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General Guidance

The "Active" Program in Regent Award

The SBL generation process occurs in the school's SIS. Therefore, a student's program change in Regent Award will become effective after the SBL is processed, the student has been packaged, the program change is processed in the Program Management Wizard (or automated by Regent Award), and the new program is active. The new program will become active when one of the following items occur:

  • The program completion date of the prior program, as provided on the SBL <academicInformation> node, is in the past.
  • The new program's start date, as provided on the SBL <academicInformation> node, is today or is a date in the past.
  • (When the appropriate configuration option is in use.) The program change is occurring prior to the start of the student's academic plan in Regent Award, and the newly received program is replacing the prior program as the starting program in Regent Award.

The <academicInformation> node on the SBL

The <academicInformation> node is an optional node on the SBL; however, it is required when providing program data via the SBL. This section provides some guidance on the fields within the <academicInformation> node, as it pertains to performing a program change in Regent Award.
The prior program's (referred to in this document as "Program A") <programCompletionDate> coincides with the school's official approval regarding the program change. The program completion date is when the student ceases enrollment in the prior program. This date is required when performing a program change in Regent Award. Otherwise, this date should not be included on the SBL file.

  • The <programCompletionDate> tells Regent Award when to stop packaging a student in the program.
  • The program for which the SBL is sending a <programCompletionDate> must be the program provided in the <externalProgramId> field on the <academicInformation> node. Note, the program completion date does not have to be the for the current, active program; this allows schools to provide a <programCompletionDate> on programs which are no longer active. There are currently no validations on the <programCompletionDate> value itself. The SBL process will provide a note in the process log when the <programCompletionDate> precedes the <programStartDate> of a given program, but the data will still be imported into Regent Award.
  • The External Program ID and start date for the new program (referred to in this document as "Program B") are provided on the SBL in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node. Furthermore, when performing a program change to a program the student previously attended, the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields are required. See Section Returning to a Prior Program.
    • The <programStartDate> and <nextProgramStartDate> values display on Regent Award's UI as the "Anticipated Start Date." The actual start date of the program is set by the start date of the first term in the program, or by the first course start date taken in the program for nonterm. The actual program start date displays on Regent Award's UI (Academic Plan tab header) as the "Start Date."
    • The program's start date details (actual and anticipated) also display in the New Program Banner on the Academic Plan.

The <programStartDate> (SIS provided program start date or anticipated program start date) is primarily used in cases where no actual enrollment (registered non-transfer courses) exists for a student, which allows Regent Award to create an Academic Plan for estimated packaging information.

  • For nonterm programs, once real enrollment exists, the program start date becomes the start date of the first non-transfer course for the program (<courseStartDate>). Courses withdrawn before the course start date are excluded from this determination.
  • For term-based programs, the program start date is the start date of the first term of the program containing actual enrollment (registered non-transfer courses).

The <courseData> node on the SBL

All completed coursework from previous terms or payment periods that are program applicable to the new program must be designated as a transfer course into the new program (Program B).

  • Program changes within the same Institution: transfer="Internal."
  • Program changes between different Institutions: transfer="External" (this is used when the student is moving from Institution A to Institution B).
  • Receipt of coursework taken at another school: transfer="External."

All courses sent on the SBL as "transfer" courses are matched to the program they are associated with based on the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node. Use the following guidance when providing a transfer course in the SBL:

  • Create a copy of these course data records with the same <externalCourseId> as the non-transfer version of the course (from the program in which the course was actually taken).
  • The <externalProgramId> must equal that of the new program.
  • The transfer flag should be set to a value of "Internal" or "External" as appropriate. For example:
    • Transfer="Internal"
    • Transfer="External"

For a term-based program, all completed coursework (that is program applicable to the new program) must be marked as a transfer into the first term of the new program. For a nonterm program, all completed coursework (that is program applicable to the new program) must simply be marked as a transfer to count towards the student's new program.

  • Create a copy of these course data records with the same externalCourseId as the non-transfer version of the course (from the program in which the course was actually taken).
  • Update the <externalTermId> on the course data record to the first term that the student will be enrolled in the new program. If the student will start the new program in Spring 2017, the Spring 2017 <externalTermId> must be provided in the <courseData> node of the SBL for that transfer course.
    • For example, externalTermId="SP17"
    • The <externalTermId> field should not be included in the <courseData> node for nonterm programs. Nonterm transfer courses do not require any update to the courses' dates in order for them to be properly associated to the new program.
  • The <externalProgramId> must equal that of the new program.
  • The transfer flag should be set to a value of "Internal" or "External" as appropriate. For example:
    • Transfer="Internal"
    • Transfer="External"

In the context of this document, an "in-progress course" is a course where the course start date is in the past and the course end date is in the future. The student has not completed or withdrawn from the course. In-progress courses should be provided in the SBL as follows:

  • Create a copy of these course data records with the same externalCourseId as the non-transfer version of the course (from the program in which the course was actually taken).
  • The <externalProgramId> must equal that of the new program.
  • If the student withdrawals from the in-progress course before completion, send the course with a <withdrawalDate> on the SBL under both the Program A "version" of the course and the Program B version of the course. In the following examples, today's date is 8/10/2016:

Program A Course:

<courseData completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2016-10-04" courseId="556495" courseName="Fundamentals of Accounting" courseStartDate="2016-07-01" enrolledDate="2017-06-10" externalCourseId="1155-1111" <externalProgramId>=" BUSADM" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="1.5" withdrawalDate="2016-08-10" />

Program B Course:

<courseData completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2016-10-04" courseId="556495" courseName="Fundamentals of Accounting" courseStartDate="2016-07-01" enrolledDate="2017-06-10" externalCourseId="1155-1111" <externalProgramId>="ACCT" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="1.5" withdrawalDate="2016-08-10" /> 

The <programApplicable> flag defaults to a value of "true." If the SIS does not send this field as "false," when needed, it could cause ineligible units to be used in determining financial aid eligibility. The <programApplicable> flag designates the coursework that is applicable to the degree the student is currently pursuing. This information is used for financial aid eligibility. For example, if a student has a full-time course load but only half of those classes are program applicable, their financial aid eligibility is that of a half-time student.

Updating Courses after the Program Change

Coursework for a past program can be updated at any time, regardless of the program listed in the academic info node; as long as a <courseData> node contains the correct externalCourseId and <externalProgramId> for the course being updated. If a student has attended the same program during two separate time periods, only the latest "instance" (the active program or the program with the most recent start date for the program) of that program will have its courses updated.

If a course is provided to Regent Award in the SBL, that contains an <externalProgramId> for a program that has never previously been provided to Regent Award on the current or any prior SBL import, Regent Award will create a new program record for the <externalProgramId> (which may in turn generate a program change task).

Substantially Equal Program Changes

Programs are considered "substantially equal" (SE) in Regent Award if the programs have been grouped together in a Program Group within Institution Setup. If a school chooses not to use the Program Group setup, the substantially equal determination can be made on a case-by-case basis in the Program Management Wizard in Regent Award.
"Substantially Equal" is defined by the Department of Education for nonterm (NT) programs as follows:

  • The student is continuously enrolled at the school;
  • The coursework in the payment period the student is transferring out of is substantially similar to the coursework the student will be taking when he or she first transfers into the new program;
  • The payment periods are substantially equal in length of weeks of instructional time and credit or clock-hours, as applicable;
  • There are little or no changes in school charges associated with the payment period; and 
  • The credits or clock-hours from the payment period the student is transferring out of are accepted toward the new program.

