Reports: Needs Analysis
Report Description
This report returns student level detailed Cost of Attendance information, EFC, and totals for Resources and Awards along with totals for remaining need and remaining unfunded amount toward total COA. The Awards total should include only awards in Offered or Accepted status.
Report Parameters / Filters
Institution (multi-select)
Campus (multi-select)
Sites (multi-select)
Academic Year Start Date From
Academic Year Start Date To
Student is Active?
Output Columns
External Student ID
First Name
Last Name
Academic Year
Total Books and Supplies
Total Dependent Care
Total Disability Expenses
Total Employment Expenses for Co-Op Study
Total Loan Fees
Total Personal Misc
Total Room and Board
Total Study Abroad Expenses
Total Tuition and Fees
Total Transportation
Total COA
Total FM EFC
Total Resources
Total Need (COA-EFC-Resources)
Total Awards
Student is Active?