/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent 6.7 the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below and further defined in the Product Brief. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release 6.7

Institution Setup>Regent Access tab>‘General Settings' section

New fields Added:

  1. Field Name: Display ‘Edit Completed Form’ Message

    1. Field Type: Checkbox

      1. Will display if ‘Allow Editing of Submitted Application’ is selected

      2. Default: Unselected

      3. Help text: When this checkbox is selected, the ‘Edit Completed Form’ Message Text configured will display as a pop-up when the user clicks the ‘Edit Completed Form’ button in the student portal. Button options on the pop-up will be ‘OK’ to continue to the editing process and ‘Cancel’ to close the window and remain on the Documents page.

  2. Field Name: ‘Edit Completed Form’ Message Text

    1. Field Type: WYSIWYG editor

      1. Default text: You have already signed this application. You will need to re-sign after making changes to your answers. Parent signature will also be required, if parent information is edited.

    2. Will display if ‘Allow Editing of Submitted Application’ is selected

    3. Help Text: The text entered here will display in the pop-up when the user clicks ‘Edit Completed Form’ on the student portal.

Institution Setup>Portal tab>General sub-tab>‘Portal and Questionnaire Display Settings’ section

New Fields Added:

  1. Field Name: Display Student Portal Header Text

    1. Field Type: Checkbox

    2. Default: Unselected

    3. Help text: When this checkbox is selected, the Student Portal Header Text configured will display in the header of the student portal.

  2. Field Name: Student Portal Header Text

    1. Field Type: WYSIWYG editor

      1. Default text: Student Portal

    2. Help Text: The text entered here will display in the header of the student portal. Text color will be the Secondary Color configured for the portal, unless text is entered as HTML and color is specified within the code.

  3. Field Name: Display Parent Portal Header Text

    1. Field Type: Checkbox

    2. Help text: When this checkbox is selected, the Parent Portal Header Text configured will display in the header of the parent portal and parent account creation pages.

  4. Field Name: Parent Portal Header Text

    1. Field Type: WYSIWYG editor

      1. Default text: Parent Portal

    2. Help Text: The text entered here will display in the header of the parent portal. Text color will be the Secondary Color configured for the portal (unless text is entered as HTML and color is specified within the code.)

Institution Setup>Portal tab>General sub-tab>'Account Creation Message Settings’ section (New)

  1. Field Name: Display Account Creation Message

    1. Field Type: Checkbox

    2. Help text: When this checkbox is selected, the Account Creation Message Text configured will display on the 'Registration Step 1 of 3: Account Creation' page, for the users selected in the ‘Display To’ field.

  2. Field Name: Display To

    1. Field Type: multi-select checkboxes

      1. Options:

        1. Student

        2. Parent

      2. Will only show if ‘Display Account Creation Message’ is selected.

    2. Field Name: Account Creation Message Text

      1. Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

      2. Help text: The text entered here will display on the 'Registration Step 1 of 3: Account Creation' page, to the student, to the parent, or to both the student and parent, based on the ‘Display To’ option(s) selected.

      3. Will only show if ‘Display Account Creation Message’ is selected.

Site Setup>General tab

  1. Field Name: Override Pell Enrollment School Code

    1. Field Type: Checkbox

    2. Default: Unselected

    3. The override value entered here will be used for the Enrollment School Code when exporting Pell Grants to COD.

  2. Field Name: Pell Enrollment School Code

    1. Field Type: Text Box (allows 8 digits)

Security Group>Security Groups Setup (New)

General tab>Security Group Details Section

  1. Field Name: Name

    1. Field Type: Text

  2. Field Name: Description

    1. Field Type: Text

General tab>Security Group: Funds section

  1. Grid Name: Available Funds

  2. Grid Name: Selected Funds

Users tab

  1. Grid Name: Available Users

  2. Grid Name: Selected Users

User setup>Security Groups tab (New)

Security Group Details (display only)

  1. Field Name: Name

  2. Field Name: Description

Role Setup>Permissions>Global Permissions

  1. Permission Name: Security Groups

    1. Default: Permission is not enable for each role

Role Setup>Permissions>Process Permissions

  1. Permission Name: Export Campus-Based Webfile

    1. Set to Enabled for all existing roles 

Document Setup>General tab

  1. Field Name: Select the Process that this document facilitates:

    1. When ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years:’ checkbox is NOT selected, the following four new options will be available in the dropdown. When one of these options is selected, the document status will be ‘Waived’ if the IRS Response for the related contributor is Successful:

      1. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent

      2. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner

      3. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student

      4. Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse

Document Setup>ISIR Assignment>New ‘Processing Information’ section

  1. When ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years:’ checkbox is NOT selected, some existing options will be grouped into a new ‘Processing Information’ section.

    1. New field: Incarcerated Applicant Flag

      1. Available Values:

        1. Correctional Facility Address file

        2. Received via P.O. Box

        3. Incarcerated Applicant Flag set by FAA

        4. Incarcerated Applicant Flag removed by FAA

        5. Blank

Disbursement Schedule Setup>General tab>Schedule Detail section

  • ‘Disburse on Enrollment Level Units: Attended Census PA Units’

    • Field name changed to: 'Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage: Attended Census EIP'

Program Setup>Default Academic Calendar/Period/Unit section

  • Pell COA must be configured (cannot be blank) to allow for awarding Pell for 2024-2025 awards. The Pell COA uses the Housing Status lookup, but the Housing Status is not yet supported as of the release.

  • The existing setting, ‘Restrict Disbursements for Subscription Period Programs,' has been updated to apply the minimum cumulative units from the term’s program.

Packaging Grid Setup>Packaging Grid Details section

For schools using User-Defined Fields (UDFs) for Packaging Grid rows and columns, Regent now considers the Effective Dates on the UDF. If the UDF uses effective dates, the student’s award period must start within the UDF effective dates for the student in order to match the UDF value to a cell in the Packaging Grid. Packaging Grid Setup also now allows the Packaging Frequency Option ‘Award/Reaward during packaging process/re-evaluate grids for each Payment Period’ when ‘All Students’ is selected.

Packaging Philosophy Setup>Fund Priorities section

  1. Field Name: Package To 

    1. New options added:

      1. Flat Amount to Direct Cost’

      2. ‘Flat % to Direct Cost

Cost Setup>Cost Group

  1. Updated Field Name: Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment

  2. Updated Field Name: Food and Housing

  3. Updated Field Name: Federal Loan Fees

  4. Field Name: Federal Cost Category

    1. New Option: Professional Licensure, Certification, or First Professional Credential

Cost Setup>Cost Group>Cost Item

  1. Field Name: Dependency Status

    1. New Option: Provisional Independent

  2. Field Name: Housing Status

    1. New Options (unselected by default):

      1. On-Campus with Dependent

      2. Military Housing

Pell COA Setup

New Housing Status options:

  1. Column Name: On Campus with Dependents

    1. Field Name: Full Time

      1. Field Type: Numeric

      2. This field is required.

    2. Field Name: Less than half time

      1. Field Type: Numeric

      2. This field is required.

  2. Column Name: Military Housing

    1. Field Name: Full Time

      1. Field Type: Numeric

      2. This field is required.

    2. Field Name: Less than half time

      1. Field Type: Numeric

      2. This field is required.

Packaging Grid Setup

  1. Field Name: Select Grid Criteria

    1. Updated Column Option: SAI

    2. Updated Row Option: SAI

Institution Setup > General Tab (inheritable to Campus and Site)

New Fields Added:

  1. Field Name: Independent Assumed Housing Status

    1. Field Type: Dropdown

    2. Field Options: 

      1. Off-Campus (Default)

      2. On-Campus

      3. On-Campus with Dependents

      4. With Parent

      5. Military Housing

      6. Blank

    3. Note: If the student’s dependency status on the ISIR = Independent or Provisional Independent, the value configured here is used to determine associated costs for the period.

  2. Field Name: Dependent Assumed Housing Status

    1. Field Type: Dropdown

    2. Field Options:

      1. Off-Campus

      2. On-Campus

      3. On-Campus with Dependents

      4. With Parent (Default)

      5. Military Housing

      6. Blank

    3. Note: If the student’s dependency status on the ISIR = Dependent, the value configured here is used to determine associated costs for the period.

Institution Setup > User Defined Fields tab

Standard UDFs added:

Schools that opt to collect the student’s Housing Status may use the UDF to override the configured assumed values. If a UDF is provided on the SBL or manually added via the Regent UI and the effective dates provided correspond with the period being packaged, the Student Housing UDF value is used to determine associated costs for the period.

