Permissions List

Permissions List

Description of Change


Description of Change


Began change log as of Release 6.0; added Tools section for Regent Fund permissions per ticket RS-19198;


Added Export Fund Awarding Information File per RS-22397 and Document Assignment Tool per RS-21231; per 6.2.1


Added permission for Smart Form Manager


Added permission for Export Campus-Based WebfileProcess


Added new security group permission


Added new permission for Export GE-FVT Data. RS-27289, Release, December 2024

Also documented preexisting permission for Export Data Pipeline

December 18, 2024





Permission Name





Permission Name


Global Permissions


Gives users access to view the Administration Section


Gives users access to view the Users Section


Gives users access to view the Roles Section

Security GroupsNEW

Gives users access to view the Security Groups Section


View Standard Reports

Gives users access to view the Standard Reports Section


View Processes

Gives users access to view the Processes Section/Process Log

View / Edit Scheduled Jobs

Gives the user access to the Scheduled Jobs screen under Processes

View all FAY values on Process Screen drop-down fields

If the user has the permission, then the FAY or Federal Award Year drop-down field on these screens should display all available (from the DB) FAY values.  For users who do not have this permission, the next FAY value will not be available until October 1st of the year prior to that FAY. 

  • Export --> Export COD

  • Export --> Export ISIR Corrections

  • Export --> Export ISIR Identity

  • Export --> Export State Grants

  • Export DL Tools Files

View / Edit Add Process

Gives the user access to the Add Process screen under Processes

Saved Parameter Sets

Saved Parameter Sets 

View / Edit Saved Parameter Sets

Gives users access to the "Saved Parameter Sets" Screen.

Delete Parameter Set

Gives users access to the "Delete" capability on the "Saved Parameter Sets" Screen.

Scheduled Processes

Scheduled Processes

View Scheduled Processes

Allows the user to View the "Scheduled Processes" Screen and Process menu item

Edit Scheduled Processes

Allows the user to have access to the "Edit" button on existing the "Scheduled Processes"

Edit / Add New Process Scheduled Process

Allows the user to have access to the "Add New Schedule" button and Process menu item

Delete Scheduled Processes

Allows the user to have access to the "Delete" button on  the "Scheduled Processes" Screen

Import Processes

Access Import Process

Gives users access to Import Processes screen

Import SBL

Gives users access to run the Import SBL process

Import COD

Gives users access to run the Import COD process

Import ISIR

Gives users access to run the Import ISIR process

View/Edit Create Student on ISIR Import

Gives the user access to view/edit the Create Student on ISIR Import checkbox on the ISIR Import process screen.

Import Direct Loan YTD

Gives users access to run the Import Direct Loan YTD process

Import External Resource

Gives users access to run the Import External Resource process

Import Pell YTD

Gives users access to run the Import Pell YTD process

Import Work Study

Gives users access to run the Import Work Study process

Import NSLDS TMS and FAH Data

Gives users access to run the Import NSLDS TMS and FAH Data

Import State Grants

Gives users access to run the Import State Grants process

Import Student Document CSV

Gives users access to run the Import Student Documents CSV process

Import Student Document XML

Gives users access to run the Import Student Documents XML process


Import Awards and Disbursements

Gives users access to run the Import Awards and Disbursements process.

Import Setup Configuration

Gives users access to run the Import Setup Configuration (XML) and Import Setup Configuration (CSV) processes.

Reprocess Processes

Run Import ISIR Reprocess

Gives users access to run the Import ISIR Reprocess process

Run Import COD - Reprocess PN

Gives users access to  run the Import COD - Reprocess PN (Promissory Notes)

Run Import COD - Reprocess EC

Gives users access to run the Import COD  - Reprocess EC (Entrance Counseling)

Run Import COD - Reprocess IB

Gives users access to run the Import COD  - Reprocess IB (Informed Borrowing)

Run Roster Award - Reprocess

Gives users access to run the Roster Award - Reprocess

Export Processes

Access Export Processes

Gives users access to Export Processes screen

Export Campus-Based Webfile

Gives users access to run the Export Campus-Based WebfileProcess

Export COD

Gives users access to run the Export COD process

Export ISIR Correction

Gives users access to run the Export ISIR Correction process

Export State Grants

Gives users access to run the Export State Grants process

Export Identify Verification Results

Gives users access to run the Export Identify Verification Results process

Export Setup Configuration

Gives users access to run the Export Setup Configuration (XML) and Export Setup Configuration (CSV) processes.

