/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.2.1, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System. (For 6.2 information, see Release Notes)

This release addresses product defects as listed in the “Bugs” section below, and also enhancements which include:

  • Regent Fund

    • Fund Awarding Dashboard

    • Linking Queries, Funds, and Awarding Cycles

    • ‘Export Fund Awarding Information File’ Export Process and ‘Thank You Note’ Smart Form

    • Document Assignment by Query

    • Additional Query Fields

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.2:  

 Click here to expand...

User Setup>General Tab (For Regent Fund users only)

  • Field Name: Dashboards

    • New checkbox option: Fund Awarding

Document Setup>General

  • Field Name: Smart Form Type

    • New option: Thank You Note

Roles>Permissions>Global Permissions>Process Permissions>Export Processes

New option: Export Fund Awarding Information File (For Regent Fund users only)

Roles>Permissions>Global Permission>Tools Permissions

  • New option: Document Assignment Tool

    • Default value is unselected

NOTE: The layout of Fund Setup has been updated. Fields have been grouped in different sections for ease of use.

Fund Setup>Fund Eligibility section

  • Field Name: Query Eligibility (Regent Fund users only)

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unchecked

  • Add Query' grid (Displayed if the Query Eligibility checkbox is not enabled): 

    • Column 1, Field Name: Query

      • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Field Options:

        • Blank

        • All 'Active' saved query names for the Institution

    • Column 2, Field Name: Federal Award Year

      • Field Type: Multi-select dropdown

        • Dynamic, will only display if the Fund Scope = Federal Award Year.

      • Dropdown Options:

        • List of all open FAYs (e.g. 2022-2023, 2023-2024)

    • Column 3, Field Name: Academic Year Start Date From

      • Field Type: Calendar Date

        • Dynamic, will only display if the Fund Scope = Academic Year.

    • Column 4, Field Name: Academic Year Start Date To

      • Field Type: Calendar Date

        • Dynamic, will only display if the Fund Scope = Academic Year.

    • Column 5, Field Name: Payment Period Start Date From

      • Field Type: Calendar Date

    • Column 6, Field Name: Payment Period Start Date To

      • Field Type: Calendar Date

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24768Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Text Update to Spanish Translation in Master Access Questionnaire

Tickets: RS-24768; RS-24755;


Text updates were made in the 22-23 and 23-24 master Access questionnaires to update the word “legal” to “full-time” in the Spanish translation of the following:

  • ‘Parents' Residency Before 01/01/XXXX' Question and Description
  • ‘Parents' Residency Date’ Question
RS-24109Regent FundPackaging

Title: ISIR Fields Added to Query Tool

Tickets: RS-21512; RS-24109; RS-24465; RS-24466; RS-24494;


The following ISIR fields are now available for querying within the Query Tool:

  1. FTI: FISAP Total Income
  2. HS Diploma or Equivalent Received?
  3. High School Name
  4. High School City
  5. High School State 

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Query Tool.

RS-24107Regent FundPackaging

Title: New Fund Awarding Dashboard (Regent Fund)

Tickets: RS-21512; RS-24107; RS-24280; RS-24283; RS-24284; RS-24285;


A new ‘Fund Awarding’ dashboard is available in Regent, for users with a Regent Fund license. The dashboard will display the following information related to awarding of funds other than Direct Graduate PLUS Loan, Direct Parent PLUS, Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan, TEACH, IASG, and Pell Grant, based on Institution/FAY selection:

  • Total Awarded/Number of Students Awarded
  • Budgeted Funds Awarded/Number of Students Awarded
  • Budgeted Funds Remaining
  • Unbudgeted Funds Awarded/Number of Students Awarded

The dashboard includes a Fund Awarding Summary grid that displays the breakdown of individual funds and their number of students awarded, total awarded amount, and budget remaining. Users can click a fund in the summary to display budget-level and student-level information for the fund in a Fund Awarding Details section.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Dashboards, Regent Fund.