  1. Standard Field Name: Student Housing Status

    1. Allow Effective Dates: checked (selected)

    2. UDF Value Field Type: Text

    3. Field Options provided on SBL or entered via UI:

      1. Off-Campus

      2. On-Campus

      3. On-Campus with Dependents

      4. With Parent (Default)

      5. Military Housing

      6. Blank

Fund Setup

  1. Updated Field Name: If no ISIR, allow awarding from Estimated SAI when available

  2. Updated Grid Field Name: SAI Minimum/Maximums

    1. Updated the Min column minimum value: -$1500

  3. Updated Field Name: Non-Need-Based Fund used to Replace SAI

    1. Prior Field Name: Replaces EFC

  4. No Longer Used for 2024-2025 and forward:

    1. Field Name: Award Only if ISIR Interested in Work Study

Document Setup > General Tab


  1. Field Name: 2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years

    1. Field Type: Checkbox (default = unselected)

  1. When this field is unselected, the Document Setup screens will only display configurable fields and options that apply to 2024-2025 and subsequent Federal Award Years.

All new and updated fields and options only apply IF the ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years’ field is unselected (not set).

  1. Field Name: Dependency

    1. New Field Option:

      1. Provisional Independent

  2. Field Name: Selected federal award year(s) this document requirement applies to

    1. Updated Field options:

      1. Displays the current FAY

      2. One (1) prior FAY

        1. Prior FAY must be equal to 2024-2025 or later.

      3. Four (4) future FAYs

Document Setup > ISIR Assignment Tab

  1. New Field Name: 2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years

    1. This field is non-editable and is displayed for reference only based on the configured value on the General tab.

  2. Field Name: Selected federal award year(s) this document requirement applies to

    1. Updated Field options:

      1. Displays the current FAY

      2. One (1) prior FAY

        1. Prior FAY must be equal to 2024-2025 or later.

      3. Four (4) future FAYs

  3. Updated Field Name: SAI Range

    1. Updated Field Option allowable value to -1500

  4. Updated Field Name: Do not assign if SAI is rejected

  5. Field Name: ISIR Comment Codes

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Displays all 2024-2025 ISIR Comment Codes beginning with 001 through 326.

  6. Field Name: ISIR Reject Codes

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Displays all 2024-2025 ISIR Reject Codes including Verifiable reject codes, A through F, and Non-verifiable reject codes, 1 through 47.

  7. Field Name: Verification Selection Change Flag

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Displays all 2024-2025 Verification Selection Change Flags including, Y, C, and Blank.

  8. Removed Field Name: Gender

  9. Field Name: Marital Status

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Single (Never married)

      2. Married (Not separated)

      3. Remarried

      4. Divorced

      5. Separated

      6. Widowed

      7. Blank

  10. Field Name: Dependency Status

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Dependent

      2. Independent

      3. Provisional Independent

      4. Rejected Dependent

      5. Rejected Independent

  11. Field Name: Active Duty

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. Blank

  12. Field Name: State of Residency

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Displays the ‘Valid State or Province Values’ in the Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary)

  13. Updated Field Name: High School Completion Status

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. High school diploma

      2. State-recognized high school equivalent (e.g., GED)

      3. Homeschooled

      4. None of the above

      5. Blank

  14. Removed Field Name: Working on a Master’s or Doctorate Program

  15. New Field Name: Grade Level in College

    1. Field Type: Multi-select

    2. Field Options:

      1. First Year (Freshman)

      2. Second Year (Sophomore)

      3. Other Undergraduate (Junior or Senior)

      4. College Graduate, Professional or Beyond (MBA, M.D., Ph.D., etc.)

      5. Blank

  16. Updated Field Name: First Bachelor’s Degree by

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  17. Updated Field Name: Parent’s Last Name “Blank” on ISIR?

  18. Updated Field Name: Parent Spouse or Partner’s Last Name “Blank” on ISIR?

  19. Updated Additional ISIR Information:

    1. Updated Field Name: FISAP Total Income

    2. A new field was added, ‘Include CUI Data?’ for each of the following fields. If selected, the ‘From’ and ‘To’ values entered look at both the manual and CUI data fields. If unselected, only manual data fields are used.

      1. Field Name: Student’s Income Earned from Work

      2. Field Name: Spouse’s Income Earned from Work

      3. Updated Field Name: Parent's Income Earned from Work

      4. Updated Field Name: Parent Spouse or Partner’s Income Earned from Work

      5. Updated Field Name: Student’s Total Income from Work

      6. Field Name: Student’s Untaxed Pension

      7. Updated Field Name: Student’s Untaxed IRA Distributions

      8. New Field Name: Spouse’s Untaxed Pension

      9. New Field Name: Spouse’s Untaxed IRA Distributions

      10. Field Name: Parent’s Untaxed Pension

      11. Updated Field Name: Parent’s Untaxed IRA Distributions

      12. Updated Field Name: Parent Spouse or Partner’s Untaxed Pension

      13. Updated Field Name: Parent Spouse or Partner’s Untaxed IRA Distributions

      14. Updated Field Name: Personal/Other Circumstances

  20. Updated Field Name: Personal/Other Circumstances

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Parents Deceased

      2. Ward of Court

      3. In Foster Care

      4. Emancipated Minor

      5. Legal Guardianship

      6. Personal Circumstances: None of the above

      7. Unaccompanied and Homeless (General)

      8. Unaccompanied and Homeless (HS)

      9. Unaccompanied and Homeless (TRIO)

      10. Unaccompanied and Homeless (FAA)

      11. Unaccompanied and Homeless: None of these apply

  21. Updated Field Name: Have Children or Other Dependents

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. Blank

  22. Remove Field Name: Have Legal Dependents Other than Children or Spouse

  23. Field Name: Parent’s Marital Status

    1. Updated Field Options:

      1. Never married

      2. Unmarried, living together

      3. Married (Not separated)

      4. Remarried

      5. Divorced

      6. Separated

      7. Widowed

      8. Blank

  24. Removed Field Name: Student’s Type of Annual Tax Form Used

  25. Removed Field Name: Parents’ Type of Annual Tax Form Used

  26. Removed Field Name: Student IRS Request Flag

  27. Removed Field Name: Parent IRS Request Flag

  28. Removed Field Name: Data Field Flags

  29. Removed Field Name: Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag

  30. Removed Field Name: Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

  31. Removed Field Name: Student IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

  32. Removed Field Name: Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag

  33. Removed Field Name: Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

  34. Removed Field Name: Parent IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag

  35. New Field Name: Student Filed Joint Return with Current Spouse

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  36. New Field Name: Parent Filed Joint Return with Current Spouse

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  37. New Field Name: Student Filed 1040 or 1040NR

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  38. New Field Name: Spouse Field 1040 or 1040 NR

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  39. New Field Name: Parent Field 1040 or 1040 NR

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  40. New Field Name: Parent, Spouse or Partner Field 1040 or 1040 NR

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  41. New Field Name: Student Filed non-U.S. tax return

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  42. New Field Name: Spouse Filed non-U.S. tax return

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  43. New Field Name: Parent Filed non-U.S. tax return

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  44. New Field Name: Parent, Spouse or Partner Filed non-U.S. tax return

    1. Field Options:

      1. Yes

      2. No

      3. Blank

  45. A new field was added, ‘Include CUI Data?’ for each of the following fields. If selected, the ‘From’ and ‘To’ values entered look at both the manual and CUI data fields. If unselected, only manual data fields are used.

