6.3 Release Notes

6.3 Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.3, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below and further defined in the Product Brief. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

Configuration Updates

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The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.3:  


Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab

  • CFP Settings section
    • Field: Federal Award Year
      • Field Type: Dropdown

        • Added Dropdown Options: 2023-2024

  • Loan Options section

    • Loan Option Settings section will be hidden if the Career Level is set to Undergraduate AND the Federal Award Year is set to 2023-2024.

  • Other Options section

    • Other Options Settings Section will be hidden if the Federal Award Year is set to 2023-2024.

  • Cost of Attendance Settings section

    • New 'Housing and Meals' selection option: No ISIR for FAY

      • Dropdown Options:

        • Select (Default)

        • Off Campus Residence

          • If selected, the following field is presented:

            • Field Name: Cost

            • Field Type: Text box, numeric entry for dollar amount value with up to two decimal places

        • On Campus Residence

          • If selected, the following field is presented:

            • Field Name: Cost

            • Field Type: Text box, numeric entry for dollar amount value with up to two decimal places

      • Help Text: Amount entered here will display in either the On Campus Residence or Off Campus Residence column for the Housing and Meals row of the CFP, for students without an ISIR for the selected FAY.   

Communications>Communication Template Setup

  • New Configurable filter frequency option on the Communication Setup beneath the FAY:
    • Field Name: Days prior to Period Start
    • Field Type: Numeric box

      • Only numbers from 0 to 365 are allowed.

      • Negative numbers not allowed.

      • Blank is an acceptable value.

      • Default value: 90

      • Field will display only if the Filter selection = 'Standard Award Letter - Initial (No CFP)' OR if the FAY above this configuration is selected.

    • Help Text: The number entered here is used as the number of days prior to an Academic Year with the selected FAY to determine when to generate the Standard Award Notification communications. If this field has a zero or blank, the communication is generated on or after an Academic Year with the selected FAY.


Global Permissions>Process Permissions>Import Processes

  • New permission option: ‘Import Task Updates’


Institution Setup>General Tab>Default Settings Section

  • Field Name: Adjust Loan Amounts for Overlapping Academic Years Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options:

        • Yes (Default)

        • No 

  • Field Name: Adjust Loan Amounts for External Overlapping Academic Years with Loans from Other Schools

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options:

        • Yes (Default)

        • No 

  • Field name: Auto Acceptance of Redistributed Funds

    • Field Type: Checkbox

    • Default: Unchecked

    • Help Text: The automatic acceptance for an increased Subsidized amount will occur up to the amount where the newly adjusted/accepted Subsidized and Unsubsidized combined amount equals the previously accepted combined amount.


Campus Setup>General Tab>Default Settings Section

  • Field Name: Adjust Loan Amounts for Overlapping Academic Years Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options: Inherited from Institution Setup

        • Yes

        • No 

  • Field Name: Adjust Loan Amounts for External Overlapping Academic Years with Loans from Other Schools

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Options: Inherited from Institution Setup

        • Yes 

        • No 

Packaging Grid Setup

  • Field name: Package Frequency

    • New option: ‘Award/Reaward during packaging process/re-evaluate grids for each Payment Period’

      • Only presented when ‘Packaging Grid Option’ selected is ‘Assign by UDF.

Fund Setup>Budgets Tab

  • Fund Budgets: 'Fund Budget ID’ is displayed on the Budget screen.


New Tasks for Overlapping Academic Years:

  • Review Override Loan Value

  • Review New Internal Overlapping Academic Year Crossing Multiple Regent Academic Years

  • Review New External Overlapping Academic Year Crossing Multiple Regent Academic Years

  • Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Previous Overlapping AY

  • Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as Internal OAY

  • Review Manual Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan in Same AY as External OAY

  • Review External ISIR-Only OAY with Assumed AY Dates

  • Review Manual OAY with Possible Duplicated New Internal OAY

  • Review Manual OAY with Possible Duplicated New External OAY

  • Review Manual OAY for New Information Received

Updated Preexisting Tasks - these will not additionally trigger if a related OAY Task is already triggered for an affected award:

  • Review Manual Award

  • Review Eligibility Change

  • Review Overlapping Period for Overaward

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25389Regent AwardCOD

Title: Update ‘Ability to Benefit’ Student Eligibility Codes for 2023-2024 COD Changes

Tickets: RS-21784; RS-25389;

Regent has updated the Ability to Benefit ‘Student Eligibility Codes’ for 23-24 COD processing. Per COD, a code value of “15” has been added for the SBL Import and within the ATB section on Student Details in Regent. Code 15 is for “Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) Program.”

Options in the ‘SIS Student Eligibility Code’ field dropdown within the ATB section on Student Details in Regent have also been updated to include revised information in the names that correspond with codes 12 and 14, for 23-24 processing.

  • Code 12:  ATB-Test Completed - 1st Enrolled 7/1/15 or After (or 7/1/12 or After for 23-24)
  • Code 14: ATB-College Credits - 1st Enrolled 7/1/15 or After (or 7/1/12 or After for 23-24)

Per COD, existing codes 11 and 13 will not be valid for 23-24 processing. Please note that Ability to Benefit data is not FAY-specific in the SBL Import or Regent user interface. Schools will need to identify any affected students. The following process should be used for 23-24 COD processing of students who have code 11 or 13 for 22-23 (or prior.)

  1. Identify students with a Student Eligibility Code 11 (ATB-Test Completed - 1st Enrolled 7/1/12 to 6/30/15) or a Student Eligibility Code 13 ( ATB-College Credits - 1st Enrolled 7/1/12 to 6/30/15.)
  2. Determine the new applicable code for 23-24 COD processing.
  3. Manually update the Student Eligibility Code in Student Details to the value for 23-24 processing.
  4. Run COD Export process for 23-24 for the identified students.
  5. Manually update the Student Eligibility Code in Student Details back to 11 or 13 if COD Export is needed for 22-23 (or prior.)

A new ‘SIS Ability to Benefit Test Code’ option has also been added within the ATB section on Student Details, per COD:

  • Code 13: Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment
RS-25192Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Title: Display reason for EST-0059 errors - Student is queued for repackaging

Tickets: RS-25136; RS-25192;

Regent has enhanced the error validation messages for the Export Student Transactions (EST) and COD Export processes. The improved messages apply when a student cannot be exported because of disbursement validation error code EST-0059 student is queued for repackaging. When additional information is available, the system displays the reason the student is marked as needing repackaging.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: EST Validation Error Codes Guide

RS-25167Regent FundWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: New data elements available for creating queries in the Query Tool

Tickets: RS-25168; RS-25167; RS-2516; RS-25127; RS-25128;


The following SBL-related data elements have been added as options to select within the Query Tool:

  • Student Data Group
    • Gender
    • High School
    • High School City
    • High School State
    • High School Graduation Date
    • NCES High School Code
    • Class Rank
    • Disability Status
    • Grade Level
  • Student Address Group
    • Address Type
    • Source Type
    • County
    • State

The following data elements from Program Setup have been added as options to select within the Query Tool:

  • Student Data Group
    • School Of
    • Specialization

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Query Tool

RS-25109Regent Award/ReviewScripts

Title: Active ISIR Sync Enhancement

Tickets: RS-25109; RS-25212; RS-25213; RS-25214; RS-25215;

A new Active ISIR Sync import process has been created. This process allows schools to import the ‘Active’ ISIR transaction into Regent to align with the ISIR transaction being used to award and disburse other aid in the Financial Aid Management system. It also allows schools to import the verification status for the ISIR transaction. Schools can opt to import the file manually via the user interface or place the file in the sFTP file watch folder to be consumed and processed automatically. Regent has a standard csv template available for schools to use.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Active ISIR Sync and Batch Packaging

RS-25048Regent FundStudent Experience

Title: Expand Donor Name Field on Thank You Note Smart Form (Regent Fund)

Tickets: RS-24379; RS-25048;


The Donor Name field on the Thank You Note Smart Form was expanded to allow for display of more characters.

