/ Release: Regent 8 Release: Regent 8


  • Common Acronyms
  • Executive Summary
  • Enhancements
  • Bugs

Common Acronyms

Academic Year (AY)

Accounts Receivable (AR)

Alternate Expected Family Contribution (Alt-EFC)

Borrow Based Academic Year (BBAY)

Client Configuration Management (CCM)

Comma Separated Values (CSV)

Common Origination and Disbursement (COD)

Cost of Attendance (COA)

Confirm of Return (CORE)

Department of Education (DOE)

Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Export Student Transaction (EST)

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Federal Academic Year (FAY)

Financial Aid Administrator (FAA)

Financial Aid History (FAH)

Identifier (ID)

Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD)

Inadvertent Overpayment (IOP)

Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs)

Last Date of Attendance (LDA)

Leave of Absence (LOA)

Loan Period (LP)

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

Not Substantially Equal (NSE)

Payment Period (PP)

Personal Identification Numbers (PIN)

Portable Document Format (PDF)

Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD)

Program Management Wizard (PMW)

Return Title IV Funds (R2T4)

Regent Enterprise 8 Financial Aid Management System (R8)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Student Batch Load (SBL)

Student Borrow Based Academic Year Modification (SBM)

Student Borrow Based Academic Year Modification Loan Period (SBMLP)

Student Borrow Based Academic Year Modification Term (SBMT)

Student Information System (SIS)

Substantially Equal (SE)

Tag Image File Format (TIFF)

Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM)

User Interface (UI)

Year Round Pell (YRP)

Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the regent Enterprise 8 Financial Aid Management System (R8).

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and provides an extensive list of enhancements and new features including:

  • Additional user configuration options for fund awarding when there is no coded ruleset for the fund:
    • Award distribution options
    • Package loans to net direct costs
    • Alternative packaging philosophies/overrides
    • New “Package To” Cost Groups for specific Funds
    • Use of Satisfied Documents to determine award eligibility
  • Cost of Attendance improvements include:
    • Adjust Cost Wizard Error messaging improvements
    • Option for treatment of tuition costs in COA for attended courses after course withdrawal
  • Configurable options for the determination date on whether a term will be used to “anchor” a BBAY
  • Configurable option on whether or not to display historic academic years to students.
  • New “Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions” Report


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-11953Activity Log

Title: New Activity Log Entry when the Override FAY Crossover option changed via the Advanced Packaging screen
Tickets: RS-11953;

Regent8 (R8) was enhanced to add an Activity Log Entry (ALE) when the user overrides the Payment Period FAY crossover value via Advanced Packaging. R8 will create the following ALE:
The Override FAY Crossover option was selected via the Advanced MAP Wizard in Summer 2018. Student's FAY of 2017-2018 was overridden to 2018-2019.


Title: Adjust Cost Wizard: Display Error Messaging 
Ticket: RS-12136;

Regent 8's (R8) Adjust Cost Wizard was updated to display the same error messaging for packaging blocks (BP Errors, rebuild blocks, document blocks, tasks blocks, etc) as the Modify Academic Plan wizard.


Title: Support for Fund Setup Aggregate Limit field
Tickets: RS-12031;


In previous versions of R8, the Aggregate Limits field has been available on Fund Setup via the R8 UI, but the feature was not functional, meaning R8 would not use the information from this screen to award a student aggregate limit per fund. This gap was closed in for funds that do not have a rule set in place. Funds that have a rule set have all awarding criteria determined within the rule set itself and any values entered on the UI is not used by R8.


Title: Fund Setup: Allow NULL Effective End Date on Award Min/Max functionality for Academic Year Periods
Tickets: RS-12028;

The Award Min/Max feature on Fund Setup allows Academic Year Periods to be setup with an effective start and end date. Previously, both start and end dates were required for every Academic Year Period configured with an Award Min/Max amount. With this enhancement, the effective end date can be NULL which allows an Award Min/Max amount to remain effective for an indefinite period of time.


Title: Support for Fund Setup Award Minimum/Maximum feature
Tickets: RS-12023;


In previous versions of R8, the Award Minimum/Maximum functionality has been available on Fund Setup via the R8 UI, but the feature was not functional, meaning R8 would not use the information from this screen to award a student a minimum or maximum amount per fund. This gap was closed in for funds that do not have a rule set in place. Funds that have a rule set have Award Minimum / Maximum criteria determined within the rule set itself and any values entered for Award Minimum / Maximum limits on the UI are not used by R8.


Title: Awards Tab: Display all Cost Adjustments with their correct Cost Adjustment names
Ticket: RS-11977;

Regent 8 (R8) previously had two "gaps" in its functionality regarding the display of manual Cost Adjustments entered on the Awards tab.

  1. If multiple Cost Adjustments were entered for a student for a single payment period, only one would be displayed on the Awards tab. R8 has been updated to properly display all cost adjustments provided for a student for a single payment period, each reflected on its own row in the Cost Detail portion of the Awards tab.
  2. If Cost Adjustments were entered for different payment periods, all Cost Adjustments displayed in the same row and used only the “Cost Adjustment Name” of the first Cost Adjustments entered, as the label for the entire row. This issue has been corrected to display each Cost Adjustment properly labeled by name in its own row and under the correct payment period.

Title: Package to COA Cost Groups for Specific Funds
Tickets: RS-11538; RS-11833; RS-11787; RS-11910; RS-11914; RS-11915;

Some Institutions require the ability to configure the Packaging Philosophy to only include specific Cost Groups for automatically awarding certain funds because some funds (by federal, state, institutional or external rules) may be used only for particular costs. For example, some funds can be used to pay tuition and fees, while others are designated solely to pay tuition costs (but not fees).

R8 has been enhanced to allow schools to indicate specific Cost Groups to use when determining an award's maximum amount for a distinct fund. In order to accommodate this enhancement, a new section has been added to Fund Setup, “Additional COA Requirements.” The user may configure specific Cost Groups that will be used to determine awarding for the selected fund.

The list of Cost Groups available to the fund must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be within the same Campus as the fund.
  • Is associated to the same Site/Programs as the fund.
    • For example, a fund is setup to be associated to Programs A, B and C, which are all located in Site A, and the Cost Group is configured for Program D in Site A. The Cost Group would not appear in the "Available Cost Groups" list. A fund configured to be associated to Program A, B and C, which are all located in Site A. The Cost Group is configured for Program A in Site A, ONLY, then the Cost Group would appear in the "Available Cost Groups" list.
  • Effective date range must be current or future.

"Selected Cost Groups(s)" display a list of the Cost Groups that the user selected to determine eligibility for the fund.

When the "Additional COA Requirement" option is in use on a fund (and that fund is configured on Packaging Philosophy Setup) two, new options will be available in the "Package To" drop-down field:

  • "% of Additional COA Requirement"
  • "Within $ of Additional COA Requirement"

The school will choose "% of Additional COA Requirement" or "Within $ of Additional COA Requirement" from the "Package To" field in order to use the Cost Groups configured on Fund Setup.

When one of these options is chosen, R8 packages that fund to the amount of the Cost Groups configured under "Additional COA Requirement" on Fund Setup.

  • As R8 packages each fund that is setup with "Additional COA Requirements," R8 will total up the sum of the costs associated to the Cost Groups assigned to the "Additional COA Requirements" (for the award period being evaluated) in order to determine the amount to "Package To."
  • R8 will ignore Cost Groups configured for the fund whose effective dates do not apply at the time of packaging.
  • When this configuration option is in use, R8 will use only applicable items from the specified Cost Groups when determining the amount maximums (as designated in the Packaging Philosophy).
  • If the Cost Groups configured on Fund Setup "Additional COA Requirements" options are updated, the new configuration will apply for all new packaging processes executed after the change has been saved.
  • If the Cost Groups used by the fund are updated within Cost Group Setup, the new configuration will apply for all new packaging processes executed after the change has been saved.
  • For Cost Groups configured as part of the "Additional COA Requirements" setup, if the Cost Group does not apply to the student due to the student not being in the site and/or program associated to the Cost Group, R8 will ignore that Cost Group during packaging.
  • For funds that do not apply to the student due to the student not being in the site and/or program associated to the fund, R8 will ignore that Cost Group during packaging.
  • When "Additional COA Requirements" is used as the "Package To" option for a fund, the Packaging Philosophy calculation first totals the applicable Cost Group(s) for the award period, then subtracts already awarded financial aid, and last, applies the "Package To" percentage chosen on Packaging Philosophy Setup to determine the maximum award the student can receive for that fund for the award period.

For example, COA configuration exists for the following Cost Groups:

  • Tuition A
  • Tuition B
  • Tuition C
  • Fee D
  • Fee E
  • Fee F
  • Books and Supplies G
  • Books and Supplies H
  • Room and Board I
  • Room and Board J
  • Transportation K
  • Loan Fees L

Fund #1 is only applicable to tuition costs, so the “Additional COA Requirements" includes Tuition A, Tuition B, and Tuition C.
Fund #2 is applicable for Tuition, Books, and a Specific Fee, so the “Additional COA Requirements" Group includes Tuition A, Tuition B, Tuition C, Books and Supplies G, Books and Supplies H, and Fee F (not Fee D or Fee E).
Fund #3 (like Fund #1) is applicable to tuition costs, so it's “Additional COA Requirements" Group” includes Tuition A, Tuition B, and Tuition C.

A new checkbox, "Apply to Additional COA Configuration?", was also added to the Cost Adjustment Wizard. This field defaults to not selected (unchecked) and appears only if the student's Institution has funds configured to use the "Additional COA Requirements" feature. When "Apply to Additional COA Configuration?" is selected (checked), R8 uses the Federal Cost Category, "Direct Cost?" and "Billed By School?" checkboxes on the Cost Adjustment (CA) to match the CA to a Cost Group being used by the "Additional COA Requirement" setup on any fund. When a match is found, the CA is included in the fund's custom "Package To" grouping for consideration in the Packaging Philosophy.

For example, a CA is entered under Federal Cost Category "Tuition and Fees," but with both "Direct Cost?" and "Billed By School?" not selected. R8 looks for Cost Groups that contain Cost Items in the "Tuition and Fees" category, but that are not "Direct Costs" or "Billed By School." In our example, a match is found under the Cost Group "Tuition - Online." R8 will apply the CA when calculating the "Package To" value for any fund that is configured to use "Tuition - Online" as an "Additional COA Requirement" within the award period(s) the CA is applicable.


