Triage Self-Help Guide

Triage Self-Help Guide


This page serves to provide general guidelines when reporting a CZ bug ticket.

Bug Ticket Validation

The following basic troubleshooting steps are recommended before creating a bug ticket in Customer Zone (CZ).

  1. Awarding/Academic Plan
    1. Is the student registered for the term/PP?
    2. Has the student exceeded the program required units?
    3. Are there disqualified/remedial units present?
    4. Is there a correct Program Completion Date present?
  2. Courses Tab
    1. Are the courses considered Program Applicable?
    2. Are any courses withdrawn prior to attendance?
    3. Are the courses considered transfers?
  3. Documents Tab
    1. Are there any documents not in a Satisfied or Waived status?
    2. Are the "Needed" or "Incomplete" documents configured to block packaging or some other process?
  4. Tasks Tab
    1. Do any tasks in an open status block packaging or some other process?
    2. Is there an outstanding Program Change Task?
  5. ISIR Tab
    1. Is there an active ISIR for the FAY?  Does the ISIR match the student's Program Type (i.e., Undergrad vs. Grad)
    2. What is the EFC to determine Pell eligibility?
    3. Are there any C-codes that need resolution?
    4. Is the student selected for Verification?
    5. Under ‘Student Information’, does the student have an acceptable high school diploma or equivalent?
  6. Awards Tab
    1. Is the student meeting SAP requirements?
    2. Has the student been packaged up to COA?
  7. History Tab
    1. Has the student reached Pell LEU of 600%
    2. Is the student near/at their aggregate loan limits?
    3. Is there an NSLDS alert?
  8. Activity Tab
    1. Use the Activity Tab by filtering the fields to determine when an action was taken on a student
      1. Example: Filter under Activity/Description for "Program Change" to determine when the Program Change was completed for a student
    2. Use the Activity Tab to determine if the action was a system or staff action
  9. R2T4 Wizard Not Pulling Expected Funds
    1. Were loans originated prior to withdrawal?
    2. Was SEOG/Perkins offered prior to withdrawal?
    3. Was the ISIR selected for verification?  (This will determine Pell and Sub Loan eligibility)
    4. Is there a valid MPN associated with the loans?
  10. Awards Not Disbursing
    1. Has registration, attendance, etc. met the requirements in the fund's Disbursement Schedule?
    2. Have the awards been originated and accepted at COD?
    3. Review the Process Log to determine potential EST error.

Information Needed When Creating CZ Bug Ticket

The following information should be included in the CZ Bug ticket when reporting an issue.

  1. Provide a clear and concise description of the issue being reported
  2. Clearly detail the expected and actual results
  3. Provide student example(s)
  4. Provide the awards being affected if applicable
    1. Provide the expected award/disbursement amounts
  5. For failed processing, provide Process ID for reference.
    1. Examples: Failed EST, failed SBL import, etc.
  6. Provide screenshots of the issue
  7. Clearly state the environment where the issue is found, i.e. Production, QA2, etc.