Client Configuration Management: Document Setup
Client Configuration Management Project
Enhancements have been made to Regent 8's Import Process and Export Process menus that will allow FA Offices to manage and potentially automate bulk configuration updates. Starting with Release, users will no longer need to submit a request to Regent Client Support for an export or import of their Program, Program Groups, Program Site, Program Group Program or Terms Setup when doing annual or ad hoc bulk updates.
This guide outlines the key steps and concepts that a user needs to be aware of when testing and using Program, Program Groups and Terms functionality of the Client Configuration Management project. Starting with release 4.1.1 Regent Award will accommodate import and export of Programs and Terms setup data using XML file format (CSV format is currently in development). Prior to this solution, there was only one way to manually import setup data into Regent Award using a single file format of configuration data, specifically a spreadsheet that followed a specific naming structure, which relied on the following components:
- Spreadsheet (Excel)
- Usually used for new setups
- Require the client to provide the data manually or BA/CS fill it out for them
- Some schools generate the spreadsheet automatically
- Export program configuration
- Regent exports existing setup configuration, and schools use it as a starting point or to modify existing data. They would then use the aforementioned spreadsheet to re-import the updated date back into Regent Award.
User Steps for Setup Process:
Navigate to the Export Processes screen
- Processes > Export Processes
- The user must have appropriate permissions to the Export Setup Configuration Process.
- Permissions are set at Global Permissions > Process Permissions > Export Processes > Export Setup Configuration
Set parameters:
- Process Type - "Export Setup Configuration"
- Format - "CSV" or "XML"
3. Enterprise - Select One
4. Institution(s) - Select "All", one or multiple
5. Campus(es) - Select "All", one or multiple
6. Site(s) - Select "All", one or multiple
7. Setup Template(s) - Select "All", one or multiple
Click the "Export" button
- The system will export data from the Regent Database tables.
- The Process Log will records the export process
3. User will see the following items:
A Process Log entry for the completed Export Setup Configuration process.
Exported file(s) are ready for the user.
With XML format, 1 file will be exported. When multiple templates are selected, all parent nodes will be exported to show the associations; however, sibling nodes that are not requested will not be included.
Clicking the "Cancel" button, cancels the export process and takes the user to a previous screen.
All export process errors will be logged in the Process Log.
Export Format
XML Format
The set-up configuration data will be exported in XML format by the system. The end result is that the DEX XSD template should mimic the Import Setup Configuration (XML) template and should be available for bulk export.
- The file is saved as a .xml file.
- Filename format: SetupConfiguration_XML_CCYYMMDD_HHMMSSmss.xml
- The date fields on the output file are in UTC time format
User Steps for Setup Import Process:
- Navigate to the Import Processes screen
- Processes > Import Processes
- The user must have appropriate permissions to the Import Setup Configuration Process.
- Permissions are set at Global Permissions > Process Permissions > Import Processes > Import Setup Configuration
- The user must have appropriate permissions to the Import Setup Configuration Process.
- Processes > Import Processes
2. Set Process Type to "Import Setup Configuration (XML)" ("Import Setup Configuration (CSV) is not currently available)
3. Select the file
4. Click on the Import button to update Setup Configuration.
The system will:
- import data into Regent Database staging tables
- match records using external ID.
- If external ID is not found, a new record is inserted.
- If external ID is found, a record is updated.
- Ensure that Process Log records the import process
- Update appropriate reports and screens
Once the import process is complete, users can expect to see the following:
- A "File Submitted for Processing" message, immediately after importing on the Import Setup Configuration screen
A Process Log entry for the completed Import Setup Configuration process.
Setup screens are updated with new/updated data.
Additional Notes
In order for the batch program and terms update import and export processes to work properly, all of the following setup entities need to have a unique external Id: Enterprise, Institution, Campus, Site, Program, Term, EnrollmentLevelSetup, ProgramGroup. Enterprise, Institution, Campus, Site, Programs, Terms and ProgramGroups have required an externalId prior to the current release.
