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Below are the setup items to be used for each Fund configured in the system.

General Subtab

These data elements are included in the setup of each fund defined.

Field Name


Required/ Optional/ Read-OnlyTypeValuesBusiness Rules

Fund Detail

ActiveIndicates whether the fund is allowed to be used for awarding. If inactive, no awarding will be allowed from this fund.OptionalCheckbox



Fund NameFund nameRequiredText - 40 characters maximumAlphanumeric Not editable for Title IV funds.
Official Fund Name
Optional  Drop-down 

The options available here will be dependent upon the value chosen under Fund Type.

  • Loans:
    • DLSub (COD)
    • DLUnsub (COD)
    • DLParentPLUS (COD)
    • DLGradPlus (COD)
    • Perkins
  • Grants:
    • Pell (COD)
    • FSEOG
    • TEACH (COD)
    • IASG (COD)
  • Work
    • FWSP
    • FWC
    • FWSJLD
    • FWSCS
  • Other Loan
  • Other Grant
  • Other Work
  • Other Scholarship
  • Other

Not editable for Title IV funds.

No default value.

Although the system allows users to add multiple instances of COD related funds, Regent discourages having any duplicated COD funds because of its impact on the COD Rebuild Process. The COD Rebuild import process uses this field when linking COD Rebuild award data in the COD Rebuild file to its associated Regent Award fund.

NOTE: If a new fund is added, and it is of an official fund type that is the same as one of our "pre-installed" funds in Regent Award, once the fund is saved, the fields that are locked down for that official fund type will be locked down for the newly added fund.

Display NameWhen text is entered in this field, the Fund Display Name is displayed in the Student Experience portal. If this textbox is blank, the Fund Name is displayed.OptionalText - 30 alphanumeric characters maxBlank is Default
Fund SourceFunding source OptionalDrop-down
  • Federal
  • State
  • Institutional
  • Private
  • Foundation
  • Other

Not editable for Title IV funds.

Fund Type

The options available here will be dependent upon the value chosen under Fund Source.

  • Grant
  • Loan
  • Scholarship
  • Waiver
  • Work
  • Exempt
  • Other

Not editable for Title IV funds.

Fund Scope
  • Academic Year
  • Federal Award Year

The scope should be editable for campus-based awards - FSEOG and FWS (except Perkins)

If Academic Year is chosen, a date range is used to define the period.

If Federal Award Year (FAY) is chosen, Federal Award Year options are presented.

This fund has BudgetsDetermines whether or not this fund has an unlimited budgetOptionalCheckbox

Unselected (default)


This field is set to a default value of selected only for FWS, FSEOG, and Perkins.

If this option is not selected, Regent Award will assume an unlimited budget for the fund.

This field is locked for all Title IV funds.

Budget ScopeThe Fund's Budget Scope will be used to determine the necessary FAY when finding a budget match. Required if the "This fund has budgets" checkbox is selectedDrop-down

Academic Year

Federal Award Year

This field is disabled if the "This fund has budgets" checkbox is not selected.

The value chosen here is the budget scope that must apply to all budgets created for this fund.

This fund has Donor InformationIndicates whether donor information is or is not applicable to the fund.OptionalCheckbox

Unselected (default)


  • If unselected, 'Donor Information' tab will not be presented

  • If selected, ‘Donor Information’ tab will be presented

Alternative FAY Schedule

Alternative calendar schedules ("Alt-FAY") for funds using a 12-month award period. The setting is mainly used for military or institutional funds.

After upgrade to the release, any new FAY-based fund added must have an Alt-FAY value chosen.  

Required for FAY-based funds

  • Jan 01 - Dec 31
  • Feb 01 - Jan 31
  • Mar 01 - Feb 28/29
  • Apr 01 - Mar 31
  • May 01 - Apr 30
  • Jun 01 - May 31
  • Jul 01 - Jun 30
  • Aug 01 - Jul 31
  • Sep 01 - Aug 31
  • Oct 01 - Sept 30
  • Nov 01 - Oct 31
  • Dec 01 - Nov 30

This setting will only be available when 'Fund Scope' selection is 'Federal Award Year.'

Allow multiple FAY scoped awards per period

This field allows Regent Award to support multiple FAY-based awards per period per student. 

If set to No:

  • The import awards process will attempt to consolidate multiple awards from the same fund in the same period to a single award, which is then marked "manual" by Regent Award.  
  • If the user opens Add Award Wizard (AAW) to add a fund, on step 1 of AAW, Regent Award determines whether or not this fund already exists on the period.  If the fund already exists, the system will switch the AAW wizard to the Modify Award Wizard (MAW) because this fund already exists for the award period.  From that point, the user will be modifying the existing fund that is on the period, not adding a new fund.

If set to Yes:

  • Regent Award will import two of the same awards on the same period and the awards will NOT be consolidated into a single award, nor will they be marked as manual.
  • AAW will allow the user to add another fund of the same fund type to the same period.

Optional (see Business Rules)

  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

The checkbox is only applicable to FAY scoped funds that are NOT configured with an Alternate Calendar. This option is disabled for the following and displays as “No” on the screen:

  • The fund is AY-based.
  • The fund is FAY scoped and has an Alternate Calendar listed.
  • The fund is a Pell Grant.

When the fund does not meet the items listed above, the checkbox is not disabled. Therefore, users can select the checkbox when the page is in Edit mode. Upon saving the page, this field saves as Yes on the screen.

Allow Awards From More Than One Available FAY per Crossover Period When this setting is Yes, the payment period may contain an award from the prior-year FAY as well as the next-year FAY if in a crossover payment period that spans multiple FAYs. When this setting is No, all awards from the fund in the same payment period must be from the same FAY.Optional (See business rules)


  • Selected
  • Unselected
  • NOT available for Pell funds.
  • "No" by default.
  • When not in "Edit" mode, a checked box will display as 'Yes;' an unchecked box will display as 'No.'

Rule Set Period Applicability

Used to determine how the Rule Set Start Date is applied.


Federal Award Year

Academic Year

Payment Period

Packaging Date

DescriptionDescription of fund - the text entered here will display on the Awards Portlet when a student clicks on the fund name.Optional Text - 256 characters maximumText - 256 characters maximum
External IDEditable, defined by the schoolOptionalText - 40 characters maximum

External ID 2Fund identifier as recognized by the school's A/R system. OptionalText - 40 characters maximum

Institutional External Fund IDInstitutional identifier for fundOptionalTextAlphanumericOptional; however, the field must have a non-blank value, unique within the Institution, to allow fund-specific Document assignment during packaging.
School IDFor state reporting purposes.OptionalText - 40 characters maximum
Schools should not enter characters other than letters, numbers, and underscores. However, the UI will not enforce this restriction due to some legacy values that contain other symbols.
Agency Program IDUsed to link a fund to an external program.OptionalText - Unlimited Character Field

Schools should not enter characters other than letters, numbers, and underscores. However, the UI will not enforce this restriction due to some legacy values that contain other symbols.

There are no uniqueness constraints on this field, at all.

 Multiple IDs can be configured.  Each would be separated by a semi-colon with no spaces.

State Grant Census Date

Select which State Grant Census Date to use for packaging.






The field should only be available on Funds in which the Fund Source = "State" and the Fund Type = "Grant" or "Other."

