Aggregate Adjustments and Data Table

Aggregate Adjustments and Data Table


The Loan Aggregates sub tab under the History Tab displays the combined loan history from NSLDS, ISIR and Manual Entry.

The following section outlines the fields and business rules of the data on the Loan Aggregate screen, as well as provides a system screenshot of the screen.

Data Fields

Field Name
Business Rules
Award ID

Financial Award Identifier (FAID) or other unique identifier for a loan, if available.

  1. When the screen displays this field's values, for values in the 21-digit FAID format, the screen will omit (will not display) the first 9 digits (social security number).
  2. If the system created a unique ID because of the lack of any ID provided in the data source, the system displays the system-generated unique ID
Loan Type

NSLDS Award Name - Official Fund type

  1. Direct Subsidized Loan
  2. Direct Unsubsidized Loan
LP Start

Loan Period Start Date

Financial Award Begin Date

  1. Display the values using the standard US date format m/d/yyyy.
    1. Note, the ISIR data has a different date format (YYYYMMDD).
LP End

Loan Period End Date

Financial Award End Date

  1. Display the values using the standard US date format m/d/yyyy.
    1. Note, the ISIR data has a different date format (YYYYMMDD).
AY StartAcademic Year Start Date
Start date of the Academic Year

If the FAH data does not have a value (caused when the value is "N/A" in the raw FAH data import file), then the table will display a blank/empty/null value for the AY Start.

AY End

Academic Year End Date
End date of the Academic Year

If the FAH data does not have a value (caused when the value is "N/A" in the raw FAH data import file), then the table will display a blank/empty/null value for the AY Start. 

Regent Calculated NSLDS Aggregate Amount

Loan amount used toward the Calculated Undergraduate and Graduate Combined Aggregate Principal Balance. For ISIR data, the amount is the loan Aggregate Principal Balance. For NSLDS FAH data, the value varies depending on the loan status.
* Current or recent loans in an in-school or in-grace status, having loan period end dates less than 90 days in the past, use the greater of the Outstanding Principal Balance or the Disbursed Amount.
* Older loans with a Loan Period ending at least 91 days in the past, or more recent loans not in an in-school or in-grace status, use the lowest nonzero value of the three NSLDS FAH data fields: Net Loan Amount, Disbursed Amount, and Outstanding Principal Balance.


Additional Unsubsidized Loan Flag
Indicates reason for additional Unsubsidized loan amount

Academic / Grade Level

Academic/Grade Level
Student’s academic level at the school when the loan was disbursed.
Values are:
1 - Freshman/First Year
2 - Sophomore/Second Year
3 - Junior/Third Year
4 - Senior/Fourth Year
5 - Fifth/Other Undergraduate
A or 6 - First Year Graduate/Professional
B or 7 - Second Year or Continuing Graduate/Professional
C - Third Year Graduate/Professional
D - Beyond Third Year Graduate/Professional
G - Graduate/Professional, year of study unknown
N - Not available

Loan Override Aggregate Amount

User-entered override amount. Regent Award will substitute the override value instead of the Regent Calculated NSLDS Aggregate Amount when making adjustments for Aggregate calculations.


Two-letter code indicating the loan's current status.
A few common values:
CA - Cancelled
FB - Forbearance
DA - Deferred
IA - Loan Originated
IG - In Grace period
PN - Non-defaulted, paid in full through consolidation loan

NSLDS Net Loan Amount

Approved Gross amount at NSLDS, including Fees, after adjusting for any cancelations or refunds.

NSLDS Unpaid Amount

Informational only. Regent calculated difference between the total loan amount and the amount .
* For FAH data: (Net Loan Amount - Total Disbursement Amount)
* For ISIR data: (Net Loan Amount - Regent Calculated Aggregate Principal Balance)

NSLDS Attended School Code

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPEID) identifier for the school attended by the student when the loan was originated. The last two digits indicate the branch, or 00 if no branch code.

Display the full 8-digit value including any leading zeroes.

Federal School Code

An 8-digit OPEID code used to identify the school. Last 2 digits equal 00 if no branch code.

Display the full 8-digit value including any leading zeroes.

NSLDS Data SourceSource type of the most recent data source with NSLDS data
* FAH: NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH)
* ISIR: Institutional Student Information Record
If both sources have the same date value, Regent uses FAH data. 

NSLDS Data Source DateDate of the most recent NSLDS data source.
* FAH: Date when the Alert or FAH data file was generated by NSLDS.
* ISIR: Transaction Processed Date for the most recent transaction with an NSLDS database results flag of 1-4.

TypeLoan Type Code
  • Subsidized: D0, D1, SF
  • Unsubsidized: D2, FI, RF, SL, SN, SU

FAH DateData source date when the Alert or Financial Aid History (FAH) data file was generated by NSLDS.
  1. Display the date in m/d/ccyy format
    1. Value is from the FAH Type 1 (header) NSLDS_TMSFAHHeader alertOrFAHDate - Joined via nslds_TMSFAHType5LoanDetailId
FAH Outstanding Principal BalanceAmount currently owed on the loan. This may include capitalized interest
FAH Total Disbursement AmountCumulative amount disbursed.
FAH Regent Calculated Aggregate Principal BalanceFAH Regent Calculated Aggregate Principal Balance
The loan amount included in aggregate adjustments.
* For current loans with IA/ID/IG/IM status and loan periods ending less than 90 days in the past, the amount is the greater of the Total Disbursement Amount or the Outstanding Principal Balance.
* For older loans and all other status values, the amount is the smallest nonzero value of the Net Loan Amount, the Total Disbursement Amount, or the Outstanding Principal Balance.

ISIR FAYLoan's Federal Award Year received in ISIR NSLDS data.
  1. Display the ccyy-ccyy value corresponding to the yearIndicator value. For example, a value of 0 corresponds to a value of 2019-2020. 
  2. If the loan does not have any ISIR data, do not display a value (column will be blank).
isirTransactionNumberTransaction number for the loan FAY

Example Screen

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