For EnrollmentLevelSetup, an 'externalId' field has been added for Release 4.1.1. On the Enrollment Level Setup screen in Regent Award this field is called 'External Enrollment Level Id'. This is now a required field and it needs to be pre-populated with a unique value across the Regent Award database. Regent needs this field to have external ID value to allow import of ProgramTerm association. As a part of 4.1.1 Release Regent has run a script to pre-populates this field with a temporary value. Customers must update the values for this field for their currently existing and new enrollment level set up to ensure that program and terms update import and export processes work correctly. The value for this field must conform to the following standards:
- cannot be null
- can be letters or numbers
- 60 characters maximum
- the value must be unique across the database
Data Dictionary for Import-Export Templates
There are 3 entities involved in importing Document Setup configuration
- Documents - The main document setup table
- DocumentAssignmentISIR - Contains all the ISIR Document Setup configuration rules for documents that are assigned via ISIR load
DocumentRequirementSBLUDF - Contains all the UDF assignment rules for documents that are assigned via UDF from the SBL
Please, note that an Excel version of the data dictionary containing lookup values and reference tables is available as well.
General Instructions
Template Rules: |
1. If external ID is not found, a new record is inserted. If external ID is found, a record is updated. |
2. The following are the rules when updating data:
Common Field Name | XML/CSV Schema Field Name | Maps to Database Table : Field | Description | Required/ Optional | Inheritable? | Type | Min Length | Max Length | Values | Business Rules | |
1 | External Enterprise ID | XML: <Enterprise> externalId CSV: externalEnterpriseId | Enterprise : externalId | Associated Enterprise | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
2 | External Institution ID | XML: <Institution> externalId CSV: externalInstitutionId | Institution : externalId | Associated Institution | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
3 | External Campus ID | XML: <Campus> externalId CSV: externalCampusId | Location : externalId | Associated Campus | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
4 | External Document ID | externalId | Document: externalId | Document ID from SIS | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
5 | Document Name | name | Document : name | Name of the Document | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
6 | Description | description | Document : description | Description of Document, internal use only. | Optional | No | string | 0 | 256 | ||
7 | Message | message | Document : message | Document Message which is displayed on the Student Portal and in Missing Requirements communications. | Optional | No | string | 0 | 5000 | ||
8 | Enforce Scope Uniqueness | enforceScopeUniquness | Document : enforceScopeUniqueness | Indicates whether the document can be assigned more than once per scope value combination by an automated processes or SNAP. | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
9 | Smart Form Type | smartFormTypeCode | Document : smartFormTypeCode | SNAP will map the Smart Form Type to the appropriate questionnaire type in SNAP. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
10 | Office use Only | assignedByOfficeUseOnly | Document : assignedByOfficeUseOnly | Designated documents to be for internal use only | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
11 | Document Use | documentUseTypeCode | Document : documentUseTypeCode | Determines which standardized process this document should trigger or facilitate. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
12 | Initial Document Status | initialDocumentRequirementStatusCode | Document : initialDocumentRequirementStatusCode | The status assigned to the document when the document requirement is initially assigned to a student | Optional | No | string |
| |||
13 | Activity Type | documentRequirementActivityTypeCode | Document : documentRequirementActivityTypeCode | Reflects the process which the document relates to. | Required | No | string |
| |||
14 | Non ISIR Assignment Scope | documentScopeCode | Document : documentScopeCode | Indicates whether this document applies only to specific student situations, only to specific award years, or only to specific payment periods. It indicates how often this document can be requested. If it's a student document, it is collected once from the student, period. If it’s an Award Year document, it's collected once every award year. | Required | No | string |
| |||
15 | Scope Start Date | effectiveStartDate | Document : effectiveStartDate | Effective scope start date for the document to be used.
