Accessing the Export Process
Users must have a user Role with with the permission enabled:
Global Permissions → Process Permissions → Export Processes, Export Gainful Employment FVT
To initiate the exports:
Processes → Exports → Export Process
For Process Type, select Export GE-FVT Data
Selection Options
Required Selections
Schools may select specific Enterprises, Institutions, Campuses, and Sites.
The default selection is "All"
Unlike similar selection options that use a student’s current information (e.g. a student’s current Site), the exports look for previous enrolled Payment Periods (PPs) in the selected FAYs. The exports then pull the Regent data for the programs and FAYs linked to those PPs. A student was “enrolled” in a program and FAY if the student had any payment period in that program for the selected FAY, and that PP also had attendance and/or had a paid disbursement for the PP. If a student did not post any attendance and did not have any paid disbursements for a PP, that PP is not considered “enrolled” for these exports.
Select the FAY(s) to export. Recommendation - Confirm data needs with your external analytics partner. Reporting might need to use a single FAY at a time.
Optional Selections
Schools may additionally customize the output data.
Identify Gainful Employment Programs
By default, all Regent programs are reported as "Gainful Employment" (GE) programs. GE programs will have a "Y" indicator for the Gainful Employment flag in the output.
If some programs would not qualify as Gainful Employment, schools may unselect the checkbox for 'Select All Programs" and remove those non-GE programs. Those programs will not be flagged as "Y" for their Gainful Employment Indicator field.
Regent's export still produces the same data and same totals for GE non-GE programs. The GE flag allows schools to easily identify non-GE programs that may need additional analysis.
Recommendation - Schools should confirm their approach to reporting non-GE data with their external analytics partners. Schools may need additional analysis to consolidate data from non-GE programs at the same level.
Identify Reportable Funds
By default, all funds are reported according to the funds' normal categories. If some Regent funds should not be reported, clients may identify those funds as "Non-Reportable Funds." For example, a school might choose to identify certain Veterans Affairs benefit programs as non-reportable. If any funds are designated as "Non-Reportable," those funds will still be exported, for completeness. However, Non-Reportable Funds will be categorized separately in the output data.
Identify Tribal Funds
By default, all Regent funds are included as Non-Tribal Funds. Regent does not currently have a Fund Setup configuration for designating a fund as being a Tribal Fund.
Schools may optionally identify any Tribal Funds. Any identified Tribal Funds will be reported in separate categories in the output. Note, a fund may not be categorized as both Non-Reportable and a Tribal Fund.
Export and Saved Parameters
Schools may save the export parameters as a Saved Parameter Set. See Saving Process Parameter Sets
Output Data
Downloading Data Files
Schools may download the two output data files from the Process Log entry for 'Export GE-FVT Data.' Due to the nature of the exports, the Process Log, Students tab is not populated on the Process Log.
Each file's name indicates the type of output. The filenames are also labeled with a date and timestamp.
'GE-FVT_Summary' - lists a summary of information per program and FAY.
'GE-FVT_Detail' - lists student-level information and totals for each Program that had an enrolled PP in the selected FAY.
General Advisories
OutputData Tips
Schools will need to work closely with external data analytics partners to provide additional data and post in the ED format.
Regent’s export process output is based on data available in Regent at the time of export. Both active and inactive students are included. However, the exports cannot and do not include any student data that was previously purged in the Record Retention Deletion processes.
The exports use data for previous payment periods. For these exports, a student is considered “enrolled” as reportable in a program and FAY (“Program+FAY”) if the student had any payment period in the program for the selected FAY, and that PP also had attendance and/or had a paid disbursement for the PP. If a student did not post any attendance and did not have any paid disbursements for a PP, that PP is not “enrolled” for these considered for the “Program+FAY” fields in the exports.
Student data may change over time.
Multiple counts: If a student had a mid-year program change during the FAY, and was enrolled in more than one PP during the FAY, the exports will include that student once for each unique combination of Student+FAY+Program.
Different from current data: The output uses past data. If a student is currently in a different Program/Site/Campus, the student-level output fields will still count that student as enrolled being in the Program+FAY during the selected FAY. The student’s current information is in the detailed fields at the end, fields #98-103 in the Detail export.
Files are exported using the popular Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
Data reminder - Use care when opening data files or importing CSV data into programs such as Microsoft Excel. Some spreadsheet software will automatically remove leading zeroes or will otherwise alter values. Please test thoroughly, using a copy of production data, to identify any potential data issues. Work closely with your external analytics partners to ensure the correct data format.
Security reminder - The Detail output file contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII), such as student names and social security numbers (SSNs). Use standard precautions such as encryption when working with or transferring sensitive PII data.
Program Summary Output
Regent provides a program-level output by FAY for each unique Program in Regent. The program output is provided if there was one or more students in that program that had any attendance or disbursements for any Payment Period for a selected FAY.
The Program Summary gives the following Columns and values in the following order. Data is sorted by FAY, then CIP Code value, then Program External ID value. Many values use the configuration in Regent’s Program Setup, see Program Setup Data Elements for additional details.
Comma-Separated Values
# | Col | Field Name | Description | Example Values | Additional Information |
1 | A | FAY | Federal Award Year (FAY) | 2022-2023 | Uses the FAY selected in the 'Select FAYs' parameter. Each FAY is reported separately. |
2 | B | GE Program Indicator | Flag for whether the program is considered a “Gainful Employment” program for ED reporting purposes. | Y Blank | Y if the Program is a Gainful Employment program (default value) Blank for programs selected as Non-GE Programs in the Export Process screen Non-GE Programs may need additional analysis to consolidate non-GE programs at the same level, for reporting to ED. |
3 | C | Program Name | Program Name configured in Program Setup | BA in Psychology (General Psychology) |
4 | D | Program External ID | External Program ID configured in Program Setup | 1004 |
5 | E | Program CIP Code | 2020 CIP Code, configured in Program Setup CIP = Classification for Instructional Programs | 42.0101 | Reported using a specific 6-digit format. Current CIP reporting is for FAY 2019-2020 and later. |
6 | F | 2010 Legacy Program CIP Code | 2010 Legacy Program CIP Code configured in Program Setup | 42.0101 | Legacy CIP codes for reporting on programs prior to FAY 2019-2020. The format is the same as the 2020 CIP code. In most cases, the current and legacy CIP code values are the same. |
7 | G | Program Credential | Program Credential configured in Program Setup | Bachelor's degree Graduate/Professional certificate Undergraduate certificate or diploma Associate's degree |
Non-GE programs may need to be analyzed separately and consolidated based on program level. |
8 | H | Program Length in Weeks | Program Completion Weeks configured in Program Setup | 128 | |
9 | I | Program's Title IV Academic Year Weeks | Academic Year Weeks configured in Program Setup | 32 | |
10 | J | Students Enrolled in a Program | Count of all students who had attendance or had a paid disbursement while in the program during the selected FAY(s). | 305 | Students are counted once per program per FAY. For example, if a student was in Program A in the Fall term, switched to Program B in the Winter term, and changed back to Program A in the Spring term, then that student would counted once for the Program A terms in the FAY (Fall and Spring), and once for the Program B term (Winter). |
Student Detail Output
# | Col | Field Name | Example Values | Additional Information |
1 | A | FAY | 2022-2023 | Federal Award Year linked to the Payment Period. Filtered by the selected FAY in the Export Process screen. |
2 | B | School OPEID | 00962100 | 8-digit Office of Postsecondary Education (OPEID) configured for the Site during the FAY. Includes any leading zeroes.
