Release: Regent 8
Ron Dinwiddie
Susan Sherrick
- Common Acronyms
- Executive Summary
- Enhancements
- Bugs
Common Acronyms
Academic Year (AY)
Accounts Receivable (AR)
Alternate Expected Family Contribution (Alt-EFC)
Borrow Based Academic Year (BBAY)
Client Configuration Management (CCM)
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Common Origination and Disbursement (COD)
Cost of Attendance (COA)
Confirm of Return (CORE)
Department of Education (DOE)
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
Export Student Transaction (EST)
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Federal Academic Year (FAY)
Financial Aid Administrator (FAA)
Financial Aid History (FAH)
Identifier (ID)
Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD)
Inadvertent Overpayment (IOP)
Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs)
Last Date of Attendance (LDA)
Leave of Absence (LOA)
Loan Period (LP)
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
Not Substantially Equal (NSE)
Payment Period (PP)
Personal Identification Numbers (PIN)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Post Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD)
Program Management Wizard (PMW)
Return Title IV Funds (R2T4)
Regent Enterprise 8 Financial Aid Management System (R8)
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Student Batch Load (SBL)
Student Borrow Based Academic Year Modification (SBM)
Student Borrow Based Academic Year Modification Loan Period (SBMLP)
Student Borrow Based Academic Year Modification Term (SBMT)
Student Information System (SIS)
Substantially Equal (SE)
Tag Image File Format (TIFF)
Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM)
User Interface (UI)
Year Round Pell (YRP)
Executive Summary
Regent Education is pleased to announce Release of the regent Enterprise 8 Financial Aid Management System (R8).
This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and provides an extensive list of enhancements and new features including:
- Additional user configuration options for fund awarding when there is no coded ruleset for the fund:
- Award distribution options
- Package loans to net direct costs
- Alternative packaging philosophies/overrides
- New “Package To” Cost Groups for specific Funds
- Use of Satisfied Documents to determine award eligibility
- Cost of Attendance improvements include:
- Adjust Cost Wizard Error messaging improvements
- Option for treatment of tuition costs in COA for attended courses after course withdrawal
- Configurable options for the determination date on whether a term will be used to “anchor” a BBAY
- Configurable option on whether or not to display historic academic years to students.
- New “Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions” Report
The following enhancements are included in this release:
Key | Functional Area | Release Note |
RS-11953 | Activity Log | Title: New Activity Log Entry when the Override FAY Crossover option changed via the Advanced Packaging screen Description: |
RS-12136 | Awarding | Title: Adjust Cost Wizard: Display Error Messaging Description: |
RS-12031 | Awarding | Title: Support for Fund Setup Aggregate Limit field Description: In previous versions of R8, the Aggregate Limits field has been available on Fund Setup via the R8 UI, but the feature was not functional, meaning R8 would not use the information from this screen to award a student aggregate limit per fund. This gap was closed in for funds that do not have a rule set in place. Funds that have a rule set have all awarding criteria determined within the rule set itself and any values entered on the UI is not used by R8. |
RS-12028 | Awarding | Title: Fund Setup: Allow NULL Effective End Date on Award Min/Max functionality for Academic Year Periods Description: |
RS-12023 | Awarding | Title: Support for Fund Setup Award Minimum/Maximum feature Description: In previous versions of R8, the Award Minimum/Maximum functionality has been available on Fund Setup via the R8 UI, but the feature was not functional, meaning R8 would not use the information from this screen to award a student a minimum or maximum amount per fund. This gap was closed in for funds that do not have a rule set in place. Funds that have a rule set have Award Minimum / Maximum criteria determined within the rule set itself and any values entered for Award Minimum / Maximum limits on the UI are not used by R8. |
RS-11977 | Awarding | Title: Awards Tab: Display all Cost Adjustments with their correct Cost Adjustment names Description:
RS-11833 | Awarding | Title: Package to COA Cost Groups for Specific Funds Description: R8 has been enhanced to allow schools to indicate specific Cost Groups to use when determining an award's maximum amount for a distinct fund. In order to accommodate this enhancement, a new section has been added to Fund Setup, “Additional COA Requirements.” The user may configure specific Cost Groups that will be used to determine awarding for the selected fund. The list of Cost Groups available to the fund must meet the following criteria:
"Selected Cost Groups(s)" display a list of the Cost Groups that the user selected to determine eligibility for the fund. When the "Additional COA Requirement" option is in use on a fund (and that fund is configured on Packaging Philosophy Setup) two, new options will be available in the "Package To" drop-down field:
The school will choose "% of Additional COA Requirement" or "Within $ of Additional COA Requirement" from the "Package To" field in order to use the Cost Groups configured on Fund Setup. When one of these options is chosen, R8 packages that fund to the amount of the Cost Groups configured under "Additional COA Requirement" on Fund Setup.