Term Setup allows the school to configure up to four State Grant Census dates (for use with various state grants).

Fund Setup allows the user to choose which of these four State Grant Census dates should be used for packaging that particular fund, each term.

Disclosure Statement Print Code Indicates whether the school or COD will print the Disclosure Statement. The party (school or COD) who is responsible for mailing the Disclosure Statement is also responsible for printing and mailing the Plain Language Disclosure Statement.OptionalDrop-down


-COD Prints and Sends to Borrower

-COD Reprint

-School Prints

This field is only presented for:
• DL Subsidized
• DL Unsubsidized
• DL Grad PLUS

Portal Settings

Include in GlossaryWhen this field is selected, the fund will be included in the Glossary and the Description will be used as the definition.OptionalCheckboxDefault is Unselected
Display on Financial Aid PortletWhen this field is selected, the fund will display on the Financial Aid component of the Student Portal. When it is not selected, the fund will not display on the portal, therefore, the student will not be able to take any actions regarding this fund.OptionalCheckboxDefault is SelectedThis field should only display if the Financial Aid component of the Student Experience Portal is in use.  See Portal Setup Data Elements

Statement of Understanding

This option determines whether or not to display funds to the student in the Awards Portlet (on the Student Portal) after the ‘Statement of Understanding’ has been completed by the student. When this option is checked, it requires the student to acknowledge a Statement of Understanding prior to viewing, accepting, or declining the fund's amount in the Financial Aid component of Student Experience of the Awards Portlet of the Student Portal. All funds configured will require Active Acceptance if the award is in an 'Offered' status.


Default is Unselected

Allow Students to Accept Lower Amounts or Decline Awards from the Student Portal

When this field is Yes, students can edit and reduce passive-acceptance awards (awards created in Accepted status) from the Student Portal. The setting has no effect on active-acceptance awards (awards created in Offered status). 

This setting must be "Yes" for all funds appearing on Regent Plan - Select Plan, and Change My Borrowing.

This setting needs to have the same value for Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans.

When this setting has a value of 'Yes,' the system will populate the 'User Accepted Amount' value on Import Awards, which will prevent Regent from repackaging an Accepted-status imported award at a higher amount. If an award such as a Title IV loan is Imported, the school can configure this fund setting to 'Yes' to preserve the original Accepted amounts on Accepted-status loans. Students may then accept additional eligibility from the portal. When this setting is 'No," RNA will not set the 'User Accepted Amount.' Any imported Accepted-status awards (passive-acceptance flow) will automatically adjust to match the Calculated Eligibility, regardless of the original import amount. For example, when this setting is 'No' on a Pell Grant imported through the conversion process, the system will automatically adjust the Pell amount. 

Required (defaults to No)Yes/No
  • No (default)
  • Yes

Default value is No. 

The setting is only available (can only be set to Yes) for Title IV Direct Loans. 

Fund Eligibility

CTP Eligible

Is this fund eligible for CTP programs?

CTP = Comprehensive Transition & Postsecondary. Definition: Certain students with intellectual disabilities can receive funds from Pell, FSEOG, and FWS if they are in a program approved by ED as a comprehensive transition and post-secondary program for students.




Not editable for Title IV funds.

If no ISIR, allow awarding from Estimated EFC when available

If checked, then the fund can be awarded to eligible students who do not have an ISIR and do have an estimated EFC amount.

School should be able to choose whether or not to have valid ISIR for awarding but locked down for disbursement.

Checking the box allows estimated awarding for future(or current) award periods using a prior year ISIR OR estimated EFC (SNAP or MAP).

Not checking the box requires that you have the necessary FAY ISIR for awarding.



Unselected (default)

ISIR Required?

When ISIR Required? is true, then the fund may not be awarded without an ISIR with a valid, non-blank, EFC.

When ISIR Required? is false, then the student will be treated as having an EFC of “0” whether or not they have an ISIR. 

When the ISIR is not available, all awards must be put into "Estimated" status.

When this box is checked, a user should not be able to modify an award in an "Estimated" status via the MAW. 



Unselected (default)

Not editable for Title IV fund

SAP Required?

If checked, this fund cannot be disbursed to a student with a SAP status of “FASuspended” or "MTFSuspended."

The "SAP Required" checkbox should be checked by default for all federal funds.

For non-federal funds, if this checkbox is unchecked, the SAP check by EST should be bypassed as the fund can be disbursed regardless of the student's SAP status.  


Selected (default)


Pell Eligibility Required? When selected, students must have a Pell Eligible Undergraduate ISIR.OptionalCheckbox


Unselected (default)

Require Satisfied Document(s) Select this option if the Selected Document(s) must be in a “Satisfied” status in order for the student to be eligible for this fund.  If multiple documents are selected, and those documents apply to the same scope value for awarding purposes, all documents for the same timeframe must be in a "Satisfied" status for the student to be eligible for the fund.OptionalCheckbox


Unselected (default)

This field will not display if the Official Fund Name is one of the following:

  1. Direct Graduate PLUS Loan

  2. Direct Parent PLUS Loan

  3. Direct Subsidized Loan

  4. Direct Unsubsidized Loan

  5. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG)

  6. Pell Grant

  7. TEACH

EFC Minimum/Maximums EFC Minimum and Maximums define EFC value ranges for eligibility. Students must have an ISIR from the FAY with an EFC value within the specified range. When a user clicks [ + Add FAY ] the sub-panel will display an additional, new record.Optional

Multi-select list box

Federal Award Year default is Select

Minimum value

Maximum value

  1. Min value must be either lesser than or equal to the Max value

  2. Min value and Max value can both be blank.

  3. Only one row per FAY

  4. Default Minimum value $0.00
  5. Default Maximum value $0.00 
Available Document(s) Documents that meet the following criteria:

Documents within the same campus as the fund AND

FAY scoped funds should be awarded using either a Student scoped or FAY scoped document ONLY OR

AY scoped funds should be awarded using either a Student scoped or AY scoped document ONLY

OptionalMulti-select list box
Presented if 'Require Satisfied Document(s)' is selected.
Selected Document(s) Documents that the user selected to determine eligibility for the fund using the Add All, Add, Remove, and Remove All buttons.OptionalMulti-select list box
Presented if 'Require Satisfied Document(s)' is selected.
Query Eligibility (Regent Fund only)If Selected, table will be presented below with button option to 'Add Query.' Added queries will be used to determine eligibility for awarding of the fund during packaging.OptionalCheckboxDefault is UnselectedOnly displays for Regent Fund customers.
QuerySelection is the query that will be used to determine student eligibility for awarding.Required if 'Add Query' button selectedDropdownList of saved queries for the Institution.

Table displayed when Query Eligibility field is selected.

The query selected will determine eligibility in correlation with fund eligibility configuration. Packaging not affected for state funds with rulesets or funds with a custom fund ruleset.
Does not apply to Title IV funds, except the following (assuming no custom fund ruleset exists): FSEOG and FWS.

If query eligibility is met (true) and other fund rules are not met or not enough budget, a $0 award will be created but not persisted (current functionality).

Federal Award YearSelection determines FAY for which the query will be used to identify students eligible for awarding of the fund. Column displays if Fund Scope is 'Federal Award Year.'OptionalDropdownList of open FAYs with the option to 'Select All FAYs.'
Academic Year Start Date From

Entry determines AYs for which the query will be used to identify students eligible for awarding of the fund.

