Reports: ISIR - Student Listing

Report Description

This report includes commonly used information about the student received in the Student’s ISIR Record(s). It is often used with filters to target specific populations of students such as those selected for verification, students who are Pell eligible, EFC specifics or students who require manual awarding of scholarship funds. It also enables schools to generate a roster of all students with an ISIR record in the system for a specific award year

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Federal Award Year (select one)
  • Graduate? 
    • All (default)
    • Yes
    • No
  • Active ISIR
    • All
    • Yes (Active)
    • No (Inactive)
  • Application Receipt Date From
  • Application Receipt Date To
  • Transaction Processed Date From
  • Transaction Processed Date To
  • Program Start Date Range From
  • Program Start Date Range To
  • Academic Year Start Date From

  • Academic Year Start Date To

  • Payment Period Start Date From
  • Payment Period Start Date To

  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Show User Defined Fields
    • Yes
    • No
  • User Defined Fields

Output Columns

  • External Student ID (1-4 as applicable)
  • SSN (from ISIR)
    • NoteThe "SSN" output value is associated with the "View full SSN via "View Full SSN" icon" permission or the "Full SSN always Unmasked" permission.  When either permission is enabled, users see full SSN ("123456789"). When both permissions are disabled, users see a masked SSN (xxxxx6789").
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • ISIR Trans #
  • Undergraduate/Graduate (display UG or GR) 
  • Source of Correction
  • Application Receipt Date
  • Transaction Processed Date
  • Parent Email
  • Dependency Status
  • Active ISIR
  • Selected For Verification
  • Verification Status
  • Verification Tracking Group
  • Pell Eligible
  • Primary EFC
  • Dependency
  • State (from ISIR)
  • Grade Level
  • FTI (FISAP Total Income)
  • Reject Codes
  • Comment Codes
  • Household # Student
  • Household # Student Change Code
  • # in College Student
  • # in College Student Change Code
  • Household # Parent(s)
  • Household # Parent(s) Change Code
  • # in College Parent(s)
  • # in College Parent(s) Change Code
  • ISIR High School Diploma
  • ISIR High School Name
  • ISIR High School State
  • ISIR High School City
  • ISIR High School Code
  • ISIRLoad Date
  • Received Subsequent ISIR?
  • NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Principal Balance
  • NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Principal Balance
  • NSLDS Aggregate Combined Principal Balance
  • Student is Active?
  • Display the Name/Value pairs of the User Defined Fields being used by the school if chosen from the report parameters.