For example, COA configuration exists for the following Cost Groups:
Fund #1 is only applicable to tuition costs, so the “Additional COA Requirements" includes Tuition A, Tuition B, and Tuition C. A new checkbox, "Apply to Additional COA Configuration?", was also added to the Cost Adjustment Wizard. This field defaults to not selected (unchecked) and appears only if the student's Institution has funds configured to use the "Additional COA Requirements" feature. When "Apply to Additional COA Configuration?" is selected (checked), R8 uses the Federal Cost Category, "Direct Cost?" and "Billed By School?" checkboxes on the Cost Adjustment (CA) to match the CA to a Cost Group being used by the "Additional COA Requirement" setup on any fund. When a match is found, the CA is included in the fund's custom "Package To" grouping for consideration in the Packaging Philosophy. For example, a CA is entered under Federal Cost Category "Tuition and Fees," but with both "Direct Cost?" and "Billed By School?" not selected. R8 looks for Cost Groups that contain Cost Items in the "Tuition and Fees" category, but that are not "Direct Costs" or "Billed By School." In our example, a match is found under the Cost Group "Tuition - Online." R8 will apply the CA when calculating the "Package To" value for any fund that is configured to use "Tuition - Online" as an "Additional COA Requirement" within the award period(s) the CA is applicable. |
RS-11745 | Awarding | Title: Award Eligibility Determination Using Satisfied Document(s) Description:
Awarding Rules
Eligibility for the fund is determined by the status of the student's Document Requirement:
Changing or Removing Setup
A User can change the document configured to be used for awarding purposes.
If the Document Setup is updated using the Import Setup Configuration process and the document is being used to control the eligibility of a fund, the document scope cannot be updated. If the document is no longer being used by a fund (setup has been removed) the document scope can be updated via the Import Setup Configuration process. Manual Awards
Packaging Process
Fund Setup Enhancements
Multiple documents can be setup per fund to control eligibility for the fund and the same document can be used for more than one fund. Document Setup Enhancements Note: This feature does not support document configurations that have the "Enforce Scope Uniqueness" flag on Document Setup un-selected." |
RS-11714 | Awarding | Title: Wisconsin State Grant (WG-PNP) Description: OverviewRegent 8 (R8) was enhanced to automate the packaging and disbursement of the Wisconsin Grant – Private Non-Profit (WG-PNP). The scope of this enhancement includes the import of the Wisconsin (WI) Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB) Roster, the WG-PNP fund Rule Set, and corresponding User Interface (UI) and reporting enhancements. WI HEAB RosterStudents who are eligible to be awarded the WG-PNP are identified by importing the WI HEAB Roster file into R8 via the Processes screen or FileWatcher. The file is a tab delimited file, specific to the Federal Award Year (FAY). There will be a different file for each FAY. The file name is used to determine the FAY. For example, the file named 06.01.2017_Notif_253_1617_20170530.txt, is for 2016-2017 FAY. The file layout is specified below: Import Wisconsin State Grants ProcessA new selection option, “Wisconsin” was added for the State drop-down menu on the Processes-->Import Process screen when the Process Type selected is “Import State Grants”. Only users with the "Import State Grants" permission can access this process. Any attempt to run the Import State Grants process produces a Process Log entry. The errors that are specific to the individual records (e.g., failure to match a student) are displayed in the Error Message field of the Students tab of the Process Log. The errors that affect the entire file import (e.g., incorrect file format) are displayed on the Error Log tab of the Process Log. In addition to the standard fields on the Process Log Details screen, a button to access the Wisconsin State Grant Process Results Report is provided. This report allows the user to view the imported WI HEAB Roster file in the tabular format. Upon successful import of the file, an Activity Log Entry is created for each student on the imported roster. Examples:
Award Roster – Reprocess ProcessIn cases where the students imported on the Roster cannot be matched to a student record in R8, the Award Roster - Reprocess process can be scheduled to run per the school’s request. This process also produces Process Log and Activity Log entries similar to the Import Wisconsin State Grants process. EligibilityOnce imported, R8 uses the roster and existing R8 data to determine eligible students for awarding using the following criteria:
