Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.












In the Regent Regent’s Smart Form Manager Tool, users can update an existing Smart Form, import an existing Smart Form from a different environment tool, clients with a Regent Fund or Regent Review license can create new smart forms, edit client-created smart forms, and import smart forms from different instances (e.g. QA to Prod), and create a new Smart Form.


The Smart Form Manager Tool is available in the Regent Tools menu for users with the ‘Smart Form Manager Tool’ permission enabled.

The Document Assignment Tool is comprised of a top section with selection options for Institution Name and Query Name and a bottom section for the selection of Documents to be assigned.

NOTE: This tool is designed to be used at the Institution level. Only one Campus per Institution should be configured.

Getting Started

Schools will need to:

  1. Be on or upgrade to the Regent Award Release or a subsequent Release

  2. Update Enterprise Permission

  3. Create Smart Form

  4. Update Document Tracking Setup

Smart Form Manager Tool

A tree-view menu displays on the left-hand side of the Smart Form Manager tab on the Smart Form Manager screen.

The following options are available in the tree-view menu:

  • + Create Smart Form

    • Used to begin the creation of a new smart form.

  • + Import Smart Form

    • Used to import/load a Smart Form from one environment to another.

  • → Active Smart Forms

    • Used to access an existing 'Active Smart Form. A Smart Form is considered ‘Active’ if today’s date falls within the effective Start Date and End Date defined on the Smart Form Information tab.

  • → Inactive Smart Forms

    • Used to access an existing ‘Inactive’ Smart Form. A Smart Form is considered ‘Inactive’ if today’s date does not fall within the effective Start and End Date defined on the Smart Form Information tab.


Creation or Editing of a Smart Form


The Information tab provides basic Smart Form setup information, including the Smart Form Name, Federal Award Year, and valid Effective Start and End Dates.


titleInformation Tab Fields


Section Field Name


Section Description




Section Field Type


Section Field Options




The text entered in this field is displayed as the Smart Form name at the top of the Smart Form in the Student Portal.






Federal Award Year


The selection here will be used when creating or updating the Smart Form document requirement, if the document is configured as a FAY scope, by ensuring only the Smart Form document requirement with the associated FAY is created or updated upon completion.

If a document is configured as student scope, the Smart Form FAY is ignored when creating the Smart Form document requirement or updating upon completion.






  • 2010-2011 through 2049-2050


Start Date


The date entered here will be used as the effective begin date to allow students to access the Smart Form within the portal.




Calendar Date


End Date


The date entered here will be used as the effective end date to allow students to access the Smart Form within the portal.




Calendar Date


Smart Form Type


The Smart Form type is used to link a Document to an Active Smart Form to make it available via the Student Portal.






  • Use Smart Form Code

  • Lists all existing Smart Form Types




The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Smart Form in the Smart Form Manager.




Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces


Make Regent Data Available


Demographic Information


When this option is selected, the student’s Demographic information is made available to pull into the Smart Form.






  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


ISIR Information


When this option is selected, the student’s ISIR Information is made available to pull into the Smart Form.






  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Student Portal Authorizations


When this option is selected, the student’s Portal Authorizations are made available to pull into the Smart Form.






  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


UDF Information


When this option is selected, the student’s UDF Information is made available to pull into the Smart Form.






  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Regent Access


When this option is selected, the student’s Regent Access information is made available to pull into the Smart Form.






  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Fund Information


When this option is selected, the student’s Fund information is made available to pull into the Smart Form.






  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Section Additional Information and Advanced Settings


Smart Form Id


A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new Smart Form.


Textbox (Read-only)


Created At


This is the date upon which a new Smart Form is created.


Textbox (Read-only)


Modified At


This is the last date upon which a Smart Form was modified.


Textbox (Read-only)

Document Persistence

Document Requirements Persistence (DRP) allows school users to create rules using regular expressions (see to add or update a student document requirement in Regent. Document Requirements are added and updated upon the completion, including signature(s), of the Smart Form. The document requirement is only added or updated if the expression results are true.

For example: For a Filing Status Confirmation Worksheet, if a student indicates, ‘No, I already filed a tax return’ within the Smart Form, DRP can be created to add the student Tax Return document requirement with a status of ‘Needed’.

Document Setup must be considered when adding DRP. If a document is configured to Enforce Scope Uniqueness, a new document is not added if it already exists but the status of an existing document can be updated. If documents are configured to be added upon ISIR import, DRP can be used to update the document status on an existing document(s).

When configuring a DRP, the ‘Name’ must match the name of the document configured in Document Setup. Use caution when Document Names have special characters such as an apostrophe or dash that it is using the identical Document Name and has not been updated by the editor. If no match is found to an existing Document Name configured when executing the DRP expression, an error message is displayed, ‘Document name of <Document Name> is not found'.





Shortcut Name




  • {fay)


  • Automatically inserts the Federal Award Year of the Smart Form (e.g. 2024-2025).


  • {YearDescription}


Name of smart form


  • {YearCode}


  • This returns a special int which is essentially (max year of FAY)-2010. So for 2018-2019 FAY, the year code would be 9.


  • {InstitutionExternalId}


  • {LocationName}




  • {LocationExternalId}




  • {CampusName}


  • {CampusExternalId}


  • {SiteName}


  • {SiteExternalId}


  • {ProgramName}


  • {ProgramExternalId}


  • {ProgramType}


Helper Functions


UpperCase - returns string


EqualOfAny - returns boolean - Performs TrimUpper and checks if the first argument is in the list of remaining arguments (this function is case insensitive).  eg: SnapUtility.EqualOfAny("Hi", "Does", "hi", "exist") returns true.


IsNumber - returns number - Checks to see if the first argument is a number.  If it is not, the second argument is returned.  eg: SnapUtility.IsNumber("Dog", -1) returns -1.




CompareDate - returns number - Checks to see how two dates compare.  If the first date is after the second date, the function will return a positive number.  If the second date is after the first one, the function will return a negative number.  If the dates are the same, the function will return 0.  If the arguments cannot be resolved to dates, the function returns NaN.  eg: SnapUtility.CompareDate('07/19/2013', '08/01/2013') returns -1.


IsCurrentDateBetween - returns boolean - Checks to see if the current date falls in a range (non-inclusive).  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBetween('01/01/2013', '01/01/3000') returns true.


IsCurrentDateAfter - returns boolean - Checks if the current date falls after a specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateAfter('01/01/2013') returns true.


IsCurrentDateBefore - returns boolean - Checks if the current date falls before a specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBefore('01/01/2013') returns false.


AddDaysToDate - returns Date - Adds a specified number of days to the specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.AddDaysToDate('01/01/2013', 9) returns '01/10/2013'.


  • returns string - Converts the argument to UPPER CASE. eg: SnapUtility.UpperCase("upper case") returns "UPPER CASE".


  • Trim - returns string - Removes leading and trailing whitespace.  eg: SnapUtility.Trim("   Hello   ") returns "Hello".


titleDocument Requirement Persistence Fields


DRP Field Name




DRP Field Description


DRP Field Type


Question Field Options


Document Name




This is the name of the document configured in Regent to update or create based on the persistence logic.








This is the document scope associated with the document requirement to update or create.




  • Student

  • Federal Award Year

  • Student and Reason

  • Federal Award Year and Reason

Note: Payment Period and Academic Year scopes are not available options.