Column displays if Fund Scope is 'Academic Year.'

OptionalDate field
Academic Year Start Date To

Entry determines AYs for which the query will be used to identify students eligible for awarding of the fund.

Column displays if Fund Scope is 'Academic Year.'

OptionalDate field
Payment Period State Date FromEntry determines Payment Periods for which the query will be used to identify students eligible for awarding of the fund.OptionalDate field
Payment Period State Date ToEntry determines Payment Periods for which the query will be used to identify students eligible for awarding of the fund.OptionalDate field

Awarding Rules

Initial StatusWhen the fund is first assigned to the student the default award status is set to the status in the Initial Status field.OptionalDrop-down




Status should be editable for all awards

Related Configurations: 

The Override Award Status tab allows the user to override the Initial Status configured for the fund.    

The Use UDF Award Status configuration setting allows a fund's initial status to be overridden with the UDF value provided for the fund.

Uses Override Award Status

Read-only indicator that appears when a fund has additional configuration settings on the "Override Award Status" tab.


Selected (default)

Unselected (checkbox and setting do not display)

If any configuration settings are enabled on the Fund Setup "Override Award Status" tab, the screen displays this checkbox and label as Selected.

If no Override Award Status configuration is in use, Regent Award does not display this checkbox, label, information icon, or help text.

Use UDF Award Status

When the field is set with a UDF and a UDF is added (via SBL or manually) to a student record, the fund will use the UDF value provided to set the award status during packaging for the fund. Only UDF values of 'Offered' or 'Accepted' will be accepted. UDFs sent with any other value will be packaged using the Initial Status or the Override Award Status configuration.

The UDF Award Status takes precedence over both the Initial Status and the Override Award Status configurations.


Select UDF (default)

List of User-Defined Fields configured in Institution Setup

Drop-down menu displays a list of User Defined Fields - see /wiki/spaces/REM/pages/7012815.

When the drop-down menu displays, it is sorted with "Select UDF" at the top, then in alphabetical order A-Z by Field Name. 

If a user changes the value to "Select UDF," the system clears the UDF linkage from the fund.

UDF values are not case sensitive. "OFFERED" and "Offered" and "offered" will all set the Award Status to "OFFERED" in Regent Award.

The UDF Award Status does not change the status of existing awards for the following situations:

Manual awards

Awards accepted by a student on the Student Portal

Awards edited by a user in Modify Award Wizard (MAW)

Past awards in closed periods that are no longer being repackaged

COD-based awards that were already Originated at COD with Accepted status.

Example scenarios for existing COD-based awards:

Moving from Passive to Active Acceptance (new UDF value is "OFFERED") - originated COD awards already in Accepted status remain in Accepted status.

Moving from Passive to Active Acceptance (new UDF value is "OFFERED") - unoriginated COD awards for funds configured to be created in Offered status will change to Offered status.

Moving from Active to Passive Acceptance (new UDF value is "ACCEPTED") - Accepted and Offered awards will both change to Accepted status.

When a new UDF status value is sent for non-COD awards, any unpaid awards will change status immediately upon repackaging with the new UDF value. For example, an institutional fund, SEOG, or FWS would all change status immediately upon sending the new UDF.

Offered Awards Expire days after Offer dateThe number of days after an award has been offered to a student that it must be accepted, or the offer expires and is no longer available to the student.OptionalTextNumericLeave blank if no expiration data is needed.
RoundingDefines if awarded funds should be rounded to the nearest dollar or nearest cent.RequiredDrop-down



Dollar (default)

The drop-down should be unlocked for all funds except Subsidized loan, Unsubsidized Loan, PLUS, GradPLUS, and TEACH.

For Subsidized loan, Unsubsidized Loan, PLUS, GradPLUS, and TEACH, the value should be set to "Dollar" as COD does not accept cents for these programs.

Adjustments Allowed

This field should impact ONLY passive acceptance awards.

When the student accepts this fund, they can accept the award at a certain amount. They might then get repackaged for a larger award at a later date. This causes the system to automatically accept the new award amount.

OptionalMulti-select list box





Should be locked for Pell and IASG only to a value of "Both."

Upward:  If eligibility increases an Accepted award will increase, but if eligibility decreases the Accepted award will not change.

Downward:  If eligibility increases, an Accepted award will not change and a new award will be created for the fund, but if eligibility decreases, the Accepted award will be reduced.

Both:  If eligibility increases or decreases, an Accepted award will change accordingly.

Neither:  If eligibility increases or decreases, an Accepted award will not change, but an additional award will be created for an eligibility increase.

Adjust After Census Date

Do not lock this fund in with the census date, allow flexibility throughout the term.

Adjust after census date means that Regent Award can adjust the award if the student’s course data changes after the census date.  Some awards are locked at the census date, so even if the student withdraws from a course after the census date, their awards wouldn’t change for funds that don’t have this flag set.

Adjust after census date allows awards to be adjusted continually even if a census date exists. 




If the “Adjust after census date” flag is not checked, then the system will use the student's census date enrollment to determine the appropriate amount of the award for the payment period.

If the “Adjust after census date” flag is checked, then the system will use the students current/actual enrollment to determine the appropriate amount of the award for the payment period.  

Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements

Allows the user to indicate whether Regent Award can or cannot reduce award disbursements that have been PAID.

An R2T4 can reduce paid funds no matter what this setting is.

For details on how this setting impacts the increase, decrease and creation of disbursements, and how it works in conjunction with the Campus Setup setting "," see Fund Setup - Treatment of Paid vs Unpaid Disbursements





“Yes” for Pell Grant

“Yes” for IASG

“Yes”  for FSEOG

“No” for  FWS

“No”  for Perkins Loan

“No” for Subsidized Loans

“No” for Unsubsidized Loans

“No” for PLUS  Loans

“No” for Graduate PLUS Loans

“No” for TEACH Grants

For Pell , IASG, and FWS will not be editable, but not for any other "pre-installed" funds.

Editable for newly added funds.

Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements

When this field is checked, Regent Award will allow packaging to move paid disbursements from the payment period in which they were originally paid to another payment period. When this field is unchecked, Regent Award will present a packaging error and prevent the disbursement from being moved.


Inherit (default)



Inherits from Campus.

Attempt To Keep Paid Disbursements Unchanged?

This field defaults to the value set on Campus level, and works in conjunction with the setting, ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements.’ If the setting ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements’ is “No,” then the Fund setting has no effect. If ‘Allow Auto-Adjustment of Paid Disbursements’ is “Yes,” the system will use the Fund-level setting to determine whether or not to create new disbursements for a term.


Inherit (default value)



Defaults to the value set on the campus level 
Freeze Amounts

This setting controls how Regent Award will make changes when packaging awards and disbursement amounts that occur in the past.

Past Award Periods: Regent Award will continue to repackage the entire award for all payment periods in the current award period until the award's end date is in the past. Once the award's end date is in the past, the system will not automatically change that award, but will continue to package the fund for future payment periods. This is the default system behavior.

Past Payment Periods: Regent Award will not make any automatic changes to amounts in past payment periods. A past PP is any payment period or term having an end date of yesterday or earlier. The system will still repackage amounts in current and future payment periods.