| Optional | No | date | YYYY-MM-DD |
| ||
16 | Scope End Date | effectiveEndDate | Document : effectiveEndDate | Effective scope end date for the document to be used. If end date is left blank, document is effective on an ongoing basis. | Optional | No | date | YYYY-MM-DD |
| ||
17 | Apply DR to All FAYs | allFederalAwardsYears | Document : allFederalAwardsYears | Indicates that the document is assigned for all award years, even as additional award years are added to the system. In this way, the user will not have to edit this document each time additional federal award year options are added to the federal award year selection box. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
18 | Enable Restrictions | hasRestrictProcess | Document : hasRestrictProcess | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
19 | Cancel Funds If Document Is Unsatisfied | cancelFunds | Document : cancelFunds | Option to cancel the award if student has award and the required document status is set to "Unsatisfied". | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
20 | Restrict All Funds | restritAllFunds | Document : restrictAllFunds | This field allows you to select a single or multiple funds to be restricted by the document. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
21 | Packaging Assignment -All funds | allFunds | Document : allFunds | Indicates that all available funds will result in the assignment of the document when packaged. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
22 | Assigned By ISIR Import | assignedByISIR | Document : assignedByISIR | Specifies that the document is used during the ISIR import. | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
23 | Assigned by Packaging | assignedByPackaging | Document : assignedByPackaging | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
24 | Assigned by SBL | assignedBySBL | Document : assignedBySBL | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
25 | Attachment | fileName | Document : fileName | File attachment. Used to attach a PDF or eForm to the email that is sent to the student. File is also available in the portal for viewing/ downloading by the student. | Optional | No | string | 0 | 256 |
| |
26 | storedFileName | Document : storedFileName | Optional | No | string | 0 | 256 | ||||
27 | mimeType | Document : mimeType | Optional | No | string | 0 | 256 | ||||
28 | fileSize | Document : fileSize | Optional | No | long | 0 | 19 | ||||
29 | Assign when Sub Eligibility has not been for fully accepted and an Unsub award exists (For Active Acceptance funds only) | subEligibilityEnforcementForActiveAcceptance | Document : subEligibilityEnforcementForActiveAcceptance | Triggers a document to help enforce Sub loan eligibility that is fully accepted before Unsub can be accepted or paid for Active Acceptance schools. | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
30 | Attachments Allowed | attachmentsAllowed | Document : attachmentsAllowed | This field determines whether or not a student will be able to upload an attachment for this document from the SNAP document portlet. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
31 | Electronic Signature | eSignInheritFromCampus | Document : eSignInheritFromCampus | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
32 | eSignRequiredTypeCode | Document : eSignRequiredTypeCode | Optional | No | string | Electronic Signature Required Type Code |
| ||||
33 | eSignParentDataIsir | Document : eSignParentDataIsir | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||||
34 | eSignParentDataSblSis | Document : eSignParentDataSblSis | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||||
35 | eSignParentDataCod | Document : eSignParentDataCod | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||||
36 | eSignParentDataManual | Document : eSignParentDataManual | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||||
37 | eSignParentDataStudent | Document : eSignParentDataStudent | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||||
38 | eSignParentIdentityVerificationAttemptsAllowed | Document : eSignParentIdentityVerificationAttemptsAllowed | Optional | No | int |
| |||||
39 | eSignPortalAccessRequestLinkExpiresIn | Document : eSignPortalAccessRequestLinkExpiresIn | Optional | No | string |
| |||||
40 | Federal Award Year(s) | FAY_list | DOCUMENT_FEDERALAWARDYEAR : federalAwardYearId | The federal award year(s) for which the document is applicable. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
41 | Packaging Assignment External Fund ID(s) | Fund_list | DOCUMENT_FUND : funds_id | Fund(s), which when packaged, will result in the assignment of the document. | Optional | No | string | Values must be setup in R8 and are specific for every school. |
| ||
42 | Restrict External Fund ID(s) | RestrictFund_list | DocumentDocumentRestrictFund : fundId | Fund(s) to be restricted by the document. | Optional | No | string | Values must be setup in R8 and are specific for every school. |
| ||
43 | Document Restrict Process Type Code(s) | RestrictType_list | DocumentDocumentRestrictType : documentRestrictTypeId |
| Optional | No | string |
| |||
44 | Dependency | documentDependencyStatusCode | Document: documentDependencyStatusCode | This field will be used as an informational attribute to the document, and enable the system to determine if the document should be auto-waived under certain circumstances. | Optional | No | string | 0 | 50 |