RS-25034Regent FundConfiguration/Setup

Title: Fund Setup: Display Fund Budget ID on Budgets Screen

Tickets: RS-25034; RS-25181; RS-25168;

In Fund Setup, for budgeted funds, the system now displays the Fund Budget ID on the Budgets sub-tab.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Regent Award Fund Budgets

RS-25015Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Updated FAFSA Link in Verification Worksheet Smart Forms

Tickets: RS-24379; RS-25015;


In 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Verification Worksheet smart forms, the FAFSA.gov link has been replaced with the following correct link: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa .

RS-24989Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Do not queue the student for packaging for changes to demographic data and autogenerated SAP records

Tickets: RS-24989; 

Regent has updated logic to ensure students are not automatically flagged for repackaging upon the receipt of Demographic node data and GPA data within the Student node in the SBL. The Student node GPA data changes only affected schools that were using the Auto-Generate SAP functionality.

The parameter, ‘Process Students with Data Changes Only’, was added to the Batch Packaging export process in the 6.2 release. That parameter allows Batch Packaging to be limited only to students who have data changes impacting awarding. However, in the initial logic, all students with specific Demographic node data and GPA data were also being flagged for repackaging which prevented disbursement during the EST process. Exports were blocked due to EST Validation Error Code 0059: Student is queued for packaging.

Examples of other Data changes that still are intended to flag students for repackaging: 

  • Specific Import/Export Processes 
  • Any Import or Export Process that creates or updates a Task 
  • Specific updates in the Regent Award User Interface (e.g., Cost Adjustment) 
  • Updates to awards in Student Experience Portal (e.g., Acceptance) 
  • Institution Configuration Changes (manual or imported changes) 
  • Campus Configuration Changes (manual or imported changes) 
  • Pertinent configured dates (e.g., Census Date) 
  • Tasks triggered by specific events (e.g., Term End Date) 
RS-24806Regent AccessAccount Management

Title: Remove “FAFSA” reference from PDF of e-signed documents

Tickets: RS-24379; RS-24806;


Verbiage has been updated on the PDF output of an e-signed document for Dependent students. Above the signature lines, the last sentence of text has been changed from “The student and one parent whose information was reported on the FAFSA must sign and date.” to “The student and one parent whose information was reported must sign and date.” This is being done to provide accurate verbiage for documents that are unrelated to FAFSA completion.

RS-24794Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Title: Parent Age Fields on Verification Worksheet Required When Presented

Tickets: RS-24379; RS-24794;


2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Verification Worksheet Smart Forms have been updated to ensure that the “What is the age of your primary parent?” and “What is the age of your second parent?” fields are required when presented.

RS-24667Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Access- Changed ‘Completed 1st Bachelor?’ Question to match the FAFSA

Tickets: RS-24379; RS-24667;


The 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Access Master Applications were updated to change the question ‘Completed 1st Bachelors Degree?' to match the FAFSA. The question now reads: ‘Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before you begin the 20XX-XX school year?’ Spanish translation is included.

RS-24550Regent AwardProgram Change

Regent Award unexpectedly started a new Payment Period and/or new AY when the system processed a nonterm student’s Substantially Equal program change.

During NT SE program change, Regent Award was not able to assign the new program into valid course enrollment.

The logic was updated so that the new program will use the first open active course enrollment.

Find the non-term student. Perform SE program change. Make sure the student continues the new program in their preexisting nonterm PP of current AY. The new program should not start at next PP of new AY.

RS-24474Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Non TIV Aid Proration Through End of the Term

Tickets: RS-24474; RS-23956; RS-24893; RS-24894;

The numerator was updated to exclude withdrawn units for the calculated proration when the 'Prorate Distribution Amounts’ option is enabled in Fund Setup.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Fund Setup Data Elements 

RS-24463Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Change Document Status in Student Experience to Remove "Needed"

Tickets: RS-24463; RS-24379; RS-25035; RS-25036;


In Student Experience, for Regent Access clients only, the word “NEEDED” was removed from all statuses in the Status filter at the top of the Document page, in the status labels for each document on the Document page, and within Document Statuses help text. In the tool bar of Student Experience the document label was updated from ‘RECEIEVED’ to ‘SUBMITTED’.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Access - Student Experience Portal

RS-24349Regent AwardCOD

Title: COD Regulatory Updates for 2023-2024 Processing

Tickets: RS-21784; RS-24349; RS-24343; RS-24344; RS-24345; RS-24346;


COD Import and Export Processes within Regent have been updated for 2023-2024 FAY processing. Rebuild, Reconciliation, and Pell MRR Files have been updated for 2023-2024 processing. Pell Tables and SAIG Message Classes have been updated for 2023-2024.

NOTE: As COD may be in the process of implementing the 2023-2024 changes, it is not advised to request these Rebuild, Reconciliation, and Pell MRR Files between 3/31/2023 and 4/3/2023.

RS-24347Regent AwardCommunications

Title: 2023-2024 College Financing Plans

Tickets: RS-24347; RS-21784; RS-24342; RS-25061; RS-24341;


New Undergraduate and Graduate College Financing Plan Communication Templates have been created for the 2023-2024 Federal Award Year and the 2023-2024 Federal Award Year option has been added to the CFP tab in Communication Template Setup to support the processing for the new award year.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: College Financing Plan (CFP) and Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-24214Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

Title: Update the Cancel-Recreate Process

Tickets: RS-24214; RS-25041; RS-25042;

The Cancel-Recreate Process has been updated to maintain an original loan award with the original FAID when an incorrect FAY is identified and update the award to a 'Cancelled' status. The incorrect FAY award and disbursement amounts are reduced to $0. A new loan award for the new FAY is then created (if eligible) per normal packaging rules. An Activity Log entry will be generated upon the cancellation of the incorrect FAY loan award.

RS-24207Regent AwardTasks

Title: New Import Process to Mass Update Tasks

Tickets: RS-23152; RS-24207; RS-24743; RS-24744; RS-24747; RS-24748; RS-24749; RS-24973;


A new Import Process called ‘Import Task Updates’ has been created in Regent to support update of Tasks in Bulk. Customers will provide Task ID and External ID 1, via XML, along with any value to be updated for Status, Due Date, Priority, Assignee, and/or Note, for the matching Task record. XML files will be created by customers based on data pulled from Regent Data Views.

A new Activity Log Entry and Process Log record will be generated for the new process. If there is no match to Task ID AND External ID 1, and if Assignee values do not pass validation, the task will not be updated and the Student grid in the Process Log will display a Message for the record. If any Priority, Due Date, Status, or Note values in the XML are invalid, the import process will fail. Process Log records for Import Task Updates will be cleared seven days after process run.

