/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.1, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:


  • Standard Communications:

    • Configurable Privacy Policy Link added to Standard Communications

    • Standard Award Notifications ‘Days Prior to Academic Year Start’ Configuration Option

    • Standard SAP Warning and SAP Suspended Communications Templates            

  • Regent Fund:

    • Added ‘is empty’ and ‘is not empty’ to Regent Query Language (RQL)

  • Loan Aggregate Calculations:

    • Automated adjustments for Dependent Additional Unsubsidized Loans, Graduate Loans, and Health Professions Loans

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.1:  

Institution Setup >General tab >Content Used in Communications section

  • Field Name: Privacy Policy Display Name

    • Field Type: Textbox

      • Default: None

      • Field Not Required

    • Help Text: The text entered here will display in the communication as a hyperlink to direct students to schools Privacy Policy.

  • Field Name: Privacy Policy URL

    • Field Type: Textbox

      • Default: None

      • Field Not Required

    • Help Text: The URL entered here will be used as the hyperlink source for the Privacy Policy Display Name.

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24041Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: External Resources not included in Direct Cost calculations in My Plan

Tickets: RS-24042; RS-24043; RS-24044; RS-24045; RS-24097;


Updated Student Experience to include external resources in My Plan, My Borrowing, and the Course Enrollment Estimator.

RS-23842Regent FundTechnical Design

Title: Add Support in the Regent Query Tool (RQL) for the ‘Is Empty’ and ‘Is Not Empty’ Operators

Tickets: RS-23842; RS-23500;

The RQL was updated to add support for the ‘Is Empty’ and ‘Is Not Empty’ operators in order to align with the operators supported within the Query Builder. These operators allow users to easily include or exclude NULL values.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Query Tool .

RS-23786Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Standard Communication Templates

Tickets: RS-23786; RS-23799; RS-23800;

Description: The following standard communication templates were created and added to the communication and template inventory. The templates can be used to send email communications to students.

  • Standard SAP Warning
  • Standard SAP Suspended

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters and Configure a Communication.

RS-23135Regent Award/Regent ReviewCommunications

Title: New Privacy Policy Link Configuration for Communication Templates

Tickets: RS-23135; RS-23785; RS-24032;

A new Privacy Policy configuration was added in the ‘Content Used in Communications’ section on Institution Setup. Standard communication templates were updated to display the Privacy Policy configured.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters, Configure a Communication, and Institution Setup Data Elements.

RS-23098Regent ReviewReady To Package (RTP Import/Export)

Title: Ready to Package Process: Do Not Export Students Twice

Tickets: RS-23928; RS-23098;

If the most recent Ready to Package (RTP) export for a student was from the ‘INITIAL-CLEAN’ trigger, the system does not allow the ‘WITHOUT VERIFICATION’ trigger to flag the same student for a subsequent RTP export when no other information has changed on the student.

RS-22748Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: Student Experience Portal Updated to Show Term Display Name for Academic Year Ranges

Tickets: RS-22748; RS-24035; RS-23557;


The Student Experience Portal has been updated to show the Term Display Name from Term Setup for the Academic Year Begin Date and the Academic Year End Date throughout the portal where an Academic Year range is currently being displayed if the student’s program is configured as either a standard or non-standard term program (Academic Period Type) in Program Setup. If no Term Display Name is configured, the Term Name will be used. If the program is not configured as either a standard or non-standard term program (Academic Period Type) in the Program Setup, the Academic Year Begin and End Dates are shown.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Financial Aid: General Functionality and My Borrowing.

RS-22723Regent PlanStudent Experience

Title: Display Proper Accepted/Offered Amounts in My Plan

Tickets: RS-22723; RS-23587; RS-23588;

My Plan has been updated to display actual Accepted amounts for Sub/Unsub/GradPLUS awards.

RS-22262Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Updated Program Management Wizard when Adding Mid-Plan Academic Years

Tickets: RS-23403; RS-19198;

New functionality was added to support the ability for a user to add an Academic Year mid-plan without requiring the user to add/update all previous Academic Years. These updates allow for overlapping periods that may be required for NSE program changes.

RS-3845Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Improved Loan Aggregate Calculations

Tickets: RS-3485; RS-16887; RS-18020; RS-18021; RS-18022; RS-18023; RS-18024; RS-18025; RS-18026; RS-18027; RS-18028; RS-18029; RS-18030; RS-18031; RS-18032; RS-18033; RS-18034; RS-18039; RS-18040; RS-18041; RS-18042; RS-18043; RS-18054; RS-18067; RS-18098; RS-18099; RS-18110; RS-18111; RS-18112; RS-18113; RS-24101; RS-24103;

Regent Award has improved Award calculations for Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans. When Regent calculates a student’s aggregate loan usage, the system adjusts the aggregate balances for certain scenarios.

