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How it's used:

SAP Status Source

  • Manual
  • SIS Provided
  • Calculated

If Manual or SIS Provided, then all of the form is unavailable except for Policy Name, Effective Dates, Program Type, Frequency, Maximum Time Frame and the Population Selection section.
If Calculated, we need all the data elements on this screen to be provided.
If the user chooses Manual, no SAP data is provided on the SBL and the user will have to manually enter all data, including the sap status, on the manual record using the SAP wizard.
If the user chooses SIS Provided, the SAP data will all come from the SBL.

Policy Name


 Name assigned by the school to the SAP policy.


  • AY (2 step)
  • PP (2 step)
  • PP (3 step)

In the Two Step process the SAP moved to Probation and then to Suspension = checking once per academic year or more often.  Schools can check each payment period and still elect the two-step process. 
In the Three Step process the SAP status moves to Warning, then Probation then to Suspension = checking once per payment period.
Three Steps:    Not Calculated or Satisfactory – > Warning-- > Suspension
Two Steps:       Not Calculated or Satisfactory – > Suspension
The Probation status is only added if an appeal of Suspension is approved and it would then appear in the hierarchy as follows:
Three Steps:    Not Calculated or Satisfactory – > Warning (unless Warning Exclusion flag is true) -> Probation- > Suspension (Probation requires approved appeal).
Two Steps:       Not Calculated or Satisfactory – > Probation-- > Suspension (Probation requires approved appeal).

Perpetuate PP-level SAP Status

  • No, Yes
  • This flag signals to Regent Award that once we have a SAP value supplied by the school (SIS provided or Manually provided), Regent Award will use this value for each consecutive payment period until the next SAP value is sent by the school.
  • Displays only when "SAP Status Source" = "SIS" or "Manual" (does not display this field when SAP Status Source is "Calculated").
  • Displays only when "SAP Frequency" = "PP2Step" or "PP3Step."
  • Default to "No" when creating a new SAP policy.

It is not recommended that a school set both "Perpetuate PP-level SAP Status" and "Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods" to a value of "Yes," but instead, should set only one of these two settings to a value of "Yes."

Effective Start Date


The "Date to be used when Applying the SAP Policy" in Institution Setup, in combination with the SAP policy effective dates, determines which SAP policy will be applied to the student.

  • If SAP Policy is a PP-2 step or PP-3 step policy:
    • - When "Date to be used when Applying SAP Policy" = Review Period End Date:
      • If the student's Payment Period End Date falls within the SAP policy effective start and end dates, the SAP policy will be used to determine SAP for the student for the given PP.
      • - When "Date to be used when Applying SAP Policy" = Review Period Start Date (default):
      • If the student's Payment Period Start Date falls within the SAP policy effective start and end dates, the SAP policy will be used to determine SAP for the student for the given PP.
  • If SAP Policy is an AY-2 step policy:
    • - When "Date to be used when Applying SAP Policy" = Review Period End Date:
      • If the student's Academic Year End Date falls within the SAP policy effective start and end dates, the SAP policy will be used to determine SAP for the student for the given AY.
      • - When "Date to be used when Applying SAP Policy" = Review Period Start Date (default):
      • If the student's Academic Year Start Date falls within the SAP policy effective start and end dates, the SAP policy will be used to determine SAP for the student for the given AY.

        The dates for this policy cannot overlap with another SAP policy's effective dates. A program cannot be assigned to SAP policies with overlapping effective dates.

Effective End Date


See Effective Start Date (listed above).

All Program Types


If this box is checked, then the Program Type drop-down should not be available.

Program Type

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Post-Graduate
  • Prep-Grad
  • Prep-Undergrad
  • Ed Licensure
  • Post-Bach Licensure
  • CTP Programs

Select the program type for which this SAP policy is applicable. This field is unavailable if "All Program Types" is checked.

Maximum Time Frame


The student can attempt up to 150% of the number of units required to complete the academic program.

CBE Qualitative SAP

  • Yes, No

CBE schools use a basic "pass" / "fail" for the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation. Each school is very particular about the wording used for these two possible "pass" / "fail" values. Therefore, the SBL will allow the school to enter any value in a new field called "qualitativeAssessmentForCBE" (on the SAP node of the SBL) in order to indicate that the student has "passed" qualitative SAP. If the "qualitativeAssessmentForCBE" field on the SBL is NULL that will indicate that the student has failed the qualitative portion of the SAP calculation.

