Versions Compared


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  • This document defines the following associated with ISIR data management: 

  • The Regent Award product workflow for importing ISIR files and deviations to that workflow. 

  • The Regent Award logic for matching ISIR documents. 

  • Specifications for [CLIENT]client-specific configuration of the following: 

    • Data requirements  

    • Communication 

    • User Roles 

    • Documents 

    • Tasks 

    • Additional Configuration 


  • Step 1: Regent Award first evaluates all the scenarios that will not make an ISIR active. Users may view these cases in the Make this the Active ISIR column on the Appendix where the value is “No.” 

  1. If the ISIR meets one of these criteria, Regent Award stops reviewing and marks the ISIR as “Not Active.” 

  • Step 2: If the ISIR does not meet some criteria from Step 1, Regent Award evaluates the scenarios that will make an ISIR Active. Users can view these cases in the Make this the Active ISIR column on the attached spreadsheet where the value is “Yes.” 


Regent Review Smart Forms 


Regent Award offers the Verification Worksheet and Verification Worksheet-V5 ‘Verification Worksheet (VWS),’for the V1 group, and ‘Verification Worksheet (VWS) -V5,’ for the V5 group, as a Smart Form via Regent Review product licensing. When a student’s ISIR is selected for V1 or V5 verification, Regent Award populates the applicable appropriate document in a ‘Needed’ status. This form allows the student to complete the verification worksheet questionnaire online via the Regent Student Portal, displaying only the questions required for the student’s verification group.    


If a subsequent ISIR is imported with a change to the student’s verification group after the student has started or completed the Verification Worksheet, Regent Award populates a Verification ‘Verification Worksheet-Change Change’document,which will include any question required for verification for the new verification group.  Information previously provided by the student will be prepopulated and the student will have the ability to review and edit any previously provided information prior to submission. Regent Award will also ‘Waive’ the original Verification Worksheet form so it does not appear as the student must complete both.  

Regent Award will only auto-populate the initial Verification Worksheet once per FAY (apart from a change to the verification group as mentioned above.) Therefore, if inconsistencies are found during the verification process and corrections are required by the student, the User must ‘Waive’ the original Verification Worksheet document status and manually add the ‘Verification Verification Worksheet-Revised Request’.  The User should also add a ‘Reason’ on the document to display on the Student Portal.  


Regent Award supports the verification process via the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard.  As documents are reviewed, ISIRs can be verified and/or corrected without being transmitted to the Central FAFSA Processing System (CPSFPS).  When all documents have been reviewed and satisfied, ISIR verification (and any ISIR corrections) can be completed, using the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard, and the ISIR marked ‘Verified’.   

Users must set the flag ‘Mark Corrections for Submission to CPS’ FPS’ to ‘Yes’ in the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard for ISIRs requiring correction.  Users can also set the ‘Packaging Options’ selection to override the default setting and allow packaging against the current active ISIR EFC or use the corrected Active ISIR EFC, rather than waiting for the corrected ISIR to come back from CPSFPS.  Any ISIR flagged for submission to CPS FPS is captured in the ISIR Correction file during the next Export ISIR Correction process.   


The Export ISIR Correction process schedule will be defined in the [CLIENT] Runbook.  This process writes the output to the sFTP ISIRCorrection folder for pickup and submission to CPSFPS.   

Ready for Verification 


Students are required to provide proof of identity if they are selected for the V4 or V5 verification group. Upon importing the ISIR, Regent Award populates a Proof of Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose document in a ‘Needed’ status.  The student is required to complete the document.  If the student is unable to complete the document in person, the student may provide a notarized copy of the Proof of Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose form. Once the high school completion documentation is received and the Proof of Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose form is completed, the user may update the results of the identity and high school completion status in Regent Award for transmission to CPSFPS

Export Student Identity 


The Identity Verification Results Wizard is accessed via the ISIR tab and allows the user to select one of the following identity verification results for a student: 

  1. Verification completed in person, no issues found 

  2. Verification completed using notary, no issues found 

  3. Verification attempted, issues found with identity 

  4. Verification attempted, issues found with HS completion 

  5. No response from applicant or unable to locate 

  6. Verification attempted, issues found with both identity and HS completion 


The school has sixty (60) days, from the date of the earliest ISIR with V4 or V5 value was imported, to report the appropriate Identity Verification results. After sixty (60) days have elapsed and an ISIR Identity Verification value has not been reported, Regent Award will automatically set the identity verification result value to “5 - No response from applicant or unable to locate” when the Export ISIR Identity Verification process is executed.  