    1. New Field Name: Student Tax Return Filing Status

      1. Field Options:

        1. Single

        2. Married–Filed Joint Return

        3. Married–Filed Separate Return

        4. Head of Household

        5. Qualifying Surviving Spouse

        6. Blank

    2. New Field Name: Spouse Tax Return Filing Status

      1. Field Options:

        1. Single

        2. Married–Filed Joint Return

        3. Married–Filed Separate Return

        4. Head of Household

        5. Qualifying Surviving Spouse

        6. Blank

    3. New Field Name: Parent Tax Return Filing Status

      1. Field Options:

        1. Single

        2. Married–Filed Joint Return

        3. Married–Filed Separate Return

        4. Head of Household

        5. Qualifying Surviving Spouse

        6. Blank

    4. New Field Name: Parent, Spouse or Other Partner Tax Return Filing Status

      1. Field Options:

        1. Single

        2. Married–Filed Joint Return

        3. Married–Filed Separate Return

        4. Head of Household

        5. Qualifying Surviving Spouse

        6. Blank

  46. New Field Name: Student IRS Response Code

    1. Field Options:

      1. Successful Request

      2. PII Match Failed

      3. Partial Delivery of Content

      4. Cannot Verify Return Data

      5. No Return on File

      6. Blank

  47. New Field Name: Spouse IRS Response Code

    1. Field Options:

      1. Successful Request

      2. PII Match Failed

      3. Partial Delivery of Content

      4. Cannot Verify Return Data

      5. No Return on File

      6. Blank

  48. New Field Name: Parent IRS Response Code

    1. Field Options:

      1. Successful Request

      2. PII Match Failed

      3. Partial Delivery of Content

      4. Cannot Verify Return Data

      5. No Return on File

      6. Blank

  49. New Field Name: Parent, Spouse or Other Partner IRS Response Code

    1. Field Options:

      1. Successful Request

      2. PII Match Failed

      3. Partial Delivery of Content

      4. Cannot Verify Return Data

      5. No Return on File

      6. Blank

Institution Setup>Portal tab>Financial Aid sub-tab>Financial Aid Settings section

  1. New Field: Display Provisional Independent Status Message

    1. Field Type: Checkbox

    2. The text entered here will display as a customized header on the Financial Aid Provisional Independent Status Message Text

  2. New Field: Provisional Independent Status Message Header Text

    1. Field Type: Field Text (50 Characters max)

    2. The text entered here will display as a customized header on the Financial Aid Provisional Independent Status Message Text

  3. New Field: Provisional Independent Status Message Text

    1. Field Type: Editor

    2. The text entered here will display as Provisional Independent Status Message on the Financial Aid Component for Provisional Independent students

Communication Setup>Communication Filters

  • New Standard Filter: Standard Scholarship Documentation Needed

Communication Setup>Communication Template

  • New Standard Template: Standard Scholarship Documentation Needed> General Tab

  • Context Load Settings:

    • New option: Load All Campus Documents


The following attribute options were added:

Demographic node

  1. attribute: maritalStatus

    1. Valid Values:

      1. SingleNeverMarried

      2. MarriedNotSeparated

      3. Remarried

High School node

  1. attribute: diplomaType

    1. Valid Values:

      1. StateRecognizedHighSchoolEquivalent

      2. NoneOfTheAbove

Parent Spouse Information node

  1. attribute: type

    1. Valid Values:

      1. Parent

      2. ParentSpouseOrPartner


  • Existing Task, ‘Review Dependent Record Unsub Only’ logic was updated for 2024-2025 ISIRs. The Task will trigger for an ISIR with ISIR Reject Code 14.

  • New Task Type ‘Review Potential IASG or CFH’ has been created for 2024-2025.

  • New Task Type 'Confirm Student Circumstances' has been created for 2024-2025.

  • A new Task Type Name ‘FPS Generated/Pushed ISIR’ has been created for 2024-2025, to model the existing ‘CPS Generated/Pushed ISIR’ task.

    • Client will need to configure the new ‘FPS Generated/Pushed ISIR' for 2024-2025.

    • Current ‘CPS Generated/Pushed ISIR’ task will only continue to work through the end of the 2023-2024 year.

FTI/CUI Data View Permission

  • Schools that would like to have access to the FTI/CUI Data Views must work with their Account Manager or Project Manager.

Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of Regent and the prior release, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated.

Account Creation and Management

Access - Export Files

Access - Student Experience Portal

Attributes Document (SBL Data Dictionary)

Awards Tab

Awarding And Packaging

Communication Context Variables

Cost Setup Data Elements

Direct Loans

Disbursement Based on Attendance

Disbursement Schedule Setup Data Elements

Document Setup Data Elements

Document Signature Processes

Export Processes

Federal Pell Grant
































The following enhancements are included in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award

User Interface

Title: Awards Screen: Display Direct Costs

Tickets: RS-25132; RS-24840; RS-27030;

The Student Awards screen now displays a separate total for Direct Costs for the selected Loan Period or Payment Period.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Awards Tab


Regent Award


Title: Implement Max/Min/Calculated Pell and Pell Enrollment Intensity Percentage (Pell EIP)

Tickets: RS-27132; RS-24840; RS-26657; RS-26659; RS-26660; RS-26685; RS-26690; RS-26699; RS-26706; RS-26707; RS-26708; RS-26713; RS-26714; RS-26753; RS-26795; RS-26796; RS-26804; RS-26805; RS-26806; RS-26807; RS-26809; RS-26813; RS-26814; RS-26859; RS-26978; RS-26979; RS-27029; RS-27032; RS-27033; RS-27034; RS-27041; RS-27042; RS-27043; RS-27044; RS-27045; RS-27442;

Regent has added support for awarding and packaging Pell Grants for the 2024-2025 regulatory changes. Pell-eligible students are packaged with Pell awards based on the ISIR data. Pell Scheduled Annual Award Amounts are packaged according to fixed Minimum and Maximum amounts, if flagged with the Min Pell or Max Pell amounts on the ISIR. If a Pell-eligible student does not have those Max/Min flags, Regent calculates a Pell amount equal to the difference between the Maximum Pell amount and the Student Aid Index (SAI) value. Regent substitutes a $0 value for any negative SAI values used in award calculations. If a student has a Minimum Pell flag, but the SAI would result in a larger calculated Pell award, Regent awards the larger calculated Pell amounts. Students may receive Year-Round Pell (YRP) funding; for 2024-2025 and later Pell awards, students no longer need to have HT enrollment to receive YRP.

Regent also calculates the Pell Enrollment Intensity Percentage (EIP). The EIP replaces the former separate Pell Enrollment Levels in a term. The EIP is a calculated percentage of the full-time enrollment level in a term, based on the census units. Pell EIP values cannot exceed 100%. For example, if a student is enrolled for 8 units in a term, and the term has full-time enrollment level of 12 units, the EIP is calculated by 8/12 or 67%. If the same student was enrolled for 18 units in a term, the EIP would be capped at 100%.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RKB/pages/4001955842


Regent Award/Review/Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Updated Student Aid Index (SAI) Calculations

Tickets: RS-25111; RS-27231; RS-27356; RS-27357; RS-27358; RS-27359; RS-27360; RS-27361; RS-27362; RS-27363; RS-27364; RS-27365; RS-27366; RS-27367; RS-27368; RS-27369; RS-27370; RS-27371; RS-27372; RS-27373; RS-27374; RS-27375; RS-27377; RS-27378; RS-27379; RS-27380; RS-27381; RS-27382;

Regent has implemented updates to the Student Aid Index (SAI) calculations and tables. Regent’s SAI calculations and reference data are updated to match the 2024-25 Student Aid Index (SAI) and Pell Grant Eligibility Guide published January 30, 2024 and reinstated March 1, 2024.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RKB/pages/3945562194 https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/3945463853 https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RKB/pages/3948806145 https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RKB/pages/3950247937


Regent Access


Title: Update to Parent Account Validation

Tickets: RS-25111; RS-27128; RS-27261;

Help Text was added to the Registration Step 3 of 3: Parent Account Validation screen in the student portal for Access clients only. Help Text was provided to instruct parents without a SSN, DACA, or ITIN number to enter four zeros to move forward with account validation.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Account Creation and Management .


Regent Access

Student Experience

Title: Added Transaction Number to ‘Export Access Database Extract File’ Logic

Tickets: RS-27046; RS-27106; RS-27107; RS-27108; RS-27118; RS-27131; RS-27143;

Description: The ‘Export Access Database Extract File’ Process was updated to require an ISIR Transaction Number be present in order for an Access application to be treated as “completed.” When a ‘Completed Applications Only’ option of ‘Yes’ is selected for the process, only the completed applications with an ISIR Transaction Number will be exported. When ‘No’ is selected for ‘Completed Applications Only’, all applications will be exported. Also, the column header ‘EFC’ in the file was updated to 'SAI’.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Access - Export Files.