Default Status




This is the status the document requirement is set to upon the completion of the Smart Form.

Although required, this status is only used when the Smart Form is not configured for electronic signatures.




  • Static

  • Velocity


Activity Log Entry Status




This is the Activity Type for the
Activity Log Entry in Regent logging status changes and new document requirements.




Esigned Status




This is the status the document requirement is set to upon the completion of the Smart Form.

Although required, this status is only used when the Smart Form is configured for electronic signatures.




Condition Expression




Any valid, Boolean expression. Answers to questions in the corresponding smart form can be accessed by wrapping the question code in curly braces. Logical operators, such as, AND (&&), and OR (||) may be used in combination with built-in expressions, such as, SnapUtility.EqualOfAny, and SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny. The SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny is a special function that can not be used in combination with other expressions and will perform the requested action on existing, student documents where the document reason matches any of the values provided to the function. If an expression did not evaluate to true or false, that means the expression is not valid and contains syntax errors. If the expression is invalid, persistence actions for this document requirement will be ignored.




Create on No Match




If checked, the DRP will be create in REM even if the smart form document can not be found for the specified create statuses. The document will be created based on the "Attachment Type" field selection.




  • Selected

  • Unselected (Default)


For Transfer




This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.




  • Selected

  • Unselected (Default)


REM Linked Document




If checked, the DRP document




  • Selected (Default)

  • Unselected


Document Reason






Update Statuses




The DRP student document requirement in REM, will have its status set to the default or esigned status if the smart form document status is in the list of updated statuses.


Available Statuses




The list of available document requirement statuses.


Create Statuses




When the current student document status matches a status in the list of create statuses, a new document is created.


Document Persistence Additional Information & Advanced Settings


File Name




This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.




Template Name




This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.




Attachment Type


This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.




  • Pdf Template


Student Persistence

Student Persistence updates the Student Portal Authorization fields in Regent based on Student Authorizations and update add or update a student document requirement in Regent. Document Requirements are added and updated upon the completion, including signature(s), of the Smart Form. The document requirement is only added or updated if the expression results are true.

titleStudent Persistence Fields

DRP Field Name


DRP Field Description

DRP Field Type

Question Field Options

Credit Balance Option


This field is associated to the Portal Credit Balance Option in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Hold Excess Title4


This field is associated to the Hold Excess Title IV in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Pay Prior Year Minor Charges


This field is associated to the Pay Prior Year Minor Charges in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field..


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Pay Non Institutional Charges


This field is associated to the Pay Non-Institutional Charges in Regent and the Smart Form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Parent/Spouse Persistence


Section names are displayed on the Smart Form menu within the Student Portal. Sections are displayed in numerical order from lowest to highest based on the number entered in the Section Sort Order field.


titleSection Fields


Section Field Name




Section Description


Section Field Type


Section Field Options


Template Engine




If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see




  • Static

  • Velocity


Section Name




The text entered in this field is displayed in the Smart Form menu in the Student Portal as the Menu Section Name.








The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Section in the Smart Form Manager.



Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces


Sort Order




The number entered here will be used to sort Sections in the Smart Form from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.


Numberic box






If selected, the Section will be visible by default. If unselected, the Section will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Section from its initial default state.




Sections Additional Information & Advanced Settings


Section Id


A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new section.


Textbox (Read-only)


Created At


This is the date upon which a new section is created.


Textbox (Read-only)


Modified At


This is the last date upon which a section was modified.


Textbox (Read-only)


Section Title




The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the Smart Form page.




Section Information




The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the Smart Form page beneath the Section Title, if configured


Text Area


Parent Information




The selection(s) in this section can be used as an identifier or in validation and dependency logic in the Smart Form.




  • Selected

  • Unselected (Default)


Groups are used within each Section to categorize questions. Each group is comprised of one or more questions. All questions contained within a group are organized beneath the Group name defined and displayed within each Section. Groups display in numerical order from lowest to highest based on the number entered in the Group Sort Order field.


titleGroup Fields


Group Field Name




Group Field Description


Group Field Type


Group Field Options


Template Engine




If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see




  • Static (Default)

  • Velocity


Group Name




The text entered in this field is displayed as a Group Title for a set of one or more questions within the Smart Form in the Student Portal.




Group Instructions




The text entered here is displayed as instructional messaging for the questions within the group.








The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Group in the Smart Form Manager.



Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces


Sort Order




The number entered here will be used to sort Groups within the Section from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.








If selected, the Group will be visible by default. If unselected, the Group will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Group from its initial default state.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Page Index




Groups can be displayed on different pages within each Section. The number entered here will be used to determine which page the Group is displayed on.




Groups Additional Information & Advanced Settings


Group Id


A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new group.


Created At


This is the date upon which a new group is created.


Modified At


This is the last date upon which a group was modified.


Questions are displayed within each Group to categorize questions. Each group is comprised of one or more questions. All questions contained within a group are organized beneath the Group name defined and displayed within each Section. Questions display in numerical order from lowest to highest based within the Group on the number entered in the Question Sort Order field.


titleQuestion Fields


Question Field Name




Question Field Description


Question Field Type


Question Field Options


Field Type




The selection here will be used to determine the question selection type.




  • Textbox

  • Dropdown

  • RadioButton

  • Date

  • SSN

  • Autosize Dropdown

  • MMDDYYYY Dropdown

  • HyperlinkButton

  • Text Only

  • MMYYYY Dropdown Date

  • Text Area

  • Checkbox

  • Currency - Whole Dollar

  • Phone


Data Type




The Data Type entered here will determine how the value is saved in the database and the available operators in the Regent Query Tool. If this field is not selected, the question is not available as an option in the Regent Query Tool.




  • Text

  • Amount

  • Date

  • Number


Template Engine




If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see




  • Static (Default)

  • Velocity






The text entered in this field is displayed as the question with the Group and Section on the Smart Form in the Student Portal.




Help Text




The text entered here will display as help text beneath the question in the Smart Form.








The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the question in the Smart Form Manager.



Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces


Sort Order




The number entered here will be used to sort questions within the Group from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.



Pre-populate Question Response from




If ‘Prior Smart Form’ is selected, the question response is pre-populated from the most recently completed Smart Form with the same Smart Form Type, regardless of the FAY scope. If ‘Prior Smart Form with same FAY’ is selected, the question response is pre-populated from the most recently completed Smart Form with the same Smart Form Type and the same FAY scope. If ‘None’ is selected, the question response presented in the Smart Form is not pre-populated.




  • None (Default)

  • Prior Smart Form

  • Prior Smart Form with same FAY


Default Question Response




The text or input value entered here will be used to pre-populate the response for the question in the Smart Form based on predefined Regent data or one of the available options.




Maximum Number of Characters Allowed in Response




The number entered here will be used to as the limit for the number of characters allowed in the user response for this question when completing the Smart Form.



Maximum Characters: 10






When this field is selected, the question requires a response in the Smart Form. If selected, this question is always displayed if the section and group are displayed and takes precedence over the ‘visible’ setting for the question. If dependency logic is desired for the question, the ‘visible’ setting should be used to display or hide the question from its initial default state.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)






If selected, the Question will be visible by default. If unselected, the Question will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Question from its initial default state.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Read Only




When this selection is selected, no question options will be required or available.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Questions Additional Information and Advanced Settings


Question Id


A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new question.