In relation to this new process, the Batch Packaging Delta functionality for ‘Import and Export Processes that create or change a Task’ has been revised. If a Task has a ‘Restrict Process Setup’ selection of ‘Restrict Packaging’ in Task Setup AND if an update is made by a process to change the Status of the Task TO Closed, Waived, or Completed, the student will be queued for packaging. If the process responsible for the update was the new ‘Import Task Updates’ process, student will only be queued for packaging if status of the task was changed to Closed, Waived, or Completed from a previous status other than one of those three.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Import Task Updates Process

RS-24053Regent FundPackaging

Title: Regent Fund: Update Import Awards Review Screen to Allow Cancelling of Unprocessed Records from Awarding Tool

Tickets: RS-25168; RS-24053; RS-25204; RS-25205; RS-25206; RS-25207;

Regent now allows users to remove unprocessed Regent Fund awards that have caused “Import Award” errors.

The Regent Fund Awarding Tool uses “Import Awards” functionality to apply approved awards to the student’s plan, but Regent Fund awards that are not processed because of an “Import Awards” error can result in a student being blocked for packaging. A mechanism to cancel a failed “import” created by the Awarding Tool has been implemented on the ‘Imported Awards Review’ screen, so that the student will not be blocked from packaging due to the unprocessed Regent Fund award.

Note: For failed imported awards created via the Import Awards and Disbursements (IAD) data files, the school is expected to make corrections and re-import the corrected IAD data files.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Regent Fund Awarding Tool

RS-24023Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Functionality to Support Updating Student Experience User Name (Email) for Non-SSO Users

Tickets: RS-23954; RS-24023;


A new utility has been created to allow Regent to change the student’s user name for an existing Student Experience account, by request, for non-SSO users.

To request the utility be ran for a student, submit a CZ ticket to RCO/Ops with the following description:

Please execute RS-24023 utility to update StudentX username as follows:

  1. Environment: (StudentX URL)
  2. Current user email address:
  3. New email address:

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Regent Fund Awarding Tool

RS-23913Regent AwardCommunications

Title: Updated Offer Notification Template for Past AY’s

Tickets: RS-25146; RS-25145; RS-25147; RS-25148; RS-23913; RS-24379;


Within the Student-Level communication tab, a new ‘Period’ selection was added with a dropdown menu of multiple academic years to coincide with a few ‘Notification’ selections.

A new Communication Context Variable for Period Selection was created to be used in the communication template. As a result, a new custom communication template was created to update the academic year logic to use the REM period selection as opposed to defaulting to Academic Year 1. To honor the new selection period, the Standard Communication template was updated to use the REM prior selection for the Academic Year, Award Year, R2T4 period and the SAP Review Period.

RS-23848Regent FundStudent Experience

Release Note

Title: Added columns/changed column names on Awarding Tool: Results screen and to the export file and Student tab of the Process Log for the Process

Tickets: RS-25208; RS-25209; RS-25168; RS-23848; RS-25210;


Column headers within Student and Awarding Information Grid on the Results Tab of the Awarding Tool have been updated for clarity, and the column ‘Change to Existing Award Amount’ has been added. The new column will display the amount difference between ‘Existing Award Amount’ and ‘New Award Amount’ (formerly ‘Award Amount.’) The column will include symbols to indicate positive and negative changes to ‘Existing Award Amount’. Changes were also made to the column headers, and help text was added, to the Student Tab in the Process Log for ‘Awarding Tool: Results’ process. Column headers were also updated for clarity in the export file for the process and the ‘Change to Existing Award Amount’ column added.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Fund Awarding Tool

RS-23782Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Update Display of R2T4 Post-Withdrawal Disbursement Gross Amounts

Tickets: RS-23782; RS-24862; RS-24863; RS-23152;

Regent has updated the R2T4 Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) gross amount calculation. The system calculates the Direct Loan Gross Disbursement Amount by using the Net Disbursement Amount for PWD display in R2T4, by determining the Origination Fee Percentage and Interest Rebate Percentage. The Gross Disbursement Amount is recalculated using the Net Disbursement Amount for PWD display in R2T4.

The Gross and Net amounts display values based on the Direct Loan Gross amount shown in the R2T4. The value and calculations match the Direct Loan Gross amount of the PWD on the Academic Plan and Awards Tab. The Net Amount Accepted for the disbursement then also matches the Net amount of the PWD. Regent displays the amount entered by the user, and displays the total amounts entered by the user for the accepted Net amounts. The Inadvertent Overpayment (IOP) and non-IOP Direct Loan Net amounts also display the total amounts for each column change.

RS-23638Regent AwardReports

Title: Naming convention updated for Pell and Direct Loan Reconciliation report files

Tickets: RS-23638; RS-23956; RS-24990; RS-24991;

Regent was enhanced to optionally add the Institution Name to the file names for Regent-created Direct Loan and Pell Reconciliation reports. The reports will be located within the ExportDLReconciliation folder and the ExportPELLReconciliation folder. Clients may submit a CZ Support ticket to request enabling the setting using the RS-16429 script and to mount the noted folders.

RS-23584Regent AwardCommunications

Title: New CFP Configuration Option for Housing and Meals Cost for Students with No ISIR for the FAY

Tickets: RS-23956; RS-23584; RS-24056; RS-24057;


A ‘No ISIR for FAY’ option for ‘Housing and Meals’ has been added to the Cost of Attendance Settings section of the CFP tab in Communication Template setup. If either ‘On Campus Residence’ or ‘Off Campus Residence’ is selected for ‘No ISIR for FAY,’ a Cost field will be presented. The amount entered in the Cost field will display in either the On Campus Residence column or the Off Campus Residence column, based on option selected, for the Housing and Meals row of the CFP, for students without an ISIR for the selected FAY.   

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Communication Template Data Elements and College Financing Plan (CFP)

RS-23576Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Update Field Name on Parent Account Validation (Regent Access)

Tickets: RS-23954; RS-23576; RS-24653;


In the Student Experience account validation process for Parents, when Regent Access is enabled, on ‘Registration Step 3 of 3: Parent Account Validation’ page, text has been change from ‘Last 4 digits of your SSN’ to ‘Last 4 digits of your Social Security, DACA, or ITIN number.’ This matches the Student account validation experience.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Account Creation and Management

RS-23575Regent AwardPackaging

Title: UDF Effective Dates for Packaging Grids

Tickets: RS-23707; RS-23575; RS-25017; RS-25019; RS-25020;


Packaging Grid configuration options have been added and packaging logic has been updated so that disbursements of an award can be calculated independently of one another and packaged from different Packaging Grids, based on Payment Period Start Dates, UDF Effective Dates, and Packaging Grid Effective Dates.

IF Packaging Grid Option is ‘Assign by UDF’ AND and the new Package Frequency option of ‘Award/Reaward during packaging process/re-evaluate grids for each Payment Period’ is selected, students will be repackaged each payment period. The Effective Start Date and Effective End Date for the UDF configured for the Packaging Grid, displayed in Institutionally Defined Data for the student, will be used to determine which Packaging Grid will be used for the Payment Period.

