Disbursement Schedule Setup Data Elements

Disbursement Schedule Setup Data Elements

At least one disbursement schedule should be set up for each fund. Multiple disbursement schedules can be set up for each fund to manage different disbursement rules for different sites and/or academic programs. Each Direct Loan fund could have up to six disbursement schedules.

  1. Standard Disbursement Schedule: Regent Award will automatically create a disbursement schedule for each fund, as the fund is created in the system.

  2. Single Term Loan Disbursement Schedule: Regent Award will make this schedule available when "Multi-disbursement required for Single Term Loans" is checked from the Fund Setup screen.

  3. First-Time Borrower Schedule: Regent Award will make this schedule available when "Delay 1st Disbursement 30 days for first-time borrowers" is checked from the Fund Setup screen. The 30-day hold does NOT apply to a second or subsequent payment period.

  4. Single Term Loan/First-Time Borrower Disbursement Schedule: Regent Award will make this schedule available when both "Multi-disbursement required for Single Term Loans" and "Delay 1st Disbursement 30 days for first-time borrowers" is checked from the Fund Setup screen.

    1. If a student is identified as a first-time borrower, the first-time borrower disbursement schedule should be applied to the First Term of the student's first Loan Period. So, if a first-time borrower has both Sub and Unsub in that first loan period, and both awards have a 30-day hold for first-time borrowers, both the Sub and Unsub loans should be delayed for the 30 days.

    2. If a student is identified as a first-time borrower, the first-time borrower disbursement schedule should be applied to the First Term of the student's first Loan Period. Any funds with a 30-day hold disbursement schedule for first-time borrowers may not have any disbursements scheduled in the First Payment Period until 30 days have elapsed.

  5. Abbreviated Periods greater than four months in length. If the abbreviated period (which is a single PP) is greater than four months, the school MUST make multiple disbursements even if the school is not required to make multiple disbursements. The disbursements must be made at the beginning of the PP and at calendar midpoint of the PP.

  6. Abbreviated Periods less than or equal to four months in length. If the abbreviated period (which is a single PP) is less than or equal to four months in length:

    1. If the school is not required to make multiple disbursements, then the full amount of the award can be disbursed in a single payment at the beginning of the PP.

    2. Schools who ARE required to make multiple disbursements must make multiple disbursements at the beginning of the PP and at calendar midpoint of the PP.

Shall provide the ability to delay the origination of awards.  These options only apply to those awards not yet accepted by COD (i.e. not originated).

The disbursement schedule to be used for the award, with regard to these options, is determined by determining the first Payment Period (PP) (by start date) for the award to be exported to COD and using this to determine the first Disbursement Schedule for the award. From this first PP we also link to the 'first' Enrollment for the Award and use those values with the related origination options.

Shall allow the user to enter a number of days prior to the start date of the Award Period, to originate the loan.

Shall allow the user to select a unit type (Enrolled Unit Type for Origination) and enrollment level (Minimum Enrollment Status to Originate) to be used as the basis for when the award should be originated.

These two fields must both be entered in order to originate based on enrollment.

If all three origination fields are used, all items will need to be satisfied as true in order to originate.

General Subtab

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rules

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rules



Text box - alphanumeric 50 characters max

Used to identify the disbursement setup.

Fund Name



List of all available funds at the Campus.

Used to select the fund to be associated with this disbursement schedule.

Effective Start Date


Date Picker


If the PP/term start date falls on or after the effective start date, then this Disbursement Schedule should be used for the PP/term.

Effective End Date


Date Picker


If the PP/term start date falls on or before the effective end date, then this Disbursement Schedule should be used for the PP/term.

Origination Offset

The number of days prior to the start date of the Award Period, to originate the loan.


Text box - numerical 3 characters max

-365 to 365

Enter a negative number to set the number of days prior to the start date of the award period, to originate the selected funds. Enter a positive number to set the number of days after the start date of the award period, to originate the selected funds. If no origination options are chosen, the fund will be originated upon acceptance.