Created At


This is the date upon which a new question is created.


Modified At


This is the last date upon which a question was modified.


Reset Response if Hidden




When this field is selected, the question response will revert back to the original default response value (e.g. blank, unselected) if the question is subsequently hidden due to smart logic. For example, if a user answers ‘Yes’ to this question then changes a prior question that forces this question to no longer display, the response value is then reverted back to the original default response value.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Reset Response if Restarted




When this field is selected, the question response will revert back to the original default response value (e.g. blank, unselected) if the question is subsequently displayed after being hidden due to smart logic.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Auto Capitalize




When this field is selected, the response will be user response in the Smart Form is automatically updated to all capital letters.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Options Expression




This field allows an expression to be provided by the user when to display an option under the defined conditions. Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is true or false.








This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.




  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)


Smart Forms can be designed to use conditional logic to tailor each question to an individual applicant and minimize the number of questions an applicant is required to answer by using Dependency logic. Dependencies use dynamic logic for Sections, Groups, and Questions to make Visible or hide based on responses to Questions within the Smart Form. Dependencies also control if a Question is Required when made Visible or not. For example, a Dependency can be created to Hide a Question, make a Question Visible and Required, or make a Question Visible and Not Required.

A Section, Group, or Question can have one or more Dependency groups. Each Dependency group is comprised of one or more Dependency rules. Each Dependency group uses a selected Compare Operator of ‘AND’ or ‘OR' when evaluating if the Dependency rule(s) are 'true’.

Dependency Comparison Operator

  • The "AND" Compare Operator is used to determine if ALL Dependency Rules are true.

  • The "OR" Compare Operator is used to determine if one or more Dependency Rules are true.

Tip: It's recommended that you set a Section/Groups/Questions visibility to a base visibility, and then only create rules which change the visibility. This way you do not have conflicting dependencies or dependency rules (one rule which makes it hidden, and another rule which makes it visible). If both rules evaluate to true, then it can be more complicated to determine which rules visibility applies. For instance, perhaps you set a Section's visibility to hidden, and then only create dependencies/dependency rules that make it visible. See the "Competing Dependencies Example" in Examples section below.

Dependency Rules

  • Rules can be a two types: question based or expression based

    • Question based rules are the rules that makes target object dependant of the value of another question in the application.

    • Expression based rules are the rules that are evaluated using an expression provided by the user. This expression is based on the javascript language. A single rule expression can be build on one or more dependent questions using various logical and mathematical operations. Question values are referenced by using the following notation {questionCode}

  • The individual rules have the flags for visible and required. When different rules in the same dependency have different values for those flags, the first rule that is evaluated will trigger, and all subsequent rules in the dependency will be ignored.

  • The dependency rules are evaluated in the order they were added to the database.

  • Every rule has the following information:

    • Comparison operator (=, >, <, >=, <=, !, <>, !=)

      • The symbols "<>" and "!=" are interchangeable operators that mean "not equal".

      • The Exclaimation point means logical not.

    • Dependent question option id

    • Expression

    • Required Flag

    • Visible Flag

  • Rules can be a two types: question based or expression based

    • Question based rules are the rules that makes target object dependant of the value of another question in the application.

    • Expression based rules are the rules that are evaluated using an expression provided by the user. This expression is based on the javascript language. A single rule expression can be build on one or more dependent questions using various logical and mathematical operations. Question values are referenced by using the following notation {questionCode}

    • Logical evaluations can be strung together using logical AND (&&) and logical OR (||).  These kind of conditions allow multiple comparisons to determine the ultimate result of the expression.  The words "AND" and "OR" are interchangeable with "&&" and "||", respectively.

      • SnapUtility.EqualOfAny('hi', 'is', 'hi', 'here') && SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBefore('01/01/2013') - returns false because both conditions must be true for the expression to be true.

      • SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBefore('01/01/2013') || SnapUtility.EqualOfAny('hi', 'is', 'hi', 'here') - returns true because at least one of the conditions is true.

    • Several Helper functions are provided:

      • UpperCase - returns string - Converts the argument to UPPER CASE. eg: SnapUtility.UpperCase("upper case") returns "UPPER CASE".

      • Trim - returns string - Removes leading and trailing whitespace.  eg: SnapUtility.Trim("   Hello   ") returns "Hello".

      • TrimUpper - returns string - Performs both UpperCase and Trim commands.

      • EqualOfAny - returns boolean - Performs TrimUpper and checks if the first argument is in the list of remaining arguments (this function is case insensitive).  eg: SnapUtility.EqualOfAny("Hi", "Does", "hi", "exist") returns true.

      • IsNumber - returns number - Checks to see if the first argument is a number.  If it is not, the second argument is returned.  eg: SnapUtility.IsNumber("Dog", -1) returns -1.

      • CheckNumber

      • CompareDate - returns number - Checks to see how two dates compare.  If the first date is after the second date, the function will return a positive number.  If the second date is after the first one, the function will return a negative number.  If the dates are the same, the function will return 0.  If the arguments cannot be resolved to dates, the function returns NaN.  eg: SnapUtility.CompareDate('07/19/2013', '08/01/2013') returns -1.

      • IsCurrentDateBetween - returns boolean - Checks to see if the current date falls in a range (non-inclusive).  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBetween('01/01/2013', '01/01/3000') returns true.

      • IsCurrentDateAfter - returns boolean - Checks if the current date falls after a specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateAfter('01/01/2013') returns true.

      • IsCurrentDateBefore - returns boolean - Checks if the current date falls before a specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBefore('01/01/2013') returns false.

      • AddDaysToDate - returns Date - Adds a specified number of days to the specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.AddDaysToDate('01/01/2013', 9) returns '01/10/2013'.

    • If a dependant question is hidden (visibleFlag = 0) then the dependency rule is not evaluated and always returns false.

    • For the expression based rules, by placing “@” symbol before the question code in expression points the application to evaluate this question even if it is hidden. (@{studentsMaritalStatus})

    • If one of the dependant questions (in case of an expression based rule) is hidden then the whole expression will not be evaluated.

    • Because visibility / required flags are set on the Rule level it is possible to have one rule which sets something to hidden and another rule which sets something to visible in the same dependency.

      • For AND dependencies, the visibility / required flag of the last rule will be used

      • For OR dependencies, the visibility / reguired flag of the first triggered rule (rule with conditions met) will be used. 

  • If there are multiple Dependencies, each with its own set of Dependency Rules then the following evaluation process will take place:

    • All dependencies and its dependency rules are read from the database in the order they were added.

    • Application starts to evaluate dependency rules

    • Application checks the current rule’s dependant question’s status. If a dependant question is hidden then the rule is ignored.

    • In case of an expression based rule, application checks every question’s status that is met in the expression. If one of the questions is hidden and does not have status ignoring symbol then the whole expression is ignored.

Dependency Examples

  1. /wiki/spaces/SNAP/pages/8716538



Production). Smart forms can be designed using conditional logic to tailor each question to the individual completing the form. Document workflows can leverage the use of smart forms in managing the notification, submission, and review of an application.

Clients are not required to create, edit, or manage their own custom smart forms. Clients may continue to engage Regent for support in creating, editing, or updating any custom smart forms.