Financial Aid staff can still add or change the award amounts as needed using Modify Award Wizard.

RequiredDrop- down

Past Award Periods (default)

Past Payment Periods

Allow Partial Payments
This flag will manage the scenario for when there is a difference between the Last COD Accepted Amount and the current Disbursement Amount at the time of EST. 

Inherit (default)



Award Distribution Options

This field allows the user to determine how this fund will be awarded if the fund does not have a rule set.


Divide Evenly Across PPs (default)

Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY, Not to Exceed Cost per PP

Distribute Using Payment Period Amounts

If "Divide Evenly Across PPs" is chosen, the total amount of the award will be divided evenly across the PPs within the FAY or AY (dependent upon fund scope), with an even portion being awarded each PP.

If "Divide Evenly Across PPs in FAY, Not to Exceed Cost per PP" is chosen, the total amount of the award will be divided evenly across the PPs within the FAY, giving consideration to the "Package To" cost cap for the PP.

If "Distribute Using Payment Period Amounts" is chosen, the amount per payment period value will be awarded to the student per payment period using the FAY and/or effective dates provided, up to the remaining eligibility (e.g. Aggregate limits, COA, Direct Loans).  The first payment period will be packaged first, up to the full Amount Per Payment Period, prior to awarding subsequent periods.

Prorate Distribution AmountsWhen this checkbox is selected, the calculated distribution amounts will be prorated based on the program applicable, registered units for the period out of the minimum full-time enrollment level for the program. Anticipated periods use anticipated units for the period. Proration does not apply to nonterm programs.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

Prorate Distribution Amounts is not available for Title IV funds.

Proration Logic:

  1. Takes the non-withdrawn Program Applicable Registered Units for the payment period if enrollment level is 'Actual', otherwise uses 'Anticipated' enrollment level and divides by the Full-Time Minimum amount configured on the Enrollment Level Setup to get the % with 3 decimal places using standard rounding rules for FT Enrollment (not to exceed 100%).
  2. Takes the % of FT Enrollment and multiplies it by the payment period amount
  3. Rounds using the 'Rounding' configured on Fund Setup General tab.

Calculated Eligibility Award Amount (Total Eligible Amount):

  • The calculated eligibility for the award is the sum of the prorated award amount for each payment period for the FAY or AY (depending on fund scope).
Award to "Default" Award Period Only

When this field is set to "Yes" and the fund is being auto-packaged, Regent Award will attempt to award the fund on the "default" loan period only. The fund may be added to other loan periods manually. In the example below, the student has a default loan period that spans the entire Academic Year, as well as a loan period that spans only the length of the Spring 2018 term. When "Award to "Default" Award Period Only" is set to "Yes," Regent Award will attempt only to award to the default loan period when auto-packaging the fund. A user can manually package the fund on the single term loan period using the Add Award Wizard.

The setting works similarly for FAY based funds, which are also placed on a "default loan period" in the Regent Award database when they are created.


No (default)


Available to all funds.
Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only

The setting controls the per-term maximum amounts for AY-based awards for term students who have some ineligible terms in an Academic Year.

When the setting is selected, Regent Award awards full eligibility (the full AY award amount) among the available eligible terms. When the setting is unselected (checkbox is unchecked), for every eligible term in the AY, Regent Award applies a per-term cap on eligibility based on the number of total terms in the Academic Year. The system awards no more per term than the total AY amount, divided by the number of terms in the AY.

For example, if a student has a three-term AY, and the middle term is ineligible, Regent Award can distribute a $3000 award amount in two ways:

Total award eligibility: $3,000 

1. With setting Yes (selected), the full $3000 award is distributed:

  • Term 1: $1,500
  • Term 2: $0
  • Term 3: $1,500

2. With setting No (unselected), the per-term maximum is $1000 per term:

  • Term 1: $1,000
  • Term 2: $0
  • Term 3: $1,000

For a SAY school (Fall / Spring) with an optional Summer term, if Summer is not Anticipated but there is Summer registration, "Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only" would be set to unselected.  If Summer is not anticipated, leave the Summer term’s "Use for Anticipation" setting as No as well.  If the student registers for summer, the term will be included in the student's AY but will receive any awarding leftover from the Fall/Spring AY, up to COA in the Summer term.



Unselected (default) 

When this setting is true (selected/checked), the student is awarded the full eligible amount for the Academic Year. The total eligible amount is distributed across all enrollment periods for which they are eligible.

When this setting is false (unselected/unchecked), the student's amounts for each eligible term are limited to the total AY amount, divided across the number of terms in a full Academic Year's worth of enrollment. For a shortened remaining period of study (RPS) AY, the total amount is divided across the number of terms in the RPS AY.

Award Full Eligibility in Final AY Only

When this field is set, the student is packaged with full eligibility, similarly to when the Award Full Eligibility in Eligible Periods Only is set, but only for the final academic year of the program.  The awarding of full eligibility would apply to any final academic year, regardless of whether it is considered a remaining period of study or not.

When this field is not set, the student is packaged with the full eligibility divided amongst the total terms in an Academic Year and then awarded only to the eligible periods, similarly to when the Award Full Eligibility in Eligible Periods Only is set, but only for the final academic year of the program. The awarding of full eligibility and dividing amongst the total terms in an Academic Year and awarding only to eligible periods would apply to any final academic year, regardless of whether it is considered a remaining period of study or not unless the Award Full Eligibility in RPS Only configuration is set (e.g. 2 eligible terms out of 3 terms in an Academic Year).



Unselected (default) 

This configuration only displays when the ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only’ configuration is not enabled.

This setting only applies to Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan funds.

Award Full Eligibility in RPS Only

When this field is set, the student is packaged with full prorated eligibility, similarly to when the Award Full Eligibility in Eligible Periods Only is set, but only for a Remaining Period of Study for the program. 

When this field is not set, the student is packaged with full prorated eligibility divided amongst the total terms in an Academic Year and then awarded only to the eligible periods, similarly to when the Award Full Eligibility in Eligible Periods Only is set, but only for a Remaining Period of Study for the program (e.g. 2 eligible terms out of 3 terms in an Academic Year).



Unselected (default) 

This field only displays when the ‘Award Full Eligibility for Eligible Periods Only’ configuration is not enabled and the ‘Award Full Eligibility in Final AY Only’ is not enabled.

This setting only applies to Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan funds.

Repackaging Option for Changes to Packaging PhilosophyWhen repackaging this fund, the 'Package To' target will use the current and future (open) payment period costs plus any previously packaged or disbursed amounts and will evenly distribute disbursements.OptionalCheckbox


Unselected (default)

This field is only available for the Subsidized, Unsubsidized and Graduate PLUS loans.
Exclude Header and TrailersWhen this checkbox is selected, terms configured with a Header or Trailer are not included in the award distribution across payment periods for term-based programs.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)

FAP Limit (max allowed for a FAP)

Maximum awarding of the fund allowed for a Fund Period.

Federal Award Year for a Pell.

For a loan, it would be the Loan period.

Aggregate Limit 

Maximum awarding of the fund allowed in total, for the student.

On ruleset-less funds, RNA considers AY0 award periods when determining if an award amount needs limited.  The amount entered here will be respected by the fund if the fund is not governed by a rule set, i.e., it is a "rule set-less" fund.  

