Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Data Record Layout

Table plus


Data Definition

Valid Values/Comments

Schema Field Name


Allows schools to provide a timestamp on the SBL file.  This will be used to determine if more up-to-date SBL data has already been loaded for the student and prevent reverting data. Essentially, it will be used to prevent SBL data from being loaded out of chronological order.


  • Student is updated from an SBL file with data in it from 10/9/2013.
  • An older file from 9/30/2013 is loaded, that was never loaded before.
  • The SBL process detects the SBL data is stale and prevents it from updating the student with stale data.

 If Regent calculates the SAP status using 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA,' this date is also used for tracking the date the school last provided the student-level Cumulative GPA value.

Date / Time format

For example:  2013-10-09T09:53:00


Student Type

*External Student Identifier 1

An identifier that is unique to the student, chosen by the school.  May be an identifier from an external system.


Maps to Site Setup, ExternalStudentID1, displays on Student Summary and Student Details tab.


External Student Identifier 2

An identifier chosen by the school.  May be an identifier from an external system.


Maps to Site Setup, ExternalStudentID2, Optionally Student Details tab.


External Student Identifier 3

An identifier chosen by the school.  May be an identifier from an external system.


Maps to Site Setup, ExternalStudentID3;  Optionally Student Details tab.


External Student Identifier 4

An identifier chosen by the school.  May be an identifier from an external system.


Maps to Site Setup, ExternalStudentID4;  Optionally Student Details tab.


Social Security Number

The Student’s Social Security Number.  The SSN must be unique per campus.

Displays on the Student Details tab and is used for matching imported students to current student records.


Birth Date

The Student’s Date of Birth

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD

Used for matching imported students to current student records.


Deceased Date

The Student’s Date of Death

This field is used by schools when researching loans in default.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*Last Name

The Student’s Last Name

Used for matching imported students to current student records.


*First Name

The Student’s First Name

Used for matching imported students to current student records.


Middle Name

The Student’s Middle Name


Informal Name

The Student’s Informal Name


Name Title

The Student’s Title, i.e. Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.


Name Suffix

The Student’s name suffix, i.e, Jr., Sr. I, or II, etc.


*External Campus Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the campus that the student is attending, and maps to another system being used by the school. These are used to map the Campus from the SIS to the Campus in Regent.


Maps to the External Campus ID defined on Campus Setup.


*External Site Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the site that the student is attending.  These are used to map the Site from the SIS to the Site in Regent.

Maps to the External Site ID defined on Site Setup.


Ability To Benefit Code

Indicates the reason the student is eligible to receive Federal Student Aid without a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent.

ATB data will not be sent on COD exports from Regent Award for years 2012-2013 and prior


In March 2015, COD renamed the corresponding field for this data to Student Eligibility Code. The Regent Award UI field label has been updated to Student Eligibility Code, but the SBL and the database continue to use Ability to Benefit Code.

  • 01
  • 02 
  • 04
  • 06
  • 07
  • 08
  • 09
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14


Ability To Benefit Test Administrator Code

Identifies the specific test administrator for the student's test.

ATB data will not be sent on COD exports from Regent Award for years 2012-2013 and prior. 

01 and 02


Ability To Benefit Test Code

Identifies the type of test the student completed to be eligible to receive Federal Student Aid.

ATB data will not be sent on COD exports from Regent Award for years 2012-2013 and prior. 

01 thru 12


Ability To Benefit Completion Date

Identifies the date that the student completed their Ability To Benefit, to become eligible to receive Federal Student Aid.

ATB data will not be sent on COD exports from Regent Award for years 2012-2013 and prior. 

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Ability To Benefit State Code

Identifies the state in which the student completed their “Ability To Benefit” test.

ATB data will not be sent on COD exports from Regent Award for years 2012-2013 and prior. 


Matriculated Flag

true / false (case sensitive)


Cumulative Undergraduate GPA

Student’s Cumulative Undergraduate GPA since they became a student at this institution, in an undergraduate program, as calculated by the school.

 The value in this field is used in calculating SAP status for Undergraduate students if 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA' is Yes.

The data provided here will be displayed on the Academic Plan tab.

0.0000 thru 6.0000


Cumulative Graduate GPA

Student’s Cumulative Graduate GPA since they became a student at this institution, in a graduate program, as calculated by the school.

 The value in this field is used in calculating SAP status for Graduate students if 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA' is Yes.

The data provided here will be displayed on the Academic Plan tab.

0.0000 thru 6.0000


Review Period GPA

Student’s most recent GPA for a SAP review period (e.g. a term, or nonterm payment period), as calculated by the school.

This field will be used in the calculation of SAP Status for a SAP Review Period. The data provided will be displayed on the SAP Wizard.

0.0000 thru 6.0000reviewPeriodGPA

Grandfathered Ability to Benefit

Indicates whether or not the student was enrolled as an ATB student in an eligible program prior to July 1, 2012, at this institution or another institution.  Defaults to False.  If the ATB Code provided on the SBL indicates an ATB student, and the program start date is on or after 7/1/12, and the Grandfathered ATB flag = “True”, the student will be awarded.  If an ATB Code has been provided on the SBL, and the program start date is on or after 7/1/12, and the Grandfathered ATB flag = “False”, the student will not be awarded. ATB data will not be sent on COD exports from Regent Award for years 2012-2013 and prior. 

true / false (case sensitive)



Indicates that the student is no longer actively enrolled at an institution.  Based on configuration and processing options in Regent Award, this flag may:

  • Cause a student to be excluded from batch packaging.
  • Cause a message to be displayed in the student banner in REM to indicate that the student is inactive.
  • Hide the student’s tasks from the task queues; un-assigns the tasks from the FA end user who may have been assigned the task to work.
  • Prevent the student from being included in bulk communications.
  • Depending on configuration options chosen, student marked as active=”false” can be excluded from batch packaging, resulting in faster batch packaging processing.

Default value is “True.”

true / false (case sensitive)


Incarcerated Student IndicatorAn indicator to identify if the student is incarcerated.

Yes / No

Optional- default is blank


Academic Information Type

*External Program Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the program that the student is attending, and maps to another system being used by the school. This is used to map the Program from the SIS to the program in Regent and indicates the active program for the student.   Any value may be used, as long as it is unique across each campus. 