PLEASE NOTE the following important warnings and guidance regarding Smart Form Manager:

  • Clients must not make changes to any of Regent’s standard smart forms, including:

    • All Verification Worksheets

    • FERPA Authorizations

    • Thank You Note

    • Title IV Authorizations

    • MHEC Remain Drug Free

    • Any forms related to State Fund awarding

  • Clients must follow the procedures below when making changes to any existing customsmart form.

  • Clients should never create or edit smart forms directly in Production. Always create/edit and fully validate smart forms in a QA instance, then export and import/upload a successfully validated smart form to Production.

  • Clients should export smart forms drafted in a QA to prevent overwriting by scheduled or ad-hoc restores.

  • Any data clean-up efforts that are required as a result of client actions on smart forms may require a Statement of Work (SOW) with associated costs paid by the client.

Procedures for Updating Forms Using Smart Form Manager

  1. Create a CZ ticket to communicate updates to the form and provide a clear description of the changes being made.

  2. Make a copy of the form in Smart Form Manager and increment the Revision Number on the Information tab.

  3. After changes are made, export the Smart Form and attach the file to the ticket, including the revision number in the file name.

  4. After testing of changes, when the new version is imported into the Production environment, select ‘Invalidate Smart Forms with the same name.’

  5. If future changes to the form are requested from Regent, the latest revision of the form must be included in the ticket to ensure Regent is working from the correct version.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Once enabled on the backend by Regent, the Smart Form Manager is available in the Regent Tools menu for users with the Global Permission enabled for the assigned role to view and edit smart forms within the Smart Form Manager tool. This tool is designed to be used at the Enterprise level, but an Institution- or Campus-specific Smart Form can be created and associated to a document via Document Setup for one or more Institution or Campus.

To use the Smart Form Manager, a client must:

  1. Submit a Customer Zone Support ticket requesting Smart Form Manager and Admin Panel Tools be enabled on the backend by Regent

  2. Be on Regent Release or a subsequent Release.

  3. Update Global Permissions → Tools Permissions → Smart Form Manager for applicable user role(s).

  4. Ensure all Active (able to be used) and Inactive (not in use) smart forms are visible.

Accessing Smart Form Manager

To access the Smart Form Manager, go to Tools in the left navigation menu and click Smart Form Manager. The following options are available in the Smart Form Manager tab tree-view:

  • + Create Smart Form – Begin the creation of a new smart form

  • + Import Smart Form – Import/upload a smart form from one instance to another, e.g. QA to Production

  • → Active Smart Forms – Access an existing ‘Active' smart form. A smart form is considered ‘Active’ if today’s date falls within the effective Start Date and End Date defined on the Smart Form Information tab.

  • → Inactive Smart Forms – Access an existing ‘Inactive’ smart form. A smart form is considered ‘Inactive’ if today’s date does not fall within the effective Start and End Date defined on the Smart Form Information tab.


Creating (or Editing) a Smart Form

To create a new smart form from scratch, select the “Create Smart Form” option in the Smart Form Manager.


To copy an existing smart form as the starting point for a new smart form, select the existing smart form from the nested list under Active Smart Forms or Inactive Smart Forms and click the Copy tab. Complete the fields on the Copy tab to copy the selected smart form to the same QA instance. The newly created smart form will appear in the same destination (Active or Inactive Smart Forms) as the copied smart form. All data from the copied smart form will be applied to the new smart form, excluding dependencies or validators. Note: The user must update the Code field to a unique value.


To export an existing smart form as the starting point for a new smart form, select the existing smart form from the nested list under Active Smart Forms or Inactive Smart Forms and click the Export tab. The existing smart form will be exported as an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file to the user’s computer, which can subsequently be imported into another environment via the Import Smart Form in the treeview menu.


General Smart Form Setup

In the UI, the user will be presented with key data fields to be completed. Fields names indicated in red textare required. After the data on this screen is saved, other setup tabs for the smart form are presented and the form is available in either the Active Smart Forms or Inactive Smart Forms menu, depending on the Start Date and End Date values that were entered. Four tabs are used to setup the general information for the smart form:

  • Information tab

  • Document Persistence tab

  • Student Persistence tab

  • Parent/Spouse Persistence tab

Smart Form > Information tab

The Information tab provides basic smart form setup information. Once entered data on this screen is saved, other setup tabs for the smart form are presented and the form is available in either the Active Smart Forms or Inactive Smart Forms menu, depending on the effective dates.

titleInformation Tab Fields

Information Field Name



Field Type

Field Options



The text entered in this field is the smart form name displayed in the Smart Form Manager and the Query Tool in Regent. Note: This is not the smart form name displayed in the Student Portal.


Federal Award Year


All smart forms require a FAY selection. A FAY scope document configured is linked to the applicable smart form with the corresponding FAY selected here. If the document is configured as student scope, any FAY selection is acceptable.


  • 2010-2011 through 2049-2050

Start Date


The date entered here will be used as the effective start date for the smart form.

Calendar Date

End Date


The date entered here will be used as the effective end date for the smart form.

Calendar Date

Smart Form Type


The Smart Form Type selected is used to link the smart form to the document in Document Setup.


  • Use Smart Form Code

  • Lists all existing Smart Form Types



The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the smart form in the Smart Form Manager and Query Tool.


Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces

Revision Number


This field allows users to track different versions of a Smart Form when changes are made.


Make Regent Data Available

Demographic Information


When this option is selected, the Demographic Information saved in Regent is made available to the smart form.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

ISIR Information


When this is selected, the ISIR Information saved in Regent is made available to the smart form.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Student Portal Authorizations


When this is selected, the Student Portal Authorizations saved in Regent is made available to the smart form.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

UDF Information


When this is selected, User Defined Field information saved in Regent is made available to the smart form.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Regent Access


When this is selected, the Regent Access configured state code saved in Regen is made available to the smart form.

Note: This is only applicable to clients that have a Regent Access license.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Fund Information


When this is selected, the Fund Name and Donor Name are made available to the smart form.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Additional Information and Advanced Settings

Smart Form Id

A system-generated ID that is created and associated when creating a new smart form.

Textbox (Read-only)

Created At

The date on which a new smart form was created.

Textbox (Read-only)

Modified At

The last date on which a smart form was modified.

Textbox (Read-only)

Smart Form > Document Persistence tab


Clients must use caution when adding document persistence for documents that are configured to ‘Block Packaging’ or ‘Block Disbursements’. If persistence is inaccurate, funds may not be packaged and/or disbursed as expected.

Persistence is the automated creation or assignment of defined data within Regent. Document Persistence allows users to create rules using regular expressions to add or update a document requirement in Regent (see Persisted document requirements are added and updated upon the completion of the smart form, including signature(s). The document requirement is only added or updated if the expression results are true. For example, if a student selects the response, ‘I was married at the time of FAFSA completion but am no longer married’ to a smart form question, Document Persistence can be created to add a Divorce Decree document requirement with a status of ‘Needed’ to collect the additional documentation required based on the student response.

