In Regent’s Smart Form Manager tool, clients with a Regent Fund or Regent Review license can create new smart forms, edit client-created smart forms, and import smart forms from different instances (e.g. QA to Production). Smart forms can be designed using conditional logic to tailor each question to the individual completing the form. Document workflows can leverage the use of smart forms in managing the notification, submission, and review of an application.
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Clients must not make changes to any of Regent’s standard smart forms, including: |
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Clients must contact their Regent Account Manager/Project Manager prior to making changes to any existing customsmart form. |
In the UI, the user will be presented with key data fields to be completed. Fields names indicated in red textare required. After the data on this screen is saved, other setup tabs for the smart form are presented and the form is available in either the Active Smart Forms or Inactive Smart Forms menu, depending on the Start Date and End Date values that were entered. Four tabs are used to setup the general information for the smart form:
Questions are displayed within each group. Each group is comprised of one or more questions. All questions contained within a group are organized beneath the group name defined and displayed within each section. Questions display in the smart form in order based on the number entered in the Question Sort Order field.
Two Four tabs are used to set up Questions in the Smart Form Manager:
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Option Field Name | Required/Optional | Description | Field Type | Field Options |
Template Engine | Optional | If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see | Dropdown | | Option Text | Required | The text entered here displays as the option choice in the Smart Form (e.g. Yes, I am 18 years of age or older. No, I am not 18 years of age or older. | Textbox | | Option Value | Required | The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Option response for a completed Smart Form. This value is also used when writing expressions for Dependencies, Validation, and Document Persistence or when using Velocity templating language. | Textbox | | Sort Order | Required | The number entered here will be used to sort question options within the Field Type (e.g. dropdown) from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order. | Numeric | | Additional Information and & Advanced Settings | Visible Expression | Optional | This field allows an expression to be provided by the user when to make an option visible under the defined conditions. Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is true or false. | Textbox | | Program Types | Optional | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | Textbox | | Program Years | Optional | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | Textbox | |
A validator can be created to prevent students from entering an invalid response for the question in the smart form, and display messaging to the user to indicate a valid response.
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Validator Field Name | Required/Optional | Description | Field Type | Field Options |
Validator | Required | The selection here allows different types of validation logic to be entered. If the validation results in ‘true’ or ‘false’. Additional fields may be presented based on the option selected. | Dropdown | |
Compare to Value
This field only displays when the Validator = Compare Validator.
Compare Operator
The operator selected here is used as the relationship between the Compare to Value and the Question response entered to determine if it is ‘true’ or ‘false’.
For example, a Compare to Value = 1 (selected) and the Question response = 2 (unselected). If using an equals (=) operator, the compare logic will be ‘false’ and the Error Message will display.
This field only displays when Validator = Compare Validator.
Range min value
The value entered here is used as the minimum
will be displayed in the smart form if the validation fails. | Textbox | | Data Type | Optional | The value here determines allowable data that may be entered. | Dropdown | None (default) Date Integer Currency
| Additional Information & Advanced Settings | Validator Id | | A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new validator. | | | Created At | | This is the date upon which the validator was created. | | | Modified At | | This is the last date upon which the validator was modified. | | | Display Type | | If None is selected, If Static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If Dynamic is selected, | Dropdown | None Dynamic Static (default)
Question > Options tab
Options can be created to prevent students from entering an invalid response for the question in the smart form, and display messaging to the user to indicate a valid response.define the available answers to a question.
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Option Field Name | Required/Optional | Description | Field Type | Field Options |
Template Engine | Optional | If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see | Dropdown | | Option Text | Required | The text entered here displays as the option choice in the Smart Form (e.g. Yes, I am 18 years of age or older. No, I am not 18 years of age or older. | Textbox | | Option Value | Required | The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Option response for a completed smart form. This value is also used when writing expressions for Dependencies, Validation, and Document Persistence or when using Velocity templating language. | Textbox | | Sort Order | Required | The number entered here will be used to sort question options within the Field Type (e.g. dropdown) from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order. | Numeric | | Additional Information and Advanced Settings | Visible Expression | Optional | This field allows an expression to be provided by the user when to make an option visible under the defined conditions. Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is true or false. | Textbox | | Program Types | Optional | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | Textbox | | Program Years | Optional | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | Textbox | |
Smart forms can be designed to use conditional logic to tailor each Question to an individual applicant and minimize the number of Questions an applicant is required to answer by using Dependency logic. Dependencies use dynamic logic for Sections, Groups, and Questions to make visible or hide based on responses to Questions within the smart form. Dependencies also control if a Question is required when made visible or not. For example, a Dependency can be created to hide a Question, make a Question visible and required, or make a Question visible and optional (not required).
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title | Dependency Rule Fields |
Dependency Rule Field Name | Required/Optional | Description | Field Type | Field Options |
Rule Type | Required | A Question Based rule allows a user to select the Dependent Question from a dropdown with the applicable question response while an Expression Based rule allows a user to create a Boolean Expression which results in ‘true’ or ‘false’. | Dropdown | Question Based Expression Based
| Dependent Question | Required | The Smart Form Question selected here is used as part of the dependency logic determination. This field only displays when the Rule Type = Question Based. | Dropdown | | Question Option | Required | The Smart Form question response selected here is used as part of the dependency logic determination. This field only displays when the Rule Type = Question Based. | Dropdown | | Expression | Required | A Boolean Expression is built using javascript JavaScript language to apply logical and mathematical operations for one or more Smart Form question(s) and response(s) as part of the dependency logic determination. This field only displays when the Rule Type = Expression Based. | Textbox | | Comparison Operator | Required | The operator selected here is used as the relationship between the Dependent Question and the Question Option. For example, a Dependent Question = ‘Are you married?’ and the Question Option = ‘Yes'. If using an equals (=) operator, the dependency logic would be, if Married question = Yes, dependency rule is ‘true’ and will be applied. This field only displays when the Rule Type = Question Based. | Dropdown | | Required | Optional | A selection here will make the Section, Group, or Question required if it is made visible. If unselected and the Section, Group, or Question is made visible but optional (not required). | Checkbox | | Visible | Optional | A selection here will make the Section, Group, or Question visible. If unselected, the Section, Group, or Question will not be visible. | Checkbox | | Additional Information and Advanced Settings | Rule Id | | A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new rule. | | | Created At | | This is the date upon which a new rule is created. | | | Modified At | | This is the last date upon which a rule was modified. | | |
"<>" and "!=" are interchangeable operators that mean "not equal".
“!” means logical not.
The individual rules have the flags for visible and required. When different rules in the same dependency have different values for those flags, the first rule that is evaluated will trigger, and all subsequent rules in the dependency will be ignored.
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Shortcut Name | Description |
| Automatically inserts the Federal Award Year of the smart form (e.g. 2024-2025). | | This is the smart form Name Note: This is a legacy field that was used when all smart forms were FAY scope but is still available for use. | | This returns a special int which is essentially (max year of FAY)-2020. So for 2023-2024 FAY, the year code would be 4. | | This returns the Institution External ID from Regent | | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | | This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used. | | This returns the Campus Name from Regent | | This returns the Campus External ID from Regent | | This returns the Site Name from Regent | | This returns the Site External ID from Regent | | This returns the Program Name from Regent | | This returns the Program External ID from Regent | | This returns the Program Type from Regent | | This returns the Section Code from Regent | | This returns the Campus ID from Regent | | Question values are referenced by using the following notation {questionCode} |