Connecting to Client SFTP

Connecting to Client SFTP


The following steps detail the process for connecting to the Regent Education Client sFTP (secure File Transfer Protocol).  The sFTP is used to securely transfer files between two remote systems.

Connecting to the Regent Education Client sFTP

  1. Install an FTP client that supports SFTP/SSH. Regent Education recommends Filezilla.
  2. Login to establish a new sFTP connection:
    1. Enter the following information:
      1. Host: customersftp.regenteducation.net OR azcustomersftp.regenteducation.net   
        1. Host name may differ from the standard above. This value is provided by your Regent Project Team or Client Support. 
      2. Port: 22
      3. Log in with the username and password provided.
        1. Login information can be requested from your Regent Education Project Manager or Regent Education Client Support.
    2. After login, a list of directories will be displayed:
      1. Directories appended with _FW (File Watcher) are writable directories that are being 'watched' by Regent Education's Data Exchange processing software for files that are loaded.
        1. For example, an ISIR file dropped into the ISIRLoad_FW directory will be picked up and automatically processed according to the setup for your institution.
        2. Processed files will be removed from this directory once processing starts
      2. Directories not appended with _FW are read-only. This means you can download files from this directory but any files placed here will NOT be automatically processed.

Example Screenshot of Filezilla Site Configuration for Regent SFTP Site: