Table of Contents |
Regent Access clients may opt to consume the Application Export File into their SIS or Document Management system in order to assign additional required documents (e.g. Verification documents) to the applicant based on specific information in the application (e.g. dependency status or EFC).
The Application Export File is a scheduled process that typically runs on a daily basis at a specified time defined in the Runbook. file is run through the 'Export Access Database Extract File' in Export Processes in the Regent Process menu or as a Scheduled Process from a saved parameter set. The file is delivered to clients via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP). The file is available for download via a secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP), in the “SNAP Exports” directory. Regent Access clients are asked to provide a list of IP addresses to be whitelisted by Regent. Whitelisting is a security feature that allows clients to define a list or range of trusted IP addresses from which users can access the sFTP.
Export Access Database Extract File Options
There are three selection parameters when setting up a Access Database Extract File to be ran.
- Completed Applications Only: Options are 'Yes' and 'No.' Determines whether "completed applications only" will be included in the run of the process or if the file will also include uncompleted applications.
- Include Dependency Status: Options are 'Yes' and 'No.' Determined whether a column for dependency status will be included or will not be included in the file.
- Export Type: Options are 'Export data for applications created or modified since last export’ and ‘Export data for all applications.'
- Note: A scheduled process can be set up to create the database extract file on a regular basis and only show new/updated applications since the last time the file was exported. It's important to note that if an "ad hoc" export process is ran, the next scheduled process may not include the expected results.
Access Export File in an ISIR Layout Format
ISIR Field Name | Derived Value |
yearIndicator | Uses 1 for the 2020-2021 Award Year, 2 for 2021-2022 Award Year, etc. |
originalSocialSecurityNumber | Uses SSN if provided; otherwise uses DACA number if provided; otherwise uses the student externalId1 (assigned to the student by Regent Access) with prefixed 0's to derive the 9-digit social security number |
originalNameID | Uses the first two characters of 'studentsLastName' |
transactionNumber | Uses transactionNumber = '01' for first time application is being exported and increments the transaction number subsequent exports |
studentsCitizenshipStatus | Always uses 3 for neither a U.S. Citizen or an Eligible Non-Citizen |
studentsTaxReturnCompleted | TASFA applications only: If either studentsTaxReturnCompleted OR spousesTaxReturnCompleted = '1,' then the value of this field is '1,' otherwise, it is blank. |
studentsCashSavingsAndChecking | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsCashSavingsAndChecking AND spousesCashSavingsAndChecking. |
studentsInvestmentNetWorth | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsInvestmentNetWorth AND spousesInvestmentNetWorth |
studentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsEducationalCredits AND spousesEducationalCredits |
studentsEducationalCredits | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth AND spousesBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth |
studentsChildSupportPaid | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsChildSupportPaid AND spousesChildSupportPaid |
studentsNeedBasedEmployment | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsNeedBasedEmployment AND spousesNeedBasedEmployment |
studentsGrantOrScholarshipAid | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsGrantOrScholarshipAid AND spousesGrantOrScholarshipAid |
studentsCoopEarnings | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsCoopEarnings AND spousesCoopEarnings |
studentsPensionPayments | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsPensionPayments AND spousesPensionPayments |
studentsIRAPayments | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsIRAPayments AND spousesIRAPayments |
studentsChildSupportReceived | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsChildSupportReceived AND spousesChildSupportReceived |
studentsInterestIncome | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsInterestIncome AND spouseInterestIncome |
studentsIRADistributions | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsIRADistributions AND spousesIRADistributions |
studentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances AND spousesMilitaryOrClergyAllowances |
studentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits AND spousesVeteransNoneducationBenefits |
studentsOtherUntaxedIncome | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of studentsOtherUntaxedIncome AND spousesOtherUntaxedIncome |
bornBefore | Uses a value of 1 if studentsDateofBirth < 01/01/1997 and uses a value of 2 if studentsDateofBirth >= 01/01/1997 |
isStudentMarried | Uses the following values: If studentsMaritalStatus is '1-Single' or '4-Divorced or Widowed,' sets to a value of '2.' If studentsMaritalStatus is '2-Married or Remarried' or '3-Separated,' sets to a value of '1.' |
fathersStepfathersSocialSecurityNumber | TASFA applications only: Uses a value of 999-99-9999 |
fathersStepfathersFirstNameInitial | Uses the first letter of fathersStepfathersFirstName |
mothersStepmothersSocialSecurityNumber | TASFA applications only: Uses a value of 999-99-9999 |
mothersStepmothersFirstNameInitial | Uses the first letter of mothersStepmothersFirstName |
parentsStateofLegalResidence | Uses the parentsStateofLegalResidence (if it has a value); or if parentsStateofLegalResidence is blank, uses the studentsStateofLegalResidence; or if parentsStateofLegalResidence AND studentsPermanentState are both blank, use studentsPermanentState |
parentsTaxReturnCompleted | TASFA applications only: If either parentOneTaxReturnCompleted OR parentTwoTaxReturnCompleted = '1,' then the value of this field is '1,' otherwise, it is blank. |
parentDislocatedWorker | TASFA applications only: Use '1' if either parentOneDislocatedWorker OR parentTwoDislocatedWorker has a value of '1,' otherwise uses a value of '2.' |
parentsCashSavingsAndChecking | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneCashSavingsAndChecking AND parentTwoCashSavingsAndChecking. |