Maps to the External Program ID defined on Program Setup.


External Site Identifier

An identifier that is unique to a Site, and should be the Site associated with the Program identified in the External Program Identifier field.  Students cannot be associated with Programs from other Institutions.

Please work with your account manager to use this field.  Back end functionality must be turned on via a CZ ticket in order to take advantage of this field. If a school attempts to use this field without having the proper back end setup turned on, the Process Log will provide a Warning message and the data provided in this field will not be processed.

Maps to the External Site ID defined on Site Setup.


Program Start Date

Date the student began their current active program.  The SBL program start date (anticipated start date) is used primarily in cases when no actual enrollment exists, so that Regent Award can anchor the Academic Plan and provide an estimated package.

For a nonterm program, once real enrollment exists, the program start date becomes the start date of the first non-transfer course for the program.  For term and nonstandard term, the program start date is the start date of the first term that has non-transfer registered courses.  If the program start date changes before actual enrollment, then any subsequent Academic Years will get updated.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Program Complete

Flag to indicate if the student completed the program. This field is informational only and does not affect any functionality in Regent Award

Schools should not use the Program Complete flag for program changes. The Program Completion Date value is the field that must be provided for program changes.

true / false (case sensitive)


Program Completion Date

Date that the student will cease enrollment in their current program. Regent Award's Needs Analysis (RNA) will not package the student in that program after this date.

This field MUST ALWAYS be provided, for the “old” program, when changing a student to a “new” program.

Please refer to Program Change Guidance for additional information regarding program changes in Regent Award.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Grade Level

The Student’s Current Grade Level in College.  This value will not be used to calculate the student’s academic plan.  The system will calculate the grade level, for the purpose of the academic plan, using anticipated/actual units.  This field is for information only.  The 0-7 mapping is as follows:

  • 01

    0 = 1st year


    , never attended college

  • 02

    1 = 1st year


    , attended college before

  • 03

    2 = 2nd year



  • 04

    3 = 3rd year



  • 05

    4 = 4th year



  • 06

    5 = 5th year/other undergraduate

  • 07

    6 = 1st year graduate/professional

  • 7 = Continuing graduate/professional

    or beyond

0 thru 7


Teacher Expert Indicator Flag

Indicates if the student is a Teacher Expert, which relates to their GPA requirements for TEACH Grant eligibility.

Default value is False.

true / false (case sensitive)


Graduation Date

Actual completion date of the student’s program.  This date must be on or after the program completion date, if the program completion date is provided. 

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Next Program External Program Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the program that the student is moving to in a program change, and maps to another system being used by the school. This is used to map the Program from the SIS to the program in Regent and indicates the active program for the student.  

If this field is provided, then the next program start date must also be provided.

Maps to the External Program ID defined on Program Setup.


Next Program External Site Identifier

An identifier that is unique to a Site, and should be the Site associated with the Program identified in the Next Program External Program Identifier field.  Students cannot be associated with Programs from other Institutions.

Please work with your account manager to use this field.  Back end functionality must be turned on via a CZ ticket in order to take advantage of this field.  If a school attempts to use this field without having the proper back end setup turned on, the Process Log will provide a Warning message and the data provided in this field will not be processed.

Maps to the External Site ID defined on Site Setup.


Next Program Start Date

Date the student began the program they are moving to in a program change.  The program start date is used primarily in cases when no actual enrollment exists, so that Regent Award can anchor the Academic Plan and provide an estimated package.  For a nonterm program, once real enrollment exists, the program start date becomes the start date of the first course for the program.  For term, the start date is the start date of the first term.  If the program start date changes before actual enrollment, then any subsequent Academic Years will get updated.

If this field is provided, then the next program external program ID must also be provided.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Program Units Override

This is an optional attribute.  This attribute must be associated with the main program (externalProgramID) that is in the same node. Not available for programs that are the Next Program in the same node. This attribute will provide customers the ability to override the configured program unit requirements (from Program Setup) for a specific student.

This value can be overridden by the CourseEnrollmentProgram.manualProgramUnitsOverride field which is available via REM in Packaging Overrides.

Numeric value must be between  0.00 to 99999.999

Decimal place limit of 3


Use Program Units Override For SAP

This attribute must be provided only when the programUnitsOverride field is sent.  If it is not, then a validation error will be returned.

When Use Program Units Override for SAP is "true", then Packaging will use the Program Units value in place of Program Units Required value from Program Setup to calculate the SAP MTF value.

When Use Program Units Override for SAP is "false", then Packaging will use Program Units Required value from SBL (if provided), else use Program Setup to calculate the SAP MTF value.

true / false (case sensitive)


Demographic Type


The Student’s Ethnicity

  • HispanicOrLatino
  • NotHispanicOrLatino
  • Other
  • Blank



The Student’s Race

  • AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative
  • Asian
  • BlackOrAfricanAmerican
  • White
  • NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander
  • TwoOrMoreRaces
  • NonresidentAlien
  • Other
  • Blank



The gender of the Student

  • Male
  • Female
  • NotReported
  • Blank


Marital Status

The Student’s Marital Status

  • Single
  • Divorced
  • Widowed
  • Married/Remarried
  • Separated
  • Other
  • Blank


External Housing Status ID

The Student’s Housing Status, as it maps to options defined by the school, and maps to another system being used by the school.  Not being used at this time, informational only.  Will eventually tie to cost setup.


Citizenship Status

The Student’s Citizenship Status

  • USCitizen
  • EligibleNonCitizen (this is an eligible non-citizen, who would have an alien registration number; has INS paperwork of the proper status making them an eligible non-citizen)
  • NotCitizenOrEligibleNonCitizen (neither a citizen nor an eligible non-citizen; i.e., a non-citizen who may have an alien registration number but who DOES NOT have the appropriate INS paperwork/status to be awarded or eligible for federal financial aid.)
  • Blank


Residency Status

The Student’s Residency Status

  • InState
  • OutOfState
  • InDistrict
  • OutOfDistrict
  • Unknown


Alien Registration Number

The Student’s Alien Registration Number, if applicable

Accepts a number between 7 and 9 digits in length.