RS-22397Regent FundAwarding

Title: New ‘Export Fund Awarding Information File’ Export Process and New ‘Thank You Note’ Smart Form (Regent Fund)

Tickets: RS-21512; RS-22397; RS-24598; RS-24602; RS-24603; RS-24604; RS-24605; RS-24606; RS-24607; RS-24608; RS-24609; RS-24610; RS-24611; RS-24612; RS-24613; RS-24614; RS-24615;


A new Export Process has been created to pull award data for Regent Fund clients.

Selection parameters for the process include Institution/Campus/Site, Scope, and Funds. There is also an option to limit the Fund selection options to funds that have Donor Information configured in Fund Setup. Only funds other than Direct Graduate Plus Loan, Direct Parent Plus, Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan, Pell Grant, TEACH, Perkins Loan, and IASG are included in the selection options.

The output for the process will include student data, award data, and Donor Information data, based on the selected parameters. Donor Information data includes the status of the ‘Thank You Note’ Smart Form associated to the award.

The new ‘Thank You Note’ Smart Form will be assigned for student completion by packaging of Donor-sponsored funds, based on Document Setup. The form allows the student to write their message of thanks to the fund donor within the Student Experience portal, then the body of their message will be included in the output of the new 'Export Fund Awarding Information File' process for clients to communicate to donors as needed.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Export Processes, Viewing Document Requirements, Document Setup Data Elements, Regent Fund, Export Fund Awarding Information File Process, Permissions List.

RS-21231Regent FundDocuments

Title: New Document Assignment Tool

Tickets: RS-21512; RS-21231; RS-24412; RS-24413; RS-24414; RS-24415; RS-24416; RS-24417; RS-24418; RS-24419; RS-24420; RS-24422; RS-24442; RS-24447; RS-24449; RS-24450; RS-24534;


A new Document Assignment Tool has been created in Regent to allow users to assign documents in bulk based on a pre-defined Query. Users will select an Institution and Query then choose Documents to be assigned to students returned by the selected Query.

Based on Document Setup, if the scope of a selected document is ‘Federal Award Year,' user will select a FAY. If the scope of the selected document is Payment Period or Academic Year, user will enter ‘Start Date From’ and ‘Start Date To’ values. These period values will be used to determine if a document should not be assigned because it already exists for the period, when ‘Enforce Scope Uniqueness’ is enabled for the document in Document Setup.

The Status field for each document will default to the ‘Set Initial Document Status to’ value in Document Setup, but can be changed. The selected value is the Status in which the document will be assigned.

After selections are complete, user will ‘Execute’ the Document Assignment process and documents will be assigned to students. Information about the Document Assignment process run will be available in the Process Log and the Document Assignment activity will be included in the student’s Activity log.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Permissions List, Query Tool, Regent Fund, Document Assignment Tool, Tools.

RS-24106Regent FundPackaging

Title: Link Queries/Funds/Awarding Cycles for Auto-Packaging of Non-Title IV Funds by Query/Allow Auto-Approve for Awarding Tool (Regent Fund users only)

Tickets: RS-24106; RS-21512; RS-24589; RS-24590; RS-24591; RS-24587; RS-24588; RS-24592; RS-24593; RS-24595; RS-24596; RS-24709;


This enhancement adds the ability to link a Query to a Fund to determine student eligibility during the packaging process. Users must ensure that Funds and Payment Periods are accurately configured to use a Query. If the Fund is FAY scoped and the Query Eligibility checkbox is selected, only the FAY and Payment Period columns will display when adding a query. If the fund is AY scoped and the Query Eligibility checkbox is selected, the Academic Year and Payment Period columns will display instead. The Query is inserted into the fund eligibility ruleset, thereby allowing for the autopackaging of funds determined via query eligibility. The funds will be awarded using Packaging Philosophy, Fund Setup, and Packaging Grid configurations. The fund will not be awarded if no query criteria is present or the query is not active.

