Reports: Student - Enrollment Statistics
Report Description
This report is used to determine students who have completed the enrollment process and the corresponding verification status and award status. It includes the units of enrollment, the status of estimated aid, offered aid, accepted aid, paid aid, and cancelled aid awarded to the student. The report should be run as often as needed to identify students who have completed the enrollment process and determine the status of aid awarded.
Report Parameters / Filters
Institution (multi-select)
Campus (multi-select)
Site (multi-select)
Term Based
Non-Term Based
NonStandard Term
Term (multi-select) (only if Term is chosen from Type)
Payment Period Start Date Range From (only if Non-Term Type is chosen)
Payment Period Start Date Range To (only if Non-Term Type is chosen)
Program Start Date Range From
Program Start Date Range To
Registered Units
Has Registered Units
No Registered Units
Include Student Details?
Student is Active?
Output Columns
External Student ID (1-4 as applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Payment Period/Term
Payment Period Start Date
Payment Period End Date
Pell EFC (for selected FAY)
Dependency Status (Dep/Ind)
Verification Selected (y/n)
Verification Status
Anticipated Units
Actual Units
Estimated Amount
Offered Amount
Accepted Amount
Paid Amount
Cancelled Amount
Declined Amount
Grade Level
Program Start Date
Unmet Need
Unmet Cost
Student is Active?