3 | C | Student External ID1 | 011579999 | Includes leading zeroes. |
| ||
4 | D | Student External ID2 |
S12010913 | Includes leading zeroes.
| |||
5 | E | Student External ID3 | Includes leading zeroes.
| |
6 | F | Regent Student ID | 38331 | Internal identifier for the student in the Regent database. |
7 | G | Student Social Security Number | 012345678 | 9-digit number, includes leading zeroes.
8 | H | Student First Name | Firstname | Student First Name as sent on the SBL. May contain spaces or special characters. |
9 | I | Student Middle Name | Student Middle Initial or Middle Name, as sent on the SBL. May contain spaces or special characters. | |
10 | J | Student Last Name | Soto | Student Last Name as sent on the SBL. May contain spaces or special characters. |
11 | K | Student Date of Birth | 19820315 | Format is CCYYMMDD |
12 | L | 2020 Program CIP Code | 51.3801 |
2020 CIP Code configured in Program Setup. Format is ##.#### six digits (two digits and a four-digit decimal), including any leading zeros. | ||||
13 | M | 2010 Program CIP Code | 51.3801 | 2010 CIP Code configured in Program Setup. Used for legacy reporting for programs that had a different CIP Code value in 2019-2020. Format is the same as CIP code: ##.#### six digits (two digits and a four-digit decimal), including any leading zeros.
14 | N | Program Credential | Bachelor's degree | Program Credential configured in Program Setup |
15 | O | Published Program Length | 128 | Numeric value from Program Setup's Published Program Length. Values may be in Months, Years, or Weeks. |
16 | P | Published Program Length Type | Weeks | Goes with Published Program Length. Type of time period reported: either "Years", "Months", or "Weeks" from Program Setup. |
17 | Q | Program Title IV Academic Year Weeks | 32 | Program Academic Year Weeks configured in Program Setup |
18 | R | Program+FAY Has Title IV Aid Flag | Y or N | Flag indicating whether a student has aid paid from any Title IV fund during the FAY for that program. Will be "Y" if the student was paid Title IV aid, or "N" if not. |
19 | S | Student Residency Status | Residency Status sent on the SBL. | |
20 | T | Incarcerated Student Indicator | Y or N, or can be blank | Flag for whether students have the Incarcerated Student Indicator sent on the SBL. |
21 | U | GE Program Indicator | Y, Blank | Flag identifying whether the program is reportable as a "Gainful Employment" (GE) program. Value is set in the Export Process screen parameters. |
22 | V | Program Name | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Program Name configured in Program Setup. |
23 | W | Regent Program External ID | 1690 | Program External ID configured in Program Setup. |
24 | X | Program+FAY Completed Earned Program Units | 12 | Total completed or earned units for payment periods in that program and FAY. Technical note: For term students, sum of the Enrollment.progressionProgAppUnits. For nonterm students, totalProgressionProgAppUnits |
25 | Y | Entire Program Progression Units for All FAYs | 120 | Student's Cumulative Units for the student's Program for ALL payment periods in the program, past and future, including internal transfer and external transfer units. Sum is the total completed progression program applicable units and program transfer units. |
26 | Z | Program Setup Or Student Required Program Units | 120 | Typically: Use Program Setup configured Program Completion Units. |
27 | AA | Program+FAY Program Enrollment Status (as of 6/30 for the FAY) | Complete |
See below for details about student Enrollment Status. | ||||
28 | AB | Program+FAY Program Withdraw Date (only applies to Withdrawn status) | Blank | Will be blank unless the Enrolled Status is Withdrawn. If the Program Enrollment Status = Withdrawn, list the Program Withdraw Date; otherwise leave blank.