Regent Access


Title: Update Marital Status Option Values in 24-25 Master Access Smart Form to Align with ISIR

Ticket: RS-27080; RS-27122; RS-27123; RS-27144;


The original release of the 24-25 Access Master Smart Form had option values associated to some marital status options that did not align with the values in the latest 24-25 ISIR. For Student’s Marital Status, the value mapped to the ISIR file for ‘Divorced’ has been updated from ‘5' to ‘4,’ and the value mapped to the ISIR file for ‘Separated’ has been updated from ‘4’ to '5’. For Parent’s Marital Status, the value mapped to the ISIR file for ‘Divorced’ has been updated from ‘6' to ‘5,’ and the value mapped to the ISIR file for ‘Separated’ has been updated from ‘5’ to '6’. Validations within the form that reference these values have been updated accordingly.

Because the 24-25 text/values for marital status options are different than last year, the student and parent marital status fields have been updated to NOT prepopulate from the prior year form.

Also, the text “(never married)” has been added after the “Single” option and the text “(not separated)” has been added after the “Married” option for both student and parent, to align with the FAFSA.

For clients who went live with the 24-25 Master Access Smart Form in 6.6, a script is available (RS-27126; ) to update data impacted by the marital status option value changes and trigger a corrected ISIR.


Regent Access

Student Experience

Title: Update 24-25 Access Form Logic for Displaying ‘Parent Spouse or Partner Financial Information’ Section

Tickets: RS-27069; RS-27113; RS-27112;


The 24-25 Access form has been updated to display the Parent Spouse of Partner Financial Information section when the parent’s marital status is “Married” or “Remarried” AND the user indicated that the parent would NOT file a tax return with their spouse, OR the parent marital status is “Unmarried and both legal parents living together”.


Regent Award


Title: Custom Header Content for StudentX Standard Communication Templates

Tickets: RS-20944; RS-27014;

The Standard Communication Templates for StudentX Communications are updated to support the 'Custom Header' content.
The updated StudentX communication templates include:

  • Student Experience: Smart Form Submitted Email

  • StudentX: Content for Account Creation Email For ParentSpouse

  • StudentX: Content for Account Creation Email For Student

  • StudentX: Content for Parent Signature Request Email

  • StudentX: Content for Password has been Reset Email For ParentSpouse

  • StudentX: Content for Password has been Reset Email For Student

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/3063349455.


Regent Access


Title: Text Updates To 24-25 Master Access Form

Tickets: RS-25111; RS-27006; RS-27263;


Text updates have been made to the 24-25 Master Access Form to align with changes in the latest published version of the 24-25 FAFSA:

  • Updated group instructions and question help text

    • Example: Added "If the answer is zero or the question does not apply, enter 0" to the "Child Support Received" question and to the "Assets" group.

  • Updated tax form line numbers in help text for tax return questions.

  • Changed "Earned income tax credit" references to "Earned income credit"


Regent Access


Title: Update “Pre-Populate” Settings for New Questions in 24-25 Master Access Form

Tickets: RS-26970; RS-20944; RS-26977;


For questions new to the Master Access Form for 24-25, the “pre-populate” settings in the form have been updated to ensure that when a student selects to edit a completed form, or begins a new form for a subsequent award year, the values originally entered on the 24-25 form will persist to the revision/new form correctly.


Regent Access

Student Experience

Title: Added Validation to Student Demographics Questions in 24-25 Master Access Form

Tickets: RS-25111; RS-26922; RS-27521;


Validation has been added to the 24-25 Access Master form to not allow a response of ‘Prefer Not to Answer’ for “Is the student of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?” and “What is the student’s race?” IF any other options are selected for those questions.


Regent Review


Title: Added Document Setup Options for 24-25 and Forward

Tickets: RS-25111; RS-26760; RS-27237; RS-27239; RS-27244; RS-27245; RS-27246;

New configuration options have been added to Document Setup in Regent per the revised 2024-2025 ISIR:

  • 'Select the Process that this document facilitates:’ field on the General tab:

    • When ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years:’ checkbox is NOT selected, the following four new options will be available in the dropdown. When one of these options is selected, the document status will be updated to ‘Waived’ if the IRS Response for the related contributor is Successful:

      • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent

      • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Parent Spouse or Partner

      • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student

      • Facilitate IRS Response Code- Student Spouse

  • Incarcerated Applicant Flag on the ISIR Assignment tab:

    • When ‘2023-2024 and Prior Federal Award Years:’ checkbox is NOT selected, documents can be assigned based on Incarcerated Applicant Flag values:

      • Correctional Facility Address file

      • Received via P.O. Box

      • Incarcerated Applicant Flag set by FAA

      • Incarcerated Applicant Flag removed by FAA

      • Blank

    • This new option is grouped with some existing options in a new section labeled ‘Processing Information’.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Document Setup Data Elements .


Regent Award


Title: Update Attendance-Based Pell 'Disburse on Enrollment Level Units' for New Pell Enrollment Intensity Percentage (EIP)

Tickets: RS-27132; RS-27049; RS-27050; RS-27051; RS-27052; RS-27053; RS-27054; RS-27055; RS-27056; RS-27057; RS-27058; RS-27059; RS-27060; RS-27061; RS-27062; RS-27063; RS-27064;

Regent updated the attendance-based Pell disbursement functionality for the 2024-2025 regulatory changes. Previously, when configured, Pell disbursements could be restricted based on the Attended Census Program Applicable Enrollment Level (ACPA EL, sometimes called “alpaca”). For 2024-2025 and later, Pell amounts now use the Enrollment Intensity Percentage (EIP), a calculated numeric value, instead of a fixed enrollment level. For 2024-2025 Pell disbursements and later, the system calculates the term’s Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage (AC EIP). Unlike the previous functionality, the new AC EIP is calculated using both Program Applicable and Qualified Remedial units.

The configuration was also updated for Disbursement Schedule Setup. The Pell configuration option for ‘Disburse on Enrollment Level Units: Attended Census PA Units’ was changed to 'Disburse on Attended Census Enrollment Intensity Percentage: Attended Census EIP.'

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Disbursement Based on Attendance and Disbursement Schedule Setup Data Elements


Regent Award


Title: Update Dependent ‘Unsubsidized Loans Only’ Awarding for 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25766; RS-26693; RS-26943; RS-26946; RS-26947; RS-26948; RS-26953; RS-26954; RS-26962; RS-26963; RS-26964; RS-26966; RS-26967; RS-26968; RS-26969;

Regent has updated awarding for Dependent students who apply for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan only. The update applies to 2024-2025 ISIRs with Reject Code 14, and a Dependency Status of “X” (Rejected Dependent). The preexisting Task, ‘Review Dependent Record Unsub Only,’ was updated to trigger for the new ISIR conditions. Regent users may individually award Unsubsidized loans using Add Award Wizard (AAW). Regent will calculate and package Unsubsidized loans using the Dependent Combined Annual limits. Students with an “X” Dependency Status and ISIR Reject Code 14 are also included in the Ready to Package (RTP) export list if they have no other issues.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/567607590


Regent Fund


Title: Updates to Ranking and Priority Tool

Tickets: RS-26075; RS-26611; RS-27035; RS-27036;

Description: The text in the ‘Selected Sorting Element’ grid, header text sub-section , and Help Text in the EFC and FAFSA Completion Date grid were updated to now reflect ‘SAI’ and ‘Application Receipt Date'. in the Ranking and Priority Tool. Regent is no longer supporting the old 'FAFSA Completion Date' for the Ranking and Priority tool.

New updated fields are:

  • SAI

  • Application Receipt Date

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/3089072154.


Regent Access

Student Experience

Title: Update StudentX Dependent Signatures for Parents with Different Registered StudentX Email Accounts

Tickets: RS-26075; RS-26586; RS-26815; RS-27256; RS-27257; RS-27258; RS-27259;

The Student Experience Portal (StudentX) has been improved for Dependent students who need Parent Signatures, when the parent has a different email address than was previously registered. If a parent previously had an existing user account in StudentX, but the student invites the same parent to sign using a different email address, the Parent Signature Request email will send the parent to the Parent account creation screen and will remind the parent of their preexisting email address. In addition, if the parent signs into the StudentX Portal using an existing account, the parent can see the student’s document in the correct application status, and the parent can e-sign using their existing StudentX account.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: Document Signature Processes and Account Creation and Management.