Enrolled Unit Type for Origination

Required (If "Minimum Enrollment Status to Originate" is chosen). Otherwise, optional


  • Select One (default value)

  • PA Registered

  • PA Attended

The type of units which will be used to determine when the system will originate the award at COD.  If nothing is selected, the system will only use the Origination Offset.

  • Select One: No units constraint on Origination

  • PA Registered: Program Applicable and Qualified Remedial registered units

  • PA Attended: Program Applicable and Qualified Remedial units in courses that have attendance

Units include course data added by SBL and by Course Adjustments.

Minimum Enrollment Status to Originate

Required (if "Enrollment Unit Type for Origination" is chosen). Otherwise, optional


  • Full Time

  • Three Quarter time

  • Half Time

  • Less Than Half Time

  • None

Used to determine the minimum enrollment level the student must have in order to originate the award.

Non-disbursable Fund



  • Yes

  • No

Non-disbursable funds normally will have a blank disbursement schedule, and will not be included in any EST Export However, when running the Expected EST process, there is an option to 'Include Non-Disbursable Funds" in the export file.

If the "Non-disbursable fund" option is selected, "Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage" should be disabled.

Schedule disbursements using



  • Inherit (default value)

  • Payment Period Start Date

  • Earliest Program Applicable Course Start Date

  • Earliest Non-Program Applicable Course Start Date

  • If "Inherit" is selected, this field will inherit the Campus level value selected for either Title IV or non-Title IV funds, depending on whether this Disbursement Schedule is for a Title IV or non-Title IV funds.

  • If the value "Payment Period Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for this fund will be scheduled based on an offset from the payment period start date. This value is inherited, by default, from the Campus level Title IV or non-Title IV setting as appropriate and can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.

  • If the value "Earliest Program Applicable Course Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for this fund will be scheduled based on an offset from the start date of the earliest program applicable course in the payment period. This value is inherited, by default, from the Campus level Title IV or non-Title IV setting, as appropriate, and can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.

  • If the value "Earliest Non-Program Applicable Course Start Date" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for this fund will be scheduled based on an offset from the start date of the earliest non-program applicable course in the payment period. This value is inherited, by default, from the Campus level Title IV or non-Title IV setting, as appropriate, and can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.

Require attendance for disbursement



  • Inherit (default value)

  • No

  • Yes

  • If "Inherit" is selected, this field will inherit the Campus level value selected for either Title IV or non-Title IV funds, depending on whether this Disbursement Schedule is for a Title IV or non-Title IV funds.

  • If the value "No" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for this fund will not require attendance to be posted in order for the disbursement to be released once the payment period or course start date (depending on the disbursement scheduling option chosen) has been reached (unless attendance is an "EST Release Requirement" defined within the disbursement schedule setup). This value is inherited, be default, from the Campus level Title IV or non-Title IV setting as appropriate and can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.

  • If the value "Yes" is chosen, then by default, disbursements for this fund will require attendance to be posted in order for the disbursement to be released once the payment period or course start date (depending on the disbursement scheduling option chosen) has been reached. Any "EST Release Requirements" for attended units or weeks, that have already been defined on disbursement schedule setup, will override the attendance requirement implemented with this setting, which is 1 unit OR 1 week of attendance once the payment period or course start date has been reached. This value is inherited, be default, from the Campus level Title IV or non-Title IV setting as appropriate and can be changed on the Disbursement Schedule setup for each individual fund, if needed.

Confirm Current Attendance Prior to Disbursement

If "Unselected", Regent Award will not check for current attendance in a term/payment period prior to disbursing a fund.

If "Selected", Regent Award will check to ensure there is current attendance in any term/payment period prior to disbursing a fund. 



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Current attendance means:

As of TODAY, the student has at least one course with:

  1. Start date <= TODAY, and

  2. End date => TODAY, and

  3. Attended = “yes”, and

  4. Withdrawal Date is blank

  5. ProgramApplicable = true OR QualifiedRemedial = true

  6. RemedialDisqualified = false

  7. RepeatDisqualified = false


The disbursement is a PWD resulting from a finalized R2T4

  1. Disbursement Flag: R2T4 PWD = Yes

Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage

(Formerly: Disburse on Enrollment Level Units)



  • Select (default)

  • Attended Census EIP

See Disbursement Based on Attendance for more details.

