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The Cost Setup screen is where schools define various costs for attending students and the rules for how those costs are applied. 

General Subtab

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalTypeValuesBusiness Rules

Cost Setup Name

Name of the Cost of Attendance (COA)RequiredText box - alphanumeric 50 characters max

Must be unique at the Campus level. An uppercase letter is considered the same as a lower case letter for this uniqueness.

External Cost ID

External ID related to the COAOptionalText box - alphanumeric

Must be unique at the Campus level. An uppercase letter is considered the same as a lower case letter for this uniqueness.


Used to indicate whether the Cost Setup is the default COA.OptionalCheckbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Only one default Cost Setup is allowed per Campus and the setup must be active to be marked as default.

  • Making a Cost Setup default marks any other existing Cost Setups as not default.

Cost Rounding Level

The increment that the rounding method should be applied to the COA.RequiredDrop-down
  • Dollar
  • Cents

The increment that the rounding method should be applied to the COA.

Rounding Method

The type of rounding that should be applied to the calculated COA.RequiredDrop-down
  • Standard Rounding (default)
  • Round Up
  • Truncate
  • Standard rounding: The value is rounded down in the decimal value is less than .5, rounded up if greater than or equal to .5
  • Round Up: The value is rounded up to the next whole number at the specified number of decimal places
  • Truncate: The decimal values are truncated.


Indicates whether the Cost Setup is active or not activeOptionalCheckbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Only one active Cost Setup is allowed per Campus.

Cost Groups

Cost Group Name

Name of the Cost GroupRequiredText box - alphanumeric

Effective Start Date

The start date for using the Cost GroupOptionalDate picker

Effective End Date

The end date for using the Cost GroupOptionalDate picker

Federal Cost Category

Federal Category Cost Group is associated withRequiredDrop-down
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books and Supplies
  • Transportation
  • Personal/Misc
  • Room and Board
  • Dependent Care
  • Study Abroad Expenses
  • Disability Expenses
  • Employment expenses for co-op study
  • Loan Fees


Associated Sites for the Cost GroupOptionalDual Multi-Select Boxes ("Available" and "Selected")

List of all Available Sites at the Campus will be auto-populated


Associated Programs for the Cost GroupOptionalDual Multi-Select Boxes ("Available" and "Selected")

List of Available Programs at the Campus will be auto-populated

Cost Items

Cost Item Name

Name of the Cost ItemRequiredText box - alphanumeric

The name and calculated value will be displayed under this name in the COA on the Award tab.

Display Name

This field is used in the Student Experience portal when displaying Cost Items to students.OptionalText box - alphanumeric 500 characters max


When text is entered into this field, the Cost Item Description displays as informational messaging to the student where the Cost Item Name or Display Name is used in the Student Experience portal. It is used as the definition in the glossary if enabled.  If this textbox is blank, no messaging displays.

OptionalText - 256 characters max

Cost Frequency

How often to apply the costRequiredDrop-down
  • Onetime Per Program
  • Lifetime
  • Enrollment
  • Academic Year
  • Payment Period
  • Grade Level
  • Week
  • Month
  • Calendar Year

Used to determine the frequency for using the cost item.

  • Onetime Per Program: Only applied once per program.
  • Lifetime: Only applied once per student.
  • Enrollment: Only applied once per each enrollment.
  • Academic Year: Only applied once per academic year.
  • Payment Period: Only applied once per payment period at the start of the PP.
  • Grade Level: Only applied once per grade level.
  • Week: Only applied once per week.
  • Month: Only applied once per month.
  • Calendar Year: Only applied once per calendar year.

Use UDF Effective Dates

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Available for durational (Monthly and Weekly) Cost Items.

Cost Method

  • Instructional
  • Durational

Available for durational (Monthly and Weekly) Cost Items.

  • Institutional Cost Calculations counts each week in which there is at least one instructional day in the intersecting period of the Cost Effective Dates and the UDF Effective dates excluding student and institutional breaks.
  • Durational Cost Calculations counts each day in the intersecting period of the Cost Effective Dates and the UDF Effective dates including student and institutional breaks.

Rounding Method

The type of rounding that should be usedOptionalDrop-down
  • Standard Rounding
  • Round Up
  • Truncate
  • Standard Rounding: The value is rounded down if decimal value is less than .5, and up if greater than or equal to .5.
  • Round Up: If a decimal value, round up to next whole number.
  • Truncate: Always drop the decimal value and use the whole number.


The dollar or cents value of the cost item.RequiredText box - numerical

Positive or negative ####.##

Cost Per

The increment that the cost is applied.OptionalDrop-down
  • Unit
  • Flat Rate
  • Course
  • Unit: The cost is calculated by multiplying the base cost x number of units (credit / clock hours)
    • For term, Regent Award uses program applicable units only in determining per units costs.
    • For non-term, Regent Award uses the greater of registered vs. anticipated units in determining per unit costs
  • Flat Rate: The cost is the base cost (does not vary by units)
  • Course: The cost is calculated by multiplying the cost x number of courses
    • Course is not a transfer
    • Course is not withdrawn
    • Course enrollment date <= Census
    • Course is not remedial

Rate Start

The number of units or courses at which the "Cost Per" Unit or Course cost should start getting applied.OptionalText box - numeric

Available when Cost Per = Unit or Course

Distribution Type

Whether the cost is one-time or applied over the specified frequency period.OptionalDrop-down
  • Upfront
  • Distributed

The distribution type only applies to per academic year, per calendar year and per grade level.

If the cost is an upfront cost , the calculated cost is only applied to the first enrollment in the set of effected enrollments. If distributed, the calculated cost is applied to all enrollments in the set of effected enrollments. If the cost is a back loaded cost, the calculated cost is only applied to the last enrollment in the set of effected enrollments.

