/ Release: Regent 8 Release: Regent 8

Important Highlights:

  • R8 now supports awarding of Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) funds up to 150 percent of the student’s Pell Grant Scheduled Award (PGSA) for a Federal Award Year (FAY).

  • 2018-2019 regulatory updates included

  • CCM added the ability for users to Import and Export Program, Term and Program Group Configuration via CSV format (the XML based import/export processes for these configuration areas were made available in a prior release) as well as the ability to Import and Export Document Setup data via both XML and CSV format.

  • A new configuration option to have the R2T4 Wizard automatically cancel any Title IV funds (except for the Federal Work Study) on a student’s account, during the R2T4 period, that are not included in the R2T4 calculation.

  • The new COD WB Reconciliation Process allows users to export disbursements that were paid via COD on the Web to update their Accounts Receivable (AR) system.

Keywords:, 4.2, R4.2.0.0, R4.2, R4.2.0.0 Release Notes