29 | AC | Entire Program COA: Tuition and Fees (only applies to a Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn) | 16770 | Will be 0 unless the Enrolled Status is Complete or Withdrawn. Total amount of all Cost Items with a 'Tuition and Fees' Cost Category for the student's entire enrollment in the program in ALL FAYs. |
30 | AD | Entire Program COA: Books, Supplies and Equipment (only applies to a Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn) | 0 |
Will be 0 unless the Enrolled Status is Complete or Withdrawn. Total amount of all Cost Items with a 'Books and Supplies' Cost Category for the student's entire enrollment in the program in ALL FAYs. | ||||
31 | AE | Entire Program Institutional Grants and Scholarships (only applies to a Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn) | 1502 | Value will be 0 unless the Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn. |
32 | AF | Entire Program COA: Total Cost of Attendance | 42910 | Total Cost of Attendance for all Cost Items across the Entire Program, across all instances of the program in all FAYs. |
33 | AG | Entire Program COA: Tuition and Fees | 16770 | Total Cost of Attendance for the 'Tuition and Fees' Cost Category for the Entire Program, across all instances of the program in all FAYs. |
34 | AH | Entire Program COA: Books, Supplies and Equipment | 0 | Total Cost of Attendance for the 'Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment' Cost Category for the Entire Program, across all instances of the program in all FAYs. |
35 | AI | Entire Program COA: Housing and Food | 16680 | Total amount of Cost Items with a 'Food and Housing' Cost Category, across all instances of the program in all FAYs. |
36 | AJ | Program+FAY COA: Total Cost of Attendance | 12432 | Total Cost of Attendance for the student's eligible Payment Periods in that Program during the selected FAY. |
37 | AK | Program+FAY COA: Tuition and Fees | 5180 | Total Cost of Attendance for the 'Tuition and Fees' Cost Category for the student's eligible Payment Periods in that Program during the selected FAY. |
38 | AL | Program+FAY COA: Books, Supplies and Equipment | 0 | Total Cost of Attendance for the 'Books and Supplies' Cost Category for the student's eligible Payment Periods in that Program during the selected FAY. |
39 | AM | Program+FAY COA: Housing and Food | 4624 | Total amount of Cost Items with a 'Food and Housing' Cost Category for the student's eligible Payment Periods in that Program during the selected FAY. |
40 | AN | Total Program All Reportable Grants and Scholarships | 1502 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. Does not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds or Tribal Funds. |
41 | AO | Total Program Institutional Scholarships and Grants | 1502 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. Does not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds, Tribal Funds, or Title IV funds. |
42 | AP | Total Program Tribal Grants and Scholarships | 0 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, for ALL Funds where the fund was selected as a Tribal Fund in the Export Process screen. |
43 | AQ | Total Program State Grants and Scholarships | 0 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program where the Fund Source = State and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. Does not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds, Tribal Funds, or Title IV funds. |
44 | AR | Total Program Private Grants and Scholarships | 0 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. Does not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds, Tribal Funds, or Title IV funds. |
45 | AS | Total Program Additional Reportable Scholarships Not Already Listed | 0 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program where the Fund Type = Scholarship, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Scholarships (Source is not Institutional, State, or Private). Does not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds, Tribal Funds, or Title IV funds. |
46 | AT | Total Program Additional Reportable Grants Not Already Listed | 0 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program where the Fund Type = Grant, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Grants (i.e., Source is not institutional, State, or Private). Does not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds, Tribal Funds, or Title IV funds. |
47 | AU | Total Program Non-Reportable Scholarships and Grants | 0 | Total sum of disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, for ALL Funds where the fund was selected as a 'Non-Reportable Fund' in the Export Process screen, and the Fund Type is "Scholarship" or "Grant." |
48 | AV | Program+FAY All Reportable Grants and Scholarships | 454 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. The amount includes Tribal funds. The amount does not include Non-Reportable Funds. |
49 | AW | Program+FAY Institutional Scholarships and Grants | 454 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant and the Fund Source = Institutional. Does not include Tribal funds or Non-Reportable Funds. |
50 | AX | Program+FAY Tribal Grants | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, for all Fund Types, where the fund was selected as a Tribal Fund on the Export Process screen. Does not include Non-Reportable Funds. |
51 | AY | Program+FAY State Grants | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Source = State and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. Does not include Tribal funds or Non-Reportable Funds. |
52 | AZ | Program+FAY Private Grants | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant. Does not include Tribal funds or Non-Reportable Funds. |
53 | BA | Program+FAY Additional Reportable Scholarships Not Already Listed | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Type = Scholarship, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Scholarships (Source is not Institutional, State, or Private). Does not include Tribal Funds, Non-Reportable funds, or Title IV Funds. |
54 | BB | Program+FAY Additional Reportable Grants Not Already Listed | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Type = Grant, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Scholarships (Source is not Institutional, State, or Private). Does not include Tribal Funds, Non-Reportable funds, or Title IV Funds. |
55 | BC | Program+FAY Total Payment Period Non-Reportable Scholarships and Grants | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was selected as a Non-Reportable fund. Does not include Tribal funds or Title IV funds. |
56 | BD | Total Program Private Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
57 | BE | Total Program Institutional Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
58 | BF | Total Program Other Reportable Loans | 7076 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, where the Fund Source is NOT (Institutional or Private) and the Fund Type = Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. Does not include Title IV loans. |
59 | BG | Total Program Non-Reportable Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, where the Fund was selected as a Non-Reportable Fund. Does not include Tribal funds. |
Create a student-level detail output with a single record for each unique combination of Program+FAY for each student having at least one eligible Payment Period identified in FR 1.2.
See example in Notes.
Formatting color codes:
* {Parameters} = As set by the export screen parameters
* Student = student data
* School or Program = Configured values from Regent, such as Program Setup config
* PP Program+FAY= Relating to "Eligible Payment Period per FR 1.2"
o 12/11/2024 JFB Note: Most PP-level items were changed to Program+FAY.
* Entire Program = Values for the Entire Full Enrollment History of the student at the institution for ALL years and ALL instances of the program, past, present, and future, including outside of the selected FAY.
* Regent = Regent internal tracking values
Output the following Columns and values. Put columns in the following order:
1. {Parameters} FAY
a. List Payment Period FAY value for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
2. School OPEID
a. List the Site's 8-digit OPEID value. Include any leading zeroes.
i. Example: Herzing University - Nashville has OPEID value 00962114
3. Student External ID1
a. List the studentExternalId value from student demographic
4. Student External ID2
a. List the studentExternalId2 value from student demographic
5. Student External ID3
a. List the studentExternalId3 value from student demographic
6. Student Regent Student ID
a. List the student's internal REM database studentId
7. Student Social Security Number
a. List the student's socialSecurityNumber value from student demographic
8. Student First Name
a. List the firstName value from student demographic
9. Student Middle Name
a. List the middle name value from student demographic
10. Student Last Name
a. List the lastName value from student demographic
11. Student Date of Birth
a. List the student date of birth from student demographic
b. Format in CCYYMMDD
i. For example a birthdate of January 23, 1987 is "19870123"
12. Program Setup 2020 Program CIP Code
a. List the 2020 CIP Code configured in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
i. Do NOT use the old legacy field programCIPCode (2010 CIP Code) (see next item).
b. Use CIP code format: ##.#### six digits (two digits and a four-digit decimal), including any leading zeros.
i. Suggestion for Dev: Format the CIP as a Text value, add a prefix with a single quote ' to help prevent the school accidentally converting it into numeric values when opened in a spreadsheet.
13. Program Setup 2010 Program CIP Code
a. List the (legacy) CIP Code from Program Setup
i. Use the same format as the 2020 CIP Code
14. Program Setup Program Credential
a. List the Program Credential configured in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
b. Use program credential name, for example, "Master's Degree"
15. Program Setup Published Program Length
a. List the numeric value from program setup's Published Program Length
b. Example: "32" for 32 weeks, or 192
c. Precedence if a program already has multiple different values configured: use Months, then Years, then Weeks. (Note for QA: REM screen does not allow configuring more than one type.)
16. Program Setup Published Program Length Type
a. List either "Years", "Months", or "Weeks" from Program Setup.