  • If the SAP Policy type = "Calculated" and if "Yes" is selected, the "SIS Provided GPA" field and the GPA section are not applicable and will not be displayed.

SIS Provided GPA

  • Yes, No

Defaults to Yes. If Yes is selected, then the system expects the GPA data to be sent via the SBL, and the system will not calculate it.

SIS Provided Pace

  • Yes, No

If Yes is selected, then the system expects the Pace data to be sent via the SBL, and the system will not calculate it.

SIS Provided Max Timeframe %

  • Yes, No

If Yes is selected, then the system expects the MTF % data to be sent via the SBL, and the system will not calculate it.

Calculate SAP on Unattended Periods

  • Checked (On)
  • Unchecked (Off) - Default

When checked, RNA will calculate SAP whenever a school sends a SAP node containing a cumulativeGPA for a review period covered by the Calculated SAP policy and if the PP/term is on the Academic Plan (based on the SBL provided SAP data).

RNA will calculate SAP on these periods even when there are no attended units in the period, but only program applicable units are applied towards quantitative (PACE) calculations. For qualitative (GPA) portion, we are just comparing GPA from SAP node, to the requirements outlined in the GPA benchmark table on SAP Setup in Regent Award, to determine if they passed or not.

When there are only non-program applicable courses, "0" is used for PACE calculations.

  • Applies to Term and Non-standard Term programs.
  • Available for SAP policies where SAP Status Source is “Calculated.”
  • Available for PP-based SAP frequency types: PP (2 step) and PP (3 step).

Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods

  • Checked (On)
  • Unchecked (Off) - Default

When checked, once a term's SAP Date has been reached, and the SAP process has been executed, that term will inherit the prior term's SAP status if:  

  1. The term has not received a SAP status AND
  2. The term has no attempted units AND
  3. The term is marked with an enrollment status of  "Autowithdrawn" or "Actual - None" AND
  4. A SAP node containing either a Cumulative GPA or a SAP status has NOT been provided via the SBL, for the term.

manual, calculated, or SIS provided SAP status ALWAYS take precedence over the inherited SAP status regardless of the SAP date if it is added after the term has Inherited SAP. 


  1. The SAP date for the inherited SAP status should be set to the date that the SAP Process was run (whether it was ran alone or as part of BP) that resulted in the inherited status.

  2. In the case of program changes, the “Use Prior Program SAP Status when Program is Changed” selection made by the school overrides the new Inherit configuration.  See Institution Setup Requirements.
  3. If a student's academic plan is covered by two SAP policies over time, and those two policies have this flag set differently, as long as the student is CURRENTLY governed by a policy that is using this new feature (Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods = Yes) then SAP statuses should be used to inherit SAP, even if those SAP statuses are on terms that are governed by a policy that has Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods = No. 
  • Applies to Term and Non-standard Term programs.
  • Available for PP-based SAP frequency types: PP (2 step) and PP (3 step).
  • It is not recommended that a school set both "Perpetuate PP-level SAP Status" and "Inherit SAP for Unattempted Periods" to a value of "Yes," but instead, should set only one of these two settings to a value of "Yes."

GPA Section 

Benchmark Type

  • - # PP Completed
  • - % of Program Completed
  • - % of Program Attempted
  • - # of Attempted Units
  • - # of Completed Units
  • - % of Maximum Timeframe
  • - Grade Level

Note: For Official SAP: Attempted units = Attended units (attempted is a SAP term).
Number of PP Completed – this would not reference specific payment periods, just a number of payment periods. Unit options still apply.

    1. of PP Completed* - Regent Award is incrementing the count of BenchmarkPaymentPeriodCount during processing of each payment period for the SAP calculation.  No dates or other fields are being looked at to determine if the payment period is "completed"; it's just an increment. For term-based: 1 term = 1 PP.
      % of Program Completed - Range of percentages, completed units over the number of units in the program.
      % of Program Attempted - Range of percentages, attempted units over the number of units in the program.
      Number of Attempted Units - Range of attempted units.
      Number of Completed Units - The student can complete units in the amount of up to 150% of the amount of credits it takes to complete the program.
      % of Maximum Timeframe - The student can attempt units in the amount of up to 150% of the amount of credits it takes to complete the program.
      Grade Level - 0 thru 7.