Visa Type

The Visa Type that the Student Holds.  A school may send just the AR1, but will need to provide the citizenship status as well.

  • A1, A2, A3
  • B1, B2
  • C1, C1D, C2, C3, C4
  • D1, D2
  • E1, E2
  • F1, F2
  • G1, G2, G3, G4, G5
  • H1B, H1C, H2A, H2B, H3, H4
  • J1, J2
  • K1, K2, K3, K4
  • L1A, L1B, L2
  • M1, M2
  • N8, N9
  • O1, O2, O3
  • P1, P2, P3, P4
  • Q1, Q2, Q3
  • R1, R2
  • S5, S6
  • T1, T2, T3, T4
  • U1, U2, U3, U4
  • V1, V2, V3
  • NATO
  • TN
  • TWOV
  • TPS
  • ApplicationPending
  • Other
  • NotApplicable
  • Blank


Visa Expiration Date

The Expiration Date for the Student’s Visa

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


State Of Legal Residence

The Student’s State or Province of Legal Residence

See list of Valid State or Province Values


Residency Date

The Student’s Date of Residency (Residency Begin Date)

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Driver’s License

The Student’s Driver License Number


Admitted Date

The Date the Student was Admitted to the institution

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Veteran Status

Identifies the type Veteran, if applicable

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other
  • Blank


Disability Status

Identifies if the student is considered Disabled

  • Yes
  • No
  • Other
  • Blank


Opt Out of Email CommunicationIdentifies if the student has declared to opt out of email communicationtrue / false (case sensitive)optOutOfEmailCommunications
Opt Out of Text CommunicationIdentifies if the student has declared to opt out of text communicationtrue / false (case sensitive)optOutOfTextCommunications
Opt Out of Letter CommunicationsIdentifies if the student has declared to opt out of letter communicationtrue / false (case sensitive)optOutOfLetterCommunications

High School Type

High School

The Student’s High School Name


NCES High School Code

The Student’s NCES High School Code

1 thru 50


ACG Eligibility

Indicates if the Student is eligible for an ACG Award

  • HighSchoolProgram01
  • AP/IBCoursework02
  • Coursework03
  • Ineligible
  • Blank


High School GPA

The Student’s High School GPA

0.0000 thru 6.0000


Diploma Type

The Student’s HS Diploma Type.  The SIS provided value in this field will override any ISIR value received in Regent Award. 

Providing “Blank” will override the ISIR provided HS Diploma value and will cause a student’s awards to be cancelled. 

If this data is unavailable, this element should not be provided, which will allow Regent Award to look at the ISIR before determining if the student has a valid HS diploma type.

  • HighSchoolDiploma
  • GED
  • HomeSchooled
  • Other
  • AbilityToBenefit
  • Blank


Class Rank

The Student’s Class Rank in High School

1 thru 100



The Student’s High School City



The Student’s High School State

See list of Valid State or Province Values


Graduation Date

The Student’s Graduation Date from High School

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


High School Program

The program of study in high school


R2T4 Type

When the R2T4 element is provided on the SBL, the R2T4 Date of Determination node is required as well as either the "R2T4 Withdrawal Date" node or the "R2T4 50 Percent Indicator" node.

Only one R2T4 node is permitted per student per SBL.

*R2T4 Date of Determination 

The date the institution became aware the student was no longer attending.  This value can be overridden in the application if needed.  Current or past dates only, future dates may not be sent via the SBL.

When the R2T4 element is provided on the SBL, the R2T4 Date of Determination node is required as well as either the "R2T4 Withdrawal Date" or the "R2T4 50 Percent Indicator"

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


R2T4 Withdrawal Date

The date used to determine how long the student actually attended – it is generally used in determining the number of days in the numerator for the “earned” equation.  At an attendance-taking institution, this is always the Last Day of Attendance.  This value can be overridden in the application if needed.   Current or past dates only, future dates may not be sent via the SBL.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


R2T4 50 Percent Indicator

(For non-attendance taking schools only)  Use 50% midpoint for R2T4 earned percentage.

  • When “True” – include the Date of Determination in the SBL.
  • When “False” – include both the Withdrawal Date and the Date of Determination.

Box H of the Federal R2T4 form will populate with 50%, and the rest of the R2T4 calculation will consider 50% of the affected aid to have been earned for the period.

true / false (case sensitive)


Last Date of Academic-Related Activity 

Last date the student participated in the academic program, as determined by the institution. 

Date format

Required if 'R2T450PercentIndicator' in R2T4 node = true


Clock Hours Scheduled to Complete

Number of clock hours scheduled to be completed by the student until withdrawal from the R2T4 period.   If there have been multiple withdrawals, include the total for all periods of attendance during the R2T4 period.  You must send an R2T4 Withdrawal Date on the SBL when Clock Hours Scheduled to Complete is sent, so that Regent Award will be able to identify the correct R2T4 period. 

Max length - 6 digits

Format  XXXX.XX



Total amount of "Tuition" Charges for the R2T4 period

Max length - 7 digits

Format: XXXXX.XX

RoomTotal amount of  "Room" Charges for the R2T4 period

Max length - 7 digits

Format: XXXXX.XX

BoardTotal amount of  "Board" Charges for the R2T4 period

Max length - 7 digits

Format: XXXXX.XX

Total Institutional ChargesTotal amount of "Institutional Charges" for the R2T4 period

Max length - 7 digits

Format: XXXXX.XX

Outstanding ChargesTotal amount of "Outstanding Charges" for the R2T4 period

Max length - 7 digits

Format: XXXXX.XX

Other Charges

'otherCharges' is a child node of the R2T4 Type node and is a parent to (up to three) 'otherCharge' nodes.

Impacts of updates to "Other Charges" on subsequent SBL loads:

  • When the provided R2T4 record matches an existing record for the student, the Other Charges data will replace any other charges under the matched StudentR2T4 record.

  • If Other Charges were previously specified, and then on a subsequent SBL are not specified, then all Other Charges will be deleted from the matched StudentR2T4 record.

Other ChargesTotal amount of "Other" Charges for the R2T4 period. 