  • Payment Period Start Date must fall within Effective Start Date and Effective End Date range for the Packaging Grid.
  • Payment Period Start Date must fall within the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date range for the UDF/value configured for the Packaging Grid, per student’s Institutionally Defined Data.
  • If more than one Packaging Grid is applicable based on configured UDF and Effective Dates, the first Packaging Grid created will be used.

Disbursement amount will be calculated based on Packaging Grid to be used for the Payment Period and the Award Amount updated to reflect the total.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Packaging Grids 

RS-23467Regent ReviewCommunications

Title: Update the Standard 'Award Notification - Initial' Filters

Tickets: RS-23467; RS-23648; RS-23651; RS-25144;


Three standard Initial Award Notification communication filters were created where the initial Award Notification communication is being sent with or without the College Financing Plan. Each filter uses the new communication configuration ‘Days prior to Period Start’ and applies to both email and text communication types:

  • Standard Award Notification - Initial Filter
  • Standard Award Notification - Initial - Undergrad (CFP) Filter
  • Standard Award Notification - Initial - Grad (CFP) Filter

A new communication configuration, 'Days prior to Period Start’, was added to use in the standard communication filters. The number entered here is used as the number of days prior to an Academic Year starting to determine when to generate the initial award notification.

RS-23004Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Title: Update to Parent Account Link in for Student Experience in Signature Request Communication

Tickets: RS-23954; RS-23004;


The link in the Communication Template for the Parent Signature Request Email was updated to ensure that, when the link is accessed, any open student sessions of Student Experience are automatically logged out and the parent user is correctly directed to the Parent Account Registration page if the parent does not have an account or to the Student Experience sign-in page if the parent does have an account.

RS-22970Regent AccessDocuments

Title: School Name Added to Access Application PDF

Tickets: RS-23954; RS-22970; RS-24724;


For Regent Access clients, the PDF of the Access application has been updated to display School Name selected by the user, and not just the code, in the School List section.

RS-22848Regent AccessStudent Experience

Title: Access Master Form: Update Validations for 'Student's Household Number of Family Members'

Tickets: RS-23954; RS-22848; RS-24821; RS-24822;


Validations in the 22-23 and 23-24 Access application (for clients using Student Experience) have been updated to allow a value of ‘1' for ‘Student's Household Number of Family Members’ when Student’s Marital Status is ‘Separated.’

RS-20974Regent AwardR2T4

Title: Maintain Award Status of Fully Returned Awards

Tickets: RS-20974; RS-24654;

Regent Award’s packaging logic has been updated to maintain the award status for all ‘Accepted' awards. Previously Regent would update an award to a 'Cancelled’ status when reducing an award to $0. Once an award has been updated to an ‘Accepted’ status, an award status will only be changed if a user manually updates an award to 'Cancelled' or 'Declined' Status via the Regent Award user interface, the student chooses to 'Decline' an award via the Student Experience Portal, or an SBL is imported with a UDF award status override. The only exception to this is when an award is required to be updated to a 'cancelled' status via the cancel-recreate process. The cancel-create process is a process that cancels an existing award and recreates a new award with an updated Federal Award Year or updated origination fees.

RS-20092Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Task Setup

Tickets: RS-20092; RS-24666;


In Regent Task Management>Task Setup>Restrict Process Setup Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Fund’ section grid: Fund Alternative FAY Schedule; Fund Scope; Fund Source; Fund Type; Fund External ID; Fund Date Added. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-20091Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Pell COA Setup

Tickets: RS-20091; RS-24666;


In Regent Pell COA>Programs Tab, the following column has been added to the ‘Programs Section’ grid: Program Date Added. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-20090Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - SAP Setup

Tickets: RS-24666; RS-20090;


In Regent SAP Setup>Properties Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Population Section’ grid: Program Unit Type; Program External ID; Program Date Added; Program Credential. Functionality of the ‘Add All' and 'Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-20089Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Break Setup

Tickets: RS-20089; RS-24666;


In Regent Break Setup>Properties Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Population Selection’ grid: Program Academic Calendar Type; Program Academic Period Type; Program Unit Type; Program External ID; Program Date Added; Program Credential; Program Type. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-20088Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Document Setup

Tickets: RS-20088; RS-24666;


In Regent Document>Restrictions Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Funds’ grid: Fund Alternative FAY Schedule; Fund Scope; Fund Source; Fund Type; Fund External ID; Fund Date Added. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-20087Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Cost Setup

Tickets: RS-24666; RS-20087;


The following columns were added to the grid (in preview/non-edit and edit mode) on Cost Setup>Cost Group Tab>'Program Associations' Section: Program Academic Calendar Type; Program Academic Period Type; Program Unit Type; Program External ID; Program Date Added; Program Credential; Program Type. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-20073Regent ReviewDocuments

Title: Updated Help Text on Verification Worksheet for ‘Other Dependents’ Question

Tickets: RS-20073; RS-23956; RS-24829; RS-24830;

Description: Updated help text on the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Verification Worksheet, for ‘Other Dependents’ questions, for Dependent students whose parents are married, Dependent students whose parents are unmarried (single, head of household), and for Independent students, to include “who now live with” verbiage.

RS-19607Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Disbursement Schedule Setup

Tickets: RS-24666; RS-19607;


In Regent Disbursement Schedule Setup>Programs Tab, the following columns haven been added to the ‘Programs Section’ grid: Program Academic Calendar Type; Program Academic Period Type; Program Unit Type; Program External Id; Program Date Added; Program Credential; Program Type. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-19606Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Group Fund Setup

Tickets: RS-19606; RS-24666;


In Regent Fund Group Setup>General Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Funds Association’ grid: Fund Alternative FAY Schedule; Fund Scope; Fund Source; Fund Type; Fund External ID; Fund Date Added. In Regent Fund Group Setup>Program Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Available Programs’ grid: Program Period Type; Program Unit Type; Program Date Added; Program Credential. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-19601Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Fund Setup

Tickets: RS-19601; RS-24666;


In Regent Fund Setup>Programs Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘ProgramsTab’ grid: Program Academic Calendar Type; Program Academic Period Type; Program Unit Type; Program External Id; Program Date Added; Program Credential; Program Type. In Regent Fund Setup>Override Award Status Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Program Associations’ grid: Program Academic Calendar Type; Program Academic Period Type; Program Unit Type; Program External Id; Program Date Added; Program Credential; Program Type. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-19600Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Term Setup Functionality

Tickets: RS-19600; RS-24666;


In Regent Term Setup>Programs Tab>Associated Programs Section, the following columns have been added to the ‘Associated Programs’ grid in View Mode and the ‘Available Programs’ grid and ‘Selected Programs’ grid in Edit Mode: Academic Calendar Type; Academic Period Type; Unit Type; External Id; Created On; Credential. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs. The ‘Available Programs’ table was moved from beside ‘Selected Programs’ to above it.

RS-19599Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Program Setup Functionality and Display (CCM)

Tickets: RS-19599; RS-24666;


In Regent Program Setup>Terms/Enrollment Levels Tab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Available Terms & Enrollment Levels’ and ‘Selected Terms & Enrollment Levels' grids: Term External ID; Term Academic Calendar Type; Term Unit Type; Term Academic Period; Term Date Added; Term Track. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-19598Regent AwardUser Interface

Title: Update UI - Institution Setup

Tickets: RS-24666; RS-19598;


In Regent Institution Setup>Program Groups Tabs>General Subtab, the following columns have been added to the ‘Selected Programs’ grid: Program External ID; Program Academic Calendar Type. Functionality of ‘Add All’ and ‘Remove All’ buttons in Edit mode was updated to respect table filters in place when adding or removing programs.