Regent Access

Student Experience

Title: ISIR Verification/Correction and eAccess: Allow Blank and All-Zero Values for SSN Fields

Tickets: RS-26075; RS-26544; RS-27193; RS-27194; RS-27195; RS-27425;

Regent’s ISIR Correction/Verification Wizard has been updated for the Social Security Number (SSN) fields. The fields now allow values of blank and all-zero (000000000, nine zeroes) in addition to actual SSN values. The changed validation applies to the fields for Parent SSN, Parent Spouse/Partner SSN, and Student’s Spouse SSN. In addition, Regent eAccess ISIRs will allow blank and all-zero values for student SSNs. The Student SSN fields still cannot be blank or all zeroes on non-Access ISIRs received from CPS/FPS. Regent Access clients are advised to test and ensure their systems can correctly process blank and all-zero SSN values from eAccess ISIRs and data extract files.

See CustomerZone topic Access - Export Files


Regent Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Add ‘Skip Ahead’ Functionality to Smart Forms in Student Portal

Tickets: RS-20944; RS-26210; RS-26768; RS-26913;


A ‘Skip Ahead' button has been added within smart forms in in the Student Portal to allow users to jump to the next sequential uncompleted page of the form, or to signature options if the form is completed, to prevent users from needing to page through the entire form when editing a completed application.

NOTE: To see the “Skip Ahead” link in the portal, the customer instance will need to have been upgraded to 6.7 or later and the “Publish Portal Configuration” button will have to be selected.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Access - Student Experience Portal.


Regent Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Add Message Option for Editing of Access Form in Student Portal

Tickets: RS-20944; RS-26208; RS-26994; RS-26995;


A “Display ‘Edit Completed Form’ Message” configuration option has been added to the Regent Access tab of Institution Setup in Regent. When the option is selected, the user has the ability to configure text that will be displayed as a pop-up message in the student portal when the ‘Edit Completed Form’ button is selected. Button options on the pop-up will be ‘OK’ to continue to the editing process and ‘Cancel’ to close the window and remain on the Documents page. The default configured message text is “You have already signed this application. You will need to re-sign after making changes to your answers. Parent signature will also be required, if parent information is edited.”

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Access - Student Experience Portal and https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/263520477.


Regent Award


Title: Confirm Functionality for New ISIR Format

Tickets: RS-25132; RS-25858; RS-27152; RS-27153; RS-27154; RS-27196; RS-27198; RS-27199; RS-27200; RS-27201;

Regent has confirmed continued functionality for screens and processes that use ISIR data. Screens that previously displayed ISIR data, such as the Student History - General screen, display data from 2023-2024 and earlier ISIRs as well as 2024-2025 ISIRs. Functionality was also confirmed for Overlapping Academic Years (OAY) and Loan Aggregates.


Regent Award/Review


Title: Updating Housing Status in Cost of Attendance

Tickets: RS-26335; RS-25806; RS-26454; RS-26455; RS-26456; RS-26457; RS-26492; RS-26493;


Since 2024-2025 ISIRs no longer provide student housing statuses, Regent has added default Independent and Dependent Assumed Housing Status configurations that drive the specific Cost and Pell COA. If the Active ISIR dependency status is Independent or Provisional Independent, the Independent Assumed Housing Status default value is used. If the Active ISIR dependency status is Dependent, the Dependent Assumed Housing Status default value is used.

The Assumed Housing Status configurations can be overridden via a standard User Defined Field (UDF), ‘Student Housing Status’. The value provided is always used if the ‘Student Housing Status’ UDF is provided on the SBL or added manually in the Regent user interface.

Schools can use a combination of the default Independent and Dependent Assumed Housing Status configurations and the ‘Student Housing Status’ UDF override. For example, if a school opts to collect housing status outside of Regent, a student’s cost of attendance is initially packaged in Regent using the default configuration. When the housing status is subsequently collected from the student, the school sends the ‘Student Housing Status’ UDF on the SBL with the applicable value. The student’s cost of attendance is repackaged in Regent using the ’Student Housing Status' UDF value provided.


Regent Award


Title: SBL Updated per 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-26335; RS-25764; RS-26400; RS-26401; RS-26402; RS-26403; RS-26405; RS-26406; RS-26411; RS-26412;


The SBL schema has been updated to align with the ISIR for 2024-2025, including the following:

  • Changed accepted marital status values for student and parent

  • Added accepted value High School Diploma type

  • Added information for Parent Spouse or Partner


Regent Award

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Student ISIR Screen: Labeling of CUI FTI Information

Tickets: RS-26335; RS-25751; RS-27065; RS-27066;

Regent added a notice on the Student ISIR screen for 2024-2025 and later ISIRs. Whenever any FTI/CUI data element is displayed, the system displays a notice for “CUI//SP-TAX (Federal Taxpayer Controlled Unclassified Information).”

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/270860445


Regent Award


Title: 2024-2025 Analyze Impacts to Active Scripts

Tickets: RS-25611; RS-25634; RS-26736; RS-26737; RS-26738;

Updated Active Scripts to utilize the new SAI values and to update any text that referenced 'EFC' to now reflect 'SAI'


Regent Award


Title: Task Updates per 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25611; RS-25629; RS-26675; RS-26676; RS-26677; RS-26722; RS-26723; RS-26697; RS-27188; RS-27189; RS-27212;

Task logic was updated to use the new 2024-2025 SAI values and to replace current Task logic ISIR field names with the new ISIR field names reported in 2024-2025. Any column text that referenced EFC was updated to SAI for 2024-2025 and onward.

A new Task Type Name ‘FPS Generated/Pushed ISIR’ has been created for 2024-2025, to model the existing ‘CPS Generated/Pushed ISIR’ task. Additional data fields have been added to the Task Details of ‘FPS Generated/Pushed ISIR'. The client will need to configure the new ‘FPS Generated/Pushed ISIR' for 2024-2025. The current ‘CPS Generated/Pushed ISIR’ will only continue to work through the 2023-2024 year.

Additional Task Details:


  • ISIR Trans #

  • System Message: FPS Correction Reason

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/567607590


Regent Award


Title: Update to Communications based on 24-25 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25611; RS-25622; RS-26646;

Changes were made to the Standard FAFSA Reminder communication starting for the 2024-2025 year and onward. Instead of using Tax Return, the communication was updated to use Federal Tax Information to be consistent with the changes. The communication was updated to include that the Federal Tax Information can be manually entered, however it can cause the student to be ineligible for federal aid until the necessary consent and use of the FSA ID to transfer data using the IRS data retrieval tool is received.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/3063349455


Regent Award/Review


Title: Updated Fund Setup and MAP Estimated Award per 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25003; RS-25620; RS-26621; RS-26622; RS-26623; RS-26624; RS-26625; RS-26626; RS-26627; RS-26628; RS-26629; RS-26630; RS-26631;


In Regent Fund Setup and Modify Academic Plan wizard, uses of ‘EFC’ have been replaced with ‘SAI’, and SAI will be used in Fund Setup/MAP logic for 2024-2025 forward.


Regent Award/Review


Title: Packaging Grid Setup/Logic Updated per 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25003; RS-25619; RS-25689; RS-26591;


Packaging Grids in Regent have been updated to use SAI for 2024-2025 forward. If SAI is selected for a row, the allowable Min/Max range is -1500 to 999999.


Regent Award/Review


Title: Cost Setup Functionality Updated per 2024-2025 ISIR Changes

Tickets: RS-25003; RS-25613; RS-26494; RS-26495; RS-26496; RS-26497; RS-26498;


In Cost Setup, and in display on Awards tab, names of existing Federal Cost Categories have been updated.

  • ‘Books and Supplies’ changed to ‘Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment

  • ‘Room and Board’ changed to to ‘Food and Housing’

  • ‘Loan fees’ changed to ‘Federal Loan Fees’

Also, a new Federal Cost Category was added: ‘Professional Licensure, Certification, or First Professional Credential'

For Cost Items, ‘Provisional Independent’ was added as an option for the Dependency Status filter.