Title: Award Eligibility Determination Using Satisfied Document(s)
Tickets: RS-11479; RS-11745; RS-11787; RS-11788; RS-11859; RS-11860; RS-11861; RS-11862;

Eligibility for an award is sometimes determined by the existence of a student Document Requirement. For example, some scholarships require that a "thank you" letter be sent to the scholarship's sponsor to become eligible to receive the scholarship in a subsequent year. Regent 8 (R8) has been enhanced to allow such a document to be configured on Fund Setup. The "Satisfied" Document Requirement will determine eligibility for the fund, along with the other configurable options on Fund Setup. Therefore, if the student has the configured Document Requirement assigned to them with a "Satisfied" status, the student is eligible for the related fund.

  • Users may configure a fund(s) to package only if the student has a particular Document Requirement in a “Satisfied” status, thus limiting awarding of the fund to a population controlled by the Institution.
  • Once the Document Requirement is in a “Satisfied” status and student eligibility remains, when R8 reaches the specific fund(s) in the Packaging Philosophy, R8 awards the fund per configured Packaging Philosophy and fund rules.
    Detailed awarding rules for this feature are outlined below.

Awarding Rules
This feature supports the use of "Student," "Academic Year" (AY), and "Federal Award Year" (FAY) scoped documents. Currently, "Payment Period" scoped documents are not supported. R8 should award the student based on the Fund Scope and Document Scope value as follows:

  • FAY scoped funds:
    • If Document Setup is configured as "Federal Award Year" (FAY) scoped, R8 will award the fund only for Payment Periods in the specified FAY scope value of the assigned student Document Requirement; this rule applies regardless of the timing during the FAY that the fund is added to the Academic Plan.
    • If Document Setup is configured as "Student" scoped, R8 will award the fund for all FAYs on the student's Academic Plan that are not closed; if the FAY is open, but contains terms that are closed, both the closed and open terms within the open FAY will be awarded the fund; this rule applies regardless of the timing during the FAY that the fund is added to the Academic Plan.
  • AY scoped funds:
    • If Document Setup is configured as "Academic Year" scoped, R8 will award the fund only for the Academic Year(s) specified by the AY scope value of the assigned student Document Requirement; this rule applies regardless of the timing during the AY that the fund is added to the Academic Plan.
    • If Document Setup is configured as "Student" scoped, R8 will award the fund for all AYs on the student's Academic Plan that are not closed; if the AY is open, but contains terms that are closed, both the closed and open terms within the open AY will be awarded the fund; this rule applies regardless of the timing during the AY that the fund is added to the Academic Plan.

Eligibility for the fund is determined by the status of the student's Document Requirement:

  • For NEW Awards, with the document configured to determine eligibility for the fund:
    • If the student Document Requirement status = "Satisfied":
      • Package the award onto the student's Academic Plan, per the awarding rules described above.
    • If the student Document Requirement status = "Needed," "Received," "Unsatisfied," or "Waived":
      • Do not package the award onto the student's Academic Plan.
  • For Existing Awards with the document configured to determine eligibility for the fund:
    • If the student Document Requirement status = "Satisfied":
      • The existing award should remain in place with no changes to the award amounts or allocation.
    • If the student Document Requirement status = "Needed," "Received," "Unsatisfied," or "Waived":
      • For Closed Periods, the fund will remain in place on the student's Academic Plan.
      • For the Current Period
        • The existing award will cancel (the student Document Requirement is no longer in a "Satisfied" status which indicates that the student is no longer eligible for the award) and R8 will attempt to zero out all disbursements of the fund per the “adjust paid disbursements” configuration option.
          • If R8 is configured as "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" equals "Yes," do so.
          • If R8 is configured as "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" equals "No," R8 will attempt to zero out unpaid disbursements.
          • If R8 is configured as "Attempt To Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged" equals "Yes," R8 will attempt to keep any paid disbursements the same amount. I.e., if the award amount increases, R8 will create a new disbursement versus changing the exist paid disbursement; in the case of a decrease, R8 will attempt to apply the reduction through the unpaid disbursements. If this is not possible, R8 will reduce paid disbursements.
      • For Future Periods
        • Cancel the awards.
    • Multiple Document Requirements may cover the same or overlapping scope periods when configured to determine eligibility for the fund (for example, BOTH an FAY scoped and a "Student" scoped document); in which case, both Document Requirements must be in a "Satisfied" status to award the fund. If one of the documents is in a non-Satisfied status, refer to the rules outlined above.

Changing or Removing Setup
A user can "deactivate" the configuration to award using a document, or remove the Document Setup that is currently associated to a Fund Setup (for awarding purposes).

  • If the fund has not yet been awarded at the time of configuration deactivation:
    • If other fund rules are available, award per those fund rules.
    • If fund rules are not available, do not award the fund.
  • If the fund has already been awarded at the time of configuration deactivation:
    • For Closed Periods, the fund shall remain in place on the student's Academic Plan.
    • For the Current Period
      • Leave the fund in place for the current period and disburse the fund through the end of the current period. R8 will assume that students who currently have the award are still eligible for the current period.
        • Note: If the school would like to REMOVE the award from students, they should change the student's Document Requirement status to something other than "Satisfied" as described above.
  • For Future Periods
    • Cancel the awards.

A User can change the document configured to be used for awarding purposes.

  • If the fund has not yet been awarded at the time of the configuration change:
    • If other fund rules are available, award per those fund rules.
    • If fund rules are not available, do not award the fund.
  • If the fund has already been awarded at the time of the configuration change:
    • Rules for whether or not to change or cancel the award should be governed by the existence / status of the new student Document Requirement (on the student's record in R8, as described in the Awarding Rules section above).

If the Document Setup is updated using the Import Setup Configuration process and the document is being used to control the eligibility of a fund, the document scope cannot be updated. If the document is no longer being used by a fund (setup has been removed) the document scope can be updated via the Import Setup Configuration process.

Manual Awards
If a fund is configured to "Require Satisfied Document," and the fund is added to the student's Academic Plan manually, without a "Satisfied" Document Requirement on the student's Documents tab, the award is made "manual" (regardless of calculated eligibility).

  • If the fund configuration to require a document is later de-activated, no action is taken on this fund because it is "manual."

Packaging Process
As each fund is processed in the Packaging Philosophy order, check fund configuration for a required document. For cases when a fund does not exist on the student's Academic Plan for the document's associated scope period, please see the following:

  1. If the Document Requirement has not been assigned to the student, do not award the fund.
  2. If the Document Requirement has been assigned to the student in a “Satisfied” status, make/retain the award per the existing award management rules for the fund and Packaging Philosophy configurations.
  3. If the Document Requirement has been assigned to the student, but it is not in a “Satisfied” status, do not award the fund.

Fund Setup Enhancements
Fund Setup's General tab has been enhanced to include a NEW section called "Auto-package Using Document(s)," which appears on the screen just below the Awarding Rules section for non-Title IV funds. Documents within the same campus as the fund will appear in the Available Document(s) multi-select list box if the document meets the following criteria:

  • FAY scoped funds must have either a Student scoped or FAY scoped document.
  • AY scoped funds must have either a Student scoped or AY scoped document.

Multiple documents can be setup per fund to control eligibility for the fund and the same document can be used for more than one fund.

Document Setup Enhancements
The Document Setup screen in R8 has also been enhanced to display an indicator when the document his being used by a fund to determine eligibility.

Note: This feature does not support document configurations that have the "Enforce Scope Uniqueness" flag on Document Setup un-selected."


Title: Wisconsin State Grant (WG-PNP)
Tickets: RS-3690; RS-11715; RS-11716; RS-11746; RS-11750; RS-11797; RS-11803; RS-11810; RS-11868; RS-11899; RS-12029; RS-12118; RS-12294; RS-12333; RS-12334; RS-12354;



Regent 8 (R8) was enhanced to automate the packaging and disbursement of the Wisconsin Grant – Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP). The scope of this enhancement includes the import of the Wisconsin (WI) Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB) Roster, the WG-PNP fund Rule Set, and corresponding User Interface (UI) and reporting enhancements.

WI HEAB Roster

Students who are eligible to be awarded the WG-PNP are identified by importing the WI HEAB Roster file into R8 via the Processes screen or FileWatcher. The file is a tab delimited file, specific to the Federal Award Year (FAY). There will be a different file for each FAY. The file name is used to determine the FAY. For example, the file named 06.01.2017_Notif_253_1617_20170530.txt, is for 2016-2017 FAY. The file layout is specified below: 

Import Wisconsin State Grants Process

A new selection option, “Wisconsin” was added for the State drop-down menu on the Processes-->Import Process screen when the Process Type selected is “Import State Grants”. Only users with the "Import State Grants" permission can access this process.

Any attempt to run the Import State Grants process produces a Process Log entry.

The errors that are specific to the individual records (e.g., failure to match a student) are displayed in the Error Message field of the Students tab of the Process Log. The errors that affect the entire file import (e.g., incorrect file format) are displayed on the Error Log tab of the Process Log.

In addition to the standard fields on the Process Log Details screen, a button to access the Wisconsin State Grant Process Results Report is provided. This report allows the user to view the imported WI HEAB Roster file in the tabular format.

Upon successful import of the file, an Activity Log Entry is created for each student on the imported roster.


  • Imported on WI HEAB Roster for $500.00 as eligible.
  • Imported on WI HEAB Roster for $0.00 as ineligible.
Award Roster – Reprocess Process

In cases where the students imported on the Roster cannot be matched to a student record in R8, the Award Roster - Reprocess process can be scheduled to run per the school’s request. This process also produces Process Log and Activity Log entries similar to the Import Wisconsin State Grants process.


Once imported, R8 uses the roster and existing R8 data to determine eligible students for awarding using the following criteria:

  • Roster criteria:
    • Student record does not contain a “R” in the REJECT column
    • Student’s award is greater than $0 in the CALCSTAWARD column
    • Eligibility per student cannot exceed 10 semesters in the WGTGSM column.
  • R8 criteria:
    • Student must be enrolled at least half-time in the term (program applicable units only)
    • Student is awarded for the federal award year associated with the current roster only (R8 doesn’t anticipate awarding for future FAYs for which we do not yet have a roster)
    • Student must have a "clean ISIR" or completed verification
      • Active ISIR records without any corrections
      • Excluding any ISIRs where the student has blocking documents
      • Excluding any ISIRs where the student has open ISIR-related tasks for the FAY
    • Student must be in an eligible program (The Program must be on the Selected Programs list on the Programs Tab of the Fund Setup)

WG-PNP is awarded annually at the Federal Award Year level. The Wisconsin FAY contains three terms: Fall, Spring, and Summer. R8 reviews all eligible students imported via the roster and uses the calculated amount based on the WG-PNP Formula (see below) and the tuition-dependent Tier mapping established by the school. The tuition rate is determined by a lookup of the configured cost tiers that the school sets up with the state program. This information is school specific and must be coded in R8 for the school to use this feature.