OptionalText - 6 characters maximumNumeric
FAY Crossover Awarding

Determines how FAY based awards will be packaged in a crossover period (for FAY based funds only). 

Exhaust current year: If any eligibility remains for the Prior Year, award from the Prior Year. If none, award from the Next Year.

Award ONLY from the Prior Year: Award ONLY from the Prior Year. Do NOT award from the Next Year even if zero eligibility remains from the Prior Year.

Award ONLY for the Next Year: Award ONLY from the Next Year. Do NOT award from the Prior Year even if eligibility remains from the Prior Year.

Required when Fund Scope = Federal Award Year.Drop-down

Inherit (default value)

Exhaust current year

Award ONLY from prior Year

Award ONLY for next Year

This field should display on the Fund Setup screen ONLY when the Fund Scope = Federal Award Year.
Automatically Award Grade Level Progression

Used to determine when RNA should auto-create additional awards for Grade Level change increases.

If this field is set to "Yes," the increased mid-year grade level eligibility will be automatically awarded as a new award. The new award will follow the same fund acceptance rules per the Fund Setup Initial Status, Override Award Status or the Use UDF Award Status. 

Used to determine when RNA should auto-create additional awards for Grade Level Change increases during an academic year.

If “yes”, increased mid-year grade level eligibility will be awarded.

If “No,” additional awards will not be offered for mid-year grade level increases.





The default value is "Inherited" (inherited from the Campus Level).

(Available on Institution, Campus, and Fund Configurations)

Replaces EFC

Designates if the fund is a need-based fund or a non-need-based fund.

If awarding to COA:

When Replaces EFC is true, then the fund can be awarded beyond Remaining Unmet Need up to the amount of the EFC (as long as the EFC for the period was not already replaced by another Fund, and honoring all other eligibility limits). Eligibility for such need-based funds is calculated as COA - EFC - EFA + lesser of remaining COA or remaining unused EFC (Result is pretty much to award per COA - EFA).

When Replaces EFC is false, then the EFC must be used in calculating remaining eligibility (need) for the fund.  Eligibility for such need-based funds is calculated as COA - EFC - EFA

If awarding to Direct Costs:

When Replaces EFC  is true, then the fund can be awarded beyond Remaining Unmet Need up to the amount of the EFC (as long as the EFC for the period was not already replaced by another Fund, and honoring all other eligibility limits). Eligibility for such need-based funds is calculated as Direct Costs - EFC - EFA + lesser of remaining Direct Costs or remaining unused EFC (Result is to award per Direct Costs - EFA).

When Replaces EFC is false, then the EFC must be used in calculating remaining eligibility (need) for the fund. Eligibility for such need-based funds is calculated as the lesser of Remaining Unmet Need (COA - EFC - EFA) or Remaining Unmet Direct Costs (DC - EFA)



Unselected (default)

Not editable for Title IV funds

Fund Source has Additional COA Requirements

When this option is selected, the user may access the "Available Cost Group(s)" and "Selected Cost Group(s)" lists. The multi-select list boxes allow users to configure the Costs Groups used for determining the amount (of this fund) to award the student per the Campus's Packaging Philosophy.



Unselected (default)

Cost Groups are filtered by the associated Programs and Sites.

When a user is first adding a new Fund, the Fund must be Saved to populate the available Cost Groups.

Available Cost Group(s) 

Display only Cost Groups within the same campus.

Display only Cost Groups associated to the same site/programs as the fund.

For example, if a fund is setup to cover program A, B and C which are all located in Site A, and the Cost Group is configured for Program D in Site A, then the Cost Group would not appear in the "Available Cost Group(s") list.

If a fund is setup to cover program A, B and C which are all located in Site A, and the Cost Group is only configured for Program A in Site A, then the Cost Group would appear in the "Available Cost Group(s)" List.

Display only Cost Groups with future or active effective date ranges; if the effective end date of the Cost Group is in the past, do not display it in the list for available Cost Groups. 

OptionalMulti-select list box

Multi-select boxes remain un-editable / disabled until the "Additional COA Requirements" checkbox is selected.

Multi-select text boxes display filterable columns for Cost Group Name, Category, Effective Start Date and Effective End Date.

Selected Cost Group(s) 

Cost Groups display that the user selected from the "Available Cost Group(s)" list using the Add All, Add, Remove and Remove All buttons.

OptionalMulti-select list box
Display all Cost Groups that have ever been selected to be associated to this fund, regardless of effective start and end dates.

Award Minimums/Maximums Table

Federal Award YearThe FAY selection field will be available if the Fund's Fund Scope = FAY.Required if Federal Award Year is chosen from Fund ScopeDrop-downPopulate from list of available federal award years.

User may choose only one FAY. 

The fund min/max defined here is for the Award Period as a whole, it is not for each payment period within the award period.

If Date Range selected is FAY - If award is for FAY selected, the min/max entered will be used.

Begin DateThe Date Range selection fields will be available if the Fund's Fund Scope = AY.

The Begin Date is required if Academic Year is chosen from Fund Scope; the End Date can remain empty. Date

The fund min/max defined here is for the Award Period as a whole, it is not for each payment period within the award period.

If Date Range selected is AY - If AY start date falls within the range selected, the min/max entered will be used.

End DateDate

Minimum amountDefines the minimum amount of this award, per student, for the defined period.Required if scope is chosenTextCurrency value

Available for all funds.

The system will use the lower of either the configured values for Award Minimum/Maximum values, or the Title IV or Ruleset calculated amounts.

Maximum amountDefines the maximum amount of this award, per student, for the defined period.Required if scope is chosenTextCurrency value

Available for all funds.

The system will use the lower of either the configured values for Award Minimum/Maximum values, or the Title IV or Ruleset calculated amounts.

Amount Per Payment Period Table

Packaging will use a combination of Flat Rate Per Payment Period and the Amount Per Unit configured to determine the award amount when packaging. The configured amounts will then be used based on the following logic:

If the Amount Per Unit is left Blank, the Flat Amount Per PP would always be used.

If the Flat Amount Per Payment Period is left Blank, the Amount per Unit would always be used.

If neither the Amount Per Unit or the Flat Amount Per Payment Period is left blank, the Amount Per Unit will be used but will be limited by the Flat Amount Per Payment Period.

Federal Award Year

The payment period will use the Federal Award Year column along with the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date columns to determine if the fund will be packaged for the amount configured. 

If no Federal Award Year or Effective dates are configured, the configured Flat Amount Per Payment Period and/or Amount Per Unit amounts will be used for the award for all FAYs and PPs.  In this case, only one set of values (one row of data) can be configured.

Regent Award validates that the Effective Dates entered fall within the system configured effective date range for the FAY chosen.  For example, if the FAY date range is July 1 to June 30, any data sets provided for a given FAY must fall within these specific dates.  

If a NULL value is provided for an Effective Start or End Date, it will be implied that the Start or End date aligns with the FAY date range.  For example:

Data Set 1 for 2019-2020:  Null Start Date; End Date of Dec. 1, 2019;  The implied Start Date is the system's FAY start date, either July 1 or the start date of one of the Alt-FAY values, depending on configuration. 

Data Set 2 for 2019-2020:  Start Date of Dec. 2, 2019; Null End Date;  The implied End Date is the system's FAY end date, either June 30 or the end date of one of the Alt-FAY values, depending on configuration. 

