Courses Tab Data Elements

This page details the data fields on the student's Courses Tab screen.  

Course List GridCourse DetailCourse Edit
GridField NameDescription

Required/ Optional


SBL Max Length

Business Rules


Payment Period

(Payment Pd on the Course List Grid)


The Enrollment Period NameRequiredView Only

Term Name for Term Schools


Payment Period Name for Non Term Schools

View Only

Term Name for Term Schools


Payment Period Name for Non Term Schools

View Only


  • Payment Period Name for Term Schools = Term Name
  • For Non Term Schools (BBAY3) Payment Period Name 
YesCourse #The ID Number / Code for the CourseRequiredView OnlyAlphanumeric View OnlyAlphanumeric View OnlyN/A12
  • Pulled from SBL


Course Name

(Name on the Course List Grid)

The name of the courseRequiredView OnlyAlphanumericView OnlyAlphanumericTextAlphanumeric80
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

External Course ID  OptionalN/AN/AView Only View OnlyN/A 
  • Maps to the External Course ID in the SBL
YesStart DateThe start date of the courseRequiredView OnlyMM/DD/YYYYView OnlyMM/DD/YYYY

Calendar selection

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value
YesEnd DateThe end date of the courseRequiredView OnlyMM/DD/YYYYView OnlyMM/DD/YYYY

Calendar selection

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value


Registered Units (Units on the Course List Grid)The number of registered units the course is worthRequiredView Only0.00 to 999.99View Only0.00 to 999.99


0.00 to 999.99 
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value
YesCompleted UnitsThe number of units the student has earned in the courseRequiredView Only0.00 to 999.99View Only0.00 to 999.99Text0.00 to 999.99
  • Pulled from the SBL Data
  • Used at term-based institutions to determine whether funds can be disbursed for prior terms. Earned Units do not affect the "Cumulative Unit Count".
YesProgression Units

The number of progression units the student earned in the course to count toward the student's current program

RequiredView Only0.00 to 999.99N/AN/AN/AN/A
  • Program Applicable = True
  • Counts towards Progression = Yes
  • Completed = True
  • Quality Points > 0

Registered WeeksThe number of weeks the course is worthOptionalN/AN/AView Only0 to 108


0 to 108 
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

CompletedIndicator to designate if the course has been completedOptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"

Counts Toward Progression

Indicator whether  the completed units in this course should count toward the student’s progression units.

OptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False

  •  If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"
  • Set to "true" if the student has not earned enough Quality Points from this course.

Quality PointsThe number of quality points earnedOptionalN/AN/AView Only0.00 to 999.99


0.00 to 999.99 
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

Unit TypeThe type of unit for the courseOptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Semester Credit
  • Quarter Credit
  • Credit Hr/Clock Hr. Conversion Semester Credit
  • Credit Hr/Clock Hr. Conversion Quarter Credit
  • Clock Hour
View Only
  • N/A
YesProgram ApplicableIndicator to designate if the course work is applicable to the degree the student is currently pursuingOptionalView Only
  • Yes
  • No
View Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False


  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"
  • If False, then course units are not calculated towards program completion and grade level progression. Course units are still counted towards units attempted for SAP.
  • If SBL value is NULL, Regent Award displays "False"

RemedialIndicator to designate if the course is remedialOptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False


Rule set indicates if fund(s) are eligible for remedial courses.

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If SBL value is NULL, Regent Award displays "False"
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"

CorrespondenceIndicator to designate if the course is a correspondenceOptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False


  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If SBL value is NULL, Regent Award displays "False"
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"

RepeatIndicator to designate if the course is a repeatOptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"

SBL Provided Internal Transfer

This field indicates that the course was designated as an internal transfer course on the SBL


View Only

  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"


Internal Transfer

(Transfer on the Course List Grid)

This field indicates whether or not Regent Award will treat this course as an Internal Transfer either because the SBL indicated that the course is an internal transfer, or because the course is a Conversion Calculated Internal Transfer.

OptionalView Only
  • Yes
  • No

View Only

  • Checked
  • Unchecked
  •  If "True", Regent Award overrides SBL Provided Internal Transfer flag

Conversion Calculated Internal Transfer

This flag indicates that the course is an "Internal transfer" because it was set as such by the Rebuild Process. 


View Only

  • Checked
  • Unchecked
  • The Rebuild Process sets this flag in cases where a SBL provided non-transfer course ends prior to the start of the first Academic Year (that is not an AY0) for the student's program in Regent Award.
  • When a course is determined to be an internal transfer by the rebuild process, both the "Conversion Calculated Internal Transfer" and the "Internal Transfer" flags are set to a value of "true."

SBL Internal Transfer Overridden

This flag denotes that the SBL Internal Transfer flag has been overridden by Regent Award for a Non Term (NT), substantially equal (SE) program change, allowing the course to be considered as a non-transfer/normal course for proper units and weeks calculations.


