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Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.7.1, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below and further defined in the Product Brief. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

New/Updated Configuration Options


The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.7.1:  


Admin and User Guide Updates 


As part of Regent, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated.

Adding / Modifying An Academic Plan

Institution Setup Data Elements


The following enhancements are included in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award


Title: Updated logic to correctly award 10-Month and 11-Month Doctor of Medicine students

Tickets: RS-27470; RS-27392; RS-27573; RS-27574;

Description: The monthly calculation for the Upper Eligible HPPA amounts has been updated to use the Academic Year instructional weeks from the Academic Plan. The monthly calculation uses the instructional weeks and divides it by 4.345 weeks in a month to derive the number of months for the Academic Year. The number of months is then used to determine which annual loan limit to apply.


Regent Award


Title: Update Student-Level Census Logic for Pell Rebuild Awards

Tickets: RS-27470; RS-27344; RS-27577;

Regent Award has improved the Student-Level Census logic to check for Rebuild Pell awards in past terms. If a student is packaged using a student-level census date in a current term and an earlier term contained a COD Rebuild Pell award with a positive amount, Regent will set the past term’s census date to the past term’s Census Date 1 configured in Term Setup. If the past term does not contain a Rebuild Pell award, and ‘Determine Student Census’ was “Yes,,” Regent will set the past term’s census date to match the past term’s end date.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Institution Setup Data Elements


The following bugs are resolved in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Review

Student Experience


Portal document attachments were unable to be downloaded and the ‘File Wasn’t Available on Site' error was presented.


The URL associated to the document attachment was incorrect.


The URL associated to the document attachment was updated.


Find affected student and confirm the document attachment is able to be downloaded without error.


Regent Award

Student Experience


Regent Access unexpectedly did not have an option to Esign an application in parent portal.


The parent's email address was not being passed into Smart Form processing code due to an incorrect property name being used.


The property name was updated.


Fill in the application as a student. Send parent signature request. Login as parent to the portal. The Esign option should be available.


Regent Review

ISIR Processing/Verification


On the 24-25 Verification Worksheet Smart Form, the reference in the help text to the student’s marital status reported on the FAFSA was incorrect for the “Confirm your Current Marital Status” question.


Some text display options in the code for the Smart Form were not updated to align with the 24-25 Student Marital Status option values.


Student Marital Status text display options were corrected to align with 24-25 options values in the code for the Smart Form.


In the 24-25 Verification Worksheet Smart Form, navigate to the “Confirm your Current Marital Status” question and verify that the status referenced in the help text matches the status on the student’s ISIR.


Regent Review

ISIR Processing/Verification


The Spouse of an Independent student was incorrectly not listed within the Family Members display table on the Verification Worksheet smart form.


The logic within the form that causes a Spouse to be included in the list of Family Members did not look for an ISIR option value related to a ‘Remarried’ status.


‘Remarried’ marital status option value added to dependency expression.


Assign a VWS smart form document to an Independent, married student whose marital status is ‘Remarried.’ Confirm the spouse name entered for the student on the VWS is displayed within the Family Members table.


Regent Award


In beta testing, when a school sent a Housing Status value on the UDF, the system did not apply the expected Cost of Attendance for the housing status. Additionally, in the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard, when a student did not have any ISIR and the Regent user tried to choose a temporary housing status in MAP Step 1, the system unexpectedly did not apply the user’s selected housing status when packaging the Cost of Attendance items and the Pell COA.

The system was not applying the Housing Status UDF values for some cases. For MAP when the student did not have any ISIR, the wizard was also creating some system-generated UDFs for housing status and dependency status code.

The MAP wizard was updated to remove the Housing Status drop-down from the wizard. Instead, when a user MAP’s a student who has never had any ISIR, Regent applies a Housing Status based on either the SBL-created UDF (if present for the student), or falls back to using the Assumed Housing Status for the user’s selected Dependency Status. Regent also made some additional corrections to the inheritance logic when applying the Assumed Housing Status from Institution Setup to the Campus Setup and Site Setup.

Prepare test SBL data for several students who do not have any ISIRs. Have some students with a housingStatusCode UDF value, and other students that do not have any housingStatusCode value. Do not include any ISIR for the test students. Use the MAP wizard and select a Dependency Status and provide an estimated SAI value. Confirm the MAP wizard does not prompt for housing status. For the test students who had a housingStatusCode UDF on the SBL, confirm the students are packaged using the corresponding Housing Status for the selected Dependency Status. For the test students who did not have any housingStatusCode UDF, confirm the system packaged using the configured Assumed Housing Status for the selected Dependency Status.


Regent Award



The system inconsistently generated Post-withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) Standard Communications to students who met the communication filter requirements.


The PWD Standard Communication filter did not include all of the necessary requirements.


The PWD Standard Communication filter was updated to include all of the necessary requirements.


Create R2T4 for a student that results in a PWD. Run the PWD communication. Ensure students with a PWD are being picked up for the communication.


Regent Award



Regent Award was adjusting the amount of existing awards when an External Resource with an ‘Exempt’ Type was added.


The application incorrectly added exempt Resources to both the COA and Award calculations, causing an incorrect award amount.


Exempt Resources were removed from COA and Award calculations.


Add External Resource to a student with the Type, set as ‘Exempt.’ Run packaging and confirm that award amounts are not recalculated.


The following scripts relate to this release:


Data Views  

The following data views relate to this release: