/ Release Notes Release Notes



Document Updated


Executive Summary

Regent Education is pleased to announce Regent, the latest release of the Regent Enterprise Financial Aid Management System.

The release includes enhancements listed in the 'Enhancements' section below and further defined in the Product Brief. This release also addresses product defects as listed in the 'Bugs' section below.

New/Updated Configuration Options

The following configuration options were added or updated in release  

Permissions>Global Permissions>Process Permissions

New permission:

  • Export Processes, Export Gainful Employment FVT

Admin and User Guide Updates 


The following enhancements are included in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Award


Title: Resolved Cost of Attendance and Census COA Display Issues in the Compare Awards Grid

Tickets: RS-28793; RS-28850;


The Compare Awards grid that displays when a user selects a loan period from the Analyze Loan Period dropdown on the Awards tab has been updated so that Cost of Attendance, Total Cost of Attendance, Census COA, and Total Census COA display correctly. Additionally, for institutions with the ‘Package Using Actual Loan Fees’ configuration enabled, loan fees are now included in the Total Cost of Attendance and Total Census COA values displayed. Lastly, loan fee truncation rules have been updated to account for loans with multiple disbursements in the same payment period, resulting in fewer instances where the Compare Awards grid displays $1 of Unmet Cost.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Awards Tab


Regent Award


Title: Updated the COD Export Process for COMRECIN Files

Tickets: RS-28308; RS-28801;


During the COD Export Process, the data for existing awards with cancelled disbursements is inserted before the data for awards with changed disbursement amounts or newly scheduled disbursements in COMRECIN files. This will help reduce COD rejects by ensuring that COD is informed of cancelled disbursements before it receives data for changed or new disbursements.


Regent Award/Review

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Support for 2025-2026 ISIR Message Classes

Tickets: RS-28295; RS-25992;


2025-2026 Message Classes have been added to the SAIG Mailbox in Regent.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Message Classes Supported by Regent Award


Regent Fund


Title: Updates to the Awarding Tool’s ‘Auto-Approve and Package' Option, Phase 1

Tickets: RS-27845; RS-28805;

Description: In the Selections section of the Awarding Tool, the ‘Auto-approve and package all award amounts greater than $0’ field has been renamed to ‘Auto-approve and package all new awards and any changes to existing awards.' This is a display change only; updates to the checkbox’s functionality will follow in the next release.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Fund Awarding Tool


Regent Award/Review/Access

ISIR Processing/Verification

Title: Support 2025-2026 ISIR Processing and ISIR Corrections

Tickets: RS-25992; RS-27788; RS-27789; RS-28757; RS28758; RS-28759; RS-28760; RS-28761; RS-28762; RS-28763; RS-28764; RS-28765; RS-28770; RS-28802;

Regent supports processing of 2025-2026 ISIRs. Regent has applied annual updates for the 2025-2026 ISIR Comment Codes, Edits, and Reject Codes. Regent also supports 2025-2026 ISIR Corrections. The ISIR Verification/Corrections Wizard allows editing of most ISIR fields. Some Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is editable for eAccess ISIRs only, and is not editable or correctable per ED policy. Some ISIR field names are slightly modified for clarity when Regent displays the fields in the ISIR screens. Regent also displays the Contributor type with the Field Name.

Note: The current updates support basic ISIR editing and processing. In the next major release, Regent plans to additionally update the ISIR Verification/Corrections Wizard to support Verification and the Verification Worksheet (VWS).


Regent Access


Title: Update Regent Access eAccess Exports for 2025-2026 ISIR Format Changes

Tickets: RS-25992; RS-27787; RS-28833; RS-28847; RS-2848;

Regent Access has added support for ISIR formatted exports for the 2025-2026 ISIR changes. The SAI recalculation tool was also updated.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Access - Export Files


Regent Award

Annual Federal and State Reporting

Title: New Export Processes for Gainful Employment (GE) and Financial Value Transparency (FVT) Data

Tickets: RS-27289; RS-28505; RS-28703; RS-28715; RS-28716; RS-28720; RS-28721; RS-28722; RS-28724; RS-28726;

Regent has added new export processes. The new exports supply data used for Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency (GE & FVT) reporting. The data exports provide two levels of data to supplement school reporting. A student-level detailed export lists all payment periods that have attendance in the FAY, or have a paid disbursement for the FAY. A separate program-level summary also includes totals by program. To run the reports, users need a User Role with the permission enabled for ‘Export Gainful Employment FVT’ under Export Processes. The data files may be downloaded from the Process Log. The export parameters may be saved for later use or scheduled using the standard Saved Parameters.

See Customer Zone Knowledge Base topics Export Data - Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency (GE-FVT) , Permissions List , Export Processes


Regent Access


Title: 2025-2026 Access Master Smart Form Created

Tickets: RS-25992; RS-25993; RS-28755; RS-28756;


The Access Master Smart Form for 2025-2026 has been created with year values aligning with the new FAY. Minor updates from the prior year have been made, related to updates to the FAFSA, such as ‘Student Other Circumstances’ group being renamed ‘Student Homelessness’. Note: The “Unsub only” question about a student’s parents being unwilling to provide information is not included on the Access form for 25-26.


Regent Award


Title: New EST Validation to Prevent Exporting Awards with Mismatched FAYs

Tickets: RS-28837; RS-28842; RS-28868;

Regent has improved validation for the Export Student Transactions (EST) process. When an award is EST’d and the award has moved outside of its original FAY, Regent triggers two new validations. EST-0090 detects when a Title IV Loan has a current FAY in Regent that does not match the FAY in the loan’s FAID. EST-0091 detects when other award types have a different FAY than was sent in a previous EST process. Users may override the validations using the Disbursement Overrides.

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic EST Validation Error Codes Guide


The following bugs are resolved in this release:


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Product Selection

Functional Area

Release Note


Regent Access

Student Experience


Two field values for a 2025-2026 Access form in the Export Access Database Extract file (CSV file) incorrectly refer to the prior year.


The Export Access Database Extract file (CSV file) pulls the values the value for the hidden academicYear and academicYearRange questions from the default value field defined in the Smart Form setup. The academicYear and academicYearRange questions were not updated with year over year updates so academicYear exported 2025 and academicYearRange exported 2024-2025.


Updated the hidden academicYear and academicYearRange questions and adjusted their default values so academicYear exports 2026 and academicYearRange exports 2025-2026..


Complete a 2025-2026 Access form. Run the Export Access Database Extract file and confirm the academicYear and academicYearRange values are accurate.


Regent Award


Programs configured as Clock Hour were not disbursing for Pell.

Regent Award was incorrectly sending Cost Of Attendance (COA) from the "first" eligible payment period on the award period to the lookup to get the Pell COA.

Pell was configured to Disburse on Enrollment Level and Non-term programs were inadvertently set to 0 for the ACEIP and Enrollment Level.

The ACEIP ratio calculation was updated in Regent Award to use the program applicable units for the Enrollment Level.

In Regent Award, run the EST disbursement processes (EST-DRI False → Export to COD → EST DRI-True → Export to COD → EST Actual). Confirm the Pell is disbursed correctly for the eligible payment periods.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly was not considering a student eligible for FL Bright Futures if the minimum enrollment level was being met with non-program applicable units.

Regent Award calculated a payment period as ineligible for FL Bright Futures due to a failure to run the scripting rule if non-program applicable units are present.

Regent Award has been updated to run the scripting rule if non-program applicable units are present to confirm student eligibility for FL Bright Futures.

In Regent Award, MAP the student. Confirm the Florida Bright Future award amount is accurately calculated.


Regent Award



Errors in IL MAP Grant ruleset caused award to be recalculated to an incorrect amount for Fall and Spring when student was fully withdrawn.


Ruleset was implemented with errors in the awarding calculation logic, related to use of user defined fields for withdrawal refund percentages.


Ruleset has been updated with correct awarding calculation logic.


Award IL MAP Grant. Fully withdraw student. Verify IL MAP Grant award amounts for Fall and Spring term are adjusted correctly.


Regent Award



The system zeroed out paid loans after the Census Units amount dropped to half time.


The sysem did not award properly using Enrollment Level (EL) or Census Enrollment Level (CEL), depending timing and with changes to Course Enrollment (CE) data in 6.9 Release


A code change was applied, so that the system will match CEL and EL prior to Census. After Census the CEL will be established from CE Data.


Navigate to an affected student. There are three ways to test. The first option is to click check box on funds Adjust After Census Date in Fund Setup for Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan and for Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan. The instance with a time machine should be used - the date on server should be set to 10/18/2024 which is after Census Date 1 and before the Start of Course 2. Package a student and ensure that Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan and for Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan are present. The second option is to change Enrolled Date of course to be before Census date 1 (9/16/2024). The tird option is add attendance to course that will cause Census Date to change.


