Scope: This reconciliation will be performed for the Student's Current Active Program against the current list of active programs. This is a configuration-level reconciliation. No student data is compared.
Display Name | Column Name in CSV | Required/Optional |
External Program Id | externalProgramId | required |
Program Name | programName | required |
Program Completion Units | programCompletionUnits | required |
2) Student Record Data
Scope: This reconciliation will be performed for the Student's First Academic Year in Regent Award. Both new and continuing students should be in the export of data delivered by the School.
Display Name | Column Name in CSV | Required/Optional | Notes |
Student ExternalID1 | externalId1 | required | |
Student Last Name | lastName | optional | |
Program Name | programName | optional | |
Program External Id | programExternalId | required | |
Program Completion Units | programCompletionUnits | optional | |
Program Units Override | programUnitsOverride | optional | This column represents the number of units completed towards the program |
Grade Level | gradeLevel | optional | This column is for the First Enrolled Payment Period |
Enrollment Level Type Code | enrollmentLevelTypeCode | optional |
Possible Data Values: FullTime, ThreeQuarterTime, HalfTime, LessThanHalfTime, None |
Dependency Status | dependencyStatus | optional | This column is for the First Enrolled Payment Period Possible Data Values: Independent, DependentThis column is for the First Enrolled Payment Period |
Academic Year | academicYear | optional | This is the year for AY1. Example: 2020 |
Academic Year Start Date | academicYearStartDate | optional | This is AY1 only |
Academic Year End Date | academicYearEndDate | optional | This is AY1 only |
3) Course Data
Scope: This reconciliation will be performed for courses with the Student's Current Active Program.
Note: Additional analysis will be performed by existing reconciliation scripts Regent has for SBL Course Data.
Display Name | Column Name in CSV | Required/Optional | Notes |
Student ExternalID1 | externalId1 | required | |
Program External Id | programExternalId | required | |
Term External Id | termExternalId | *required | *Required for term-based courses only |
External Course Identifier | externalCourseIdentifier | required | |
Course Start Date | courseStartDate | required | |
Course End Date | courseEndDate | required | |
Registered Units | registeredUnits | required | |
Completed | completed | optional | |
Counts Toward Progression | countsTowardProgression | required | Possible Data Values: true, false |
Quality Points | qualityPoints | optional | |
Transfer | transfer | optional | Possible Data Values: internal, external, blank |
Enrolled Date | enrolledDate | required | |
Withdrawal Date | withdrawalDate | optional | |
Program Applicable | programApplicable | required | Possible Data Values: true, false |
4) Cost​ Data
Scope: This reconciliation will be performed for the Student's AY1. You may break this into groupings, by Student-AY-PaymentPeriod or simply Student-AY.
Student External Id 1 | externalId1 | required | |
Student Last Name | studentLastName | optional | |
Dependency Statuses | dependencyStatuses | optional | |
Program External Id | programExternalId | required | |
Program Name | programName | optional | |
Academic Year (AY1) | academicYearAY1 | required | |
Academic Year Start Date | academicYearStartDate | required | |
Academic Year End Date | academicYearEndDate | required | |
Tuition Category | tuitionCategory | required | Examples: 'Tuition Tier 1', 'Standard Tuition' |
Tuition Amount | tuitionAmount | required | |
Room and Board Category | roomAndBoardCategory | optional | |
Room and Board Amount | RoomandBoardAmount | *required | Only required when roomAndBoardCategory is provided |
Personal Expenses Category | personalExpensesCategory | optional | |
Personal Expenses Amount | personalExpensesAmount | *required | Only required when personalExpensesCategory is provided |
Bank Fees | feesAmount | required | |
Other Expenses Category 1 | otherExpensesCategory1 | optional | |
Other Expenses Amount 1 | booksAmount | *required | Only required when otherExpensesCategory1 is provided |
Other Expenses Category 2 | otherExpensesCategory2 | optional | |
Other Expenses Amount 2 | transportationAmount | *required | Only required when otherExpensesCategory2 is provided |
Other Expenses Category 3 | otherExpensesCategory3 | optional | |
Other Expenses Amount 3 | roomandBoardAmountwithParent | *required | Only required when otherExpensesCategory3 is provided |
Other Expenses Category 4 | otherExpensesCategory4 | optional | |
Other Expenses Amount 4 | totalCostAmount | *required | Only required when otherExpensesCategory4 is provided |
Other Expenses Category 5 | otherExpensesCategory5 | optional | |
Other Expenses Amount 5 | otherExpensesAmount | *required | Only required when otherExpensesCategory5 is provided |
5) Export Student Transaction (EST)