Numeric values 0.000 to 6.000

The range of values of the benchmark chosen. These range values cannot overlap with another defined range.


Numeric values 0.000 to 6.000

The range of values of the benchmark chosen. These range values cannot overlap with another defined range

Review Pd. GPA

Numeric values 0.000 to 6.000

 If the value is below this threshold, then the measure is not met.

Cumulative GPA

Numeric values 0.000 to 6.000

If the value is below this threshold, then the measure is not met. If the user completes both the Lifetime GPA and the Review Period GPA, both numbers will be used separately, in the SAP calc. ED has indicated Cumulative GPA must always be used.  The Review Period GPA is at the school's discretion.

Completion Ratio (Pace) Section 

Benchmark Type

  • # PP Completed
  • % of Program Completed
  • % of Program Attempted
  • # of Attempted Units
  • # of Completed Units
  • % of Maximum Timeframe
  • Grade Level

Note: For Official SAP: Attempted units = Attended units.  (Attempted is a SAP term)
Number PP Completed – this would not reference specific payment periods, just a number of payment periods; unit options do still apply;
% of Program Completed - Range of percentages, completed units over the number of units in the program
% of Program Attempted - Range of percentages, attempted units over the number of units in the program
Number of Attempted Units - Range of attempted units
Number of Completed Units - The student can complete units in the amount of up to 150% of the amount of credits it takes to complete the program.
% of Maximum Timeframe - The student can attempt units in the amount of up to 150% of the amount of credits it takes to complete the program.
Grade Level - 0 thru 7

Use Review Period

Flag to indicate Completion Ratio (Pace) should be based on the Review Period rather than the entire program.
Only displayed when Benchmark Type = # of Completed Units OR # of Attempted Units.
Checkbox defaults to NOT checked when creating a new SAP Policy.
When NOT checked, the Review Period % column is hidden. If prior values existed in the Review Period % column they are set to NULL when the policy change is saved.
When the flag is checked, the Cumulative % column is hidden. If prior values existed in the Cumulative % column they are set to NULL when the policy change is saved.


 Numeric - Percentage
0.000 to 100.000

The range of values of the benchmark chosen. These range values cannot overlap with another defined range.


 Numeric - Percentage
0.000 to 100.000

The range of values of the benchmark chosen. These range values cannot overlap with another defined range.

Review Pd. %

Numeric - Percentage
0.000 to 100.000

If the value is below this threshold, then the measure is not met. For grad/prof programs, this may be given in a number of years rather than percent of program units attempted.
1 - Formula: Possible to meet MTF:  Attempted Credits (including transfer credits) / Remaining Credits in Program must be less than or equal to the MTF percentage.  If not, the student fails SAP and is ineligible for TItle IV.  Failing to meet this requirement results in immediate suspension and a message on the student's SAP wizard screen for the review period indicating "Mathematically unable to meet Maximum Time Frame" regardless of what the Regular MTF formula (below) indicates.
2 - MTF Regular Formula: Credits attempted/Credits in program = MTF percentage.

Cumulative %

Numeric - Percentage
0.000 to 100.000

If the value is below this threshold, then the measure is not met.

Include Disqualified Remedial Units


 If checked, Disqualified Remedial Units will be included in the calculation

Include Disqualified Repeat Units


 If checked, Disqualified Repeat Units will be included in the calculation

Include Remedial Units


 If checked, Remedial Units will be included in the calculation

Include Non-Program Applicable Units


 If checked, Non-Program Applicable Units will be included in the calculation

Include Attended courses dropped on or before Term Last Day for Drop/Add


If checked, Attended courses dropped on or before the Term-level "Last Day for Drop/Add" date will be included in the calculation.

Population Selection

Apply SAP Policy to all selected Program Types


 If checked, apply the restrictions selected to all academic programs that are set up in the system for the selected Campus (location).

Available Programs

Program list

Displays all of the academic programs available at all campuses within the institution.

Selected Programs

Program list

Displays the selected academic programs to be grouped together as substantially equal.

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