R8’s calculation references the student’s program and enrollment level (registered program applicable units only) and divides the award amount by the number of registered terms to determine the award amount for each eligible term. The resulting calculated amount will be awarded for the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms, as applicable. The award will be recalculated each term based on credit level.

Only ‘Actual’ enrollment status (course data sent on the SBL) is used in calculating the Wisconsin Grant. Anticipated enrollment (i.e. currently configured as full-time) will not be used. The school is required to provide actual course data for the terms of the Wisconsin Grant Federal Award Year to ensure proper awarding of the fund.

WG-PNP Formula:

  1. Determine the student's External Program ID in R8
  2. Determine the student's Program Start Date in R8
  3. Match the student to a Tuition Tier using External Program Id, and Program Start Date in the school-specific lookup
  4. Determine the student's total registered program applicable units for the term in R8
  5. Determine the student's number of eligible terms in the FAY in R8
  6. Depending on the Tuition Tier, determine the student's Program Start Date in R8
    • Any students who are on the Notification Report and enrolled in more than 20 credits should use ’20 credits’ to determine the calculation.
  7. Use the Tuition Amount for the Tuition Code in the school-specific lookup to determine the award.
    • Step 4 – Round the ‘Family Contribution Percentage’ to four decimal places.
    • Step 5 – Round the ‘Multiplied by Family Contribution percentage’ to four decimal places.
    • Step 6 – Round ‘Tuition Offset’ and ‘Less Tuition Offset’ to two decimal places.

If it is determined that a student will not be enrolled at least half-time in all 3 terms of the FAY (Fall, Spring, and Summer), the 2-term tuition amount is used to determine the award amount. If the student is enrolled at least half-time in 2 terms, the resulting award amount is disbursed over 2 terms. If the student is enrolled at least half-time in only 1 term, the resulting award amount is divided by 2 for the single term. If the student is not enrolled at least half-time in any terms, the resulting award amount will be zero and a zero disbursement amount will be scheduled for the terms.

If a student’s award for a term results in a $0 calculated award amount for a term (e.g. tuition code or calculated amount), the student would not be eligible for a disbursement for the term. However, this is not treated in the same manner as a less than half-time term for determining if a 2-semester or 3-semester tuition code will be used. For example, a student is attending at least half-time in all 3 terms of the FAY but no tuition code exists for one of the terms based on the enrollment level, that term will result in a $0 disbursement but the overall award for the other two terms will use the 3-semester tuition code and receive 1/3 of the calculated amount for each of the two terms.

The amount of the award is rounded up if awarding in the first term (i.e. fall) and down if awarding in the second or third terms (i.e. spring or summer).

If the WG-PNP award amount exceeds the student's Cost of Attendance (COA), R8 reduces the award in accordance with the Packaging Philosophy and if applicable, reduces the WG-PNP award amount to the remaining COA.

The awarding for the FAY is ceased at the end of the 3rd term (Summer).

In a scenario where the roster shows the student as eligible, but R8 determines the student to be ineligible (the award is below the minimum, etc.), the award of $0 is created in a "Cancelled" status with the explanatory award message in the Activity Log.

Minimum and maximum awards are set annually by HEAB. For 2017-2018 Award Year:

  • Minimum: $1,000
  • Maximum: $3,150
Supplemental Award

A supplemental award is an additional set amount per FAY. R8 treats all supplemental awards as a one-time award per FAY. The award uses the date of the initial notification roster for which the supplemental award was listed to determine which term the award should be scheduled for.


R8 recalculates enrollment status when the SBL file is imported and recalculates award amounts for the WI Grant during the packaging process. The enrollment status used in the calculated award amount fluctuates based on current and future courses (similar to Pell). For example, if a student withdraws from a course(s) prior to the end of the term, the award will be updated based on the new tuition code, as applicable. R8 adjusts WI Grant awards for all terms in the open FAY (past, current, and future terms).

Withdrawals/Refund Policy

WG-PNP is refunded/adjusted throughout the term if:

  • Student EFC changes
  • Student changes credit load
  • Student changes into an ineligible program
  • Student withdraws from school.

The school will adjust WG-PNP awards manually if needed. If the awards are reduced due to the eligibility changes when there is no R2T4 involved, then packaging automatically adjusts the award.

Program Changes

The school will be responsible for updating the program change tuition code information with the state. 
In the event of a program change, R8 determines if the new program is associated to the WG-PNP fund and if it is, it associates any calculated term awards to the new program. If the new program is not associated to the fund, R8 treats the program as ineligible for WG-PNP.

Manual Awards

The users can manually add or adjust WI Grant awards using the Add/Modify Award Wizards. Those staff-adjusted awards are marked Manual (not managed by R8). The auto-packaging logic will not make any changes to Manual awards.


R8 determines that the student is eligible for a disbursement using the following criteria:

  • Student is enrolled at least half-time
  • Student does not have a reject for the award in the roster file (REJECT ≠ R).
    • "Reject" on the roster indicates ineligibility as of the date that the roster file was received. Closed terms that have already been paid are not affected.
  • A disbursement amount (greater than $0) exists in the roster file.
    • R8 identifies disbursements via the roster field, STSPNT* (* is represented in the roster with a 1 for the Fall term, 2 for the Spring term or 3 for the Summer term).

If the disbursement amount from the roster file equals the disbursement amount in R8, R8 updates the award to reflect the paid disbursement at the time the EST process is run. 
If the disbursement amount from the roster file is greater than $0 and does not equal the scheduled disbursement amount in R8, the “Review WG-PNP Disbursement Amount” task is triggered and the award needs to be reviewed by the school. When configured, the task (if not "Completed" or "Closed") blocks future disbursements for the student. Completing or closing the task authorizes the R8 disbursements.

State Tab

Once the student is successfully packaged, the WG-PNP award information can be viewed on the student’s State tab. Clicking on the record in the State Awards grid displays the details in the State Data Records.


To support Wisconsin (WI) Grant (WG-PNP) award processing the WI Grant Report was created. Access to the report is controlled by the “View Students” and “View Students SSN” permissions.

Report Parameters/Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Federal Award Year(multi-select)
  • External Student ID
  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No

Output Columns

  • Federal Award Year
  • External ID (1 through 4 if applicable)
  • Social Security Number
    • Note: The "SSN" output value is associated to the permission, "View Student SSN." When the permission is enabled, users see the student’s full SSN ("123456789"). When the permission is disabled, users see a masked SSN (xxx-xx-6789").
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Award Amount (from R8)
  • Paid Amount (from R8)
  • Reject (Reject from roster)
  • Tuition Code (TGTUITIONCD)
  • Roster Award Amount (SUMSTAWRD from roster)
  • Roster Total Spent (STSPENT from roster)
  • Supplemental Award Amount (STSUPAWRD from roster)
  • Supplemental Spent Amount (STSUPSPT from roster)
  • Student is Active?


Title: Updating a COD Award's ISIR Transaction Number
Tickets: RS-3721; RS-12058; RS-12057;


Regent8 (R8) was enhanced to ensure appropriate updates are made to a COD award's ISIR (CPS) Transaction Number when required. The ISIR Transaction Number is listed in the COD export file as “CPS Transaction Number” which is an Award level element. This enhancement affects Pell, TEACH, or Direct Loans (Sub, Unsub, Parent PLUS, GradPLUS).

The following criteria determines if a COD reported award’s (Pell, TEACH, Sub, Unsub, Grad PLUS, and PLUS) ISIR Transaction Number is updated to the current, Active ISIR:

  1. The award does not have an ISIR Transaction Number at all.
  2. When a new ISIR transaction is made Active, R8 updates COD with the new ISIR Transaction Number for all affected awards (regardless of whether the award amount changed or any transactions are being processed at the time).
    • There are four exceptions to this rule. R8 does not update the CPS Transaction Number associated to an award if:
      1. The loan award has been paid in full.
      2. For an Undergraduate (UG) to Graduate (GR) program change, the Pell award is not updated to reflect the GR ISIR Transaction Number.
      3. For a UG to GR program change, the loans associated with the UG period are not updated to reflect the GR ISIRs Transaction Number (Sub and Parent PLUS must be UG).
      4. For a GR to UG program change, R8 will not update the GR loan with the UG ISIR Transaction Number.

Note that the ISIR Transaction Number on the Academic Plan for each award reflects the ISIR Transaction Number that R8 is reporting to COD.


Title: Packaging FAY Scope Awards Per Payment Period
Tickets: RS-12127; RS-12205;

Regent 8 (R8) was enhanced with a new configuration option, "Award Distribution Options", on the Awarding Rules section of Fund Setup. This field allows the user to determine how the fund will award within the Federal Award Year (FAY), if the fund does not have a rule set. The field displays only when the Fund Scope is “Federal Award Year” with the following drop-down options:

  • "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY" (default)
  • "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY, Not to Exceed Cost per PP"

If "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY" is chosen, the total award amount is divided evenly across the Payment Periods (PPs), in the FAY, with an even portion awarded to each PP. If "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY, Not to Exceed Cost per PP" is chosen, the total award amount is divided evenly across the PPs, within the FAY, giving consideration to the cost cap configured per the Packaging Philosophy "Package To" and "Package To Amount" values.

For example, the award amount is $21,000 per FAY (Fall, Spring, and Summer).


Title: New configuration option, Offset Fund Budget Amounts For Import Awards

Tickets: RS-11447; RS-11621; RS-11622; RS-11623; RS-11624; RS-11625;


Regent8 (R8) currently offsets a budget's 'Balance Remaining to Offer' amount during the Import Awards and Disbursement (IAD) process (if the fund has an associated budget setup within Fund Setup). However, a school that has a need to import or on-board inactive students with budgeted funds via the IAD process may not want the fund's budget to update. Therefore, Regent has made this functionality configurable via a new Institution Setup option called, "Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards."

'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' was added to the Rebuild and Import Award Settings section of the General tab of Institution Setup. This new checkbox option defaults to selected (process is turned on). When this option is not selected (option is turned off), R8 will import IAD data without reducing the applicable fund budget.

Guidance for Current Customers

Customers that are currently processing awards for budgeted funds via the IAD process in a Regent Production environment are not impacted by this new option (post go-live). Current post go-live customers are advised to leave this option turned on. A customer that is not currently processing awards for budgeted funds via the IAD process in a Regent Production environment (pre go-live), may or may not need to turn off this option. A customer that always wants the fund's budget amounts to be offset (updated) via the IAD process should select this option (turn it on by selecting the checkbox). A customer that does not want the fund's budget amounts to be offset (updated) via the IAD process should turn off this option.