RS-19468Regent AwardReports

Title: Updated functionality for ‘Tasks User Productivity Report' when multiple 'Task Status’ options are selected

Tickets: RS-19468; RS-23956; RS-24951; RS-24952;


Updates have been made to the Task-User Productivity Report Date. The ‘Date Completed From’ field has been renamed ‘Task Status Date From’. The ‘Date Completed To’ field has been renamed ‘Task Status Date To’. The logic for these date fields has been updated so that the system will return data for tasks of multiple statuses at a time, based on the date range in which a task was updated to a selected status. The ‘Date Closed From’ and ‘Date Closed To’ fields have been removed.

The report file has been modified to include a ‘Task Status Date' column, and the following two columns in the file have been updated to display as blank if no completed tasks are identified: ‘Average Time From Assignment To Completion Per Task’; 'Average Time From Creation To Completion Per Task’.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Reports: Tasks - User Productivity

RS-18982Student ExperienceAwarding

Title: Allow Students to Reinstate Declined Loans via Student Experience

Tickets: RS-18982; RS-24861; RS-24926; RS-24927; RS-24928; RS-24929; RS-24930; RS-24931; RS-24932; RS-24933; RS-24934; RS-24937; RS-24938; RS-24941;

The Student Experience portal, My Borrowing, Change My Borrowing, and the Financial Aid component have each been updated to allow the user to accept a previously declined Direct Loan award if the 'Display Declined Awards' portal configuration is set to 'Yes' on the Portal → Financial Aid tab.

RS-18909Regent AwardAwarding

Title: UNSUB to SUB Auto-Reallocation When Student has Additional SUB eligibility

Tickets: RS-18909; RS-24699; RS-24700; RS-24813; RS-23152;


A new configuration option Auto Acceptance of Redistributed Funds has been added to Institution Setup. When enabled, increased Subsidized Loan eligibility for a student that has already previously accepted SUB and UNSB loans will be auto accepted. 

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Institution Setup Data Elements

RS-16753Regent AwardCOD

Title: Improve validation on COD Routing ID field

Tickets: RS-16753; RS-23956; RS-24994;

Regent has updated the validation for COD Web Responses (WB) and other unsolicited COD data files. If an Institution, Campus, or Site is configured as a Third-Party Servicer, Regent will not require a match between the ‘COD Source ID’ value and the ‘Destination School Routing ID’ value.

RS-12905Regent AwardPackaging

Title: Overlapping Academic Year (OAY) Award Automation for Term-Based Students

Tickets: RS-12905; RS-24079; RS-24080; RS-24081; RS-24082; RS-24083; RS-24086; RS-24087; RS-24088; RS-24089; RS-24090; RS-24091; RS-24092; RS-24093; RS-24094; RS-24095; RS-24096; RS-24219; RS-24220; RS-24238; RS-24255; RS-24256; RS-24257; RS-24258; RS-24259; RS-24260; RS-24262; RS-24263; RS-24264; RS-24265; RS-24266; RS-24272; RS-24273; RS-24274; RS-24275; RS-24276; RS-24277; RS-24578; RS-24626; RS-24627; RS-24628; RS-24629; RS-24630; RS-24631; RS-24632; RS-24633; RS-24634; RS-24635; RS-24637; RS-24646; RS-24647; RS-24648; RS-24649; RS-24651; RS-24679; RS-24680; RS-24682; RS-24683; RS-24714; RS-24715; RS-24716; RS-24717; RS-24859; RS-24860; RS-24867; RS-24869; RS-24870; RS-24887; RS-24888; RS-24890; RS-24897; RS-24898; RS-24979; RS-24980; RS-25190; RS-25276;

For term-based Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans, Regent Award has added automatic packaging and amount adjustments for previous overlapping Academic Years (OAYs). The system detects when previous Academic Year dates overlap with Academic Years in Regent. Schools may configure the automation in Institution Setup and Campus Setup. Two types of adjustments are available: Internal and External. Internal adjustments can Adjust Loan Amounts Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs. External adjustments can Adjust Loan Amounts for External Overlapping Academic Years with Loans from Other Schools. When those configuration options are enabled, Regent makes adjustments to loan amounts to prevent exceeding the student’s Annual Limits for the AY date ranges. Regent Award identifies OAYs that could potentially affect a term-based student’s current and future loan amounts. Regent will automatically adjust loan amounts to not exceed the total annual AY limits in the overlap period. Regent also automatically limits the total AY amounts in Regent. The adjustments occur when the overlapping date ranges would result in lower loan amounts than Regent’s calculated normal award amounts.

Regent Award also has a new sub-tab under the Student History to view Overlapping Academic Years. OAY information can come from ISIR, NSLDS FAH, and internally within Regent Award. Users may override the Overlapping Academic Year start and end dates. Users may edit the underlying loan information, using the same loan amount override functionality as in the Loan Aggregate Detail. Users may also create manual OAYs to track data not yet in the system. Users may flag the manual OAY to be replaced with FAH data when available. Users may also mark an OAY as “Inactive” to prevent Regent from making adjustments for that OAY.

Regent has also added new Tasks to assist schools in identifying students with specific scenarios for Overlapping Academic Years. The new Tasks apply when the new configuration settings are enabled for ‘Adjust Loan Amounts for External Overlapping Academic Years with Loans from Other Schools' or ‘Adjust Loan Amounts for Overlapping Academic Years Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs.’ Regent has also updated several existing Tasks to avoid generating multiple tasks for the same scenario. If an OAY Task is triggered, the system will not additionally trigger the Tasks for ‘Review Manual Award,’ ‘Review Eligibility Change,’ and ‘Review Overlapping Period for Overaward.’

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Batch Packaging, History Tab, Regent Award Task Triggers, Institution Setup Data Elements, Campus Setup Data ElementsOverlapping AYsLoan Automation for Overlapping Academic Years (OAYs) 

RS-3929Regent AwardActivity Log

Title: Cost History: Track Changes to COA Information for Audit Purposes

Tickets: RS-3929; RS-16347; RS-25051; RS-25176; RS-25177; RS-25178; RS-25197; RS-25198; RS-25175;


A new ‘COA' subtab was added to the student-level History screen in Regent. The new screen includes a sortable and filterable ‘Payment Period COA History’ grid that will display a row for each change to the Total COA for the Payment Period. Users are able to click on a row in the grid to display additional information about the change in the 'Payment Period Change Details’ grid in the Details subtab at the bottom of the page. Note: COA changes due to resources are not covered by this enhancement.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: History Tab

RS-3715Regent AccessStudent Portal (SNAP)

Title: Update Standard Communication Template ‘StudentX: Parent Signature Request Email’ to Reference "Edited" Forms

Tickets: RS-23954; RS-3715; RS-20121;


Text in the current 'StudentX: Content for Parent Signature Request Email' Communication Template has been updated to reference “completed or edited” documents, since Regent Access forms within Student Experience can be edited after submission. The script in RS-20121- will update the template where it has not been modified from the original.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Standard Communication Body Templates and Filters

RS-388Regent AwardAwarding

Title: Disallow Deletion of Records Related to Disbursement Records Marked by the System as ‘Must Not Delete’

Tickets: RS-23609; RS-388; RS-24865; RS-24866;


Updates to packaging logic will disallow deletion of Enrollment, Payment Period, and AY records that are related to Disbursement records marked as “must not delete”. A build script RS-24865 will restore such records that were previously deleted.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:

KeyProduct SelectionFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25338Student ExperienceStudent Experience

In a pre-release beta version of, the Student Experience Portal and Advisor Assist gave unexpected error messages such as: Failed to get reader. Error:[dbo].[rem_StudentCommunication_SelectList] / STEP: 1 / DESC: SELECT List / LINE: 67 = 102 Incorrect syntax near 'createdOn'

The dynamic SQL query generation logic had some incorrect sequencing.