Access DL Tools Export Process

Access Export NSLDS

Access COD Originations

Export eAccess ISIR Format

Gives users access to the Export eAccess ISIR Format process




Export Data Pipeline





Export Gainful Employment FVT

Allows access to Export GE-FVT Data

Gainful Employment - Financial Value Transparency

Export Fund Awarding Information File

Gives users access to the Export Fund Awarding Information File process. Available only if user has a Regent Fund License.

Export DL Tools Files

Gives users access to run the Export DL Tools Files process

Export NSLDS Files

Export NSLDS Files

Gives users access to run the Export NSLDS Files process

Export Student Transactions

Export Student Transactions

Gives users access to run the Export Student Transactions process

EST Overrides:

Override $0 Transaction validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "$0 Transaction" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override COD validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "COD" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

  • In combination with the "Run EST for AR" permission, gives users access to the "Bypass COD and Run EST for AR" button on the Disbursement Details screen when using Disbursement Overrides.

Override Disbursement Schedule validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Disbursement Schedule" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Document validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Document" errors, in order to EST a disbursement.

Override Federal Award Year validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Federal Award Year" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Fund validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Fund" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Import Award validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Import Award" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override ISIR validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "ISIR" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Negative Transactions

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Negative Transaction" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override NSLDS validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "NSLDS" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Other validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Other" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Packaging validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Packaging" errors, in order to EST a disbursement. 

Override Program validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Program" errors, in order to EST a disbursement.

Override R2T4 validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "R2T4" errors, in order to EST a disbursement.

Override SAP validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "SAP" errors, in order to EST a disbursement.

Override State Grant validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "State Grant" errors, in order to EST a disbursement.

Override Task validations

Gives users access to override validation errors that are grouped as "Task" errors, in order to EST a disbursement.

Run EST for DRI

  • Gives users access to the "EST for DRI" value in the Process Type drop-down on the EST screen.

  • Also gives users permission to the "Run EST for DRI" button on the Disbursement Details screen for the user during Disbursement Overrides.

Run Expected EST

Gives users access to the "Expected" value in the Process Type drop-down on the EST screen.

Run EST for AR

  • Gives users access to the "EST for AR" value in the Process Type drop-down on the EST screen.

  • Also gives users permission to the "Run EST for AR" button on the Disbursement Details screen for the user during Disbursement Overrides.

  • In combination with the "Override COD validations" permission, gives users access to the "Bypass COD and Run EST for AR" button on the Disbursement Details screen for user during Disbursement Overrides.

  • Gives users access to the "COD WB Reconciliation Process" where users have the option to execute the EST for AR process.

Access Override Cease Disbursement Option

Gives users access to the "Access Override Cease Disbursement Option" checkbox on the Individual EST screen.

Update AR Disbursement Release Date

Gives users access to update the DRI date on disbursements associated with EST for A/R (initial EST Disbursement only)

View/Edit Partition Records Into Separate Files

Gives users access to the checkbox option 'Partition Records into Separate Files

Batch Package

Access Batch Package

Gives users access to run Batch Package process

View/Edit Calculate Academic Plan For Rebuild Data (Generate Award Periods)

Gives users access to Calculate Academic Plan For Rebuild Data (Generate Award Periods) checkbox

View/Edit Calculate Award Change Meta-data For Rebuild Data (Generate Award Periods)

Gives users access to Calculate Award Change Meta-data For Rebuild Data (Generate Award Periods) checkbox