If 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' is turned off, Regent assumes that awards created or updated in R8 by the Import Awards and Disbursement (IAD) process have already been accounted for by the fund budget in the school's pre-R8 system, and that fund budget amounts configured in R8 reflect what is remaining to award at the time of go-live. The budget amount value entered into R8 would be "total available budget" that R8 can award.

Please contact Client Support with any additional questions.

Important Note: 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' is specific to the IAD process in regards to updating the fund budget; Regent continues to maintain the fund's budgets post conversion. For example, when 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' is turned off, and a student has a budgeted fund imported via the IAD process for $10,000, the fund's budget is not updated during the IAD process. Later, the student withdraws from all their courses. R8 cancels the budgeted fund, and updates the budget by adding $10,000 back to the 'Balance Remaining to Offer' amount.


Title: Allow Award Disbursements to update Payment Periods for historic (AY0) Academic Years
Tickets: RS-11601; RS-11656; RS-11673; RS-11657; RS-11655;

Regent8 (R8) was enhanced to have the data imported on the Import Award and Disbursement (IAD) file, via the IAD process, update Payment Periods for historic Academic Years (AY0) in R8. This enhancement only applies to non-term programs (Program Setup's Academic Calendar Type set as "BBAY3").

Importing IAD data that is prior to the program start date will automatically create an AY0. During the IAD import, IAD.paymentPeriodStartDate and IAD.paymentPeriodEndDate are used to create payment periods in R8 to process the pre-conversion awards (where necessary).

Additionally, users can add/modify up to two Payment Periods in AY0 using the Program Management Wizard (PMW). If the updated IAD files are loaded prior to converting the student, then any manual date change(s) made by the user are overwritten by the new IAD file. If the student is already converted when the new IAD file is loaded, then no changes will occur to any AY0 Payment Period dates.

This enhancement allows R8 to correctly build out AY0 when there is no course data to determine the AY dates, which allows for successful student conversion.


Title: Update to Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements Configuration Option

Tickets: RS-8899; RS-11722; RS-11723; RS-11724; RS-11725; RS-11726;


In R8 Release, a configuration option was added to Institution Setup: 'Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements.'  When this field is selected, R8 allows packaging to move paid disbursements from the payment period in which they were originally paid, to different payment period. When this field is not selected, RNA presents a packaging error and prevents the disbursement from being moved.

The business rules for this configuration option have been updated to add an exception.  When a paid or unpaid disbursement is moved manually, via the PP Override field in the Program Management Wizard, R8 allows a paid disbursement to move without triggering any type of error.

RS-236Funds (SEOG / Work Study / State)

Title: New Work Study tab Permissions
Ticket: RS-1773; RS-236;

Regent 8 (R8) was enhanced by providing separate Edit permissions for each subtab of the student's Work Study tab. The previous permission "Edit Work Study Tab" was removed and replaced by two new permissions:

  • Edit Employers Tab
    • Gives users access to edit the Employers sub-tab on the Work Study tab
  • Edit Earnings Tab
    • Gives users access to edit the Earnings sub-tab on the Work Study tab

The roles that previously had "Edit Work Study Tab" permission now have "Edit EmployersTab" and "Edit Earnings Tab" permissions.


Title: Maintain Tuition Costs for Attended Program Applicable Withdrawn Courses Regardless of Census
Tickets: RS-11930; RS-12131; RS-12132; RS-12154; RS-12155;

Regent 8 (R8) was enhanced with a configurable option that provides an alternative method of calculating per unit Cost Items. The new option was added to the Institution Setup screen under the COA Settings section. The field name is “For Term based programs, always include attended Program Applicable Withdrawn Courses for Cost Items using units.” The default value for the field is “No.” When "Yes" is selected, R8 includes attended, program applicable (PA), withdrawn courses when calculating costs for per unit Cost Items (even if the student withdrew from the course during the payment period). PA courses that were attended and withdrawn count towards Cost of Attendance (COA). The described PA courses count towards COA when the course's Enrolled Date is prior to the configured option for "For Term based programs, COA Recalculation Options" (Institution and Campus Setup) and the course's Attended flag is "true."

This setting does not apply to the enrollment level calculation, Remedial Disqualified units, Repeat Disqualified units, Cumulative Unit Filters on Cost Item Setup, or per course Cost Items.

Implementation Note: This setting is applicable for all Term and Non-Standard Term (NST) based programs with the exception of BBAY3 NST.

This field inherits to Campus Setup and defaults to the value inherited from the Institution Setup.


Title: New configuration option, "Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs."
Tickets: RS-11927; RS-12108; RS-12169; RS-12170; RS-12171;


Regent added a new configuration option to Institution and Campus Setup, "Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs." This option allows schools to have their Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans package to the loans' Net Amount instead of the loans' Gross Amount. This option only applies to Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans where the Packaging Philosophy's "Package To" option is a percentage of / or within a dollar amount of "Direct Costs." When this option is selected, Regent8 (R8) will package the Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans (via the R8 Packaging Philosophy) using the Net Amount of the loan(s).” When this option is not selected, R8 packages a fund using the Gross Loan Amount.

Specifics on packaging Direct Subsidized Loans:
With this configuration option turned on:

  • When packaging the Direct Subsidized Loan to Direct Cost,
    • if Direct Cost is less than need, then the Direct Subsidized Loan will be packaged to Direct Cost.
    • if Direct Cost is greater than need, then the Direct Subsidized Loan will be packaged to need.
  • When packaging the Direct Subsidized Loan to COA,
    the Direct Subsidized Loan will be packaged to need.

Title: Alternative Packaging Philosophy Override
Tickets: RS-11929; RS-12085; RS-12094; RS-12095; RS-12096; RS-12097; RS-12098; RS-12100; RS-12115; RS-12116;

Regent 8 (R8) now provides one or more Alternate Packaging Philosophies (in addition to the current, Default Packaging Philosophy), and the ability for the user to select an alternate philosophy for a particular student.

The user may configure one or more Alternate Packaging Philosophies to support different "Package To" targets for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans (or any other alternate philosophy configuration the school may wish to apply to some, but not all, students). The Packaging Philosophy Setup screen is updated to display a grid of existing Packaging Philosophies with the following fields: Name, External ID, Default, and Active.

Selecting a row in this grid displays the Properties of the selected Packaging Philosophy.

The user may add a new Packaging Philosophy by selecting the “Add Packaging Philosophy” button. 

The External ID is a required field and must be unique across the Campus for which the Packaging Philosophy is setup. Only one Packaging Philosophy Setup can be set as the "default" setup for the Campus. If the "default" Packaging Philosophy is already set, the "Set as Default Packaging Philosophy for Campus" is not editable for any newly, created Packaging Philosophy Setup(s).

The user may indicate that an Alternate Packaging Philosophy should be applied to a student by selecting a different value from the Packaging Philosophy Override drop-down on Step 1 of the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard. 

Only users with the “View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override” permission are able to access this field. 

The drop-down displays only active Packaging Philosophy Setup(s) in the same Campus as the student. If the student is already using an Alternate Packaging Philosophy, the user may switch the student back to the Default Packaging Philosophy or to another Alternate Philosophy. When changed, and the student is repackaged via MAP or Batch Packaging, the new Packaging Philosophy applies to all, open periods; closed periods are not affected. All configuration settings for treatment of paid disbursements and tasks continue to apply. Using this feature will not make the affected awards manual. If the award is already manual, this option will not remove the “manual” flag on the award.

When the user overrides the current Packaging Philosophy and subsequently repackages a student via MAP, R8 will create an Activity Log Entry. For example:

  • Student's Packaging Philosophy was overridden from "Direct Costs Packaging Philosophy" to "COA Packaging Philosophy" beginning with AY2.

The current Packaging Philosophy for the student is displayed on the student's Awards tab. 


Title: BBAY Anchor Determination Date available on Institution, Campus, and Term Setup
Tickets: RS-11957; RS-12012; RS-12013; RS-12014; RS-12011;

Regent added a new configuration option, "BBAY Anchor Determination Date", to Institution, Campus, and Term Setup. This option allows schools to define the point in a term when R8 determines whether or not a term can be used to “anchor” a Term-based BBAY. R8 determines "anchor" eligibility when the student is packaged for the first time on and / or after the date configured for this option. The available values are as follows:

  1. "Term Begin Actual Date" - (default value). The "Term Begin Actual Date" uses Term Setup's "Begin Actual Date."
  2. "Term Start Date" - The "Term Start Date" uses Term Setup's "Start Date."
  3. "Term Census Date" - The "Term Census Date" uses Term Setup's "Census Date 1" (term's first Census Date). Student-level Census Functionality Note: R8 uses the Term Setup's Census Date 1 regardless of the Student-level Census Date.
  4. "Term Auto Withdraw Date" - The "Term Auto Withdraw Date" uses Term Setup's "Auto Withdraw Date."

Implementation Note: "BBAY Anchor Determination Date" is not applicable to non-term or SAY structures.

Example 1
A Term-based BBAY student has Winter 17 as the first term in the BBAY, and the school has chosen to use "Term Begin Actual Date" as the "BBAY Anchor Determination Date." When the student is packaged on (or after) Winter 17's Begin Actual Date (per Term Setup), Winter 17 will continue to anchor the BBAY beyond it's "Begin Actual Date" only if Winter 17 has registered or attempted units.

Example 2
A Term-based BBAY student has Winter 17 as the first term in the BBAY, and the school has chosen to use "Term Auto Withdraw Date" as the "BBAY Anchor Determination Date." When the student is packaged on (or after) Winter 17's "Term Auto Withdraw Date" (per Term Setup), Winter 17 will continue to anchor the BBAY beyond it's "Auto Withdraw Date" only if Winter 17 has registered or attempted units.


Title: New Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions Report
Tickets: RS-11414; RS-11952; RS-11954; RS-11955;

Regent created a new report to support Year Round Pell (YRP), Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions. This report provides information on Pell crossover awarding. It identifies students for whom the current, configured FAY Crossover Awarding option (on Institution Setup) has not resulted in the highest amount of Pell award the student could have received for the crossover payment period (PP). The report identifies cases where the student would have received a larger Pell award if the student had been packaged in the "other" FAY available for the crossover payment period.