AwardingWG-PNP is awarded annually at the Federal Award Year level. The Wisconsin FAY contains three terms: Fall, Spring, and Summer. R8 reviews all eligible students imported via the roster and uses the calculated amount based on the WG-PNP Formula (see below) and the tuition-dependent Tier mapping established by the school. The tuition rate is determined by a lookup of the configured cost tiers that the school sets up with the state program. This information is school specific and must be coded in R8 for the school to use this feature. R8’s calculation references the student’s program and enrollment level (registered program applicable units only) and divides the award amount by the number of registered terms to determine the award amount for each eligible term. The resulting calculated amount will be awarded for the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms, as applicable. The award will be recalculated each term based on credit level. Only ‘Actual’ enrollment status (course data sent on the SBL) is used in calculating the Wisconsin Grant. Anticipated enrollment (i.e. currently configured as full-time) will not be used. The school is required to provide actual course data for the terms of the Wisconsin Grant Federal Award Year to ensure proper awarding of the fund. WG-PNP Formula:
If it is determined that a student will not be enrolled at least half-time in all 3 terms of the FAY (Fall, Spring, and Summer), the 2-term tuition amount is used to determine the award amount. If the student is enrolled at least half-time in 2 terms, the resulting award amount is disbursed over 2 terms. If the student is enrolled at least half-time in only 1 term, the resulting award amount is divided by 2 for the single term. If the student is not enrolled at least half-time in any terms, the resulting award amount will be zero and a zero disbursement amount will be scheduled for the terms. If a student’s award for a term results in a $0 calculated award amount for a term (e.g. tuition code or calculated amount), the student would not be eligible for a disbursement for the term. However, this is not treated in the same manner as a less than half-time term for determining if a 2-semester or 3-semester tuition code will be used. For example, a student is attending at least half-time in all 3 terms of the FAY but no tuition code exists for one of the terms based on the enrollment level, that term will result in a $0 disbursement but the overall award for the other two terms will use the 3-semester tuition code and receive 1/3 of the calculated amount for each of the two terms. The amount of the award is rounded up if awarding in the first term (i.e. fall) and down if awarding in the second or third terms (i.e. spring or summer). If the WG-PNP award amount exceeds the student's Cost of Attendance (COA), R8 reduces the award in accordance with the Packaging Philosophy and if applicable, reduces the WG-PNP award amount to the remaining COA. The awarding for the FAY is ceased at the end of the 3rd term (Summer). In a scenario where the roster shows the student as eligible, but R8 determines the student to be ineligible (the award is below the minimum, etc.), the award of $0 is created in a "Cancelled" status with the explanatory award message in the Activity Log. Minimum and maximum awards are set annually by HEAB. For 2017-2018 Award Year:
Supplemental AwardA supplemental award is an additional set amount per FAY. R8 treats all supplemental awards as a one-time award per FAY. The award uses the date of the initial notification roster for which the supplemental award was listed to determine which term the award should be scheduled for. RecalculationR8 recalculates enrollment status when the SBL file is imported and recalculates award amounts for the WI Grant during the packaging process. The enrollment status used in the calculated award amount fluctuates based on current and future courses (similar to Pell). For example, if a student withdraws from a course(s) prior to the end of the term, the award will be updated based on the new tuition code, as applicable. R8 adjusts WI Grant awards for all terms in the open FAY (past, current, and future terms). Withdrawals/Refund PolicyWG-PNP is refunded/adjusted throughout the term if:
The school will adjust WG-PNP awards manually if needed. If the awards are reduced due to the eligibility changes when there is no R2T4 involved, then packaging automatically adjusts the award. Program ChangesThe school will be responsible for updating the program change tuition code information with the state. Manual AwardsThe users can manually add or adjust WI Grant awards using the Add/Modify Award Wizards. Those staff-adjusted awards are marked Manual (not managed by R8). The auto-packaging logic will not make any changes to Manual awards. DisbursementsR8 determines that the student is eligible for a disbursement using the following criteria:
If the disbursement amount from the roster file equals the disbursement amount in R8, R8 updates the award to reflect the paid disbursement at the time the EST process is run. State TabOnce the student is successfully packaged, the WG-PNP award information can be viewed on the student’s State tab. Clicking on the record in the State Awards grid displays the details in the State Data Records. ReportingTo support Wisconsin (WI) Grant (WG-PNP) award processing the WI Grant Report was created. Access to the report is controlled by the “View Students” and “View Students SSN” permissions. Report Parameters/Filters
Output Columns
RS-3721 | COD | Title: Updating a COD Award's ISIR Transaction Number Description Regent8 (R8) was enhanced to ensure appropriate updates are made to a COD award's ISIR (CPS) Transaction Number when required. The ISIR Transaction Number is listed in the COD export file as “CPS Transaction Number” which is an Award level element. This enhancement affects Pell, TEACH, or Direct Loans (Sub, Unsub, Parent PLUS, GradPLUS). Criteria
Note that the ISIR Transaction Number on the Academic Plan for each award reflects the ISIR Transaction Number that R8 is reporting to COD. |