Document Setup must be considered when adding Document Persistence. For example, if a document is configured to ‘Enforce Scope Uniqueness’, a new document will not be added if the document already exists; however, the status of an existing document can be updated via Document Persistence. Alternatively, if documents are configured to be added automatically via another process (e.g. ISIR Import), the Document Persistence can be used to update the Document Status on an existing document(s). For example, Document A is a document requirement assigned by ISIR Import with an initial status of “Needed”. The student completes and signs Smart Form Z, which has Document Persistence defined to update the status of Document A from “Needed” to “Waived”.


titleDocument Requirement Persistence Fields

Document Persistence Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Document Name


This value is the name of the document configured in Regent to update or create based on the persistence logic. When configuring Document Persistence, the ‘Name’ must match the name of the document configured in Document Setup.

Use caution when Document Names have special characters such as an apostrophe or dash that it is using the identical Document Name and has not been updated by the editor. If no match is found to an existing Document Name configured when executing the Document Persistence expression, an error message is displayed, ‘Document name of <Document Name> is not found'.




This is the scope value associated with the document requirement to update or create.


  • Student

  • Federal Award Year

  • Student and Reason

  • Federal Award Year and Reason

Note: Payment Period and Academic Year scopes are not available options.

Default Status


This is the status value the document requirement is set to upon the completion of the smart form.

Although required, this status is only used when the smart form is not configured for electronic signatures or when the paper signature option is selected.


Activity Log Entry Status


This is the value for the
Activity Log Entry in Regent logging status changes and new document requirements.


Esigned Status


This is the status value the document requirement is set to upon the completion of the smart form.

Although required, this status is only used when the smart form is configured for electronic signatures.


Condition Expression


A Boolean expression is defined using logical operator such as, AND (&&) and OR (||), which can be used in combination with built-in expressions (see Shortkeys and Helper Functions under the Expressions section for additional information) to result in a ‘true’ or ‘false’. Question responses are wrapped in braces {curly brackets} within the expression.

If an expression does not result in a ‘true’ or 'false', syntax errors are present and the expression is considered invalid. Document Persistence is ignored when an invalid expression exists.


Create on No Match


If checked, the Document Persistence will be created in Regent even if the smart form document can not be found for the specified create statuses. The document will be created based on the "Attachment Type" field selection.


  • Selected

  • Unselected (Default)

For Transfer


This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.


  • Selected

  • Unselected (Default)

REM Linked Document


If checked, Document Persistence associates the document being created or updated to a document configured in Regent Award (Regent Enterprise Management = REM).

An unchecked REM Linked Document field is legacy code that is no longer supported.


  • Selected (Default)

  • Unselected

Document Reason


If added, the Document Reason, which is defined as an expression, will be added to the ‘reason’ field on the associated Document Requirement when creating or updating the document in Regent.


Update Statuses


A Document Requirement is updated in Regent to the Default Status or Esigned Status if a Document Requirement in Regent has one of the statuses listed in this column upon completion of the Smart Form.

Drag-and-Drop, Multi-selection

  • Selected Document Statuses from the Available Statuses Column

Available Statuses


The list of available document requirement statuses to select the ‘update’ or ‘create’ statuses from.

Drag-and-Drop, Multi- selection

Create Statuses


A Document Requirement is created in Regent if a Document Requirement does not exist with one of the statuses listed in this column upon completion of the Smart Form.

Drag-and-Drop, Multi- selection

  • Selected Document Statuses from the Available Statuses Column

Additional Information & Advanced Settings

File Name


This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.


Template Name


This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.


Attachment Type

This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.


  • Pdf Template


Smart Form > Student Persistence tab

Student Persistence updates the Student Details tab > Student Portal Authorization fields in Regent based on the smart form question response(s). Student Persistence is added and updated upon the completion of the smart form, including all required signature(s).

titleStudent Persistence Fields

Student Persistence Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Credit Balance Option


This field is associated to the Portal Credit Balance Option in Regent and the smart form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the smart form

Hold Excess Title4


This field is associated to the Hold Excess Title IV in Regent and the smart form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the smart form

Pay Prior Year Minor Charges


This field is associated to the Pay Prior Year Minor Charges in Regent and the smart form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field..


  • All question codes in sequential order within the smart form

Pay Non Institutional Charges


This field is associated to the Pay Non-Institutional Charges in Regent and the smart form response from the question code selected is persisted to the associated field.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the smart form

Smart Form > Parent/Spouse Persistence tab

Parent/Spouse Persistence updates the Student Details tab > Parent/Spouse Reference Information fieldsin Regent based on the smart form question response(s). Parent/Spouse Persistence is added and updated upon the completion of the smart form, including all required signature(s).

titleStudent Persistence Fields

Parent/Spouse Persistence Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Contact Type


Upon the completion of the smart form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Contact Type field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the SSN field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

First Name


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the First Name field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Birth Date


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Date of Birth field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Middle Name


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Middle Name field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Citizenship Status


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Citizenship Status field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Last Name


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Last Name field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the FERPA field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Manual plus borrower


This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Note field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information section on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Phone Info



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Phone Type field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Phone Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Source Type


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Source Type field (not editable) in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Phone Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Number field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Phone Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Email Info



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Email Type field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Email Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Source Type


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Source Type field (not editable) in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Email Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Email Address field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Email Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Address Info



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Address Type field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Source Type


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Source Type field (not editable) in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Line 1


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Line 1 field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Line 2


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Line 2 field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the City field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Zip Code


Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the Postal Code field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form



Upon the completion of the Smart Form, the question response for the question code selected here is persisted to the State field in the Parent/Spouse Reference Information → Address Details on the Student Details screen in Regent.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form


A smart form is comprised of Sections, which are comprised of Groups, which are comprised of Questions.



In the Student Experience portal, each smart form Section will be listed in the menu for the smart form. Sections are presented in order based on the number entered in the Section > Sort Order field.

Two tabs are used to setup Sections in the Smart Form Manager:

  • Information

  • Dependencies


Section > Information Tab

The Information tab provides basic setup information for the smart form Section, including Section Name and Sort Order.

titleSection Fields

Section Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Template Engine


If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see


  • Static

  • Velocity

Section Name


The text entered in this field is displayed in the smart form menu in the Student Portal as the Menu Section Name.




The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Section in the Smart Form Manager.


Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces

Sort Order


The number entered here will be used to sort Sections in the smart form from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.

Numeric box



If selected, the Section will be visible by default. If unselected, the Section will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Section from its initial default state.


Additional Information & Advanced Settings

Section Id

A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new section.

Textbox (Read-only)

Created At

This is the date upon which a new section is created.

Textbox (Read-only)

Modified At

This is the last date upon which a section was modified.

Textbox (Read-only)

Section Title


The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the smart Form page.


Section Information


The text entered in this field is displayed at the top of the smart form page beneath the Section Title, if configured

Text Area

Parent Information


The selection(s) in this section can be used as an identifier or in validation and dependency logic in the smart form.


  • Selected

  • Unselected (Default)

Section > Dependencies tab

Dependencies determine when a section will be presented within the smart form based on defined rules. Dependencies can be applied at the Section, Group, and Question level. See Dependencies section below for more information.


Groups are used within each section to categorize questions. Each group is comprised of one or more questions. All questions contained within a group are organized beneath the Group name defined and displayed within each section. Groups display in the smart form in order based on the number entered in the Group Sort Order field.

Two tabs are used to set up Groups in the Smart Form Manager:

  • Information

  • Dependencies


Group > Information tab

The Information tab provides basic setup information for the smart form Group, including Group Name and Sort Order.

titleGroup Fields

Group Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Template Engine


If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see


  • Static (Default)

  • Velocity

Group Name


The text entered in this field is displayed as a Group Title for a set of one or more questions within the smart form in the Student Portal. Group Names should be unique within the smart form.


