The Smart Form Manager Tool is available in the Regent Tools menu for users with the ‘Smart Form Manager Tool’ permission enabled.
The Document Assignment Tool is comprised of a top section with selection options for Institution Name and Query Name and a bottom section for the selection of Documents to be assigned.
NOTE: This tool is designed to be used at the Institution level. Only one Campus per Institution should be configured.
Getting Started
Schools will need to:
Be on or upgrade to the Regent Award Release or a subsequent Release
Update Enterprise Permission
Create Smart Form
Update Document Tracking Setup
Student Persistence updates the Student Portal Authorization fields in Regent based on Student Authorizations and update add or update a student document requirement in Regentthe Smart Form question response(s). Student Persistence is added and updated upon the completion of the Smart Form, including all required signature(s).
Parent/Spouse Persistence updates the Parent/Spouse Reference fields in Regent based on . Document Requirements are the Smart Form question response(s). Parent/Spouse Persistence is added and updated upon the completion of the Smart Form, including all required signature(s), of the Smart Form. The document requirement is only added or updated if the expression results are true.
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title | Student Persistence Fields |
DRP Field Name | Required/Optional | DRP Field Description | DRP Field Type | Question Field Options |
Credit Balance Option | Optional | This field is associated to the Portal Credit Balance Option in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field. | Dropdown | | Hold Excess Title4 | Optional | This field is associated to the Hold Excess Title IV in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field. | Dropdown | | Pay Prior Year Minor Charges | Optional | This field is associated to the Pay Prior Year Minor Charges in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.. | Dropdown | | Pay Non Institutional Charges | Optional | This field is associated to the Pay Non-Institutional Charges in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field. | Dropdown | |
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Section Field Name | Required/Optional | Section Description | Section Field Type | Section Field Options |
Template Engine | Required | If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see https://velocity.apache.org/engine/1.7/user-guide.html). | Dropdown | | Section Name | Required | The text entered in this field is displayed in the Smart Form menu in the Student Portal as the Menu Section Name. | Textbox | | Code | Required | The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Section in the Smart Form Manager. | Textbox Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces | | Sort Order | Required | The number entered here will be used to sort Sections in the Smart Form from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order. | Numberic Numeric box | | Visible | Optional | If selected, the Section will be visible by default. If unselected, the Section will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Section from its initial default state. | Checkbox | | Sections Additional Information & Advanced Settings | Section Id | | A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new section. | Textbox (Read-only) | | Created At | | This is the date upon which a new section is created. | Textbox (Read-only) | | Modified At | | This is the last date upon which a section was modified. | Textbox (Read-only) | | Section Title | Optional | The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the Smart Form page. | Textbox | | Section Information | Optional | The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the Smart Form page beneath the Section Title, if configured | Text Area | | Parent Information | Optional | The selection(s) in this section can be used as an identifier or in validation and dependency logic in the Smart Form. | Checkbox | Selected Unselected (Default)
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Shortcut Name | Description |
| | | Name of smart form | | This returns the a special int which is essentially (max year of FAY)-2010. So for 2018-2019 FAY, the year code would be 9. | | | | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |