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The eAccess questionnaire flows thru all FAFSA questions that might be pertinent to an undocumented student and produces an EFCSAI.
Users can begin their questionnaires, save their progress, and come back to finish them later.
"Skip logic" within the questionnaire ensures users are not presented with questions that are unnecessary or irrelevant.
Questions and help text are displayed in both English and Spanish.
Students are able to select up to 10 institutions from a list of up to 50 institutions.
Students can access the questionnaire using Regent SNAP account creation and credentials.
eAccess as a Smart Form Form
Regent offers the eAccess Smart Form offers the eAccess Smart Form within the portal. The Regent Award product is The Regent Award product is configured with the eAccess Smart Form and can be used by staff to view and manage completed applications. The The Smart Form is designed to use conditional logic that tailors each question to the individual applicantindividual applicant, while minimizing the number of questions the applicant is required to answer and still obtaining the still obtaining the necessary information to calculate the EFC for EFC for both independent and dependent applicantsdependent applicants.
English to Spanish Translation
The eAccess Smart Form contains both English and a Spanish translation for questions and descriptions. The Spanish translation is displayed beneath the English.
Smart Form Signature Process Smart Form Signature Process
Upon completion of the eAccess Smart Form, applicants have the eAccess Smart Form, applicants have the option to sign the document via the electronic signature process or the electronic signature process or paper signature process. Both options are presented to the student after the completion of the Smart Formafter the completion of the Smart Form.
If the student chooses the e-signature process, the student is presented with system capability acknowledgments, as as well as terms and conditions prior to e-signing the form to ensure the student can successfully complete the process. Upon successfully e-signing the Smart Form, the signed PDF copy Smart Form, the signed PDF copy of the completed form is automatically is automatically attached to the document requirement in Regent Student Regent Student Portal and in Regent Award. The Regent Award. The document status is updated on the Regent Student Portal to a ‘Completed on [Date]’ status and the document status in Regent Award is updated to a ‘Satisfied’ status for Independent students and students and a ‘Received’ status for Dependent students.
If a dependent applicant selects dependent applicant selects the e-signature process, the applicant is required to invite a parent to electronically sign via the applicant is required to invite a parent to electronically sign via the ‘Invite a Parent to Sign an Application’ action icon. The The applicant selects the parent and email address for where the invitation is sent. Parents Parents are required to create their own account, which they can use to access which they can use to access and electronically sign the application.
Paper Signature Process
After selecting the paper signature process and submission of the application, an an unsigned PDF copy of the completed form is automatically attached and downloadable via the document requirement in the form is automatically attached and downloadable via the document requirement in the Regent Student Portal and in Regent Award. The The document status is updated on the Regent Student Portal to a ‘Completed to a ‘Completed on [Date]....’ status based on the applicant’s dependency status, and ’ status based on the applicant’s dependency status, and the document status in Regent Award is updated to a ‘Satisfied’ status.
If the student opts out of the e-signature process, and and the paper signature process is selected, e e-signature is not available to the parent. The applicant The applicant is required to download to download the completed PDF form from the Regent Student form from the Regent Student Portal, wet sign the sign the application, obtain obtain a parent wet signature on the application (if dependent) and and submit the completed form to the the completed form to the school via the school-provided directions displayed in the school-provided directions displayed in the portal.
School List
Create SNAP Configuration:
- SNAP configuration name = SchoolLIstOption
- Allowable values = Site or Campus
- Configuration description = If the SNAP configuration is set to Site, the REM Site Setup Display Name and Federal School Code are used in the dropdown. If the SNAP configuration is set to Campus, the REM Campus Setup, Display Name, and Federal School Code is used in the dropdown.
NOTE: The value of the options is the federal school code
This configuration would be used to pull in both the Display Name and the Federal School Code into the school list dropdown in questionnaires. The value of the options' is federal school code.
The Site Setup Display Name for schools configured in Regent as Institution, Campus, and Site will be included in the School List drop-down on the form, if the Federal School Code on the Site is not all zeroes. To remove a school from the list, the value in the Federal School Code field at Site level should be changed to ‘000000’.
Transaction Numbers
Transaction Numbers are created when the application is created (no 'Edit' functionality enabled).
All first applications have a transaction number = 1.
Subsequent applications are incremental (e.g. second application = 2, etc.)
If the application was completed for the initial Document Requirement created in Regent Award upon creating the eAccess account and a subsequent Document Requirement is added via Regent Award, a new transaction is created upon completion of the application for the subsequent Document Requirement.
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