Group Instructions


The text entered here is displayed as instructional messaging for the questions within the group.




The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Group in the Smart Form Manager.


Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces

Sort Order


The number entered here will be used to sort Groups within the Section from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.




If selected, the Group will be visible by default. If unselected, the Group will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Group from its initial default state.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Page Index


Groups can be displayed on different pages within each Section. The number entered here will be used to determine which page the Group is displayed on.


Groups Additional Information & Advanced Settings

Group Id

A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new group.

Created At

This is the date upon which a new group is created.

Modified At

This is the last date upon which a group was modified.

Group > Dependencies tab

Dependencies determine when a group will be presented within the form based on set rules. Dependencies can be applied at Section, Group, and Question level. See Dependencies section below for more information.


Questions are displayed within each group. Each group is comprised of one or more questions. All questions contained within a group are organized beneath the group name defined and displayed within each section. Questions display in the smart form in order based on the number entered in the Question Sort Order field.

Four tabs are used to set up Questions in the Smart Form Manager:

  • Information

  • Dependencies

  • Validators

  • Options


Question > Information tab

The Information tab provides basic setup information for the smart form question, including Question Name and Sort Order.

titleQuestion Fields

Question Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Field Type


The selection here will be used to determine the question selection type.


  • Textbox

  • Dropdown

  • RadioButton

  • Date

  • SSN

  • Autosize Dropdown

  • MMDDYYYY Dropdown

  • HyperlinkButton

  • Text Only

  • MMYYYY Dropdown Date

  • Text Area

  • Checkbox

  • Currency - Whole Dollar

  • Phone

Data Type


The Data Type entered here will determine how the value is saved in the database and if the question is queryable, the available operators in the Regent Query Tool.


  • Text

  • Amount

  • Long Date (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY)

  • Short Date (e.g. MM/YYYY)

  • Number

Make Queryable


When this field is set to ‘Yes’, the question is made available as an option in the Regent Query Tool. If this field is set to ‘No’, the question will not be available as an option.


  • Yes

  • No

Template Engine


If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see


Document Requirement Persistence

  1. Condition (expression) -> an optional javascript expression, similar to dependency / complex validator expressions which can be set. If it's set, the doc req will only attempt to persist if the expression results in true. Will handle {questionCode} formatting. No special logic for whether questions are hidden, visible, etc.

Will handle {questionCode} formatting.


Example 1
  1. Student starts a Verification Worksheet smart form application.

  2. Student indicates No, I have already filed a tax return SNAP smart form questionnaire.

  3. Student completes and signs their Verification Worksheet.

  4. A 2015 Student Filing Extension Granted by the IRS document requirement is created for the student.

  5. Student starts a Verification Worksheet - Change smart form application.

  6. Student indicates No, I have already filed a tax return.

  7. Student completes and signs their Verification Worksheet.

  8. A 2015 Student Filing Extension Granted by the IRS document requirement does not get created for the student.

Example 2


  1. Verification Worksheet for FAY

    1. W-2 document, scope uniqueness is turned off in REM

    2. Student selects "Will Not File"

    3. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 1 and provides information for Employer 1

    4. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 2 and provides information for Employer 2


  1. Student completes and signs the Verification Worksheet - Change smart form for same FAY

    1. Student selects "Will Note File"

    2. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 1 and provides information for Employer 1 (Employer A)

    3. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 2 and provides information for Employer 2 (Employer B)

    4. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 3 and provides information for Employer 3 (Employer C)


  1. A new, needed, W-2 document is created in REM, with the reason set to the name of Employer 3 (Employer C)

Example 3


  1. Verification Worksheet for FAY

    1. W-2 document, scope uniqueness is turned off in REM

    2. Student selects "Will Not File"

    3. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 1 and provides information for Employer 1 (Employer A)

    4. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 2 and provides information for Employer 2 (Employer B)


  1. Student completes and signs the Verification Worksheet - Change smart form for same FAY

    1. Student selects "Will Note File"

    2. Student updates the information for Employer 1 to Employer B

    3. Student updates the information for Employer 2 to Employer C

    4. Student deletes the information for Employer 3


  1. The W-2 for Employer A is waived

  2. The W-2 for Employer B remains unchanged

  3. The W-2 for Employer C is created with a needed status

Example 4


  1. Verification Worksheet for FAY

    1. W-2 document, scope uniqueness is turned off in REM

    2. Student selects "Will Not File"

    3. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 1 and provides information for Employer 1 (Employer A)

    4. Student indicates that they received a W-2 from Employer 2 and provides information for Employer 2 (Employer B)


  1. User changes W-2 for Employer A to satisfied in REM

  2. Student completes and signs the Verification Worksheet - Change smart form for same FAY

    1. Student selects "Will Note File"

    2. Student updates the information for Employer 1 to Employer B

    3. Student updates the information for Employer 2 to Employer C

    4. Student deletes the information for Employer 3

    5. REM


  1. The W-2 for Employer A is unchanged

  2. The W-2 for Employer B remains unchanged

  3. The W-2 for Employer C is created with a needed status

Technical Details

  1. Condition (expression) -> an optional javascript expression, similar to dependency / complex validator expressions which can be set. If it's set, the doc req will only attempt to persist if the expression results in true. Will handle {questionCode} formatting. No special logic for whether questions are hidden, visible, etc.

  2. Match configuration - Capability to create, update, or do nothing if a matched document for the student already exists based on the existing doc requirement status. User can select multiple statuses for update vs create. Status selection will be mutually exclusive (a doc status can only exist in one of the following items):

  3. Update On Match Statuses: (selected document statuses)

  4. Create On Match Statuses: (selected document statuses)

  5. Otherwise ignore

  6. Can configure to create the document if there is no match



  9. Status doc will be saved as if the questionnaire is not an esign questionnaire, or it is an esign questionnaire but user did not esign (they paper signed instead)


  11. Document will be created or updated with this status if it's an ESIGN questionnaire and the user did choose to E-sign

  12. FEDERALAWARDYEAR will be set to Federal Award Year of questionnaire

  13. Supported entry types: AddressRelated, AwardRelated, AuditRelated, COARelated, CODRelated, DisbursementRelated, DocumentRelated, EnrollmentRelated, ISIRRelated, NeedRelated, PLUSRelated, PJRelated, QARelated, ResourceRelated, R2T4Related, SAPRelated, SBLLoad, ServiceRelated, VerificationRelated, CommunicationRelated, Other, ESTRelated, WorkStudyRelated

  14. Attachment Type: None, PdfTemplate, FAFSA

  15. None - no attachment stored in REM

  16. PdfTemplate - Indicates a PDF attachment will be created based on the value of Attachment Template

  17. FAFSA - The standard Dept. Of Ed. FAFSA (that matches fed award year of questionnaire) will be pre-populated from the SNAP questionnaire.

10. Attachment File Name: string of file name as stored in REM

11. Attachment Template - string field which will take a named velocity template. Note - this velocity template MUST exist in the theme the questionnaire is processed with, otherwise an "Template 'templatename' does not exist." error will be thrown at time of application processing.