When a substantially equal program change is completed within Regent Award, the student will continue in the existing academic year, loan period, etc.  The length of the program could change but the Academic Plan structure would remain.

The school determines whether a program change is occurring between "substantially equal" payment periods in order to accommodate different interpretations of "substantially equal" in the community.
When the student is changing programs, and the two programs are substantially equal, but the program change is taking place between payment periods (either in the middle of the AY or between AYs), the following occurs: 

  • Mid-Year Change:  Regent Award will leave the student in the same AY/LP. Grade level will be reassessed.
  • Between AYs:  Since this does not create on Overlapping Loan Period, award as normal for the new AY/LP.

Please note that the internal transfer flag provided for courses involved in a NT SE program change may be systematically overridden by Regent Award as part of the program change process.  Overriding the transfer flag allows the course to be considered as a non-transfer course so that all units' and weeks' values are calculated correctly and the payment period continues as expected.  The Courses tab displays an indicator denoting when the SIS Internal Transfer flag was overridden for the program change.


Note: If a Substantially Equal Program Change occurs, and there has been no attendance in the original program (e.g. only transfer courses, i.e. "no attempted units"), the start date of the Academic Year  is automatically updated to be the Program Start Date of the new program. 

Not Substantially Equal Program Changes

When the student's prior and new programs do not meet the definition of "substantially equal," Regent Award will take the following actions when the program change is performed (the program change is complete in Regent Award, and the associated program change task is satisfied):

  • The user must complete an R2T4 (unless the Payment Period was completed).
  • A new program will start at the beginning of a new academic year which may overlap with the prior program's academic year.
  • The new academic year will begin when the new program begins (on the new program start date as provided by the school).
  • Regent Award will truncate the loan period for the prior program to the end date of the last payment period in which the student received and retained loans. Regent Award will also leave the academic year in place with its original start and end dates.
  • The new program will start in a new loan period. The student's eligibility will be reduced in this loan period (if grade level allows, eligibility in the new academic year will be reduced to the remaining eligibility from the academic year under the old program); therefore, the end user will need to manually adjust the student to package in the new AY to ensure proper awarding.
  • If the program change is occurring between AYs, there will be no overlapping loan period, and Regent Award will award normally for the new AY/LP. 

The handling of the academic year and loan periods are fully automated in this scenario; there is no need to create manual academic years using the Program Management Wizard.

SE / NSE Determination Logic in Regent Award

If the new Institutional setting for "Automate Program Changes for SE Program Groups" is set to "Yes," (see Automated Program Changes section) the logic for determination as to whether or not two programs involved in a program change are Substantially Equal (SE) to one other is as follows:  

  • Have the current ("Program A") and next ("Program B") programs been placed into the same Program Group?
    • Yes.
      • Do the following fields have the same value on Program Setup for both programs: Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type, Academic Unit Type, Units in Academic Year, and Weeks in Academic Year?
        • Yes.
          • Is the program term or non-term?
            • Non-term:
              • Is there a "Finalized" R2T4 on the final payment period where there is actual enrollment of the current ("Program A") program?
                • Yes; then the programs are NSE. Therefore, Regent Award will generate a program change task to be completed manually by the end user. The end user will have the option to manually process this program change as Substantially Equal.
                • No; then the two programs are SE. Therefore, Regent Award will automate the program change effectively designating the next ("Program B") program as the program to become active.
            • Term: Then the two programs are SE, and Regent Award will automate the program change effectively designating the next ("Program B") program as the program to become active.
        • No; then the programs are NSE. Therefore, Regent Award will generate a program change task to be completed manually by the end user. The end user will have the option to manually process this program change as Substantially Equal.
    • No; then the programs are NSE. Therefore, Regent Award will generate a program change task to be completed manually by the end user. The end user will NOT have the option to manually process this program change as Substantially Equal; the program change must be processed as Not Substantially Equal.

final payment period where there is actual enrollment: This is the PP related to the last CE for the program (CEP) that has supporting course data.

If the new Institutional setting for "Automate Program Changes for SE Program Groups" is set to "No," the following logic is used to determine if two programs are SE or NSE; logic is as follows:

  • Have the current ("Program A") and next ("Program B") programs been placed into the same Program Group?
    • Yes; then the programs are considered SE by Regent Award (default).  This determination can be overridden to NSE by the end user in the PMW.
    • No; then the programs are considered NSE by Regent Award (default).  This determination can be overridden to SE by the end user in the PMW.


  • Do the following fields have the same value on Program Setup for both programs: Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type, Academic Unit Type, COD Attended Entity ID?
    • Yes; then the two programs are considered SE by Regent Award (default).  This determination can be overridden to NSE by the end user in the PMW.
      • Is the program change across campuses where the COD Attending ID differs at the two campuses?
        • Yes; then the programs are considered NSE by Regent Award (default).  This determination cannot be overridden in the PMW by the user.  This allows Regent Award to correctly handle student awards or loans during a campus-to-campus program change.  The determinant on continuing Direct Loan (DL) awards at the new campus is whether or not the COD Attended School ID is the same at both campuses.  If the COD Attended School ID is not the same at the new campus, the DL awards must be truncated at the old campus and new awards made at the new campus.  The same determination applies to the Pell Grant award where Regent Award uses the Pell ID across campuses. 
        • No; then the programs are considered SE by Regent Award (default).  This determination can be overridden to NSE by the end user in the PMW.
    • No; then the two programs are considered NSE by Regent Award (default).  This determination can be overridden to SE by the end user in the PMW.

Non-standard Term:

  • Do the following fields have the same value on Program Setup for both programs: Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type, Academic Unit Type, COD Attended Entity ID, Units in Academic Year, and Weeks in Academic Year?
    • Yes; then the two programs are considered SE by Regent Award b(default).  This determination can be overridden to NSE by the end user in the PMW.
    • No; then the two programs are considered SE by Regent Award (default).  This determination can be overridden to SE by the end user in the PMW.

Note: The end user should never be able to override a program change across program structures from NSE to SE.  The resulting academic plan structure would be unpredictable and Regent Award does not support this action.

Campus to Campus Program Change using a Single SBL file

  • Update the <academicInformation> node with the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and NextProgramStartDate fields.
  • Completed courses, that are program applicable to Program B, should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId,
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> nodes to reflect the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course,
    • For term-based program changes, update the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> for any non-completed <courseData> records under Program A (this would include courses that were registered in the future under Program A, that the student will not actually attend in Program A).
  • Once the program change is complete, update the <student> node with the <externalCampusId> and <externalSiteId> of the student's new campus (the campus that Program B is associated to) and site.

Returning to a Prior Program

It is common for a student to change programs during their college career. The student enrolls in and attends Program A for a period of time. The student then has a program change into Program B. Students may or may not have attended Program B, but Program B has become the active program in Regent Award. The student then changes programs back to Program A.
To address this scenario, schools must provide A-B-A program changes using the following guidance:

Scenario: Student is returning to a program which they previously attended.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A for Summer 2016.
  • Student changes programs to Program B for Fall 2016 is also within Campus A.
  • Student changes programs again for Winter 2016, moving back to Program A in Campus A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program B in the <academicInformation> node.
  • In order to change from Program B, back to Program A, provide the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <externalProgramId> and <programStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node. Provide the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program A in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.