The stored procedure logic was updated with the correct ordering for the data.

Deploy the updated code. Reload RNA Setup. Publish the Portal Configuration. Access a student in the Student Experience Portal or in Regent Advisor Assist. Click through the screens in the Portal. Confirm the Portal does not display the ‘Failed to get reader’ error.

RS-25233Regent AccessStudent Experience

A Regent Access questionnaire could not move beyond the Education Plan section. The problem occurred in FAY 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 .

The cause was data specific. The test student had entered a Social Security Number (SSN) value of “000000000” (nine zeroes). The code did not correctly handle that value due to on-page and off-page dependency rules.

The Student Portal and Application Programming Interface (API) were updated to correctly process all-zero SSN values.

Complete a Regent Access questionnaire using the Master Access Application. In the Student Demographics section, enter a value of “000000000” (nine zeroes) for the student Social Security Number. Continue to the next section, Educational Plans. Confirm the screen displays the Educational Plans section. Continue past the Educational Plans through the next sections of the questionnaire. Confirm the rest of the questionnaire is displayed.

RS-25182Regent AwardConfiguration/Setup

The Fund Setup screen had several configuration settings with incorrect functionality.

Several fields were inadvertently changed during other recent updates to the screen.

The field behaviors were corrected.

In Regent Award, Add a new Fund. Confirm the Award Min/Max configuration is available for all funds, including Title IV funds. Confirm the Portal setting ‘Display on Financial Aid Portlet’ is visible. Test State Grant Census: Select the Fund Source is State and Type is Grant or Other. Confirm the State Grant Census is displayed on the unsaved Fund. Change the Fund Official Name to FSEOG. Select the checkbox for 'Require Satisfied Document(s)’ and select several documents. Select the ‘Fund Source has Additional COA Requirements’ and select several cost groups. Name the fund. Save. View the newly saved Fund. Refresh. In View mode, confirm the selected Cost Groups do not overlap other items on the screen. Confirm the Document selections are still selected. Change the Official Fund Name to a different Title IV fund, such as Direct Subsidized Loan. Try to Save. Confirm the system gives an error message that Satisfied Documents cannot be configured with this Official Fund Name.

RS-25119Regent AwardSAP

A school was configured to ‘Auto-Generate SAP Node from Student GPA.’ When the school ran the SAP process at the end of the Fall term, the system did not create SAP records.

SAP was blocked from generating due to logic issues. The issues interacted with the configuration settings and student data. For some students, the system could not link the SAP Review Period End Date to the term, because the SAP Evaluation Start Date was configured after the term’s end date. Development also uncovered additional configuration-dependent and data-dependent issues where the ‘Calculate SAP on Unattended Periods' setting prevented linking some terms to the correct SAP Review Periods and additional logic was triggered based on the specific dates when the SBL GPA data had been loaded on the student.

For Auto-Generated SAP nodes, the logic was updated for linking GPA values to the correct term and SAP Review Period. The problematic configuration dependencies were resolved and overall logic improved.

Simpler testing is to use a “time machine” test environment with a changeable server date. In a test environment, confirm ‘Auto-Generated SAP Node from Student GPA’ is enabled. Confirm the Term Setup configuration settings have the SAP Evaluation Start Date set to after the end date for a recent past term, and the ‘SAP Evaluation End Date’ is on or after the current server date. Load an updated SBL containing the student’s cumulative undergraduate GPA or cumulative graduate GPA. Package the student using a process that calculates SAP, such as Modify Academic Plan (MAP) or ‘Calculate SAP’ on the SAP wizard. Refresh the Awards screen. Confirm the corrected SAP record is displayed. View the SAP wizard. Confirm the system displays the SAP record and SAP status.

RS-25113Regent AwardPackaging

Duplicate $0 loans were created for unknown reason when no GL progression took place.

The application incorrectly processed invalid grade level progression awards and added them to the default loan period with a positive amount.

A code change was applied so that the system would cancel amount of invalid grade level progression awards.

Find the affected student. Run packaging. Review the academic plan. If no GL progression takes place, no duplicate loan should be added.

RS-25084Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award was unexpectedly updating term as autowithdrawn and returning Pell after Undergrad to Grad program change.

Regent Award had incorrectly pushed forward an enrollment because it was flagged as a non-BBAY, non-anchor enrollment.

Update made in Regent Award to logic that checks for non-anchoring state.

In Regent Award, open Program Management Wizard and process substantially equal program change. Check the term and confirm that Pell has not returned and the term is not AW.

RS-25037Regent AwardPackaging


Regent Award unexpectedly showed “Duplicate AY0 was added” packaging blocker in the program management wizard.


Internal Regent Award procedure dynamically created duplicates of AY0 for processed rebuild awards that caused validation fails due to the presence of the duplicates


The procedure was updated to not to create dynamic AYs for the already processed rebuild awards. Validation rules updated too.


Find the affected student. Navigate to Academic Plan. Click on Program Management button. Click Continue button. User will not receive duplicate AY0 error.

RS-25033Regent FundUser Interface

In Regent Fund, when the ‘Past Payment Periods’ option is selected in the ‘Freeze Amounts’ field and the past period is closed, Regent used incorrect enrollment levels and caused incorrect eligibility and award amounts for Regent Fund awarding.

The application incorrectly calculated payment period amounts when there was a frozen payment period.

The application will correctly calculate amounts in this scenario.

Test in an environment with Regent Fund enabled. In Fund Setup, set the Freeze Amount to Past Payment Periods. Reload RNA Setup. Go to the Awarding Tools and run the awarding tool for the fund. For example, generate results that would not exceed $3,500 or $7,000 as the expected results. Once run in Awarding Tool, confirm the expected results do not exceed $3,500 or $7,000.

RS-24978Student ExperienceStudent Experience

New Apple IOS updates to iPhones caused Single Sign-On (SSO) to fail for some users. Users saw a “You appear to have cookies disabled…” message in Student Experience.

The problem was with the Google Identity platform. While it was not caused by a Regent bug, Regent developed a code solution to work around the issue.

Note: The fix is not automatic - it requires SSO configuration changes at both Regent and the school. Regent implemented code changes to circumvent the error message from Google. Schools must coordinate the configuration changes with their Regent Account Manager.

  1. Regent Cloud Operations (RCO) will enable “Firebase Auth Domain Proxy” configuration in the Regent Command Center for the StudentX instance. RCO will save and publish the updated settings.

