R2T4 for Terms with Modules

R2T4 for Terms with Modules


Regent Award automatically counts the number of days to be included in Step 2 of the R2T4 wizard and automatically populates that information in Step 2 of the wizard for use in completing the R2T4 calculations.

Step 2 of the R2T4 Wizard contains a calculation that is used to determine the percentage of the payment period or period of enrollment completed by the student.  This value is determined by dividing the calendar days completed in the period by the total calendar days in the period (excluding scheduled breaks of five days or more AND days that the student was on an approved leave of absence).  

For students who are enrolled in Modules for the R2T4 term, a school will not always use the full length of the period in this calculation because the student may not have been enrolled for the full term. For example, a student may enroll in only two out of three modules in the term. The time period covered by the third module, in which the student never registered, should not be included in the R2T4. For students enrolled in modules, Regent Award will calculate the correct period(s) of enrollment for the student.

The R2T4 wizard also offers the ability to make manual adjustments when needed. To do so, on Step 2 of the R2T4 wizard, modify the dates to reflect the student's actual period of enrollment, and, if needed, click the "Add" button to add additional periods of enrollment in the term, that should be included in the R2T4 calculation.

Department of Ed Guidance on R2T4s for Terms with Modules for Withdrawals starting 7/1/2021 

(Previous guidance through 6/30/2021 is below this section)

When is R2T4 required for Modular Programs (starting 7/1/2021)?

  • Barring other 'is required' tests, R2T4 is required for a student who ceases attendance during or between modules the student was scheduled to attend.
  • R2T4 is not required (for term only) for a student who ceases attendance after completing all modules for which the student was registered, even if there are remaining modules in the R2T4 period.

Percentage of Payment Period Completed (Numerator/Denominator) Determination (starting 7/1/2021) 

The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing the number of calendar days the student completed (numerator) by the total number of calendar days in the payment period (denominator), which includes all days within courses used to determine financial aid eligibility for the term except for any institutional or student-level breaks of at least five consecutive days during those courses. 


  • No change from pre-7/1/2021 functionality - includes all days the student was in attended courses excluding institutional or student breaks of 5 or more days in length or periods after course withdrawal when the student is not attending another course.
  • For the Course Weeks Mask that calculate the NUMERATOR 

    • The number of attended days from the start of the course through the withdrawal date or if not withdrawn, through the end date, for every course in the R2T4 period.
    • If we have an attended course that has not ended as of the R2T4 Withdrawal Date, and it does not have a withdrawal date on the course, we need to count only the attended days of the course from the start date through the R2T4 Withdrawal Date. (RNA handles this - RNA will not count attended days for a course beyond the R2T4 Withdrawal Date.


  • The denominator includes the days in courses that were used to determine financial aid eligibility, less any institutional or student-level breaks of 5 or more consecutive days.
    • If Pell is the only fund included in the R2T4 and the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal is after the student Census Date, include Program Applicable Census courses for which the student began attendance (Pell recalculation functionality).
    • If Pell is the only fund included in the R2T4 and the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal is before or on the Student Census Date, count all Program Applicable courses for which the student began attendance UNLESS the Course Withdrawal Date is before the R2T4 Date of Withdrawal (Pell recalculation functionality).

    • If a Title IV fund other than Pell is included in R2T4, include:

      • All program applicable courses for which the student began attendance AND

      • All days in Program Applicable courses the student did not attend that have a Course Enrollment Date before the R2T4 Withdrawal Date, UNLESS

      • The non-attended course has a Course Withdrawal Date that is before the earliest Paid Direct Loan Disbursement date in the term. (These courses were excluded when enrollment status was checked at the time of first loan disbursement).

  • The 'earned percentage' of Title IV funds for the term (Box H in the template) is arrived at by:

Number of days the student was in attended courses for the term (less qualifying breaks)
Number of days in courses used to calculate Title IV eligibility for the term (less qualifying breaks)

Counting Breaks that are adjacent to a weekend starting 7/1/2021

The days count for R2T4 count all calendar days in courses to be included in the R2T4 period. 

They are all instructional days unless they are part of a break greater than 4 consecutive days in length made up of one or more of the following:

  • Institutional breaks
  • Student breaks (LOA, CORE, and such)
  • Weekends, for schools that indicate they do not have classes on weekends

Any instance or combination of the above that is not part of five or more consecutive non-instructional days counts as an instructional day.