  1. Graduate-level loans (including those awarded for certain Health Professions programs - HPPA) do not count toward the Aggregate usage for current Undergraduate students.
  2. Undergraduate Dependent students who are awarded additional Unsubsidized eligibility due to a Parent PLUS denial do not have those additional eligibility amounts counted toward the Dependent Undergraduate aggregate limit.
  3. Graduate students with past loans from certain Health Professions (“HPPA”) programs, do not have the excess amounts counted toward their Unsubsidized aggregate limit in non-HPPA programs.
  4. Students with a Program Change involving these scenarios have separate aggregate balances calculated for the different Program types.

To support these calculations, Regent has added a new data table, available in the Loan Aggregates under the Student History tab. The table lists all Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans from the student’s loan history in NSLDS FAH and ISIR data. The table also has an Override Amount feature to allow users to enter an alternative amount for individual loan adjustments.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Aggregate Adjustments and Data Table, History Tab, and Direct Loan Amount Calculations and Aggregate Adjustments .


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24034Regent AwardSAP

At a school with a Calculated SAP policy, some SAP records were removed during packaging. The records then reappeared the next time the students were packaged.

Regent Award incorrectly linked an existing SAP record to a loaded SBL SAP node and removed the record from the student’s Academic Plan. During the next packaging run, Regent re-created a new SAP record based on the SBL SAP data.

Regent Award correctly processes an existing SAP record created from a Calculated SBL SAP node and does not remove the SAP record from the plan.

Test at a school using a Calculated SAP policy. View a student’s SAP records in the SAP Wizard. Load an SBL with SAP node data. Package the student and calculate SAP, such as using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh. On the Awards tab, view the SAP Wizard. Confirm the student has a Calculated SAP record using the SBL data. Repackage the student several times, checking the SAP wizard each time. Confirm the SAP record is still present.

RS-24008Regent AwardUser Interface

The Edit button does not work on the Portal Financial Aid tab in Regent Award.

Regent Award was incorrectly referring to a removed property in the UI code.

Regent Award has been updated to remove the incorrect reference.

In Regent Award, click Edit on the Financial Aid tab in Portal Configuration. Ensure fields on the page become editable.

RS-23997Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

After an upgrade to the release, the Packaging Grid Setup configuration screen was not responding and did not display the current packaging grid records.

The issue was caused by an incorrect addition of some Packaging Grid Setup code changes in development.

All incorrect changes to Packaging Grid Setup were rolled back.

Navigate to the Administration menu and click Packaging Grid Setup. Confirm that the current Packaging Grid records are displayed. Confirm the user is able to add and edit Packaging Grids.

RS-23971Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

The Student Experience Dashboard component sort order was not saved or rendered correctly.

The correct Institution ID was not being persisted when updating the Dashboard component sort order. When the Portal configuration is published, it caused the Dashboard not to render.

The code was updated to persist the correct Institution ID.

Update and save the Dashboard order in Regent Award. Confirm the Dashboard order saved in the Regent Award interface. Click the ‘Publish Portal Configuration’ button on Institution Setup. Log into the Student Experience portal and view the Dashboard components. Ensure the Student Experience Dashboard components display for the components selected in the order configured.

RS-23960Regent AwardSAP

Both SAP calculation and Packaging were blocked with an error, ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object.’ The exception occurred when an SBL was uploaded with a Calculated SAP node after 'Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA' was activated.

Regent Award was not able to gather relevant packaging information after the SAP node was loaded. The Academic Plan triggered a null exception.

The internal system method is updated to fix the exception triggering scenario.

At a school with a Calculated SAP policy, load an SBL with a Calculated SAP node. Run packaging. No errors should occur. Verify SAP status. Confirm it is the same as would be expected from the SBL data.

RS-23924Regent AccessPackaging

On the Regent Access questionnaire, some students responded they were already in compliance for Selective Service registration. However, when the questionnaire was exported and imported in ISIR format, the ISIR tab in Regent displayed the response as ‘Register Me.’

The system applied legacy data mapping and set the value to 1, “Register Me.”

The system was updated to set the Selective Service response to a blank value on the Regent Access ISIR formatted output. Existing data to be corrected by script: RS-24031;

Create a test student in a Regent Access questionnaire. Respond that the student is male and has a date of birth that would result in the student under age 25. In the Selective Service question, select the checkbox “I certify that I have already registered with the Selective Service.” Continue through the questionnaire and e-sign. If a Dependent student, also complete the Parent e-signature process. In Regent, export the eAccess data in ISIR Format. Ensure the export process is complete. Find a resulting new student in Regent. View the ISIR tab. In the Student Information section, confirm question #25, the Selective Service response, is blank and does not say “1: Register Me” on the screen.

RS-23898Regent AwardStudent Experience

Gross loan amounts were shown under Net Amounts table both for Sub and Unsub on Award tile of Student Portal.