| This option is currently information only except for cases when the "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" feature, for the VWS, is turned on. In that case, this attribute is used to auto-waive documents when the student's marital status changes. |
45 | Relationship to Student | documentRelationshipToStudentCode | Document: documentRelationshipToStudentCode | This field will be used as an informational attribute to the document, and enable the system to determine if the document should be auto-waived under certain circumstances. | Optional | No | string | 0 | 50 |
| This option is currently information only except for cases when the "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" feature, for the VWS, is turned on. In that case, this attribute is used to auto-waive documents when the student's marital status changes. |
Common Field Name | XML/CSV Schema Field Name | Maps to Database Table : Field | Description | Required/ Optional | Inheritable? | Type | Min Length | Max Length | Values | Business Rules | |
1 | External Enterprise ID | XML: <Enterprise> externalId CSV: externalEnterpriseId | Enterprise : externalId | Associated Enterprise | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
2 | External Institution ID | XML: <Institution> externalId CSV: externalInstitutionId | Institution : externalId | Associated Institution | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
3 | External Campus ID | XML: <Campus> externalId CSV: externalCampusId | Location : externalId | Associated Campus | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
4 | External Document ID | externalDocumentId | Document : externalId | Associated Document | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
5 | ISIR Disable Auto-Satisfy feature | disableAutoSatisfryFeature | DocumentAssignmentISIR : disableAutoSatisfyFeature | Do not auto-satisfy this document if these options do not appear on a subsequent ISIR. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
6 | ISIR Allow Document to be "Re-opened" During Scope Period | allowDocumentToBeRe OpenedDuringScopePeriod | DocumentAssignmentISIR : allowDocumentToBeReOpened DuringScopePeriod | Indicates whether the document requirement assigned to a student must be returned to its initial status. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
7 | ISIR - Document Scope | documentScopeCode | DocumentAssignementISIR : documentScopeCode | Allows to set a scope for the overall document, or ISIR Assignment. The Scope field tells you how often this document can be requested. | Required | No | string |
| ||
8 | ISIR - Apply to all FAYs | allFederalAwardYears | DocumentAssignmentISIR : allFederalAwardYears | Required | No | boolean |
| |||
9 | ISIR - Initial Document Status | initialDocumentRequirementStatusCode | DocumentAssignementISIR : intialDocumentRequirementStatusCode | This is the status that a document will be in when it is initially assigned to a student. | Optional | No | String | ||||
10 | Federal School Code Mismatch | federalSchoolCodeMismatch | DocumentAssignmentISIR : federalSchoolCodeMismatch | Indicates whether to generate a document on ISIR import if the Federal School codes provided don't match to the current site of the student. Assumption: The ISIR record will always have at least one Federal School Code that exists in R8 - it may not be a Federal School Code related to the student, but it will relate to the Institution. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
11 | ISIR - Age Min | ageMin | DocumentAssignmentISIR : ageMin | Minimum student age that the document is applicable to. | Optional | No | int | 0 | 4 |
| |
12 | ISIR - Age Max | ageMax | DocumentAssignmentISIR : ageMax | Maximum student age that the document is applicable to. | Optional | No | int | 0 | 4 |
| |
13 | ISIR-Working on a Masters or Doctorate Program | workingOnMastersOrDoctorateProgram | DocumentAssignmentISIR : workingOnMastersOrDoctorateProgram | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
14 | ISIR-Mother/Stepmother Last Name Blank on ISIR | mothersStepmothersLastNameBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : mothersStepmothersLastNameBlank | Needed in order to assign the documents.. | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
15 | ISIR-Father/Stepfather Last Name Blank on ISIR | fathersStepfathersLastNameBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fathersStepfathersLastNameBlank | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | boolean |
| ||
16 | ISIR-Student Income Earned From Work (From) | studentsIncomeEarnedFromWorkFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsIncomeEarnedFromWorkFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | int |
| |||
17 | ISIR-Student Income Earned From Work (To) | studentsIncomeEarnedFromWorkTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsIncomeEarnedFromWorkTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
18 | ISIR-Student Income Earned From Work (Blank) | studentsIncomeEarnedFromWorkBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsIncomeEarnedFromWorkBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
19 | ISIR -Spouse Income Earned From Work (From) | spousesIncomeEarnedFromWorkFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : spousesIncomeEarnedFromWorkFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | int |
| |||
20 | ISIR -Spouse Income Earned From Work (To) | spousesIncomeEarnedFromWorkTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : spousesIncomeEarnedFromWorkTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