View/Edit Run Post Conversion Process

Gives users access to the Post Conversion Process checkbox

View/Edit Run SAP Process

Gives users access to the Run SAP Process checkbox

Run Fund Fee Cancel/Recreate Process

Gives users access to the Run Fund Fee Cancel/Recreate Process checkbox

View/Edit Process Active Students Only

Gives users access to Process Only Active Students

Generate Communication

Run Generate Communications

Gives users access to run Generate Communications process

G5 Transactions

Access G5 Screen

Gives users access to the G5 Transaction Screen

Delete G5 Transactions

Gives users access to delete a previously entered G5 Transaction (Refund/Receipt)

SAP Process

Access SAP Process

Gives users access to the SAP Process Screen

Regent Student Conversion

View/Edit COD Rebuild Process

Gives users access to View/Edit COD Rebuild Process

View/Edit COD Rebuild Pending Review

Gives users access to View/Edit COD Rebuild Pending Review

View/Edit COD Rebuild Process Review

Gives users access to View/Edit COD Rebuild Process Review

View/Edit COD Web Response Review Queue

Gives users access to View/Edit COD Web Response Review Queue

SAIG Process

View / Edit SAIG Credentials

View / Edit SAIG Credentials

Users with this permission can view and edit the SAIG Credentials Screen.

Access "Reset Credentials at SAIG" button

Users with this permission can access the "Reset Credentials at SAIG" button on the SAIG Credentials Screen.

Access "Save SAIG Credentials in Regent" button

Users with this permission can access the "Save SAIG Credentials in Regent" button on the SAIG Credentials Screen.

View / Edit SAIG Receive Files

View / Edit SAIG Receive Files

Users with this permission can view and edit the SAIG Receive File Screen.

View / Edit "Receive All Files"

Users with this permission can view and edit the "Receive All Files" radio button option on the "SAIG Receive Files" screen.

View / Edit SAIG Send/Resend Files; Sent and Received Files

Users with this permission can view and edit the SAIG Send Files / View Sent and Received Files / Resend Files Screen.

Reset Student for Conversion

View/Edit Reset Student for Conversion

Users with this permission can view and edit the Reset Student for Conversion Process screen.

Record Retention Deletion Process

View/Edit Export Record Deletion List

Users with this permission can view and edit the Export Record Deletion list.

View/Edit Execute Record Deletion Process

Users with this permission can view and edit the Execute Record Deletion Process screen.


View Query

Users with this permission will have the Query option in the Tools menu and can view queries and Query results

Edit Query

Users with this permission will be able to edit existing queries and add new queries in the Query Tool.

View Ranking and Priority

Users with this permission will have the Ranking and Priority option in the Tools menu and can view previously created Ranking and Priority datasets.

Edit Ranking and Priority

Users with this permission will be able to edit existing Ranking and Priority datasets and add new ones in the Ranking and Priority Tool.

View Awarding Tool

Users with this permission will have the Awarding option in the Tools menu and can view previously created Awarding Tool Selections and Results.

Edit Awarding Tool: Selections

Users with this permission will be able to add new Awarding Tool Selections. 

Edit Awarding Tool: Results

Users with this permission will be able to edit Award Amounts and Execute the Awarding Tool Results process.

Document Assignment Tool

Users with this permission will have the Document Assignment option in the Tools menu and can execute the Document Assignment process.

Smart Form Manager

Users with this permission will have the Smart Form Manager option in the Tools menu.

Task Management

Task Management Screen

Edit Task Management

Access "Run Task Assignment Process"

Access "Run Task Escalation Process"

 Task Setup

Access Task Setup

Edit Task Setup

Delete Task Setup

 Queue Setup

Access Queue Setup

Edit Queue Setup 

Delete Queues Setup

Queue Permissions

View [Queue Name]

View Assigned Tasks within [Queue Name]

View Unassigned Tasks within [Queue Name]

Assign tasks to self from [Queue Name]

Assign tasks to others from [Queue Name]

Edit task due date for tasks within [Queue Name]

Edit task status for tasks within [Queue Name]

Edit status of tasks within [[Queue Name]] to Closed or Waived

Edit task priority for tasks within [Queue Name]

Allow bulk edit of due date within [Queue Name]

Allow bulk edit of queue within [Queue Name]

