ISIR Comment Code (C-Code) Resolution

ISIR Comment Code (C-Code) Resolution

SOP Title: ISIR Comment Code (C-Code) Resolution

Document #:


Revision #:


Effective Date:









1 Purpose

These procedures will guide {INSERT TEAM NAME} through [list process(es)].

2 Scope

The {INSERT CLIENT TEAM NAME} will be impacted by this procedure.

3 Roles and Responsibility

{INSERT ROLE or DEPT NAME} with a {define role} will be responsible for [list action].

4 Definitions



5 Procedure

5.1 ISIR C-Code Resolution


  • Student

  • Any user with appropriate permission to update documents

  • Regent Award

  • ISIR


  • Imported ISIR indicated the student has C-Codes that need resolution.

Basic Flow

  1. Regent Award populates a document in “Needed” status, based off ISIR C-Codes.

  2. Missing Information Communication is sent to the student via the Runbook schedule.

  3. Student has two options to submit documents:

    1. Upload missing documents to student portal

      1. Student logs into the Student portal

      2. Uploads document to the document requirement

        1. Regent Award updates the document status to “Received”

    2. Provide to school.

      1. Student provides document to school

        1. The User updates document status to “Received”:

          1. Navigates to documents tab

          2. Selects checkbox for document to update status

          3. Navigates to "Change status of selected items to" and change document status to “Received" and click submit.

  4. Regent Award creates ‘Review Student Documents’ task in ‘Review C-Code Resolution’ task queue.

  5. The user:

    1. Either self-assigns a ‘Review C-Code Documents’ task or the task is assigned by the task assignment process.

    2. Selects “Task” to review the ‘Review C-Code Documents’ queue.

    3. Navigates to student details and click on “View Student”

    4. Navigates to Documents Tab, opens document identified in Step 3.

  6. The user reviews document and determines if document satisfies the C-Code.

    1. If document does not satisfy the C-Code:

      1. Navigate to Documents tab.

      2. Click Edit to update the document status to “Incomplete”

      3. Update document ‘Reason’ to communicate back to Student on student portal.

      4. Navigate to the Task tab and update the task to “Closed”

    2. If document satisfies C-Code:

      1. Navigate to the Document tab

      2. Select the check box for document 

      3. Navigate to "Change status of selected items" and change document status to “Satisfied” 

      4. Once the document is satisfied mark the task as “Completed”:

        1. Navigate to Tasks tab

        2. Select the checkbox for the document you are changing the Task status for

        3. Navigate to the "Change" dropdown option to select "Status"

        4. Update selected Task to “Completed”


  • The student provided the necessary document to satisfy the comment code resolution and the FA staff satisfied the document.



Description of Change



Description of Change



  1. Minor Text Updates

  2. Changes to outline indention

Jen Dewey

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