Running Batch Packaging

SOP Title: Batch Packaging

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Effective Date:








1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through list process(es)

2 Scope

The {INSERT CLIENT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for list action

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} will be responsible for list action share.

4 Definitions





5 Procedure

5.1 Manually Running Batch Packaging


  • User with appropriate permissions

  • Regent Award


  • New ISIRs or new SBL with course/program data has been loaded and students need to be packaged prior to the scheduled automated process.

  • Batch Packaging needs to run manually

    • For example, the automated Batch Packaging process failed to execute.

Basic Flow

Note: Regent does not recommend running a manual Batch Packaging process during peak work hours.

  1. Outside of Regent, User sends a notification to staff that batch packaging will be running and they may receive an error on individual students included in the batch should they be working on the student while the process is running. If this error message is received, staff should discontinue working the student until batch packaging is complete.

  2. User runs Batch Packaging:

    1. From the left-hand menu, click on the Processes option

    2. Click System

    3. Click on Batch Package

    4. Click box Select All Enterprises

      1. or, Click "Add" to select the specific Enterprise(s)

    5. Click box Select All Institutions

      1. or, Click "Add" to select the specific Institution(s)

    6. Click box Select All Campuses

      1. or, Click "Add" to select the specific Campus(es)

    7. Click box Select All Sites

      1. or, Click "Add" to select the specific site(s)

    8. Click box for Select All Students

      1. or, filter for specific student(s) and click “Add” to select the specific student(s)

    9. Click on Select All Program Types

      1. or, Click "Add" to select the specific program type (e.g. undergraduate)

    10. Click on Select All Programs

      1. Or, Click "Add" to select the specific programs

    11. Update any Options Selection, if desired

      1. Calculate Academic Plan (selected by default)

      2. Calculate Academic Plan For Student Conversion Data (Generate Award Periods)

      3. Run Post Conversion Process

      4. Calculate Cost of Attendance (selected by default)

      5. Run SAP Process

      6. Calculate Awards (selected by default)

      7. Process Active Students Only

      8. Run Fund Fee Cancel/Recreate Process

      9. Process Students with Data Changes Only

    12. Click Execute

  3. Review process log to ensure batch packaging run without error


  • All eligible students (no document or task packaging restrictions) students with program/course data will have an Academic Plan created and Cost of Attendance calculated, as selected in the Options.

  • All eligible (no document or task packaging restrictions) students are packaged with funds configured to be auto-packaged, as selected in the Options.

Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


June 3, 2024

Reviewed BP content and updated for options in current BP functionality.

Recommend breaking out additional content (MAP and Packaging Philosophy Overrides) into their own separate OGBs.

Jennifer Black

June 4, 2024

Removed additional content into a separate OGB, see

Jennifer Black