17. Program Setup Program Title IV Academic Year Weeks
a. List the Program Academic Year Weeks in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
18. PP Program+FAY Has Title IV Aid Flag
a. Set to "Y" if the student received was awarded >$0 in any PP in the FAY in any Title IV aid (see list of Title IV funds in the Title IV Official Fund Types below, FR# 66 and 76).
i. Current sum of award disbursement amount from any Title IV funds is > $0 regardless of actual paid status
b. If the student was not awarded did not receive any Title IV aid for the PP, then set to N.
19. Student Residency Status
a. List the residencyStatus value (human readable name) from student demographic
20. Student Incarcerated Student Indicator
a. List the incarceratedStudentIndicator value from student demographic
b. Values: Y, N (or can be blank)
21. {Parameters} GE Program Indicator
a. Set value depending on the selected export parameters in in FR1.1:
i. "Y" if Program was selected in the 'Gainful Employment Programs' list
ii. Leave as blank if the program was not selected in the list of Gainful Employment Programs.
22. Program Setup Program Name
a. List the Program Name configured in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
23. Program Setup Regent Program External ID
a. List the Program External ID configured in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
i. Testing request for QA: Please test exporting a nonterm student who has a nonterm SE A-to-B Program Change in the middle of a PP. Confirm the later program (Program B) is exported in the output for that nonterm PP.
24. PP Program+FAY Completed Earned Program Units
a. List the total completed or earned units for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2 for all PPs for that program with that FAY on the PP
i. The total completed or earned units is for the total program for all PPs with the selected FAY as of 6/30 of the FAY
ii. Technical suggestion: For Term students, add up the Enrollment.progressionProgAppUnits for all PPs in the FAY for the student. Please work with PDBA for determining the completed PA units for nonterm students.
iii. Per Brendan/JenniferB 12/3/2024, for nonterm students, we will use CE data and progression units per CE, totalProgressionProgAppUnits
25. Entire Program Program Progression Units for All FAYs
a. List the Student's Cumulative Units for the student's Program for ALL payment periods, past and future, including internal transfer and external transfer units.
i. Use the student's total completed progression program applicable units in their program, also including transfer units (internal and external)
ii. Note for QA: For testing, use a student who has only had a single program, and compare the output to the student's cumulative progression units at the top of the Academic Plan.
26. Program Setup OR Student Required Program Units
a. If the student has a Program Units set by the Packaging Override, then use the student's override program units.
i. Technical note: CEP manualProgramUnitsOverride/programUnitsOverride value
ii. If multiple CEP records have different values, use the latest, most recent instance of a program.
b. If the student does NOT have their Program Units set by Packaging Override, use the Program Completion Units configured in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.
i. Technical note: Program.numberOfUnits
27. PP Program+FAY Program Enrollment Status (as of 6/30 for the FAY)
Note for Dev: the student's Program Enrollment Status is used for determining whether to report other totals (including many COA totals covering across ALL FAYs including non-selected FAYs). See items below.
JFB: The intent here is to just categorize students by their status as of the end of the selected FAY. Are enrolled in the program, did they successfully graduate (complete the program), or if they withdrew.
a. List the enrollment status in the program as of 6/30 of the PP's FAY. Use a value of either "Enrolled" "Complete" or "Withdrawn," as follows:
i. Enrolled
1. The student's Program Completion Date is after the FAY end date (e.g. 2023-2024 = 6/30/2024) OR is blank,
2. The student's last eligible PP in the Program+FAY The last Payment Period in the Program+FAY with enrollment (per FR 1.2) either:
a. does not have a Finalized R2T4 OR
b. does have a Finalized R2T4, BUT the latest R2T4's withdrawal date is > 6/30 of that FAY, [12/12 UPDATED]
i. If the Finalized R2T4 has a BLANK Withdrawal Date, then test using the Date of Determination instead. [12/12 UPDATED FURTHER]
ii. JFB: The intent is to assume the student IS still enrolled in the Program+FAY, whenever the student has not explicitly withdrawn and did not end their program or have a program change on or before the FAY end date of June 30.
iii. These requirements are specifying the "latest" R2T4 to cover rare scenarios where the student withdrew and then came back and the school somehow still had multiple Finalized R2T4s in the same term and the term has crossover dates.
iv. Business rationale: For ED purposes, when a student comes back from an R2T4 and re-enrolls in a term, theoretically the school would normally Reverse the original R2T4 and their Title IV aid would theoretically be restored as if the student never left; then, any new later R2T4 would be recalculated on the updated enrollment information. So having two or more active, Finalized R2T4s in the same PP should not be a common occurrence.
3. AND
The Completed Earned Program Units < (less than) the Total Required Program Units
4. For example when reporting for FAY 2024-2024: A student attended the Fall 2023 term and Spring 2024 term. The student did not formally withdraw. The student does not have any Program Completion Date. The student is still Enrolled.
ii. Complete (Graduated within that selected FAY)
1. The Completed/Earned Program Units (cumulative total Progression Program Applicable Units, including internal and external transfer units) >= (greater than or equal to) Total Required Program Units AND
a. (programCompletionDate is null
OR programCompletionDate is not null and the date value is within the FAY, 7/1 to 6/30 of the FAY)
b. OR last qualifying PP (per FR 1.2) is for that FAY.
i. (Goal: Student needs to have finished their program and the last PP in the program is within the selected Program+FAY combination in 1.2)
2. For example: When reporting for FAY 2023-2024, a student had completed all the program's required program units in the Fall 2023 term. The student's last enrollment was in the Fall 2023 term. The student's program status is Complete.
iii. Withdrawn
1. The last eligible Payment Period (per FR 1.2) in the Program+FAY with enrollment has a Finalized R2T4 with a withdrawal date <= 6/30,
a. [12/12 UPDATED FURTHER] If the Finalized R2T4 has a BLANK Withdrawal Date, then test using the Date of Determination instead of the WDD.
b. [12/12 UPDATED] Look at the latest PP in the FAY that is eligible per FR 1.2 (i.e., PP has attendance and/or a paid disbursement), and see if that PP has an R2T4 with a withdrawal date on or before 6/30 in the FAY.
i. Note, in some rare cases, the last eligible PP in a Program+FAY might contain more than one Finalized R2T4. For that rare case, evaluate the latest Finalized R2T4 (by WDD) in that PP. If the last Finalized R2T4 has a WDD less than or equal to 6/30 of the FAY, then the student IS withdrawn. If that WDD is 7/1 or later in the FAY, the student is still considered Enrolled as of the end of the FAY.
(Request for Dev, please help QA identify example students to test.)