21 | ISIR -Spouse Income Earned From Work (Blank) | spousesIncomeEarnedFromWorkFromBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : spousesIncomeEarnedFromWorkBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
22 | ISIR-Father/Stepfather Income Earned From Work (From) | fathersStepfathersIncome EarnedFromWorkFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fathersStepfathersIncomeEarnedFromWorkFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | int |
| |||
23 | ISIR-Father/Stepfather Income Earned From Work (To) | fathersStepfathersIncome EarnedFromWorkTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fathersStepfathersIncomeEarnedFromWorkTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
24 | ISIR-Father/Stepfather Income Earned From Work (Blank) | fathersStepfathersIncome EarnedFromWorkBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fathersStepfathersIncomeEarnedFromWorkBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
25 | ISIR-Moth/Sepmother Income Earned From Work (From) | mothersStepmothersIncome EarnedFromWorkFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : mothersStepmothersIncomeEarnedFromWorkFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | int |
| |||
26 | ISIR-Mother/Stepmother Income Earned From Work (To) | mothersStepmothersIncome EarnedFromWorkTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : mothersStepmothersIncomeEarnedFromWorkTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
27 | ISIR-Mother/Stepmother Income Earned From Work (Blank) | mothersStepmothersIncome EarnedFromWorkBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : mothersStepmothersIncomeEarnedFromWorkBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
28 | ISIR-STI: Student Total Income (From) | studentsTotalIncomeFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsTotalIncomeFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | int |
| |||
29 | ISIR-STI: Student Total Income (To) | studentsTotalIncomeTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsTotalIncomeTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
30 | ISIR-STI: Student Total Income (Blank) | studentsTotalIncomeBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsTotalIncomeBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
31 | ISIR: FTI: FISAP Total Income (From) | fisapTotalIncomeFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fisapTotalIncomeFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | int |
| |||
32 | ISIR: FTI: FISAP Total Income (To) | fisapTotalIncomeTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fisapTotalIncomeTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
33 | ISIR: FTI: FISAP Total Income (Blank) | fisapTotalIncomeBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : fisapTotalIncomeBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
34 | ISIR-Student Untaxed Pension (From) | studentsUntaxedPensionFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsUntaxedPensionFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. Note: This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Student's Untaxed Pension" and is only available for use through FAY 2019- 2020 | Optional | No | int |
| |||
35 | ISIR-Student Untaxed Pension (To) | studentsUntaxedPensionTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsUntaxedPensionTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
36 | ISIR-Student Untaxed Pension (Blank) | studentsUntaxedPensionBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsUntaxedPensionBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
37 | ISIR-Parent Untaxed Pension (From) | parentsUntaxedPensionFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : parentsUntaxedPensionFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. Note: This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Parent's Untaxed Pension" and is only available for use through FAY 2019- 2020 | Optional | No | int |
| |||
38 | ISIR-Parent Untaxed Pension (To) | parentsUntaxedPensionTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : parentsUntaxedPensionTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
39 | ISIR-Parent Untaxed Pension (Blank) | parentsUntaxedPensionBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : parentsUntaxedPensionBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
40 | Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions (From) | studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. Note: This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Student's Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions" and is only available for use beginning with the 2020-2021 FAY | Optional | No | int |
| |||
41 | Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions (To) | studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
42 | Student's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions (Blank) | studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : studentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
43 | Parent's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions:(From) | parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsFrom | DocumentAssignmentISIR : parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsFrom | Needed in order to assign the documents. Note: This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Student's Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions" and is only available for use beginning with the 2020-2021 FAY | Optional | No | int |
| |||
