Reports: R2T4 Automated Process Results Report

Report Description

This report will be ACCESSIBLE FROM THE PROCESS LOG, per Batch Packaging Process entry. (Run this report based on the IOProcessId of the Process selected from the Process Log Grid). This report shows the results of the R2T4 Process, over time (meaning, a history of student data over several executions of the report may be generated by this report's output).

The report will contain, parameters and output columns for automatically processed R2T4s ONLY (this output will not include any information about R2T4s manually initiated by the end-user).

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Process Execution Date Range From
  • Process Execution Date Range To
  • Date of Determination Date Range From
  • Date of Determination Date Range To
  • Withdrawal Date Range From 
  • Withdrawal Date Range To
  • 50% Indicator Used
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • R2T4 Status
    • Open
    • Reversed
    • Not Required
    • Finalized
    • Ready for Review
    • Error
  • R2T4 Not Processed
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Student ExternalID
  • IO Process ID 
  • PWD
    • All
    • Yes
    • No

Output Columns

  • Student
  • External Student ID 1-4
  • Processed Date
  • Process ID
  • R2T4 Date of Determination
  • R2T4 Date of Withdrawal
  • R2T4 Completed On Date
  • 50% Indicator
  • R2T4 Status
  • Result Reason Text
  • Percentage Earned (Box H)
  • Post-Withdrawal Disbursement (Box J)
  • Title IV Aid to be Returned (Box K)
  • Amount for School to Return (Box O)
  • Unearned Pell to be Returned
  • Step 10 Grant Overpayment
  • PWD
  • Total Gross PWD Amount
  • Total Non-IOP Net PWD Amount
  • Total IOP Net PWD Amount
  • Total Net Amount Accepted
    • This field will populate with the amount that is set on the PWD Tab during R2T4 Finalization for Grant Amounts.
    • The Net Amount Accepted field for Direct Loans will not populate with a value as those are entered manually by the user after Finalization has occurred.
  • Notification Sent
  • Response Deadline
  • R2T4 Not Processed Reason (for example, R2T4 failed - "Unable to be Auto-processed"; Student has an Abbreviated Period - "No Action Taken - Unaligned NT PPs")
  • Manual R2T4 Status (will be populated if the Automated R2T4 was made manual)
  • Date Completed

R2T4 - PWD Results Report

This report will be accessible when a user selects "yes" on the PWD column for a student within the "R2T4 Automated Process Results Report." The report will list each PWD Disbursement as a separate row.

Output Columns

  • Type of Aid
  • Gross PWD Amount
  • FAY Loan ID
  • Disbursement #
  • Net Non-IOP PWD Amount
  • Net IOP PWD Amount
  • Date PWD Response
  • Net Amount Accepted
  • Date Disbursed
  • Do Not Offer
  • Return Amount Reason