2. The enrollment status is not Complete and is not Enrolled (per the 6/30 enrollment status definitions above),
did NOT graduate within that selected FAY, AND
a. (programCompletionDate is during the FAY, between 7/1 and 6/30 of the FAY )
JFB note: We will look for any programCompletionDate value for the selected program in the Program+FAY logic, for all PPs with the Program+FAY.
b. (
(programCompletionDate is null and student does not have any future PPs in the program after the selected FAY) AND
(selected FAY has a FAY end date in the past relative to today's date when the report is run.
We should NOT assume a student has withdrawn if the FAY end date is after today's date.)
AND the last Payment Period in the Program+FAY does not have enrollment.
c. Note: The last Payment Period in the Program+FAY does not use the eligible Payment Periods listed in FR 1.2
3. For example: When reporting for FAY 2023-2024, a student attended Fall 2023 term but did not attend Spring 2024 term. The student did not complete their program. The program completion date is the end of Fall 2023 term (prior to the 6/30/2024). The Fall 2023 Spring 2024 term is their last eligible payment period (per FR 1.2) in the Program+FAY, and the Spring term is ("Actual - None" or "Autowithdrawn") so the student is considered Withdrawn for the FAY 2023-2024 reporting.
28. PP Program+FAY Program Withdraw Date (only applies to Withdrawn status)
a. If the Program Enrollment Status = Withdrawn, list the Program Withdraw Date; otherwise leave blank
i. Program Withdrawal Date = The Finalized R2T4 Withdrawal Date OR Program Last Day Attended in the last attended Payment Period in the Program+FAY and same program, whichever date is later. [12/12 UPDATED] , across all PPs in that program in the FAY.
ii. If the Finalized R2T4 has a BLANK Withdrawal Date, then test using the Date of Determination instead of the WDD. [12/12 UPDATED FURTHER]
29. Entire Program Program COA: Tuition and Fees (only applies to a Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn)
a. If the Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn, list the total amount of all Cost Items with a 'Tuition and Fee' Cost Category for the student's entire enrollment in the program in ALL FAYs (all Payment Periods for the student with an associated programExternalId), otherwise leave blank
i. For example, if a student had a $10000 COA per year in each of 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023, and then graduated in FAY 2022-2023, then their Program COA would be $40,000
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
30. Entire Program Program COA: Books, Supplies and Equipment (only applies to a Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn)
a. If the Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn, list the total amount of all Cost Items with a 'Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment' Cost Category for the student's entire enrollment in the program (all Payment Periods with an associated programExternalId matching the PP's Program regardless of FAY), otherwise leave blank
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
31. Entire Program Program Institutional Grants and Scholarships (only applies to a Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn)
a. If the Program Enrollment Status = Complete or Withdrawn in FR #27 1.3.20 [12/12 UPDATED], list the total sum of awards with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant for the student's entire enrollment in the program (all Payment Periods with an associated programExternalId = programExternalId in FR 1.3.10), otherwise leave blank
i. For A-to-B-to-A program changes, when reporting Program A, we want to report across ALL instances of Program A.
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
32. (Note for Dev: Fields for Total Cost of Attendance across ALL PPs in the Entire program, in ALL instances of the program including ALL Campuses, and ALL sites, Regardless of selected FAYs)
Entire Program COA: Total Cost of Attendance
a. List the total Cost of Attendance for the Entire Program
i. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
33. Entire Program COA: Tuition and Fees
a. List the total amount of Cost Items with a 'Tuition and Fees' Cost Category for the Entire Program
i. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
34. Entire Program COA: Books, Supplies and Equipment
a. List the total amount of all Cost Items with a 'Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment' Cost Category for the Entire Program
i. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
35. Entire Program COA: Housing and Food
a. List the total amount of Cost Items with a 'Food and Housing' Cost Category for the Entire Program
i. Note: (Former category name prior to 2024-2025 was 'Room and Board.')
ii. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
iii. Request for QA:
1. Test with some students who had 'Room and Board' expenses in previous FAYs (e.g. 2022-2023 and earlier) and who also have expenses in 2024-2025 in the 'Food and Housing' category. The total should include both items.
2. Confirm if the student has the same program for two different selected FAYs, then each of the above "Entire Program" cost amounts (#32 - #35) will have the same values for each Program+FAY row.
36. (Note for Dev: Payment Period Program+FAY level COA Items Start Here)
Note: The identification of Payment Period COA items DO use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
a. PP Program+FAY COA: Payment Period Total Cost of Attendance
i. [12/12 UPDATED] - removed "Payment Period" from field title
b. List the total Cost of Attendance for the current record's eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY per FR 1.2 [12/12 UPDATED]
i. Do not include COA from other FAYs or other PPs for these PP-level items.
37. PP Program+FAY COA: Tuition and Fees
a. List the total amount of Cost Items with a 'Tuition and Fees' Cost Category for the current Payment Period in the Program+FAY, for the current record's eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY per FR 1.2
38. PP Program+FAY COA: Books, Supplies and Equipment
a. List the total amount of all Cost Items with a 'Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment' Cost Category for all Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, for the current record's eligible Payment Periods per FR 1.2
39. PP Program+FAY COA: Housing and Food
a. List the total amount of Cost Items with a 'Food and Housing' Cost Category for all Payment Periods in the Program+FAY, for the current record's eligible Payment Period per FR 1.2
i. (Note: The GE&FVT spec does label it "Housing and Food" which is a slightly different name from the 2024-2025 Federal Cost Category of 'Food and Housing.' The former Federal Cost category name, prior to 2024-2025, was 'Room and Board.')
40. (Note for Dev: Program-level All-FAY gift aid totals start here)
41. Entire Program Total Program All Reportable Grants and Scholarships
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds or Tribal Funds.
c. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
42. Entire Program Total Program Institutional Scholarships and Grants
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds
c. Do not include any funds designated as Tribal Funds.
d. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
43. Entire Program Total Program Tribal Grants and Scholarships
a. TRIBAL: List the total sum of awards where the Fund is selected as a Tribal Fund per FR 1.1, for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0,
i. Note, we are not restricting the fund type for Tribal funds. It depends on the user to select the correct funds. Some Tribal funds might be classified as "Other" or potentially some other type.
b. Do not duplicate the counts.
i. For example, if a fund was selected in the 'Tribal' funds and it is also a Fund Source=State, then do NOT double-count that fund as both a Tribal and a State fund. That fund would only count in the 'Tribal' funds category.
c. Only include funds designated as Tribal Funds.
d. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
44. Entire Program Total Program State Grants and Scholarships
a. STATE: List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = State and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was not selected as a "Tribal" Grant and was not selected as a Non-Reportable Fund
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
45. Entire Program Total Program Private Grants and Scholarships
a. PRIVATE: List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was not selected as a "Tribal" Grant and was not selected as a Non-Reportable Fund.