Max length - 7 digits

Format: XXXXX.XX

Parent- otherCharges

Child- otherCharge

SAP Type

For schools that are calculating SAP outside of Regent Award, we will need the SAP status, SAP date, SAP Review Period End Date, and SAP Frequency code. This will determine what period (Payment Period or Academic Year) to apply the SAP Status. All the other fields are optional, but we can bring them in for informational purposes if desired.

SAP Status

The student’s SAP status for the term provided.

For nonterm schools, PP would be calculated.

  • Satisfactory: disbursements are not blocked for the PP.
  • FAProbation: disbursements are only allowed for the associated PP.
  • FASuspended: disbursements are blocked.
  • NotCalculated: disbursements are not blocked for the PP.
  • FAWarning: disbursements are only allowed for the associated PP
  • Satisfactory
  • Probation
  • Suspended
  • NotCalculated
  • Warning
  • MTFSuspended


*SAP Date

Used to match and update existing SAP records received from the SBL. It is recommended that this date be used to record the date on which the SAP status was actually calculated. However, there is no logic in place to ensure that this date falls within the SAP review period. This must simply be a date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*SAP Review Period End Date

RNA will use the SAP review period end date to determine which Payment Period this SAP status is applicable to.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*SAP Review Period Frequency Code

The frequency for which the school wants to run this SAP Policy calculation automatically. The frequency is required in order to allow REM to create the record at the correct level (i.e, PP or AY).

  • AY2Step
  • PP2Step
  • PP3Step


Maximum Time Frame Percent

The student’s current maximum time frame percentage (Attempted Units + Transfer Units ÷ Total Units in Program) for completion of their current active program.


Valid values are 0.00 thru 999.99


SAP Review Period Pace Percent

Student's completion ratio for the review period (units earned divided by units attempted)



Cumulative Pace Percent

Student's cumulative completion ratio (units earned divided by units attempted)



SAP Review Period GPA

Student’s GPA for the SAP Review Period

0.0000 thru 6.0000


Cumulative GPA

Student’s cumulative GPA


Forecasted Maximum Time Frame Percent

The student’s forecasted maximum time frame percentage (Attempted Units + Transfer Units + Units Remaining to Complete ÷ Total Units in Program) for completion of their current active program.


Valid values are 0.00 thru 999.99


CBE Qualitative SAP

CBE schools use a basic concept of "pass" or "fail" for the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation (instead of providing a GPA as other schools do).  In other words, the student either meets the requirements for passing the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation, or the student does not meet the requirements for passing the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation. 

In order to indicate that the student has “passed” the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation, a school may enter any value in this field (a word, number, phrase, etc.).  Regent Award will interpret the value as indicating that the student has passed the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation.

In order to indicate that the student has “failed” qualitative SAP, a school should not send this field to Regent Award at all.  Regent Award will interpret the NULL value of this field as an indication that the student has failed the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation.

Maximum character length is 0-500.

Valid values may include spaces, any capitalization, special characters or numbers.


Additional Information Type

External UDF ID

Unique ID associated with the User Defined Field (UDF) being provided. This ID will be used to match and update a specific UDF value.

  • If the UDF is configured in Institution Setup with 'Allow Effective Dates' selected/checked, the 'Effective Start Date' and 'Effective End Date' must also be provided, or the record will be rejected (fail to import) for that UDF value.
  • If the UDF is configured in Institution Setup with 'Allow Effective Dates' unselected/unchecked, the 'Effective Start Date' and 'Effective End Date' must not be provided.

Maximum Character Length (60)



The name of the Student Additional Info element. This must match to a Field Name configured in User Defined Fields in Institution Setup. If the name specified in this element does not match to a Field Name configured, the record will not be imported.

Maximum Character Length (60)



The information pertaining to the Additional Information Type and Name

  • Maximum Character Length (60)
  • Value must meet validations based on configured UDF Field Value Type:
    • UDF Value Field Type of ‘Date’:
      • Value must be a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format

    • UDF Value Field Type of ‘Amount’:

      • Value must have no more than six digits before a decimal or without a decimal.

      • Value must have no more than two digits past a decimal.

    • UDF Value Field Type of ‘Number’:

      • Value must have no more than six digits before a decimal or without a decimal.

      • Value must have no more than three digits past a decimal.


Effective Start Date

Effective Start Date for the UDF being provided.

For UDF values that are configured with 'Allow Effective Dates' selected/checked, this date is used in combination with 'Effective End Date.' See 'External UDF ID' above for more information.

Required if "Allow Effective Dates" (on Institution Setup) = true.

Date. Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Effective End Date

Effective End Date for the UDF being provided.

For UDF values that are configured with 'Allow Effective Dates' selected/checked, this date is used in combination with 'Effective Start Date.' See 'External UDF ID' above for more information.

Date value must be greater than 'Effective Start Date' value.

Required if "Allow Effective Dates" (on Institution Setup) = true.

Date. Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


User Defined Test Score Attributes

*Test Name

The Student’s Test Type Name



Test Score

The Student’s Test Score



Address Type

* Type

The Type of Address for the Student

  • Billing: Address to which bills should be sent.  May be a third-party.
  • Permanent: Address where student normally resides, typically the parent’s address for a dependent student.  Equivalent to Prior 2.
  • Original:  Address at time of initial application. Typically used for state residency validation and fraud prevention.  Equivalent to Prior 1.
  • Local: Current address of the student while they are attending college. May be a residence hall address if living on campus. 
  • Other: This address is school defined.


(Address) Line 1

The First Line of the Address for the Student


(Address) Line 2

The Second Line of the Address for the Student



The Student’s City of Residence



The Student’s County of Residence



The Student’s State/ Province of Residence

See list of Valid State or Province Values


International State Province


Postal Code

The Student’s Postal Code

Per the COD spec the postal code can only contain 0-9 and A-Z (or a-z). This applies to both domestic and international addresses.

Dashes (-) and spaces are also valid characters.