  • Per the “< 5 day gap override rule” every weekend would be counted towards the instructional day count unless there was a break in conjunction to it that made the gap 5+ days long
  • Any gap or break at the start or end of the period falls into the same “< 5 day gap override rule”
    • For 5 day programs where the R2T4 period starts or ends on a weekend – those days would count towards the R2T4 instructional day count unless that gap was for 5+ days
  • Example:  For a 5-day program, if a student is on a break from Monday thru Friday (5 days), we would actually count this as a 9 day break due to the two connecting weekends.
  • Example:  School has classes 5 days a week, Thanksgiving break is configured for Wed through Friday – the weekend plus the break is 5 days, so the 5 days is excluded from numerator/denominator as appropriate.

Department of Ed Guidance on R2T4s for Terms with Modules for Withdrawals through 6/30/2021

When is R2T4 required for Modular Programs (through 6/30/2021)?

  • Barring other 'is required' tests, R2T4 is required for a student who ceases attendance during or between modules the student was scheduled to attend.
  • R2T4 is not required (for term only) for a student who ceases attendance after completing all modules for which the student was registered, even if there are remaining modules in the R2T4 period.

Percentage of Payment Period Completed (Numerator/Denominator) Determination (through 6/30/2021)

The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing the number of calendar days completed by the total number of calendar days in the payment period, which includes all days within the period that the student was scheduled to complete, except for any scheduled breaks of at least five consecutive days when the student is not scheduled to attend a module or other course offered during that period of time, and any days the student was on an approved leave of absence.

  • Future modules in the R2T4 period for which the student was registered at the time of withdrawal are included in the R2T4 calculation, even if the student withdrew from them at the time of withdrawal or after ceasing attendance.
  • If the student withdrew from future modules before ceasing attendance in current classes (before a full withdrawal from the term and while attending another course), those modules are not included in the R2T4 calculation.
  • All attended courses are always included in the denominator.
  • All unattended, non-withdrawn courses with an enrolled date less than the R2T4 WDD, are always included in the denominator
  • All unattended, withdrawn courses are included in the denominator UNLESS:
    • The course WDD is greater than or equal to the start date and less than the WDD of an attended course
    • The course WDD is greater than or equal to the start date and is less than or equal to the End Date of a non-withdrawn attended course.
    • The unattended course WDD is prior to the start date of the student’s first course in the term. 
    • The course enrolled date is greater than or equal to the R2T4 WDD.
  • Breaks of at least five consecutive days before, between, or after modules that the student is scheduled to attend are excluded from both the numerator and the denominator when calculating the percentage of the period completed by the student.
    • Excluded from numerator only if WDD is after the break >= 5 days. If withdraws before the break, it does not affect the numerator but does affect the denominator.
    • For example:
      • If Thanksgiving break is just Thursday through Sunday (4 days long), it is not subtracted from the total days, but if Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, is also a break day, all 5 days are subtracted from the total days.
  • Only periods the student was expected to attend should be included in the numerator and denominator.
  • Periods of more than four days between registered courses should be excluded as break days from the numerator (if before the WDD) and the denominator.
    • For example, if a school has only two modules in the term (let's say the term is 73 days long and consists of two 35-day modules) and there are 3 days between the two modules, if the student withdrawals at a point in time where we expected the student to attend both modules in the term, then the denominator would be 73 days for the R2T4 calculation.

Actual number of days the student was in attendance during the period
Number of days the student was expected to attend at the time of withdrawal

Counting Breaks that are adjacent to a weekend through 6/30/2021

The days count for R2T4 count all calendar days in the R2T4 period -- between the earliest course start date through the latest course end date for the courses in which the student was enrolled at the time of institutional withdrawal.

They are all instructional days unless they are breaks greater than 4 consecutive days in length made up of one or more of the following:

  • Institutional breaks
  • Student breaks (LOA, CORE, and such)
  • Breaks in enrollment between the last day of an enrolled course and the first day of the next course
  • Weekends, for schools that indicate they do not have classes on weekends

Any instance or combination of the above that is not part of five or more consecutive non-instructional days counts as an instructional day.

