/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below and further defined in the Product Brief. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release  


Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>CFP Settings section

  • Field: Federal Award Year

    • Field Type: Dropdown

      • Add Dropdown Options:

        • 2023-2024


Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>Loan Options section

  • Loan Option Settings section will be hidden if the Career Level is set to Undergraduate AND the Federal Award Year is set to 2023-2024.


Communications>Communication Template Setup>CFP Tab>Other Options section

  • Other Options Settings Section will be hidden if the Federal Award Year is set to 2023-2024.


Institution Setup>Campus Setup>Fund Setup

  • New Field Name: Credit-Based Loan

    • Field Type: Checkbox (default = unselected)

    • Help Text: This field should be selected if the fund is a credit-based loan.

    • This configuration will only display if the Fund Type = Loan AND Offical Fund Name is not Direct Subsidized Loan, Direct Unsubsidized Loan, or Direct Graduate PLUS Loan.

      • This configuration will be hidden if Fund Type does not = Loan.


Institution>Portal>Financial Aid>Award Settings

  • New Field Name: Display Credit-Based Loan Awards Separately

    • Field Type: Checkbox (default = selected)

    • Help Text: When this checkbox is selected, Credit-Based Loan awards will display in a separate award category within the Financial Aid component.

  • New Field Name: Credit-Based Loans Award Category Name

    • Field Type: Textbox (default = Credit Based Loans)

    • Help Text: The text entered here will display on the Financial Aid Component as the Title for the Credit-Based Loans Award Category.

    • This configuration will only display if the 'Display Credit-Based Loan Awards Separately' is selected/true.

      1. This configuration will be hidden if the 'Display Credit-Based Loan Awards Separately' is not selected/false.

  • New Field Name: Display Credit-Based Loan Instructional Message

    • Field Type: Checkbox (default = selected)

    • Help Text: When this checkbox is selected, an instructional message will display above the Credit-Based Loan award category listing the Credit-Based Loan awards.

    • This configuration will only display if the 'Display Credit-Based Loan Awards Separately' is selected/true.

      1. This configuration will be hidden if the 'Display Credit-Based Loan Awards Separately' is not selected/false.

  • New Field Name: Credit-Based Loan Instructional Message

    1. Field Type: WYSIWYG Editor

      1. Default Message:

        1. Credit-based loans may be subject to a credit check and/or other underwriting. Credit-based loan examples include private loans, institutional loans, and Parent PLUS loans. Borrowers are responsible for reviewing and understanding the terms and conditions for each credit-based loan obtained.

      2. Help Text: The text entered here will display above the Credit-Based Loans award category on the Financial Aid component.

      3. This configuration will only display when the ‘Display Credit-Based Loan Instructional Message’ is selected (checked).

        1. This configuration will be hidden if ‘Display Credit-Based Loan Instructional Message’ is not selected (unchecked).

Admin and User Guide Updates 

As part of Regent, the following Admin and User Guide pages were added/updated.


Apart from the release, the following page has also been updated:

Regent Operational Guidebooks


The following enhancements are included in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award


Title: Improved Matching Logic for Loan Aggregate Detail Data

Tickets: RS-27673; RS-27676; RS-27647; RS-27690; RS-27824;

Regent has improved logic for importing loan details for the Loan Aggregates. If two loans are imported from the same data source at a time (same NSLDS FAH data or same ISIR transaction), Regent does not consider the loans to be duplicates. Regent considers each individual loan record for matching to the data table.


Regent Award

Student Experience

Title: Update Dependency for Parent Spouse or Partner Information on 24-25 VWS Form

Tickets: RS-27673; RS-27584; RS-27717;


Updated 24-25 VWS Smart Form to hide Parent Spouse or Partner fields when the parent’s marital status entered indicated on the FAFSA is ‘Separated’.


Regent Award/Review

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Improved Non-Tax-Filer Logic for Student Aid Index and Max Pell Calculation

Tickets: RS-27518; RS-27582; RS-27558; RS-27692; RS-27693;

Regent has updated logic for SAI calculation and setting the Maximum Pell Indicator values. For the first Max Pell test (Non-Tax Filers), Regent applies logic from the 2024-2025 FAFSA Pell Eligibility and SAI Guide Appendix D, revised March 21, 2024. If an Independent student or their spouse reports they filed taxes, or either contributor has IRS CUI/FTI tax data, Regent considers them as Tax Filers regardless of income. If a Dependent student files taxes, but the Parent contributor (and Parent spouse/partner, if married) are both Non-Tax Filers, then the family is considered to be Non-Tax Filers and eligible for Maximum Pell. If a Dependent student’s Parents live outside of the US and territories, they are considered Tax Filers regardless of their actual filing status. Non-Tax Filers have the Maximum Pell Indicator set to a value of “1” and an automatic -1500 SAI value. The test covers whether a contributor “did not file and is not required to file.” A low-income family that had all contributors not required to file taxes, but did still file, are considered Tax Filers and they do not meet the first Maximum Pell test. However, Tax Filer families are still separately considered for the other Maximum Pell tests based on Adjusted Gross Income and poverty thresholds.