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
46. Entire Program Total Program Additional Reportable Scholarships Not Already Listed
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Scholarship, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Scholarships (Source is not Institutional, State, or Private), and:
i. Not a "Non-Reportable Fund"
ii. Not a Tribal Fund
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
47. Entire Program Total Program Additional Reportable Grants Not Already Listed
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Grant, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Grants (i.e., Source is not institutional, State, or Private), and:
i. Not a "Non-Reportable Fund"
ii. Not a Tribal Fund
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
48. Entire Program Total Program Non-Reportable Scholarships and Grants
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was selected as a "Non-Reportable Fund" in FR 1.1
b. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2.
49. (Note for Dev: Payment Period Program+FAY level Scholarship items Start Here)
50. PP Program+FAY All Reportable Grants and Scholarships
a. List the total sum of awards (sum of the individual term's or PP's AwardDisbursement amounts) for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant [12/12 UPDATED]
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds. Do include Tribal funds.
51. PP Program+FAY Institutional Scholarships and Grants
a. List the total sum of awards for eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant [12/12 UPDATED]
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds
c. Do not include any funds designated as Tribal Funds.
d. Note: The identification of Payment Periods does not use the eligible Payment Period logic in FR 1.2. [12/12 UPDATED]
52. PP Program+FAY Tribal Grants
a. TRIBAL: List the total sum of awards where the Fund is selected as a Tribal Fund in the Tribal Grants parameter in FR 1.1, for the for eligible Payment Periods in the Program+AY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0, [12/12 UPDATED]
b. Do not duplicate the counts.
i. For example, if a fund was selected in the 'Tribal' funds and it is also a Fund Source=State, then do NOT double-count that fund as both a Tribal and a State fund. That fund would only count in the 'Tribal' funds category.
c. Only include funds designated as Tribal Funds.
d. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable funds.
53. PP Program+FAY State Grants
a. STATE: List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = State and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was not selected as a "Tribal" Grant and was not selected as a Non-Reportable Fund
54. PP Program+FAY Private Grants
a. PRIVATE: List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was not selected as a "Tribal" Grant and was not selected as a Non-Reportable Fund.
55. PP Program+FAY Additional Reportable Scholarships Not Already Listed
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Scholarship, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Scholarships (Source is not Institutional, State, or Private), and:
i. Not a "Non-Reportable Fund"
ii. Not a Tribal Fund
56. PP Program+FAY Additional Reportable Grants Not Already Listed
a. List the total sum of awards for the for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Grant, and the fund was not already selected for the Program-level Grants, and:
i. Not a "Non-Reportable Fund"
ii. Not a Tribal Fund
57. PP Program+FAY Total Payment Period Non-Reportable Scholarships and Grants
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Scholarship or Grant, and the fund was selected as a "Non-Reportable Fund" and not selected as a Tribal fund in FR 1.1
Entire Program Total Program Private Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Loan
b. Do not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
59. Entire Program Total Program Institutional Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Loan
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable or Tribal funds.
60. Entire Program Total Program Other Reportable Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source is NOT (Institutional or Private), and the Fund Type = Loan
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable or Tribal funds.
61. Entire Program Total Program Non-Reportable Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Loan and the fund was selected as a Non-Reportable Fund.
b. Do not include Tribal funds.
i. Request for QA: Please confirm all non-tribal, non-reportable funds are included.
PP Program+FAY Private Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for all eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (in FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Loan
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable or Tribal funds.
63. PP Program+FAY Institutional Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for all eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (in FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Loan
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable or Tribal funds.
64. PP Program+FAY Additional Reportable Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for all eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (in FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Source is NOT (Institutional or Private) and the Fund Type = Loan
b. Do not include any funds designated as Non-Reportable or Tribal funds.
65. PP Program+FAY Non-Reportable Loans
a. List the total sum of awards for all eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (in FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 where the Fund Type = Loan AND the fund is selected as Non-Reportable
b. Do not include any Tribal funds.
Entire Program Total Program Title IV Funds Received
(Use the same fund types for FR 66, 76, and
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of any of these listed types:
i. Pell Grant
iii. Federal Work Study
v. Direct Subsidized Loan
vi. Direct Unsubsidized Loan
vii. Direct Parent PLUS
viii. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
ix. Perkins Loan
x. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG)
xi. Federal Work Study Job Location Development Program (FWSJLD)
xii. FWS Community Services (FWC)
xiii. FWS Private Sector Employee(FWSCS)
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
67. Entire Program Total Program Pell Grant
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Pell Grant.
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
68. Entire Program Total Program FSEOG
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: FSEOG (Federal Supplemental Grant or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant)
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
69. Entire Program Total Program Federal Work Study
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Federal Work Study
b. Do not include non-reportable funds or Tribal funds.
70. Entire Program Total Program TEACH
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: TEACH
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
71. Entire Program Total Program Sub Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Direct Subsidized Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
72. Entire Program Total Program Unsub Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Direct Unsubsidized Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
73. Entire Program Total Program Parent PLUS Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Parent PLUS Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
74. Entire Program Total Program Graduate PLUS Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Graduate PLUS Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
75. Entire Program Total Program Non-Reportable Title IV Aid
a. List the total sum of awards for the Entire Program with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of any of the Title IV funds, AND the fund is listed in the 'Non-Reportable Funds' above.
PP Program+FAY Title IV Funds Received
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY (per FR 1.2) with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of any of these listed types:
i. Pell Grant
iii. Federal Work Study
v. Direct Subsidized Loan
vi. Direct Unsubsidized Loan
vii. Direct Parent PLUS
viii. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
ix. Perkins Loan
x. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG)
xi. Federal Work Study Job Location Development Program (FWSJLD)
xii. FWS Community Services (FWC)
xiii. FWS Private Sector Employee(FWSCS)
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
77. PP Program+FAY Pell Grant
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Pell Grant.
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
78. PP Program+FAY FSEOG
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: (Federal Supplemental Grant or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant)
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
79. PP Program+FAY Federal Work Study
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Federal Work Study
b. Do not include non-reportable funds or Tribal Funds.
80. PP Program+FAY TEACH
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: TEACH
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
81. PP Program+FAY Sub Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Direct Subsidized Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
82. PP Program+FAY Unsub Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Period in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Direct Unsubsidized Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
83. PP Program+FAY Parent PLUS Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Parent PLUS Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
84. PP Program+FAY Graduate PLUS Loan
a. List the total sum of awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of: Graduate PLUS Loan
b. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds.