  • Per the “< 5 day gap override rule” every weekend would be counted towards the instructional day count unless there was a break in conjunction to it that made the gap 5+ days long
  • Any gap or break at the start or end of the period falls into the same “< 5 day gap override rule”
    • For 5 day programs where the R2T4 period starts or ends on a weekend – those days would count towards the R2T4 instructional day count unless that gap was for 5+ days
  • Example:  For a 5-day program, if a student is on a break from Monday thru Friday (5 days), we would actually count this as a 9 day break due to the two connecting weekends.
  • Example:  School has classes 5 days a week, Thanksgiving break is configured for Wed through Friday – the weekend plus the break is 5 days, so the 5 days is excluded from numerator/denominator as appropriate.

Example Scenarios- for withdrawal dates through 6/30/2021

Diagram for #1:

Scenario #1:

Student attends a portion of Module 1, withdrawals, and does NOT return for Module 2 and 3: 
This example illustrates:

  1. How to determine when a student is a withdrawal from a term-based program offered in modules;
  2. The amount of aid to use in the Return of Title IV Funds calculation when a student withdraws from a program offered in modules;
  3. How to determine the numerator and denominator when calculating the percentage of the payment period completed for a student who withdraws from a program offered in modules;
  4. What steps must be taken when a student who withdrew from a term-based program offered in modules returns within the payment period;
  5. How to determine the numerator and denominator when calculating the percentage of the payment period completed for a student who withdraws again.

Scenario Details:

  • 15-week semester; three consecutive five-week modules, 35 days in each module, no scheduled breaks.
  • A student enrolls for one three-credit course in each of the three modules.
  • Student ceases attending module 1 after completing 10 days.
  • The student does not confirm attendance in a later module.

When the institution determines that the student has ceased to attend module 1, the institution answers the Determination of Withdrawal Questions to determine whether the student is a withdrawal as follows:

  1. The answer to Question 1 is yes. The student ceased to attend a course the student was scheduled to attend—the three-credit course in module 1. Because the answer to Question 1 is yes, question 2 must be answered.
  2. The answer to this Question 2 is no. When the student ceased to attend the course in module 1, he or she was not attending any other classes. Because the answer to Question 2 is no, Question 3 must be answered.
  3. The answer to this Question 3 is no. The student did not confirm attendance in a later module. Thus, this student is a withdrawal and the Return of Title IV Funds requirements apply.

If the student was awarded Pell Grant funds, before performing the Return of Title IV Funds calculation, the institution must recalculate the student's awards to reflect the change in enrollment status from nine credit hours, to three credit hours. These re-calculated aid amounts are used in the Return of Title IV Funds calculation. 
NOTE: This is not any different from the Pell Recalculation that would be done when an R2T4 is initiated under a non-Module circumstance.  See /wiki/spaces/REM/pages/7012851

Resulting R2T4 Period of Enrollment:

  • Numerator: The student has completed 10 days of Module 1 --> 10 days.
  • Denominator: The total number of days in the payment period because at the time of withdrawal, we expected the student to attend all three Modules.
    • It is assumed that Courses B and C are included in the denominator as the student did not withdraw before the first course in the term, nor did the student withdraw while attending another course --> 105 days.
  • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 10 days by 105 days, resulting in .0952, rounded to .095 or 9.50%.


Scenario #2:    

Withdraw all at once

  • For this example scenario, the withdrawal date (WDD) will be the last day of attendance (school required to take attendance), all modules start on Sundays and end on Saturdays.
  • Student began attendance in Courses A and B
  • Student withdraws from all courses Day 4 of Week 3 --> Student was in attendance for 18 days total
  • Numerator:  First Day of Classes through Day 4 of Week 3 --> 18 days
  • Denominator:  Full Term because the student withdrew from Courses C and D on the same day they withdrew from the attended courses A and B. --> 84 days
    • If the unattended course's withdrawal date is the same as the withdrawal of another registered, attended course, AND the unattended courses withdrawal date is not also during another registered, non-withdrawn, attended course, the days of the unattended withdrawn course WILL be counted in the denominator. 
  • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 18 days by 84 days, resulting in .2142, rounded to .214 or 21.4%.