Program A data must be provided in the "next" fields of the <academicInformation> node in order for Regent Award to recognize the change as a return to the prior program.

For example:
SBL placing the student in Program A for the first time:
<academicInformation <externalProgramId>="A" <programStartDate>="2016-07-25" />
SBL moving the student from Program A to Program B:
<academicInformation <externalProgramId>="A" <programStartDate>="2016-07-25" <programCompletionDate>="2016-09-11" nextProgramExternalProgramId="B" nextProgramStartDate="2016-09-11"/>
SBL moving the student from Program B to Program A for the second time:
<academicInformation <externalProgramId>="B" <programStartDate>="2016-09-11" <programCompletionDate>="2017-01-04" nextProgramExternalProgramId="A" nextProgramStartDate="2017-01-05"/>

  • Coursework for Program B and Program A should be updated following the guidance outlined in this document for the specific program change scenario.

Automated Program Changes

Regent Award automatically performs program changes in specific scenarios. An automatic program change requires no intervention from the user. The following section describes when Regent Award automatically processes a program change.

Anticipated Program Changes

Regent Award will automatically process a program change when the student's current active program ("Program A") is anticipated, meaning it has no courses of any kind associated to it, and the new program ("Program B") is provided on the SBL in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.  Program B must not have any courses associated with it in this scenario.  There is no need for any configuration options to be in place or user intervention in this scenario and a Program Change Task will not be generated.  Program B will automatically become the student's new active program.  If Program B had actual enrollment, a Program Change task would be generated and the Program Change would be processed manually, or in an automated manner if configured to do so as described by the following section.

Substantially Equal Program Changes

Via Regent Award configuration, a school may opt to automate substantially equal program changes. The Institution Setup screen provides configuration options that determine whether or not the Automated Program Change functionality will be in effect in a given customer instance. If a school chooses to use the Automated Program Change functionality and is also using Regent's Abbreviated Period functionality, the school can further customize their Regent Award setup by choosing whether or not to automate program changes during an Abbreviated Period. The "Automated SE Program Changes in Abbreviated Periods" setup option will be available only if the "Enable Abbreviated Periods (Nonterm Only)" (this configuration option is in the General Settings section of Institution Setup) and the "Automate Program Changes for SE Program Groups" options are set to a value of "Yes."

Institution Setup – General Tab – NEW Automated Program Change Settings Section

Regent Award also offers a configuration area called "Program Groups" which allows schools to group programs together for specific functionality or processing within Regent Award. Program Groups allow schools to designate one or more programs as substantially equal to one another. The Program Group Name and Description can be customized by the school. The school can choose from the list of "Available Programs," to create a customized group. The "Available Programs" list contains all of the programs available at all campuses within a chosen institution. A few business rules apply to Program Groups:

  • Programs cannot be grouped if the programs are at different campuses with different attending and reporting IDs.
  • If the programs are at different campuses and both campuses have the same attending and reporting IDs, the programs can be grouped.
  • If the programs are at the same campus, the programs can be grouped.

Substantially equal programs should be grouped together using the following criteria:

  • The coursework in the payment period the student is transferring out of is substantially similar (program applicable) to the coursework the student will be taking when he or she first transfers in the new program.
  • The payment period definitions are substantially equal in length in weeks of instructional time, as applicable;
  • The two programs have the same values in Regent Award Program Setup for Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type, Academic Unit Type, Units in Academic Year, and Weeks in Academic Year.

Therefore, the following validation checks are also in place on the Program Group setup screen:

  1. Validation that the External Program Group ID value is unique within the Institution.
  2. Validate that grouped programs contain the same value on Program Setup for Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type, and Academic Unit Type.

When the Program Group is "saved," Regent Award will identify students with outstanding program change tasks involving a program that was updated (programs added to or removed from a given Program Group). Regent Award will then execute the Course Enrollment Roll-up Process to re-validate whether the two programs involved in the program change are substantially equal or not substantially equal as a result of the change made to Program Groups.
When the SBL data is imported, Regent Award will recognize the existence of a new <externalProgramId> for the student, and will trigger the creation of a new program record for the student. When program changes are NOT automated, packaging will then produce a program change task which would be manually processed by the FAA end-user. When automated, substantially equal program change functionality is in use, Regent Award will recognize that a new program record exists for the program and will perform several checks in order to determine whether or not the program change can be automated.

  • Have the current ("Program A") and next ("Program B") programs been placed into the same Program Group?
    • Yes.
      • Do the following fields have the same value on Program Setup for both programs: Academic Calendar Type, Academic Period Type, Academic Unit Type, Units in Academic Year, and Weeks in Academic Year.
        • Yes.
          • Is the program term (or non-standard term) or nonterm?
            • Nonterm:
              • Is there a "Finalized" R2T4 on the current ("Program A") program?
                • Yes; Regent Award will generate a program change task to be completed manually by the end user. The end user will have the option to manually process this program change as substantially equal.
                • No; Regent Award will automate the program change effectively designating the next ("Program B") program as the program to become active.
            • Term or Non-standard term: Regent Award will automate the program change effectively designating the next ("Program B") program as the program to become active.
        • No. Regent Award will generate a program change task to be completed manually by the end user. The end user will have the option to manually process this program change as substantially equal.
    • No; Regent Award will generate a program change task to be completed manually by the end user. The end user will NOT have the option to manually process this program change as substantially equal; the program change must be processed as not substantially equal.

Pre-start and Post-start Program Changes

Schools often allow students the flexibility of changing programs multiple times prior to their start date at the school. Schools also allow a student to change programs within a certain number of days of the start of the student's Academic Plan in Regent Award. When the appropriate configuration options are in place, Regent Award will automate these program changes, essentially replacing the student's starting program in Regent Award. The student's starting academic year in Regent Award will remain AY1.

Configuration Options

The Institution Setup screen will allow a customer to choose whether or not to use the Automated Pre-Start Program Change functionality. If a school chooses to use the Automated Pre-start Program Change functionality, Regent Award will attempt to automate program changes occurring prior to the start of the student's Academic Plan in Regent Award if the student has no paid awards (other than paid rebuild awards that would exist in AY0) on the existing program. If a school chooses "Yes" in the "Automated Pre-start Program Changes" field, the "Automate Program Changes within X days of Plan Start" field will become available (field will remain inactive if "No" is chosen in the "Automated Pre-start Program Changes" field). The value entered in the "Automate Program Changes within X days of Plan Start" field will determine how many days after the start of the student's Academic Plan in Regent Award, that a program change can be automated as of the start date. A negative value is not a valid entry for this field. Regent Award will attempt to automate program changes occurring within the first X days of the start of the student's Academic Plan in Regent Award if the student has no paid awards (other than paid rebuild awards that would exist in AY0) on the existing program. Access to both of these configuration options are controlled by permissions.