85. PP Program+FAY Non-Reportable Title IV Grants
a. List the total sum of all awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of any of:
i. Pell Grant
iii. TEACH
b. AND, the fund is listed in the 'Non-Reportable Funds' above.
c. Do not include Tribal Funds.
86. PP Program+FAY Non-Reportable Title IV Loans
a. List the total sum of all awards for the eligible Payment Periods in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of any of:
i. Direct Subsidized Loan
ii. Direct Unsubsidized Loan
iii. Parent PLUS
iv. Grad PLUS
b. AND, the fund is listed in the 'Non-Reportable Funds' above.
c. Do not include Tribal Funds.
87. PP Program+FAY Non-Reportable Title IV Work and Other Aid
a. List the total sum of all awards for the eligible Payment Period in the Program+FAY with a paid amount > $0 for the FAY for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of any of:
i. Federal Work Study
b. AND, the fund is listed in the 'Non-Reportable Funds' above.
c. Do not include Tribal Funds.
Program Setup Program Type
a. List the Program Type configured in Program Setup
i. Post-Bach Licensure, Graduate, Undergraduate, CTP Programs, etc.
89. Program Setup Program Completion Weeks
a. List the Program Completion Weeks in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
b. Visual aid for items 89-93:
Open Program_Attriburtes_numbers.png
90. Program Setup Program Completion Months
a. List the Program Completion Months from Program Setup
91. Program Setup Program Completion Years
a. List the Program Completion Years from Program Setup
92. Program Setup Program Completion Courses
a. List the Program Completion Courses in Program Setup
93. Program Setup Program Completion Units
a. List the Program Completion Units in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
94. Program Setup Program's Title IV Academic Year Units
a. List the Program Academic Year Units in Program Setup for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
95. Entire Program Program Start Date
a. List the student's Actual Program Start date for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
i. Request for Dev, please confirm the exact field. The programStartDate might be the anticipated program start date.
ii. Technical note from Brendan: Assuming this is to be the very first CEP startDate for the Student/Program (this is the Regent determined Program start from Course data or anticipated start where there are no non-transfer courses - see BRs).
iii. If the student had multiple occurrences of a program, use the earliest actual program start date at the institution.
96. Entire Program Program Completion Date
a. List the programCompletionDate for the unique Program combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
i. Technical note: Use the MAX CEP.programCompletionDate across all instances of the program
b. If no programCompletionDate value, leave blank.
97. Entire Program Program Starting Enrollment Level
a. List the Payment Period Enrollment Level in the first Payment Period in the Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.2
i. If the student had multiple occurrences of a program, use the enrollment level in the earliest term at the institution.
98. PP Program+FAY Program Last Day Attended in FAY
a. List the greatest LDA for the for the unique Program+FAY combination for eligible Payment Periods identified in FR 1.
i. If the last date of attendance for the program is after June 30 of the PP's FAY, list 6/30 of the FAY
99. Note for Dev: Numbering changed here.
Entire Program Program Last Day Attended for the Entire Program
a. List the student's greatest LDA for the Entire Program.
i. Do NOT substitute the June 30 date. Use the actual final latest date of attendance regardless of FAYs.
100. Regent Program ID
[12/12 UPDATED] Note for Dev/QA: Several fields 101-107 were removed because they were PP-specific and only applied to the obsolete requirements for PP info.
101. Regent Enrollment ID [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed PP-specific field
102. Regent Course Enrollment (CE) ID [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed PP-specific field
103. Regent Academic Year # [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed, might have multiple AYs per FAY
a. Example: 0 for AY0, 1 for AY, etc.
104. Regent Payment Period ID [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed PP-specific field
105. Regent Term ID [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed PP-specific field
106. Regent External Term ID [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed PP-specific field
107. Regent Term Payment Period Name [12/12 UPDATED] - Removed PP-specific field
(or nonterm name such as NT_1_PP_1)
108. [12/12 UPDATED] Note for Dev/QA: Fields 108-113 were updated to the student's CURRENT information, which could potentially be different from the original data reported in the Program+FAY payment periods.
Regent Institution ID
a. [12/12 UPDATED] - Student's current Institution ID
109. Regent Institution Name
a. [12/12 UPDATED] - Student's current Institution Name
110. Regent Campus ID
a. List the Campus associated with the payment period. [12/12 UPDATED] - Student's current Campus ID
111. Regent Campus Name
a. List the Campus Name associated with the payment period. [12/12 UPDATED] - Student's current Campus Name
112. Regent Site ID
a. List the Site associated with the payment period. [12/12 UPDATED] - Student's current Site ID
113. Regent Site Name
a. List the Site Name associated with the payment period. [12/12 UPDATED] - Student's current Site Name
Change Log
Description of Change
December 13, 2024
60 | BH | Program+FAY Private Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Source = Private and the Fund Type = Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
61 | BI | Program+FAY Institutional Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Source = Institutional and the Fund Type = Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
62 | BJ | Program+FAY Additional Reportable Loans | 87 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, where the Fund Source is NOT (Institutional or Private), and the Fund Type = Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
63 | BK | Program+FAY Non-Reportable Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program, where the Fund Type = Loan and the fund was selected in the Export Process screen as a Non-Reportable Fund. Does not include any Tribal funds. |
64 | BL | Total Program Title IV Funds Received | 7076 | Total sum of paid disbusrements with a paid amount >$0 for the Entire Program, for Title IV loans. Do not include any Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
65 | BM | Total Program Pell Grant | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of Pell Grant. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
66 | BN | Total Program FSEOG | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of FSEOG (Federal Supplemental Grant or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant). Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
67 | BO | Total Program Federal Work Study | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of Federal Work Study (FWS). Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
68 | BP | Total Program TEACH | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of TEACH. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
69 | BQ | Total Program Sub Loan | 793 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of Direct Subsidized Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
70 | BR | Total Program Unsub Loan | 6283 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of Direct Unsubsidized Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
71 | BS | Total Program Parent PLUS Loan | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of Direct Parent PLUS. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
72 | BT | Total Program Graduate PLUS Loan | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having an Official Fund Type (Fund Official Type) of Direct Graduate PLUS Loan. Does not include any funds selected as Non-Reportable or Tribal Funds. |