The school should award Pell in the "most beneficial" manner for students. The school's definition of "most beneficial" may not necessarily mean awarding a student from the FAY that results in the highest dollar amount for the crossover term. If the school deems a student as most benefiting overall from being awarded Pell in the "other" FAY (versus the FAY currently chosen due to the Institution Setup's option, FAY Crossover Awarding), the FA User can manually change the crossover FAY for the payment period via MAP's Advanced Packaging screen. Schools may decide that the student's "most beneficial" outcome is to not refund Pell from one FAY and re-award Pell from another FAY.

If a school reviews a student returned in the report’s output as an exception (Return Exceptions Only equals "Yes") and they decide to not award the student from the “Other” FAY available for the crossover period (higher Pell dollar amount), this student will continue to display in future report outputs.

Informational Note: Advanced MAP does not allow a user to override the FAY crossover option on closed PP / terms.

Report Criteria

  1. Payment periods / terms that begin before 7/1 and end after 6/30 are returned in the report output (referred to here as "crossover PPs").
  2. Student's enrollment is Actual or Anticipated for the crossover PP.
  3. Student has valid ISIRs in R8 for both FAYs for the crossover PP.
  4. The student is Pell eligible for at least 1 of the 2 FAYs (Pell Eligible Flag = Y) involved in the crossover PP.
  5. Both non-manual and manual awards are returned in the report output.
    1. For example, R8 will calculate the Pell amount in the crossover payment period in two ways: current crossover option vs. the “other” crossover option. The Pell award for the "current" FAY could be a manual award. The report will compare the amount of award potentially available if the crossover period were packaged using the "other" FAY, to the current, manual award.

Informational Note: When there is no Pell Schedule available for an FAY, R8 uses the prior FAY's Pell Schedule to determine the Pell award for that year (also known as the Supplemental Lookup). For example, if a future FAY is chosen or is included in the report's output because it is the adjacent FAY, the report output returns calculations based on the latest Pell Schedule.

Report Parameters

  1. Enterprise: A dropdown for the Enterprise Name displays per Enterprise Setup.
  2. Institution(s): A dropdown for the Institution Name(s) display(s) per Institution Setup(s).
  3. Campus(es): A dropdown for the Campus Name(s) display(s) per Campus Setup(s).
  4. Site(s): A dropdown for the Site Name(s) display(s) per Site Setup(s).
  5. Type: A dropdown lists the options, “Term Based,” Non-Term Based,” and Non-Standard Term.”
  6. FAY Crossover Period:
    1. The starting FAY for YRP eligibility is 2017-2018 (FAY 2018); therefore, the dropdown lists FAYs 2017-2018 and forward. If 2017-2018 is selected, the report will return student's packaged during the 2017-2018 crossover period, as well as the "other" FAY that was available to that crossover period, which may either be the former or latter FAY.
      1. For example: 2018-2019 is selected from the FAY Crossover Period parameter. A crossover PP has a start date of 5/17/2018 and an end date of 7/25/2018. This is defined as a crossover period due to the range crossing the 7/1 threshold. This payment period could be awarded from the former year (2017-2018), or from the latter year (2018-2019). The Current Crossover FAY option awarded the student from the former FAY per configuration. Therefore, the report will return R8's calculation for the "Other" Crossover FAY option as the "latter" FAY of 2018-2019.
    2. The report output is limited to the two adjacent FAYs. Meaning, R8 can only calculate the current FAY and either the former or latter FAY. Therefore, selection of multiple FAYs is not permitted.
  7. Return Exceptions Only:
    1. Yes - Only returns students for whom the “Other" Crossover PP Pell Amount" is greater than the "Current Crossover PP Pell Amount."
    2. No - Returns all students regardless of the amount differences returned in the "Other" Crossover PP Pell Amount" and "Current Crossover PP Pell Amount."
  8. Include Historic (AY0) Crossover Payment Periods?:
    1. Yes - The output results will include crossover PPs in an AY0.
    2. No - The output results will not include crossover PPs in an AY0.
  9. Student is Active?:
    1. Select All - Returns both inactive and active students.
    2. Yes - Returns only active students.
    3. No - Returns only inactive students.

Report Output Results

  1. ExternalID1: Student’s External Identifier 1 displays per the student's Summary tab.
  2. ExternalID2: Student’s External Identifier 2 displays per the student's Summary tab.
  3. First Name: Student’s First Name displays per the student's Summary tab.
  4. Last Name: Student’s Last Name displays per the student's Summary tab.
  5. Campus Name: Displays student's campus.
  6. Site Name: Displays student's site.
  7. Term / Payment Period: Displays the name of the crossover term / PP.
  8. Payment Start Date: Displays the Payment Period Start Date for the Crossover Payment Period.
  9. Payment End Date: Displays the Payment Period End Date for the Crossover Payment Period.
  10. Crossover Payment Period is Historic (AY0)?: Returns Y or N, depending on whether or not the crossover payment period is in an AY0.
  11. Current Crossover PP FAY: The FAY currently selected to use for the student’s crossover PP. For example, for 2016-2017, if the student’s crossover PP is currently packaged with 2016-2017, the report would return “2016-2017” in this field.
  12. Current Crossover PP ISIR Transaction: Displays the transaction number of the ISIR currently used to package the crossover PP.
  13. Current Crossover PP Active ISIR EFC: Displays the student's 9-month EFC from the ISIR (Primary EFC) currently used to package the crossover PP.
  14. Current Crossover PP Pell Amount: Displays the student’s current Pell award amount.
  15. Current ISIR's Transaction Processed Date: Displays the date that the current ISIR was processed.
  16. Current Crossover FAY option: Returns either "former" or "latter." This value identifies how the student is currently configured to package (or how the student was packaged).
  17. “Other” Crossover PP FAY: Displays the “other” FAY (that is not currently used to package the crossover PP). For example, for 2016-2017, if the student’s crossover PP is currently packaged with 2016-2017, the report would return “2017-2018” in this field.
  18. “Other” Crossover PP ISIR Transaction #: Displays the transaction number of the "other" ISIR used to calculate the crossover PP.
  19. “Other” Crossover PP Active ISIR EFC: Displays student's the 9-month EFC (Primary EFC) from the "other" ISIR used to calculate the crossover PP.
  20. “Other” Crossover PP Pell Amount: Displays the student’s Pell award amount for the crossover.
  21. "Other" ISIR's Transaction Processed Date: Displays the date that the "other" ISIR was processed.
  22. "Other" Crossover FAY option: Returns either "former" or "latter." This value identifies how the student would have packaged if configured to use the "other" FAY.
  23. Last Successful Packaged Date: Returns the last date that the student was successfully packaged.
  24. Student is Active?: Returns Y if the student is active; N if the student is not active. Informational Note: Inactive students are listed as such on the student Summary tab. Students become inactive via the SBL file (active=false).
RS-11835Student Portal (SNAP)

Title: New SNAP Configuration to not display AY0s
Tickets: RS-11835; RS-11875;

Regent enhanced the Awards Portlet with a new SNAP configuration setting, "AwardPortlet_Display_AY0." When this setting is set to "false," AY0s will not display on the Awards Portlet. When this setting is set to "true," AY0s will display on the Awards Portlet. The default value for this setting is "true."

Implementation Note: SNAP configuration settings do not display on the Portal's User Interface. Please contact Client Support to configure this setting.

RS-11831Student Portal (SNAP)

Title: "Maximum Eligibility" text references updated to "Available Amount."
Tickets: RS-11831; RS-11872;

The Awards Portlet has been updated to replace all text references of "Maximum Eligibility" with "Amount Available." Updates are reflected on the following areas of the Awards Portlet:

  1. The Maximum Eligibility column's label name now displays "Amount Available" in the Awards grid. This column's information icon has been updated to display, "This is the amount available for all awards of this type."
  2. The Action column displays award status messages for Unsubsidized Loans. The messages no longer reference "maximum eligibility." Messages now appear as, "You must accept your full Subsidized loan amount before accepting Unsubsidized loans."
  3. The Action column's radio button label name has been updated from "Maximum Eligibility" to "Amount Available."
  4. The red text listed beneath the Awards Grid now displays, "Note: Changes made to the amount you accept may result in the recalculation of the Current Amount and Amount Available for other awards when the Save Changes button is clicked."

Implementation Note: Items 3 & 4 above are associated to the SNAP Configuration setting “AwardsPortlet_DisplayActionOptions.” This setting must be set to “true” for the “Amount Available” radio button to display. SNAP configuration settings do not display on the Portal's User Interface. Please contact Client Support to configure this setting .

RS-8795Student Portal (SNAP)

Title: New Informational Message for Paid Awards
Ticket: RS-8795;

The Awards Portlet is now updated to present a new informational message to students, “You may have additional eligibility for this award. Please contact your Financial Aid Office.”  The message is presented when all of the following criteria is true:

  • Award is active acceptance ("Active Acceptance" is defined as Initial Award Status = OFFERED on Fund Setup)
  • Award is paid (Award has a disbursement that is DRI=true)
  • There is additional eligibility for the award which results in an increased award amount (Specifically, the calculated eligibility is greater than the accepted amount)
  • This is applicable to any customers with the SNAP configuration option "AwardsPortlet_AllowAcceptedAwardUpdates" turned on.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-11966Activity Log

Some students were missing expected ISIR Verification Status Activity Log Entries.

The issue was caused by a script that changed the link between the student records and ISIRs to unmatch the ISIR records. The script did not update data used by the ISIR Reprocess process to properly rematch ISIR records to students. This resulted in the missing Activity Log Entries. There was also a misunderstanding in how the ISIR Verification Status works.

As related to the underlying issue, the ISIR Reprocess process was updated to remove the criteria for originalIOProcessTransactionId. This change allows the ISIR Reprocess process to consider ISIR records with the previously bad data (without the need for additional script updates). The same respective improvement was made to the in the SBL-ISIR matching process. The improved logic identifies cases where the ISIR ioProcessTransactionId does not equal the originalIOProcessTransactionId, and ensures that these ISIRs are considered and processed by the ISIR Reprocess process where necessary.

Run the ISIR Reprocess and SBL-ISIR match processes to make sure they work as expected.


At a school configured to use a student-level census date, R8 miscalculated the student-level census date. A few students also had an incorrect Pell amount or incorrect census unit counts.

The system was using the term end date rather than the calculated term census date when determining whether a student had been packaged on a valid ISIR prior to the census date. In addition, for crossover terms, the student-level census calculation was sometimes not reset to use the term's correct FAY ISIR when calculating the crossover term's census date.

The code changed to use the configured term census date rather than the calculated term census date when determining whether a student had been packaged with a valid ISIR prior to the census date. In addition, the logic was corrected to use the correct FAY ISIR for census dates in crossover terms.