  1. Notes about fields which are not configurable

  2. Letter correspondence date -> ignored by snap

  3. Email correspondence date -> ignored by snap

  4. Activity Source Type - STUDENTACTION always used

  5. Message - will use the message as set up in REM document setup

  6. Reason - will use the reason as set up in REM document setup

  7. Received Date - Will rely on REM services automatically setting to current datetime if existing received date is null (or we are creating doc) and status is RECEIVED or SATISFIED

  8. Reviewed Date - Will rely on REM services automatically setting to current datetime if existing reviewed date is null (or we are creating doc) and status is SATISFIED

  9. This configuration will be included in when a questionnaire is copied, exported, or imported.

  10. EFAFSA:

  11. Will persist as the current EnableEFAFSAPersistence configuration setting dictates (which can be scoped for the whole snap instance, or scoped to questionnaire which takes precedence)

  12. Student demographic fields: These will be handled in another JIRA issue to facilitate testing

  13. Management screens in SNAP admin pages (Persistence link/button on questionnaire detail page).

Related Tickets

SNAP-2899 - SNAP questionnaires can be configured to persist document requirements to REM upon app completion




  • Static (Default)

  • Velocity



The text entered in this field is displayed as the question text in the smart form.


Help Text


The text entered here will display as help text beneath the question in the smart form.




The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the question in the Smart Form Manager.


Allows alpha-numeric characters without spaces

Sort Order


The number entered here will be used to sort questions within the Group from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.


Pre-populate Question Response from


If ‘Prior Smart Form’ is selected, the question response is pre-populated from the most recently completed smart form with the same smart form Type, regardless of the FAY scope. If ‘Prior Smart Form with same FAY’ is selected, the question response is pre-populated from the most recently completed smart form with the same Smart Form Type and the same FAY scope. If ‘None’ is selected, the question response presented in the smart form is not pre-populated.


  • None (Default)

  • Prior Smart Form

  • Prior Smart Form with same FAY

Default Question Response


The text or input value entered here will be used to pre-populate the response for the question in the smart form based on predefined Regent data or one of the available options.


Maximum Number of Characters Allowed in Response


The number entered here will be used to as the limit for the number of characters allowed in the user response for this question when completing the smart form.


Maximum Characters: 10



When this field is selected, the question requires a response in the smart form. If selected, this question is always displayed if the section and group are displayed and takes precedence over the ‘visible’ setting for the question. If dependency logic is desired for the question, the ‘visible’ setting should be used to display or hide the question from its initial default state.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)



If selected, the Question will be visible by default. If unselected, the Question will not be visible by default. Dependency logic can be used to display or hide the Question from its initial default state.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Read Only


When this selection is selected, no question options will be required or available.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Additional Information and Advanced Settings

Question Id

A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new question.

Created At

This is the date upon which a new question is created.

Modified At

This is the last date upon which a question was modified.

Reset Response if Hidden


When this field is selected, the question response will revert back to the original default response value (e.g. blank, unselected) if the question is subsequently hidden due to smart logic. For example, if a user answers ‘Yes’ to this question then changes a prior question that forces this question to no longer display, the response value is then reverted back to the original default response value.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Reset Response if Restarted


When this field is selected, the question response will revert back to the original default response value (e.g. blank, unselected) if the question is subsequently displayed after being hidden due to smart logic.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Auto Capitalize


When this field is selected, the response will be user response in the smart form is automatically updated to all capital letters.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

Options Expression


This field allows an expression to be provided by the user when to display an option under the defined conditions. Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is true or false.




This is a legacy setting and is no longer used.


  • Selected

  • Not Selected (Default)

titleOption Fields

Option Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Template Engine


If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided. If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see


  • Static

  • Velocity

Option Text


The text entered here displays as the option choice in the Smart Form (e.g. Yes, I am 18 years of age or older. No, I am not 18 years of age or older.


Option Value


The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Option response for a completed Smart Form. This value is also used when writing expressions for Dependencies, Validation, and Document Persistence or when using Velocity templating language.


Sort Order


The number entered here will be used to sort question options within the Field Type (e.g. dropdown) from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.


Additional Information & Advanced Settings

Visible Expression


This field allows an expression to be provided by the user when to make an option visible under the defined conditions. Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is true or false.


Program Types


This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used.


Program Years


This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used.


Question > Dependencies tab

Dependencies determine when a question will be presented within the form based on set rules. Dependencies can be applied at Section, Group, and Question level. See Dependencies section below for more information.

Question > Validators tab

A validator can be created to prevent students from entering an invalid response for the question in the smart form, and display messaging to the user to indicate a valid response.


titleValidator Fields

Validator Field Name



Field Type

Field Options



The selection here allows different types of validation logic to be entered. If the validation results in ‘true’ or ‘false’. Additional fields may be presented based on the option selected.


  • Compare Validator

  • Range Validator

  • Regular Expression Validator

  • Complex Validator

  • Expression Based

Error Message


The text entered here will be displayed in the smart form if the validation fails.


Data Type


The value here determines allowable data that may be entered.


  • None (default)

  • Date

  • Integer

  • Currency

Additional Information & Advanced Settings

Validator Id

A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new validator.

Created At

This is the date upon which the validator was created.

Modified At

This is the last date upon which the validator was modified.

Display Type

If None is selected,

If Static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided.

If Dynamic is selected,


  • None

  • Dynamic

  • Static (default)

Question > Options tab

Options can be created to define the available answers to a question.


titleOption Fields

Option Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Template Engine


If static is selected, the field content is displayed in the same manner provided.

If velocity is selected, a velocity templating engine is used that will allow for dynamic logic and display (see


  • Static

  • Velocity

Option Text


The text entered here displays as the option choice in the Smart Form (e.g. Yes, I am 18 years of age or older. No, I am not 18 years of age or older.


Option Value


The text entered here will be used as a short name to identify the Option response for a completed smart form. This value is also used when writing expressions for Dependencies, Validation, and Document Persistence or when using Velocity templating language.


Sort Order


The number entered here will be used to sort question options within the Field Type (e.g. dropdown) from the lowest Sort Order to the highest Sort Order.


Additional Information and Advanced Settings

Visible Expression


This field allows an expression to be provided by the user when to make an option visible under the defined conditions. Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is true or false.


Program Types


This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used.


Program Years


This is legacy shortcut that is no longer used.



Smart forms can be designed to use conditional logic to tailor each  Question to an individual applicant and minimize the number of Questions an applicant is required to answer by using Dependency logic. Dependencies use dynamic logic for Sections, Groups, and Questions to make visible or hide based on responses to Questions within the smart form. Dependencies also control whether a Question is required when made visible or not. For example, a Dependency can be created to hide a Question, make a Question visible and required, or make a Question visible and optional (not required).

A Section, Group, or Question can have one or more Dependency groups. Each Dependency group is comprised of one or more Dependency rules. Each Dependency group uses a selected Operator Type of ‘AND’ or ‘OR' when evaluating if the Dependency rule(s) are 'true’.

If there are multiple Dependencies with Dependency Rules the dependency logic first evaluates each Dependency Group and the associated Dependency Rules in chronological order based on the 'Created At' date. Then the dependency logic evaluates each dependency rule if the related Dependent Question is displayed to determine if it is ‘true’ or 'false'. Dependency rules are ignored if the related Dependent Question is hidden.