Student Experience UI was using incorrect field for this particular view.

Student Experience UI was updated to use correct field for this particular view.

Log in to Student Experience Portal. Navigate to Financial Aid section. Open 'UGRD Fall 2021 Through UGRD Spring 2022' -> Direct Subsidized/Unsub Loan details. Amount By Terms should be net in 'Net Amount' column.

RS-23855Regent ReviewProgram Change

Regent unexpectedly saved 3 digits after coma in some R2T4 amounts, resulting in incorrect refund amount.

Regent incorrectly used 3 digits rounding for dollar value instead of 2 digits that represent cents.

Regent logic was updated to make sure correct rounding to cents is used for R2T4 dollar value.

In Regent, create R2T4 for student that result in XXX.495-XXX.499 Pell as Amount for School to Return prior to rounding and make sure that it is displayed and exported to COD as XXX.50.

RS-23853Regent AwardAwarding

Regent unexpectedly duplicated Direct Loans for students in their Last Academic Year when initial anticipated number of terms in Last Academic Year with enrollment increased.

Regent incorrectly created a new Direct Loan when an additional Payment Period became eligible.

Regent logic was updated to make sure existing Direct Loan is updated.

In Regent, find a student awarded with Direct Loan and number of anticipated terms is increased due to student completing less number of units less than anticipated. Package student after terms end and make sure existing Loan is repackaged instead of adding new Loan.

RS-23801Regent AwardCOD

Regent unexpectedly exported Pell awards with a zero Attendance Cost value, resulting in COD rejects. The exported values occurred a month after a Program Change from Undergraduate to Graduate Program.

Regent incorrectly packaged Pell based on an incorrect Attendance Cost that was zeroed out for a crossover term/payment period.

Regent Award was updated to ensure the correct Pell Attendance Costs are used for the term/payment period.

In Regent Award, perform a Program Change from an Undergraduate to Graduate Program for a student that has Pell in their last Academic Year, and has a crossover term with Pell. Package the student and perform COD export. View the COD exported data. Make sure attendanceCost attribute value in the COMRECIN file is not 0.

RS-23749Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing AY with different terms after Packaging, resulting in Loan disbursement being moved to an earlier term.

Regent Award incorrectly processed Student BBAY Modification record for an academic plan, tried to add a certain term twice, and missed another term.

Regent Award was updated to ensure the correct process Student BBAY Modification record for an academic plan and will include all manual terms.

In Regent Award, package the reported students who have Manual BBAY for AY1.

RS-23726Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly shows an error during packaging of student awards.

Regent Award was incorrectly allowing reanticipation, even when there were existing COD awards that were communicated. This was then causing an error to be thrown.

In Regent Award, code has been updated to prevent reanticipation when there are existing COD awards that are communicated but not paid.

In Regent Award, execute MAP/PMW/MAW or run BP for the reported student.

RS-23724Regent AwardR2T4

PWD Pell amount is disbursed with cents at Academic Plan although rounding to dollar setting was enabled.

Regent Award was not applying rounding settings when creating Disbursements generated by R2T4 PWDs.

Applied rounding rules to new R2T4 PWD Disbursements based on Fund's rounding setting.

Confirm that Fund Setup has Rounding: Dollar. Add R2T4 resulting in PWD. Finalize R2T4. Run packaging. On the Academic Plan, open disbursement detail for award that was in R2T4. Confirm that award and disbursement amount are rounded to dollar.

RS-23713Regent AwardSAP

Regent Award was unexpectedly showing incorrect Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status on the Student Summary tab when multiple SAP records exist for the same term.

Regent Award was displaying incorrect Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status in Summary Tab.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status selection logic is updated to get a correct SAP status on the Student Summary tab when multiple SAP records exist for the same term.

In Regent Award see the Student Summary Tab of a student who has SAP status from a loaded SBL file and a manual SAP status changed for a common period. Confirm the tab displays the most recent Manual SAP status.

RS-23698Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award shows blocking MAW Error in XML Document (564, 461).

Regent Award was incorrectly loading student context that had errors on parsing balances attributes like (unmet)needfm, (unmet)needim, cost, directcost, atcencus(unmet)needfm, atcencus(unmet)needim, atcencuscost, atcencusdirectcost because values of these attributes write with exponential notations.

Regent Award has been updated to prevent writing exponential notations to XML.

In Regent Award, try editing the Fall 2021 Pell grant for the reported student.

RS-23603Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly awarding Pell over Pell LEU.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating available amount based on Pell LEU.

Regent Award is updated to an adjusted amount by remaining LEU per year.

In Regent Award, package a student, review awarded Pell and compare to LEU.

RS-23512Regent AwardPackaging

The system resulted with a blocking error in Add Award Wizard that stated: "The Award is unable to be processed at this time. Something is preventing RNA from processing the Award."