Scenario #3: 

Withdraw from some courses, then later withdrawal from the remaining courses without attending all

  • For this example scenario, the withdrawal date (WDD) will be the last day of attendance (school required to take attendance), all modules start on Sundays and end on Saturdays.
  • Start attendance in Course B
  • On Day 1 of Week 2, withdraw from Course A and Course C (Day 8 of the term)
  • On Day 3 of Week 2, withdraw from all remaining courses (Day 10 of the term.  At this point in time, we only expected the student to be enrolled in B and D because the student withdrew from A and C earlier in the term).
  • Numerator:  First Day of Course B through Day 1 of Week 2 --> 10 days
  • Denominator:  All of the days in Courses B and D are included because the student withdrew from Courses A and C while attending Course B.  --> 63 days
    • If the student is attending another course when the student withdrawals from a course, that course will not count in the denominator.  
  • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 10 days by 63 days, resulting in .1587, rounded to 15.9 or 15.9%.

Diagram for #3: 

Scenario #4: 

Withdraw from Course A on the last day of Course B – Attended through Course B – Did not Start Course C 

For this example scenario, the withdrawal date (WDD) will be the last day of attendance (school required to take attendance), all modules start on Sundays and end on Saturdays.

  • The student is still enrolled in Course C when they stopped attending but did not attend Course C.  Assume the student attended all of Course B, and Course A until withdrawing on the Course B end date.
  • Numerator:  First day of class through end Course B --> 42 days
  • Denominator:  Full term --> 84 days  
    • Since Course C was not withdrawn while attending another course or before the first course of the payment period and it was not added on/after the R2T4 withdrawal date, it will be included in the denominator.
  • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 42 days by 84 days, resulting in .500 or 50.0%.

Diagram for #4 

Scenario #5: 

Withdraw Course A and Course C on the Last Day of Course B – Attended through Course B – Did not Start Course C, so essentially, the student withdraws from the second half of term while still attending Course B

For this example scenario, the withdrawal date (WDD) will be the last day of attendance (school required to take attendance), all modules start on Sundays and end on Saturdays.

  • Numerator:  First day of class through end Course B --> 42 days
  • Denominator: First day of class through the end of Course B --> 42 days  
    • Since the student withdrew from Course A and C on the last day of Course B, Course A and C DOES NOT count in the denominator. 
  • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 42 days by 42 days, resulting in 1.0 or 100%.

    Diagram for #5 

Scenario #6: 

Withdraw Course A and Course C on the First Day of Course C – Attended through Course B – Did not Attend Course C 

For this example scenario, the withdrawal date (WDD) will be the last day of attendance (school required to take attendance), all modules start on Sundays and end on Saturdays.

  • Course B had ended while still enrolled in A and C
  • Numerator:  First day of class through end Course B --> 42 days
  • Denominator: Full term because at the time of withdrawal Regent Award expected the student to attend in Course A & C --> 84 days
    • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 42 days by 84 days, resulting in .500 or 50.0%.

      Diagram for #6


Scenario #7:

(7-day instructional week) Student withdraws from Course A on day 4 of Week 3 (18 days into the term) and then withdraws from Course B on day 2 of Week 5 (37 days into the term).

  • If the student does not commit to returning later in the term, then an R2T4 must be done at the time of withdrawal in week 3:
    • Numerator: 18 days
    • Denominator: Is weeks 1-11, and exclude days between mods --> 70 days
      • If we consider both courses withdrawn on day 18 since we do not have a commitment to return from the student, then both courses count in the denominator because Course B's withdrawal date is equal to Course A's withdrawal date.
    • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 18 days by 70 days, resulting in .2571 rounded to .257 or 25.7%.
  • When the student withdrawals from Course A, if they commit to returning later in the term, no R2T4 is required at that time. However, once the student returns and then withdrawals from Course B on day 2 of week 5, and R2T4 must be performed:
    • Numerator: First Day of Classes for Course A through Day 4 of Week 3 (18 days) + First Day of Classes for Course B through Day 2 of Week 5 (2 days) = 20 days total 
    • Denominator:  Day 1 of Course A through last day of Course A (28 days) + Day 1 of Course B through last day of Course B (42 days) = 70 days
    • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 20 days by 70 days, resulting in .2857 rounded to .286 or 28.6%.  The 7 days between the two module courses do not count in either the numerator or the denominator because it is a break longer than 4 days in length.  See 18546762 section above:
      • Breaks of at least five consecutive days before, between, or after modules that the student is scheduled to attend are excluded from both the numerator and the denominator when calculating the percentage of the period completed by the student.