Institution Setup – General Tab –Automated Pre-Start Program Change Configuration Settings

SBL Import Process

When the SBL data is imported, Regent Award will recognize the existence of a new <externalProgramId> for the student. If the program start date for the student's current, active program is today or a date in the future or if the program change is occurring within the configured number of days from the start of the student's Academic Plan in Regent Award, Regent Award will automatically switch the student's active program to the newly received <externalProgramId> (making the new program the starting program for the student). When the actual start date (backed by course data) is available, Regent Award will use that date to determine whether the active program's start date is today, or a future date. When the actual start date is not available, Regent Award will use the anticipated start date (<programStartDate> provided on the SBL).

When the student's "starting program" has been updated, the Academic Plan will be updated with the new program information, and the starting Academic Year will be AY1. If the student does not have paid awards (other than paid rebuild awards that would exist in AY0) on the existing program, and those awards have been originated at COD, Regent Award will update the awards with the new program data and re-export the award data to COD. If a student changes both programs and start dates, such that the new program start date now falls into a different FAY in which funds were originally originated, the awards must be cancelled, and new awards with a new Financial Award ID must be created by Regent Award. In this case, the student will have to re-accept the new awards on the portal. If the student has paid awards (other than paid rebuild awards that would exist in AY0) on the existing program, the pre-start program change will not be automated by Regent Award. These program changes will be processed manually using the Program Management Wizard in Regent Award.

Manual Academic Years

There may be two types of manual academic years existing on the student's Academic Plan prior to the pre-start program change; system generated manual academic years, or non-system generated (user created) manual academic years. For both types of manual academic years, regardless of whether or not the student's program's start date changes at the time of the program change, Regent Award will update manual academic year records with the new program data, and they will remain on the student's Academic Plan post-program change.

Additional functionality is in place when the start date of the prior program and new program differ and user created manual academic years (including Abbreviated Periods) exist on the student's Academic Plan. As stated above, Regent Award will update the manual academic years with the new program information, and they will remain on the student's Academic Plan post-program change. However, these user-created manual academic years may now require updates due to the change in the start date of the student's Academic Plan. Regent Award will alert the end user when this scenario occurs by generating the "Review Automated Program Change with Manual AY" task advising the user to review the student's manual academic year data, post-program change.

Scenario: Student is in enrolled to being Program A on 07/01/2017. Prior to this date, the student changes their starting program to Program B.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Program B is also within Institution A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Course data may or may not be present in these pre-start program change scenarios, and should be supplied per the guidance in the scenarios outlined in this document.
  • Upon completion of the SBL import process, the student's starting program of Program A will be replaced by Program B, in academic year 1.

Scenario: Student is in enrolled to being Program A on 01/01/2017. On 01/05/2017, the student changes their starting program to Program B.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Program B is also within Institution A.
  • The "Automate Program Change Within X Days of Start" setup option must be set to a value of four or more.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Course data may or may not be present in these pre-start program change scenarios, and should be supplied per the guidance in the scenarios outlined in this document.
  • Upon completion of the SBL import process, the student's starting program of Program A will be replaced by Program B, in academic year 1.

Graduate to Undergraduate Program Changes

Scenario: Student is moving from a graduate program to an undergraduate program as a junior level during an academic year. The program change creates an overlapping situation.

Student Details            

  • The loan period is from 1/3/2015 – 8/30/2015 for $10,000 DL Unsub. The student was paid $5,000.
  • Student's program change begins on 4/1/2015.
  • Undergraduate ISIR (Field 70 "Working on Masters or Doctorate Program" is set to "2" or is blank) is received and made Active.
    • If Graduate ISIR is still active at the time of the Program Change, Regent Award will issue an alert and allow manually setting the correct ISIR as Active.

Awarding Guidance

  • R2T4 is performed by the FAA for the first PP since it has not ended.
  • Loan is cancelled for the remainder of the LP for the graduate program.
  • New loan period for the new program would be 4/1/2015 – 11/25/2015.
  • Student can borrow 12,500 – 5,000 = 7,500.
  • Student can become eligible for Pell and Sub loans
  • Annual Loan Limit Formula:
    • Applying only undergraduate loan amounts against the annual loan limit for the undergraduate grade level, and
    • Ensuring the undergraduate amount plus the graduate amounts within the AY do not exceed the graduate limits.

FSAH 2016-17, Page 3-107:

Transfer from graduate to undergraduate program during an academic year
If a student transfers from a graduate program to an undergraduate program in the middle of an academic year, the undergraduate annual loan limit for the student's grade level applies, but amounts previously borrowed at the graduate level within the same academic year do not count against the undergraduate annual loan limit. However, the total amount awarded for the academic year may not exceed the higher (grad/professional) annual loan limit.

Regent Award does not subtract the amount of the graduate loans received during the overlap, but awards the normal undergraduate amounts as long as the graduate limit is not exceeded for all loans in the AY.
Graduate loans are not prorated.

Undergraduate to Graduate Program Changes

Scenario: A student completed an undergraduate program at 28 weeks in the last AY. The student will start the new graduate program, which is NSE.

Student Details

  • The student's final AY in the undergraduate program was four weeks away from completing the standard AY of 32 weeks.
  • The student will start the new program before 32 weeks have elapsed from the start of the last AY in the undergraduate program.
  • Graduate ISIR (Field 70 "Working on Masters or Doctorate Program" is set to "1") is received and made Active.
    • If the undergraduate ISIR is still active at the time of the program change, Regent Award will issue an alert and allow manually setting the correct ISIR as Active.

Awarding Guidance

  • When going from an undergraduate to a graduate program in an overlap scenario, the student is eligible for the graduate maximum minus amount awarded as an undergraduate in the student's first graduate loan period.
    • Annual Loan Limit Formula: New (higher) GL amount minus amounts already received during the AY.

FSAH 2016-17, page 3-111 - Grade level progression within the same academic year

In standard term programs or nonstandard SE9W programs, a student who has already borrowed up to the annual limit within an academic year can receive additional loan funds if the student progresses to a grade level with a higher annual loan limit during that same academic year.

  • The FAA prorates the undergraduate's loans if it was known the student was going to have fewer credits than a full AY in that final period.
  • Regent Award will cancel Pell and truncate existing sub and unsub loans.
  • New unsub loans must be awarded at the grad AY limit for the remainder of the AY due to a GL increase.
  • The user may choose one of the following for this scenario:
  1. A short initial loan period for the remainder of the original AY – can borrow graduate limit minus Sub/Unsub already received for the AY (as with external transfer from another institution – this is a manual process with the PMW).
  2. New overlapping full AY loan period for the full graduate levels less undergraduate Sub/Unsub amounts already received.

    FSAH 2014-15, page 3-33 - Loan periods for a student starting a new program at the same school in the same academic year:

  • When completing a program, when the student's last loan to complete that program was for coursework less than an academic year in length, and the student then begins a new program at the same school, the school may originate a loan for the remainder of the academic year.

In this case, the school may originate a loan for an amount that does not exceed the remaining balance of the student's annual loan limit at the loan level associated with the new program. You must determine the new payment periods for that reduced loan period. The payment periods may not coincide with the payment periods for grants and Perkins Loans.

Additional Topics

Removing a program change

In the case that a new program has been imported into Regent Award on the SBL, by mistake or is no longer needed, the end user can choose to "remove" this program from consideration for the student.