Regent also calculates, saves, and displays the results of several additional fields: the Max and Min Pell indicators, SAI Formula, and SAI Computation Type. The fields are calculated and saved when a user edits ISIR data in the Regent ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard.


Regent Award

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Update ISIR Correction Wizard Edit/Reject Code Logic for 2024-2025 per Regulatory Changes


RS-27518; RS-27572; RS-27678; RS-27541; RS-27705;


Validation logic for corrections made via the Regent ISIR Corrections Wizard to 2024-2025 ISIRs has been updated to align with COD Edits/Reject Codes per changes to the most recent ISIR technical reference published by the department (April 3, 2024 version.)


Regent Review

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Update 24-25 VWS Form to Include “Assumed Family Size” Fields in Family Size Verification Logic


RS-27518; RS-27504; RS-27761; RS-27762;


The original 24-25 Verification Worksheet smart form was developed to only require verification of Family Size if the family size data had been entered manually on the FAFSA (Updated Student Family Size (field 61) or Updated Parent Family Size (field 183) on the ISIR is not blank.) An update has been made to the form to also require family size verification if an “assumed” family size is populated in the ISIR data (Assumed Student Family Size (field 329) or Assumed Parent Family Size (field 330) is not blank.)


Regent Access


Title: Update “Pre-Populate” Setting for Question in 24-25 Master Access Form

Tickets: RS-27334; RS-27673; RS-27822;


Updated the 24-25 Master Access Smart Form to pre-populate ‘Parent’s Marital Status' from a prior form with the same FAY instead of no value pre-populating when a signed form is edited.


Regent Access


Title: Update validation logic on student’s Date of Birth field in 24-25 Master Access Smart Form

Tickets: RS-27673; RS-27187; RS-27779;


Validation logic for the ‘Student’s Date of Birth’ field has been updated on the 24-25 Master Access Smart Form to allow any date value that would indicate the student is thirteen years of age or older. If a student previously submitted the Access form with an incorrect date of birth in order to bypass the edit that restricted student’s age to 15-91, the student should correct their date of birth by selecting ‘Edit a Completed Form’ on the document in the portal.


Regent Award/Review

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: ISIR Details and ISIR Wizard: Display ISIR Correction, Highlight, and Verify Flags

Tickets: RS-26939; RS-27518; RS-27725; RS-27728; RS-27729;

For 2024-2025 and later ISIRs, Regent has added the ‘Correction, Highlight, and Verify’ indicator codes. If FPS has marked an ISIR field with a Correction, Highlight, or Verify flag marker, then Regent displays that three-digit indicator code next to the ISIR field. The indicators appear in a “CHV“ column in the Student ISIR Details and the ISIR Verification/Correction Wizard. The three-digit CHV code is displayed whenever a field is flagged with at least one indicator value other than “0.”


Student Experience

Student Experience

Title: Update the Financial Aid Component to Allow Schools to Display Credit-Based Loans Separately in the Student Experience Portal

Tickets: RS-27518; RS-18260; RS-27707; RS-27708; RS-27709; RS-27710; RS-27815;

The Student Experience Portal has been updated to allow schools to display Credit-Based Loans as a separate category in the Financial Aid Component. Schools can identify Credit-Based Loans for Funds with a Fund Type of ‘Loan’. The ‘Credit-Based Loan’ setting is not configurable for funds with an Official Fund Type of ‘Direct Subsidized Loan’, ‘Direct Unsubsidized Loan’, and ‘Direct Graduate PLUS Loan’.

Portal configuration is available to turn on or off the display of the separate Credit-Based Loan category. A Credit-Based Instructional Message configuration is also available. The configurable messaging allows schools to provide additional information regarding credit-based loans. If configured, the message displays above the Credit-Based Loans award category.


Regent Award/Review

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Display the Verification Tracking Bar for 2024-2025 ISIRs and Forward

Tickets: RS-27606; RS-27605; RS-27618;

The Verification Tracking Bar has been updated to dynamically display the applicable Student and Parent Verification Groups and Fields depending on the Dependency model and Verification Group for the ISIR.


The following bugs are resolved in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Student Experience

Student Experience


Data was unexpectedly not shown to student in Student Portal, and student name appeared in portal as “undefined undefined.”


During building of the data for display, the system attempted to set a property on a null object. The academicYearProgram object was null because the AY had no PPs from which to read a ProgramID.