44 | Parent's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions:(To) | parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsTo | DocumentAssignmentISIR : parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsTo | Optional | No | int |
| ||||
45 | Parent's Untaxed IRA Distributions and Pensions:(Blank) | parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsBlank | DocumentAssignmentISIR : parentsUntaxedPortionsOfIRADistributionsAndPensionsBlank | Optional | No | boolean |
| |||
46 | External ISIR Layout Comment Code ID(s) | CommentCode_list | DOCUMENT_CommentCodes : isirLayoutCommentCodeId | Comment code(s) that the document is associated with. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
47 | Dependency Status Code(s) | DependencyStatus_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRDependency Status : dependencyStatusId | Dependency status(es) that the document is applicable to. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
48 | Federal Award Year(s) | FAY_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRFederalAward Year : federalAwardYearId | The federal award year(s) for which the document is applicable. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
49 | Gender Code(s) | Gender_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRGender : genderId | Student gender(s) that the document is applicable to. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
50 | ISIR-Children You Support Value List | HaveChildrenYouSupport_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRHaveChildren YouSupport : yesNoBlankCode | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
51 | ISIR-Legal Dependents Value List | HaveLegalDependentsOtherThanChildrenOrSpouse_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRHaveLegal DependentsOtherThanChildrenOrSpouse : yesNoBlankCode | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
52 | External Homelessness/ Ward of Court ID(s) | HomelessWardCourtStatus_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRHomelessWard CourtStatus : isirColumnTextId | Homelessness/Ward of Court Field(s) on ISIR that document is associated with. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
53 | Marital Status Code(s) | MaritalStatus_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRMaritalStatus : maritalStatusId | Marital status(es) that the document is applicable to. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
54 | ISIR-Parents Marital Status Code(s) | ParetnsMaritalStatus_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRParentsMarital Status : maritalStatusCode | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
55 | ISIR-ParentsTax Form Code(s) | ParentsTaxFormUsed_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRParentsTax FormUsed : taxFormUsedCode | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
56 | ISIR-Students Tax Form Code(s) | StudentsTaxFormUsed_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRStudentsTax FormUsed : taxFormUsedCode | Needed in order to assign the documents. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
57 | ISIR - Verification Change Flag Code(s) | VerificationChangeFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRVerificationChange Flag : verificationChangeFlagCode | Provides a way for schools to configure a document to trigger on ISIR load when the value(s) in this field changes so that the school is notified to the fact that the student must be re-verified.
| Optional | No | string |
| |||
58 | ISIR - Verification Group Code(s) | VerificationGroup_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRVerificationGroup : verificationGroupCode | Verification group(s) that the document is associated with. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
59 | Parent IRS Request Flag(s) | ParentIRSRequestFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRParentIRSRequestFlag : parentIRSRequestFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Parent IRS Request code. This feature will apply to any FAYs based on the selected FAY in Document Setup. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
60 | Student IRS Request Flag(s) | StudentIRSRequestFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRStudentIRSRequestFlag : studentIRSRequestFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Student IRS Request code. This feature will apply to any FAYs based on the selected FAY in Document Setup. | Optional | No | string | Student IRS Request Flag Code |
| ||
61 | Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag(s) | ParentIRSIRADistributionsDataFieldFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRParentIRSIRADistributionsDataFieldFlag: ParentIRSIRADistributionsDataFieldFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field code. Note: This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Parent IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019- 2020 | Optional | No | string |
| |||
62 | Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag(s) | ParentIRSUntaxedPensionsDataFieldFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRParentIRSUntaxedPensionsDataFieldFlag: ParentIRSUntaxedPensionsDataFieldFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field code Note: This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019- 2020 | Optional | No | string | Parent IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag Code |
| ||