The Awarding Tool: Selections page has also been updated with an option to 'Auto-approve and package all award amounts greater than $0.’ Selecting this option before clicking Execute on the Awarding Tool: Selections page will result in the Awarding Tool: Results process being initiated immediately after the Awarding Tool: Selections process completes. Eligible students will be awarded the amount calculated by the system, without first presenting the list of students/award amounts for edit/approval.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Regent Fund Awarding Tool and Fund Setup Data Elements.

Customer Zone Knowledge Base updates pending for: Regent Fund, and page to be added for ‘Packaging of Funds via Query Eligibility’.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24908Regent AwardCommunications

The ‘Missing Information’ Standard Communication filter unexpectedly did not find students meeting the selection criteria.

The filter logic had an additional, extra check that used an unrelated table in the database.

The unnecessary check was removed.

Confirm a student meets the criteria for the ‘Missing Information’ filter. Configure the ‘Missing Information’ Communication as Active. Navigate to Processes → System → Generate Communications. Select the ‘Missing Information’ Communication Template and Generate. Review the Process Log, Students tab. Confirm the student is selected.

RS-24816Regent AwardPackaging

After a COD Export and Import, when a school ran the ‘Export Student Transactions’ (EST) process, almost all students were prevented from disbursing with an error, EST-0059, The student is queued for packaging and disbursements cannot be determined at this time.

The system interpreted the COD Response File import as a change that required the students to be repackaged.

Regent’s logic was adjusted to not mark a student as needing repackaging after importing a COD Common Record Response (RS file type), when the student had no other changes to data.

In at test environment, package a student with one or more unpaid, past scheduled COD disbursements. Export the disbursements for EST with DRI=True. Export to COD. Mock a simulated COD response acceptance, using the COD file from the Process Log. Import the mocked COD response. Export disbursements for EST for Accounts Receivable (EST for AR). Confirm the disbursements are exported without the EST-0059 error.

RS-24791Regent AwardPackaging

Student was blocked for packaging due to 'Leaner has remaining reconciliation Academic Year with communicated awards' error.

Regent Award failed to correctly reuse AY in reconciliation validation.

The logic was updated to check for and match to an Academic Year prior to the creation of a new Academic Year.

Find the affected student. Run packaging. No errors should occur during the packaging process.

RS-24756Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

A disbursement schedule required attendance. For some students, the Export Student Transactions (EST) process unexpectedly exported students who did not have attendance in the term.

A recent code change had referenced an incorrect table, which prevented logging the EST validation errors and surfacing the error messages.

The code was corrected and the EST validation errors are preserved.

Test with a student who has a scheduled past disbursement and no attendance in a term, using a fund and disbursement schedule that need to have attendance for disbursement. Run the EST process. Review the Students tab or the test student’s Activity Log, or view the Disbursement Details pop-up errors tab. Confirm the error messages appear as expected.

RS-24742Regent AwardWorkflow/Questionnaire

The 2023-2024 Verification Worksheet (VWS) questions for non-tax-filers referred to the 2020 tax year filing requirements instead of the 2021 tax year filing requirements.

The non-tax-filer text updates were missed in the annual updates list for 2023-2024.

The tables and text were updated for the non-tax-filer questions for the Student, Spouse, and Parent questions in the 2023-2024 VWS.

In a test environment, load the updated Verification Worksheet for 2023-2024 and ensure it is Active. Find two non-tax-filer students, one Dependent, and another Independent with a spouse, who need Verification. Confirm the students have the Verification Worksheet Student Document Requirement in Needed status. Create a test account for the students on the Student Experience Portal. Navigate to the Student Documents area. Click through the VWS to the Income & Tax Data section. Confirm the VWS displays the 2021 Filing Requirements Chart for Most Taxpayers.

RS-24732Regent AwardPackaging

The system unexpectedly awarded some Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans above the student’s maximum aggregate limits, for students who had recent loans that were partially paid.

The system incorrectly processed some NSDLS data and Regent loans when calculating the aggregate amount usage.

The application correctly calculates aggregate amount usage during packaging.