RS-12205 | Configuration/Setup | Title: Packaging FAY Scope Awards Per Payment Period Description:
If "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY" is chosen, the total award amount is divided evenly across the Payment Periods (PPs), in the FAY, with an even portion awarded to each PP. If "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY, Not to Exceed Cost per PP" is chosen, the total award amount is divided evenly across the PPs, within the FAY, giving consideration to the cost cap configured per the Packaging Philosophy "Package To" and "Package To Amount" values. For example, the award amount is $21,000 per FAY (Fall, Spring, and Summer). |
RS-11733 | Configuration/Setup | Title: New configuration option, Offset Fund Budget Amounts For Import Awards Tickets: RS-11447; RS-11621; RS-11622; RS-11623; RS-11624; RS-11625; Description: Regent8 (R8) currently offsets a budget's 'Balance Remaining to Offer' amount during the Import Awards and Disbursement (IAD) process (if the fund has an associated budget setup within Fund Setup). However, a school that has a need to import or on-board inactive students with budgeted funds via the IAD process may not want the fund's budget to update. Therefore, Regent has made this functionality configurable via a new Institution Setup option called, "Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards." 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' was added to the Rebuild and Import Award Settings section of the General tab of Institution Setup. This new checkbox option defaults to selected (process is turned on). When this option is not selected (option is turned off), R8 will import IAD data without reducing the applicable fund budget. Guidance for Current Customers Customers that are currently processing awards for budgeted funds via the IAD process in a Regent Production environment are not impacted by this new option (post go-live). Current post go-live customers are advised to leave this option turned on. A customer that is not currently processing awards for budgeted funds via the IAD process in a Regent Production environment (pre go-live), may or may not need to turn off this option. A customer that always wants the fund's budget amounts to be offset (updated) via the IAD process should select this option (turn it on by selecting the checkbox). A customer that does not want the fund's budget amounts to be offset (updated) via the IAD process should turn off this option. If 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' is turned off, Regent assumes that awards created or updated in R8 by the Import Awards and Disbursement (IAD) process have already been accounted for by the fund budget in the school's pre-R8 system, and that fund budget amounts configured in R8 reflect what is remaining to award at the time of go-live. The budget amount value entered into R8 would be "total available budget" that R8 can award. Please contact Client Support with any additional questions. Important Note: 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' is specific to the IAD process in regards to updating the fund budget; Regent continues to maintain the fund's budgets post conversion. For example, when 'Offset Fund Budget Amounts for Import Awards' is turned off, and a student has a budgeted fund imported via the IAD process for $10,000, the fund's budget is not updated during the IAD process. Later, the student withdraws from all their courses. R8 cancels the budgeted fund, and updates the budget by adding $10,000 back to the 'Balance Remaining to Offer' amount. |
RS-11706 | Conversion | Title: Allow Award Disbursements to update Payment Periods for historic (AY0) Academic Years Description: Importing IAD data that is prior to the program start date will automatically create an AY0. During the IAD import, IAD.paymentPeriodStartDate and IAD.paymentPeriodEndDate are used to create payment periods in R8 to process the pre-conversion awards (where necessary). Additionally, users can add/modify up to two Payment Periods in AY0 using the Program Management Wizard (PMW). If the updated IAD files are loaded prior to converting the student, then any manual date change(s) made by the user are overwritten by the new IAD file. If the student is already converted when the new IAD file is loaded, then no changes will occur to any AY0 Payment Period dates. This enhancement allows R8 to correctly build out AY0 when there is no course data to determine the AY dates, which allows for successful student conversion. |
RS-11722 | EST/Disbursements | Title: Update to Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements Configuration Option Tickets: RS-8899; RS-11722; RS-11723; RS-11724; RS-11725; RS-11726; Description: In R8 Release, a configuration option was added to Institution Setup: 'Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements.' When this field is selected, R8 allows packaging to move paid disbursements from the payment period in which they were originally paid, to different payment period. When this field is not selected, RNA presents a packaging error and prevents the disbursement from being moved. The business rules for this configuration option have been updated to add an exception. When a paid or unpaid disbursement is moved manually, via the PP Override field in the Program Management Wizard, R8 allows a paid disbursement to move without triggering any type of error. |
RS-236 | Funds (SEOG / Work Study / State) | Title: New Work Study tab Permissions Description:
