Fund Group Setup Data Elements

Fund Group Setup Data Elements

Below are the setup items and validation rules to be used for each Fund Group that you configure in the system.

General Subtab

Fund Group Detail

Field NameDescriptionRequired / OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Fund Group Name

School-provided name.

Required; Text - 1-50 characters

RequiredText1-50 characters

The Fund Group Name must be unique within the institution.  In other words, fund group names cannot be duplicated across the Campuses within an Institution.

  • Error message: Fund Group Name must be unique within the Institution. 
Fund Group External ID

School-provided Fund Group unique identifier. RNA does not use this field. However, it is added for possible future expansion with Client Configuration Management (aka Project Contour).


Text1-60 charactersValidations:
  • Does not allow characters other than letters A-Z, numbers 0-9, and underscores.
  • Must be a unique value within the Institution
  • Error message: Fund Group External ID must have a unique value within the Institution. Only letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed.
Fund Group Description

School-provided additional information

OptionalText256 characters maximum

Amount Limit Per Award Period

These fields specify a Maximum Amount that can be awarded for the selected programs, for all grouped funds within the same award period (per FAY or Academic Year).

The system first calculates award eligibility based on fund setup, packaging philosophy, and other rules. Then, the system awards each award in the fund group, in order of the packaging philosophy, up to the configured maximum for the fund group. Any calculated amounts above the configured maximum for the fund group are not be awarded.

The Maximum Amount may be optionally further configured to apply only to a specific FAY or Effective Date range. Award amounts from the fund group are applied to the Maximum when the Payment Period Start Date falls during the FAY or within the Effective Date range, as applicable. The Effective End Date may be left blank until the maximum amount expires or needs to be changed.

If no Federal Award Year or Effective dates are configured, the configured Flat Amount Per Payment Period and Amount Per Unit amounts are used for the award for all FAYs and PPs.  When FAY and Effective Date are blank, only one limit (one row of data) can be configured.

Matching configured Amounts to Payment Periods:

  • For FAY-scoped Funds, Regent Award first matches the FAY value configured to the FAY value on the payment period. This check is not performed for AY-Scoped funds.
  • Then the system validates that the payment period start date falls within the effective date range provided for a given set of per PP/per Unit values.  If the payment period falls within the effective date range, the configured award amount is used.
Field NameDescriptionRequired / OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Max Amount Per Award Period

The school-provided upper limit for the total award amounts across all funds in the group. 

RequiredText (numeric)Positive numeric values, up to two decimal places

Positive numbers only. May enter positive integers, or decimals to two decimal places (pennies).

A Fund Group must have at least one non-blank Maximum Amount to be saved.

Federal Award Year

Optional per-FAY restriction for FAY-based funds.

The payment period uses the Federal Award Year column along with the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date columns to determine if the fund group limit applies for the amount configured. 

The Federal Award Year field is required for FAY scope funds, except if only a single data set is configured. If there is only a single data set it means that the amount(s) configured applies to all FAYs.


Blank (Default)

List of FAYs in CCYY-CCYY format

(example: 2019-2020)

The setting applies to FAY-based funds only.

  • FAY is not required if the group has only one limit specified.
  • FAY is required for saving the group if any selected fund is FAY-based (i.e., if Fund Scope is Federal Award Year) and the group has more than one limit specified.

Optional (does not have any effect) if the selected funds are all AY-based.

Effective Start Date

The school-provided date range for when the system enforces the fund group's limits.