Test with a student who is near their Subsidized or Combined lifetime aggregate limits, has some recent loans that are partially paid but not fully paid, and also has projected half-time or greater projected future enrollment for several future Academic Years. Load NSLDS FAH data or use a most recent data source with an effective date dated within an AY when some loans are partially but not fully paid. Clear all packaging blockers. Package the student such as by using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). View the History tab, General sub-tab. Confirm the Regent column displays the aggregate values. MAP the student. View the student’s Academic Plan. Confirm the student is awarded with Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans to their aggregate limits for current and future years. Confirm the student is not awarded with any extra loans exceeding the student’s maximum aggregate limits.

RS-24728Regent AwardPackaging

The system unexpectedly ignored some user-entered ‘Loan Override Aggregate Amount’ values in the ‘Loan Aggregate Detail’ in the History tab.

In some cases, the system bypassed the Override amounts when adjusting student-level aggregate amounts for awarding.

The system was corrected to always apply the Override amounts. Also, the system will not make additional adjustments for Pending Disbursements for loans with a value for the Loan Override Aggregate Amount.

Test with a student who is near their Subsidized or Combined lifetime aggregate limits, and has projected half-time or greater projected future enrollment for several Academic Years. Clear all packaging blockers. Package the student such as by using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). View the History tab, General sub-tab. Confirm the Regent column displays the aggregate values. In the History sub-tab for Loan Aggregates, edit the ‘Loan Override Aggregate Amount’ column and enter several override values. Save. MAP the student. View the History tab, General sub-tab, and Refresh. Confirm Regent is using adjusted totals. View the student’s Academic Plan. Confirm the student is awarded with Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans to their adjusted aggregate limit.

RS-24671Regent AccessStudent Experience

Regent was not accurately rendering some special characters in the Spanish Translation Instructional text.

Regent was using ASCII encoding of string to bytes for publishing settings.

The Student Experience Portal is updated to use UTF encoding instead of ASCII.

In a test environment, configure the Dashboard Settings, Instructional message text with text including the Spanish translation text. Publish the configuration. Create a test account and log into the Student Experience Portal. Confirm the Instructional Text is displayed correctly.

RS-24668Regent AwardISIR Processing/Verification

After upgrading, the system unexpectedly downloaded all active message class types from the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). The system did not apply the Saved Parameter sets that normally limited downloads to only specific Message Class types configured as Active.

A user interface change in the release, intended for the Pell Multiple Reporting Record (MRR), accidentally caused the system to not apply any saved parameter sets for SAIG files. The system did not check the configuration for active SAIG message classes. Instead, it downloaded all Message Classes.

The problematic change was reverted and replaced with improved code. The new logic also re-added the Pell MRR as a supported process type similar to other SAIG message classes.

In an environment connected to SAIG (preferably a SAIG test mailbox), confirm the SAIG Parameter Set is configured. Download the files. Confirm the system does not automatically download any extra Message Classes that are not configured as Active.

RS-24665Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent Award unexpectedly paid 0.01 Pell disbursements a few months after scheduled date.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated amount verified for EST DRI when the disbursement schedule had "Incrementally Disburse on Enrollment Level By Unit Type = Attended Census PA Units" option.

The logic was updated to correctly calculate the amount verified for EST DRI in this case.

Find the affected student with scheduled disbursements at current term. Make sure that no blocking tasks/documents are assigned. Run EST-for-DRI. All disbursements should be picked up for EST.

RS-24620Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating the amount of Plus Additional amounts to Return and the Total Amounts to Return in R2T4.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating R2T4 Step 6 "Additional amount to return" fields based on the period disbursements.

Regent Award is updated to correctly calculate R2T4 Step 6 "Additional amount to return" fields.

Complete R2T4 for a student where Step 1 should have a Net Amount Disbursed value and Net Inadvertent Overpayments = $0. In Step 6, Plus Additional Federal Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan to Return should not be affected by the Net Inadvertent Overpayments because it is $0.

RS-24548Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly updated existing Loans after adding Manual AY with single term Loan Period in Program Management Wizard.

