Pell COA Setup Data Elements

Pell COA Setup Data Elements


Below are the setup items to be used for each Pell COA configured in the system.

General Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValueBusiness Rules
General Tab
NameName of setupRequiredText - 60 alphanumeric characters max
Must be unique within a given Campus.
External Pell COA ID
RequiredText - 60 alphanumeric characters max
Must be unique within a given Campus.
OptionalText - 200 alphanumeric characters max

A given program can be associated with only one active Pell COA Setup.
Add Federal Award Year
This button allows the user to add a Federal Award Year associated with the Pell COA.
Federal Award Year
  • Select (default)
  • 2017-2018
  • 2018-2019
  • 2019-2020...

Multiple FAY data entries may be provided but only ONE per FAY value. If there is a row of data for a given FAY, that FAY value will not be available in the FAY drop down; i.e. you cannot have two rows of data for 2017-2018 or any other FAY

Rows of data are sorted with the most recent FAY at the top.

With Parent

Full Time
RequiredText - 8 numeric characters max0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only
Less Than Half Time
OptionalText - 8 numeric characters max0 - 99999.99 positive numbers onlyOptional for non-term and in order to save the Pell COA setup, but it's important to note that this is required for a LTHT term-based student in order for that student to be auto-awarded Pell in Regent Award.
On Campus

Full Time
RequiredText - 8 numeric characters only0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only
Less Than Half Time
OptionalText - 8 numeric characters only0 - 99999.99 positive numbers onlyOptional for non-term and in order to save the Pell COA setup, but it's important to note that this is required for a LTHT term-based student in order for that student to be auto-awarded Pell in Regent Award.
Off Campus

Full Time
RequiredText - 8 numeric characters only0 - 99999.99 positive numbers only
Less Than Half Time
OptionalText - 8 numeric characters only0 - 99999.99 positive numbers onlyOptional for non-term and in order to save the Pell COA setup, but it's important to note that this is required for a LTHT term-based student in order for that student to be auto-awarded Pell in Regent Award.
Delete Button
Read OnlyButton
Permission-based and allows the user to delete the FAY setup being edited. Note: Once the Pell COA is associated with a student, it cannot be deleted.

Programs Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Select all programs
If this button is selected, this includes all programs set up in the system, for this campus, at any given point in time now and in the future, are to be associated with this Pell COA setup.
Available Programs
OptionalMulti-list select boxPrograms available at the campus, both active and inactive
Selected Programs
OptionalMulti-list select boxPrograms chosen by the user associated with the Pell COA setup.

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