The Export Identity Verification Results Process is scheduled to run daily as described in the [CLIENT] Runbook. The process writes the output to a file on the sFTP site in the ExportISIRIdentityVerification folder for pickup and submission to CPSFPS

Auto Setting the Identity Verification Value 


  • If no ISIR exists for the student for a FAY, it will be made active 

  • Subsequent ISIR will automatically be made active if: 

    • ISIR was pushed by CPS FPS 

    • ISIR was corrected by the school 

    • ISIR was corrected by the student AND it resolved a C-code or reject 

  • Subsequent ISIR may be made active manually if the ISIR was corrected by the student AND it created a C-code, rejected or flagged the ISIR for verification 

    • If an ISIR is made active manually, and the transaction number is the same as, or higher than the prior active ISIRs transaction number, the normal document assignment rules will apply at the time the ISIR is made active, and document requirements will be assigned to the student.  Documents will also be auto-satisfied or auto-waived based on the functionality described below. 

    • If an ISIR is made active manually, but the new active ISIR has a lower transaction number than the previously active ISIR, the ISIR-related document requirements will not be auto-assigned or auto-satisfied.   


Regent Award is updated annually to accommodate ISIR processing regulatory changes for the upcoming Federal Award Years. Schools will be notified by Regent once the updates have been applied to the Regent Award application.   

ISIR Related Tasks 

Task Type 

Triggering Event 

Task Description 



FPS Generated/Pushed ISIR 


An ISIR has been modified by



ISIR field “Transaction Data Source/Type Code” contains any of the following values: 

5D-Drug abuse hold release 

5L- Identity hold release 5M- DHS secondary confirmation  5N- NSLDS post screening 5P- Reprocessed record 5S-


FPS system-generated signature 5W- SSA death file match 5Y-


FPS- Identity Verification  

Review New Inactive ISIR 

Subsequent ISIR is received but is not set as the active ISIR.  Often student is the source. 


A new ISIR record is loaded and ISIR is NOT set as the active ISIR.  

Only one task will be created per student. 

Review Subsequent Unclean ISIR 

A subsequent unclean ISIR has been received and must be reviewed. 

Subsequent ISIR is received after the first ‘Active’ ISIR for a given FAY, which is: 

  • Rejected 

  • Selected for verification (when not previously selected) or,  

  • Generates new document requirements 

Review ATB Data 

Grandfathered ATB flag does not match ISIR data 

If the Grandfathered ATB flag = False and the {active} ISIR shows the value for HS Diploma = “None of the Above” or = "Blank" 

Review Dependent Record Unsub Only 

Review Dependent Record Unsub Only 

ISIR is imported in to Regent Award and the Special Circumstances flag equals 4 - Dependent record unsubsidized loans only 

Review Potential IASG 

Student's ISIR contains IASG Award eligibility criteria. 

Student has not exceeded Pell LEU of 600% (LEU < 600%), and has the following ISIR flags: 

  • DOD flay = “Y” 

  • Parent death date value other than blank 

Review Unclean ISIR 

An unclean ISIR has been received and must be reviewed. 

When an unclean ISIR is received (Active ISIR is received which is rejected, selected for verification, or which generates new document requirements - more details below) 

Unclean ISIR: 


  • ISIR is the active ISIR for a given FAY 

  • ISIR is selected for verification and 

  • ISIR is unverified or ISIR inherited verification status is unverified 

  • ISIR generated document requirements 

  • ISIR generated tasks 

  • ISIR has reject codes 

Review Verification Tracking Group Change  

Verification Group has changed on the student's ISIR. Re-verification required. 