Diagram for #7a:

Scenario #8:

Student attends a portion of Module 1, withdrawals, and then returns later in the term for Module 3:

  • Payment Period/Period of Enrollment: Payment period, 15-week semester Program structure for payment period/period of enrollment: Three consecutive five-week modules, 35 days in each module, no scheduled breaks.
  • A student enrolls for one three-credit course in each of the three modules.
  • Student ceases attending module 1 after completing 10 days.
  • The student does not confirm attendance in a later module.
  • R2T4 is performed.
    •  The denominator would include all days in the three courses because the student did not withdraw from them while attending another course. → 105 days 
  • The student does not attend module 2, but returns for the one 3-credit course in module 3.
  • The student withdraws from module 3 after completing 15 days.

Diagram for #8: 

If a student withdraws from a term-based credit hour program offered in modules and reenters the same program prior to the end of the period, the student is treated as if he or she did not cease attendance for purposes of determining the student's aid awards for the period. The student is considered to be in the same payment period he or she was in at the time of the withdrawal and retains his or her original Title IV eligibility for that payment period, provided the student's enrollment status continues to support the same amount of those funds. 

R2T4 for Modules, Re-entry later in the term:

  1. Upon reentry to a payment period after an R2T4, Title IV awards are returned to the student “as if the student had never left” unless there is not sufficient enrollment status to support them:
    1. Still count credits for attended courses from which the student withdrew at the time of the original withdrawal toward the reentry enrollment status.
    2. If the reentry enrollment status does not support the original Pell award (for example, if the student did not attend some modules), Pell should be reduced accordingly.
    3. If the reentry enrollment status is Less than HT, any DL retained after the first R2T4 remains, but no additional DL is processed for the term.
  2. The only time the number of days in the Denominator decreases is if a student drops a course while still attending another course.
  3. If a student adds a new course upon reentry or while attending another course after reentry, the Denominator for a subsequent R2T4 will increase to include that new course.
  4. The Numerator for a subsequent R2T4 within a payment period will always include the days in the Numerator from the previous R2T4.

To do this, the institution must:

  • recalculate the student's Title IV, HEA program eligibility based upon enrollment in modules 1 and 3 and then re-disburse any Title IV, HEA program funds that had been disbursed and then returned under the Return of Title IV Funds provisions, adjusting, if necessary, for the change in enrollment status from nine credit hours to six credit hours; FOR SMEs - In Regent Award, would it be correct to expect that the R2T4 performed when the student withdrew after Module 1 would be reversed in Regent Award, and then the student would be repacked to adjust awards down to the student's new enrollment level (excluding the Module 2 units which the student withdrew from)? Same census rules would apply – if attended and withdrew after the census, they would continue to count. The new courses would only count if they are census units. Treat Pell on a full-term basis. Are the reverse / repackage steps correct though? I would assume that RNA would repackage using standard census rules.
  • disburse any Title IV, HEA program funds the student was otherwise eligible for that had not yet been disbursed at the time the student withdrew, adjusting for the change in enrollment status; and
  • cancel any Title IV overpayments assessed the student as a result of the prior withdrawal that were disbursed upon reentry.

When the institution determines that the student has ceased to attend module 3, the institution again answers the Determination of Withdrawal Questions to determine whether the student is a withdrawal:

  • The answer to Question 1 is yes. The student ceased to attend a course the student was scheduled to attend—the three-credit course in module 3. Because the answer to Question 1 is yes, Question 2 must be answered.
  • The answer to this Question 2 is no. When the student ceased to attend the course in module 3, he or she was not attending any other classes. Because the answer to Question 2 is no, Question 3 must be answered.
  • The answer to this Question 3 is no. There are no later modules in which the student can confirm attendance. Thus, this student is a withdrawal and the Return of Title IV Funds requirements apply.

Resulting R2T4 Period of Enrollment:

  • Numerator: The student has completed 10 days of Module 1 + 15 days in Module 3 for a total of --> 25 days.
  • Denominator: The total number of days in the payment period. While the student did not begin module 2 since module 2 was included in the original payment period or period of enrollment and used to determine the amount of Title IV, HEA funds eligibility, the 35 days from module 2 are included in the denominator. --> 105 days.
    • Module 2 and 3 are included in the denominator as they were not attending another course at the time of withdrawal from these two courses. 
  • The percentage of the payment period completed is determined by dividing 25 days by 105 days, resulting in .238, or 23.8%.

Scenario #9:  Breaks at the end of the R2T4 Period

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