Allow bulk edit of status within [Queue Name]

Allow bulk edit of assignee within [Queue Name]

Allow bulk edit of priority within [Queue Name]

Allow bulk assignment within [Queue Name]

Delete tasks Comments (of any user)

Restrict Process Setup

Access Restrict Process Setup

Edit Restrict Process Setup


View Communications

Gives users access to view Communications

Edit Communications

Gives users access to edit Communications

View Communication Templates

Gives users access to view Communications Templates

Edit Communications Template

Gives users access to Edit Communications Templates

View Communications Filters

Gives users access to view Communications Filters

Edit Communications Filters

Gives users access to edit Communications Filters


View Administration

Gives users access to view the Administration Section


View Enterprise

Gives users access to view Enterprises

Edit Enterprise

Gives users access to add/edit Enterprise Setup


View Institution

Gives users access to view Institutions

Edit Institution

Gives users access to add/edit Institution Setup

View/Edit "Automate Pre-start Program Changes

If the user does not have this permission, the "Automate Pre-start Program Changes" field in the "Automated Program Change Settings" portion of Institution setup will not be shown on the Regent Award UI.

Default all users to NOT have access to this permission

View/Edit "Automate Program Changes within X days of Plan Start

If the user does not have this permission, the "Automate Program Changes within X days of Plan Start" field in the "Automated Program Change Settings" portion of Institution setup will not be shown on the Regent Award UI.

Default all users to NOT have access to this permission

Delete Institution User Defined Fields

Gives users access to delete User Defined Fields on Institution Setup

Delete Institution Program Groups

Gives users access to delete Program Groups on Institution Setup

View/Edit "Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements"

Gives users access to the Allow Packaging to Move Paid Disbursements field in the General Settings section of Institution Setup

View/Edit Portal Settings

Gives users access to the Portal tab of Institution Setup

View/Edit Enable Maintenance Page

Gives users access to Enable Maintenance Page field in Portal tab of Institution Setup.

Publish Portal Configurations 

Gives users access to the "Publish Portal Configurations" button on the Portal tab of Institution Setup

View/Edit Salesforce Tab

Gives users access to the Salesforce tab of Institution Setup


View Campus

Gives users access to view Campuses

Edit Campus

Gives users access to add/edit Campus Setup

Systems Tab

View Expected EST Configuration

Gives users access to view Expected EST Configuration section of the Systems Tab.

Systems Tab

Edit Expected EST Configuration

Gives users access to edit Expected EST Configuration section of the Systems Tab.


View Site

Gives users access to view Sites

Edit Site

Gives users access to add/edit Site Setup

Delete Site

Gives users access to delete a Site Setup


View Programs

Gives users access to view Programs

Edit Programs

Gives users access to add/edit Programs

Delete Programs

Gives users access to delete a Program Setup


View Terms

Gives users access to view Terms

Edit Terms

Gives users access to add/edit Terms

Delete Terms

Gives users access to delete a Term Setup

View/Edit COD Term Start Date Override

Gives users access to view and edit the "COD Term Start Date Override" configuration option within Term Setup.