View Only

  • Checked
  • Unchecked

The SIS Internal Transfer Overriden flag is checked whenever there is a NT to NT, Mid-SE program change (PC) and the internal transfers are in the same Payment Period  (PP) in which the PC is occurring.

When a Non Term, substantially equal program change is performed, schools allow it to happen in the middle of a payment period.  As a result, Regent Award matches the completed courses from the first program the student was in when the PP began, to the same courses which would be marked as a transfer into the new program.  In order properly count units and weeks for the PP, Regent Award flips the transfer flag on the courses provided for the new program that fall within that PP, that are marked as internal transfer, to be non-transfer courses under the new program.  This allows Regent Award to properly count the units and week for that PP to complete it at the proper time.

External TransferIndicator to designate if the course was sent on the SBL as an external transfer courseOptionalN/AN/A

View Only

  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"
  • If "True", Regent Award overrides sisExternalTransferFlag

Enrolled DateThe date the student enrolled in the courseOptionalN/AN/AView OnlyMM/DD/YYYY

Calendar selection

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

Has AttendedHas the student attended this course at all?OptionalN/AN/AView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If "True", Regent Award uses the override value of "true"
  • If "False", Regent Award uses the override value of "false"

Last Attended Date

(Last Attended on the Course List Grid)

The last and/or most recent attendance dateOptionalView OnlyMM/DD/YYYYView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Calendar selection

Check Box for Override to Blank

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value
  • If "Override to Blank" is selected, Regent Award uses the overridden value of NULL - meaning no last attended date provided for the course.
  • If setup is configured 'to confirm attendance', this field must be populated for funds to disburse.
YesWithdrawal DateThe date of the drop or withdrawal from the courseOptionalView OnlyMM/DD/YYYYView OnlyMM/DD/YYYY

Calendar Selection

Check Box for Override to Blank

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regennt Award uses the overridden value
  • If "Override to Blank" is selected, Regent Award uses the overridden value of NULL - meaning no withdrawal date provided for the course
YesLetter Grade
OptionalView Only View Only 


  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

Disqualified Remedial

Remedial units for the course which are not eligible for financial aidOptionalN/AN/AView only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked
View OnlyN/A  

Disqualified Repeat

Repeat units for the course which are not eligible for financial aidOptionalN/AN/A View only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked
View OnlyN/A  

Indicator if course should be excluded from SAP calculationOptionalN/AN/A View only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked

Drop down

  • True
  • False
  • If SBL value is NULL, Regent Award displays "False"
  • If "Calculated Exclude Course from SAP" is "true", Regent Award will set "Exclude Course from SAP" flag to "true". 

Calculated Exclude Course from SAP

The system determined that this course would be excluded from SAP as it was withdrawn during the Drop/Add period. OptionalView Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked
View only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked
View Only
  • Checked
  • Unchecked
  • Applies only to schools using Module Setup.
  • If "Last Day for Drop/Add" is provided on the Modules tab of Term Setup (see Term Setup Data Elementsand the Course Withdrawal Date (provided via SBL or Course Overrides) is on or before the Last Day for Drop/Add date, then set "Calculated Exclude Course from SAP" flag to "true".

External Site ID
OptionalN/AN/A View only 

Drop down

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

External Program ID
RequiredN/AN/A View Only 

Drop down

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value
  • User can select any program for the same Institution even if a CEP does not exist for this student for this program yet

External Term ID OptionalN/AN/A View Only 

Drop down

Checkbox for Override to Blank

  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

External Module ID OptionalN/AN/A View Only 

Drop down

Checkbox for Override to Blank

  • Available for override ONLY if the school is using externalModuleSetup for the term indicated by the externalTermId
  • If NULL, Regent Award uses the SBL provided value
  • If NOT NULL, Regent Award uses the overridden value

Repeat OverrideAllows the user to manually update the repeat status of a courseOptionalN/AN/A Drop down
  • True
  • False
  • Null
Drop down
  • True
  • False
  • Null
  • Provides the ability to manually update the "repeat" flag of a course
  • Selecting "True" or "False" overrides what is sent in the SBL.
  • "NULL will allow the SBL to manage the value again.
  • Only allows to edit a course when CourseData.CourseEnrollment.closedYN!=1 (the term or PP is not closed)
  • Comments are required when saving changes to the "Repeat Override" field.

Attended Before Module COA Freeze Date
OptionalN/AN/ACheckboxView OnlyCheckbox

View Only

  • Regent Award displays this field (for both edit and view modes) ONLY if the course externalModuleID is NOT NULL.



Note: Required if 'Repeat Override' is edited


View Only

  • Text must be entered in Comments textbox in order to save the entered overrides.
  • When the comments field is not NULL on the "Edit" mode of the courses tab, Regent Award displays a message to the end user, below the "buttons" bar, reminding the end user to update the comments.
  • Message Text: Please review the Comments text entered below before saving your changes.