The Process Type in Saved Parameter Sets will be ‘Document Assignment’.

      • A Document Assignment Process can be scheduled via Scheduled Processes. NOTE: Process should not be scheduled during BP process.

    • From Saved Parameter Sets, the following options will be available, per standard functionality: View/Edit, Execute Process, Delete, and Mark Inactive..

  • + Import Smart Form

    • Used to import/load a Smart Form from one environment to another.

  • → Active Smart Forms

    • Used to access an existing 'Active Smart Form. A Smart Form is considered ‘Active’ if today’s date falls within the effective Start Date and End Date defined on the Smart Form Information tab.

  • → Inactive Smart Forms

    • Used to access an existing ‘Inactive’ Smart Form. A Smart Form is considered ‘Inactive’ if today’s date does not fall within the effective Start and End Date defined on the Smart Form Information tab.


Creation or Editing of a Smart Form


Section names display on the Smart Form menu in the Student Portal. Sections display in numerical order from lowest to highest based on the number entered in the Section Sort Order field.


Section Field Name

Section Description

Section Field Type

Section Field Options

Template Engine

If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display.


  • Static

  • Velocity

Section Name

The text entered in this field is displayed in the Smart Form menu as the Menu Section Name.



The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Section in the Smart Form Manager.


Sort Order

The number entered here will be used to sort Sections in the Smart Form from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.

Numberic box


If selected, the Section will be visible by default. If unselected, the Section will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Section from its initial default state.


Section Additional Information and Advanced Settings

Section Id

Created At

Modified At

Section Title

The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the Smart Form page.


Section Information

The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the Smart Form page beneath the Section Title, if configured

Text Area

Parent Information

The selection(s) in this section can be used as an identifier or in validation and dependency logic in the Smart Form.



Groups are used within each Section to categorize questions. Each group is comprised of one or more questions. All questions contained within a group are organized beneath the Group name defined and displayed within each Section. Groups display in numerical order from lowest to highest based on the number entered in the Group Sort Order field.


Group Field Name

Group Field Description

Group Field Type

Group Field Options

Template Engine

If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display.


  • Static

  • Velocity

Group Name

The text entered in this field is displayed as a Group Title for a set of one or more questions in the Smart Form.


Group Instructions

The text entered here is displayed as instructional messaging for the questions within the group.


The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Group in the Smart Form Manager.


Sort Order

The number entered here will be used to sort Groups within the Section from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.

Numberic box


If selected, the Group will be visible by default. If unselected, the Group will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Group from its initial default state.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected

Page Index

Groups can be displayed on different pages within each Section. The number entered here will be used to determine which page the Group is displayed on.


Group Additional Information and Advanced Settings

Group Id

Created At

Modified At


Dependency Logic and Validations

Dependency Logic


Process Log

When the Document Assignment process is executed from the Document Assignment Tool, the status and results of the process are displayed within the Process Log. Per standard functionality, the Process Log record includes a Details tab, Selection Parameters tab, Students tab, and Error tab.