Cost Setup

View Cost Setup

Gives users access to view Cost Setup

Edit Cost Setup

Gives users access to add/edit Cost Setup

Delete Cost Setup

Gives users access to delete a Cost Setup

Disbursement Schedule

View Disbursement Schedule

Gives users access to view Disbursement Schedule

Edit Disbursement Schedule

Gives users access to add/edit Disbursement Schedule

Delete Disbursement Schedule

Gives users access to delete a Disbursement Schedule Setup

Enrollment Levels

View Enrollment Levels

Gives users access to view Enrollment Levels

Edit Enrollment Levels

Gives users access to add/edit Enrollment Levels

Delete Enrollment Levels

Gives users access to delete Enrollment Levels Setup

Packaging Philosophy

View Packaging Philosophy

Gives users access to view Packaging Philosophy

Edit Packaging Philosophy

Gives users access to add/edit Packaging Philosophy

Packaging Grids

View Packaging Grid Setup

Gives users access to view Packaging Grid Setup

Edit Packaging Grid Setup

Gives users access to add/edit Packaging Grid Setup

Fund Setup

View Fund Setup

Gives users access to view Fund Setup

Edit Fund Setup

Gives users access to add/edit Fund Setup

View Fund Rulesets

Gives users access to view Fund Rulesets

Edit Fund Rulesets

Gives users access to add/edit Fund Rulesets


View Fund Budgets

Gives users access to view Fund Budgets

Edit Fund Budgets

Gives users access to add/edit Fund Budgets

Delete Fund Budgets

Gives users access to delete Fund Budgets

Fund Fees Setup

View Fund Fees Setup

Gives users access to view Fund Fees Setup

Edit Fund Fees Setup

Gives users access to add/edit Fund Fees Setup

Delete Fund Fees Setup

Gives users access to delete a Fund Fees Setup

Document Setup

View Documents Setup

Gives users access to view Documents Setup

Edit Documents

Gives users access to add/edit Documents Setup

Delete Documents

Gives users access to delete Documents Setup

Delete UDF Setup on SBL Assignment Tab

Gives users access to delete UDF Setups on the SBL Assignment Tab in Document Setup.

Academic Break Setup

View Academic Break Setup

Gives users access to view Academic Break Setup

Edit Academic Break Setup

Gives users access to add/edit Academic Break Setup

Delete Academic Break Setup

Gives users access to delete Academic Breaks Setup

SAP Setup

View SAP Setup

Gives users access to view SAP Setup

Edit SAP Setup

Gives users access to add/edit SAP Setup

Delete SAP Setup

Gives users access to delete a SAP Setup

Pell COA Setup

View Pell COA

Gives users access to view the Pell COA Setup area

Edit Pell COA

Gives users the ability to add and edit Pell COA Setups

Delete Pell COA

Gives users the ability to delete Pell COA Setups 


View Students

Gives users access to view the Students Section. 

Used to control the end user's access to the student population in both the Regent Award UI and on reports (only Regent Review reports as of 10/2016), in combination with the other chosen report parameters. Enterprises, Institutions, Campuses, and Sites that the user does not have access to via the "View Student" permission should be unavailable in the Regent Award UI, and inactivate on Regent Award report parameters so that they cannot be selected when running the report.

For reports that do not contain the parameters for Enterprise, Institution, Campus, and Site (for example, the System - SBL Validation Errors), the report output will be limited by the levels at which a given user has this permission.

For the "ISIR - Unmatched" report, which has only the Institution parameter, the report should display only those Institutions for which the user has the "View Students" permission at the Institution level.

View full SSN via "View Full SSN" icon

Gives users access to view the unmasked student SSN via a hover pop-up on the Summary, Student Details, ISIR, and COD tabs. 

Also allows users to view full unmasked SSNs in reports. 

Full SSN always Unmasked

Gives users access to view the full SSN automatically on the Summary, Student Details, ISIR, and COD tabs with no need to click on an icon to view the full number.

Also allows users to view full unmasked SSNs in reports.




View Full UUIDs via “View Full UUIDs” icon

Gives users access to view the unmasked Person UUID, Transaction UUID, and FAFSA UUID via a hover pop-up on the ISIR tab. 




Full UUIDs always Unmasked

Gives users access to view the full unmasked Person UUID, Transaction UUID, and FAFSA UUID on the ISIR tab with no need to click on an icon to view the full value.

Also allows users to view full unmasked UUIDs in printed ISIR.

View 'Capture Analysis Context'

Gives the user access to the "Capture Analysis Context" option on the following wizards:

  • Modify Academic Plan Wizard

  • Program Management Wizard

  • R2T4 Wizard

  • SAP Wizard

  • Add Resource Wizard

  • Adjust Cost Wizard

  • Add Award Wizard

  • Modify Award Wizard

  • Student Break Wizard

Access Advisor Assist

Gives the user access to the "Advisor Assist" tab in Regent Award.