Package an affected student who has a valid ISIR (an ISIR with a non-blank EFC value). View the Awards tab, Enrollment Details for the affected terms, including a crossover term. For students who were packaged with a valid ISIR prior to a term's census date, the census date should match the term's census date. For students who were first packaged during the term, but after the term's census date, the census date should be their initial packaging date. In both cases, the census units should include all program-applicable units that were not withdrawn before the student's census date. Also, review any Pell Grant amounts. Pell should be recalculated normally based on the enrollment as of the Pell Recalculation Date.


Manual awarding of the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants (IASG) via the Add Award Wizard (AAW) was producing the following error message incorrectly: INELIGIBLE - Student fails age restriction requirement.

The age calculation logic to allow eligible students to receive the IASG grant via AAW was incorrect.

The IASG eligibility and awarding rules were updated to properly calculate the student's age.

Add a manual IASG award to an eligible student's Academic Plan using AAW and verify that it does not produce an error.


The issue was that TEACH wasn't calculated correctly if there was at least one non-full time enrollment in the Academic Year (AY).

This was a gap in R8 functionally. TEACH was originally implemented to calculate only for full-time enrollments.

Updated the TEACH awarding logic to account for all types of enrollments: Full Time, Half Time, Three Quarter Time and Less than Half Time.

Locate a TEACH eligible student who has at least one non-full time enrollment in the AY.
Then add the TEACH grant and package the student. The TEACH eligibility should be calculated correctly for each term in the AY.


When some FSEOG awards were imported using the Import Awards and Disbursements process, R8 unexpectedly did not link them to the correct budget.

The awards were imported into a payment period that already contained a Federal Pell Grant. When R8 linked the imported FSEOG award to a budget, R8 was unexpectedly matching the budget using the Pell's FAY instead of the FSEOG FAY.

For FAY-based awards, the Import Awards and Disbursement process now looks for a budget match using the award's FAY from the Import Awards and Disbursements file.

Import an FSEOG award into a payment period that already has a Pell award from a different FAY. R8 should link the FSEOG award to the budget for the FAY specified for the FSEOG award in the Import Awards and Disbursements file. On the Academic Plan, the Pell FAY and FSEOG FAY should each show their original, different FAYs.


The FSEOG Fund Budget's Accepted Amount was unexpectedly showing $0 on the Fund Setup - Budget tab.

When the fund's budget updates for ImportAwards were being processed, the award's Accepted Amount was not set to the correct value.

R8 was updated to ensure that award's Accepted Amount is correctly set when the Fund's Budget changes are being processed.

Import an FSEOG award change for a student via the Import Awards and Disbursements process. Package the student. View the FSEOG Fund's Budget tab and ensure that the changed award amount are included in the Accepted Amount column.


See Release Note for  RS-11847 CLOSED .


When a school tried to bulk export some Letter communications, nothing was exported.

The staging process for Student Templates was missing a value for bulk exporting the communications type, Letter.

The stored procedure was updated to return the missing value for generating and exporting the Letter communications.

First, set up a bulk export folder on the test server, and run any configuration scripts needed to use that folder from the test environment. Configure a Communications template and a Communication of type "Letter." Bulk export that communication for a set of students. Confirm the Letters were exported to the bulk export folder on the server. Open a student who received the communication. Confirm the communication is visible from the student's Activity Log.


When a student opted-out of receiving email communications, R8 unexpectedly still sent email messages to the student's email address.

The opt-out feature was not fully implemented.

New code was added to check for the opt-out feature on a student.

Set up a test student with a test email address. On the Student Details tab, Contact Information, edit the "Email," and select the checkbox to "Opt Out Email Communications." Send a batch Communication message that includes that student. The email message should not reach the student.


In Fund Setup, the disabled option for "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" was unexpectedly changed to "No" for Federal Pell Grants. As a result, some Pell Grants could not change their paid disbursements during packaging.

A bug on the Fund Setup screen menus unexpectedly changed the value of "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" to "No" instead of "Yes." The problem affected three funds: Federal Pell Grant; Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG); and Federal Work Study. The configuration setting changed unexpectedly whenever a user made any edits to the Fund Setup screen.

The Fund Setup screen was updated to keep the disabled option set to "Yes" for those funds unless it was separately configured via script. For schools that already had the setting incorrectly set to "No," a separate cleanup script was developed that could restore the correct value of "Yes" on the Fund Setup setting.

On a school with the normal default settings, open the Fund Setup screen for the Federal Pell Grant fund. Edit and Save. Refresh. The setting for "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" should maintain its value. The setting should still be disabled.


The "Delete" button on the Courses Tab was displayed to the users that were not granted the "Delete Student Courses" permission on Role Setup. However, the button was disabled.

Although initially designed to display the "Delete" button in a disabled state for the users without the proper permission, this behavior was inconsistent with other system functionality.

The logic was modified to hide the "Delete" button on the Student's Course Tab from the users who do not have proper permission.

Log in as a user who does not have permission to see the "Delete" button on the Courses tab. Verify that the "Delete" button is no longer visible on the Courses Tab.


Rebuild Data was unexpectedly not visible in the Conversion Queue, while it was visible on the Academic Plan.

A recent code change accidentally omitted several columns from a stored procedure.

The R8 stored procedure was updated with the missing columns to ensure that rebuild data will be visible in both the Conversion Queue and the Program Management Wizard.

Navigate to the Conversion Queue and Program Management Wizard screens to observe that COD Rebuild data will be visible in the Conversion Queue and on the Program Management Wizard.


The conversion wizard unexpectedly blocked students who had any payment period that contained a $0 Pell disbursement, along with an additional non-zero Pell disbursement from a different FAY.

R8's conversion wizard unexpectedly blocked the student from proceeding through the conversion process when the student had a $0 Pell disbursement. The conversion logic removed the link between the Payment Period and all the Pell awards for that Payment Period.

R8's Conversion logic was modified to only consider positive disbursements (greater than $0) as valid for the conversion process. R8 will now allow a student to proceed through the conversion process when there is a $0 disbursement for one FAY and a non-zero disbursement for another FAY in the same Payment Period, for both TEACH and Pell.

Load a student for conversion with COD rebuild data for two Pell awards in the same payment period, with one of the Pell awards having a $0 disbursement in that Payment Period. R8 will allow the student to proceed through the conversion process.


Document attachments uploaded by the student on the Student Portal were not visible in R8 on the Documents tab.

When document upload failed on the Student Portal, an error message was not being displayed to the user. The user had no way of knowing that the document upload was unsuccessful and expected to see it in R8.

An error message will now be displayed to the user when document attachment upload fails: "Application error has occurred and has been reported to technical support. No further action is required on your part, please allow some time for the issue to be resolved."

Upload a document attachment to the Student Portal. Ensure that the document has been uploaded successfully and that no error message is displayed. Verify that the document attachment is visible in R8.


In Document Setup, on the ISIR Assignment tab, a document was configured to be assigned if the Verification Selection Change Flag was Blank or Y. R8 unexpectedly did not assign the document to ISIRs with a Blank value.

The 'Blank' value was not translated to a NULL value on the ISIR.

The issue was resolved by updating a stored procedure to look for a NULL value on the ISIR which represents 'Blank.'

When an ISIR is made active, the Document Assignment criteria for the Verification Selection Change Flag now considers 'Blank' as equal to a NULL value on the ISIR. ISIRs made active before this update is applied are not re-evaluated as part of this update.


After an upgrade, the system unexpectedly assigned the "Prior Year Data Conflict" document to all ISIRs.

A school-specific cleanup script, for a separate bug, was accidentally included in the general deployment. As a result, some Documents unexpectedly lost their associations to Comment Codes 394 to 401.

The problematic script was removed. The cleanup script was also updated to preserve the link between Documents and Comment Codes for other schools.

Import ISIRs that do not have comment codes 394 through 401. The students should not be assigned the "Prior Year Data Conflict" document. Separately, configure a Document to be auto-assigned by an ISIR code in the range 394 to 401 (example: code 399). Load an ISIR with that comment code. The ISIR should trigger the Document assignment.


A term-based school had configured Direct Loan Fund Setup as "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" equal to "Yes" and Campus Setup as "Attempt to Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged" equal to "No." In a given term, a student's loans were fully paid for a term-based Full Time enrollment status, and then the student later dropped to a Less Than Half Time enrollment status in the same term. R8 unexpectedly did not zero out the paid Direct Loan disbursements. R8 also did not trigger a negative EST for the loans in the ineligible term.

The Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan rulesets were not reducing paid disbursements in ineligible payment periods.

The Subsidized and Unsubsidized ruleset logic was corrected to reduce paid disbursements for ineligible payment periods if a fund is configured as "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" equal to "Yes."

At a term-based school configured as "Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements" equal to "Yes" on Fund Setup for Direct Loans, find a student who has a paid Direct Loan disbursement. Reduce the student's courses in the term containing the paid disbursement to result in a Less Than Half Time enrollment status. Export to COD, mock and import a COD response file (with acceptance), and then execute the Export Student Transactions (EST) process. R8 should create a negative EST for the ineligible term.


When nonterm students had only one Payment Period in their final Academic Year, R8 unexpectedly only scheduled one single disbursement for their Federal Direct Loans.

The Institution Setup configuration setting, "Multiple Disbursement Requirement," was unexpectedly not applied to the student's Campus. As a result, the setting did not inherit to the Federal Direct Loan's Fund Setup.

The "Multiple Disbursement Requirement" setting now inherits from Institution Setup, to Campus Setup, and then to Fund Setup.

Package a Federal Direct Loan for a nonterm student in a single Payment Period Remaining Period of Study (RPS) Academic Year. R8 should create two disbursements in the Payment Period.


A term-based school was configured as "Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements" equal to "No." R8 blocked packaging for students with a packaging error, Error validating plan - the payment period on paid disbursement...was moved from the original pp (Removed Payment Period Id[])...

R8 tried to remove the disbursement's original term from the Academic Plan.

When R8 evaluates terms after a program change, if an enrollment has a paid disbursement and the system has marked that disbursement as "must not delete," then R8 will not remove the disbursement's term.

For a school configured to not allow R8 to move paid disbursements, repackage the students who previously had the Batch Packaging error. The students should now package without error. The paid disbursements should stay on their original terms.

RS-12121ISIR Processing/Verification

On the ISIR Correction and Verification Wizard, the screen unexpectedly did not allow users to provide any inputs containing spaces. For example, the screen prevented two-word city names such as OKLAHOMA CITY.

The on-screen validation did not allow spaces as valid input.

The validation was corrected to allow spaces.

In the ISIR Correction and Verification wizard, edit an ISIR. Enter a two-word city name that includes a space. The screen should allow the new value, and should not display any validation error.