  2. At the same time, the customer will update the customer’s SSO configuration to update the configured Assertion Consumer Service URL and replace the firebaseapp.com URL with the StudentX SSO URL, similar to the following:
    Current configuration: https://ENVIRO_SPECIFIC_NAME.firebaseapp.com/__/auth/handler
    Change to: https://CUSTOMER_STUDENTX_URL/__/auth/handler

Example: if studentx instance host name is regenteducationstudentxprod.regenteducation.net, then it should be updated to https://regenteducationstudentxprod.regenteducation.net/__/auth/handler

Always test first using a non-production test environment. Coordinate with Regent to make the required configuration changes in a test environment that has the Student Experience Portal. After the configuration changes are made, the school will Publish Portal Configuration. To test, a user can try to sign in to an SSO account in the Student Experience Portal using an IOS device with recent updates. Confirm the user authenticates successfully to the test environment. Confirm the Student Experience Portal is displayed.

RS-24948Regent ReviewWorkflow/Questionnaire

Verification Worksheet Smart Form did not include instructional text about the option to submit tax forms in addition to tax transcripts, on Parent Income and Tax Data section.

The original update to VWS only changed the Student Income & Tax Data. The change was accidentally omitted for the Parent Income & Tax Data.

Verification Worksheet Smart Form is updated to add the missing text to Parent Income & Tax Data.

Complete an VWS form when a student or parent is a tax filer and not using IRS Data Retrieval Tool. Confirm text referencing tax form is present.

RS-24905Regent AwardAwarding

A Subscription Period (SP) student’s Pell Recalculation unexpectedly increased above the program’s configured enrollment level. The problem occurred for R2T4 Step 1 as well as the standard recalculation on the term’s configured Pell Recalculation date.

The system unexpectedly applied the standard Pell Recalculation, instead of the special Subscription Period recalculation.

The system was updated to not increase Recalculated Pell amounts higher than the Subscription Period enrollment level for the term.

Test with a Subscription Period student who has attended more units than the program’s configured SP enrollment level. Add an R2T4 for the student, with a DoW during the term. Confirm the R2T4 Step 1 Recalculated Pell amount is recalculated using the same enrollment level as the term’s configured SP Enrollment Level. Update Term Setup configuration for the ‘Pell Recalculation Date’ to be earlier than the current date (and reload RNA setup); or, alternatively, test on a “time machine” and set the server’s date to be after the configured Term Setup Pell Recalculation Date. Package the student on or after that Pell Recalculation Date. Confirm the student’s Pell amount does not change. Finally, edit the course data so the student has fewer attempted units than the SP enrollment level. Package the student on or after the Pell Recalculation Date. Confirm the system reduces the Pell to match the lower enrollment level for the actual attempted units.

RS-24892Regent AwardStudent Experience

In Regent Plan, the ‘Other Financial Aid’ section was not always visible in the My Plan cost/award details when the view was expanded.

Multiple resources with the same name within one payment period were not summed up; only the first one was taken.

The logic was updated to aggregate the amounts by the name of the resource.

Test in an environment with Regent Plan enabled. Navigate to a student who has multiple manually added External Resources with the same Resource Name. View a student's Advisor Assist > My Plan tab. Confirm the calculated amounts are correct for Direct Cost, Need, and Other FA. Confirm the other FA sections are visible when Resources exist on the student’s Plan.

RS-24891Regent AwardR2T4

A student had an R2T4. When the school worked the R2T4, the R2T4 Wizard displayed incorrect mathematical calculations for Step 5, Box M and Box O. The numbers on the Academic Plan and end result were still correct, but the wizard still showed incorrect formulas.

The system had initially calculated some tentative numbers for all the steps in the wizard. Due to manual data changes, the R2T4 result changed from Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (PWD) to No Action Required and the wizard stopped recalculating after Step 4.

The wizard was updated to recalculate the Step 5 numbers when the R2T4 result is a Refund or No Action Required.

Test with the affected student and enter specific data values that change the R2T4 result from PWD to No Action Required. Confirm the mathematical formulas are correct for Box M and Box O.

RS-24880Regent AwardPackaging

Some Undergraduate Dependent students with past PLUS Loan Denials had incorrect calculated eligibility for Direct Loan amounts.

The students had past loans with a mixture of values for the ‘Additional Unsubsidized Loan’ flag. Some past loans were marked with ‘P' (Parent PLUS Loan Denial), and other loans had a value of ‘N’ (neither reason applies). During packaging, some Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) values were incorrectly adjusted for the ‘N’ flagged loans. The system should have only adjusted the total amounts for the combination of the ‘P' and 'N’ loans that exceeded the normal Dependent annual limits in an AY.

The system was updated to calculate the correct values for the adjusted Loan Aggregate OPBs for students with past loans when the students have loans with ‘P' indicators and other loans with 'N' indicators.

Find an affected Dependent student who had a past PLUS Loan Denial ('Additional Unsubsidized Loan' flag is “P”) and one or more other Unsub loans with the flag of “N” in the same AY, and who also has another past Unsubsidized loan that is not a PLUS Denial (flag is “N”) for a different AY. Package the student. Confirm the system reduces the OPB value for the additional unsubsidized loan amount (used above the Dependent AY limit) in the shared AY containing the “P” loan. Confirm the system does not reduce the student’s OPB for the amount of the “N” loan that is in a different past AY that does not contain any loan with the “P” indicator.

RS-24879Regent AwardPackaging

For current undergraduate students, the system reduced the Undergraduate Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balances (OPB) for past loans with a grade level of “N” (Grade Level Not Available.)

The system interpreted all non-numeric Grade Level values as Graduate-level loans. The system removed the past loans from the students' Undergraduate OPB.

The system was updated to classify past loans as Graduate loans only if the Grade Level has a value of 6, 7, A, B, C, D, or G. The Grade Level Values of “N” was removed from the Adjusted Aggregate Undergraduate OPB.

Package an affected Undergraduate student with a past loan with a grade level value of “N.” Confirm the system does not reduce the student’s Adjusted Undergraduate OPB for the past loan amount.

RS-24852Regent AwardTasks

Regent Award was unexpectedly not populating tasks in Salesforce.

Regent Award SF API was not returning tasks.

Regent Award is updated to remove taskEntityCode filtering on inner join as this filtering already exists on specific left joins.

Check for Blocking tasks in salesforce.

RS-24847Regent AwardR2T4

Inadvertent Overpayments (IOP) are also being added in the Amount that Could Have Been Disbursed (CHBD) section in the R2T4s and is being counted twice in the calculation in Step 1.

Regent Award incorrectly calculated R2T4 CHBD amount.

Regent Award has been updated to ensure the calculation is correct.

In Regent Award, complete R2T4 for a student with a disbursement after the withdrawal date. Confirm the IOP Amount is not being included in the Could Have Been Disbursed section in Step 1.

RS-24833Student ExperienceStudent Experience

2023-2024 Master Regent Access application does not have both signatures on the PDF after being e-signed by a parent.

System incorrectly truncated dynamic sql statement to 4096 characters prior to execution in rem_ISIRRecord_SelectList stored procedure.

System updated with a workaround.

Complete 2023-2024 Master Regent Access application and e-sign as a parent. Confirm student and parent signatures on same PDF.