The system was calculating the Processed flag incorrectly and canceling the award during adding the new award.

The code fix was applied so that the system is allowed to add a new Award.

Navigate to an affected student and satisfy documents and tasks if needed. Open Awards tab and click button “Add Award.” Select Direct Subsidized Loan in an open payment period, select the Override Eligibility Rules checkbox, and click Continue. The system should proceed to the next step in the wizard and add the award without blocking error messages.

RS-23232Regent AccessISIR Processing/Verification

Regent unexpectedly shows Parent's Legal Residency Date with wrong format in ISIR generated by Export eAccess ISIR format process based on State Application completion.

Regent was using incorrect ISIR metadata for Parents' Legal Residence Date during ISIR Export.

Regent is updated to ensure correct ISIR metadata is used for ISIR Export process.

In Regent Student Portal, complete State Application as a dependent student whose parent was not a legal resident of the state before January 1, 2017. Export Application. Import generated ISIR into Regent. Review Parents' Legal Residence Date. Make sure it is shown in CCYY/MM format.

RS-23104Regent AwardCommunications

Cost adjustments for categories other than tuition and fees were being unexpectedly included as tuition and fees on the Offer Notification.

Regent Award was incorrectly grabbing all cost adjustments in the Tuition and Fees for the Charges and Eligible Funding table.

Regent Award is updated to add a limitation to use only Tuition adjustments

In Regent Award, adjust cost to add $1000 other than the tuition and fees category. Then generate the Offer Notification communication.

RS-23060Regent ReviewConfiguration/Setup

Message Class Setup was unexpectedly updating the Message Class settings to Active for all of the Message Classes if something was edited on the SAIG Credential tab.

Regent Award incorrectly did not prevent override of Message Classes active flag.

Regent Award has been updated to prevent override of Message Classes active flag.

Select Active for a FAY Message Class on the Message Class Setup tab. Edit something and save changes on the SAIG Credential tab. Navigate to the Message Class Setup tab and refresh the page.

RS-23507Regent AwardCOD

While scheduled process execution the system had to pull only Pell Multiple Reporting Record (MRR), but it also pulled in 20-21 COD files (and a TSM file) erroneously.

Incorrect execution of import processes by the system caused the download of all files from mailbox.

The code fix was applied so that the system will download files that are specified in SAIG configuration screens during running of Scheduled process for SAIG receive file process.

Run a scheduled process to pull in a Pell Multiple Reporting Record (MRR). Only the Pell MRR file(s) should be pulled and imported.

RS-22311Regent AwardAwarding

Direct Loans were not packaged for Prep-Graduate Programs.

Incorrect configuration code did not process the Prep-Graduate program types.

Code was modified to package loans for Prep-Graduate Program types.

Use a student who has an Undergraduate-level ISIR. Package the student in a Prep-Graduate Program. Confirm the student is packaged with a Direct Loan.

RS-23834Regent AwardR2T4

Regent unexpectedly didn't populate the R2T4 Wizard field K., Title IV Aid to be Returned. The value showed as blank.

Regent incorrectly overrode R2T4 Wizard field K. Title IV Aid to be Returned value, with a blank value when a manual R2T4 was created for the first time.

Regent logic was updated to ensure field K. Title IV Aid to be Returned is not overridden by blank value when a manual R2T4 is added.

In Regent Award, manually add a new R2T4 for a student that will result in a Refund. Make sure R2T4 Wizard field K. Title IV Aid to be Returned is not blank.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the release. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.


Purpose of Script:
The build script pre-populates the data values in the Loan Aggregate Detail table for students at Regent Award schools. The improved Loan Aggregates functionality relies on that data table.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script copies historic loan data from the NSLDS Financial Aid History (FAH) and ISIR records into the new table. Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loan records are copied into the new data table.

How to Access the Script:
The build script is included with the deployment of Regent Award for the Regent Award release. Each Regent Award customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
After the upgrade, log in and navigate to a student who has past loan data from ISIR and NSLDS FAH. View the History tab, sub-tab Loan Aggregates. Confirm the new Loan Aggregate Detail table is populated with the student’s past loans.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-18054Regent AwardData Views

Title: New Data View for new Combined Loan History Table

Tickets: RS-18054; RS-22446; RS-3845;


The following Data View has been created:

  • dataExtract_LoanAggregateDetail_View_v001
RS-24144Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates per 6.1 Release

Tickets: RS-24144; RS-23736;


The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_StudentBBAYModification_View_v004
  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v012
  • dataExtract_Location_View_v011
  • dataExtract_Site_View_v008
  • dataExtract_ISIRRecordData_View_v004 (previous name: dataExtract_ISIRRecordData_Config_View_v003)
  • dataExtract_LoanAggregateDetail_View_v002

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