  1. Package the student in order to generate a program change task.
  2. In Regent Award's PMW, select "Program Change" – and then choose "Remove" next to the program that you do NOT want to be considered for this student.
  3. Finish the wizard. The end user will see that the student remains in the old program.
  4. On the next SBL, be sure to REMOVE the <programCompletionDate>, <nextProgramExternalProgramID> and <nextProgramStartDate> from the academicInformation node.

Transfers in the Course tab of Regent Award

Internal Transfers (provided as transfer=Internal on the SBL) do not display an associated payment period or term name in the "Payment Pd" column of the course grid. These units are associated to the program at the beginning of the program, and are therefore not associated to a specific payment period.

External Transfers (provided as transfer=External on the SBL) will display an associated payment period or term name in the "Payment Pd" column of the course grid. These units can be associated to a specific payment period based on course start and end dates, and Regent Award will apply the proper grade level progression for the student. Example:

Appendix A: Term and Non-Standard Term Scenarios

Regent Award supports term-based program changes that occur between terms and between academic years. Mid-term program changes are not supported.

Future Program Changes within the Same Campus

Scenario: The student is not yet registered for future term


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Fall 2016. 
  • The student has not yet registered for Spring 2017 and has not yet finished Fall 2016. 
  • The student wants to move to Program B for the Spring 2017 term.

Required SBL Information

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Any completed courses from prior terms that are program applicable to Program B should be sent on the SBL as new <courseData> records with:
    • Create a copy of these course data records with the same externalCourseId,
    • The <externalTermId> for Spring 2017,
    • The <externalProgramId> to that of Program B,
    • Transfer flag="Internal."

Continue sending the courses that apply to Program A on the SBL, using the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> that is appropriate (in this example, Fall 2016, Program A), and update the courses as appropriate (grades, completion flag, etc.).  These updates will need to be made to the course record for the courses that are sent under the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> for the term in which the program change will occur (as internal transfers into Program B in Spring 2017).

Scenario: The student is registered for the future term


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Fall 2016. 
  • The student has already registered for courses for Spring 2017 in Program A, but the student wants to move to Program B in the Spring 2017 term. 
  • The registered courses for Spring 2017 may or may not be program applicable to Program B

Required SBL Information

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • For the <courseData> records for which the student has future enrollment in Program A (in this example, Spring 2017 courses carrying the <externalProgramId> for Program A), add a <withdrawalDate>.
  • For courses in which the student will be enrolled for Spring 2017 in Program B:
    • Add new <courseData> records with the same externalCourseId.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> to Program B.
  • For completed courses from prior terms, that are program applicable to Program B:
    • Add a new <courseData> record with the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalTermId> for Spring 2017,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> to that of Program B,
    • Add transfer="Internal." 

Continue sending the courses that apply to Program A on the SBL, using the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> that is appropriate (in this example, Fall 2016, Program A), and update the courses as appropriate (grades, completion flag, etc.).  These updates will need to be made to the course record for the courses that are sent under the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> for the term in which the program change will occur (as internal transfers into Program B in Spring 2017).

Future Program change Across Institutions

Scenario: The student is not yet registered for future term


  • Student is enrolled in Program A at Institution A in Fall 2016. 
  • The student has not yet registered for the Spring 2017 and has not yet finished Fall 2016. 
  • The student knows now that in the Spring, they will want to move to Program B at Institution B

SBL Requirements

  • A <programCompletionDate> needs to be sent on the <academicInformation> node of the SBL for Program A at Institution A. DO NOT provide the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields for this scenario.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> on any current / future Program A courses at Institution A that the student will not attend or is dropping.
  • Load the student at Institution B in Program B.
  • Any courses that the student has already taken, that are program applicable to Program B at Institution B should be sent in the SBL as follows: 
    • Create a copy of these course data records with the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalTermId> to Spring 2017,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> to that of Program B,
    • Add transfer="External."

This scenario will not generate a program change task in Regent Award. Continue sending the courses that apply to Program A on the SBL, using the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> that is appropriate (in this example, Fall 2016, Program A), and update the courses as appropriate (grades, completion flag, etc.).  These updates will need to be made to the course record for the courses that are sent under the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> for the term in which the program change will occur (as external transfers into Program B in Spring 2017).

Scenario: The student is registered for future term


  • Student is enrolled in Program A at Institution A in Fall 2016. 
  • The student has already registered for courses for Spring 2017 in Program A at Institution A.  The student then decides to move to Program B at Institution B
  • The courses in which the student registered for Spring 2017 are program applicable to Program B at Institution B

SBL Requirements

  • Add a <programCompletionDate> for Program A at Institution A in the <academicInformation> node. DO NOT provide the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields for this scenario.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> on the Spring 2017 courses that exist under Program A at Institution A.
  • Load the student at Institution B in Program B.
  • Any courses that the student has already taken, that are program applicable to Program B at Institution B, should be sent in the SBL as follows:
    • Add a new <courseData> record with the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalTermId> for Spring 2017,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> for Program B,
    • Add transfer="External." 
  • For courses in which the student will be enrolled for Spring 2017 at Institution B:
    • Add new <courseData> records with the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> for Program B.

This scenario will not generate a program change task in Regent Award. Continue sending the courses that apply to Program A on the SBL, using the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> that is appropriate (in this example, Fall 2016, Program A), and update the courses as appropriate (grades, completion flag, etc.).  These updates will need to be made to the course record for the courses that are sent under the <externalTermId> and <externalProgramId> for the term in which the program change will occur (as external transfers into Program B in Spring 2017).

Program Changes within the Same Institution, at different Campuses

Scenario:  Student is moving to a program offered at a different Campus then their current Campus, but both Campuses are located within the same Regent Award Institution


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A, under Institution A in Regent Award.
  • Student plans to move to Program B in Campus B, under Institution A in Regent Award

SBL Requirements

  • Send final course updates for all programs under Program A prior to performing the program change via SBL load. Add a <withdrawalDate> for any non-completed <courseData> records under Program A (this would include courses that were registered in the future under Program A, that the student will not actually attend in Program A).
  • In a subsequent SBL load:
    • Update the <student> node with the <externalCampusId> and <externalSiteId> of the student's new campus (the campus that Program B is associated to) and site.
    • Update the <academicInformation> node with the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <externalProgramId> and <programStartDate> fields.
    • Courses that the student has completed, that are program applicable to Program B, should be updated as follows:
      • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId,
      • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course,
      • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> nodes to reflect the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course,
      • Update the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.

Transfers from an External Institution to the Regent Award Institution

Scenario:  Student has external transfer credits from another institution

  • Note: The student will begin the new program in a new academic year in Regent Award.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Student has (external) transfer credits from another Institution.

SBL Requirements


 Additional SBL field details are on the Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary).