The previous Active ISIR’s Verification Status was Verified and now, through the import of a new ISIR, the student is placed into a different Verification Group, therefore, their ISIR needs to be verified again. 


A new task when: 

  • Prior active ISIR was verified or verified (inherited) and was not a V5 

  • Current active ISIR is a V5 and is therefore, not verified 

Review Change in Dependency Status 

New Active ISIR has a different dependency values for the same FAY. 

During the "Import ISIR" and "Import ISIR Reprocess" processes when the new Active ISIR has a different value in the "Dependency Status" field (field #172 on 18-19 ISIR) than the previous Active ISIR for the same FAY. If this task already exists in a status other than "Completed," "Waived," or "Closed," and the task trigger criteria are still met, Regent Award will not re-trigger the task.  

Ready to Package (RTP) File 


Students that have a ‘clean’ ISIR appear on the RTP file in a “Ready to Package” status.  For an ISIR to be considered ‘clean’ all the Ready to Package criteria must be met: 

  1. The active ISIR transaction for the FAY is clean (i.e. not selected for verification and does not populate any documents that restrict packaging). 

  2. If the active ISIR has been selected for verification, it must have a verification status or inherited verification status = "Verified". 

  3. The current active ISIR does not have a ‘Correction Status’ of ‘Corrected’, ‘Marked for Transmission’, or ‘Transmitted’. 

  4. All student documents that are setup to Restrict Packaging and/or Disbursement and are associated to the FAY of the ISIR (AY and PP scope also have a FAY association) or student-scoped are in ‘Satisfied’ or ‘Waived’ status. 

  5. All ISIR tasks (i.e. subsequent unclean ISIR) that are setup to restrict packaging for the FAY are in a status of ‘Completed’, ‘Closed’ or ‘Waived’. 

Pending Status 

The Ready to Package process notifies the packaging system that the student should be held from packaging by resending the student on the RTP file with a packaging status of “Pending”.  A packaging status of “Pending” can only be set if the student was previously sent with a “Ready to Package” status.  If a student is determined to not be ready to package, and they were not previously sent on the RTP file, the student is not sent on the RTP file. 


Regent Review Document Persistence 




Document Name


Updated Status




Create Document


Document Messaging


Drug Worksheet




If student is selected for verification and completes the VWS (which includes the drug worksheet questions) using either the e-signature or paper signature process, persist the completed Drug Worksheet pdf form into Regent Award






Verification Worksheet




If student and parent (if dependent) completes the VWS using either the e-signature or paper signature process, persist the completed VWS pdf form into Regent Award






For Regent Review clients, the table below outlines the documents assigned or updated based on completion of the Verification Worksheet Smart Form.

Document Name




2022 Student W-2s for Non-filers

If the FAFSA indicated that the student did not/will not file taxes then the student confirms on the VWS that they did not/will not file taxes, OR if the FAFSA indicated that the student did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that they already filed, the status of the existing W-2 document requirement will be updated.


2022 Student W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and no W-2 for employer 1 for Parent 1 indicated on the VWS and parent indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Parent 1 W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Parent 1

the student indicates on the VWS that they earned income and their employer provided a W-2, a new W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Student W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did not Work” indicated on the VWS and parent indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Parent 1 W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Parent 1

the student indicates on the VWS that they earned income from a second employer and the second employer provided a W-2, an additional W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


Second Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Student W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did File” indicated on the VWS, waive the Parent 1 W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Parent 1

the student indicates on the VWS that they earned income from a third employer and the third employer provided a W-2, an additional W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


Third Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Spouse W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parent(s) left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and indicated W-2 for employer 1 for Parent 1 on the VWS and parent indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, persist employer 1 name on Parent 1 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 1>

CCYY Parent 1

the FAFSA indicated that the spouse did not/will not file taxes then the student confirms on the VWS that the spouse did not/will not file taxes, OR if the FAFSA indicated that the spouse did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the spouse already filed, the status of the existing W-2 document requirement will be updated.


