Reports: Student - Completed Units
Reports: Student - Completed Units
Report Description
This report finds students who are approaching program completion.
Report Parameters / Filters
- Enterprise
- Institution (multi-select)
- Campus (multi-select)
- Site (multi-select)
- Period Type – Academic Year or Term/Payment Period
- If user selects a Period Type of Academic Year, disable the "Term" menu and PP From/To date filters, and enable the AY From/To date filters.
- If user selects a Period Type of Term/Payment Period, disable the AY From/To date filters and enable the Term and PP date filters.
- Type – Term-Based, Non-Term-Based, or Non-Standard Term
- Disable Type if AY was selected as the Period Type
- If user selects a Type of "Term-Based" or "Non-Standard Term," disable the Payment Period From/To date filters.
- If user selects a Type of Non-Term-Based, enable the PP From/To date range filters and set the Term to "None".
- Academic Year Start Date From – Default to Null
- Enabled if "Period Type" is "Academic Year"
- Disabled if "Period Type" is "Term/Payment Period"
- Academic Year Start Date To --- Default to Null
- Enabled if "Period Type" is "Academic Year"
- Disabled if "Period Type" is "Term/Payment Period"
- Payment Period Start Date Range From - Default to Null
- Disabled if "Period Type" is "Academic Year"
- Disabled if "Type" is "Term" or "Non-Standard Term"
- Enabled if "Type" is "Non-Term"
- Payment Period Start Date Range To -- Default to Null
- Disabled if "Period Type" is "Academic Year"
- Disabled if "Type" is "Term" or "Non-Standard Term"
- Enabled if "Type" is "Non-Term"
- Term (multi-select)
- Disabled if "Period Type" is "Academic Year"
- Set to "None" if "Type" is "Non-Term based"
- Grade Level (multi-select)
- Loan FAY (multi-select) – optional
- Program Credential (multi-select)
- Student is Active? (all/yes/no, defaults to Yes)
Output Columns
- Student External ID 1
- Student External ID 2
- Student External ID 3
- Student External ID 4
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Loan FAY
- Academic Year
- Payment Period
- PP Start Date
- PP End Date
- Site
- Program Name
- Program Credential
- External Program ID
- Program Completion Units – The program’s required Program Completion Units, from Program Setup
- Grade Level
- Completed PA Units -- Student’s Completed Program Applicable units, including Transfers, but not including any course adjustment units
- Course Adjustment PA Units – Student’s Progression Program Applicable Course Adjustment Units
- Total PA Units – Sum of previous two columns: Completed PA units and Course Adjustment units
- Non-PA Units –Total Completed Units that are not Program Applicable
- Registered Units – Registered Units in this line’s payment period (total Registered Program Applicable units + total Qualified Remedial units)
- Terms in AY – Number of terms or PPs in the AY, that have non-zero enrollment
- Estimated Subsidized Loan Amount -- For the line item’s Payment Period
- Offered Subsidized Loan Amount
- Accepted Subsidized Loan Amount
- Total AY Estimated Subsidized Loan Amount – For the whole AY
- Total AY Offered Subsidized Loan Amount
- Total AY Accepted Subsidized Loan Amount
- Estimated Unsubsidized Loan Amount -- For the line item’s Payment Period
- Offered Unsubsidized Loan Amount
- Accepted Unsubsidized Loan Amount
- Total AY Estimated Unsubsidized Loan Amount – For the whole AY
- Total AY Offered Unsubsidized Loan Amount
- Total AY Accepted Unsubsidized Loan Amount
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