Reset Student for Conversion Process

Reset Student for Conversion Process


The 'Reset Student for Conversion' Process in Regent Award allows users (with permission) to "reset" a student in order to start clean with a new conversion (used in the event that bad data and/or incorrect manual processing has irrevocably corrupted student records.) The process of resetting a student consists of clearing all award and course data, including related tasks.

Process Screen Functionality

  • The 'Reset Student for Conversion' option is available in the Processes menu of Regent Award, only for users with the 'View/Edit Reset Student for Conversion' permission. As a best practice, the permission should only be assigned to a limited group of users, as the Reset Student for Conversion process deletes student data and the process cannot be undone. 

  • Reset Student for Conversion Process Screen:

  • Please note: This process clears all award and course data for the entered students, including related tasks. Activity Log entries and non-related tasks will not be cleared. Updated conversion data for students reset by this process must be reloaded as soon as possible. 

  • The page has two boxes side-by-side. The box on the left is a text box for user entry of Student External ID 1 values, and the box on the right is a "view only" display of the data entered by the user, after it has been formatted and validated.

Entering IDs for Students to be "Reset"

  • External Student ID 1 values should be typed or pasted into the box, either each on a separate line or separated by commas. (If the entered list is longer than the box is tall, a vertical scroll bar will allow the user to scroll up and down through the list.)
  • As IDs are entered into/edited in the box on the left, the grid box on the right will be populated/updated with the Student IDs and the Last Name and First Name of the associated student. If an entry is not valid, it will have no name associated. Invalid IDs are ordered at the top of the list and highlighted.
    • If the list of records in the grid box is longer than the box is tall, pagination functionality allows the user to view multiple pages of records.
  • A Notes field on the page is required. The text entered in this field will be applied to the Activity Log for each Student ID for which the process is executed.

Executing the Process

  • Below the Notes field are the button options 'Execute' and 'Cancel.'

    • Click 'Cancel' to clear the text inside the External Student IDs box and the Notes field. Clicking 'Cancel' a second time will cause the page to be closed.

    • The 'Execute' button will be disabled until all Student IDs in the grid box are valid and text is entered in the Notes field. 

    • Click 'Execute' to begin the process of resetting (deleting) the student data. A confirmation message will be launched which includes the number of Student IDs entered: ‘You have selected to remove all award and course data from XXX student records in Regent Award. Select OK to confirm.’ The confirmation message has the button options "OK" and "Cancel."

      • Click 'Cancel' to abort the process. The confirmation message will be closed.

      • Click 'OK' to proceed with the process. A second confirmation pop-up will immediately launch.

        • The second confirmation message presents a required check-box that reads, 'I understand there is no undo option for this action,' and the question, 'Are you sure you want to proceed?' with 'Yes' and 'No' button options. Check the box to enable the "Yes" button. Click 'No' to abort the process and close the confirmation message. Click 'Yes' to execute the 'Reset Student for Conversion' process which deletes ALL awarding data (including awards exported to COD or on EST), ALL Course/CE/CEP data, ALL manual AY (SBM) data, and ALL tasks related to the deleted data.

        • When the process is executed, the "Process was executed successfully" message box appears on the screen and the application directs the user to the Process Log. 

  • After the Reset Student for Conversion process is executed:

    • An Activity Log Entry record will be added for each affected student. The record includes:

      • Date/Time Created

      • Activity Source: 'Staff Action'

      • Activity Type: 'Award Related'

      • UserID: User Name of the user that executed the process

      • Activity Description: 'Reset Student for Conversion Process Executed'

      • Remarks/Notes: Notes that were entered in the Notes field on the Reset Students for Conversion process page.

    • The Process Log will be updated with the Process Log Details of the activity. 

  • Important: There is no "undo" option for this process. Any data deleted in error will be required to be rebuilt.