The Nation of the Student

See list of Valid Country Values


Telephone Type


The Type of Telephone Number

  • Work
  • Home
  • Mobile
  • Fax
  • Other



The Student’s Telephone Number


Email Type


The Type of Email

  • Work
  • Home
  • School
  • Other



The Student’s Email Address


Parent/Spouse Information Type


Indicates the Person’s / Type Information

  • Father
  • Mother
  • Spouse
  • Reference1
  • Reference2
  • Reference3


First Name

The Parent/Spouse/Reference First Name


Middle Name

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Middle Name


Last Name

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Last Name



The Parent/Spouse/Reference Social Security Number


Date Of Birth

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Date of Birth

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Citizenship Status

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Citizenship Status

  • USCitizen
  • EligibleNonCitizen (this is an eligible non-citizen, who would have an alien registration number; has INS paperwork of the proper status making them an eligible non-citizen)
  • NotCitizenOrEligibleNonCitizen (neither a citizen nor an eligible non-citizen; i.e., a non-citizen who may have an alien registration number but who DOES NOT have the appropriate INS paperwork/status to be awarded or eligible for federal financial aid.)
  • Blank



Indicates if the student agrees to let Parent view/ discuss information

true / false (case sensitive)


Plus Borrower

Indicates if the Parent/Spouse/Reference is the default PLUS loan borrower.  Only one Parent/Spouse/Reference entry may have the PLUS Borrower flag = True.  This becomes the default borrower associated with newly created PLUS loans, or PLUS loans that do not currently have a borrower associated with it.

When PLUS loans are being setup / created in Regent Award, multiple PLUS loans with different parent borrowers.

true / false (case sensitive)


Parent/Spouse Address Type

*Address Type

The type of address being provided for the Parent/Spouse/Reference

  • Billing
  • Local
  • Original
  • Other
  • Permanent


(Address) Line 1

The Parent/Spouse/Reference First Line of the Address


(Address) Line 2

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Second Line of the Address



The Parent/Spouse/Reference City of Residence



The Parent/Spouse/Reference County of Residence



The Parent/Spouse/Reference State/Province of Residence.

See list of Valid State or Province Values


International State/Province

The Parent/Spouse/Reference International State/Province of Residence.

Maximum length of 100 characters.



The Country of the Parent/Spouse/Reference

See list of Valid Country Values


Parent/Spouse Telephone Type

*Phone Type

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Telephone Number Typle

  • Work
  • Home
  • Mobile
  • Fax
  • Other


*Phone Number

The Parent/Spouse/Reference Telephone Number


Parent/Spouse Email Type

*Email Type

The Parent/Spouse/Reference City of Residence Type

  • Home
  • Work
  • School
  • Other


*Email Type

The Parent/Spouse/Reference City of Residence


Portal User Type


Student’s portal username.  Typically received in an encrypted file.




Student’s portal password.  Typically received in an encrypted file.




Reserved for Regent Use Only



Course Data Type

Please include all courses for the student, including dropped courses.

*Course Id

The ID Number/ Code for the Course


*Course Name

The Name of the Course (excluding: &, etc.)


*External Course Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the course that the student is attending, and maps to another system being used by the school.

When this field is provided on the SBL, a school may send duplicate courseId + courseStartDate + courseEndDate combination, as long as the externalCourseID is unique.  Note the same externalCourseId value would also be used for updates of that same course in subsequent SBL files.


*Course Start Date

The Start Date of the Course.  The course start date cannot be after the end date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*Course End Date

The End Date of the Course

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*Registered Units **

The number of registered units attributed to this course.

Valid values are 0.000 thru 999.993

Decimal place limit of 3


Completed **

Indicates if the student has completed the course.  If the course has not ended, and the student has not yet earned any Quality Points, then the course’s Completed flag should be set to “false”.

If a course is marked completed=true with no Quality Points specified, it will be considered a failed course. 

Any courses that have finished their scheduled timeframe but have a temporary grade of “Incomplete” should be sent as completed=”true” with zero Quality Points. These courses are treated the same as failed courses until a final grade is received.  Once the student’s final grade has been determined, the course must be updated with the appropriate Quality Points and the Completed flag value left at “true”.

true / false (case sensitive)


Counts Toward Progression

Determines whether the Completed Units for the particular course should count as Progression Units. Progression Units are used primarily for Grade Level calculation.  This values defaults to “True,” and therefore, needs only to be provided to indicate, explicitly, that a course should NOT count toward Grade Level Progression.

(info) Note: The value of this attribute is ignored for courses marked as transfer="Internal". For courses marked as transfer="External" this attribute is not ignored and will be used to calculate progression units for that external transfer course. 

Default value is true

true / false (case sensitive)


Quality Points

The number of Quality Points the student has earned for this course. Quality Points are set by the school, and are typically based on the course’s grade and the course’s number of units. Schools establish their own policies for assigning Quality Points, and report Quality Points from their SIS.

Quality Points can affect any of the following items, depending on the configuration settings:

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation

  • If a course results in zero Quality Points, the course does not count as having earned units in evaluating SAP.

Progression Units calculation

  • If a course results in zero Quality Points, the course is not considered to count for Progression Units.
  • For transfer courses, progression unit calculation depends on the following Institution configuration settings:
    • Exclude Internal Transfer Courses with 0 Quality Points Towards Progression
    • Exclude External Transfer Courses with 0 Quality Points Towards Progression

Nonterm Payment Period length calculation

  • If a course with zero Quality Points would be the last course in a Payment Period, Regent Award uses the next course having nonzero quality points to close out the payment period.

Nonterm R2T4-Only Payment Period Extrapolation Formula

  • If a course is completed, but has zero Quality Points, Regent Award considers it an unsuccessful course when projecting the end date of a nonterm R2T4 Payment Period.

Course Repeat Policy from Institution Setup

  • If the Institutional repeat policy is “Qualify only one repeat course prior to 7/1/2011”, all repeat courses are counted as qualified repeats until the first course with Quality Points greater than zero and is marked as Completed.

Valid values are 0.000 through 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3


Registered Weeks

The number of weeks for the course



Indicates if the Course is Remedial.

true / false (case sensitive)



Indicates if the Course is a Correspondence course.  This field is informational only in Regent Award.

Correspondence courses are similar to “mail order” courses. Online courses do not fall into this category.

true / false (case sensitive)



Indicates if the Course is a Repeat.  This should be flagged every time a course is repeated.

true / false (case sensitive)


Transfer **

Indicates if the Course is an internal/external transfer.

Internal transfers are from a past program within your school - only applies to a change in the  Program Of Study. Internal transfer units are always counted prior to the program start date. See Internal Transfers below.