RS-11988ISIR Processing/Verification

When a Portal user downloaded a Paper Sign file such as the Drug Conviction Worksheet, the filename was unexpectedly labeled with a non-generic name containing an incorrect FAY (2015-2016). The inaccurate filename caused unexpected Template errors, such as "template parsing error" and "template does not exist for this theme."

The PDF Export file had been mapped to an incorrect file name, which included the incorrect Federal Award Year (FAY).

Changed the naming logic of the paper-sign document to use the correct file. The filename will no longer contain the FAY.

Complete the 2018-2019 Verification Worksheet in the student portal. Submit paper forms, download the forms to sign and verify that the file downloaded is correctly named and doesn't contain the FAY.

RS-11830ISIR Processing/Verification

When a user made a correction to the "Student's adjusted gross income from IRS form" field, via the "ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard," and then exported the ISIR Correction, the ISIR Export file showed that field's corrected value as truncated.

The corrected value is expected to be a maximum of 7 characters, but R8 saved the value as 10 characters. Thus, the value was getting exported incorrectly.

The issue was resolved by adding a validation check that prevents a user from entering invalid values for "Student’s Gross Adjusted Income from IRS form" field in the "ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard."

Enter a correction to the "Student's adjusted gross income from IRS form" field in the correct 7-digit format and verify that it results in the accurate amounts in the Export ISIR Corrections file.

RS-11793ISIR Processing/Verification

The High School City, High School State, HS Diploma or Equivalent, and High School Name fields were displaying twice in Step 2 of the "ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard."

A display issue was causing the values to appear twice.

The issue was resolved by a code change. Please work with your Regent Account Manager for the appropriate data clean up steps for affected students.

Review Step 2 of the "ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard." Verify that the values are now shown once.

RS-3624ISIR Processing/Verification

If the left menu of R8 was open (not collapsed), and the browser was set to a zoom of 90% or greater zoom, R8 unexpectedly hid the "Comment Codes" column of the ISIR table on the student's ISIR tab.

The "Comment Codes" column did not have a fixed width.

The issue was fixed by setting a fixed width (70px) on the Comment Codes column. This prevents the column from disappearing/collapsing.

View Student's ISIR screen using various resolutions and browser zoom options. The Comment Codes are now visible.


R8 miscalculated Pell amounts for some BBAY term-based students with Year-Round Pell (YRP) eligibility. The incorrect amounts triggered COD Reject 172, Incorrect Financial Award Amount.

The students had their Pell eligibility change for payment periods with dates in the past. R8 created extra disbursements in current and future payment periods.

R8's Year-Round Pell calculations were improved. If a Pell Grant award amount changes, then R8 correctly tracks the disbursement amounts and recalculates disbursements as needed. R8 also has improved logic for applying the "Allow auto-adjustment of paid disbursements" configuration setting from Fund Setup. R8 will add eligible disbursements to past payment periods if a past payment period was eligible, and that payment period previously did not have any disbursement.

Package an affected student. R8 should award the correct amounts for Pell, including the additional YRP eligibility up to 150% of the normal scheduled Pell amount.


For manual Pell awards, R8 was not calculating eligibility for Year-Round Pell (YRP) but was instead calculating only 100% Pell eligibility for a given FAY. YRP eligibility was also not correctly calculated for students who had received Pell at another school.

R8 was not including manual Pell awards when performing YRP Pell calculations, only non-manual Pell awards were considered. Also, in cases where a student had received Pell at a prior school, R8 was looking at the Pell award's accepted amount and if it was less than the percentage of Pell used at the external school, per ISIR data, R8 was determining the entire award was ineligible for YRP.

R8 logic was corrected to ensure that manual Pell awards use the same calculations as non-manual Pell awards to determine if the student is eligible for YTD Pell. R8 was also corrected to consider the amount of Pell eligibility used at a prior school in order to properly determine YRP eligibility at the R8 school but eliminated the comparison of this amount to the award's accepted amount in R8.

Package a student that is eligible for YRP for the FAY, but also has a manual Pell award in R8 for the FAY. The calculated eligibility for the student should reflect eligibility for YRP. Package a student who received Pell at another institution in the FAY. R8 should correctly calculate the remaining Pell eligibility for the FAY to include the student's eligibility for YRP.


For Term students with Federal Direct Loans in the past, R8 unexpectedly included additional terms in the Financial Award dates. The "too-long" Loan Periods extended beyond the Academic Year dates, and caused COD Reject 045.

The loans were packaged in an older version of R8 that had incorrect logic for truncating Loan Periods. Because the loans had dates ending in the past, R8 did not automatically repackage the loans or correct the loan period dates.

Modify Award Wizard was updated to automatically correct the loan period dates, if a user edits the loan.

Navigate to a student with an affected loan. Edit the loan in Modify Award Wizard. Continue through MAW, making no changes, and click "Finish." Review the dates on the Loans tab. The Financial Award Begin and End dates should only include terms that have loan dollars. The Financial Award dates should be within the Academic Year dates.


During Batch Packaging, some students were receiving an unexpected error: Error processing batch data for Student [XXXXXX]. Error Msg: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.

The error was caused by Federal Supplemental Grant awards that were re-imported, and had lost the link to their associated Budget.

R8 now has an additional logic check when reprocessing imported awards that use Budgets. R8 keeps the budget linkage the same if an award is already linked to a budget.

Import and re-import a Budgeted award such as FSEOG. Package the student using MAP; or, run Batch Packaging and check the System Batch Packaging Errors report. The 'System.Exception' error message should not occur on the student.


The Cost of Attendance (COA) for a student was not being calculated properly for a student prior to the term's "Begin Actual Date."

When the Term Setup option to "Accelerate Begin Actual for Registered Units" was set to "Any Registered Units" and the packaging date was BEFORE the Term's "Begin Actual Date," awards were calculated based on registered units but the COA was calculated based on anticipated units.

R8 was updated to calculate the COA based on actual registered units if the Term Setup option to "Accelerate Begin Actual for Registered Units" was set to "Any Registered Units" and actual registration had been received for the student, and today's date (the packaging date) is before the term's "Begin Actual Date."

Locate a student who has actual registered units, and package the student prior to the term's "Begin Actual Date." Verify that the student's awards and COA are based on the student's number of actual registered units.


The following packaging error was produced during all packaging processes:

Error validating plan for Student [52425]: The payment period on paid disbursement number [2] with fund Direct Unsubsidized Loan and paid amount 0 was moved from original pp 1703B to pp 1604B. / The payment period on paid disbursement number [2] with fund Direct Subsidized Loan and paid amount 0 was moved from original pp 1703B to pp 1604B.

A validation check at the end of the packaging process looks for scenarios where R8 is attempting to move a paid disbursement from its original payment period to another payment period, and prevents the change from occurring. In this particular case, R8 was attempting to move the disbursement because it was also attempting to remove the term from the student's academic plan.

The issue was resolved by allowing the term to remain in place and on the same Academic Year, when the term contains a paid disbursement. The validation message will then no longer be thrown because the term containing the paid disbursement does not move.

Packaging students. The error should not be produced.


After a term-based program change, the Academic Plan unexpectedly showed no attendance in a term. The students had posted attendance in the courses in the new program.

All of the impacted students had a program change back into a prior program. The older version of the program had no attendance in that term, but the new version of the program had attendance. R8 incorrectly displayed the attempted units from the prior program.

The Academic Plan screen now displays units with attendance from the correct, current program.

On a term-based student, load a SBL with a Program Change into the same program. Ensure the older version of the program has only courses that are withdrawn before start, and the new program has courses with attendance. Process the Program Change. Examine the "Attended" units on the Academic Plan. The unit counts should match all courses with attendance in the term.


Several BBAY1 students had duplicated Academic Years on their Academic Plans. The duplicated AYs both contained the same terms but had different award amounts on the different versions of the terms.

The students had incorrect course data. A program change across different Sites had incorrectly kept registration in courses for the original Site. Additionally, if a Manual SAP record was linked to one of the incorrect, duplicated terms, it caused a packaging error.

The Academic Plan logic was improved for term and nonstandard term programs. The Academic Plan now has an additional check to detect when a term already exists on the Academic Plan. In addition, the packaging error text was improved by adding the SAP date to the error when a Manual SAP record cannot be assigned to any Payment Period. If a user sees that error, then they will need to delete the problematic Manual SAP record; repackage; and (after repackaging) create a new, replacement Manual SAP record for the correct Payment Period.

On an affected student, correct any erroneous course data. Repackage the student. Review the Academic Plan and awards, and confirm the terms and Academic Years are displayed only once. If the system gives an error, "Manual SAP Record cannot be linked to any payment period," then delete the Manual SAP record for that SAP date and package the student. After repackaging, add a new, replacement Manual SAP record. The Academic Plan and awards should package without any duplicates.

RS-3542Program Change

After a nonterm Substantially Equal program change, R8 unexepectedly created an new Academic Year (AY). The previous Academic Year had unexpectedly short AY dates.

The previous Academic Year end date was unexpectedly truncated by the old program's Program Completion Date. Additionally, the school had created incorrect manual Academic Years for the old program as an attempted workaround.

The RNA code was updated to not truncate AYs using the Program's Completion Date. The change affects nonterm students with Substantially Equal program changes.

On an affected nonterm student, remove any erroneous manual Academic Years. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard. Inspect the Academic Year dates on the Academic Plan. The Academic Years should be the correct length for the student's programs and course registration.


Enterprise field was unexpectedly hidden from the parameter screen on all R8 reports after first time the report was generated.

The Enterprise field was improperly sized on the UI, making selection from the drop down impossible.

The Enterprise field was properly resized.

Generate any R8 report (ensuring that the Enterprise value is selected). Close the Report and regenerate the report. The Enterprise field should remain available.


After running an R8 report once, the users were not able to run the report again. The users reported not being able to enter report parameters and receiving the following error:

The 'hiddenRowCount' parameter is missing a value.

The following R8 reports were affected:

  • Award Packaging Status
  • Disbursement Information
  • ISIR Student Listing
  • ISIR Verification DRT
  • Student Academic Progress
  • Student Activity
  • Student Documents
  • Student Incomplete Documents
  • Student Roster
  • Student SAP
  • Student Unprocessed Award Data

The issue was caused by code that skewed the report's perception of valid values for its parameter lists. If the user chose a certain value for a parameter the first time they ran the report, the report thought that particular value was the ONLY valid value for the field. So if the user tried to run the report again, and selected any OTHER value for the field, the report returned the "HiddenRow count" error.

Removing the problematic code resolved the issue.