The roles that previously had "Edit Work Study Tab" permission now have "Edit EmployersTab" and "Edit Earnings Tab" permissions. |
RS-12123 | Packaging | Title: Maintain Tuition Costs for Attended Program Applicable Withdrawn Courses Regardless of Census Description: This setting does not apply to the enrollment level calculation, Remedial Disqualified units, Repeat Disqualified units, Cumulative Unit Filters on Cost Item Setup, or per course Cost Items. Implementation Note: This setting is applicable for all Term and Non-Standard Term (NST) based programs with the exception of BBAY3 NST. This field inherits to Campus Setup and defaults to the value inherited from the Institution Setup. ![]() |
RS-12108 | Packaging | Title: New configuration option, "Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs." Description: Regent added a new configuration option to Institution and Campus Setup, "Package to the Net Loan Amount for Direct Costs." This option allows schools to have their Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans package to the loans' Net Amount instead of the loans' Gross Amount. This option only applies to Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans where the Packaging Philosophy's "Package To" option is a percentage of / or within a dollar amount of "Direct Costs." When this option is selected, Regent8 (R8) will package the Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans (via the R8 Packaging Philosophy) using the Net Amount of the loan(s).” When this option is not selected, R8 packages a fund using the Gross Loan Amount. Specifics on packaging Direct Subsidized Loans:
RS-12085 | Packaging | Title: Alternative Packaging Philosophy Override Description: The user may configure one or more Alternate Packaging Philosophies to support different "Package To" targets for Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans (or any other alternate philosophy configuration the school may wish to apply to some, but not all, students). The Packaging Philosophy Setup screen is updated to display a grid of existing Packaging Philosophies with the following fields: Name, External ID, Default, and Active. Selecting a row in this grid displays the Properties of the selected Packaging Philosophy. ![]() The user may add a new Packaging Philosophy by selecting the “Add Packaging Philosophy” button. The External ID is a required field and must be unique across the Campus for which the Packaging Philosophy is setup. Only one Packaging Philosophy Setup can be set as the "default" setup for the Campus. If the "default" Packaging Philosophy is already set, the "Set as Default Packaging Philosophy for Campus" is not editable for any newly, created Packaging Philosophy Setup(s). The user may indicate that an Alternate Packaging Philosophy should be applied to a student by selecting a different value from the Packaging Philosophy Override drop-down on Step 1 of the Modify Academic Plan (MAP) wizard. Only users with the “View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override” permission are able to access this field. The drop-down displays only active Packaging Philosophy Setup(s) in the same Campus as the student. If the student is already using an Alternate Packaging Philosophy, the user may switch the student back to the Default Packaging Philosophy or to another Alternate Philosophy. When changed, and the student is repackaged via MAP or Batch Packaging, the new Packaging Philosophy applies to all, open periods; closed periods are not affected. All configuration settings for treatment of paid disbursements and tasks continue to apply. Using this feature will not make the affected awards manual. If the award is already manual, this option will not remove the “manual” flag on the award. When the user overrides the current Packaging Philosophy and subsequently repackages a student via MAP, R8 will create an Activity Log Entry. For example:
The current Packaging Philosophy for the student is displayed on the student's Awards tab. |
RS-11957 | Packaging | Title: BBAY Anchor Determination Date available on Institution, Campus, and Term Setup Description:
Implementation Note: "BBAY Anchor Determination Date" is not applicable to non-term or SAY structures. Example 1 Example 2 |
RS-11414 | Packaging | Title: New Year Round Pell Crossover Exceptions Report Description: The school should award Pell in the "most beneficial" manner for students. The school's definition of "most beneficial" may not necessarily mean awarding a student from the FAY that results in the highest dollar amount for the crossover term. If the school deems a student as most benefiting overall from being awarded Pell in the "other" FAY (versus the FAY currently chosen due to the Institution Setup's option, FAY Crossover Awarding), the FA User can manually change the crossover FAY for the payment period via MAP's Advanced Packaging screen. Schools may decide that the student's "most beneficial" outcome is to not refund Pell from one FAY and re-award Pell from another FAY. If a school reviews a student returned in the report’s output as an exception (Return Exceptions Only equals "Yes") and they decide to not award the student from the “Other” FAY available for the crossover period (higher Pell dollar amount), this student will continue to display in future report outputs. Informational Note: Advanced MAP does not allow a user to override the FAY crossover option on closed PP / terms. Report Criteria