External transfers are from another school.  If an External transfer course has an end date that is before or on the student's actual program start date, the units are counted prior to the start of the program.  If an External transfer course has a course end date that is after the program's start date, the system applies those units at a point-in-time. See External Transfers below. 

When providing transfer data as a ‘block transfer:’

  • For External transfers (from one school to another) the school may provide one combined <courseData> record in the SBL file that contains, for example, 15 units, versus specifying 5 courses at 3 units each (assuming that the school has no need to track each individual course that transferred in and is only concerned with the total units.) 
  •  If a block of transfer data is provided in the SBL, it cannot also be provided a second time using individual courses because those would duplicate the same transfer units already in the student’s academic plan.  If, however, the student required additional new transfer records, those additional blocks of transfer units could be provided in a new <courseData> element with a unique CourseName and CourseID.



*Enrolled Date

The date the student registered (signed up for) the course.  Used for term based programs to determine the Census Unit calculations.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD



Student has attendance.  It is TRUE when the SIS sends attendance = true via the SBL file. It is also TRUE when lastAttendedDate is provided or assumed; otherwise, the default value is FALSE.

Please seeAssumptions Regarding Attendance.

true / false (case sensitive)


Last Attended Date

The Last/Most Recent Attendance Date. 

*Note that this field must be populated in order to disburse if the configuration option is selected “Confirm Attendance before Disbursement.”

  • The course last attended date cannot be before the start date.
  • The course last attended date cannot be after the end date.
  • The course last attended date cannot be a future date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Withdrawal Date

The date that the student withdrew from the Course.  This date must not be after the course end date, nor after the current date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


SAP Excluded

Exclude this course from all parts of the student’s SAP calculation.  The default value is False, thus, if this field is not provided, the course will be included in the SAP calculation.

true / false (case sensitive)


External Site Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the site that the course is being offered.


*External Program Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the program that the student is attending, and maps to another system being used by the school. This is used to map the Program from the SIS to the Program in Regent and indicates the active program for the student.  Any value may be used, as long as it is unique across each campus. 

Maps to the External Program ID defined on Program Setup.


Program Applicable

Indicates the course work is applicable to the degree the student is currently pursuing.  This information is used for Aid Eligibility.  (For example, if a student has a full-time course load but only half of those classes are Program Applicable; their aid eligibility will be that of a half-time student.)  All courses with a program applicable flag of ‘true’ are counted toward progression and in the SAP calculation (if Regent Award is calculating SAP).

This flag defaults to a value of “True.”  Failure to update to “False,” when needed could cause ineligible units to be used in determining financial aid eligibility.

true / false (case sensitive)


External Term Identifier

An identifier that is unique to the term that the student is attending, and maps to another system being used by the school.

  • For term and nonstandard term programs, the External Term ID is required. The externalTermId must be sent for all courses, including internal and external transfer courses.
  • For nonterm programs, the External Term ID must NOT be passed.

Maps to the External Term ID defined on Term Setup.


Letter Grade

Grade earned by the student for this course.

This field is primarily informational only in Regent Award.  However, if a school elects to use the “Delay SAP for Missing Grades” feature (available to configure via Institution Setup), any entry in this field will be considered a “received grade.” Therefore, any "pending" or temporary grades for completed courses should not be entered unless the intent is for Regent Award to consider them as “received grades.”

Accepts 2 characters


External Module Identifier

An identifier that is unique to a term. It is not unique per campus. This field needs to match the field that is configured on the UI in Term Setup’s Module tab, External Module ID.

If the externalModuleId is on a courseData record, the courseData record must also have an externalTermId that has been configured to use modules. 

If the term is configured to support modules, it can be used as a modular structure or a regular term structure. However, for a single student, the term cannot be used as both modular and regular term structure.

For example:

Term A is configured to support the regular term structure and also the modular structure. Student A is enrolled in Term A for the regular term structure (no modules). Student A cannot also enroll in Term A for the modular structure since they are enrolled in Term A’s regular term structure. A single student cannot be enrolled in BOTH structures at the same time.

If the term has modules associated with it, it can still have underlying courses that do not belong to a module – as long as all the non-transfer courses for that term for that student do not belong to a module.

For example:


Term A

Course 1 – relates to a module

Course 2 – relates to a module


Term A

Course 1 – Does not relate to a module

Course 2 – Does not relate to a module


Term A

Course 1 – relates to a module

Course 2 – Does not relate to a module


All validations described below occur at the student level. If Regent Award receives an invalid case, the SBL will error out due invalid data and display the associated message. Please see Appendix A: Technical Guide for additional information regarding SBL validations.

  •  A course with the externalModuleId attribute must also have the corresponding externalTermId attribute.
    Regent Award error message: "An externalModuleId cannot be provided without a corresponding externalTermId on the course" 
  • A student cannot be enrolled in both module and non-module courses within the same term.
    Regent Award error message: "This student could not be processed due to some courses for the term having an externalModuleId and another course does not have externalModuleId" 
  • An externalModuleId cannot be provided with an externalTermId where the Module is not related to the Term in Regent Award setup.
    Regent Award error message: "The module '{externalModuleId}' and term '{externalTermId}' specified for this course are not related in the database. This relation must exist for the data to be validated."

Maps to the External Module ID defined on Module setup within Term setup.


Course Adjustment Type

*External Course Adjustment ID

Course Adjustment Identifier; Must be unique per student.  This field can be used to match and updated a previously provided course adjustment.


*Program Level Adjustment

If “True” is provided, Regent Award will assume that this is a Program level adjustment; adjustments will be made to the student’s overall program progression; If “false” is provided, Regent Award will assume that this is a Payment Period adjustment; adjustments will be applied to the payment period chosen, but the payment period dates will not be affected in any way.

True / false


*External Program ID

Must be the same external program ID as the current active program for the student, otherwise, the adjustment will not be accepted.  Can only make adjustments to the student’s current active program.


External Term ID

Required for Term-based programs / must be omitted for nonterm based programs. 

Must be the external term ID associated with a current or past term;  future term adjustments are not accepted.