  • Multiple entries per FAY are allowed, but due to the effective date validation, the values configured in a single FAY cannot have overlapping effective date ranges
  • No effective dates are required if FAY is specified and only one row is configured for a given FAY.  
  • No effective dates are required if only one row is configured.
  • Within a given FAY, one entry in this table can have either a NULL end date OR a NULL Start Date.
    • Regent Award validates that the Effective Dates entered fall within the system configured effective date range for the FAY chosen.  For example, if the FAY date range is July 1 to June 30, any data sets provided for a given FAY must fall within these specific dates.
    • If a NULL value is provided for an Effective Start or End Date, it is implied that the Start or End date aligns with the FAY date range.  For example:
      • Data Set 1 for 2019-2020:  Null Start Date; End Date of Dec. 1, 2019;  The implied Start Date is the system's FAY start date, either July 1 or the start date of one of the Alt-FAY values, depending on configuration. 
      • Data Set 2 for 2019-2020:  Start Date of Dec. 2, 2019; Null End Date;  The implied End Date is the system's FAY end date, either June 30 or the end date of one of the Alt-FAY values, depending on configuration
    • Effective date ranges entered for the values of a given FAY cannot overlap.
Optional Combination date picker and date text entry.

Blank (Default)


Regent Award applies the limit to all payment periods having a Payment Period start date on or after the Effective Start Date, and on or before the Effective End Date (if configured).

If the Effective Start Date is blank, then the system limits all Payment Periods (in conjunction with the Effective End Date, if configured).

If the Effective End Date is blank, then the system limits all Payment Periods (in conjunction with the Effective Start Date, if configured).

Effective End DateOptional Combination date picker and date text entry.

Blank (Default)


Funds Association

Selects one or more funds to add to the Fund Group.

All the selected funds must share the same Fund Scope and the same Award Period. For example, if a fund has a Fund Scope of Federal Award Year in Fund Setup, all funds must also share the same Alternative FAY Schedule. 

  • When a user selects the first Fund, that fund's selection filters the list of Available Funds to only show funds sharing the same fund scope as the selected Fund. The "Add All" button becomes available when at least one fund is selected.
  • Fund Groups may only group configuration driven funds.  Fund Groups cannot group federal funds or funds with custom-coded rulesets. 

All selected Funds must have the same budget scope. When the first fund is selected, the screen filters the Available Funds to only show other funds sharing the same fund scope and same award period. If the funds use an alternative Federal Award Year calendar, all the selected funds must also have the same Alt-FAY dates.

The system dynamically filters the list of Available Funds (behind the scenes), in addition to the normal user-entered text filters.

  • On initial load or edit, the system filters the list to only show funds that use configuration-driven awarding.
  • When the Selected Funds column contains a Fund, the system additionally filters to the list of remaining funds to only allow funds with the same Fund Scope (FAY or AY), and the same Alt-FAY (for example, Jan 01 - Dec 31) as the already-selected Fund.
  • Users can additionally filter for specific text values. If the user clears the user-entered text filters, the system still filters the funds based on the scope of the current Selected Funds.
  • If the user selects a fund, the system filters the list of remaining Available Funds to match the same award period as the selected fund. 

Limit - During packaging, the system checks each fund marked with "Limit" and ensure it does not exceed the group's overall maximum amount. The system automatically adjusts the award amounts from that fund.

Field NameDescriptionRequired / OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Add All

Button to add all funds in the Available Funds list to the Selected Funds.


The Add All button is disabled until at least one fund is in the "Selected Funds" column. The enabling/disabling allows the screen to filter the group of available funds matching the same Fund Scope as the selected fund. 

The "Add All" button is Disabled if the Selected Funds list is completely empty.

Remove AllButton to remove all funds in the Selected Funds list.N/AButtonN/A

The Remove All button is disabled until at least one fund is in the Selected Funds column. 

When a user clicks Remove All, the system removes all funds meeting the current display filters. The screen also disables the "Add All" button when no funds are selected, to allow filtering the funds based on Fund Scope.

Available Funds

List of available fund names.

Text (View-only)TextFund names

The system dynamically filters the list of Available Funds (behind the scenes), in addition to the normal user-entered text filters.

  • On initial load or edit, filter to only show funds that do not have any ruleset assigned in the Fund Model Rules table
  • When the Selected Funds column contains a Fund, the system additionally filters to the list of remaining funds to only allow funds with the same Fund Scope (FAY or AY), and the same Alt-FAY (for example, Jan 01 - Dec 31) as the already-selected Fund.
  • Users can additionally filter for specific text values. If the user clears the user-entered text filters, the system still filters the funds based on the scope of the current Selected Funds.
  • If the user selects a fund, the system filters the list of remaining Available Funds to match the same award period as the selected fund. 
Add and Limit

When a fund is added to the Fund group with "Add and Limit," the system limits and automatically adjust the award amounts, so the total does not exceed the fund group's limit. The system only adjusts amounts for the group's selected programs. 