For the TRANSFER courses taken at another institution that are program applicable to the student's current program in Regent Award:

  • Send these courses on the <courseData> node of the SBL (same as current registered courses).
  • Mark as transfer="External"
  • Include Quality Points and mark as countTowardProgression = true
  • Send the Course Start Date and Course End date
    • If the units are to apply at the very beginning of the program, set the course end date to end on or before the program start date. If the units are to apply at the beginning of a specific term on the students' academic plan, use the external term ID and term end date for the term that ended before the term where the student should have those units included in grade-level calculation.
      • If the course end date is on or before the program start date, the course's external transfer units will apply to the entire program, including the very first term.
      • If the course end date is after the program start date, the course will apply to the specified external term ID. 
    • If possible, leave the <courseStartDate> and <courseEndDate> as-is from the school where the course was taken.  If the school does not have the <courseStartDate> and <courseEndDate> data for the courses taken at another school, the recommended approach is to use a date for the course end date that aligns with the point in the student's Academic Plan where the units are earned. If the course end date is after the program start date, those units will be used for awarding (such as grade level calculation) in the following term after they are earned.
    • Once the course start and end dates are determined, they should not be updated on subsequent SBL loads. If the dates change, especially the course end date for nonterm, the system may reallocate the courses and change the Academic Plan, and potentially may also change awards. 
  • Add the <externalTermId> value.
    • If the course end date is on or before the program start date, the external transfer course will apply to the program starting with the very first term. 
    • If the course end date is after the program start date, the external transfer course will apply to the specified term regardless of dates.
    • The <externalTermId> should match the term when the units were earned, so those units can count towards the grade-level calculations for the following term. For example, Mary goes to school for a year at a SAY College, and she comes home for the Summer. She takes courses at a Community College while at home. She takes her transcript from the Community College back to the SAY College in the Fall. Mary has external transfer courses now. The school would want to use the Summer term as the external term ID when importing these transfer courses into Regent Award. In doing so, those external transfer units will apply to Mary's program accordingly (prior to the Fall term that Mary is about to start).  Sending the courses before the Fall term allows those courses to help Mary progress to a higher grade level in Fall, if applicable.
  • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.

Appendix B: Nonterm Scenarios

The following section describes the nonterm program to nonterm program changes supported within Regent Award.

Program Changes within the Same Campus

Scenario: Student is changing programs during the middle of a payment period. The student does not have future registration beyond the current payment period.

  • For example, PP is 2/3/16 – 8/30/16; student changes programs on 6/15/16; student has completed courses, in-progress courses, and non-completed courses in the current PP.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A.
  • The student has completed courses in Program A in the current PP.
  • The student does not have future registration.
  • Program B is in Campus A.

SBL Requirements

 Additional SBL field details are on the Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary).

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • COMPLETED COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
      • The units and weeks of courses completed in the current payment period, that are sent as transfer courses into the new program, will count towards completion of the current payment period for a substantially equal program change.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • IN-PROGRESS COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses using the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B.
    • If the student withdrawals from the in-progress course before completion, send the course with a <withdrawalDate> on the SBL under Program A. There is no need to send this course under Program B.
  • IN-PROGRESS COURSES that are NOT program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • If the student is withdrawing from the course, add a <withdrawalDate> for this <courseData> record under Program A,
    • If the student plans to finish out the course, despite the fact that the course is not program applicable to Program B,
      • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
      • Update the <externalProgramId> in the course nodes to reflect the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
      • Ensure that the programApplicable flag on the <courseData> record is set to "false."
  • FUTURE COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be added to the SBL as the student registers for those courses.

Scenario: Student is changing programs during the middle of a payment period. The student has future registration beyond the current payment period.

  • For example, PP is 2/3/16 – 8/30/16; student changes programs on 6/15/16; student has completed courses, in-progress courses, and non-attended courses in the current PP.  Student also has future registration beyond the current PP.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A.
  • The student has completed courses in Program A in the current PP.
  • The student has future registration.
  • Program B is in Campus A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • COMPLETED COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be provided as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
      • The units and weeks of courses completed in the current payment period, that are sent as transfer courses into the new program, will count toward completion of the current payment period for a substantially equal program change.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the course nodes to reflect the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • IN-PROGRESS COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses using the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B,
    • If the student withdrawals from the in-progress course before completion, send the course with a <withdrawalDate> on the SBL under both Program A and Program B.
  • IN-PROGRESS COURSES that are NOT program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • If the student is withdrawing from the course, add a <withdrawalDate> for this <courseData> record under Program A.
    • If the student plans to finish out the course, despite the fact that the course is not program applicable to Program B,
      • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
      • Update the <externalProgramId> in the course nodes to reflect the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
      • Ensure that the programApplicable flag on the <courseData> record is set to "false."
  • FUTURE COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId,
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.

Scenario: Student is changing programs during the middle of a payment period. The program change is Substantially Equal. At the time of program change, there are no in-progress courses.

  • For example, PP is 2/3/16 – 8/30/16; student changes programs on 6/15/16; student has completed courses, and non-completed courses in the current PP.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A.
  • The student has completed courses in Program A in the current PP.
  • The student does not have future registration.
  • Program B is in Campus A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • COMPLETED COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses using the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
      • The units and weeks of courses completed in the current payment period, that are sent as transfer courses into the new program, will count towards completion of the current payment period for a substantially equal program change.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • FUTURE COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be added to the SBL as the student registers for those courses.
  • Once the program change has been completed in Regent Award, and the new <programStartDate> has arrived, the <academicInformation> node of the SBL should be updated to provide the <externalProgramId> and <programStartDate> of the NEW program in the <externalProgramId> and <startDate> fields.

Program Changes within the Same Institution, at different Campuses

Scenario:  Student is moving to a program offered at a different Campus then their current Campus, but both Campuses are located within the same Regent Award Institution.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A, under Institution A in Regent Award.
  • Student plans to move to Program B in Campus B, under Institution A in Regent Award.

SBL Requirements

  • Add a <withdrawalDate> for any non-completed <courseData> records under Program A (this would include courses that were registered for in the future under Program A, that the student will not actually attend in Program A).
  • Add the <programCompletionDate> for Program A to the <academicInformation> node of the SBL.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node of the SBL.
  • Courses that the student has completed, that are program applicable to Program B, should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • In a subsequent SBL load:
    • Update the <student> node with the <externalCampusId> and <externalSiteId> of the student's new campus (the campus that Program B is associated to) and site.

Transfers from an External Institution to the Regent Award Institution

Scenario:  Student has external transfer credits from another institution.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Student has (external) transfer credits from another Institution.

SBL Requirements


 Additional SBL field details are on the Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary).

  • For the TRANSFER courses taken at another institution that are program applicable to the student's current program in Regent Award:
    • Send these courses on the <courseData> node of the SBL (same as current registration).
    • Add the transfer="External" flag.
    • Include Quality Points and mark as countTowardProgression = true.
    • Send the course start and course end date.
      • If possible, send the <courseStartDate> and <courseEndDate> from the school where the course was taken.
        • If the Regent school does not have the <courseStartDate> and <courseEndDate> data for the courses taken at another school, the recommended approach is to use today's date (the date the courses are being loaded into Regent Award).
      • If the course end date is on or before the program start date, the course's external transfer units will apply to awards in the entire program, including the very first payment period.
      • If the course end date is after the program start date, the course's external transfer units will apply to the course enrollment as defined by the end date of that transferred course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.

Scenario:  Student is transferring from an External Institution (Institution A) to the Regent Award Institution (Institution B). There is an overlap in the academic years from Institution A to Institution B's Program B. Program B is nonterm.