Adjustment Date

Date the adjustment was added.  Required for nonterm based programs; ignored for term and nonstandard term programs; cannot be a future date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


Registered Program Applicable Units

Applies only to a payment period level adjustment.  Number of units/weeks to be adjusted that are both registered and program applicable (registered units/weeks value combined with the program applicable = true)

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Registered Program Applicable Weeks

-99 to 99

Default value is 0


Attended Program Applicable Units

Applies only to a payment period level adjustment.  Number of units/weeks to be adjusted that are both attended and program applicable (attended units/weeks value combined with the program applicable = true)

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Attended Program Applicable Weeks

-99 to 99

Default value is 0


Completed Program Applicable Units

Applies only to a payment period level adjustment.  Number of units/weeks to be adjusted that are both completed and program applicable (completed units/weeks value combined with the program applicable = true)

-999.990 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Completed Program Applicable Weeks

-99 to 99

Default value is 0


Progression Program Applicable Units

Units apply to either program or payment period level adjustment.  Number of units/weeks to be adjusted that are both progression and program applicable (progression units/weeks value combined with the program applicable = true)

-9999.999 to 9999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Progression Program Applicable Weeks

-99 to 99

Default value is 0


Census Program Applicable Units

Applies only to a payment period level adjustment.  Number of units to be adjusted that are both census and program applicable (census units value combined with the program applicable = true)

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Remedial Qualified Units

Applies only to a payment period level adjustment.  Number of units/weeks to be adjusted that are remedial qualified.

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Remedial Qualified Weeks

-99 to 99

Default value is 0


Attended State Grant Census 1 Program Applicable Units

Course Adjustment Units for State Grant for which the State Grant Census Date 1 is being used.

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Attended State Grant Census 2 Program Applicable Units

Course Adjustment Units for State Grant for which the State Grant Census Date 2 is being used.

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Attended State Grant Census 3 Program Applicable Units

Course Adjustment Units for State Grant for which the State Grant Census Date 3 is being used.

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Attended State Grant Census 4 Program Applicable Units

Course Adjustment Units for State Grant for which the State Grant Census Date 4 is being used.

-999.999 to 999.999

Decimal place limit of 3

Default value is 0


Course Count Attempted

The total number of courses attempted for an enrollment (has attended flag or LDA, withdrawal does not matter).

Once supplied it will be applied to the respective enrollment to adjust the current courseCountAttempted value.

For term and nonstandard term this is related to an enrollment by TermId for the same student/program.

For nonterm this is related to an enrollment by the adjustmentDate being between the enrollment start and end dates for the same student/program.

Multiple Course Adjustment records for the same student/program will be summed up before being applied.

-99.99 to 99.99

Default value is 0



Description of the adjustment.



Miscellaneous notes about the adjustment.


Student Break Type

*External Break ID

This field will be used for matching previously transmitted break records, for making updates to those records.

Alphanumeric – max length = 50



The type of break the student is taking.

  • LOA
  • CORE



Open text – the reason for the student’s break.

Alphanumeric – max length = 60



Miscellaneous notes / comments.

Alphanumeric – max length = 255


Last Reviewed Date

Date that the break was last reviewed by the school.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*Start Date

Start date of the break.  Must be before the end date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD


*End Date

End date of the break.  Must be after the start date.

Valid date format is CCYY-MM-DD



Indication as to whether or not the break was approved.

  • True
  • False



To update one data element within one of the "SBL Type" sections, all of the data elements within that section, that have data for the student, must be sent.  For example, if you needed to update a student's Address Type, and only the Address Line 1 had changed, but not the City, State and Zip, you would still need to send over all four data elements in the SBL.  If you did not follow this procedure, the data elements of that type that are sent in the SBL file would be updated with the data sent, the others would be updated to "blank."  So in this case, you would need to send us Address Line 1, City, State and Zip. If there had been no updates at all to the student's address, then the "Address Type" section could be left out of a subsequent SBL, and there would be no change to the address data fields in Regent Award. The only exception to this rule is that the "Student Type" node must ALWAYS be supplied.

Technical Guide

Validation Checks at the Schema Level

The SBL can fail based on two validations, which result in an error. The SBL will error due to a fail at the schema level or the student level (see below). If the SBL fails based on schema, there is an error in the XML format. Therefore, the entire SBL file would error out and none of the data will update into Regent Award.

Validation Checks at the Student Level

If the SBL errors due to data, that means that the student affected will not load into Regent Award. The error will only occur for one student record. Therefore, all other students that do not have issues with data will load into Regent Award as expected. If any of these validation checks fail, the data for that student is not processed. These checks are not case sensitive.
<student> section validation

  • externalStudentId1: Value must be unique in Regent Award across the entire Enterprise.


  • When a students' campus changes, a program change must also be sent
  • Courses cannot be specified until an active program is defined (ether in that same SBL or previously set in Regent Award by another SBL load)

<demographic> section validation

  • externalHousingStatusId: Value must match an existing External Housing Status ID in the system. (A future setup item)

<academicInformation> section validation

  • externalProgramId: Within the set of Programs for the matched Campus in the system, the value must match an existing External Program ID, as configured on Program Setup, within the system.

<sap> section validation

  • If the sap record exists, the match must be distinct. All of the following data fields must match, in order for a match to be distinct:
    • studentId
    • sapDate
    • sapReviewPeriodEndDate
    • sapReviewPeriodFrequencyCode

When no match is made, a new StudentSAP record is created.
<additionalinformation> section validation

  • name: The value must match within the set of User Defined Fields for the matched Institution (inferred from the matched Campus) in the system. Note that User Defined Fields are configured on Institution setup in the system, and are available to all campuses within that Institution.

<parentspouse> section validation

  • plusBorrower: Only one entry per student can have this flag specified as true.

<courseData> section validation
The validation of SBL course data ensures that the provided term and program are associated to the same campus as the student.