Rerun each of the affected reports several times. The reports are now opening correctly with no errors.


The "ISIR Student Listing" report was missing data from the Household Number of Students, Number in College, and Household Number of Parents. The report also omitted the associated Change Codes for each of these columns.

The data view was unexpectedly comparing two identical values, so it could not detect changes.

The data view logic was corrected to use both the original value and the changed value.

Run the "ISIR Student Listing" report. Review the report output.


At a Term school with a Calculated SAP policy, some students unexpectedly failed the Quantitative portion of the SAP Calculation (Pace). The students had attendance in some courses, but had dropped courses before the term's census date. R8 unexpectedly included the courses dropped prior to the census date as Attempted Units for SAP.

The school had a student-level census date, based on the date when an ISIR was first received. The affected students did not have any ISIRs. After the term ended, R8 set the census date to the end of the term as expected. However, because the courses were dropped before the term's end date, R8 included those units in the Attempted Units for SAP.

When students have a calculated student-level census date of the end of the term, R8 now uses the correct set of Course Enrollment units for counting cumulative units and attempted units for SAP.

Navigate to an affected student who does not have any ISIR. View the student's courses and note the course withdrawal dates and units counts. Package the student and run SAP. On the Awards tab, view the term and expand the Enrollment Details section. The Census Date should show the Term's census date. In the SAP wizard, view the Calculated SAP record for that term. The numbers should be correct for Cumulative Attempted Units, SAP Review Period Attempted Units, SAP Review Period Pace, and Cumulative Pace.


At a term-based school with a SIS-provided SAP policy, R8 unexpectedly blocked disbursements for some students with a payable SAP status. The disbursements were blocked with error EST-0057, SAP Status Prevents Release.

The students had multiple terms with the same term names. R8 was unexpectedly assigning the SAP status to some terms that were marked Historic.

A code change improved the logic for assigning SAP statuses to payment periods, when multiple payment periods share the same name. If one of the payment periods is marked Historic, R8 assigns the SAP status to the non-Historic payment period.

Import a SIS-provided SAP status on the SBL for a student who has a Historic payment period and a non-Historic payment period with the same term name. R8 should assign the SAP status to the non-Historic Payment Period. The student should be able to successfully disburse through EST.


Two term-based students had unexpected packaging errors: Failed to Process - Error Manual SAP record cannot be assigned to any Payment Period. The students had posted attempted units in a term, but withdrew from all courses before the term's census date.

R8 unexpectedly could not link a Manual SAP record to its Payment Period due to a Program Change from a term with Attempted units.

When a user performs a Program Change, and continues using the previous program's Manual SAP status, R8 now continues the SAP status in the new program based on the Manual SAP status.

On a Term student, perform a Program Change on a student who had a Manual SAP record in a previous, attempted-but-withdrawn term. In the PMW, select to continue using the SAP status from the previous program. R8 should apply the Manual SAP status from the previous program record and package the student without the error.


Some BBAY Term students had loans for a single term. R8 unexpectedly packaged the students with incorrect Loan Period dates matching the full Academic Year. The Financial Award End Dates unexpectedly included the extra, ineligible terms in the same Academic Year.

The loans were packaged in an older version of R8 that had incorrect logic for truncating Loan Periods. Because the loans had dates ending in the past, R8 did not automatically repackage the loans or correct the loan period dates.

Modify Award Wizard was updated to automatically correct the loan period dates if a user edits the loan.

Navigate to a student with an affected loan. Edit the loan in Modify Award Wizard. Continue through MAW, making no changes, and click "Finish." Review the dates on the Loans tab. The Financial Award Begin and End dates should only include terms that have loan dollars. The Financial Award dates should be within the Academic Year dates.

RS-12291Student Portal (SNAP)

At an Active Acceptance school, a student had a partially paid, non-manual, Federal Unsubsidized loan. The school increased the Cost of Attendance and increased the student's loan eligibility. However, in the Student Portal, the Awards Portlet unexpectedly blocked the student from editing and increasing the loan's Current Amount to match the full Amount Available.

The Awards Portlet was not allowing the award to be changed on the last day of the award's loan period. The portal was also using an incorrect date to identify the last day of the loan period. The portal was using the payment period end date of the last payment period with a greater than $0 disbursement, instead of the award's loan period end date.

The Portal logic was corrected. The Awards Portlet now allows students to increase the accepted amount on a partially-paid loan. If a loan has additional eligibility, a student can edit the accepted current amount to be higher, up to the full eligible amount. Students still cannot reduce an accepted loan below its current amount. Additionally, the Portal's date and time checks were changed to allow edits until 11:59:59 PM on the loan period's end date.

At an Active Acceptance school, configure the Portal to "Allow Accepted Award Updates." Find or create a test student with a partially-paid, non-Manual, Accepted-status, Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan. On the Awards tab, add a positive Cost Adjustment to ensure that the loan's eligibility increases. On the Student Portal, log in and view the loan in the Awards Portlet. Edit the Current Amount to be any higher amount, up to the Available Amount. The student should be able to edit the Current Amount up to the Available Amount. However, a student should not be able to reduce the Current Amount to be lower than the previous amount.

RS-12269Student Portal (SNAP)

Students were getting an 'Object Reference Error' while filling out the Shopping Sheet.

SNAP did not verify ISIR records for null values. Since the student did not have an ISIR record, the error was thrown.

A null check was implemented for the Active ISIR since some anticipated students do not have ISIR records.

To verify that this issue is resolved, complete an entire questionnaire. Verify that no application error is received and that the Shopping Sheet is successfully submitted.

RS-12239Student Portal (SNAP)

When the Student Portal was configured to Allow Accepted Award Updates, students saw an unexpected error message in the Awards portlet: Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request.

A software defect was introduced by a recent enhancement for the "Action" column radio buttons, when students have both a Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans.

The "Action" radio buttons were corrected to allow students to take actions on Subsidized loans without error. For example, students can increase an Accepted Subsidized loan amount if their Subsidized eligibility changes and they have not accepted their Unsubsidized loan.

Configure the Student Portal to allow award updates. Use a test student with a Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan, both in Offered status. In the Portal, change the Subsidized loan to Accepted status, but leave the Unsubsidized loan in Offered status. The student should be able to successfully edit and save changes to the Accepted Subsidized loan amount, without making any changes to the Offered Unsubsidized loan.

RS-12188Student Portal (SNAP)

See Release Note for  RS-12239 CLOSED .

RS-11815Student Portal (SNAP)

In Regent Access, in the Student Portal, students unexpectedly could not see any option to 'Start, edit or complete an application' for 2018-2019 state financial aid. Instead, they only saw an unexpected link to "Download an application."

A Questionnaire had been incorrectly configured on the server. A temporary 2018-2019 Application for State Financial Aid had been made available. When the students uploaded that temporary application to the misconfigured server, the document was unexpectedly associated with 2017-2018 instead of 2018-2019.

The configuration was corrected and a new, 2018-2019 e-sign document was made available. A data cleanup script marked the previous applications as deleted in the database. The affected students could then start, edit, or complete a 2018-2019 application.

Log into the Student Portal as a test student. 'Start, Edit, or Complete an application' for 2018-2019, and continue through the e-sign process. After the document is submitted, go into the system and view the student's Documents tab. The Document should be labeled with the correct year, 2018-2019.

RS-11599Student Portal (SNAP)

A Regent Access file import failed due to an unexpected error, "Duplicate Transaction ID."

In the Student Portal, if a user double-clicked or otherwise retriggered a Smart Form button quickly (multiple times within 1 second), the system failed to increment the transaction ID.

The Smart Form button was updated to prevent users from triggering the transaction multiple times. Additionally, a cleanup script was created to remove the extra, duplicated transactions. The Transaction ID logic was also improved to use an internally calculated Transaction ID instead of depending on the Smart Form button click.

In a Student Portal Smart Form, double-click or quickly click the buttons multiple times for Start, Edit, and Re-submit. The system should only create one transaction.


The Review Eligibility Change task was triggered incorrectly and in duplicate. The task was also triggered for non-manual awards with no explanatory details.

The issue was caused by the missing/incorrect logic for the Review Eligibility Change task trigger.

The issue was resolved by removing logic where R8 was incorrectly creating a Review Eligibility Task outside of its documented scope.

Repackage a student that already has an open Review Eligibility Change task for a Subsidized or Unsubsidized loan and verify that additional Review Eligibility Change tasks are not triggered.


When R8 assigned a task using the Task Assignment Process, the Task's Activity tab did not show the Task's assignment.

The Task Auto-Assignment procedure did not insert a Task Activity record.

The Task Auto-Assignment procedure was modified to add a new Task Activity record if a Task is auto-assigned, unassigned, or re-assigned.

At a school configured to use Task Auto-Assignment, run the Task Auto-Assignment Process. Browse to a student who had a task assigned. View the Task's Activity tab which should show the task's assignment.

RS-12199Technical Design

The DB Cleanup Academic Plan Data process is available to be scheduled (most schools run this weekly) and is used to remove deleted packaging data from the R8 database, which allows packaging to run more quickly. This process was unexpectedly failing.

The process was failing because it was trying to permanently delete Loan Periods that were marked as "soft-deleted" more than 7 days prior but were associated to awards that marked as "soft-deleted" within the 7-day retention window. There is a database level constraint on Awards that requires a Loan Period record to exists in the database. This constraint prevented the process from deleting the Loan Periods because it would leave Awards with a reference to a Loan Period that no longer exists.

A change was implemented to ensure that the clean-up process will recognize these "soft-deleted" awards as awards that need to be retained, and therefore, will not try to delete their associated loan period.

When the scheduled DB Cleanup Academic Plan Data process is executed it should complete without error.

RS-11832User Interface

A nonterm school had configured Institutional Breaks. When R8 anticipated some future nonterm Academic Years, without any backing course data, R8 unexpectedly scheduled the AYs to start during the configured Break dates.

The Academic Plan was created from the current date and the start/end dates were updated with the actual course data.

The code was modified to take into consideration Academic Breaks when creating an anticipated nonterm plan.

Package the student to confirm that R8 honors the configured Institutional Breaks on the Loans and the Academic Plan tabs.

RS-8683User Interface

On the Task tab, in the Student Details section, the 'View Student' link did not open the student's record in R8.

The link was found not to work properly in cases where the student had an apostrophe in their name.

The system now adds a hyperlink using the student's full name. The link correctly redirects to the student's 'Summary' tab in R8.

On a Task, in the Student Details section, click the link for the student's name. The system should display the student's 'Summary' tab in R8.

Keywords: 4.2.2, R4.2.2, Release Notes

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