Regent Award incorrectly packaged a new manual loan period added by a user before the existing default one. That caused creation of new loans and canceling/decreasing of the existing loans in the default loan period.

Regent Award is updated to ensure the packaging of the default loan period before a new one.

Attempt to add a one-term loan period using Program Management Wizard in Regent Award, then check loan amounts.

RS-24473Regent AwardAwarding

Add Award Wizard did not allow adding specific Awards for students. Students were receiving an error that stated, “Fund (Fund name) is not available for Program (Program name)." The program listed in the error was a previous program and not the student’s current active program.

The Program was not associated to a specific Fund, so that system did not allow adding manual funds to students.

The code fix was applied so that it will be possible to add Manual Awards in such a case.

Navigate to an affected student. Add the Award. Confirm the error does not occur.

RS-24456Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award incorrectly calculated the remaining units in the latest Academic Year.

Regent Award was incorrectly applying the ProgramApplicableOverageUnits to the Anticipation calculation twice.

Regent Award is updated to remove redundant ProgramApplicableOverageUnits addition.

In Regent Award, search for a student who has completed more than anticipated units for the first term of AY. Check anticipated units for the next term, which must be in the last AY.

RS-24360Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating Pell when an award year transformed from 2 PPs into 1 PP.

Regent Award incorrectly used academic year weeks from Program Setup instead of registered ones in Pell Formula 4 when a student had fully registered in a single PP AY.

Regent Award is updated to use the registered weeks in this case.

In Regent Award, package a student with Pell who has Award Year transformed from 2 PPs into 1 PP.

RS-24279Regent AwardR2T4

The Declined loan is not set back to Declined status when the R2T4 is reversed in Regent Award.

Regent Award was not saving Award Statuses prior to R2T4 Finalization.

Regent Award is updated to add a new Award property, PreR2T4AwardStatusCode, for saving the Award's status before R2T4 Finalization and using it when R2T4s are Reversed.

In Regent Award, reverse R2T4 for a learner who returned in a non-term program and has Declined loans before R2T4.

RS-24206Regent AwardPackaging

Regent unexpectedly created 2 subsequent Academic Years with the same start/end dates when NSE program change took place.

Regent award duplicated Academic Years due to unexpected non-term to term NSE program change processing results.

Logic added to prevent the duplication of AYs at academic plans for term-based programs. Any duplicated terms on the plan and terms that are subsequent will be moved to reconciliation to allow the plan to rebuild out properly.

Find the affected student. Perform NSE program change. Run the packaging. Verify Academic Plan structure. No duplicate AYs should be present.

RS-24166Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Regent award was not able to link the disbursement schedule to manually added award in 'PAID' status. As a result, negative EST-for-AR transaction failed with EST-0066 error code for manually added Golden State Teach Grant although the disbursement schedule was present.

Regent Award failed to properly assign disbursement schedule ID for Golden State Teach Grant.

System checks were updated to prevent the creation of empty disbursement schedule IDs.

Find the affected student. Reduce the award and disbursement amount via MAW for Golden State Teach Grant and afterwards process that reduction via EST-for-AR. No EST-0066 override code should occur.

RS-24137Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award unexpectedly did not prorate undergraduate loans in a Final AY for several Scheduled Award Year (SAY) students who would graduate before the end of the AY with a shortened remaining period of study (RPS).

Regent Award calculated the annual-limit proration using the units from an incorrect Loan Period.

Regent Award is updated to ensure to allow the awards to be processed on the correct eligible terms in the correct Loan Period. Regent calculates the correct proration of the annual limit amount using the units in the Loan Period only.

In Regent Award package the affected students with current or future loans. Confirm the annual limits are applied with prorated amounts. If any students have prorated Subsidized loan amounts that were also limited due to Aggregate usage, confirm the system also awards the Unsubsidized loans to the prorated annual limit total.

RS-24135Regent AwardCommunications

Regent Award was unexpectedly unable to load Student SAP data, causing SAP Warning and Suspended Email Communication process to fail.

The Historical Student SAP records are simulating ones. We do not have Historical SAP detailed information and we tried to load this from the database which caused an issue.