This setting only applies to term-based programs ONLY.

This setting is available for Pell Disbursement Schedules ONLY.

When 'Attended Census EIP' is selected, the disbursement release criteria will be based on the sum of the student's census units that have attendance: Attended Census Program Applicable Units + Attended Census Remedial Qualified Units + Course Adjustment Total Attended Program Applicable Units.

Regent will create disbursements for the student as the Enrollment Intensity unit values are met. The student must not have any packaging blockers that restrict disbursements.

When the 'Attended Census EIP' option is selected, a modified version of the Disbursement Schedule will be displayed that allows for only 1 disbursement to be configured.

  • All of the fields under "EST Release Criteria" will be inactive in this modified view and the "Disb. %" field is auto-set to 100.

If the Disbursement Schedule already has 1 disbursement with EST Release Criteria setup or greater than 1 disbursement setup, this field will be disabled. The Disbursement Schedule will need to be modified to remove the 2nd and greater disbursements and/or the EST Release criteria in order to make the "Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage" field available.

There is NO impact to non-Standard Disbursement Schedules:

  • Abbreviated Period Disbursement Schedules - This feature applies to term only; Abbreviated Periods are used only in nonterm.

  • First Time Borrower Disbursement Schedule - Applies to loans only.

  • Single Term Disbursement Schedule - Applies to loans only.

If the "Non-disbursable fund" option is checked, "" should be disabled.

If the user sets "Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage" to "Attended Census EIP" and then selects the option for "Non-Disbursable Fund," then "Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage" will become unavailable and its value will be unselected (none)

Confirm Attendance in All PA Units Prior to Disbursement

When this option is Yes, before exporting a positive student transaction for the fund, the system will check that the student has posted attendance in all non-withdrawn registered units in the payment period.

The system checks for attendance in all non-withdrawn, non-transfer courses that are either Program Applicable or Qualified Remedial. The system disregards any units in courses that are withdrawn, transfer, disqualified repeat, or disqualified remedial courses.

This setting does not limit negative transactions (refunds). It also does not limit post-withdrawal disbursements resulting from a Finalized R2T4.

Required (defaults to No)


  • No (default)

  • Yes

A user cannot configure both Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage” and “Confirm Attendance in All PA Units Prior to Disbursement” (a special Pell-only setting).

  • If a Pell disbursement schedule already has “Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage” configured (i.e., "Attended Census EIP" or the former “Attended Census PA Units”), then the new setting for Confirm Attendance is always No and cannot be set to Yes.

Restrict Disbursements for Subscription Period Programs

This setting applies to terms in Subscription Period programs ONLY. When this setting is selected, the disbursements are not released for a term until a student meets the expected minimum number of cumulative total Subscription Period units for disbursement for the term and program. If the term has started, the student must also post attendance during the Subscription Period term.

Users may also add a Course Adjustment to add the Subscription Period Minimum Cumulative Units for Disbursement.

Required (defaults to Yes)


Displayed as a checkbox in view-only mode

  • Yes (default)

  • No

A user cannot configure both Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage” and “Restrict Disbursements for Subscription Period Programs.”

Standard Disbursement Schedule

Auto Adjust Offsets



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

If a disbursement is delayed, checking this box automatically adjusts the remaining disbursements to occur the same number of days later(instead of keeping their original scheduled date), as the first disbursement occurred.

(10 fields total)



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Use these Checkboxes to activate the offsets you want to use.

Disbursement Number
(10 fields total)


Text box - numeric 2 characters max

Used to set up one or more disbursements per term/payment period.

Disbursement %
(10 fields total)


Text box - numeric percentage

0 thru 100

Used to determine the percentage of the total payment period award amount to release as each offset is satisfied. The total offset percentage amounts must equal 100%.

Days Offset or % PP


Text box - numeric 4 characters max

-10 thru 100; Default is 0

Used to determine the number of days from the start of the payment period or the percent of the payment period to schedule the disbursement. Federal regulations do not allow disbursements more than 10 days prior to the beginning of the payment period.