Student Summary

View Student Summary

Gives users access to view Student Summary tab

Change Student Picture

Gives users access to change the student's picture on the Student Summary tab

Student Details

View Student Details Tab

Gives users access to view Student Details tab

Edit Opt Out of Communications

Gives users access to edit Opt Out of Communications section for Emails, Texts and Letters

Edit Student Contact Information

Gives users access to add/edit Contact Info on Student Details tab

Edit Student Parent/Spouse/Reference Information

Gives users access to add/edit Parent/Spouse/Reference Information on Student Details tab

Edit High School Information

Gives users access to edit High School Information on Student Details tab

Edit Ability To Benefit Data

Gives users access to edit Ability To Benefit Data on Student Details tab

Edit Institutionally Defined Data

Gives users access to add/edit Institutionally Defined Data fields on Student Details tab

Edit Contact Info

Gives users access to add/edit Contact Info on Student Details tab

Edit Portal Authorizations

Gives users access to edit Portal Authorizations on Student Details tab

Academic Plan

View Academic Plan

Gives users access to view Academic Plan tab

Modify Academic Plan Wizard

View/Edit Modify Academic Plan Wizard 

Gives users access to view and edit Modify Academic Plan Wizard.

View/Edit Send Estimated Charges"

Gives users access to view and edit the "Send Expected EST" checkbox on MAP.

View/Edit Packaging Philosophy Override

Gives users access to view and edit Packaging Philosophy Override feature on MAP.

View/Edit Anchoring Term Override

Gives users access to view and edit the Anchoring Term Override feature on MAP.

Program Management Wizard

View/Edit Program Management Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit Program Management Wizard.

Edit "Programs are Substantially Equal?" Checkbox

Gives users access to edit "Programs are Substantially Equal?" checkbox.

Access "Assume Control of Program Change."

Gives users access to the "Assume Control of Program Change" button on the PMW.

View/Edit Has Abbreviated Period Checkbox

Gives users access the ability to designate an academic year as an 'Abbreviated Period' for external transfer students with an open academic year at a prior school who are transferring into a non-term program. Schools will also have the ability to set up separate disbursement schedules for these abbreviated periods.

An administrator will have this permission by default.

Edit Manually Shorten AY Flag-Send to COD

Gives users the ability to edit the "Manually Shorten AY" checkbox on the PMW.

Student Break Wizard

View/Edit Student Breaks

Gives users access to view and edit Student Break Wizard.

Delete Student Break

Gives the user access to delete a Student Break on the Student Break Wizard.

Packaging Overrides

Access Packaging Overrides

Gives the user access to view and select the "Packaging Overrides" button (and then screen) from the Academic Plan tab.


View Documents

Gives users access to view the Document tab

View Document Attachments

Gives users access to view Document attachments on document requirements.

Delete Document Attachments - Incomplete, Needed, or Received ONLY

Gives users access to delete document attachments when the document is in an incomplete, needed, or received status only.

This permission pertains only to whether or not the user is allowed to delete attachments that were added by other users.  In general, a given user can remove attachments that they added, without any special permissions.

Delete Attachments Regardless of Status

Gives users access to delete document attachments regardless of the status of the document. 

This permission pertains only to whether or not the user is allowed to delete attachments that were added by other users.  In general, a given user can remove attachments that they added, without any special permissions.

If the user does not have this permission, but they have the "Delete Attachments - Incomplete, Needed and Received Statuses ONLY" permission, they can remove an attachment from a document requirement in an "Incomplete," "Needed," or “Received” status. 

If the user has neither of the delete permissions, they should not be able to remove attachments from document requirements at all except for their own document attachments. 

Modify Document Requirement

Gives users access to edit existing document requirements on the Document tab.

Users can set the document requirement to the following statuses:

  • Received

  • Incomplete

  • Needed

Modify Document Requirement Decision

Limits the users access to the set of document statuses available to them when editing a document. If a user does NOT have this permission, the following statuses are NOT available:

  • Unsatisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Waived

Edit Document Requirement

Gives users access to add/edit a document requirement on the Document tab

Edit Manually Assigned Document Requirement Name

(on the Documents tab) Gives users access to edit a document requirement name for a document that has been manually assigned to the student.