Regent Award is updated to skip including Historical SAP records to the Communication Templates for now. This gap will be fixed in upcoming releases.

In Regent Award generate Communication - SAP Warning and Suspended Email process. Make sure there are no students with Student Failed: Unable to load Student SAP data.

RS-24067Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

Some user roles with the ‘View Communications’ permission could not see student Communications.

The user interface for the Student Communications tab had a run-time error in the code for the ‘View Notifications’ permission.

The code was corrected.

Sign into Regent using an account with a User Role that has permissions enabled for ‘View Student Communications Tab’ and ‘View Notifications,’ where the Role does not have the permission enabled for ‘Generate Notifications.’ Navigate to a student who has at least one past Communication. View the Communications tab, Notifications sub-tab. Confirm the Communications are visible.

RS-24036Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent Award did not allow removing a Fax Number from Institution, Campus, or Site levels.

Regent Award was incorrectly passing null as a store procedure parameter when a user removed a fax number.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that a null check is added in a stored procedure. If there is a null value then use blank to update a value.

Remove a Fax Number, save changes, and refresh tab in Institution Setup, Campus Setup or Site Setup tab.

RS-23979Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly updated students where a SAY program starts in 2021 or 2022 but the Academic Plan incorrectly updates to start with Winter 2009.

Regent Award incorrectly processed terms of the old program after a program change and sometimes added them to the plan.

Regent Award is updated to correctly process terms of an old program.

In Regent Award add a SAY program to a student and then package the student.

RS-23918Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award incorrectly included a Subsidized Loan amount that was increased after course drop in “Could Have Been Disbursed” amount for R2T4.

Regent Award incorrectly considered paid LTHT periods as eligible and awarded them with paid and unpaid disbursements.

Regent Award has been updated to cancel unpaid disbursements for LTHT periods.

In Regent Award, package a LTHT student with an increased Subsidized Loan amount after the drop of their first course. Perform R2T4.

RS-23875Regent AwardR2T4

A nonterm student had an R2T4 with higher than expected ‘Could Have Been Disbursed’ amounts in Step 1.

The application used the current eligible amount instead of the COD Accepted Amount when the "Date used to consider non-rebuild loans as originated" setting was "COD Initial Export Date."

The application uses the COD Accepted Amount for Step 1 when the "Date used to consider non-rebuild loans as originated" setting is "COD Initial Export Date."

Create an R2T4 for the affected student. Review the Step 1 amounts for ‘Could Have Been Disbursed.’ Confirm the amounts are calculated as expected based on the COD Accepted Amounts on the loans.

RS-23833Regent AwardAwarding

Add Award Wizard (AAW) Step 1 was unexpectedly offering only the current and future loan periods. The previous loan periods in the FAY were missing from the loan period selection menu.

Regent Award only allowed adding a new award for the current or future loan period.

Regent Award was updated to ensure that a new award may be added to a past loan period if the loan period is still for a current FAY.

Testing may need a time machine, with the server set to a date (such as mid-June) that is after the end of a previous term, but before the end of the FAY (June 30). In Regent Award, Awards tab, use Add Award Wizard. Select a past loan period that ended before the server date, but within the same FAY as the server date. Confirm the loan can still be added successfully.

RS-23806Regent AwardCOD

Regent Award incorrectly exported Pell to COD with cents when the rounding was to 'Dollar' at Fund Setup.

Regent Award didn't round the R2T4 PWD gross amount according to the fund setup when the fund had no fees (like Pell Grant).

The system's logic was updated to properly round the R2T4 PWD gross amount and the disbursement gross/net amounts according to the fund setup.

Make sure that Pell fund has Rounding set to 'Dollar'.
Find the affected student having R2T4 with PWD result code. Finalize R2T4. Run packaging. Review award amounts on AP. The dollar amounts should be showing. Make COD Export. Review exported Pell amount. Pell should not be showing cents but only dollars as per fund setup.