73 | BU | Total Program Non-Reportable Title IV Aid | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the Entire Program for funds having a Title IV Fund Official Fund Type that were also selected as Non-Reportable Funds. (See list of Title IV Funds in #64, Total Program Title IV Funds Received.) Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
74 | BV | Program+FAY Title IV Funds Received | 87 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having a Title IV Fund Official Fund Type. |
75 | BW | Program+FAY Pell Grant | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of Pell Grant. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
76 | BX | Program+FAY FSEOG | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of FSEOG (Federal Supplemental Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.) Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
77 | BY | Program+FAY Federal Work Study | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of Federal Work Study (FWS). Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
78 | BZ | Program+FAY TEACH | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of TEACH. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
79 | CA | Program+FAY Sub Loan | 87 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of Direct Subsidized Loan. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
80 | CB | Program+FAY Unsub Loan | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of Direct Unsubsidized Loan. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
81 | CC | Program+FAY Parent PLUS Loan | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of Direct Parent PLUS. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
82 | CD | Program+FAY Graduate PLUS Loan | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having an Official Fund Type of Direct Graduate PLUS Loan. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
83 | CE | Program+FAY Non-Reportable Title IV Grants | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having a Title IV Fund Official Fund Type and the Fund Type = Grant. See list of Title IV Funds in #64, Total Program Title IV Funds Received. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
84 | CF | Program+FAY Non-Reportable Title IV Loans | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having a Title IV Fund Official Fund Type and the Fund Type = Loan. See list of Title IV Funds in #64, Total Program Title IV Funds Received. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
85 | CG | Program+FAY Non-Reportable Title IV Work and Other Aid | 0 | Total sum of paid disbursements with a paid amount > $0 for the eligible payment periods in the Program+FAY, for funds having a Title IV Fund Official Fund Type and the Fund Type is NOT (Grant or Loan). See list of Title IV Funds in #64, Total Program Title IV Funds Received. Does not include funds selected as Non-Reportable Funds or Tribal Funds. |
86 | CH | Program Type | Undergraduate | Program Type configured in Program Setup. |
87 | CI | Program Completion Weeks | 128 | Program Completion Weeks configured in Program Setup. |
88 | CJ | Program Completion Years | 4 | Program Completion Years configured in Program Setup. |
89 | CK | Program Completion Courses | Program Completion Courses configured in Program Setup. | |
90 | CL | Program Completion Units | 120 | Program Completion Units configured in Program Setup. |
91 | CM | Program's Title IV Academic Year Units | 24 | Program Academic Year Units configured in Program Setup. |
92 | CN | Entire Program Start Date | 20210510 | Student's Actual Program Start Date in Regent. |
93 | CO | Entire Program Completion Date | 20220830 | Program Completion Date for the Entire Program for all FAYs. If the student does not have any Program Completion Date, value is blank. |
94 | CP | Entire Program Starting Enrollment Level | Half Time | Enrollment Level in the first Payment Period in the program for Entire Program. If the student had multiple occurrences of a program, use the enrollment level in the earliest term or Payment Period at the Institution. |
95 | CQ | Program+FAY Program Last Day Attended in FAY | 20220830 | Last Date of Attendance (LDA) for the eligible payment periods for the Program+FAY. |
96 | CR | Entire Program Last Day Attended for All FAYs | 20220830 | Last Date of Attendance (LDA) for Entire Program. |
97 | CS | Regent Program ID | 268 | Internal Program ID in the Regent database. |
98 | CT | Regent Institution ID | 1 | Internal Institution ID in the Regent database. Uses the student’s current information when the export is run. |
99 | CU | Regent Institution Name | Herzing University - Madison | Institution Name configured in Institution Setup. Uses the student’s current information. |
100 | CV | Regent Campus ID | 1 | Internal Campus ID in the Regent database. Uses the student’s current information. |
101 | CW | Regent Campus Name | Herzing University- Madison | Campus Name configured in Campus Setup. Uses the student’s current information. |
102 | CX | Regent Site ID | 12 | Internal Site ID in the Regent database. Uses the student’s current information. |
103 | CY | Regent Site Name | Herzing University - Online | Site Name configured in Site Setup. Uses the student’s current information. |
Student Enrollment Status
Field #27 reports the student’s enrollment status as of the end of the Federal Award Year (FAY). Regent categorizes students by their status as of the end of the selected FAY (June 30 of the FAY). A student is either still enrolled in the program, successfully graduated (completed the program), or withdrew from the program.
Regent considers a student IS still enrolled in the Program+FAY, when the student has not finished their program; the student has not explicitly withdrawn during the FAY; and the student did not end their program or have a program change on or before the FAY end date of June 30.
Specific tests:
The student’s Program Completion Date is after the FAY end date (e.g. 2023-2024 = 6/30/2024) OR is blank,
ANDThe student’s Completed Earned Program Units is less than the Total Required Program Units;
ANDThe student’s last eligible PP in the Program+FAY that has a paid disbursement or attendance, either:
does not have any Finalized R2T4, OR
does have a Finalized R2T4, BUT the latest R2T4’s withdrawal date is > 6/30 of that FAY.
Note: If the student has a Finalized R2T4 records which have BLANK Withdrawal Date(s), then test using the Date of Determination instead.
Regent uses the “latest” R2T4 on record to cover rare scenarios where the student withdrew and then came back and the school somehow still had multiple Finalized R2T4s in the same term and the term has crossover dates.
For example when reporting for FAY 2024-2024: A student attended the Fall 2023 term and Spring 2024 term. The student did not formally withdraw. The student does not have any Program Completion Date. The student is still Enrolled.
Regent considers a student has completed their program (i.e., graduated during that FAY) when the student has fulfilled all the program’s required completion units within the selected FAY.
Specific tests:
The Completed/Earned Program Units (cumulative total Progression Program Applicable Units, including internal and external transfer units) >= (greater than or equal to) Total Required Program Units
ANDOne of:
programCompletionDate is null / blank / empty, OR
programCompletionDate is not null and the date value is within the FAY, 7/1 to 6/30 of the FAY, OR
the student’s last payment period with attendance or a paid disbursement is for that FAY.
For example: When reporting for FAY 2023-2024, a student had completed all the program’s required program units in the Fall 2023 term. The student’s last enrollment was in the Fall 2023 term. The student’s program status is Complete.
A student is withdrawn when they are neither Enrolled nor Complete.
Specific tests for R2T4 withdrawals:
Find the last eligible Payment Period (having attendance and/or a paid disbursement) in the Program+FAY
Test: Does that payment period have a Finalized R2T4 with a withdrawal date (WDD) less than or equal to June 30 of the FAY?
If the R2T4 withdrawal date is July 1 or later in the calendar year, the student should still be considered Enrolled as of the end of the FAY.
If the Finalized R2T4 has a BLANK Withdrawal Date, then test using the Date of Determination instead of the WDD.
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