Reports: Student - AY Overawards

Report Description

Report to find Overawarded students by AY, who have total aid that exceeds COA and/or Need in the Academic Year.

Report Parameters / Filters

User Filters

  • Enterprise
  • Institution - multi-select, defaults to all selected
  • Campus - multi-select, defaults to all selected
  • Site - multi-select, defaults to All
  • FAY - multi-select, defaults to nothing selected
  • Academic Year Start Date From – Default to Null
  • Academic Year Start Date To — Default to Null
  • Student is Active? (all/yes/no, defaults to Yes)

Output Columns

Note: External ID columns use Regent Award's customary report output: Only show the columns used by the school, using the school's labels.

  • Student External ID 1
  • Student External ID 2
  • Student External ID 3
  • Student External ID 4
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Site
  • FAY 
    • Note: If a user selected multiple FAYs, and a student's AY contains awards from two or more FAYs, the same student might appear twice in the report output. AY Totals should still be for the entire AY.
  • AY COA
  • AY EFC
  • AY Need
  • Total AY (All Awards)
  • Total AY (Need - based)
  • AY Paid Amount
  • AY Number
  • AY Start Date
  • AY End Date
  • Student is Active?