Matching configured Amounts to Payment Periods:

For FAY-scoped Funds, Regent Award will first match the FAY value configured to the FAY value on the payment period.

Then the system will validate that the payment period start date falls within the effective date range provided for a given set of per PP/per Unit values.  If the payment period falls within the effective date range, the configured award amount will be used.






Multiple entries per FAY are allowed, but due to the effective date validation, the values configured in a single FAY should not be able to have overlapping effective date ranges

This field is required for FAY scope funds, except if only a single data set is configured. If there is only a single data set it means that the amount(s) configured will apply to all FAYs.

This table allows, within a given FAY, one entry can have either a NULL end date OR a NULL Start Date, while still ensuring that effective date ranges entered for the values of a given FAY are not overlapping.

Flat Amount Per Payment PeriodAllows a flat amount to be entered that applies to the payment periodOptionalText boxNumericalEither the Amount Per Payment Period or the Amount Per Unit must be configured. 
Amount Per UnitAllows a per unit amount to be entered that applies to the payment periodOptionalText boxNumericalEither the Amount Per Payment Period or the Amount Per Unit must be configured. 
Enrollment Status MinDetermines the minimum enrollment status for a payment period that can be awarded for the fund.OptionalDrop-down
  • Select (Default)
  • Less Than Half Time
  • Half Time
  • Three Quarter Time
  • Full Time

If both the Enrollment Status Min and Enrollment Status Max are blank, payment period enrollment statuses are not considered for awarding.

If only the Enrollment Status Min is blank, all payment period enrollment statuses through the Enrollment Status Max configured are considered for awarding.

Enrollment status changes do not consider withdrawals or census date.

Enrollment Status MaxDetermines the maximum enrollment status for a payment period that can be awarded for the fund.OptionalDrop-down
  • Select (Default)
  • Less Than Half Time
  • Half Time
  • Three Quarter Time
  • Full Time

If both the Enrollment Status Min and Enrollment Status Max are blank, payment period enrollment statuses are not considered for awarding.

If only the Enrollment Status Max is blank, all payment periods with enrollment statuses greater than the Enrollment Status Min configured are considered for awarding.

Enrollment Units MinDetermines the minimum enrollment units for a payment period that can be awarded for the fund.OptionalText box - numeric, 5 characters max

Numeric values between 0 and 99.99

Allows values up to 3 places past decimal

If both the Enrollment Units Min and Enrollment Units Max are blank, payment period enrollment units are not considered for awarding.

If only the Enrollment Units Min is blank, all payment period enrollment units through the Enrollment Units Max configured are considered for awarding.

Enrollment Units MaxDetermines the maximum enrollment units for a payment period that can be awarded for the fund. OptionalText box - numeric, 5 characters max

Numeric values between 0 and 99.99

Allows values up to 3 places past decimal 

If both the Enrollment Units Min and Enrollment Units Max are blank, payment period enrollment units are not considered for awarding.

If only the Enrollment Units Max is blank, all payment periods with enrollment units greater than the Enrollment Units Min configured are considered for awarding.

Payment Period Start Date FromDetermines the payment periods based on start date that can be awarded for the fund. The payment period start date must be on or after the Payment Period Start Date From configured.OptionalDate pickerDate

If both the Payment Period Start Date From and Payment Period Start Date To are blank, payment period dates are not considered for awarding.

If only the Payment Period Start Date From is blank, all payment period start dates through the Payment Period To date configured will bet considered for awarding.

Payment Period Start Date ToDetermines the payment periods based on start date that can be awarded for the fund. The payment period start date must be on or before the Payment Period Start Date To configured.OptionalDate pickerDate

If both the Payment Period Start Date From and Payment Period Start Date To are blank, payment period dates are not considered for awarding.

If only the Payment Period Start Date To is blank, all payment period start dates on or after the Payment Period From date configured are considered for awarding.

Effective Start DateDetermines the start date for when a fund can be awarded.OptionalDate pickerDateEither the effective begin or end date are required, except:

No effective dates are required if FAY is specified and only one row is configured for a given FAY.  

No effective dates are required if only one row is configured.

Effective End DateDetermines the end date for when a fund can be awarded up to.OptionalDate pickerDateEither the effective begin and end date are required, except:

No effective dates are required if FAY is specified and only one row is configured for a given FAY.  

No effective dates are required if only one row is configured.

Enrollment Status MinDetermines the minimum enrollment level needed to award the fundOptionalDrop-down

Less Than Half Time

Half Time

Three Quarter Time

Full time

Selecting a minimum/maximum enrollment status range is only available if the fund is configured with a per payment period amount.  The student's enrollment status for the payment period must fall within the selected minimum and maximum range in order to be awarded the per payment period amount indicated.

If the Minimum value is configured, it must be less than the Maximum value.

Enrollment Status Max

Determines the maximum enrollment level needed to award the fundOptionalDrop-down

Less Than Half Time

Half Time

Three Quarter Time

Full time

Selecting a minimum/maximum enrollment status range is only available if the fund is configured with a per payment period amount.  The student's enrollment status for the payment period must fall within the selected minimum and maximum range in order to be awarded the per payment period amount indicated.

If the Maximum value is configured, it must be greater than the Minimum value.

Award Only if ISIR Interested in Work Study


Select (NULL) (default)

Yes, only students Interested in receiving Work-Study will be eligible for this fund.

No, this fund will not be auto-packaged regardless of the value provided in ISIR.

: Federal or State

: Work

Begin and Cease Auto-Packaging Settings Table

Federal Award Year
OptionalDrop-downPopulate from list of available federal award years.
Auto-Packaging Begin DateDate at which auto-packaging (batch packaging scheduled over-night process, manual batch package process or MAP) will begin.OptionalDate

If no Begin Date is configured for a specific FAY, all award periods with the specific FAY will be packaged until the Auto-Packaging Cease Date.

If no Cease Date is configured for a FAY, all award periods with the specific FAY will begin packaging as of the Auto-Packaging Begin Date and continue packaging until the FAY is closed.

If no Begin Date or Cease Date is configured for one or more FAYs, the fund will always be packaged for all non-configured FAY award periods.

Auto-Packaging Cease DateDate at which auto-packaging (batch packaging scheduled over-night process, manual batch package process or MAP) will cease.OptionalDate

Once date in ‘Cease Auto-Packaging Settings’ is reached, do not allow fund for the specified FAY to be 'auto-packaged' by any means (batch packaging scheduled over-night process, manual batch package process or MAP)

Allow fund to be manually adjusted via MAW

Do not allow fund to be increased automatically

Allow automatic negative adjustments.

Allow fund to be manually added via AAW

Once the 'cease auto-packaging date' is reached, awards will be treated similar to manual awards and will have the icon 'AC' (autopackage ceased).

Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) and the Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) will have a default date of 6/30/CCYY. **** CCYY will equal the FAY end date. For example, if FAY 2013-2014 is selected the default date will be 06/30/2014. If 2014-2015 is selected the default will be 06/30/2015

Only one entry (auto-packaging cease date) per FAY

Disbursement Rules

Delay First Disbursement 30 days

If checked, delay the first disbursement 30 days. If unchecked, do NOT delay the first disbursement 30 days. 