Edit Auto Assigned Document Requirement Name

(on the Documents tab) Gives users access to edit a document requirement name for a document that has been auto-assigned to the student by a process (such as ISIR import, Packaging Assignment, SBL Assignment, Document Import, or COD).

Delete Student Documents

Gives the user access to Delete manually added document on the document tab.

Edit Document Information

Gives the user access to edit the document information field on the documents tab.

Edit Document Requirement External Id

Gives the user access to edit the document requirement external Id field on the documents tab.

Edit free-form text for the Reason field

Gives the user ability to provide a customized Reason on the Document Requirement screen outside of those that are pre-configured in Regent Award.

Awards Tab

View Awards

Gives users access to view Awards tab

Access All Award Wizards

Gives users access to view and edit all wizards

Modify Award Wizard

Edit Modify Award Wizard

Gives users access to add and award on the Modify Award Wizard

Modify Award Wizard

Override Calculated Eligibility

Gives users access to edit the Override Calculated Eligibility flag on the Modify Award Wizard

Modify Award Wizard

Modify Finalized R2T4 Disbursements

Users may make downward adjustments to Title IV amounts and disbursements in enrollment periods containing a Finalized R2T4.

Modify Award Wizard

Allow Increasing and Adding Title IV Awards in Finalized R2T4 Periods

Users may increase amounts on Title IV awards in enrollment periods containing a Finalized R2T4 record. In addition, users may add a Title IV award amount onto a payment period that currently does not have that award. Restriction applies to non-FWS Title IV awards in the same term for term-based programs, or all PPs in an AY for nonterm.

Modify Award Wizard

Allowed to Increase Paid Disbursements on any Award

Gives users permission to increase paid disbursements on an award (regardless of any setup options).

Modify Award Wizard

Edit Historic Award

Allows users the ability to edit an award's amount that is associated to a term or payment period that isHistoric.

Modify Award Wizard

Allow to update Disb Satus to "Paid" (for non-COD funds only)

Allows users to update the disbursement status for those disbursements that have already been paid manually outside of Regent Award. Only applies to non-COD funds.

Add Award Wizard

Access Add Award Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit the Add Award Wizard

Add Award Wizard

Edit Override Calculated Eligibility

Gives users access to edit the Override Calculated Eligibility flag on the Add Award Wizard

Add Award Wizard

Allow Increasing and Adding Title IV Awards in Finalized R2T4 Periods

Allows users the ability to add new Title IV awards or higher amounts after an R2T4 is Finalized for an enrollment period (i.e., term for term-based programs, or AY for nonterm programs).

Add Award Wizard

Allowed to Increase Paid Disbursements on any Award

Gives users permission to increase paid disbursements on an award (regardless of any setup options).

Add Award Wizard

Add Award to Historic Payment Period

Allows users the ability to add an award to a term or payment period that is Historic.

Grid Override Wizard

Access Grid Override Wizard

Allow users access to view assigned Packaging Grid and Grid Overrides in the Grid Override Wizard

Grid Override Wizard

Edit Grid Override Wizard

Allow users the ability to override assigned Packaging Grid in the Grid Override Wizard

Access Resource Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit Resource Wizard

Edit Enrollment Status Override

Gives users access to view and edit the Enrollment Status Override field on Step 3 of MAW.

Edit COD Export Override

Gives users access to view and edit COD Export Override checkbox on Step 3 of MAW.

Access Force COA Recalculation

Gives users access to view and edit the Force COA Recalculation checkbox

Access Cost Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit Cost Wizard

Access Force COA Recalculation

Gives the user access to the Force COA Recalculation checkbox.

Access Need Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit Need Wizard

Override Pell COA

Access Override Pell COA Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit the Override Pell COA Wizard. 

Access SAP Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit SAP Wizard

Edit Student SAP

Gives users access to edit SAP

R2T4 Wizard

View R2T4 Wizard

Gives users access to view an R2T4 record in the R2T4 Wizard.

R2T4 Wizard

Edit R2T4 Wizard

Gives users access to view and edit R2T4 Wizard

R2T4 Wizard

Delete R2T4 Wizard

Gives users access to delete R2T4 records that were created by any user.

