Reports: COD - Pell Reconciliation

Report Description

This report is provided to compare the COD response data with the Regent Award disbursement data for a Pell recipient and ensure it is consistent. It is also used to review the verification statuses that have been sent to COD for a Pell recipient. Using the report to check the verification status will minimize the likelihood of getting a negative disbursement Pell adjustment from COD.

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Federal Award Year (multi-select)
  • Verification Status (multi-select)
  • POP Flag
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Variance
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No
  • Show User Defined Fields
    • Yes
    • No
  • User Defined Fields

Output Columns

  • External Student ID (1-4 as applicable)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Site
  • ISIR Trans # (from Active for FAY)
  • Selected For Verification
  • Verification Status
  • Primary EFC
  • Award Amount
  • Paid Amount
  • YTD Disbursement Amount
  • POP
  • Student is Active?
  • Display the Name/Value pairs of the User Defined Fields being used by the school, if chosen from the report parameters.