COD Rebuild Process

COD Rebuild Process

The Rebuild Process takes data that a school processed in COD in a previous award year. Rebuild files are imported into the system, and consist of the Pell and Direct Loans. They are then matched to the SBL and ISIR files. During the file import process, the SBL matches its information with the Rebuild files. Following a successful import, the academic plans are created and the Rebuild Process populates the Pell and Loan data into the appropriate terms. Students that do not successfully pass through the Execute Rebuild Process are routed to the "COD Rebuild Pending Review" queues to await manual review. Students that are routed to these queues are reviewed and may require external corrections through the school's SIS and/or COD. For students in the Rebuild queue, schools can request individual files from COD, if COD edits were made. Regent can load a Rebuild file in addition to the previously loaded Rebuild files. The user may need to repeat this process multiple times with new Rebuild files. Following successful reviews and modifications, a final run of the Rebuild Process is executed. Schools may resume their processing for students that successfully pass through the Execute Rebuild Process.