Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant

Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant


Regent Award supports automated awarding and disbursement of the State of Illinois MAP Grant. MAP program information and eligibility criteria are found at the Illinois Student Assistance Commission website.

Students eligible for the IL MAP Grant are identified by the import of the ISAC Eligibility File. The eligibility file contains the amount of the award for students who are enrolled in at least fifteen eligible credit hours. A custom fund ruleset is used to calculate the award amount for eligible students who are enrolled in less than fifteen eligible credit hours. 

Regent also supports export of a Payment Request File for IL MAP Grant data, to be sent by clients to ISAC.  

Eligibility Status File Import

To import the Eligibility Status File, clients should have a configured Data Pipeline with the following settings:

  • Name: StateGrantIL_Import_EligibilityStatusFile_Pipeline

  • Data Flow: Import

  • Process Type: Import Student Documents

  • File Path: StateGrantIL_Import_EligibilityStatusFile_Pipeline_FW

When an import Data Pipeline for the Eligibility Status File is set up, clients with appropriate permissions can use the 'Import Data Pipeline' Process to import the file. (Process Type to Import is 'Import Data Pipeline,' but the Process Type presented in the log will be 'Import Student Documents,' as configured in Data Pipeline setup.)

To assign imported data to students, a Smart Form with a Smart Form Type of 'ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile' must be created and configured in Document Setup. Records on the imported file will be matched to students in Regent by Person UUID value, and the Eligibility Status File data for the student will populate the form and will be used by the IL MAP Grant ruleset for awarding.  (Note: If more than one record exists for the same Person UUID, the import file will error.)

The layout of the file received from ISAC is found here: https://www.isac.org/isac-gift-assistance-programs/map/media/2425-MAP-160byte-File-Layout.pdf

To import the Eligibility Status File from ISAC, clients should work with their Account Manager to ensure correct configuration/development is in place. The following customizations are required for each client: 

  • Data Pipeline setup of 'StateGrantIL_Import_EligibilityStatusFile_Pipeline'

  • Setup of 'ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile' Smart Form

    • External Document ID must be ‘ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile’

  • Student Document Load API Process Settings File changes for Applicable MAP School Code for client: 'mapSchoolCode'


When a fund with the name ‘IL MAP Grant’ is configured in Fund Setup, a ruleset can be used to award the fund to students based on imported Eligibility Status File data found on the 'ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile’ Smart Form (see section above for necessary setup/development,) but client-by-client customization of the ruleset is needed. Clients should work with their Account Manager to ensure correct configuration/development is in place.

Students are eligible for the IL MAP Grant award if:

  1. ‘disqualifyFlag’ field on smart form is not blank

  2. ‘MAPSuspenseFlag’ field value on smart form is not 'S'

  3. Other Fund Setup rules for IL MAP Grant are met

  4. Student has a minimum of three anticipated or registered credit hours

Prior to the ‘Begin Actual’ Date for Term in Term Setup, the ruleset will check the student’s number of anticipated eligible credit hours. If the number is fifteen or more, Award Amount for the term will be the value of ‘originalYearlyEligibleAmount’ in ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile divided by two (per term amount.) If eligible credit hours for a term are less than fifteen, the ruleset will calculate the award based on a proration formula.

As of ‘Begin Actual’ Date for Term in Term Setup, the ruleset will check the number of registered units. If the number is fifteen or more, Award Amount for the term will be the value of ‘originalYearlyEligibleAmount’ in ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile divided by two (per term amount.)

Note: The “registered” units check does not identify graduate courses taken in an undergraduate program. If these need to be excluded from the number of hours for the student, a client should query for the scenario and manually adjust the student’s award.

The ruleset will also handle award amounts per the following two conditions:

  • If MAPSuspenseFlag value on the form is 'Q', award will only be for Spring Term.

  • If shutdownFlag value on the form is 'Z', the ruleset will check for an existing award amount. If ‘originalYearlyEligibleAmount’ in ILMAPEligibilityStatusFile is higher than existing annual award amount, the award will not be adjusted.

Payment Request File Export

To export the Payment Request File, clients should have a configured Data Pipeline with the following settings:

  1. Name: StateGrantIL_Export_PaymentRequestFile_Pipeline

  2. Data Flow: Export

  3. Process Type: Export Data Pipeline

  4. Data Pipeline ID: StateGrantIL_Export_PaymentRequestFile_Pipeline

  5. Query Name: IL MAP Grant Payment Request File

  6. File Name: StateGrantILExportPaymentRequestDataset.txt

The layout of the file received by ISAC is found here: https://www.isac.org/isac-gift-assistance-programs/map/media/2425-MAP-160byte-File-Layout.pdf

To export the Payment Request File to be sent to ISAC, clients should work with their Account Manager to ensure correct configuration/development is in place. The following customizations are required for each client: 

  • Data Pipeline setup of 'StateGrantIL_Export_PaymentRequestFile_Pipeline'

  • Setup of ‘IL MAP Grant Payment Request File’ Query

    • Query should be configured to return students with an IL MAP Grant awarded within a selected FAY/Term:

      • Federal Award Year: From Payment Period Award Data, as a parameter

      • Term Name: From Payment Period Award Data, as a parameter

      • Fund Name: From Payment Period Award Data, as a parameter

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