Regent Award


Title: Remove Past Terms from Loan Periods for Offered Loans

Tickets: RS-26075; RS-25462; RS-27121; RS-27220; RS-27221; RS-27222; RS-27223; RS27224; RS-27247; RS-27248; RS-27249; RS-27250;

For term students, Regent’s awarding is updated to automatically remove ineligible past terms from Offered Title IV loans. Whenever Regent repackages an Offered-status loan, and the loan period starts with a term that has an end date in the past (i.e., the packaging date is after the term’s end date), the system confirms whether the past term had registered or completed courses of at least Half-Time. If the student is fully withdrawn from all courses in that past term, or the student’s registered or completed units would have resulted in a Less Than Half Time (LTHT) enrollment level, then that past term is not eligible to originate loans. Regent removes the ineligible past term from the loan period dates and repackages the loan using the updated loan period. Regent does not remove a past term from the loan period if the student has an approved Student Break (LOA or CORE). Regent also does not automatically remove the past term from the loan period if these other exceptions apply: the loan is Manual or flagged to override eligibility rules; the loan amount is $0 ;the loan has any paid disbursements; the loan was accepted on the Student Experience Portal; the loan was modified by a user in AAW/MAW; the award is marked as not managed by RNA; or the award has any COD communications.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Direct Loans


Regent Award


Title: New 2024-2025 Task Type ‘Review Potential IASG or CFH’

Tickets: RS-25132; RS-25289; RS-26661; RS-26662; RS-26663; RS-26664;

A new Task Type ‘Review Potential IASG or CFH’ was created in Task Setup for use beginning 2024-2025. The new Task will trigger based on all the following conditions below:

·       A Parent killed in the line of duty is set to ‘Yes’

·       The new Task Type does not exist for the FAY,

·       The student is less than 33 years of age as of January 1^st^ prior to the award year for which the applicant is applying, and,

o   When the IASG indicator and the Children of fallen heroes indicator is ‘Blank’, or the IASG indicator is ‘Blank’ and the Children of fallen heroes indicator is ‘Not Eligible’, or the IASG indicator is ‘Not Eligible’ and the Children of fallen heroes indicator is ‘Blank.’

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/567607590


Regent Review


Title: Regent Review- Regulatory Updates to Verification Worksheet for FAY 2024-2025

Tickets: RS-24848; RS-24850; RS-27318; RS-27390; RS-27422;

The ISIR Verification Worksheet (VWS) smart form, including document persistence logic, has been updated per the 2024-2025 annual regulatory changes for Regent Review. Please note, if making corrections or updates that will override FTI data, clients must ensure the PJ indicator is set so FPS will recalculate SAI using the manual entries.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/3077439920 and https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/879723238 .


Regent Award


Title: 2024-2025 Regulatory Updates: Implement Awarding with Student Aid Index (SAI) Replacing EFC

Tickets: RS-25132; RS-24840; RS-26689; RS-26716; RS-26717; RS-26718; RS-27008; RS-27009; RS-27010; RS-27030; RS-27031; RS-27040;

For 2024-2025 and forward, the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is replaced with the Student Aid Index (SAI) in Needs Analysis. Because SAI can have a negative value, Regent substitutes a zero (0) value for any negative SAI values in Need calculations. The SAI value replaces the former primary EFC and all Alternative EFC (Alt-EFC) values. The single SAI value applies to all loan periods in need calculations, regardless of loan period length. The Awards screen is also updated to display the SAI value. For Provisional Independent students (dependency status “Z”), the Awards screen displays the Provisional SAI value.

See CustomerZone Knowledge Base topics: Awarding And Packaging , https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/714080682


Regent Award


Title: Subscription Periods: Reset Cumulative SP Units for Program Changes

Tickets: RS-23965; RS-23783; RS-27085; RS-27086; RS-27087; RS-27096; RS-27104; RS-27114; RS-27115; RS-27116;

For schools with Subscription Period (SP) programs, Regent added a new option to the Program Management Wizard. A user may choose to ‘Reset Cumulative Subscription Period Units’ to zero values when processing a Program Change into a new Subscription Period program. The reset affects the following three fields: ‘Total Cumulative Progression Units for All Subscription Periods,’ ‘Total Cumulative Target Units for All Subscription Periods,' and ‘Minimum Cumulative SP Units for Disbursement.’ If the program change is occurring between two programs that are already grouped together as Substantially Equal, the option is not available. The option is also unavailable if the new program is not a Subscription Period program, or if the student already has zero values for their cumulative SP units. The default behavior is No (do not reset the units). Regent also added a new Course Adjustment option for the ‘Subscription Period Total Minimum Cumulative Units For Disbursement,’ which allows schools to adjust the required units for releasing disbursements in current and future SP programs.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: Disbursement Schedule Setup Data Elements and https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/3044180129


Regent Access

Student Experience

Title: Added Configuration Options for Displaying Header Text on Student and Parent Portals

Tickets: RS-20944; RS-22843; RS-26670; RS-26671;


Configuration options have been added to Regent, on the Portal tab of Institution Setup, to allow users to enter text that will appear in the header on the Student Portal and/or the Parent Portal, including the account registration pages.

New configuration fields are:

  • Display Student Portal Header Text

  • Student Portal Header Text

    • This is the editor where text can be entered for displaying in the header on the Student Portal, when the ‘Display Student Portal Header Text’ setting is enabled.

  • Display Parent Portal Header Text

  • Parent Portal Header Text

    • This is the editor where text can be entered for displaying in the header on the Student Portal, when the ‘Display Parent Portal Header Text’ setting is enabled.

The text color of the configured header message will be the Secondary Color configured for the portal, unless text is entered as HTML and color is specified within the code. Configured characters and line spaces should be minimized to avoid creating a header that obstructs view of other objects on the page.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/1744928913 .


Regent Access


Title: New ‘Account Creation Message’ Settings for Student Portal

Tickets: RS-20944; RS-22823; RS-26653; RS-26654;


A new ‘Account Creation Message Settings’ section has been added to the Portal tab of Institution Setup. Fields in this section allow users to configure messaging to be displayed on the 'Registration Step 1 of 3: Account Creation' page for students or parents, or for both students and parents.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/1744928913 .


Regent Award

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Provisionally Independent Students

Tickets: RS-25132; RS-20651; RS-26981; RS-26980; RS-26982; RS-26983; RS-26984; 26985; RS-27018; RS-27022; RS-27023; RS-27027; RS-27038; RS-27039; RS-27161; RS-27219; RS-27302;

Description: The Student portal PDF output for 2024-2025 has been updated to display the new Provisional SAI value when a student's dependency status is Provisional Independent . Regardless of e-signature for Independent of Provisional Independent students, the non-blank SAI or Provisional SAI will be displayed. New logic was created to award a student their Estimated Awards when in a Provisional Independent status. Awards that are not Title IV or Non-Title IV with a ISIR required will not populate as Estimated, those awards will display as Accepted/Offered as those awards do not require a SAI value. The Estimated Awards will display on the Financial Aid Component and Estimate My Course Enrollment. Once a student's file is complete and dependency is determined as Dependent or Independent, the student's awards will then be repackaged and updated to an Accepted or Offered status as the student will have access to accept awards. Users with AAW and MAW access can add and award new estimated Title IV aid to students who have a Provisional Independent status. New configurable message and status fields in Financial Aid Settings of Institution Setup has been added to display on the Student Portal when a student has a ISIR with a Provisional Independent Status. The new settings will display on the Financial Aid Component or the Student Documents Component.

Access clients can review the dependencyStatusCode and dependencyStatus columns within the Export Access Database Extract File (CSV) to identify applicants with the dependency model of Z – Provisional Independent and implement their policies and procedures to determine if application corrections should be made to either make the student Independent (dependency override) or to update the determination field to reflect that the Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) has confirmed the homelessness status.  Conversely, if the applicant has not demonstrated eligibility for one of these paths to independence, they will be advised by the client to update their Access application as a dependent student providing parent information.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics: https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RKB/pages/3945562194 , Access - Student Experience Portal , and https://regenteducation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CZ/pages/1744928913


The following bugs are resolved in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award



When Regent Award uses % of Full Need in the Packaging Grid, the system incorrectly calculates award amounts for students who have an SAI amount greater than 0.


Regent Award was subtracting SAI values from cost for need based awards.


The logic has been updated to remove the SAI value from the Loan Period/AWP unmet need balances when calculating need based awards.


Find affected student and confirm correct UDF. MAP and observe results. Student should receive correct award amount based on the % of Full Need.


Regent Review


Regent Award is not loading Document Configuration ISIR Setup and is also not allowing updates.

The element scope that checks datasource grid was missing.

Regent Award was updated by adding the element scope that checks the datasource grid.

In Regent Award open and start editing document setup for one Institution. Then open and start editing document setup for the same document but for another Institution. Then save changes.


Regent Award



Regent Award is calculating the amount amount for all terms in the AY regardless if the term qualifies for the award. This is causing an over award on the fund. The system is ignoring the fund setup Exclude Header and Trailers: enabled and the Amount Per Payment Period to require Full Time.


Regent Award was not calculating CostGroup for only eligible Payment Periods.


Logic has been updated to calculate cost for only eligible Payment Periods when packaging to Additional COA Requirements.