  • If the course record exists, the match must be distinct (a distinct match is defined as a match to only one course on the student's record).
    • Course data is matched on either the externalCourseID OR (if no match can be found based on the externalCourseID) a combination of the courseId/program/courseStartDate/courseEndDate.
  • externalSiteId: Within the set of Sites for the matched Campus in the system, the value must match an existing External Site ID, as configured on Site Setup in the system.
  • externalProgramId: Within the set of Programs for the matched Campus in the system, the value must match an existing External Program ID, as configured on Program Setup in the system.
  • externalTermId: Within the set of Terms for the matched Campus in the system, the value must match an existing External Term ID, as configured on Term Setup in the system. The term must also be associated with the specified program.
  • If the matched program is nonterm, the externalTermId cannot be specified.
  • If the matched program is term or nonstandard term, the externalTermId must be specified.
    • There is a validation check that determines if the program provided is nonterm or term/nonstandard term. If the 'externalTermId' was not provided and the program is term-based, or the 'externalTermId' was provided and the program is nonterm, the data will not be processed. 
  •  Courses can be linked to a closed Course Enrollment. However, special care should be taken to avoid altering past course enrollments for nonterm courses. If a nonterm course is sent with an end date in a closed enrollment, the system will reallocate the courses. The changes will alter the underlying course enrollment records and may result in changes to the Academic Plan and potentially affecting awards. 
  • If courses are provided for a student, the <academicInformation> element must be provided with an externalProgramId.
  • The course withdrawal date cannot be after the end date of the course, or after the current date (today's date).
  • The course start date cannot be after the end date.
  • The course last attended date cannot be before the start date.
  • The course last attended date cannot be after the end date.
  • The course last attended date cannot be a future date.
  • For term programs, courses cannot be longer than 24 weeks.

Handling of Transfer Units

Internal Transfers

  • SBL: <courseData> transfer="Internal"
  • Used for courses at the same school where the student has changed programs
  • These transfers should only be supplied at the start of a new program (initial program for onboarding)
    • Internal transfer units are applied to the academic plan at the beginning of the program and are at the program level only. 
  • Units from these courses are summed up and applied to the first course enrollment for the active program
  • When submitting an Internal Transfer course for a Term-Based program, the externalTermId is required.
  • The 'first course enrollment for the active program' is defined as:
    • Term-based programs
      • The earliest term for the active program where non-Internal transfer courses exist
    • NonTerm-based programs
      • The first course enrollment for the active program
      • This may not always be CE 1 PP 1. Where the prior program had closed course enrollments the new active programs CE's will start at the next CE/PP.
        • Example:
          • Program 1 – CE 1.1 and 1.2 are closed
          • Student changes to Program 2
          • Program 2 CE start at 2.1
  • When using the "Exclude Internal Transfer Courses with 0 Quality Points Towards Progression" option on Institution Setup,
    • If set to "true" (checked from the UI), internal transfer courses will count towards the progression units totals only when Quality Points are greater than zero. Internal Transfers with zero quality points will count towards attempted unit totals but not progression unit totals.
    • If set to "false" (unchecked from the UI), all internal transfer courses will count towards the progression units totals regardless of the Quality Points value on the course.


  • SBL: <courseData> transfer="External"
  • Used for courses taken at another school that apply to the student's active program.
  • Course end date should align with the period the course is completed in.  If the course's units will count toward grade-level progression starting with the first period in the program, the course end date must be on or before the program start date.
  • External transfers can also be specified at any time during the program, because the student may be taking a course at another school concurrently.
    • External transfer units may be sent before the first period in the program. The course end date must be on or before the program start date to apply those External transfer units to awards in the first payment period.
    • External transfer units for courses ending after the program start date will apply to a specific term or Payment Period because they are related to a specific point-in-time. These units typically come from a different Institution.
      • Units from these External Transfer courses are applied to the specified term (external Term ID) for term and nonstandard term, or to the payment period containing the course end date for nonterm.
      • Any grade-level increases, if applicable, will occur in the following enrollment period (the next term for term and nonstandard term, or the next Academic Year for nonterm).
  • When submitting an External Transfer course for a term or nonstandard term program, the external Term ID (externalTermId) is required.
  • The transferred units only apply when:
    • Transfer="External"
    • programApplicable="true"
    • countTowardProgression = "true"
    • qualityPoints > 0  OR  Institution setup "Exclude Internal Transfers With 0 Quality Points From Progression" = "false"
  • Units are applied differently based on the course end date, the program start date, and the program type.
    • If the course ends on or before the program start date, the external transfer units are counted starting with the first enrollment period in the program (i.e., from before the program started).
    • If the course ends after the program start date, the external transfer units are counted depending on the program type.
      • Term and nonstandard term programs
        • Apply to the term specified by the external term ID.
      • Nonterm programs
        • Apply to the open course enrollment as defined by the endDate of that transferred course
  • All other flags & values on the <courseData> element are ignored and are only for reference for External Transfer courses.

Counting Instructional Weeks – Nonterm Specific

Instructional weeks are used to hard close a payment period. Hard closing payment periods allow the student to be disbursed aid in the payment period.

  • Current Course (course start date is in the past, but course end date is in the future):
    • SBL flags: attendance = true but no lastAttendedDate is sent.
    • The Attended/Completed/Progression Instructional weeks are not counted.
    • The Registration based weeks will still count.
  • Current Course:
    • SBL flags: attendance = true AND lastAttendedDate is sent.
    • The Attended/Completed/Progression Instructional weeks are counted. Regent Award counts the weeks from the course start date to the lastAttendedDate.
  • Complete Course (complete = true and qualityPoints > 0):
    • SBL flags: no lastAttendedDate is sent.
    • The lastAttendedDate and attendance flagged are both assumed.
      • The lastAttendedDate is set to the SIS provided sblCreatedDate if the course is current but sent as a complete course. If the course is not current, the lastAttendedDate is set to the course end date.
    • The Instructional weeks count from the course start date to the assumed lastAttendedDate.
  • Complete Course:
    • SBL flags: lastAttendedDate is provided.
    • The attendance flagged is assumed.
    • The Instructional weeks count from the course start date to the lastAttendedDate.
  • Withdrawn Course (withdrawalDate is provided):
    • SBL flags: no lastAttendedDate is sent.
    • No weeks are counted. Withdrawn courses do not count towards the Registration based weeks, and with no lastAttendedDate present, there would be no Attendance based weeks either.
  • Withdrawn Course:
    • SBL flags: lastAttendedDate is provided.
    • Instructional weeks count from the course start date to the lastAttendedDate.

Assumptions Regarding Attendance


There are cases when a school cannot send daily attendance. Therefore, Regent Award will assume attendance for courses in specific cases.