Spouse Income Tax Data section is displayed in form when student did not file a joint return with their current spouse and the FAFSA indicates the spouse is a non-filer.

2022 Spouse W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parent(s) indicated

the student indicates on the VWS that the spouse earned income and their employer provided a W-

2 for Employer


on VWS, create the Employer 2

, a new W-2

in Regent Award


<Employer 2>

CCYY Parent 1

document requirement will be assigned.


 Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Spouse W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parent(s) indicated

the student indicates on the VWS that the spouse earned income from a second employer and the second employer provided a W-2

for Employer 3 on VWS, create the Employer 3

, an additional W-2

in Regent Award


<Employer 3>

CCYY Parent 2

document requirement will be assigned.


 Second Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Spouse W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents are married and left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and no W-2 for employer 1 for Parent 2 indicated on the VWS and parent indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Parent 2 W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Parent 2 CCYY Parent 2

the student indicates on the VWS that the spouse earned income from a third employer and the third employer provided a W-2, an additional W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


 Third Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Parent W-2s for Non-filers


If student is dependent and parents are married and left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did not Work” for Parent 2 indicated on the VWS and parent indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Parent 2 W-2 in Regent Award



If the FAFSA indicated that the parent did not/will not file taxes then the student confirms on the VWS that the parent did not/will not file taxes, OR if the FAFSA indicated that the parent did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the parent already filed, the status of the existing W-2 document requirement will be updated.


Parent Income Tax Data section is displayed in form when student is dependent and the FAFSA indicates the parent is a non-filer.

2022 Parent W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents are married and left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did File” for Parent 2 indicated on the VWS, waive the Parent 2 W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Parent 2

the student indicates on the VWS that the parent earned income and their employer provided a W-2, a new W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


 Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Parent W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents are married and left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because they “Did not file” or “Will File” and indicated W-2 for employer 1for Parent 2 on the VWS and parent indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, persist Employer 1 name on Parent 2 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 1>

CCYY Parent 2

the student indicates on the VWS that the parent earned income from a second employer and the second employer provided a W-2, an additional W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


 Second Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Parent W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent and parents are married and Parent 2 indicated

the student indicates on the VWS that the parent earned income from a third employer and the third employer provided a W-2

for Employer 2 on VWS, create the Employer 2

, an additional W-2

in Regent Award


<Employer 2>

CCYY Parent 2

document requirement will be assigned.


 Third Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Parent Spouse or Partner W-2s for Non-filers



student is dependent parents are married and Parent 2 indicated a W-2 for Employer 3 on VWS, create the Employer 3 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 3>

CCYY Parent Filing Extension Granted by the IRS


If on the VWS the student's parent(s) indicated that he or she "Will File", create the CCYY Parent Filing Extension Granted by the IRS document in Regent Award



CCYY Parent(s) Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form


If the student's parent indicated that he or she "Did Not File" or "Will File" on the ISIR and "Did File" on the VWS, create the CCYY Parent(s) Tax Transcript/IRS Match document in Regent Award



CCYY Parent(s) Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form


If student’s parent indicated type of tax return and indicated “Will File” on ISIR and indicated “Will File” on VWS, then waive tax transcript



CCYY Spouse’s W-2s for Non-filers


If the student is married and student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and no W-2 for employer 1 for Spouse indicated on the VWS and indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Spouse W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Spouse’s W-2s for Non-filers


If the student is married and student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did not Work” for Spouse indicated on the VWS and indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Spouse W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Spouse’s W-2s for Non-filers


If the student is married and student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did File” for Spouse indicated on the VWS, waive the Spouse W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Spouse’s W-2s for Non-filers


If the student is married and student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and indicated a W-2 for Employer 1 for spouse on VWS, and student indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, persist Employer 1 name on Spouse 2 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 1>

CCYY Spouse’s W-2s for Non-filers


If the student is married and Spouse indicated a W-2 for Employer 2 on VWS, create the Employer 2 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 2>