A check was added to the code to avoid attempting to set the property if the object is null.


Login to the student portal as the specified student, or go to Regent then access the student and view Advisor Assist, to confirm student data is displayed.


Regent Award



COD files exported from Regent Award failed to be accepted by COD due to “Unsupported schema version or unreadable XML".


Incorrect value in the 5.0b 2025 COD export file schema.


Corrected the value in the 5.0b 2025 COD export file schema.


Run export COD process for 24/25 FAY and ensure export files are accepted by COD.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly did not recognize ISIR on the student and, as a result, did not package the award correctly.

Regent Award was incorrectly checking SetActiveIsir for null ISIR when determining to attempt to check for the prior year. When set to allow from estimated, the prior year wasn't checked for if a current ISIR was non-null with a null SAI.

Regent Award is updated to add a check for this scenario and set existing prior year ISIR for estimation. This change was scoped to non-title IV.

In Regent Award, package the student when there is an ISIR with a blank SAI.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly incorrectly calculated % of Additional COA Requirements for Program Scholar.

Regent Award was incorrectly calculating % of Additional COA because of the logic in Balances.CalculateAdjustedAmount.

Regent Award is updated to ensure to apply packaging amount correctly to the unmet amount.

In Regent Award, setup award Packaging to 50% of Additional COA Requirement. Package the student.


Regent Award

Program Change


The program change removal failed with the ‘Object reference not set to an instance of an object’ error although the program is removed afterward.


The existing logic failed to check if the target program is not null.


Added null check in condition to check target program is not null.


Find the affected student with a pending program change. Via the Program Management wizard, 'Remove' the new program. No errors should occur.


Regent Award



Medical Programs with HPPA=Upper Eligible flag are overawarded with upper limits of Unsub that do not correspond to AY 9-month length expectations. The students are packaged with 11-month AY program amounts


The existing logic excluded the HPPA Upper calculation to use AY-based, manually-counted HPPA Months.


Updated HPPA Months calculation to use AY-based months.

Find the affected student with 9 months AY length. Run packaging. Review the results. For 9 months length, the Unsub amount is 20,500+20,000.


The following scripts relate to this release:


Functional Area

Release Note


Functional Area

Release Note


ISIR Processing/Verification

Purpose of Script/Tool/Process:
For Regent Access clients, this on-demand, ad-hoc script/tool re-processes Regent Access applications for a given FAY, and applies the SAI logic that is current whenever the script is run. The tool recalculates SAI values for the Regent Access application, including the PDF output and the Student Document Requirement. The tool supports reprocessing data that was submitted under specific previous versions in FAY 2024-2025 and later. The script and tool may be targeted to specific previously processed versions; for example, Access clients might want to reprocess applications submitted in,, and The script can be limited to a specific FAY (2024-2025 and later), and can optionally can target a list of specific student External ID values.

Data Changed:
The script creates a copy of the most recently signed and submitted Regent Access Student Document Requirement for the FAY (2024-2025 and later), with a newly calculated SAI value. The old application's data is copied to the new instance of the Document. Regent retriggers the SAI calculation, and also populates the newly recalculated SAI on the PDF and the Document Reason. The old application is set to a Waived status. Unlike the standard signature/submission process, the tool does not send an email communication with the updated SAI value. The script also marks the new application to be included in the export processes for eAccess ISIR Format and Export Access Database Extract. New ISIR data will be generated and exported/imported when the next Export process is run.

How to Access the Script/Tool/Process:
The script is available upon request from an Account Manager or Project Manager, for running in release or later.

How to Test the Script/Tool/Process:
Always test first in a QA environment. Before running the script, create or find several test students with FAY 2024-2025 Regent Access applications that were submitted using previous versions. Run the script, targeted to the versions. Refresh the student’s Student Documents. Confirm the updated SAI appears in the Document Reason text. Confirm the updated SAI value appears in the PDF attachment. Confirm the previous Document Requirement is in Waived status. Run the export process, such as Export eAccess ISIR Format and/or Export Access Database Extract File. View the ISIR-formatted exported data. Confirm any preexisting ISIR transaction numbers are incremented. Confirm the updated SAI value is present for the ISIR-formatted data.


Student Experience

Purpose of Script:
This on-demand, ad-hoc script finds and lists the population of students who had Regent Access applications were processed in a specific version in a given FAY.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script is read-only and does not change data.

How to Access the Script:
The script is available upon request from an Account Manager or Project Manager, for running in release or later.

How to Test the Script:
Before running the script, create or find several test students with FAY 2024-2025 Regent Access documents that were submitted using previous versions. Run the script. Confirm the student is listed in the output.

Data Views  

The following data views relate to this release:


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