  • Note - Students who transfer into nonterm programs at an Regent Award school, from another school, may still have an open academic year (AY) at the prior school.   When this occurs, the open AY at the prior school / from the prior program must be maintained at the Regent Award school. Regent Award offers two tasks that will identify overlapping loan periods / academic years between the prior school, and the Regent Award school, using NSLDS and ISIR data imported into Regent Award:
    • Review Overlapping Academic Year from NSLDS
    • Review Overlapping Loan Period from ISIR
  • See Regent Award Task Triggers for more information on these tasks.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Student has (external) transfer credits.
  • A Nonterm Academic Year is complete when the weeks and credits/hours in the Academic Year are successfully completed.
  • Institution B must use the start date of the overlapping academic year at Institution A as the beginning of the first academic year at Institution B.

SBL Requirements


 Additional SBL field details are on the Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary).

  • For the TRANSFER courses taken at another institution that are program applicable to the student's current program in Regent Award:
    • Send these courses on the <courseData> node of the SBL (same as current registration).
    • Add the transfer="External" flag.
    • Include Quality Points and mark as countTowardProgression = true.
    • If possible, send the <courseStartDate> and <courseEndDate> from the school where the course was taken.
      • If the Regent school does not have the <courseStartDate> and <courseEndDate> data for the courses taken at another school, the recommended approach is to use today's date (the date the courses are being loaded into Regent Award).
      • If the course end date is on or before the program start date, the course's external transfer units will apply to awards in the entire program, including the very first payment period.
      • If the course end date is after the program start date, the course's external transfer units will apply to the course enrollment as defined by the end date of that transferred course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.

Student Details

  • When there is an overlapping Academic Year loan period for a transfer student, the Academic Year at the new school begins with the start date of the Academic Year at the old school.
  • Institution A:  Academic Year 1/1/2017 to 8/31/2017
    • Student attended 1 month, and withdrew.
  • Institution B (the Regent Award school):
    • The student's first AY in Regent Award will begin on 1/1/2017 and end on 8/31/2017 (end date at Institution A). This AY will consist of only one payment period in Regent Award. The payment period start date will align with the student's program start date in Regent Award, 8/1/2017.
    • The AY ends on the end date of the academic year at Institution A regardless of credits attempted/completed at Institution B. The end date is date driven and it is not based on successful completion of credit.

Loan Period Guidance

  • The abbreviated loan period starts when the student starts at Institution B.
  • The abbreviated loan period ends when the AY would have ended at Institution A regardless of how many hours or weeks of instructional time the student has completed.
  • The amount that can be borrowed in the abbreviated loan period is any remaining amount of the annual loan limit that was not disbursed at Institution A.
  • The first disbursement of the remaining balance loan borrowed for attendance at Institution B would be disbursed at the beginning of the loan period. The loan must be multiplied and disbursed in at least two disbursements over the abbreviated loan period, with the second disbursement of the loan disbursed at the calendar midpoint of the abbreviated loan period (regardless of how many clock/credit hours or weeks of instructional time have been completed). The exception to this rule is if Institution B has a low CDR (Cohort Default Rate), in which case, only one disbursement is required.
    1. Schools that select "yes" for the Multiple Disbursement Requirement in Regent Award's Institution Setup are subject to the CDR Rule.
  • The next loan period at Institution B would begin the day after the last day of the abbreviated loan period.
  • The next loan period would be subject to the normal BBAY3 rules in that the student must complete hours and weeks of instructional time before qualifying for the second disbursement, and in order to progress to the next academic year for annual loan limit purposes.
  • During the abbreviated period (abbreviated AY), the payment period is the loan period in Regent Award, not the full AY.

Appendix C: Program Change Scenarios across Academic Structures

Substantial Changes to Program Structure

Regent treats program changes between two programs with differing academic structures as not substantially equal (NSE):

  • A transfer from, for example, a term SAY program to a nonterm BBAY3 program is a substantial change in the student's program structure.
  • SAY to BBAY3 would require an R2T4 (if the term was not completed) and new loans for a new, full BBAY in the nonterm program. 
    • The annual loan limits for these loans would have to be reduced by the amounts disbursed during the overlapping period in the original SAY program.  
  • Rationale:  While academic years could have the same definition (for example, 24 semester credits and 32 weeks), a student who has completed a SAY semester of 16 weeks will not necessarily have met the BBAY3 payment period requirement of also successfully completing 12 credits.

Program Changes within the Same Campus

Scenario: Student is moving from a term or nonstandard term program into a nonterm program.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Campus A.
  • Program B is also within in Campus A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> to the <courseData> node for courses in Program A that are not complete (both current and future that the student will not be completing while enrolled in Program A).
  • Courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • FUTURE COURSES that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.

Scenario: Student is moving from a nonterm program to a term or non-standard term-based program.


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Program B is also within in Institution A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> to the <courseData> node for courses in Program A that are not complete (both current and future that the student will not be completing while enrolled in Program A).
  • Courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
    • Add the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> nodes that reflects the identifier for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • FUTURE courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.
    • Add the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node that reflects the identifier for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.

Scenario: Student is moving from a term program to a nonstandard term program


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Program B is also within in Institution A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> to the <courseData> node for courses in Program A that are not complete (both current and future that the student will not be completing while enrolled in Program A).
  • Courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node to the <externalTermId> for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • FUTURE courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.
    • Update the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node to the <externalTermId> for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.

Scenario: Student is moving from a nonstandard term program to a term program


  • Student is enrolled in Program A in Institution A.
  • Program B is also within in Institution A.

SBL Requirements

  • Provide the <programCompletionDate> for Program A in the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add the <externalProgramId> and start date of Program B in the <nextProgramExternalProgramId> and <nextProgramStartDate> fields of the <academicInformation> node.
  • Add a <withdrawalDate> to the <courseData> node for courses in Program A that are not complete (both current and future that the student will not be completing while enrolled in Program A).
  • Courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Add the transfer="Internal" flag on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node such that it reflects the identifier for Program B on the new copy of the course.
    • Update the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node to the <externalTermId> for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.
  • FUTURE courses that are program applicable to Program B should be updated as follows:
    • Create a copy of these courses with the same externalCourseId.
    • Update the <externalProgramId> in the <courseData> node to reflect the identifier for Program B.
    • Update the <externalTermId> in the <courseData> node to the <externalTermId> for the first term of Program B on the new copy of the course.

Appendix D: Sample SBL Files

Please assume that all sblCreatedDate fields are also "today's date" in the following examples.

Nonterm to Nonterm Program Change

SBL 1 – Establishing the student in Program A

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<students sblCreatedDate="2015-09-03T09:17:54.5800000" xmlns="">
<student externalStudentId1="1" socialSecurityNumber="999999949" birthDate="1986-01-16" lastName="Test" firstName="NT_Test" externalCampusId="A" externalSiteId="A" >
<academicInformation externalProgramId="A" programStartDate="2015-09-03" programComplete="false" />
<courseData courseId="101" courseName="Course_One" externalCourseId="1" courseStartDate="2015-09-03" courseEndDate="2016-03-06" registeredUnits="12.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" qualityPoints="0.00" enrolledDate="2015-08-22" attendance="true" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="A" programApplicable="true" />
<courseData courseId="201" courseName="Course_Two" externalCourseId="2" courseStartDate="2016-03-07" courseEndDate="2016-09-02" registeredUnits="12.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" qualityPoints="0.00" enrolledDate="2015-08-22" attendance="true" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="A" programApplicable="true" />

