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The Smart Form Manager Tool is available in the Regent Tools menu for users with the ‘Smart Form Manager Tool’ permission enabled.

The Document Assignment Tool is comprised of a top section with selection options for Institution Name and Query Name and a bottom section for the selection of Documents to be assigned.

NOTE: This tool is designed to be used at the Institution level. Only one Campus per Institution should be configured.


titleDocument Requirement Persistence Fields

DRP Field Name

DRP Field Description

DRP Field Type

Question Field Options


Document Name

This is the name of the document in REM that is associated with this DRP configuration.



File Name

The name to use fwith the student's document requirement record in REM.or the file name associated




This is the document scope associated with the REM document. Available values are Student, Student and Reason, Federal Award Year, and Federal Award Year and Reason.



Template Name

Used in combination with attachment type and will generate a document using the specified template when persisting the student's document requirement in REM.


Default Status

This is the status that the student's document requirement shall be set to upon completion of the smart form associated with this DRP configuration when the smart form is not configured for electronic signatures.


  • Static

  • Velocity


Activity Log Entry Status

This is the name of the activity log in REM where a message will be created when the DRP action is completed.


Esigned Status

This is the status that the student's document requirement shall be set to upon completion of the smart form associated with this DRP configuration when the smart form is configured for electronic signatures.



Attachment Type

Used in combination with template name and will generate a document using the specified template when persisting the student's document requirement in REM. Available values are None: PDF Template; and FAFSA.


Condition Expression

Any valid, Boolean expression. Answers to questions in the corresponding smart form can be accessed by wrapping the question code in curly braces. Logical operators, such as, AND (&&), and OR (||) may be used in combination with built-in expressions, such as, SnapUtility.EqualOfAny, and SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny. The SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny is a special function that can not be used in combination with other expressions and will perform the requested action on existing, student documents where the document reason matches any of the values provided to the function. If an expression did not evaluate to true or false, that means the expression is not valid and contains syntax errors. If the expression is invalid, persistence actions for this document requirement will be ignored.


Create on No Match

If checked, the DRP document will be created in REM even if the smart form document can not be found for the specified create statuses. The document will be created based on the "Attachment Type" field selection.


REM Linked Document

Used in combination with REM Linked Document flag, and If both are checked, documents persisted in REM will be transferred to the SNAP database.

Document Reason

Update Statuses

The DRP student document requirement in REM, will have its status set to the default or esigned status if the smart form document status is in the list of updated statuses.

Available Statuses

The list of available document requirement statuses.

Create Statuses

When the current student document status matches a status in the list of create statuses, a new document is created.


  1. Notes about fields which are not configurable

  2. Letter correspondence date -> ignored by snap

  3. Email correspondence date -> ignored by snap

  4. Activity Source Type - STUDENTACTION always used

  5. Message - will use the message as set up in REM document setup

  6. Reason - will use the reason as set up in REM document setup

  7. Received Date - Will rely on REM services automatically setting to current datetime if existing received date is null (or we are creating doc) and status is RECEIVED or SATISFIED

  8. Reviewed Date - Will rely on REM services automatically setting to current datetime if existing reviewed date is null (or we are creating doc) and status is SATISFIED

  9. This configuration will be included in when a questionnaire is copied, exported, or imported.

  10. EFAFSA:

  11. Will persist as the current EnableEFAFSAPersistence configuration setting dictates (which can be scoped for the whole snap instance, or scoped to questionnaire which takes precedence)

  12. Student demographic fields: These will be handled in another JIRA issue to facilitate testing

  13. Management screens in SNAP admin pages (Persistence link/button on questionnaire detail page).

SNAP Administration Page


SNAP Questionnaire Management Page


SNAP Questionnaire Document Requirements Persistence Page


SNAP Document Requirements Persistence Configuration Page


Glossary Terms

Document Name - This is the name of the document in REM that is associated with this DRP configuration.

Scope: This is the document scope associated with the REM document. Available values are Student, Student and Reason, Federal Award Year, and Federal Award Year and Reason.

Default Status: This is the status that the student's document requirement shall be set to upon completion of the smart form associated with this DRP configuration when the smart form is not configured for electronic signatures.

Esigned Status:  This is the status that the student's document requirement shall be set to upon completion of the smart form associated with this DRP configuration when the smart form is configured for electronic signatures.

File Name: The name to use fwith the student's document requirement record in REM.or the file name associated

Template Name: Used in combination with attachment type and will generate a document using the specified template when persisting the student's document requirement in REM.

Activity Log Entry Type: This is the name of the activity log in REM where a message will be created when the DRP action is completed.

Attachment Type: Used in combination with template name and will generate a document using the specified template when persisting the student's document requirement in REM. Available values are None: PDF Template; and FAFSA.

Condition Expression: Any valid, Boolean expression. Answers to questions in the corresponding smart form can be accessed by wrapping the question code in curly braces. Logical operators, such as, AND (&&), and OR (||) may be used in combination with built-in expressions, such as, SnapUtility.EqualOfAny, and SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny. The SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny is a special function that can not be used in combination with other expressions and will perform the requested action on existing, student documents where the document reason matches any of the values provided to the function. If an expression did not evaluate to true or false, that means the expression is not valid and contains syntax errors. If the expression is invalid, persistence actions for this document requirement will be ignored.

Create On No Match: If checked, the DRP document will be created in REM even if the smart form document can not be found for the specified create statuses. The document will be created based on the "Attachment Type" field selection.

For Transfer: Used in combination with REM Linked Document flag, and If both are checked, documents persisted in REM will be transferred to the SNAP database.

REM Linked Document: Used in combination with REM Linked Document flag, and If both are checked, documents persisted in REM will be transferred to the SNAP database.

Update Statuses: The DRP student document requirement in REM, will have its status set to the default or esigned status if the smart form document status is in the list of updated statuses.

Available Statuses: The list of available document requirement statuses.


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Related Tickets

SNAP-2899 - SNAP questionnaires can be configured to persist document requirements to REM upon app completion