Pertains to the first disbursement for loans for first-time students. 




Unselected (default) 

The fund will inherit the value chosen at the Campus level but will have the option to change this value. 

Multiple Disbursement RequirementIf checked, for sub and unsub loans, the school is required to have multiple disbursements for the first loan payment period for first time, first-year students.OptionalCheckbox


Unselected (default) 

The fund will inherit the value chosen at the Campus level, but will have the option to change this value. 
Payment Verification Option

Indicates the disbursement action to be taken on disbursements for this fund, depending on the verification status of the paying ISIR for the award.


Pay one disbursement without verification

Pay one disbursement without verification, Undergraduate Only

Pay no disbursements without verification

Pay no disbursements without verification, Undergraduate Only

Pay all disbursements without verification

Default setting for each fund:

For Pell, display only two options in the drop down:

Pay one disbursement without verification

Pay no disbursements without verification (default)

For DL Sub display only one option in the drop down:

Pay no disbursements without verification

All the rest of the COD-based funds:

Allow all three options

Default option will be “Pay no disbursements without verification”

For non-COD-based funds:

Allow all three options

Default option will be “Pay all disbursements without verification”

ISIR Correction Response is Required for Disbursements?When this flag is checked, disbursements will be blocked if the Active ISIR has had a correction exported and no response has been received.OptionalCheckbox

Selected (default)


Default to "Yes" for awards that are reported to COD.

Allow disbursement of funds to students on LOA breaks

When "No" is selected, students on a LOA will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When "Only for prior completed payment periods only" is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the LOA, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option.





Only for prior completed payment periods

For Fund Name = Direct Graduate PLUS Loan, Direct Plus Loan, Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan default to "No", for all other funds default to "Inherit"

This field is inheritable from the Campus level.

If this option is set to "No" the student will not receive any funds during a break. 

If the student has overlapping breaks with varying configuration, the most restrictive settings take precedence.

For example, an institutional break is setup to a value of "Yes", but the institutional break overlaps with a Student "LOA" break setup to a value of "No". The student should not disburse during the overlapping dates because the student break is set to the more restrictive setting.

Any disbursements scheduled during the break will be disbursed on the first EST export after the student returns from break. 

If this option is set to "Yes", and there is a scheduled disbursement during that break, the student will receive funds.

If this option is set to "Only for prior completed payment periods", late disbursements from prior completed payment periods should EST even if the student is on a break. The disbursements for the current payment period should still be blocked from EST.

Note: A late disbursement is defined as an unpaid TEACH, Pell, Direct Parent Plus, Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, Direct Graduate Plus, SEOG and Perkins disbursement after the payment period or term has ended.  

Allow disbursement of funds to students on CORE breaksWhen "No" is selected, students on a CORE will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When "Only for prior completed payment periods only" is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the CORE, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option.OptionalDrop-down




Only for prior completed payment periods

For Fund Name = Direct Graduate PLUS Loan, Direct Plus Loan, Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan default to "No", for all other funds default to "Inherit"

Allow disbursement of funds to students on Administrative breaksWhen "No" is selected, students on an Administrative break will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When "Only for prior completed payment periods only" is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the Administrative break, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option.OptionalDrop-down




Only for prior completed payment periods

For Fund Name = Direct Graduate PLUS Loan, Direct Plus Loan, Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan default to "No", for all other funds default to "Inherit"

Allow disbursement of funds to students on Unapproved breaksWhen "No" is selected, students on an Unapproved break will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When "Only for prior completed payment periods only" is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the Unapproved break, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option.OptionalDrop-down




Only for prior completed payment periods

For Fund Name = Direct Graduate PLUS Loan, Direct Plus Loan, Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan default to "No", for all other funds default to "Inherit"

Allow disbursement of funds to students on Institutional breaksWhen "No" is selected, students on an Institutional break will not receive funds via the EST for A/R process for the entire duration of the break. When "Only for prior completed payment periods only" is selected, funds from the current payment period will not be disbursed during the Institutional break, but funds for prior completed payment periods will be disbursed. Funds that are setup to be non-disbursable or are not disbursed by the system are not affected by this option.OptionalDrop-down




Only for prior completed payment periods

For Fund Name = Direct Graduate PLUS Loan, Direct Plus Loan, Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan default to "Yes", for all other funds default to "Inherit"

Cease Disbursement Settings Table

Federal Award Year

This feature applies to both FAY-based and AY-based funds.  EST uses the Loan Period's FAY to relate to the FAY setup here.  If a fund's Loan Period's FAY does not match the FAID FAY then this feature may not work correctly. 

OptionalDrop--downPopulate from list of available federal award years.
Positive Cease Date

Date at which positive disbursements from this fund can no longer be allowed for the FAY chosen.


Positive Offset DaysNumber of days after the end of the loan period for which positive disbursements must no longer be allowed for this funds. EST should look at the minimum of either the cease disbursement date or the offset days date.OptionalText

Default to 180 for funds in which the Fund Source = Federal; Fund Type = Loans

Default is “blank” for all other Fund Types

Positive, whole numbers only

Negative Cease Date

Date at which negative disbursements from this fund can no longer be allowed for the FAY chosen.


Negative Offset DaysNumber of days after the end of the loan period for which positive disbursements must no longer be allowed for this funds. EST should look at the minimum of either the cease disbursement date or the offset days date.OptionalText

Default is “blank” for all other Fund Types

Positive, whole numbers only

Sites Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/ Optional/    Read-OnlyTypeValueBusiness Rules
All sites checkboxAll sites set up in the Campus are eligible for the fund, even those sites that are not currently set up in the system, but are set up as some future point in time.OptionalCheckbox

Selected (default)


For federal funds, all sites are eligible.
Available SitesList of sites that can be associated with the FundOptionalMulti-select list boxPopulated with all sites in Campus

If the student's site is a value other than the one chosen here, do not award this fund.

If blank, there are no site-specific requirements for this award.

Selected SitesList of sites that have been chosen to be associated with the FundOptionalMulti-select list box
When removing the last selected site, a warning message will appear stating that any programs associated to the site will be removed in the program association tab.

Programs Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/ Optional/        Read-OnlyTypeValueBusiness Rules
All programs checkboxAll programs set up in the system, for this campus, at any given point in time, are eligible for the fund.OptionalCheckbox

Selected (default)


For federal funds, all programs are eligible
Available ProgramsList of programs that can be associated with the fund.OptionalMulti-select list boxPopulate this list with all programs available at the sites selected on the sites tab.
Selected ProgramsList of programs that will be associated with the fund.OptionalMulti-select list boxPopulate with the chosen academic programs.

If the student's academic program is a value other than the one chosen here, do not award this fund.

If blank, there are no program-specific requirements for this award.

Disbursement Schedules Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/              Optional/                    Read-OnlyTypeValueBusiness Rules
Schedule NameThe name of the disbursement schedule.View only

FundThe name of the fundView only

Start DateThe starting effective date of the fund.View only

End DateThe ending effective date of the fund.View only

All programsIndicates if the All Programs flag is selected on the disbursement schedule.View only

Budgets Tab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/ Optional/ Read-OnlyTypeValueBusiness Rules
Budget NameName of the budgetRequiredText box - alphanumeric 50 characters max

Budget AmountTotal amount of dollars available for this fund (for this budget)RequiredText box - numeric 0 0 to 9,999,999,999.99Default to $0
Federal Award YearThis field should only display if the Budget Scope chosen on the Fund Setup General Tab is Federal Award Year.