Dependency Groups can have multiple Dependency Rules with a different visibility or required field set for each. The individual rules have configurable options for visible and required. When different rules in the same Dependency Group have different visible and required options, the first rule that is evaluated will be honored, and all subsequent rules in the Dependency Group will be ignored. In the event of multiple Dependency Rules, a Dependency Group Type of ‘AND’ evaluates if all Dependency Rules are ‘true’ and makes the visible and required determination off of the last Dependency Rule evaluated to make the Dependency Group ‘true’. A Dependency Group Type of ‘OR’ evaluates if at least one Dependency Rule is ‘true’ and makes the visible and required determination off of the first Dependency Rule where the conditions are ‘true’.

Question-based Dependency


Expression-based Dependency


titleDependency Group Fields

Dependency Group Field Name



Field Type

Field Options



This field can be used to describe the logic of what the rules are intended to accomplish. For example, a Dependency Group Description may be called, ‘Student is Not Married' while the Dependency Rule(s) are made up of all non-married marital statuses.




This field determines the operator type that is used to evaluate the dependency rules. The ‘And’ operator type is used to determine if all Dependency Rules within the Dependency Group are ‘true’. The ‘Or’ operator type is used to determine if one or more Dependency Rules within the Dependency Group are ‘true’.


  • And

  • Or

titleDependency Rule Fields

Dependency Rule Field Name



Field Type

Field Options

Rule Type


A Question Based rule allows a user to select the Dependent Question from a dropdown with the applicable question response while an Expression Based rule allows a user to create a Boolean Expression which results in ‘true’ or ‘false’.


  • Question Based

  • Expression Based

Dependent Question


The Smart Form Question selected here is used as part of the dependency logic determination.

This field only displays when the Rule Type = Question Based.


  • All question codes in sequential order within the Smart Form

Question Option


The Smart Form question response selected here is used as part of the dependency logic determination.

This field only displays when the Rule Type = Question Based.


  • All question options configured in sequential order for the selected Question.



A Boolean Expression is built using JavaScript language to apply logical and mathematical operations for one or more Smart Form question(s) and response(s) as part of the dependency logic determination.

This field only displays when the Rule Type = Expression Based.


Comparison Operator


The operator selected here is used as the relationship between the Dependent Question and the Question Option.

For example, a Dependent Question = ‘Are you married?’ and the Question Option = ‘Yes'. If using an equals (=) operator, the dependency logic would be, if Married question = Yes, dependency rule is ‘true’ and will be applied.

This field only displays when the Rule Type = Question Based.


  • =

  • <>

  • <

  • <=

  • >

  • >=



A selection here will make the Section, Group, or Question required if it is made visible. If unselected and the Section, Group, or Question is made visible but optional (not required).




A selection here will make the Section, Group, or Question visible. If unselected, the Section, Group, or Question will not be visible.


Additional Information and Advanced Settings

Rule Id

A system-generated ID is created and associated when creating a new rule.

Created At

This is the date upon which a new rule is created.

Modified At

This is the last date upon which a rule was modified.


Expressions use JavaScript language (see to perform logical and mathematical operations to determine if the expression is valid. If an expression does not result in a ‘true’ or false', syntax errors are present and the expression is considered invalid. Document Persistence is ignored when an Invalid expression exists.

Document Persistence and Validators use Boolean expressions to create a ‘true’ or ‘false’ statement. A Boolean expression is defined using logical operator such as, AND (&&) and OR (||), which can be used in combination with built-in expressions (see Shortkeys and Helper Functions in this section for additional information), to result in a ‘true’ or ‘false’. Question responses are wrapped in braces (curly brackets) within the expression; the question code is in curly braces.

The SnapUtility.ReasonEqualToAny is a special function that cannot be used in combination with other expressions and will perform the requested action on existing student documents where the document reason matches any of the values provided to the function.

For the expression-based rules, if one of the dependent questions is hidden. then the whole expression will not be evaluated. However, including“@” before the question code in the expression will allow the smart form to evaluate the question even if it is hidden. Example: (@{studentsMaritalStatus})


Shortcut Name


  • {fay}

Automatically inserts the Federal Award Year of the smart form (e.g. 2024-2025).

  • {YearDescription}

This is the smart form Name

Note: This is a legacy field that was used when all smart forms were FAY scope but is still available for use.

  • {YearCode}

This returns a special int essentially (max year of FAY)-2020. So for 2023-2024 FAY, the year code would be 4.

  • {InstitutionExternalId}

This returns the Institution External ID from Regent

  • {LocationName}

This is a legacy shortcut that is no longer used.

  • {LocationExternalId}

This is a legacy shortcut that is no longer used.

  • {CampusName}

This returns the Campus Name from Regent

  • {CampusExternalId}

This returns the Campus External ID from Regent

  • {SiteName}

This returns the Site Name from Regent

  • {SiteExternalId}

This returns the Site External ID from Regent

  • {ProgramName}

This returns the Program Name from Regent

  • {ProgramExternalId}

This returns the Program External ID from Regent

  • {ProgramType}

This returns the Program Type from Regent

  • {sectionCode}

This returns the Section Code from Regent

  • {groupCode}

This returns the Campus ID from Regent

  • {questionCode}

Question values are referenced by using the following notation {questionCode}

titleHelper Functions

Helper Functions


  • UpperCase

  • Returns string

  • Converts the argument to UPPER CASE.

  • Example: SnapUtility.UpperCase("yes") returns "YES”

  • Trim

  • Returns string

  • Removes leading and trailing whitespace.

  • Example: SnapUtility.Trim("   Hello   ") returns "Hello"

  • EqualOfAny

  • Returns boolean

  • Performs TrimUpper and checks if the first argument is in the list of remaining arguments Note: This function is case insensitive.

  • Example: SnapUtility.EqualOfAny("Hi", "Does", "hi", "exist") returns true.

  • IsNumber

  • Returns number

  • Check to see if the first argument is a number. If it is not, the second argument is returned.  

  • Example: SnapUtility.IsNumber("Dog", -1) returns -1

  • CheckNumber

  • Returns number

  • Check to see if the first argument is a number. If it is not, the second argument is returned.  

  • Example: SnapUtility.IsNumber("Dog", -1) returns -1

  • CompareDate

  • Returns number

  • Check to see how the two dates compare.  If the first date is after the second date, the function will return a positive number.  If the second date is after the first one, the function will return a negative number.  If the dates are the same, the function will return 0.  If the arguments cannot be resolved to dates, the function returns NaN.  eg: SnapUtility.CompareDate('07/19/2013', '08/01/2013') returns -1.

  • IsCurrentDateBetween

  • returns boolean - Checks to see if the current date falls in a range (non-inclusive).  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBetween('01/01/2013', '01/01/3000') returns true.

  • IsCurrentDateBefore

  • returns boolean - Checks if the current date falls before a specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.IsCurrentDateBefore('01/01/2013') returns false.

  • AddDaysToDate

  • - returns Date - Adds a specified number of days to the specified date.  eg: SnapUtility.AddDaysToDate('01/01/2013', 9) returns '01/10/2013'.

titleChange Log


Desription of Change



  • Added new ‘Make Queryable’ field

  • Updated helptext for Data Type field

  • Separated the ‘Date’ Data Type into two:

    • Long Date

    • Short Date


  • Added Revision Number


Added procedures for using Smart Form Manager

Heather Smith