RS-23774Regent AwardPackaging

When a nonterm student was Batch Packaged, the student’s Academic Plan unexpectedly shifted to put their Substantially Equal Program Change to have the new program start in an incorrect payment period in the following AY, AY2. When staff used Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP), the Academic Plan was corrected to start the new program in AY1.

The sort of courseenrollments was incorrectly nondeterministic in reconcileacedmicplan method, causing changes in the order in which they were processed between different package runs.

Regent Award is updated to add an additional ordering by CEP.ProgramStartDate when CEP.ActiveOnDate is the same between two different CEPs.

Navigate to the affected student and confirm the student has no packaging blockers. Package the student using Batch Packaging. View the Academic Plan and Refresh. Confirm the Academic Years are correct. Confirm the student’s new Program starts in the payment period matching the new program’s start date. Use Modify Academic Plan wizard. Confirm the student still has the expected Academic Years and program start. Repackage the student several times using Batch Packaging. Confirm the student’s Academic Plan is still as expected.

RS-23712Regent AwardCOD

Single Term Loans unexpectedly caused COD 205 & 222 Rejects if awards were once multi term but had been reduced to single term due to R2T4 or accelerated program completion.

Regent Award incorrectly referenced the table in the COD Export code.

Table reference in the COD Export code has been corrected.

Process COD export and send file to COD after a previously two-term award is reduced to one term in Regent Award.

RS-23602Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly awarding additional disbursements to some terms with Direct Loans and Less Than Half Time (LTHT) enrollment levels.

Regent incorrectly allowed an eligible amount to be increased for a LTHT enrollment that had a previously paid disbursement. The issue occurred for some scenarios when enrollment changed in other later terms on the award, and Regent tried to move amounts into the LTHT term, and the fund was configured to “Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only.”

Regent Award is updated to ensure a limited eligible amount of the gross amount of the paid disbursements on the payment period for a LTHT term. The change prevents an increase of eligibility on the LTHT payment period.

Test in an environment configured with Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans as ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only’ = True. In Regent Award, package an affected student with a current active loan in a LTHT term. Or, alternatively, use a student who has a current or future loan with some paid disbursements paid in an earlier term, and has future terms with unpaid disbursements; change the test student’s course data to less-than-half-time enrollment for all the terms. Package the students. Confirm the system does not increase the existing loan amounts in LTHT terms above the paid amounts. Confirm the system zeroes out amounts in future, unpaid, LTHT terms.

RS-23529Regent AwardR2T4

Regent Award didn't auto-populate the Net Amount Accepted for Pell in R2T4 PWD Tab. The amount was $0.

Regent Award was not setting the PWD Accepted Amount or the PWD Total Accepted fields for Pell on the PWD tab.

Regent Award is updated to set the Pell values for the PWD Accepted Amount and the R2T4 PWD Total Accepted fields.

In Regent Award, find a student with a Pell grant that is not fully paid. Complete an R2T4 resulting in a PWD. Check the Net Amount Accepted for the Pell. Confirm the system displays the amounts.

RS-23344Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly receiving an error, "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types." The error occurred in the Adjust Resource Wizard for one student who had resources that were imported.

An imported resource had a null (empty) value. Regent Award was returning the null data from the database in the Amount field, which was not allowed by the system.

Regent Award is updated to allow a null value in the Amount field in the database. A separate data-cleanup script resolves the affected student.

Find the affected student who had a resource that was imported with a null value in the Resource’s Amount field. In Regent Award, navigate to the Adjust Resource Wizard. Confirm the Resources can be added and edited successfully.

RS-22965Regent AwardAwarding

21-22 FAY loans Declined by the student were moved to Cancelled status after the R2T4 was Finalized, and moved to Offered after R2T4 was reversed

The Reversed R2T4 changed the loan status back to the fund’s initial status of Offered.

The system saves a Declined award’s Declined status when the R2T4 is Finalized. When a user Reverses the R2T4, the system has additional checks for the fund being a Title IV award and also checks the flag for ‘Auto Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4.’ The system keeps the award in Declined status.