Offset Type



  • N/A

  • Days

  • Percent

Used to determine the type of offset used.

Release Unit Type
(10 fields total)



  • Anticipated

  • PA Registered

  • PA Attempted

  • PA Attended

  • PA Completed

  • PA Census

  • PA Progress

  • All Registered

  • All Attempted

  • All Attended

  • All Completed

  • All Census

  • All Progression

  • ALT Registered

  • Blank

Used to determine the type of unit to be calculated to release the disbursement. Optional unless Release Units Required is provided, then required.

Release Units Required
(10 fields total)


Text box - numeric 4 characters max

Decimal values up to one decimal place are allowed

Used to determine the number of units required in the payment period to release the disbursement. If this release method is not needed, leave blank. Optional unless Release Unit Type is provided, then required.




  • N/A

  • And

  • Or

The operand field allows the school to use both units and / or weeks to determine release requirements for the disbursement.

Release Week Type
(10 fields total)



  • PA Anticipated

  • PA Registered

  • PA Attended

  • PA Completed

  • PA Census

  • PA Progression

  • All Registered

  • All Attended

  • All Completed

  • All Census

  • All Progression

  • Blank

Used to determine the type of weeks to be calculated to release the disbursement. Optional unless Release Units Required is provided, then required.

Release Weeks Required
(10 fields total)


Text box - numeric 4 characters max

Used to determine the number of weeks the student must have completed, in order to receive this disbursement.

Progression % Units
(10 fields total)


Text box - numeric 3 characters max

0 thru 100

The percentage of progression units required to release the disbursement. Progression Units are registered units that have all of the following attributes: Complete = true, ProgramApplicable = true, QualityPoints > 0, TransferYN = false, CountTowardProgression = True

Progression % Weeks
(10 fields total)


Text box - numeric 3 characters max

0 thru 100

The percentage of progression weeks required to release the disbursement. Progression Weeks are registered weeks in courses for which all of the following attributes: Complete = true, ProgramApplicable = true, QualityPoints > 0, TransferYN = false, CountTowardProgression = True

Attended Census Program Applicable Enrollment Level Schedule
Note: Legacy specifications. Actual implementation uses a subset of the Standard Disbursement Schedule.

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rules

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rules

(10 fields total)





Use these Checkboxes to activate the offsets you want to use.

Disbursement Number
(10 fields total)




Display only

Used to set up one or more disbursements per term/payment period.

Days Offset or % PP




-10 thru 100

Used to determine the number of days from the start of the payment period or the percent of the payment period to schedule the disbursement. Federal regulations do not allow disbursements more than 10 days prior to the beginning of the payment period.

Offset Type




%, Day

Used to determine the type of offset used.

Attended Census Program Applicable Enrollment Level

(Formerly: Release ACPA EL)




  • Full Time

  • Three Quarter time

  • Half Time

  • Less Than Half Time

Attended Census Program Applicable Enrollment Level required to release the disbursement. 


Sites Subtab

Field Name





Business Rules

Field Name





Business Rules

Apply schedule to all sites by default



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Applies the disbursement schedule to all sites that have been set up in the system for the Campus.

Available Sites


Multi-select list box

All Sites available at the Campus

Assigned Sites


Multi-select list box

All Sites selected to be assigned to the Disbursement Schedule

Program Subtab

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rules

Field Name


Required/ Optional



Business Rules

Apply schedule to all programs by default



  • Unselected (default)

  • Selected

Applies the disbursement schedule to all programs that have been set up in the system for the Campus.

Available Programs


Multi-select list box

All Programs available at the Campus

Assigned Programs


Multi-select list box

All Programs selected to be assigned to the Disbursement Schedule

Change Log


Description of Change



Description of Change


April 8, 2024

Added change log to preexisting page. Converted page to use the new Confluence editor.

Jennifer Black

April 8, 2024

Changed name and options of ‘Disburse on Enrollment Level Units: Attended Census PA Units’ to 'Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage: Attended Census EIP.' Release, April 2024, enhancement RS-26750

Jennifer Black

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