SBL 2 – Program Change to Program B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<students sblCreatedDate="2016-09-13T09:17:54.5800000" xmlns="">
<student externalStudentId1="1" socialSecurityNumber="999999949" birthDate="1986-01-16" lastName="Test" firstName="NT_Test" externalCampusId="A" externalSiteId="A" >
<academicInformation externalProgramId="A" programStartDate="2015-09-03" programCompletionDate="2016-09-12" nextProgramExternalProgramId="B" nextProgramStartDate="2016-09-13" />

<!-- Courses from Old Program that TRANSFER into the NEW program-->

<courseData courseId="101" courseName="Course_One" externalCourseId="1" courseStartDate="2015-09-03" courseEndDate="2016-03-06" registeredUnits="12.00" completed="true" countTowardProgression="true" qualityPoints="2.00" enrolledDate="2015-08-22" attendance="true" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" transfer="Internal" />
<courseData courseId="201" courseName="Course_Two" externalCourseId="2" courseStartDate="2016-03-07" courseEndDate="2016-09-02" registeredUnits="12.00" completed="true" countTowardProgression="true" qualityPoints="2.00" enrolledDate="2015-08-22" attendance="true" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" transfer="Internal" /> 

<!-- New Program NON-TRANSFER courses-->

<courseData courseId="301" courseName="Course_Three" externalCourseId="3" courseStartDate="2016-09-13" courseEndDate="2017-03-17" registeredUnits="12.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2016-08-30" attendance="true" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" />
<courseData courseId="401" courseName="Course_Four" externalCourseId="4" courseStartDate="2017-03-18" courseEndDate="2017-09-20" registeredUnits="12.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2016-08-30" attendance="false" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" />

Term-based to Term-based Program Change

(also covers Non-standard term-based to non-standard term based)

SBL 1 – Establishing the student in Program A

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<students sblCreatedDate="2016-11-12T13:49:20.98" xmlns="">
<student active="true" birthDate="1983-08-18" externalCampusId="A" externalSiteId="A" externalStudentId1="2" firstName="Test" lastName="Term_Test" socialSecurityNumber="121211121">
<academicInformation externalProgramId="A" programStartDate="2016-11-13" /> 
<courseData attendance="false" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2017-02-20" courseId="101" courseName="Course_One" courseStartDate="2016-11-13" enrolledDate="2016-09-10" externalCourseId="1" externalProgramId="A" externalSiteId="A" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="5" externalTermId="1111" />
<courseData attendance="false" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2017-02-20" courseId="201" courseName="Course_Two" courseStartDate="2016-11-13" enrolledDate="2016-09-10" externalCourseId="2" externalProgramId="A" externalSiteId="A" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="5" externalTermId="1111" /> 

SBL 2 – Program Change to Program B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<students sblCreatedDate="2017-02-24T13:47:20.98" xmlns="">
<student active="true" birthDate="1983-08-18" externalCampusId="A" externalSiteId="A" externalStudentId1="2" firstName="Test" lastName="Term_Test" socialSecurityNumber="121211121">
<academicInformation externalProgramId="A" programStartDate="2016-11-13" programCompletionDate="2017-02-24" nextProgramExternalProgramId="B" nextProgramStartDate="2017-03-04"/> 

<!-- Courses from Old Program that TRANSFER into the NEW program-->

<courseData attendance="true" completed="true" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2017-02-20" courseId="101" courseName="Course_One" courseStartDate="2016-11-13" enrolledDate="2016-09-10" externalCourseId="1" externalProgramId="B" externalSiteId="A" lastAttendedDate= "2017-02-20" letterGrade="A" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="5" externalTermId="2222" transfer="Internal" />
<courseData attendance="true" completed="true" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2017-02-20" courseId="201" courseName="Course_Two" courseStartDate="2016-11-13" enrolledDate="2016-09-10" externalCourseId="2" externalProgramId="B" externalSiteId="A" lastAttendedDate= "2017-02-20" letterGrade="A" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="5" externalTermId="2222" transfer="Internal" />

<!-- New Program NON-TRANSFER courses-->

<courseData attendance="false" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2017-05-26" courseId="301" courseName="Course_Three" courseStartDate="2017-03-04" enrolledDate="2017-02-24" externalCourseId="3" externalProgramId="B" externalSiteId="A" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="5" externalTermId="2222" />
<courseData attendance="false" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" courseEndDate="2017-05-26" courseId="401" courseName="Course_Five" courseStartDate="2017-03-04" enrolledDate="2017-02-24" externalCourseId="4" externalProgramId="B" externalSiteId="A" programApplicable="true" registeredUnits="5" externalTermId="2222" /> 

Nonterm to Term-based Program Change

SBL 1 – Establishing the student in Program A

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<students sblCreatedDate="2017-02-01T14:49:20.98" xmlns="">
<student externalStudentId1="3" socialSecurityNumber="111111111" birthDate="1961-04-14" lastName="Test" firstName="NT_to_Term" externalCampusId="A" externalSiteId="A" >
<academicInformation externalProgramId="A" programStartDate="2017-02-03" /> 
<courseData courseId="101" courseName="Course_One" externalCourseId="1" courseStartDate="2017-02-03" courseEndDate="2017-06-22" qualityPoints="0.00" registeredUnits="3.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2017-02-01" attendance="false" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="A" programApplicable="true" />
<courseData courseId="201" courseName="Course_Two" externalCourseId="2" courseStartDate="2017-02-03" courseEndDate="2017-06-22" qualityPoints="0.00" registeredUnits="3.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2017-02-01" attendance="false" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="A" programApplicable="true" /> 

SBL 2 – Program Change to Program B

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<students sblCreatedDate="2017-07-03T14:49:20.98" xmlns="">
<student externalStudentId1="3" socialSecurityNumber="111111111" birthDate="1961-04-14" lastName="Test" firstName="NT_to_Term" externalCampusId="A" externalSiteId="A" >
<academicInformation externalProgramId="A" programStartDate="2017-02-03" programCompletionDate="2017-06-22" nextProgramExternalProgramId="B" nextProgramStartDate="2017-07-30" /> 

<!-- Courses from Old Program that TRANSFER into the NEW program-->

<courseData courseId="101" courseName="Course_One" externalCourseId="1" courseStartDate="2017-02-03" courseEndDate="2017-06-22" qualityPoints="3.00" registeredUnits="3.00" completed="true" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2017-02-01" attendance="true" letterGrade="A-" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" transfer="Internal" externalTermId="1111" />
<courseData courseId="201" courseName="Course_Two" externalCourseId="2" courseStartDate="2017-02-03" courseEndDate="2017-06-22" qualityPoints="3.00" registeredUnits="3.00" completed="true" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2017-02-01" attendance="true" letterGrade="A-" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" transfer="Internal" externalTermId="1111" /> 

<!-- New Program NON-TRANSFER courses-->

<courseData courseId="301" courseName="Course_Three" externalCourseId="3" courseStartDate="2017-07-30" courseEndDate="2017-10-07" registeredUnits="3.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2017-06-07" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" externalTermId="1111" />
<courseData courseId="401" courseName="Course_Four" externalCourseId="4" courseStartDate="2017-07-30" courseEndDate="2017-10-07" registeredUnits="3.00" completed="false" countTowardProgression="true" enrolledDate="2017-06-07" externalSiteId="A" externalProgramId="B" programApplicable="true" externalTermId="1111" /> 

  • No labels