RS-24696Regent AwardStudent Experience


The student was able to accept a lower Unsub amount than the award's gross paid amount (accepted $0 vs gross paid of $4000) that assumedly caused paid loan's status change from ACCEPTED to OFFER


The system improperly changed award’s status and allowed to accept lower amounts than were PAID


The logic update was applied to restrict the ability to accept the amounts lower than were paid


Find the affected student with paid loan. Login into StudenX portal. Try to accept the lower amount than the paid amount. The validation error should be displayed. The student should not be able to accept lower amount than the amount that was already paid

RS-24669Regent AwardPackaging

Some students had packaging blocked with errors similar to, “Error validating plan for Student [id]: The payment period on paid disbursement number [#] with fund Fund Name and paid amount ###.## was moved from original pp (Removed Payment Period Id [#]) to pp Term name.”

The application incorrectly marked some enrollments for deletion. The enrollments contained paid disbursements that could not move.

The application does not mark enrollments for deletion if the enrollments contain paid disbursements that cannot move.

Navigate to an affected student. Ensure the student does not have any blocking Documents or Tasks. Package the student, such as by using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP) or Batch Package the individual student. Confirm the student packages successfully.

RS-24488Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly canceling and re-offering a canceled loan.

Regent Award was incorrectly recreating awards when the Academic Plan was reorganized for a nonterm AY that crossed several FAYs.

Regent Award Packaging Philosophy was updated with an added condition in the check for blocking Manual Awards. The system skips award re-creation for nonterm programs crossing several FAYs.

Navigate to the affected student. Cancel the loan using Modify Award Wizard. Package the student several times. Confirm the system does not generate additional replacement Offered awards.

RS-24142Regent AwardProgram Change

During a program change, an error message contained a misspelled word “mannually” in the error, “Failed to Process. Error Msg: Enrollment [#] mannually changed by term-based BBAY Modification [#] has no term reference.”

The word was misspelled in the error message text.

The error text was corrected to “manually.”

Find an affected student with the error, such as by using the ‘System - Batch Packaging Errors’ report. Confirm the spelling is correct for the word “manually” in the error message.

RS-24100Regent AwardEST/Disbursements

The Regent Award did not cancel loan disbursements when loans were cancelled with a ‘No Action Required’ R2T4.

Regent Award incorrectly changed a loan to cancelled status and the finalized R2T4 kept the positive disbursement.

The logic was updated to prevent the cancelation of a loan having a finalized R2T4 positive disbursement. The loan will change to Cancelled status when the amount is reduced to $0. The loan will keep in its existing status when the amount is reduced to $0.

Find an affected student. Run packaging. The loan status should be OFFERED. Run COD Export. Verify results. The loan if OFFERED status is not picked up for export

RS-24000Regent AwardPackaging

The modified date displayed in Adjust Cost wizard is 1 day off.

Regent Award was incorrectly converting ‘modify date.’

Regent Award updated logic to resolve date shifting based on time zone of ‘modify date’.

In Regent Award, add a cost adjustment and save the result. Then check the modify date in the Adjust Cost wizard.

RS-23988Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award incorrectly added an additional term with $0 award amount into a loan period. As a result, an endless 'Check the status' message is present in the student portal.

Regent Award incorrectly recreated an autowithdrawn enrollment while packaging with Non-BBAY anchoring re-calculator.

Regent Award has been updated to ensure it does not recreate an autowithdrawn enrollment while packaging with Non-BBAY anchoring re-calculator.

In Regent Award, package the affected student and check the Dashboard page in StudentX.

RS-23604Regent AwardAwarding

Regent Award was unexpectedly not reducing budgeted amounts by the cancelled amount.

Regent Award was incorrectly seeing a difference between offered and accepted fund budget amounts when cancelling a paid disbursement.

Regent Award is updated by adjusting the logic of the UpdateFundBudgetChanges method.

In Regent Award, assign and then cancel SEOG, then check Offered and Accepted SEOG budget amounts.

RS-23593Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award unexpectedly stopped tracking progression and began displaying the incorrect start date after the latest NSE program change for a non-term student in a Doctoral program.

Regent Award incorrectly selected the prior CEP based on order of ActiveOnDate only.

Regent Award has been updated to add a secondary sorting field, StartDate for ordering after the existing sorting field ActiveOnDate.

In Regent Award, complete NSE Program Change and package the student.

RS-21404Student ExperienceStudent Experience

Verification Worksheet Smartform did not show Tax Transcript recommendation page for non-DRT dependent student.

IRS Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form group had incorrect/outdated dependency.

Updated IRS Tax Transcript/Tax Return Form group to display when “Are you interested in using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool via the FAFSA on the Web at www.fafsa.gov to transfer your income tax data from the IRS to update your FAFSA?” = NO

In Regent Award complete FAFSA for a dependent student that filed taxes and did not do DRT. Select No on the 1st Student Income & Tax Data screen.

RS-21276Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award did not restrict packaging of awards for students at Sites not associated to the award’s Fund. The awards were initially created using a Satisfied Document.

When an award was created via a Satisfied Document, Regent Award was incorrectly not considering the fund’s selected Sites. Also, for existing awards, there was special logic to add the award’s Fund to the available funds list even when the Fund was not associated with the selected Sites in Fund Setup. The system continued to package the existing award and still created new awards from Satisfied Documents, regardless of the Fund’s selected Sites.

Regent Award is updated to check the existing awards before adding a Fund which is not associated with a particular Site in Fund Setup. The logic also no longer allows existing awards to be repackaged if the Fund is not linked to the student’s Site. Note: Institutions are reminded to closely review their Fund configuration. With this fix, the system will cancel and zero out any existing awards from Funds that are not currently associated with the Fund’s Site in Fund Setup. Remember to Reload RNA Setup for any configuration changes.

Test with a Fund that is configured to Require Satisfied Document(s). Ensure the Fund’s configuration has only specific Sites selected in Fund Setup, Sites sub-tab and “Apply to all sites by default” checkbox is unselected. Reload RNA Setup if needed. Find a student who is not at one of the Fund’s selected Sites. Assign the fund’s Satisfied Document to that student in Satisfied status. Package the student. Confirm the system does not create awards for the Fund that is not associated with the student’s Site. Separately, find a current student who has an existing award from a fund and the student is not at the fund’s configured Sites. Package the student. Confirm the system zeroes out and cancels the existing award.

RS-18202Regent AwardPackaging

Regent Award did not create an expected AY structure based on course data for non-term students.

Regent Award prorated the last NT Academic Year that completed the plan/program.

Regent Award is updated to ensure the last NT Academic Year that completes the plan/program matches to the last course data.

In Regent Award, package a student who had wrong AY End Date. Confirm the End Date is corrected.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.
  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 
  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note

Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following scripts relate to this release:

KeyFunctional AreaRelease Note
RS-25089Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-25089; RS-24714;


The following Data Views were created per changes to tables:

  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v014
  • dataExtract_ImportAward_View_v005
  • dataExtract_Communication_View_v004 (previous name: dataExtract_Communication_Config_View_v003)
  • dataExtract_CommunicationTemplateFile_View_v004
  • dataExtract_CommunicationProcessStudent_View_v005
  • dataExtract_Award_View_v008
  • dataExtract_Enrollment_View_v007
  • dataExtract_Location_View_v012
  • dataExtract_LoanAggregateDetail_View_v004

The following initial new Data View was created:

  • dataExtract_OverlappingAcademicYear_View_v001

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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