parentsInvestmentNetWorth | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneInvestmentNetWorth AND parentTwoInvestmentNetWorth |
parentsBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth AND parentTwoBusinessAndOrInvestmentFarmNetWorth |
parentsChildSupportPaid | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneChildSupportPaid AND parentTwoChildSupportPaid |
parentsNeedBasedEmployment | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneNeedBasedEmployment AND parentTwoNeedBasedEmployment |
parentsCoopEarnings | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneCoopEarnings AND parentTwoCoopEarnings |
parentsPensionPayments | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOnePensionPayments AND parentTwoPensionPayments |
parentsIRAPayments | TASFA applications only: Use combined values of parentOneIRAPayments AND parentTwoIRAPayments |
parentsChildSupportReceived | TASFA applications only: Uses combined values of both parentOneChildSupportReceived AND parentTwoChildSupportReceived |
parentsIRADistributions | TASFA applications only: Uses combined values of both parentOneIRADistributions AND parentTwoIRADistributions |
parentsMilitaryOrClergyAllowances | TASFA applications only: Uses combined values of both parentOneMilitaryOrClergyAllowances AND parentTwoMilitaryOrClergyAllowances |
parentsVeteransNoneducationBenefits | TASFA applications only: Uses combined values of both parentOneVeteransNoneducationBenefits AND parentTwoVeteransNoneducationBenefits |
parentsOtherUntaxedIncome | TASFA applications only: Uses combined values of both parentOneOtherUntaxedIncome AND parentTwoOtherUntaxedIncome |
studentsNumberofFamilyMembers | TASFA applications only: Calculates 1 (for student) + 1 (for spouse, if studentsMaritalStatus = 2 or 3) + number of children (studentsNumberOfChildren) + number of dependents (studentsNumberOfDependents) |
studentOrSpouseDislocatedWorker | TASFA applications only: Uses '1' if either studentDislocatedWorker OR spouseDislocatedWorker has a value of '1,' otherwise uses a value of '2' |
federalSchoolCode1 | TASFA applications only: Uses the first federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode2 | TASFA applications only: Uses the second federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode3 | TASFA applications only: Uses third federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode4 | TASFA applications only: Uses the fourth federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode5 | TASFA applications only: Uses the fifth federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode6 | TASFA applications only: Uses the sixth federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode7 | TASFA applications only: Uses the seventh federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode8 | TASFA applications only: Uses the eighth federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode9 | TASFA applications only: Uses the ninth federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
federalSchoolCode10 | TASFA applications only: Uses the tenth federal school code configured for the TASFA application. |
dateApplicationCompleted | Uses the latest student or parent signature date on the application. |
signedBy | Uses an 'A' if only student signature was required, uses a 'B' if both the student and parent signatures were required. |
transactionDataSourceTypeCode | Uses 1AY for initial application and 1C for a correction application. |
transactionReceiptDate | Use the current date upon the export of the Access ISIR-formatted file. |
studentsCurrentSocialSecurityNumber | Uses SSN if provided; otherwise uses DACA number if provided; otherwise uses the student externalId1 (assigned to the student by Regent Access) with prefixed 0's to derive the 9-digit social security number. |
applicationDataSourceTypeCode | Uses '1A' value upon export of the Access ISIR Formatted File. |
applicationReceiptDate | Uses the application or the correction date. |
computeNumber | Always uses a value of '000'. |
transactionProcessedDate | Use the current date upon the export of the Access ISIR-formatted file. |
simplifiedNeedsTest | Always uses a value of 'N' populate with No ("N"). |
correctionFlags | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
highlightFlags | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
FAFSADataVerifyFlags | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
commentCodes | Always uses zeros ("0") in each of the fields. |
studentIsSelectedForVerification | Always uses a value of No ("N"). |
Filler (Access Field: AccessISIR) | A value of 1 will be present in the first position of this filler space and is able to be used to identify the ISIR is an Access ISIR, if Regent Access is enabled. |
Filler (Access Field: mainFederalSchoolCode) | A six-digit Federal School Code will be present beginning with the second position of this filler space and is able to be used to identify the school code to which the file is being routed, if Regent Access is enabled. |
Filler (Access Field: studentExternalId) | The Regent Award studentExternalId for the default Institution (e.g. state-level) will be present if Regent Access is enabled and right justified and allow up to 60 characters in length. |
Filler (Access Field: snapApplicationID) | The snapApplicationId on the Access ISIR provides a link between the ISIR ↔︎ and SNAP Application data for REM to use in the display as needed. Allows up to 15 digits. |
Regent Access clients are responsible for determining the criteria and process in which an Access ISIR file is matched to students in their system if the student does not have a social security number or DACA number (e.g. name, date of birth, and address).
Special Circumstances
When a student indicates that there is a "special circumstance" and will be unable to provide parent information on this application, the EFC value is affected:
- No EFC is calculated upon completion of the application.
- The application output .pdf file has a blank EFC and the parent signature will not be displayed.
- The Access ISIR file created for export has a blank EFC.
- The Application Export file has a blank EFC.
The "Export eAccess ISIR Format" permission is required to generate the Access Export file in an ISIR Layout Format and is located under the Global Permissions → Process Permissions → Export Processes. By default, all user roles, except the Regent admin role, will NOT have access to this permission (i.e. the permission will be disabled). The permission is enabled by default for the Regent admin user role.