Informational Note: When there is no Pell Schedule available for an FAY, R8 uses the prior FAY's Pell Schedule to determine the Pell award for that year (also known as the Supplemental Lookup). For example, if a future FAY is chosen or is included in the report's output because it is the adjacent FAY, the report output returns calculations based on the latest Pell Schedule. Report Parameters
Report Output Results
RS-11835 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Title: New SNAP Configuration to not display AY0s Description: Implementation Note: SNAP configuration settings do not display on the Portal's User Interface. Please contact Client Support to configure this setting. |
RS-11831 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Title: "Maximum Eligibility" text references updated to "Available Amount." Description:
Implementation Note: Items 3 & 4 above are associated to the SNAP Configuration setting “AwardsPortlet_DisplayActionOptions.” This setting must be set to “true” for the “Amount Available” radio button to display. SNAP configuration settings do not display on the Portal's User Interface. Please contact Client Support to configure this setting . |
RS-8795 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Title: New Informational Message for Paid Awards Description:
The following bugs are resolved in this release:
Key | Functional Area | Release Note |
RS-11966 | Activity Log | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12476 | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11995 | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11978 | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11704 | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11464 | Awarding | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11240 | Awarding | See Release Note for |
RS-12089 | Communications | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8782 | Communications | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12413 | Configuration/Setup | Problem: Сause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11844 | Configuration/Setup | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12281 | Conversion | Problem Cause Fix Testing |
RS-11818 | Conversion | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12174 | Documents | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12114 | Documents | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12005 | Documents | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11794 | EST/Disbursements | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11520 | EST/Disbursements | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-3602 | EST/Disbursements | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12121 | ISIR Processing/Verification | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11988 | ISIR Processing/Verification | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11830 | ISIR Processing/Verification | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11793 | ISIR Processing/Verification | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-3624 | ISIR Processing/Verification | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12350 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12221 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12193 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11996 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11677 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11334 | Packaging | Problem: Error validating plan for Student [52425]: The payment period on paid disbursement number [2] with fund Direct Unsubsidized Loan and paid amount 0 was moved from original pp 1703B to pp 1604B. / The payment period on paid disbursement number [2] with fund Direct Subsidized Loan and paid amount 0 was moved from original pp 1703B to pp 1604B. Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8718 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-3541 | Packaging | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-3542 | Program Change | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12210 | Reports | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12148 | Reports | Problem: The 'hiddenRowCount' parameter is missing a value. The following R8 reports were affected:
Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8805 | Reports | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12430 | SAP | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8806 | SAP | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8760 | SAP | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11829 | SBL | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12291 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12269 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12239 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12188 | Student Portal (SNAP) | See Release Note for |
RS-11815 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11599 | Student Portal (SNAP) | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11847 | Tasks | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8922 | Tasks | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-12199 | Technical Design | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-11832 | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
RS-8683 | User Interface | Problem: Cause: Fix: Testing: |
Keywords: 4.2.2, R4.2.2, Release Notes