Cost Rounding Level Code

The decimal place the rounding method is applied.OptionalDrop-down
  • 1
  • 2

Direct Cost

Whether the Cost Item is a direct costOptionalCheckbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Determines whether this item is counted in limiting the awarding of some funds to the student's direct costs. Direct costs are costs that the student pays directly to the school. These include tuition and fees, institutional housing, meal plan, and sometimes, bookstore charges.

Billed by School

Whether the Cost Item is billed by the school.OptionalCheckbox
  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Determines whether the Cost Item is billed by the school. These include tuition and fees, institutional housing, meal plan, and sometimes, bookstore charges.

Institutional External Cost ID

OptionalText box

The Institutional External Cost Identifier field allows the system to link Cost Items across campuses. This is important for students undergoing a Campus-to-Campus Program Change. Therefore, the Cost Item's Institutional External Cost Identifier must match for all campuses if this Cost Item is the same across Campuses. If this field is left blank, Regent Award will populate this value with a concatenation of the Cost Name.

Include in GlossaryWhen this field is selected, the cost item is included in the Glossary and the description is used as the definition.OptionalCheckbox
  • Selected
  • Unselected (default)
This configuration only displays if Regent Plan is enabled.

Lifetime Cost

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

This field allows the system to determine how to apply the cost item to the student, particularly in the case of a program change. If this box is checked, Regent Award will not apply this cost to the student's next program if the student has already received this cost in a prior program. If the student has not received this cost in a prior program, Regent Award will apply this cost in the student's next program.

Apply to all states/provinces by default

  • Unselected
  • Selected (default)

When selected, applies to all states for residency. When unselected, limits the Cost Item to only apply to the selected state(s) as their state of residency.


Limits the Cost Item to only apply to the selected state(s) as their state of residency.OptionalDual Multi-Select Boxes ("Available" and "Selected")

Dependency Status

The dependency status(es) this type of Cost Item should be applied to.OptionalCheckbox
  • Dependent
  • Independent
  • Independent With Dependents

Housing Status

The housing status types the Cost Item should be applied to.OptionalCheckbox
  • On-Campus
  • With Parent
  • Off-Campus

The system will use the housing choice from the active ISIR that is associated with the Federal School Code for the campus the student is attending.

Residency Status

Determines the residency status(es) this type of Cost Item should be applied to.OptionalCheckbox
  • In State
  • Out of State
  • In District
  • Out of District
  • Unknown

Apply to End of Program

  • Unselected (default)
  • Selected

Applies the Cost Item to the last payment period of the student's program.

Custom Fields (UDF)

The custom fields value that the Cost Item applies toOptionalDrop-down

Available fields based on the custom fields defined on Institution Setup.

Available fields will be populated based on the custom fields defined by the school on Institution Setup.

Enrollment Units Min

The minimum Enrollment Units required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric


Enrollment Units Max

The maximum Enrollment Units required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric


Cumulative Units Min

The minimum Cumulative Units required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric

0 - 999.99

Cumulative Units Max

The maximum Cumulative Units required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric

0 - 999.99

Cumulative Courses Min

The minimum Cumulative Courses required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric

0 - 999

Cumulative Courses Max

The maximum Cumulative Courses required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric

0 - 999

Enrollment Level Min

The minimum Enrollment Level required to receive the cost.OptionalDrop-down
  • Full-time
  • 3/4 Time
  • 1/2 Time
  • Less than 1/2 Time

Before census date, but after the begin actual date, use actual enrollment; Initially use anticipated enrollment.

Enrollment Level Max

The maximum Enrollment Level required to receive the cost.OptionalDrop-down
  • Full-time
  • 3/4 Time
  • 1/2 Time
  • Less than 1/2 Time

Academic Year Min

The minimum Academic Year required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters max


Academic Year Max

The maximum Academic Year required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters max


Grade Level Min

The minimum Grade Level required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 1 character max


Grade Level Max

The maximum Grade Level required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 1 character max


Week Min

The minimum number of Weeks in Program required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters max


Week Max

The minimum number of Weeks Program required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters max


Month Min

The minimum number of Months in Program required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters max


Month Max

The maximum number of Months in Program required to receive the cost.OptionalText box - numeric 2 characters max


Calendar Year Min

The minimum Calendar Year required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Date picker allows to select the minimum Calendar Year in mm/dd/yyyy format. Calendar Year Range Min must be less than Calendar Year Range Max

Calendar Year Max

The maximum Calendar Year required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Date picker allows to select the maximum Calendar Year in mm/dd/yyyy format. Calendar Year Range Max must be greater than or equal Calendar Year Range Min

Enrollment Start Date Min

The minimum Enrollment Start Date required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Enrollment Start Date Max

The maximum Enrollment Start Date required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Program Start Date Min

The minimum Program Start Date required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Program Start Date Max

The maximum Program Start Date required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Academic Plan Start Date Min

The minimum Academic Plan Start Date required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


Academic Plan Start Date Max

The maximum Academic Plan Start Date required to receive the cost.OptionalDate picker


User Defined Fields

Field Name

Used to select a UDF item defined in Institutional setup.OptionalDrop-down

User shall have the ability to add multiple user defined fields to the Cost Setup item via an "Add" button.


  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to

The system will validate that the student meets all of the criteria on the cost item, and if it does not, the cost item will not be assigned to the student.


OptionalText box - alphanumeric 50 characters max

If the UDF value is missing or the UDF name/operand/value combination equates to "false" the student will be NOT assigned the cost item. If the UDF name/operand/value combination equates to "true", the student WILL be assigned the cost item.



Selecting the button deletes the row.

  • No labels