Find an affected student with a Declined-status loan and an Open R2T4. Process the R2T4 and Finalize it. Run packaging. Verify the loan status. The Status should remain as Declined. Reverse the R2T4. Run packaging. Verify the loan's status. The loan should stay in Declined status.

RS-22809Regent AwardPackaging

YRP was not awarded at eligible Summer 2022 term.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated YRP amount when there was an external Pell award and LEU close to 600%.

The system logic was updated to handle Pell amount properly when LEU is close to 600%

Find the affected student. Run packaging. Review term YRP amounts. When 100% of Regular Pell is packaged the system should award additional YRP without any issues.

RS-22350Regent AwardReports

The ‘Student - Activity’ report did not display. The screen said “Loading….” but remained blank.

The report had a parsing issue and had a problem displaying fields when some additional data was loaded from the database.

The code was updated to correctly parse the data and process the fields. The report displays as expected.

Navigate to the ‘Student - Activity’ report. Select the parameters. Confirm the report is displayed as expected.

RS-17471Regent AwardUser Interface

Regent’s Quick Search unexpectedly showed a ‘Failed to get reader’ error when a user clicked in the student Quick Search box, the first time the user logged into Regent during each session.

Regent was looking for data from the Dashboard Recent Activity data and the student Watch List for populating the Quick Search results.

Regent is updated to better handle the Dashboard Recent Activity data and the Watch List without error.

Access Regent using an affected user account that can search for students. Click on the Quick Search box in the top right corner. Confirm the ‘Failed to Get Reader’ error does not occur. Confirm the user can successfully find students using Quick Search, without error.

RS-16237Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly packaging Academic Plan with two payment periods in remaining period of study for a student with remaining units for Program completion of less than half of Program defined AY units.

Regent Award was incorrectly marking anticipated AY as isPostProgramCompletion and incorrectly anticipated the PP2, which is not required.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that, when processing AY/Enrollments on prior years, anticipated AY being set as post-program completion stops when remaining units = 0 and that there is no call to calculate anticipation. Logic check also added into createNTpaymentperiods when PP1's CE has enough progression to complete program and no CE exists for PP2.

In Regent Award, package a student with remaining units for Program completion of less than half of Program defined AY units.

RS-24790Regent FundPackaging


Processing Delays after enabling Regent Fund/Enable Real-Time Data Update


Inefficiencies in real-time cache logic.


Updates were made to the caching process to mitigate performance issues. The logic was updated to be more efficient when:

  • Inserting new Cache Data batches

  • Updating Cache Data batches

  • Closing failed Cache Data batches

  • Closing out the log for sets of students where data was cached or an error occurred while caching data


Enable Regent Fund/Enable Real-Time Data Update. Ensure process delays do not occur.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24240Student Experience

Purpose of Script:
This ad-hoc population script finds affected Regent Access students with questionnaires in a ‘Completed' status, affected by the bug in RS-24232;. For the affected students, the questionnaires need a separate cleanup to set the status to ‘Processed.’ See separate ad-hoc cleanup script RS-23571;.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script is a list-only script and does not change data. The related cleanup script is under RS-23571;.

How to Access the Script:
Regent Access clients may request the script from a Regent Account Manager.

How to Test the Script:
Find an affected student who has a Regent Access application in ‘Completed’ status. Run the script. View the query results. Confirm the student is returned in the results.


Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-24657Regent AwardData Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-24657;


The following Data Views were created per new tables:

  • dataExtract_FundEligibilityQuery_View_v001
  • dataExtract_FundEligibilityQueryFAY_View_v001

The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_Award_View_v007
  • dataExtract_DocumentRequirement_View_v005
  • dataExtract_Fund_View_v010
  • dataExtract_FundFederalAwardYearCeaseAutoPackaging_View_v004 (Old name: dataExtract_FundFederalAwardYearCeaseAutoPackaging_Config_View_v003)
  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v013
  • dataExtract_IOProcess_View_v003
  • dataExtract_LoanAggregateDetail_View_v003
  • dataExtract_Query_View_v002

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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