All selected Funds must have the same budget scope. When the first fund is selected, the screen filters the Available Funds to only show other funds sharing the same fund scope and same award period. If the funds use an alternative Federal Award Year calendar, all the selected funds must also have the same Alt-FAY dates.


When a user clicks Add and Limit next to a fund, the system adds the chosen fund to the Fund Group and displays the fund in the Selected Funds instead of Available Funds list.  

    1. The fund selection also sets the fund's constraint type to "Limit" - note, Limit is the only constraint type available.
  1. When the first fund is added to the Selected Funds list, the system filters the remaining Available Funds.

    1. The scope filtering is in addition to any user-entered filters (e.g. if a user entered a text string).

Selected Funds

List of funds that have been added to the Fund Group.

Text (View-only)TextFund namesThe system dynamically filters the list of Available Funds (behind the scenes) depending on the Selected Funds contents. 
RemoveRemove buttonN/AButtonN/A

"Remove" moves a fund from the Selected Funds list, to the Available Funds list.

The system dynamically filters the list of Available Funds (behind the scenes) depending on the Selected Funds contents. 

If the user removes the last fund from the Selected Funds list, the system disables the "Add All" and "Remove All" buttons until the list has another fund selected.

Programs tab

The Programs tab displays the Fund Group Name, read-only. In view-only mode, the screen displays the list of the group's Selected Programs only.

A user may optionally select a checkbox for "Apply Fund Group to All Programs." The default setting is unselected. Program selection is only available if the checkbox for "Apply Fund Group to All Programs" is unselected. The selection behavior is similar to Fund Setup, Programs tab.

The "Add" and "Remove" buttons are used to select or unselect the programs and move them to the relevant column.

A user must have permission to Edit Fund Groups to add or edit the selected programs.

Saving Selected Programs

  • Saving also saves the user identifier and the date/time stamp for auditing purposes.

  • A user may save the Fund Group with no programs selected. Reason: The school might add some programs later.
Field NameDescriptionRequired / OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Fund Group NameName of the Fund GroupRequired (view-only)Text (view-only)Name of the fund group

Displays the Fund Group's name, view-only.

Apply Fund Group to All ProgramsAllows the group to optionally apply to all programs.OptionalCheckbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

If the checkbox is selected, Regent Award applies the Fund Group's limit to all programs during packaging.

If the checkbox is unselected, and the Programs tab is in Edit mode, the screen displays the list of Available Programs.

Add All  (Available programs)

Apply any filters and move all the filtered Available Programs to the Selected Programs list.
Remove All  (Selected Programs)

Apply any filters and move all the filtered Selected Programs to the Available Programs list.

Available and Selected Programs

Configures which Programs the system applies the limit to. The system applies the limit based on the active program for the term or payment period.

For example, if an employer has a $5250 annual benefit limit cap for Undergraduates, but the limit does not apply to Graduate students, then the Selected Programs only include the Undergraduate programs that are subject to the $5250 limit.

If students in a program are not subject to a limit, the Fund Group should not include those programs. The Funds may still be linked to those programs in Fund Setup.

Field Name


Required / Optional



Business Rules

Program Name

Name of the Academic Program

Required (view-only)

Text (view-only)

Program Name

Program Type

Type of Program, such as Graduate or Undergraduate

Required (view-only)

Text (view-only)

Type of program, e.g. Graduate or Undergraduate

External Program ID

School's identifier for the Program

Required (view-only)

Text (view-only)

Program's External Program ID

Calendar TypeType of Academic Calendar, such as SAY, BBAY3, etc.Required (view-only)

Text (view-only)

Program's Academic Calendar type

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