Reviewing Submitted Documents

Reviewing Submitted Documents

After the student has submitted all required documents, the documents must be reviewed to ensure that the correct information has been attached to the record. Browse to the document you are reviewing and click the paperclip icon.

View the attachment and make sure that it matches the document required. For example, if the document requirement is for a birth certificate, view the attachment and make sure that it is a birth certificate. If it is a tax return, make sure that it is signed.
If additional information is needed, click on the Edit icon in the lower portion of the page. Then enter a reason as to what needs to be done to complete the requirement and set the status to "Incomplete".
If the document is complete assign the appropriate document status in the Status field. If the document satisfies the requirement set the status to "Satisfied". If the document fails to meet the requirement or you are denying the appeal, set the status to "Unsatisfied". If you want to waive the requirement, set the requirement to "Waived". Then click on the Save icon.
Repeat for each document submitted.