Find affected student and MAP. Observe Centralis Gold Award amount that should be awarded evenly across Payment Periods, and does not include amounts from excluded terms.


Regent Award



Regent Award is unexpectedly not awarding the full amount per payment period when “Distribute Using Payment Period Amounts” is selected for the Award Distribution Option. The system is ignoring the cost items associated with “Additional COA Requirements.


The fund’s payment period distribution logic did not reduce by the payment period’s cost group balance.


The logic has been fixed to ensure that the payment period’s fund cost groups are considered during payment period distribution,


Find affected student and MAP. Observe award amount that should show accurate Tuition and Fees amount per term.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly rounds up the week amount to the whole number if a term does not have at least one course that extends the entire term without a gap in enrollment.

Regent Award was incorrectly setting COA to calculate the duration for a term base enrollment with modules by using the CE.TotalModuleProgAppWeeks.

Regent Award is updated to adjust duration logic to utilize the shorter enrollment date range (term length) and date range constructed from CE.MinCourseStartDateProgApp.Value, CE.MaxCourseEndDateProgApp.Value when values exist.

In Regent Award package reported students and check the Living Expenses amounts.


Regent Award



The packaging process is blocked with the ‘ReviewOAYForNewInformationReceivedHasher Hash exceeds max length’ error for students who have a manual OAY.


The application raised an exception when a manual OAY overlaps several loans and a task hash became greater than 200 characters.


The Task Hash was updated to prevent this error going forward.


Find the affected student. Run packaging via MAP or BP. No errors should occur


Regent Award



Regent Award considers Grade Level progression loans duplicated when the student tries to accept them via the “My Borrowing” option in StudentX.


The system was attempting to detect duplicate awards without checking for the CancelAndRecreate flag. When the system later checked for Award A1 (with flag CancelAndRecreate = 0) between the awards list it did not honor the condition that duplicate awards should have the flag CancelAndRecreate = 0.


The additional condition to check for duplicate awards now has the flag set to CancelAndRecreate = 0.


Find the affected student, Login StudentX. Select the ‘MAX BORROWING’ option and accept. No error should occur.


Regent Award


The system was not able to finalize the student’s COD rebuild data caused packaging failure when calculating awards at AY0 with unprocessed rebuild data

The rebuild process failed due to missing properties

The missing properties were added

Find the affected student. Run the packaging. Review awards at AY0. The awards must be packaged based on student’s eligibility


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly shows no data and an error occurred while converting Regent plan to Student X plan. The reported student also is not able to view their financial aid.

Regent Award was incorrectly missing ProvisionalIndependent (Z) in ISIRDependencyStatus. And ayDefaultLoanPeriod could be null when AY has no associated AWP/LP.

Regent Award is updated to add missing enum value - updated ISIR properties to check for Z - checked related areas of code. And added null coalesces for this scenario.

In Regent StudentX check the account data and Financial Aid.


Regent Award



Some students' Academic Plans were not built after packaging, resulting in error: “Failed to Process. Error Msg: Nullable object must have a value.“


The system did not perform a nullcheck for usage of nullable object.


The code change was applied so that the methods were fixed to ultimately yield and use non-null Enrollment Level Setup.

Navigate to affected student and perform Modify Academic Plan (MAP), ensure that student is packaged without Nullable error.


Regent Access



The dependent student receives the application submitted email containing EFC instead of SAI when the ‘WA Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) 2024-2025’ is signed by the parent. Also, the system unexpectedly omits the SAI sentence in the email output when the SAI value is negative or zero.


Regent Award missed the condition to check the Federal Award Year.


The missing condition was added to check the Federal Award Year


Find the dependent student. Fill in and sign 24-25 WASFA. Request a parent to sign. Review the incoming application submitted email. The SAI should be showing


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly does not include a term in an AY in the Conversion Process.

Regent Award was incorrectly set to a shortened BBAY in the BBAY modification setup, with the terms in CE not listed in the AY.

Regent Award is updated to ensure that, if the shortened BBAY is removed and missing terms are added in the AY, the student should be processed through MAP.

In Regent Award try to complete the Conversion Process for a student who has AY when the loan period is shorter than the AY.


Regent Award



Regent Award unexpectedly canceled the scheduled disbursements for the Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan after the student was rebuilt and packaged. The system calculated zero eligibility for the new period after the end of the Academic Year (AY) of Program A and canceled the disbursed amount while configuration setting for ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements’ was set to ‘No’.


Logic incorrectly applied awards to an AY that already had an existing Overlapping Academic Years (OAY) logic.


Logic has been corrected to not double apply records when the AY has an existing OAY logic.


To test the reported students make sure that settings in the Institution Setup are as follows: ‘Adjust Loan Amounts for OAY Within Regent for Program Changes and Track Changes into Term and NST Programs’ and ‘Adjust Loan Amounts For External OAY with Loans from Other Schools’ are set to ‘Yes’. Make sure that settings in the Fund Setup for both Subsidised and Unsubsidised Loans, i.e. in Awarding Rules section are as follows: ‘Adjustments Allowed’ are set to ‘Both’ and ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only’ is empty (aka False). Reload RNA Setup and satisfy documents and/or tasks if needed, and package a student. The system should recalculate the rebuild loans.


Regent Award



Regent Award calculated the WI Grant formula incorrectly which caused the system to not round correctly.


Zero values were considered when applying the rounding calculations.


The issue has been fixed to check for values greater than zero when applying rounding,


Run packaging and review the rounding results for the WI Grant.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly awarded the Pell Grant over the LEU 600% amount.

Regent Award was incorrectly rounding the Pell amount near the LEU 600% when calculating R2T4.

Regent Award is updated to ensure the correct Pell amount when calculating R2T4.

In Regent Award complete R2T4 for summer 2023, then check the Pell amount that could have been disbursed.


Regent Award



A student was awarded when Regent Award performed fast progression within one term. The system failed to re-package the student and reduce eligibility for existing awards and as a result, the student was awarded over the COA.


RNA was checking for the total combined limit, not the reduced per-term limit of a single-term loan period


Regent Award has been updated by adding PP-scoped limit to SUB RuleSet when calculating existing paid UNSUB and need.


find the affected student. The Unsub is paid. Make up higher reliability by increasing the cumulative unit amount. run packaging. The new disbursement is created. The total award amount should not exceed the eligible amount.


Regent Award



Some Term students were not able to accept Direct Loan eligible amounts from StudentX portal on the last day of the Summer 2023 term in Open Payment Period (PP). The system showed an error: “Loan Period is closed. No action is available for this award.”


The system incorrectly compared dates with a time that prevented a user to accept loans on the last date of the PP.


The code fix was applied so that the system will compare only dates, not taking time into account.


Update Term Setup End Dates for Spring 2024 as of exact testing date. Navigate to and affected student Academic Plan tab and make sure that Paid Direct Loans are a single term loans and Spring 2024 End Date are as today (day of testing). Login to StudentX Portal and accept the Full Gross Amount. Return to the system and verify that Direct Loan amount is updated. The student should be able to successfully accept the loans since the PP has not ended yet.


Regent Award



Regent Award unexpectedly awarded student loans in excess over the aggregate loan limit amount.


The system incorrectly processed past loans and imported NSLDS financial aid history that caused an over award.


The system has been fixed now to correctly process past loans.


Find affected student, MAP, and verify that any excess loan amounts have been canceled.


Regent Access

Process Log

For Regent Access, the Process Log sometimes displayed confusing date and time stamps for the processes ‘Insert Student from StudentX’ and ‘Export eAccess ISIR format.’ Some times appeared to be in the future.

The Process Log had inconsistent timestamps and display formats. Some Access processes set timestamps in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The Process Log also displayed the timestamps using the user’s local time zone.

The affected processes and their Process Log entries were updated to use the server’s time zone.

In Regent Access, create a new student from the Student Experience Portal. Run the Export eAccess ISIR Format. View the Process Log. Confirm the process dates and timestamps match the server’s local time zone. Note, most Regent-owned servers are in the US Eastern Time Zone.


Terminology for understanding Script Release Notes:

  • Build Script:  These scripts are automatically run when an environment is upgraded to a new release; no special request is needed and all customers receive the scripted change.

  • Data Cleanup Script:  These scripts modify specific data, and may or may not be included with a new release; the release note provided below will specify.  If they are not included with the release, they need to be requested by the customer. 