63 | Parent IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag(s) | ParentIRSUntaxedPortionsofIRADistributionsandPensionsDataFieldFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRParentIRSUntaxedPortionsofIRADistributionsandPensionsDataFieldFlag: parentIRSUntaxedPortionsofIRADistributionsandPensionsDataFieldFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Parent IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field code. Note: This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Parent IRS Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use beginning with the 2020-2021 FAY | Optional | No | string |
| ||
64 | Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag(s) | StudentIRSIRADistributionsDataFieldFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRStudentIRSIRADistributionsDataFieldFlag: StudentIRSIRADistributionsDataFieldFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Student IRS IRA Distribution Data Field code. Note: This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Student IRS IRA Distributions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019- 2020 | Optional | No | string |
| |||
65 | Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag(s) | StudentIRSUntaxedPensionsDataFieldFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRStudentIRSUntaxedPensionsDataFieldFlag: StudentIRSUntaxedPensionsDataFieldFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field code. Note: This field maps to the ISIR field titled "Student IRS Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use through FAY 2019- 2020 | Optional | No | string |
| |||
66 | Student IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field Flag(s) | StudentIRSUntaxedPortionsofIRADistributionsandPensionsDataFieldFlag_list | DocumentAssignmentISIRStudentIRSUntaxedPortionsofIRADistributionsandPensionsDataFieldFlag: studentIRSUntaxedPortionsofIRADistributionsandPensionsDataFieldFlagCode | Provides the ability to assign a document to a student, based on the code(s) selected for Student IRS IRA Distributions and Untaxed Pensions Data Field code. Note:This field maps to the 2020-2021 ISIR field titled "Student IRS Untaxed Portions of IRA Distributions and Pensions Data Field Flag" and is only available for use beginning with the 2020-2021 FAY | Optional | No | string |
| ||
67 | External Layout ISIR Reject Code ID(s) | RejectCode_list | DOCUMENT_RejectCodes : ISIRLayoutRejectCodeId | Reject code(s) that the document is associated with. | Optional | No | string |
| |||
68 | Marital Status Change | studentMaritalStatusChange | DocumentAssignmentISIR: studentMaritalStatusChange | Provides ability to enable tracking of student marital status on ISIR import compared to previous active ISIR, of the same year, when both ISIRs are selected for verification. | Optional | No | boolean |
| When this option is selected, and the Institutional Setting "Enable VWS Marital Status Change" is set to "Yes," Regent Award will compare the prior active ISIR to the current active ISIR of the same FAY, (if both ISIRs are selected for Verification) to determine if there is a student marital status change. |
Common Field Name | XML/CSV Schema Field Name | Maps to Database Table : Field | Description | Required/ Optional | Inheritable? | Type | Min Length | Max Length | Values | Business Rules | |
1 | External Enterprise ID | XML: <Enterprise> externalId CSV: externalEnterpriseId | Enterprise : externalId | Associated Enterprise | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
2 | External Institution ID | XML: <Institution> externalId CSV: externalInstitutionId | Institution : externalId | Associated Institution | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
3 | External Campus ID | XML: <Campus> externalId CSV: externalCampusId | Location : externalId | Associated Campus | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
4 | External Document ID | externalDocumentId | Document : externalId | Associated Document | Required | No | string | 1 | 60 |
| |
5 | UDF Field Name Code | institutionUserDefinedFieldCode | DocumentRequirementSBLUDF : institutionUserDefinedFieldCode | User Defined Fields that trigger/auto-assign documents. If the school will provide the document status, then they need to setup a separate UDF/value pair for each status. | Required | No | string | Values must be set up in InstitutionUserDefinedField table and is specific for every school. |
| ||
6 | Match Any Value | matchAnyValue | DocumentRequirementSBLUDF : matchAnyValue | This option is that no matter what is sent as a value for the UDF, the document will be triggered with the specified or default document status. The UDF may be provided with no value on the SBL and the document will be assigned with the default document status from the configuration. | Required | No | boolean |
| ||
7 | UDF Value | value | DocumentRequirementSBLUDF : value | The UDF may be provided with a specific value, then that value must be provided for the UDF in the SBL in order for the document to be assigned. | Optional | No | string | 0 | 80 |
| |
8 | Document Requirement Status Code | documentRequirementStatusCode | DocumentRequirementSBLUDF : documentRequirementStatusCode | Document Status associated with the UDF | Optional | No | string |
| |||
9 | MAP UDF Values to Document Statuses | valueUsedForDocumentRequirementStatus | DocumentRequirementSBLUDF : valueUsedForDocumentRequirementStatus | Indicates that the school will send the status value as the UDF value, on the SBL, and that will be used to set the document status. | Required | No | boolean |
| If "true":
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