CCYY Spouse’s W-2s for Non-filers


If the student is married and Spouse indicated a W-2 for Employer 3 on VWS, create the Employer 3 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 3>

CCYY Student Filing Extension Granted by the IRS


If on the VWS the student indicated that he or she "Will File", create the CCYY Student Filing Extension Granted by the IRS document in Regent Award



CCYY Student Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form


If the student indicated that he or she "Did Not File" or "Will File" on the ISIR and "Did File" on the VWS, create the CCYY Student Tax Transcript/IRS Match document in Regent Award



CCYY Student Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form


If student indicated type of tax return and indicated “Will File” on ISIR and indicated “Will File” on VWS, then waive tax transcript



CCYY Student W-2s for Non-filers


If student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and no W-2 for employer 1 indicated on the VWS and indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Student W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Student W-2s for Non-filers


If student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did not work” indicated on the VWS and indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, waive the Student W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Student W-2s for Non-filers


If student left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and “Did File” indicated on the VWS, waive the Student W-2 in Regent Award



CCYY Student W-2s for Non-filers


If student indicated left the type of tax return “blank” on ISIR because he or she “Did not file” or “Will File” and indicated W-2 for employer 1 on the VWS and indicated “Did Not File” or “Will File” on VWS, persist Employer 1 name on Student W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 1>

CCYY Student W-2s for Non-filers


If student indicated a W-2 for Employer 2 on VWS, create the Employer 2 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 2>

CCYY Student W-2s for Non-filers


If student indicated a W-2 for Employer 3 on VWS, create the Employer 3 W-2 in Regent Award


<Employer 3>



the FAFSA indicated that the parent’s spouse or partner did not/will not file taxes then the student confirms on the VWS that the parent’s spouse or partner did not/will not file taxes, OR if the FAFSA indicated that the parent’s spouse or partner did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the parent’s spouse or partner already filed, the status of the existing W-2 document requirement will be updated.


Parent Spouse or Partner Income Tax Data section is displayed in form when student is dependent, the parent is married but did not file a joint return with their current spouse, and the FAFSA indicates the parent’s spouse is a non-filer.

2022 Parent Spouse or Partner W-2s for Non-filers

If the student indicates on the VWS that the parent’s spouse or partner earned income and their employer provided a W-2, a new W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


  Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Parent Spouse or Partner W-2s for Non-filers

If the student indicates on the VWS that the parent’s spouse or partner earned income from a second employer and the second employer provided a W-2, an additional W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


  Second Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Parent Spouse or Partner W-2s for Non-filers

If the student indicates on the VWS that the parent’s spouse or partner earned income from a third employer and the third employer provided a W-2, an additional W-2 document requirement will be assigned.


  Third Employer Name entered on VWS will populate on form.

2022 Student Tax Transcript/Tax Return

If the FAFSA indicated that the student did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that they will file, and their intended filing status is not ‘Married- Filing Jointly’, a student tax transcript/tax return document requirement will be assigned.


2022 Spouse Tax Transcript/Tax Return

If the FAFSA indicated that the spouse did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the spouse will file or already filed, a spouse tax transcript/tax return document requirement will be assigned.


2022 Parent Tax Transcript/Tax Return

If the FAFSA indicated that the parent did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the parent will file and their intended filing status is not ‘Married- Filing Jointly’, or that they already filed, a parent tax transcript/tax return document requirement will be assigned.


2022 Parent Spouse or Partner Tax Transcript/Tax Return

If the FAFSA indicated that the parent spouse or partner did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the parent spouse or partner will file or already filed, a parent spouse or partner tax transcript document requirement will be assigned.


2022 Student Joint Tax Transcript/Tax Return

If the FAFSA indicated that the student did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that they will file jointly, a student joint tax transcript/tax return document requirement will be assigned.


2022 Parent Joint Tax Transcript/Tax Return

If the FAFSA indicated that the parent did not/will not file taxes then the student indicates on the VWS that the parent will file jointly, a parent joint tax transcript/tax return document requirement will be assigned.