Regent Award

ISIR Processing/Verification

Regent award unexpectedly has many required fields in the Code 9 blocker that do not allow completing the ISIR Verification Wizard for the dependent ISIR workflow.

Regent Award was incorrectly generating a reject code when navigating ISIR Correction Wizard.

Regent Award reject code rules were fixed.

In Regent Award, for affected student, attempt to process through the ISIR Verification Wizard for the dependent ISIR workflow, with no updates to the ISIR fields. Only needed fields should be shown in Code 9 error.


Regent Award

Account Management


Some students who have satisfactory academic progress (SAP) status ' FA Suspended' were paid with Pell Grant.


The system was checking SAP records where SAP Sources as SIS and Manual, it did not check where SAP source is Manual.


A code change was applied so that the system will check SAP records which have SAP Source- Manual


Before testing ensure that in Institution Setup “SAP FA Suspension cancels all future aid: “Yes“. Package the student and ensure that Pell is canceled for the current term for the student who is having 'FA Suspended’ SAP status for previous term. Navigate to an affected student, e.g. Jaycee Rausch, 597005168, who is having partially Paid Pell in Fall 2024 and SAP status for Summer 2024 is “Satisfactory“. Update student with SBL to make Summer 2024 term with SAP status ‘FA Suspended’. Package the student and confirm that Pell is cancelled.


Student Experience

Student Experience

Communications did not display in Student Portal and Advisor Assist.

Null reference exceptions occurred when a message lacked attachments.

Regent Award is updated to effectively handle null reference exceptions that occur when a message lacks any attachments (binary content).

Review Communications tab in student portal and Advisor Assist in Regent and confirm communications display properly.


Regent Award



The prior term’s SAP status was not inherited into the next term when the corresponding setting was enabled.


System was getting the "first" non-withdrawn PP without checking to see if it was Historic and overwriting subsequent PP with non-calculated record when it should have perpetuated the historic record.


Code updated to not consider a PP to be "first" if it is Historic.


Upload SBL with Historic SAP record. Run packaging. Run SAP and review the results.


Regent Award


Regent Award unexpectedly did not run SAP after Cumulative Undergraduate GPA was imported.

Regent Award failed to return the correct SAP data for generating the student SAP Record.

Regent Award is updated to correct code in ‘Get Effective Student SAP’ call, where it failed student SAP flagged as autogenerated.

In Regent Award, import SBL with the updated amount of cumulativeUndergraduateGPA under the student node, and check if the SAP check was triggered.


The following scripts relate to this release:


Functional Area

Release Note


Functional Area

Release Note



Purpose of Script:
This build script ensures Regent Award is using updated course data for all students upon upgrade. In some cases, resource conflicts at the database level might have caused deadlocks and stopped the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process from completing. Some students might have had pending data changes, such as new course information from the Student Batch Load (SBL) process. For the affected students, the system could not update information such as total unit values.

Data Changed by the Script:
The script identifies any students that have course data changes or other SIS-provided data that was loaded but was not yet fully processed. The script then runs the Course Enrollment Rollup (CE Rollup) process for those students. The CE Rollup process updates the unit totals and other information.

How to Access the Script:
The script is included in the deployment of the certified release of Regent Award. Each customer will receive this script update automatically when they upgrade to the certified release.

How to Test the Script:
Before upgrading, find an affected student who had SBL data loaded in a failed CE Rollup process, where the student’s current course data do not match the unit totals displayed on the Academic Plan screen. Perform the upgrade. Refresh the Process Log. Confirm the Process CE Rollup process is Complete. View the affected student. Repackage the student using the Modify Academic Plan wizard (MAP). Refresh the Academic Plan screen. Confirm the total units match the course data.

Data Views  

The following data views relate to this release:


Functional Area

Release Note


Functional Area

Release Note


Data Views

Title: Data View Updates per Release

Tickets: RS-28911;


The following Data Views were created per changes to existing tables:

  • dbo.dataExtract_CourseEnrollment_View_v008.sql

    • Field added: totalRemedialQualifiedCompletedUnits

  • dbo.dataExtract_CODAward_View_v009.sql

    • Field added: stagedRelatedCODAwardId

  • dbo.dataExtract_IOProcess_View_v005.sql

    • Field added: selectTribalFunds

The following Data View was created per creation of a new table:

  • N/A

See the Customer Zone Knowledge Base topic Regent Award Data View Data Dictionary

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