  • Custom Script:  These scripts may perform a variety of functions, which will be specified in the release note and must be requested by the customer as needed. 

The following scripts relate to this release:


Functional Area

Release Note


Functional Area

Release Note



Purpose of Script:
This on-demand, ad-hoc and build script updates the Minimum and Maximum Pell values that Regent Award uses for awarding Pell for a specific FAY. The script allows schools to update Pell values outside the software release cycle.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script sets the Minimum Pell Amount and Maximum Pell Amount for the specified FAY. Please note, the school must additionally Reload RNA Setup in order to apply the new amounts to packaging.

How to Access the Script:
The script is available upon request from an Account Manager or Project Manager, for running in release or later. The script will also run automatically upon upgrade to the or later release, to set the 2024-2025 Pell amounts. Upgrading will reset the values for 2024-2025.

How to Test the Script:
Before running the script or upgrading, create or find several test students with ISIRs for the target FAY, and full-time enrollment in all terms for the FAY. Use one student with the Minimum Pell flag; another student with a Maximum Pell flag; and a third student who is Pell eligible but does not have either flag, and also has a positive SAI value that allows awarding a calculated Pell amount above the minimum Pell value. Package each of the three students and note their current Pell amounts. Edit the script to have the updated Pell values if necessary. Run the script to update the values in the Regent database. Reload RNA setup and clear the cache. Package each student again. Confirm the student with the Min Pell flag is repackaged with the new Minimum Pell amount. Confirm the student with the Max Pell flag is packaged with the new Max Pell amount. Confirm the Pell-eligible student with neither flag is packaged with a calculated Pell amount equal to the difference between the Max Pell value and the student’s SAI value.



Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.



Purpose of Script:
This update script identifies 24-25 Access applications where the student or parent marital status was originally entered as “Separated” or “Divorced” and updates the associated option values on the backend to align with the correct values for those options on the ISIR file.

Data Changed by the Script:

  • Student Marital Status:

    • Option value of ‘4' will be updated to '5’.

    • Option value of ‘5' will be updated to '4’.

  • Parent Marital Status:

    • Option value of ‘5' will be updated to '6’.

    • Option value of ‘6' will be updated to '5’.

How to Access the Script:
Affected clients should work with Account Managers to run the script.

How to Test the Script:

The following steps MUST be run in the listed order:

  1. Execute the RS-27126_UpdateMaritalStatusValuesChanged_ListOnly.sql and review results to determine impacted applications.

  2. If there are applications impacted by the change, execute RS-27126_UpdateMaritalStatusValuesChanged_List&UPDATE.sql.

  3. Run the ‘Export eAccess ISIR Format Process’ and allow ISIRs to complete importing.

  4. Confirm data values are adjusted on ISIRs, as noted in ‘Data Values Changed by the Script’ section above.

  5. Run the ‘Export Access Database Extract File Process’ (CSV).

    1. Run based on parameters set in scheduled process.

  6. Regent deploy the updated 24-25 Master Access Smart Form (rev 30).



Purpose of Script:
This build script automatically marks Subscription Period students as queued for repackaging. The repackaging process will update the new Subscription Period unit totals for tracking the student’s Subscription Period units in each program.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script sets the queued for repackaging flag to True, for all students who have a Subscription Period program on their Academic Plan.

How to Access the Script:
The build script runs automatically upon upgrade to the release.

How to Test the Script:
The script only affects students with Subscription Period programs on their Academic Plans. Before upgrading, find a test student with a Subscription Period program and an unpaid disbursement ready to EST. Package the student. Upgrade to the new release. After upgrading, try to immediately EST without repackaging. Confirm that the system displays an error that the student needs to be packaged. Package the student. EST again. Confirm the EST process does not give the error.



Purpose of Script:
For Regent Access clients, this on-demand, ad-hoc script corrects the dependency status code for a targeted subset of Regent Access Applications. The affected applications were submitted in with a placeholder dependency status value of “Z” (Provisional Independent). For some of those Provisional Independent “Z” applications, the dependency status code should instead have a value of “X” (Rejected Dependent status). The “X” code is used when a dependent student has parents are unwilling to provide information, but the student does not have unusual circumstances that prevent them from contacting the parents or obtaining their information. In Federal awarding, the “X” dependency status allows Unsubsidized Loans only, and does not calculate any values for SAI or Provisional SAI. Regent Access clients may also use the script results to identify affected students and advise students as schools deem appropriate.

Data Changed by the Script:
The number of affected students is anticipated to be low. The script first identifies the most recent completed, e-signed, 2024-2025 Regent Access applications for each student. The script then checks for applications that have a Provisional Independent dependency status code (“Z”) and also answered Yes (“1”) for the Unsubsidized Only question. If an application meets both of those criteria, the script updates the application’s dependency status code to “X” and also clears any values for SAI (primaryEFC) and Provisional SAI (provisionalSAI). Finally, the script marks the changed applications to be reexported with a new, updated transaction number. If the client is using the CSV formatted export, the script also re-triggers the Export Database Extract File. Affected students also have an Activity Log Entry noting the change. Note, the script does not automatically email affected students; however, Regent Access clients may use the script results to identify affected students and advise students of any changes.

How to Access the Script:
The script is available upon request from an Account Manager or Project Manager, for running in release or later.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading to 6.7, first create or find several test students who are in a Provisional Independent (dependencyStatusCode is “Z”), and who answered Yes for the question, “Are the student’s parents unwilling to provide their information, but the student does not have an unusual circumstance that prevents them from contacting the parents or obtaining their information?” (unubOnly value is 1). Make sure the affected application is the most recent transaction for the student. Run the list-only version of the script in the 6.6 instance and confirm the students are detected by the script. Upgrade to 6.7. Immediately before running the update version of the script, run the ISIR eAccess data export/import process (and Export Access Database Extract File with CSV data extract, if using). After the export processes have completed, run the update version of the script and view the output. Run the ISIR eAccess data export/import processes again and any Export Access Database Extract File with CSV data extract processes. Confirm the students are re-exported with the corrected dependencyStatusCode value of “X.” Confirm the students do not have any value in the fields for Provisional SAI (provisionalSAI) or SAI (primaryEFC).



Purpose of Script:

This ad-hoc population script finds affected Regent Access students with questionnaires in a ‘Completed' status, affected by the bug in RS-24232; . For the affected students, the questionnaires need a separate cleanup to set the status to ‘Processed.’ See separate ad-hoc cleanup script RS-23571;. Due to 2024-2025 changes to the EFC, the output results will have now show SAI column instead of EFC column.

Data Changed by the Script:

The script is a list-only script and does not change data. The related cleanup script is under RS-23571;.

How to Access the Script:

Regent Access clients may request the script from a Regent Account Manager.

How to Test the Script:

Find an affected student who has a Regent Access application in ‘Completed’ status. Run the script. View the query results. Confirm the student is returned in the results.

Data Views  

The following data view updates relate to this release:


Functional Area

Release Note


Functional Area

Release Note


Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-27447;


The following Data Views were created per changes to existing tables:

  • dataExtract_AcademicPlan_View_v005

  • dataExtract_AwardDisbursement_View_v005

  • dataExtract_CourseEnrollmentProgram_View_v005

  • dataExtract_Disbursement_View_v007

  • dataExtract_Enrollment_View_v008

  • dataExtract_Institution_View_v018

  • dataExtract_InstitutionPortal_General_View_v007

  • dataExtract_Location_View_v014

  • dataExtract_Query_View_v003

  • dataExtract_QueryExecution_View_v002

  • dataExtract_Site_View_v009

  • dataExtract_CommunicationProcessStudentTemplate_View_v002

  • dataExtract_DocumentRequirementFileAttachment_View_v004

The following Data View was created per creation of a new table:

  • dataExtract_DataPipeline_View_v001

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary


Data Views

Title: Labeled FTI/CUI Data in Data Views

Tickets: RS-27074; RS-27434; RS-27341;


Data Views were updated to include and properly label FTI/CUI data per federal regulations. The updated views are not automatically provided as part of a release. Schools that would like to have access to the FTI/CUI Data Views must work with their Account Manager or Project Manager.

The FTI/CUI Data Views do not follow the standard schema. The CUI//SP-TAX label has been added to display at the beginning and end of all FTI/CUI data.

Important! The use of FTI information is limited to the determination of an applicant’s eligibility for federal student aid and the amount for which they are eligible and disclosure to state higher education agencies or designated scholarship organizations.


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