R2T4 Wizard

Edit Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursements for R2T4

Gives users access to the edit configuration option, Auto-Cancel Excluded Title IV Disbursement for R2T4 (the override option located on the R2T4 Wizard).

R2T4 Wizard

Edit Do Not Offer on Finalized PWD

Gives users access to change two columns in a Finalized R2T4 PWD worksheet: "Do not Offer" checkbox and "Return Amount Reason."

Access Override Recalculated Pell

Gives users access to view and edit the Override Recalculated Pell text box on the R2T4 Wizard


View Loans

Gives users access to view Loans tab

Edit Loans

Gives users access to edit the general tab fields on the Loans screen

Edit MPN Tab

Allows the user to manually edit MPN data associated with a loan.

Edit PLUS Borrower Tab

Allows the user to manually edit the PLUS Borrower info associated with a loan.

Unlink MPN

Allows the user to manually unlink an MPN that is associated with a loan

Work Study Tab

View Work Study Tab

Gives users access to view Work Study tab

Edit Employers Tab

Gives users access to edit Employers sub-tab on the Work Study tab

Edit Earnings Tab

Gives users access to edit Earnings sub-tab on the Work Study tab


View History

Gives users access to view History tab

Edit History

Gives users access to edit History tab fields


Edit "Bypass 7-day Hold" Option

Gives users access to edit "Bypass 7-day Hold" Option


View Student ISIRs

Gives users access to view ISIR tab.  

Perform Identity Verification

Gives users access to Identity Verification Wizard

Perform ISIR Verifications/Corrections

Gives the user access to ISIR Correction Wizard

Edit Package Using Value

Gives the user the ability to edit the "Package Using" drop down field on the last step of the ISIR Correction Wizard. (the user can always view this option but it should be grayed out and un-editable until they have the permission to edit it.)

Set Active ISIR

Gives users access to manually set active ISIR for a given federal award year

View Payment Without Verification

Allows the user to view the "Payment without Verification" option in the "Verification Status" drop down on Step 2 of the ISIR correction wizard.

Edit "Mark Corrections for Submission To CPS?"

Allows the user to edit the "Mark Corrections for Submission To CPS?' field on Step 2 of the ISIR correction wizard.

Print ISIR

Gives the user access to "Print ISIR" button on the ISIR tab 


View COD

Gives users access to view COD tab

COD Export Override

Gives users access to manually override COD Export Flag to push data on next COD export.


View Student Courses Tab

Gives users access to view Course tab

Course Adjustments

Access Course Adjustments

Gives the user access to the Add Course Adjustments screen.

Edit "Assume Attendance Override

If the user does not have this permission, the "Assume Attendance" field on the Course edit screen will display as inactive.

Default all users, except the "admin" user, to NOT have access to this permission.

Delete Course Adjustments

Gives the user access to the Delete a Course Adjustment.

Access Force COA Recalculation

Gives the user access to the Force COA Recalculation checkbox.


View Student Communication Tab

Gives users access to view Communication Tab

View Notifications

Gives users access to view notifications (emails or letters) in the Communications tab.

Generate Notifications

Gives users access to generate notifications (emails or letters) in the Communications tab.

View Student Message

Gives users access to view student message tab

Create Student Message

Gives users access to create new student message and reply to student message

Delete Student Message

Gives users access to Delete Student Message


View Student Activity Tab

Gives users access to view Activity tab

Edit Activity

Gives users access to add/edit Contact/Note on individual activity records on Activity tab

Add/Edit Activity Log Contact/Notes

Gives users access to add/edit Contact/Note on individual activity records on Activity tab

Add/Edit Activity Log Remarks

Gives users access to add/edit Remarks/Notes on individual activity records on Activity tab

Edit Other User Activity Log Remarks

Gives users access to add/edit Other Users Remarks/Notes on individual activity records on Activity tab

Tasks Tab

View Tasks Tab

Gives users access to view the Tasks tab

View Default Task Assignee

Gives users access to view the Default Task Assignee field on the Task Detail Tab. This field would only be meaningful to certain schools using the Auto-task assignment process.

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