  1. Required when Fund Scope is Federal Award Year. The user may choose only one FAY
  2. Not required if Fund Scope is Academic Year
Effective Start DateDetermines the date range that the budget will be used. For example, of the students who meet the criteria for the Period Start Date range filter - which PPs for those students will be funded by this budget? This date range determines that. If the PP start date for those students falls within this date range, the PP will be funded out of this budget.RequiredDate

There is validation that the start date is prior to the end date. 

Effective Start and End Date range is based on the payment period start date. If the start date for the payment period falls somewhere between the budget start date and the budget end date, then this budget will apply to that student. (The PP start date of the period we are trying to fund needs to be in the effective date range.)

Effective End DateRequiredDate
Start Date FilterPeriod that the budget is applicable for.RequiredRadio Button

Academic Year (default)

Payment Period

Period Start Date

This will determine which students are awarded out of this budget.  For example, if you choose AY as the period type, with a date range of 9/1/2012 through 12/1/2012, then any student’s whose AY start date falls in that range, will be awarded out of this budget.  


There is validation that the start date is prior to the end date.

The date range is based on the payment period start date.

Period End DateRequiredDate
ActiveIndicates if the budget is currently active and in use by the school. OptionalCheckbox


Unselected (default)

Actuals Section

Total OfferedFor every award with the status of offered, then sum the amount for the defined period of enrollments for the fund.OptionalView only$0 to $9,999,999,999.99Calculated
Total AcceptedFor every award with the status of accepted, then sum the amount for the defined period of enrollments for the fund.OptionalView only$0 to $9,999,999,999.99Calculated
Total PaidFor every disbursement of this award, with the status of paid, sum the disbursement amounts for the defined period and for the fund.OptionalView only$0 to $9,999,999,999.99Calculated
Total UnfundedAmount of funds for which there are student's eligible to receive the award, but there is not enough budget to award.OptionalView only$0 to $9,999,999,999.99Calculated
Balance Remaining to OfferBalance of the Adjusted Amount of the budget remaining to offer.OptionalText box - numeric 5 characters max

Sites Section

Apply budget to all sites by defaultBudget will apply to all sites set up in the system, under that Campus.OptionalCheckbox

Selected (default)


Available SitesList of all sites associated to this fund.OptionalMulti-select list boxPopulate this box with the sites that are associated with this fund.
Selected SitesThe Sites that this budget applies to.OptionalMulti-select list boxPopulate with the chosen sites form the Available site list.

Budget History Section

Date of ChangeThe date that a change was made to the budget detailsView onlyDate

View only

Budget Amount
View onlyText

Effective Start Date
View onlyDate

Effective End Date
View onlyDate

Start Date Filter
View only

Period Start Date
View onlyDate

Period End Date
View onlyDate

User IDThe user associated to the change made. View onlyText

Override Award Status Tab

This tab allows the user to override the Initial Status (default award status) on the general tab for selected sites and/or programs for this fund.  Users with 'Edit Fund Setup; permissions enabled will also have access to edit the Override Award Status tab. 

Field NameDescriptionRequired/        Optional/              Read-OnlyTypeValuesBusiness Rules
Apply Override Award status to All sites

When "All sites" is selected in the Site Associations, it allows all sites to be eligible to use the Override Award status for the fund.



Unselected (default)

Only the sites selected under the Fund Setup Sites tab will be listed. Upon adding or removing a site on the Fund Setup Site tab, any site associations listed will also be added or removed.

If the 'Apply Override Award status to all sites' checkbox is selected, at least one program must be selected and the 'Apply Override Award status to all programs' checkbox cannot also be selected.

Available Sites

List of available sites that are able to be associated with the Override Award Status


Multi-select list box

Lists all sites associated with the fund on the Site tab of the fund.

Upon adding or removing a site on the Fund Setup Site tab, any site associations listed will also be added or removed.

Selected SitesList of sites that have been selected to be associated with the Override Award Status

Required, if 'Apply Override status to All Sites' is Unselected.

Minimum of 1 site must be configured

Multi-select list box
Upon adding or removing a site on the Fund Setup Site tab, any site associations listed will also be added or removed.
Apply Override Award status to All programsList of available programs that are able to be associated with the Override Award StatusOptional


Unselected (default)

Only the programs associated with the sites selected under the Site Associations and the programs associated on the Fund Setup Programs tab will be listed. Upon adding or removing a site or program under the site Selected Sites or on the Fund Setup Site tab, any program associations listed will also be added or removed.

If the 'Apply Override Award status to all programs' checkbox is selected, the 'Apply Override Award status to all sites' checkbox cannot also be selected.

If the 'Apply Override Award status to all sites' checkbox is selected, at least one program must be selected.

Available ProgramsList of available programs that are able to be associated with the Override Award StatusN/AMulti-select list boxLists all programs associated with the fund on the Site tab of the fund.

Upon adding or removing a site or program under the site Selected Sites or on the Fund Setup Site tab, any program associations listed will also be added or removed.

Selected ProgramsList of available programs that are able to be associated with the Override Award Status

Required, if 'Apply Override status to All Sites' is Unselected.

Minimum of 1 program must be configured

Multi-select list box
Upon adding or removing a site or program under the site Selected Sites or on the Fund Setup Site tab, any program associations listed will also be added or removed.

Donor Information Tab 

This tab allows users with Edit permission to add Donor Information for the Fund. Tab will be enabled if the 'Fund Has Donor Information' checkbox on the General tab is selected.  

Field NameDescriptionRequired/Optional/Read-OnlyTypeValuesBusiness Rules

Donor Name

Name of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric;

60 character maximum


Email address of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

255 character maximum

Phone Number

Phone number of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

255 character maximum


Website of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

255 character maximum

Street Address

Street Address of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

100 character maximum


Address City of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

100 character maximum


Address State of Donor for the FundOptionalDropdown50 US States, plus territories

Zip Code

Address Zip Code of Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

13 character maximum

Donor Information Summary

Additional information about the Donor for the FundOptional

WYSIWYG editor


Notes about the Donor for the FundOptional

Text box- alphanumeric

250 character maximum

Change Log

 Click to view a list of changes to this page
DateDescription of ChangeEditor
February 24, 2023Added this change log to existing page.Bianca Chandler-Bagwell
February 24, 2023

Added "non-withdrawn" to 'Prorate Distribution Amounts.' Release, March 2023. 

Bianca Chandler-Bagwell
March 6, 2023

Peer-reviewed Bianca's updates from February 24 2023.

Updated for RS-25182 Release, March 2023

  • Fund Source has Additional COA Requirements: Cost Groups are available only after saving due to Program/Site dependencies.
  • Award Min/Max uses the lower of the configured values, or the Title IV or Ruleset calculated amounts.

Also updated documentation for previously implemented functionality RS-24106 in

  • Prorate Distribution Amount is not available for Title IV funds.
Jennifer Flora Black
April 24, 2023

Peer-reviewed Bianca's updates from April 21, 2023

Updated for RS-25277 Release, April 2023

  • Added Pell Eligibility Required
  • A

  • No labels