Reports: Student - Documents

Report Description

This report is used to identify students who have missing document requirements or to identify students with documents assigned to a particular document status. For example: 1) students with documents in a ‘Received’ status but not yet reviewed or satisfied by a counselor, 2) students with documents in a ‘Needed’ or ‘Incomplete’ or ‘Not Satisfied’ status or any other combination that the user requires.

Report Parameters / Filters

  • Enterprise (select one)
  • Institution (multi-select)
  • Campus (multi-select)
  • Site (multi-select)
  • Student With No Documents Requirements
    • Yes
    • No
  • Document Name (multi-select in alphabetical order)
  • Document Use (multi-select)
  • Document Status (multi-select)
  • Date Created Greater Than or Equal to
  • Date Created Less Than or Equal to
  • Program Start Date Range From
  • Program Start Date Range To
  • Student ID
  • Exclude students with Withdrawal Date From
  • Exclude students with Withdrawal Date To
  • Status Changed Date From
  • Status Changed Date To
  • External Student ID
  • Include Student Details?
    • Yes
    • No
  • Academic Year Start Date From
  • Academic Year Start Date To
  • Payment Period Start Date From
  • Payment Period Start Date To
  • Show User Defined Fields?
    • Yes
    • No
  • User Defined Fields
  • Student is Active?
    • All
    • Yes
    • No

Output Columns

  • External Student ID (1-4 as applicable)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Site
  • External Program ID
  • Cumulative Progression Units
  • Admitted Date
  • Graduation Date
  • External Document ID
  • Document Use
  • Document Name
  • Status
  • Status Changed Date
  • Document Scope
  • Scope Value
  • Assigend By
  • Assigned ID
  • Date Created
  • Date Received
  • Date Reviewed
  • Reason
  • Days Since Created
  • Last Modified By
  • Uploaded by User
  • Display the Name/Value pairs of the User Defined Fields being used by the school, if chosen from the report parameters.
  • Student s Active?